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Party Region 2023 2020 2018
Sudan EMR يحظر التدخين بالاماكن العامة ولكن لا يوجد متابعة جيدة ولا توحد عقوبات كما أن أحيانا توجد أماكن مخصصة الشيشة في الأماكن العامة و لا يمنع التمباك يحظر التدخين بالاماكن العامة ولكن لا يوجد متابعة جيدة ولا توحد عقوبات كما أن أحيانا توجد أماكن مخصصة الشيشة في الأماكن العامة و لا يمنع التمباك يمنع التدخين بالاماكن العامة ولكن لا يوجد متابعة جيدة ولا توحد عقوبات كما أن أحيانا توجد أماكن مخصصة الشيشة في الأماكن العامة و لا يمنع التمباك
Suriname AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Tobacco Law SB no 39 2013
Sweden EUR It is permitted to arrange designated smoking areas. It is permitted to arrange designated smoking areas. It is permitted to arrange designated smoking areas.
Syrian Arab Republic EMR تدابير جزئية : سمح بوجود حيز للمدخنين في الفنادق والمطارات وايضا في المطاعم غير المغلقة وفقا للمرسوم التشريعي 62 لعام 2009 تدابير جزئية : سمح بوجود حيز للمدخنين في الفنادق والمطارات وايضا في المطاعم غير المغلقة وفقا للمرسوم التشريعي 62 لعام 2009 تدابير جزئية : سمح بوجود حيز للمدخنين في الفنادق والمطارات وايضا في المطاعم غير المغلقة وفقا للمرسوم التشريعي 62 لعام 2009
Tajikistan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Thailand SEA Smoking is prohibited in the following indoor public places : cultural facilities/shopping malls/pubs and bars/nightclubs/restaurants/motor vehicles used as places of work (taxis, ambulances, delivery vehicles) Notification of the Ministry of Public Health 2018 (B.E. 2561) identified indoor public places as non-smoking areas. The Notification of Ministrial of Public Health No.19 B.E.2553 (A.D.2010) states that all public building and indoor workplace shall be designated as non-smoking areas.
Timor-Leste SEA Report not provided Report not provided three is a circulated on banning tobacco smoking in workplace specifically at government building, public transport and public places.
Tonga WPR Complete ban as stated in the TCA 2014 Complete ban as stated in the TCA 2014 Complete ban as stated in the TCA 2014
Trinidad and Tobago AMR There is a complete ban on smoking in indoor public places/ spaces. Complete ban on smoking in indoor public places/ spaces. Complete ban on smoking in indoor public places/ spaces.
Tunisia EMR Les espaces communs seulement Les espaces communs seulement Les espaces communs seulement
Turkmenistan EUR Полный запрет табакокурения в общественных местах внутри помещений Полный запрет табакокурения в общественных местах внутри помещений Answer not provided
Tuvalu WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Uganda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ukraine EUR Smoking is banned in indoor public places Smoking is banned in indoor public places Smoking is banned in indoor public places
United Arab Emirates EMR There are some designated areas for smoking in some restaurants and airports Answer not provided Answer not provided
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland EUR See C227a above See C227a above See ‘indoor workplaces’ section above
United Republic of Tanzania AFR Report not provided From July 2016 there is a complete ban of smoking in public places, but the enforcement is still lagging From July 2016 there is a complete ban of smoking in public places.
Uzbekistan EUR В статье 26 нового Закона установлено, что лица, ответственные за обеспечение реализации мер по ограничению употребления табачной продукции в общественных местах, обязаны: обеспечить соблюдение в общественных местах требований законодательства об ограничении распространения и употребления табачной продукции; предупреждать лиц, употребляющих табачную продукцию, о недопущении употребления алкогольной и табачной продукции в общественных местах, предусмотренных в части первой статьи 24 настоящего Закона, а в случае продолжения правонарушения – сообщать в органы внутренних дел; размещать на видном месте, в том числе при входе в здания (помещения), транспортные средства и иные объекты таблички (знаки), предупреждающие о недопущении употребления алкогольной и табачной продукции в общественных местах. Report not provided Report not provided
Vanuatu WPR Yes, full ban in all indoors Yes, full ban in all indoors Report not provided
Venezuela AMR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Viet Nam WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Zambia AFR Report not provided Report not provided To protect the public from the harms caused by exposure to tobacco smoke, the Zambian Government enacted subsidiary legislation under the Local Government Act (Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places) Regulations, 2008, issued under Statutory Instrument (SI) No. 39 of 2008 “Public place” means: any building, premises, conveyance or other place to which the public has access. (1)A person shall not smoke in a public within the area (2)A Person who contravenes sub-section (1) commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction to a fine not exceeding two thousand five hundred penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or to both.
Russian Federation EUR С 1 июня 2013 года вступил в силу запрет курения: • на территориях и в помещениях учреждений образования, культуры, физической культуры и спорта, органов по делам молодежи; на территориях и в помещениях, предназначенных для оказания медицинских, реабилитационных и санаторно-курортных услуг; • в помещениях социальных служб, помещениях, занимаемых органами государственной власти, органами местного самоуправления; • в лифтах и помещениях общего пользования многоквартирных домов; • на детских площадках и в границах территорий, занятых пляжами; • на автозаправочных станциях. С 1 июня 2014 года вступил в силу запрет курения: • в помещениях, предназначенных для предоставления жилищных услуг, гостиничных услуг, услуг по временному размещению и (или) обеспечению временного проживания; • в помещениях, предназначенных для предоставления бытовых услуг, услуг торговли, общественного питания, помещениях рынков, в нестационарных торговых объектах. С 2020 г. перечисленные нормы распространены на никотинсодержащую продукцию и кальяны. При этом по решению собственника возможно курение и потребление никотинсодержащей продукции, использование кальянов: 1) в специально выделенных местах на открытом воздухе или в изолированных помещениях, которые оборудованы системами вентиляции и организованы на судах, находящихся в дальнем плавании, при оказании услуг по перевозкам пассажиров; 2) в специально выделенных местах на открытом воздухе или в изолированных помещениях общего пользования многоквартирных домов, которые оборудованы системами вентиляции. 3) в специально выделенных изолированных помещениях, которые оборудованы системами вентиляции и организованы в аэропортах в зонах, предназначенных для нахождения зарегистрированных на рейс пассажиров после проведения предполетного досмотра, и зонах, предназначенных для пассажиров, следующих транзитом, таким образом, чтобы была исключена возможность наблюдения за курением табака из других помещений. В других местах оборудование помещений для курения табака и потребления никотинсодержащей продукции законом не предусмотрено. С 1 июня 2013 года вступил в силу запрет курения: • на территориях и в помещениях учреждений образования, культуры, физической культуры и спорта, органов по делам молодежи; на территориях и в помещениях, предназначенных для оказания медицинских, реабилитационных и санаторно-курортных услуг; • в помещениях социальных служб, помещениях, занимаемых органами государственной власти, органами местного самоуправления; • в лифтах и помещениях общего пользования многоквартирных домов; • на детских площадках и в границах территорий, занятых пляжами; • на автозаправочных станциях. С 1 июня 2014 года вступил в силу запрет курения: • в помещениях, предназначенных для предоставления жилищных услуг, гостиничных услуг, услуг по временному размещению и (или) обеспечению временного проживания; • в помещениях, предназначенных для предоставления бытовых услуг, услуг торговли, общественного питания, помещениях рынков, в нестационарных торговых объектах. При этом по решению собственника возможно курение: 1) в специально выделенных местах на открытом воздухе или в изолированных помещениях, которые оборудованы системами вентиляции и организованы на судах, находящихся в дальнем плавании, при оказании услуг по перевозкам пассажиров; 2) в специально выделенных местах на открытом воздухе или в изолированных помещениях общего пользования многоквартирных домов, которые оборудованы системами вентиляции. 3) в специально выделенных изолированных помещениях, которые оборудованы системами вентиляции и организованы в аэропортах в зонах, предназначенных для нахождения зарегистрированных на рейс пассажиров после проведения предполетного досмотра, и зонах, предназначенных для пассажиров, следующих транзитом, таким образом, чтобы была исключена возможность наблюдения за курением табака из других помещений. В других местах оборудование помещений для курения табака законом не предусмотрено. Report not provided
Rwanda AFR Report not provided Report not provided The 2013 Rwanda tobacco control law is under implementation
Saint Kitts and Nevis AMR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Saint Lucia AMR There is an executive ban on smoking in public buildings. Smoking Control Legislation was enacted in Saint Lucia in 2019 to protect the population from exposure to tobacco smoke and emissions in public and work places and conveyances. The Public Health Act was amended and now includes the Public Health (smoking Control) Act, 2019 and Regulations were enacted in 2020. There is an executive ban on smoking in public buildings..Smoking Control Legislation was enacted in Saint Lucia in 2019 to protect the population from exposure to tobacco smoke and emissions in public and work places and conveyances. The Public Health Act was amended and now includes the Public Health (smoking Control) Act, 2019. The Regulations that provide the details of this legislation are in draft. There is an executive ban on smoking in public buildings.
Samoa WPR Complete ban, signs to be displayed. Complete ban, signs to be displayed. Complete ban, signs to be displayed.
Sao Tome and Principe AFR La ley adoptó como principio general lo siguiente: Artículo 3 Principio general Las disposiciones del presente capítulo tienen por objeto establecer limitaciones al consumo de tabaco en recintos cerrados destinados al uso colectivo para garantizar la protección de la exposición involuntaria al humo del tabaco. La ley adoptó como principio general lo siguiente: Artículo 3 Principio general Las disposiciones del presente capítulo tienen por objeto establecer limitaciones al consumo de tabaco en recintos cerrados destinados al uso colectivo para garantizar la protección de la exposición involuntaria al humo del tabaco. La ley adoptó como principio general lo siguiente: Artículo 3 Principio general Las disposiciones del presente capítulo tienen por objeto establecer limitaciones al consumo de tabaco en recintos cerrados destinados al uso colectivo para garantizar la protección de la exposición involuntaria al humo del tabaco.
Saudi Arabia EMR مرفق لائحة مكافحة التدخين تم السماح بتنظيم تقديم منتجات الشيشة في المطاعم والمقاهي في المملكة وتم ارفاق اللائحة يمنع كذلك
Serbia EUR Smoking is banned at all public places, such as theaters and cultural premises, shopping malls, sports, conferences, and public meetings. Hotels, hostels, motels etc. can have designated room where smoking is allowed according to the written documents in which exact number of rooms and floor are described. In other parts of the hotels smoking is banned. For the hotels restaurants or bars the same rules are applied as for the whole hospitality sector. Smoking is banned at all public places, such as theaters and cultural premises, shopping malls, sports, conferences, and public meetings. Hotels, hostels, motels etc. can have designated room where smoking is allowed according to the written documents in which exact number of rooms and floor are described. In other parts of the hotels smoking is banned. For the hotels restaurants or bars the same rules are applied as for the whole hospitality sector. Smoking is banned at all public places, such as theaters and cultural premises, shopping malls, sports, conferences, and public meetings. Hotels, hostels, motels etc. can have designated room where smoking is allowed according to the written documents in which exact number of rooms and floor are described. In other parts of the hotels smoking is banned. For the hotels restaurants or bars the same rules are applied as for the whole hospitality sector.
Seychelles AFR Following the National Tobacco Control Act 2009, total ban in enclosed public place came in to force and well implemented in Seychelles since September 2009. Public place includes; 1) an enclosed place which is open to the public or part of the public, 2) outdoor premises of a health institution, education institution and child day care centre. Following the National Tobacco Control Act 2009, total ban in enclosed public place came in to force and well implemented in Seychelles since September 2009. Public place includes; 1) an enclosed place which is open to the public or part of the public, 2) outdoor premises of a health institution, education institution and child day care centre. Following the National Tobacco Control Act 2009, total ban in enclosed public place came in to force and well implemented in Seychelles since September 2009. Public place includes; 1) an enclosed place which is open to the public or part of the public, 2) outdoor premises of a health institution, education institution and child day care centre.
Sierra Leone AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Singapore WPR Please refer to: for the list of smoke-free public places Please refer to: for the list of smoke-free public places Please refer to: for the list of smoke-free public places
Slovakia EUR Complete banned except bars. Complete banned. Complete banned.
Slovenia EUR Report not provided Report not provided See: Restriction on the Use of Tobacco and Related Products Act (Official Gazette of RS, Nos. 9/17 and 29/17) and Rules on the Requirements to be met by the smoking room (Official Gazette of RS, no. 52/17) in slovene available on: It shall be prohibited to smoke or use tobacco, tobacco products and related products (Related products are: electronic cigarettes with and without nicotine, herbal products for smoking and novel tobacco products), apart from chewing tobacco and nasal tobacco, in any enclosed public places or work places, as well as in all vehicles (also private cars) in the presence of persons younger than 18. Furthermore, smoking or using tobacco, tobacco products and related products, apart from chewing tobacco and nasal tobacco, shall be prohibited in spaces that are not considered enclosed spaces under this Act if they form part of associated appertaining land of premises where child-care or educational services are performed. Smoking or the use of tobacco, tobacco products and related products shall be allowed: - in areas specially designated for smokers in accommodation facilities and other providers of overnight stays, - in senior citizens’ homes and prisons in areas not intended for common use, if only smokers reside there, - in areas specially designated for smokers in psychiatric hospitals and in areas specially designated for smokers at other treatment providers for mental patients, - in designated smoking rooms. Designated smoking rooms shall not be allowed in areas where health care, child care or education are provided. Owners, tenants or managers of spaces where smoking is prohibited shall be responsible for upholding the prohibition on smoking and the use of tobacco, tobacco products and related products. Designated smoking rooms must meet the following conditions: - the space must be regulated so that air contaminated with tobacco smoke cannot flow freely from it into other spaces; - the space may not be designed for passage into other areas, and may not exceed more than 20% of the total surface area of a public space and/or work premises; - the space must be designed exclusively for smoking, with the service of food and beverages not allowed in the space; - food and beverages may not be brought into the space. Public place shall be a space accessible to the wider public or a space for common use, regardless of ownership or rights of access. These are spaces intended for providing activities in health care, nursery, child care, education, social care, hygiene care and other similar activities, transport, public transport, trade, hospitality and tourism, sport and recreation and culture, the use of which is intended for the general public under the same conditions. In particular, the public spaces referred to in the preceding paragraph include waiting rooms, meeting rooms, cinemas, theatres, health care, educational and social institutions, hospitality premises and shops, hairdressers, barbers and beauty salons, body care, pedicure, piercing and tattooing salons and similar salons, premises of societies that are accessible to the public, sports halls, public transport vehicles, lifts, cable cars, underpasses, gangways, passageways, staircases and corridors, public toilets and other spaces where individuals could be unwillingly exposed to the smoke of tobacco products or other related products. Enclosed space shall be a space covered by a roof, with more than a half of the surface of associated walls or sides being enclosed, regardless of the material used for the roof, walls and sides, and regardless of whether the building is permanent or temporary. Windows and doors shall be regarded as a part of the enclosed surface. If the roof surface is greater than half the surface of the space delimited by associated walls, and more than half of the surface of these walls is completely enclosed, the space is regarded as enclosed public space. A wall or side of a building shall be any part of a space or any surface that borders the space at its sides, regardless of the type of material used and regardless of whether this surface is permanent or temporary. Associated walls of a space shall be all walls that are located under the roof, regardless of whether they touch the roof directly or not. If the walls are located at a distance from the roof (to the left, right, front, back), the closest wall shall be regarded as the associated wall. The roof or ceiling shall be any part of a space or any surface that borders or encloses a space at the top, regardless of the type of material used and regardless of whether this surface is permanent or temporary.
Solomon Islands WPR Report not provided Indoor smoking anywhere is prohibited Indoor smoking anywhere is prohibited
Sri Lanka SEA Banned in all public places. Banned in all public places. Banned in all public places.
Nigeria AFR The National Tobacco Control Act 2015 and its implementing Regulations 2019 made provisions for designated smoking area in some indoor public places The National Tobacco Control Act 2015 and its implementing Regulations 2019 made provisions for designated smoking area in some indoor public places The National Tobacco Control Act 2015 made provisions for designated smoking area in some indoor public places
Norway EUR Smoking is forbidden in indoor public places, including bars/restaurants, as well as outside of the entrance to health institutions and public buildings. Smoking is forbidden in indoor public places, including bars/restaurants, as well as outside of the entrance to health institutions and public buildings. Smoking is forbidden in indoor public places, including bars/restaurants, as well as outside of the entrance to health institutions and public buildings.
Oman EMR يحظرالقانون التدخين في جميع الاماكن العامة المغلقة الا ان هناك موضوعين وهما: 1- يسمح القانون بتحصيص اماكن معزولة للمدحنين ضمن الاماكن المقفلة الا انه لم يتقدم الكثير لهذا الطلب بتخصيص امكاكن للمدخنين ضمن الاماكن العامة المغلقة 2-مقاهي الشيشة لا يطبق بها القانون رغم ان القانون يشملها باعتبارها اماكن عامة مغلقة يحظرالقانون التدخين في جميع الاماكن العامة المغلقة الا ان هناك موضوعين وهما: 1- يسمح القانون بتحصيص اماكن معزولة للمدحنين ضمن الاماكن المقفلة الا انه لم يتقدم الكثير لهذا الطلب بتخصيص امكاكن للمدخنين ضمن الاماكن العامة المغلقة 2-مقاهي الشيشة لا يطبق بها القانون رغم ان القانون يشملها باعتبارها اماكن عامة مغلقة يحظرالقانون التدخين في جميع الاماكن العامة المغلقة الا ان هناك موضوعين وهما: 1- يسمح القانون بتحصيص اماكن معزولة للمدحنين ضمن الاماكن المقفلة الا انه لم يتقدم الكثير لهذا الطلب بتخصيص امكاكن للمدخنين ضمن الاماكن العامة المغلقة 2-مقاهي الشيشة لا يطبق بها القانون رغم ان القانون يشملها باعتبارها اماكن عامة مغلقة
Pakistan EMR Report not provided Under Section-5 of the “Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Non-Smokers Health Ordinance, 2002”, use of tobacco products at any place of public work or use is prohibited. Under S.R.O 51 (KE)/2009), designated smoking areas have been declared illegal and all indoor public places have been declared completely smoke-free. Tobacco Control Cell is coordinating with bazar unions and other authorities to ensure enforcement of the law. Under Section-5 of the “Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Non-Smokers Health Ordinance, 2002”, use of tobacco products at any place of public work or use is prohibited. Under S.R.O 51 (KE)/2009), designated smoking areas have been declared illegal and all indoor public places have been declared completely smoke-free. Tobacco Control Cell is coordinating with bazar unions and other authorities to ensure enforcement of the law.
Paraguay AMR Mediante el decreto 4624/2020 se ha logrado ampliar los espacios libres de humo de productos de tabaco, a los espacios cerrados y abiertos donde haya reunión de personas en especial niños. En el capítulo 3 de la ley 5538 artículo 9 inciso a) plantea una salvedad permitiendo la habilitación de sitios para fumar. Que fue aprovechado por el decreto 7605/17 capitulo II en su artículo 3 , habilita espacios abiertos y cerrados para fumar como bares, discotecas, restaurantes, casinos La Ley Nº 5538/15, en su Capitulo III Articulo 9, prohíbe el consumo de tabaco en lugares públicos cerrados.
Peru AMR Ley que modifica la Ley Nº 28705, Ley General para la prevención y control de los riesgos del consumo del tabaco, para adecuarse al convenio marco de la organización mundial de la salud (OMS) para el control del tabaco. “Artículo 3º.- De la protección contra la exposición al humo del tabaco: 3.2. Se entiende por interiores o espacios públicos cerrados todo lugar de trabajo o de acceso al público que se encuentre cubierto por un techo y cerrado entre paredes, independientemente del material utilizado para el techo y de que la estructura sea permanente o temporal. Ley que modifica la Ley Nº 28705, Ley General para la prevención y control de los riesgos del consumo del tabaco, para adecuarse al convenio marco de la organización mundial de la salud (OMS) para el control del tabaco. “Artículo 3º.- De la protección contra la exposición al humo del tabaco: 3.2. Se entiende por interiores o espacios públicos cerrados todo lugar de trabajo o de acceso al público que se encuentre cubierto por un techo y cerrado entre paredes, independientemente del material utilizado para el techo y de que la estructura sea permanente o temporal. Ley que modifica la Ley Nº 28705, Ley General para la prevención y control de los riesgos del consumo del tabaco, para adecuarse al convenio marco de la organización mundial de la salud (OMS) para el control del tabaco. “Artículo 3º.- De la protección contra la exposición al humo del tabaco: 3.2. Se entiende por interiores o espacios públicos cerrados todo lugar de trabajo o de acceso al público que se encuentre cubierto por un techo y cerrado entre paredes, independientemente del material utilizado para el techo y de que la estructura sea permanente o temporal.
Poland EUR Answer not provided It is possible to create smoking room. No changes from last report It is possible to create smoking room
Portugal EUR Complete ban. Complete ban. Complete ban.
Qatar EMR LAW NO. 10 OF 2016 ON THE CONTROL OF TOBACCO AND ITS DERIVATIVES defines Public place: a place prepared or designated for receiving the public or any special category of people for any purpose. and closed public place: any public place that has fixed or movable space, walls and a partial or complete ceiling. It states: Article 12: Smoking shall be prohibited in the closed public places set forth by a decision of the Minister. LAW NO. 10 OF 2016 ON THE CONTROL OF TOBACCO AND ITS DERIVATIVES defines Public place: a place prepared or designated for receiving the public or any special category of people for any purpose. and closed public place: any public place that has fixed or movable space, walls and a partial or complete ceiling. It states: Article 12: Smoking shall be prohibited in the closed public places set forth by a decision of the Minister. LAW NO. 10 OF 2016 ON THE CONTROL OF TOBACCO AND ITS DERIVATIVES defines Public place: a place prepared or designated for receiving the public or any special category of people for any purpose. and closed public place: any public place that has fixed or movable space, walls and a partial or complete ceiling. It states: Article 12: Smoking shall be prohibited in the closed public places set forth by a decision of the Minister.
Republic of Korea WPR The whole of the following facilities are designated as non-smoking area. 1. Youth activity centre, library, children’s play facilities. 2. Places of public performance with at least 300 seats 3. Superstores and shopping malls in an underpass. 4. Tourist lodging facilities. 5. Sports facilities with a capacity of at least 1,000 spectators. 6. Social Welfare facilities, public baths. 7. Juvenile game providing business, general game providing business, business providing Internet computer game facilities, and combined distribution and game providing business under the Game Industry Promotion Act 8. Restaurants, cafeteria and bakeries, comic book rental shop. 9. A store with food vending machines operating an indoor resting area. The whole of the following facilities are designated as non-smoking area. 1. Youth activity centre, library, children’s play facilities. 2. Places of public performance with at least 300 seats 3. Superstores and shopping malls in an underpass. 4. Tourist lodging facilities. 5. Sports facilities with a capacity of at least 1,000 spectators. 6. Social Welfare facilities, public baths. 7. Juvenile game providing business, general game providing business, business providing Internet computer game facilities, and combined distribution and game providing business under the Game Industry Promotion Act 8. Restaurants, cafeteria and bakeries, comic book rental business. The whole of the following facilities are designated as non-smoking area. 1. Youth activity centre, library, children’s play facilities. 2. Places of public performance with at least 300 seats 3. Superstores and shopping malls in an underpass. 4. Tourist lodging facilities. 5. Sports facilities with a capacity of at least 1,000 spectators. 6. Social Welfare facilities, public baths. 7. Juvenile game providing business, general game providing business, business providing Internet computer game facilities, and combined distribution and game providing business under the Game Industry Promotion Act 8. Restaurants, cafeteria and bakeries, comic book rental business.
New Zealand WPR The Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 prohibits smoking in certain public enclosed areas, for example travel premises (booking area, passenger waiting room). The Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 prohibits smoking in certain public enclosed areas, for example travel premises (booking area, passenger waiting room). The Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 prohibits smoking in certain public enclosed areas, for example travel premises (booking area, passenger waiting room).
Nicaragua AMR Los lugares públicos cerrados como centros laborales, unidades de salud, es prohibido fumar. sin embargo hay sitios donde estas directrices no se respetan. En sitios como centros comerciales, salas de cine, centros de convenciones, etc. es prohibido fumar y se cumplen las prohibiciones. Answer not provided Answer not provided
Niger AFR Report not provided Dans les salles de réunion, les palais des congrès linterdiction est complète. Report not provided
Netherlands EUR completely Smoking rooms are allowed in indoor public places. Smoking rooms are allowed in indoor public places.
Madagascar AFR Report not provided mise en place des signalétiques interdisant de fumer dans les lieux de travail sensibilisation par masse media et société civile mise en place des signalétiques interdisant de fumer dans les lieux de travail sensibilisation par mass media
Malaysia WPR Under Regulation 11, Control of Tobacco Product Regulation, 2004, complete ban of smoking activities in 23 areas including indoor public places such as restaurants, shopping mall, public toilets, service counter, library, internet café, stadium and sport centers. Under Regulation 11, Control of Tobacco Product Regulation, 2004, complete ban of smoking activities in 23 areas including indoor public places such as restaurants, shopping mall, public toilets, service counter, library, internet café, stadium and sport centers. Under Regulation 11, Control of Tobacco Product Regulation, 2004, complete ban of smoking activities in 23 areas including indoor public places such as shopping mall, public toilets, service counter, library, internet café, stadium and sport centers.
Maldives SEA Wherever, public has to gather around, queue or wait to get a service is covered. Wherever, public has to gather around, queue or wait to get a service is covered. Wherever, public has to gather around, queue or wait to get a service is covered.
Mali AFR Report not provided La même loi sapplique ici La même loi sapplique ici
Mauritania AFR Report not provided -Tous les lieux publics -
Mauritius AFR Complete ban in all indoor public places. Complete ban in all indoor public places. Complete ban in all indoor public places.
Micronesia (Federated States of) WPR Some states have indoor public places laws that banning smoking. Some states have indoor public places laws that banning smoking. Some states have indoor public places laws that banning smoking.
Mongolia WPR Report not provided 100 percent ban 100 percent ban
Mozambique AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Myanmar SEA The Article 6 in Chapter IV of “The Control of smoking and consumption of tobacco product law” defines non-smoking areas which includes indoor public places such as stadiums and indoor playing fields, children drill sheds and playgrounds, opera houses, cinema halls, video halls and other buildings of entertainment, museums, archives, public libraries and reading rooms, elevators, escalators, air-conditioned public rooms and public auditoriums. . According to notification released by the MoHS in 2014, all indoor places become smoke-free as the designated smoking area is to be defined outside at least 10 meters away from main entrance and windows. The Article 6 in Chapter IV of “The Control of smoking and consumption of tobacco product law” defines non-smoking areas which includes indoor public places such as stadiums and indoor playing fields, children drill sheds and playgrounds, opera houses, cinema halls, video halls and other buildings of entertainment, museums, archives, public libraries and reading rooms, elevators, escalators, air-conditioned public rooms and public auditoriums. . According to notification released by the MoHS in 2014, all indoor places become smoke-free as the designated smoking area is to be defined outside at least 10 meters away from main entrance and windows. The Article 6 in Chapter IV of “The Control of smoking and consumption of tobacco product law” defines non-smoking areas which includes indoor public places such as stadiums and indoor playing fields, children drill sheds and playgrounds, opera houses, cinema halls, video halls and other buildings of entertainment, museums, archives, public libraries and reading rooms, elevators, escalators, air-conditioned public rooms and public auditoriums. . According to notification released by the MoHS in 2014, all indoor places become smoke-free as the designated smoking area is to be defined outside at least 10 meters away from main entrance and windows.
Namibia AFR Report not provided Smoking is prohibited in all indoor public places. Report not provided
Nauru WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Jamaica AMR Tobacco use is banned in all indoor places intended for use by the public. Tobacco use is banned in all indoor places intended for use by the public. Tobacco use is banned in all indoor places intended for use by the public
Jordan EMR In relation to Policy: A) The Public Health Law defines public places as: "A place that is designed to receive all people or a certain category of them such as hospitals, health centers, schools, Cinema, theaters, public libraries, museums, public and non-governmental public buildings, and passenger transport Arrivals and departures at airports, border points (crossings), stadiums and closed sports facilities, Lecture halls, restaurants, hotels, Internet cafes, places, tourist establishments, and association offices, associations, clan gathering places, and any other place shall be decided by the Minister as a public place and shall be published in the Official Gazette. B) §. (53) (a) of the Public Health Law states that: “It is forbidden to smoke any tobacco products in public places, although it is permissible by a decision of the Minister upon the recommendation of the competent health director to specify a special place in which smoking is permitted in the public place provided that the public’s health and safety are taken into account and that this place is clearly declared in a prominent place using signs written in the Arabic language.” C) On the 25th of June 2020 the Minister of Health issued a decision No. (T U/35/211) that was circulated to other government officials to ban smoking in all indoor public places. Based on all forms of indoor smoking is banned. In relation to Implementation: A)There are issues with implementing the legislation due to high fines in the Public Health Law. B) The Ministry of Health is the one that is tasked with enforcing and inspecting the Public Health Law but due to the extensive task, the MInistry is facing issues with fully implementing the FCTC. Therefore, there is an issue with the implementation of the total ban of all forms of indoor public smoking in public places. C)The Ministry of Health needs support in relation to resources to carry out inspections. The Ministry of Health is also communicating with other governmental agencies to coordinate and possibly delegate tasks in relation to areas that govern the ban of all forms of indoor smoking in public places. In relation to Policy: A) The Public Health Law defines public places as: "A place that is designed to receive all people or a certain category of them such as hospitals, health centers, schools, Cinema, theaters, public libraries, museums, public and non-governmental public buildings, and passenger transport Arrivals and departures at airports, border points (crossings), stadiums and closed sports facilities, Lecture halls, restaurants, hotels, Internet cafes, places, tourist establishments, and association offices, associations, clan gathering places, and any other place shall be decided by the Minister as a public place and shall be published in the Official Gazette. B) §. (53) (a) of the Public Health Law states that: “It is forbidden to smoke any tobacco products in public places, although it is permissible by a decision of the Minister upon the recommendation of the competent health director to specify a special place in which smoking is permitted in the public place provided that the public’s health and safety are taken into account and that this place is clearly declared in a prominent place using signs written in the Arabic language.” C) On the 25th of June 2020 the Minister of Health issued a decision No. (T U/35/211) that was circulated to other government officials to ban smoking in all indoor public places. Based on all forms of indoor smoking is banned. In relation to Implementation: A)There are issues with implementing the legislation due to high fines in the Public Health Law. B) The Ministry of Health is the one that is tasked with enforcing and inspecting the Public Health Law but due to the extensive task, the MInistry is facing issues with fully implementing the FCTC. Therefore, there is an issue with the implementation of the total ban of all forms of indoor public smoking in public places. C)The Ministry of Health needs support in relation to resources to carry out inspections. The Ministry of Health is also communicating with other governmental agencies to coordinate and possibly delegate tasks in relation to areas that govern the ban of all forms of indoor smoking in public places. قانون الصحة العامة رقم 47 لسنة 2008 وتعديلاتة عام 2017 الذي يمنع التدخين في الاماكن العامة مع جواز تخصيص اماكن للمدخنين ضمن شروط معينة بموافقة معالي وزير الصحة
Kazakhstan EUR Полный запрет, при выявлении нарушения- административный штраф Report not provided Полный запрет, при выявлении нарушения- административный штраф
Kiribati WPR Enclosed and specified places under the Tobacco Control Act 2013 Enclosed and specified places under the Tobacco Control Act 2013 Enclosed and specified places under the Tobacco Control Act 2013
Kuwait EMR يمنع التدخين في الأماكن المغلقة وشبه المغلقة إلا في الأماكن المخصصة للتدخين يمنع التدخين في الأماكن المغلقة وشبه المغلقة إلا في الأماكن المخصصة للتدخين يمنع التدخين في الأماكن المغلقة وشبه المغلقة إلا في الأماكن المخصصة للتدخين
Lao People's Democratic Republic WPR Report not provided Ban all indoor public places Ban all indoor public places
Lebanon EMR Smoking is banned in all indoor public places. Smoking is banned in all indoor public places. Smoking is banned in all indoor public places.
Lesotho AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Liberia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Libya EMR نص قرار من رئاسة الوزارء 206 لسنة 2009 على الحظر الكامل أو الجزئي قرار 423 لسنة 2022من وزير العمل والتاهيل بشان حظر التخين في اماكن العمل نص قرار من رئاسة الوزارء 206 لسنة 2009 على الحظر الكامل أو الجزئي نص قرار من رئاسة الوزارء 206 لسنة 2009 على الحظر الكامل أو الجزئي
Lithuania EUR Please see item no. C225 Article 19. Restriction on the Usage of Tobacco Products, Law on Tobacco control Republic of Lithuania Please see item no. C225 Article 19. Restriction on the Usage of Tobacco Products, Law on Tobacco control Republic of Lithuania Please see item no. C225 Article 19. Restriction on the Usage of Tobacco Products, Law on Tobacco control Republic of Lithuania
Luxembourg EUR La loi antitabac, entrée en vigueur le 1er janvier 2014 a étendu linterdiction de fumer à tous les locax à usage collectif, bars, disco, restaurants, hotels, auberges, .. La loi du 13 juin 2017 transposant la Directive sur les produits du tabac 2014/40/UE en droit national, interdit de vapoter aussi dans les lieux ou il est déjà interdit de fumer. La loi antitabac, entrée en vigueur le 1er janvier 2014 a étendu linterdiction de fumer à tous les locax à usage collectif, bars, disco, restaurants, hotels, aubergeres, etc... Le nouveau projet de loi propose dinterdire de vapoter dans les lieux ou il est interdit de fumer. Lieux couverts de loisirs, lieux couverts ou des sports sont pratiqués, enceintes, halls et salles appartenenant à ladministration publique et 7ou à létat. Depuis lentrée en vigueur de la nouvelle loi antitabac du 13 juin 2017, le 1er août 2017. Il est également interdit de vaopter dans les lieux où il est interdit de fumer. La loi antitabac, entrée en vigueur le 1er janvier 2014 a étendu linterdiction de fumer à tous les locax à usage collectif, bars, disco, restaurants, hotels, aubergeres, etc... Le nouveau projet de loi propose dinterdire de vapoter dans les lieux ou il est interdit de fumer. Lieux couverts de loisirs, lieux couverts ou des sports sont pratiqués, enceintes, halls et salles appartenenant à ladministration publique et 7ou à létat. Depuis lentrée en vigueur de la nouvelle loi antitabac du 13 juin 2017, le 1er août 2017. Il est également interdit de vaopter dans les lieux où il est interdit de fumer.
Eswatini AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ethiopia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
European Union EUR The Council Recommendation on smoke-free environments 2009/C 296/02 of 30 November 2009 calls on Member States to provide effective protection from exposure to tobacco smoke in indoor public places and, as appropriate, other public places as stipulated by Article 8 of the FCTC and based on guidelines on protection from exposure to tobacco smoke. The Council Recommendation on smoke-free environments 2009/C 296/02 of 30 November 2009 calls on Member States to provide effective protection from exposure to tobacco smoke in indoor public places and, as appropriate, other public places as stipulated by Article 8 of the FCTC and based on guidelines on protection from exposure to tobacco smoke adopted by the COP2, at the latest by 2012. The Council Recommendation on smoke-free environments 2009/C 296/02 of 30 November 2009 calls on Member States to provide effective protection from exposure to tobacco smoke in indoor public places and, as appropriate, other public places as stipulated by Article 8 of the FCTC and based on guidelines on protection from exposure to tobacco smoke adopted by the COP2, at the latest by 2012.
Fiji WPR Report not provided Banning tobacco smoking in indoor public places.The list of indoor public places are as follows: 1. amusement centres, theater or sports stand or stadium; 2. hospital or clinic 3. lifts; 4. public service vehicle 5. airport terminal building except in duty free outlets or designated smoking areas; 6. prescribed smoke free building; 7. eating houses 8. bus stations except for a designated smoking area 9. internet shops 10. any water transport including ships, ferries or any other means of transport passengers by sea or river 11. any other public place that the public has access as the Minister may designate by way of a gazette. This is listed in the Tobacco Control Act 2010 Part 5 Section 19(1). Report not provided
Finland EUR Under Section 74(1)(1) of the Tobacco Act (549/2016), smoking is prohibited in the indoor areas of buildings, vechiles or similar places that are accessible to the public or employees or accessible to customers for the purpose of providing commercial or public services. Under section 75 there are derogations from general smoking bans and smoking is allowed: - in the home or private vechile of a customer, employee, economic operator, or self-employed person and any other indoor areas that are in the exclusive use of persons belonging to the same family and others living in the same household. - in a maximum of one out of ten rooms for customer accommodation in a hotel or other tourist accommodation establishment or, depending on the number of rooms, in a maximum of three rooms; - the indoor areas of a restaurant on board a vessel used in international maritime transport when the serving area is not larger than 50 square metres or in larger establishments no more than 50 per cent of the area. Under Section 76: In the indoor rooms referred to in section 74(1)(1), smoking may be allowed in a separate smoking room that has been approved for smoking purposes under the Land Use and Building Act (132/1999). In such cases, it shall be ensured that tobacco smoke can not enter areas where smoking is prohibited. Smoking rooms shall not be located in connection with indoor areas that are mainly used by persons under the age of 18. Further provisions on technical requirements concerning the structural and functional properties of smoking rooms have been given by government decree 601/2016 (transitional provision until 20 May 2018). Under Section 74(1)(1) of the Tobacco Act (549/2016), smoking is prohibited in the indoor areas of buildings, vechiles or similar places that are accessible to the public or employees or accessible to customers for the purpose of providing commercial or public services. Under section 75 there are derogations from general smoking bans and smoking is allowed: - in the home or private vechile of a customer, employee, economic operator, or self-employed person and any other indoor areas that are in the exclusive use of persons belonging to the same family and others living in the same household. - in a maximum of one out of ten rooms for customer accommodation in a hotel or other tourist accommodation establishment or, depending on the number of rooms, in a maximum of three rooms; - the indoor areas of a restaurant on board a vessel used in international maritime transport when the serving area is not larger than 50 square metres or in larger establishments no more than 50 per cent of the area. Under Section 76: In the indoor rooms referred to in section 74(1)(1), smoking may be allowed in a separate smoking room that has been approved for smoking purposes under the Land Use and Building Act (132/1999). In such cases, it shall be ensured that tobacco smoke can not enter areas where smoking is prohibited. Smoking rooms shall not be located in connection with indoor areas that are mainly used by persons under the age of 18. Further provisions on technical requirements concerning the structural and functional properties of smoking rooms have been given by government decree 601/2016 (transitional provision until 20 May 2018). Under Section 74(1)(1) of the Tobacco Act (549/2016), smoking is prohibited in the indoor areas of buildings, vechiles or similar places that are accessible to the public or employees or accessible to customers for the purpose of providing commercial or public services. Under section 75 there are derogations from general smoking bans and smoking is allowed: - in the home or private vechile of a customer, employee, economic operator, or self-employed person and any other indoor areas that are in the exclusive use of persons belonging to the same family and others living in the same household. - in a maximum of one out of ten rooms for customer accommodation in a hotel or other tourist accommodation establishment or, depending on the number of rooms, in a maximum of three rooms; - the indoor areas of a restaurant on board a vessel used in international maritime transport when the serving area is not larger than 50 square metres or in larger establishments no more than 50 per cent of the area. Under Section 76: In the indoor rooms referred to in section 74(1)(1), smoking may be allowed in a separate smoking room that has been approved for smoking purposes under the Land Use and Building Act (132/1999). In such cases, it shall be ensured that tobacco smoke can not enter areas where smoking is prohibited. Smoking rooms shall not be located in connection with indoor areas that are mainly used by persons under the age of 18. Further provisions on technical requirements concerning the structural and functional properties of smoking rooms have been given by government decree 601/2016 (transitional provision until 20 May 2018).
Gambia AFR Smoking in indoor public places is banned Smoking in indoor public places is banned Smoking in indoor public places is banned
Ghana AFR Complete means "No smoking". Complete means "No smoking". Complete means "No smoking". Partial means "Designated Smoking Area" is provided for smoking
Greece EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Throughout the country there are very few smoke-free cafes bars and restaurants. Malls and private workplaces sometimes are smoke free.
Grenada AMR Report not provided Smoking is allowed, however owners have placed banns Smoking is allowed, however owners have placed banns
Guatemala AMR Prohibición, obligación de señalización, obligación de velar por el cumplimiento, vigilancia, sanción Prohibición, obligación de señalización, obligación de velar por el cumplimiento, vigilancia, sanción Prohibición, obligación de señalización, obligación de velar por el cumplimiento, vigilancia, sanción
Guinea-Bissau AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Guyana AMR 1) No person shall smoke in the following places – (b) in any part of any indoor public place, including by way of illustration but in no way limited to those places listed in the First Schedule; (Tobacco Control Act, Guyana) 1) No person shall smoke in the following places – (b) in any part of any indoor public place, including by way of illustration but in no way limited to those places listed in the First Schedule; (Tobacco Control Act, Guyana) 1) No person shall smoke in the following places – (b) in any part of any indoor public place, including by way of illustration but in no way limited to those places listed in the First Schedule; (Tobacco Control Act, Guyana)
Honduras AMR Report not provided l IHADFA con el apoyo de las Alcaldías Municipales, organizaciones o instituciones del Estado y la Sociedad Civil como la Alianza Hondureña Antitabaco vigilan constantemente el cumplimiento de que en los lugares públicos cerrados no se consuma productos derivados de tabaco. l IHADFA con el apoyo de las Alcaldías Municipales, organizaciones o instituciones del Estado y la Sociedad Civil como la Alianza Hondureña Antitabaco vigilan constantemente el cumplimiento de que en los lugares públicos cerrados no se consuma productos derivados de tabaco.
Hungary EUR No smoking area can be designated for smokin in public institutions, in rooms of closed air spaces,even in open air spaces in public education institutions, in child welfare and child protection institutions, in the premises of health service providers. Smoking area may also be designated in a closed air space for detainees held in penitentiary institutions and prisons, for psychiatric patients in psychiatric institutions. Public spaces can be designated as non-smoking public space by the local government through regulations. No smoking area can be designated for smokin in public institutions, in rooms of closed air spaces,even in open air spaces in public education institutions, in child welfare and child protection institutions, in the premises of health service providers. Smoking area may also be designated in a closed air space for detainees held in penitentiary institutions and prisons, for psychiatric patients in psychiatric institutions. Public spaces can be designated as non-smoking public space by the local government through regulations. No smoking area can be designated for smokin in public institutions, in rooms of closed air spaces,even in open air spaces in public education institutions, in child welfare and child protection institutions, in the premises of health service providers. Smoking area may also be designated in a closed air space for detainees held in penitentiary institutions and prisons, for psychiatric patients in psychiatric institutions. Public spaces can be designated as non-smoking public space by the local government through regulations.
Costa Rica AMR Si, completa a partir de la Ley 9028. Ver la única excepción. Si, completa a partir de la Ley 9028 Si, completa a partir de la Ley 9028
Côte d'Ivoire AFR Il est interdit de fumer dans tous lieux clos ou ouverts, accessible au grand public indépendamment de leur régime de propriété et des conditions daccès. Il est interdit de fumer dans tous lieux clos ou ouverts, accessible au grand public indépendamment de leur régime de propriété et des conditions daccès. Il est interdit de fumer dans tous lieux clos ou ouverts, accessible au grand public indépendamment de leur régime de propriété et des conditions daccès.
Croatia EUR Act on restrictions on the use of tobacco and related products (OG 45/2017)Article 25. It is prohibited to smoke tobacco and related products or herbal products, and to use nicotine-containing or non-nicotine-containing electronic cigarettes and waterpipes in all indoor public places. An indoor public place means a space having a roof and more than one half of the entire partition surface area consisting of deck-to-deck partitions, or a terrace enclosed by partitions made of glass or other material. In addition, an indoor public place is a space having a roof in which more than one half of the partition surface area is closable, provided that such partitions are closed. It is also prohibited to smoke in areas not considered indoor public places under this Act, which constitute a functional part of a space used to carry out an educational activity. It is prohibited to smoke in an area situated less than 20 metres away from the entrance to a healthcare facility. It is prohibited to smoke in an area situated less than 20 metres away from the entrance to an educational establishment. Smoking rooms are prohibited in spaces where healthcare or education-related activities are carried out. By way of derogation from the provision in paragraph 1 of this Article, smoking shall be permitted in specially designated smoking areas used to accommodate guests pursuant to regulations governing the hospitality industry, which shall display a ‘smoking permitted in this area’ sign; in specially designated smoking areas in psychiatric wards and special designated smoking areas in other facilities providing healthcare or welfare services to mental patients, as well as in penitentiary institutions and prisons, which shall display a ‘smoking permitted in this area’ sign; and in smoking rooms in hospitality establishments. Act on restrictions on the use of tobacco and related products (OG 45/2017)Article 25. It is prohibited to smoke tobacco and related products or herbal products, and to use nicotine-containing or non-nicotine-containing electronic cigarettes and waterpipes in all indoor public places. An indoor public place means a space having a roof and more than one half of the entire partition surface area consisting of deck-to-deck partitions, or a terrace enclosed by partitions made of glass or other material. In addition, an indoor public place is a space having a roof in which more than one half of the partition surface area is closable, provided that such partitions are closed. It is also prohibited to smoke in areas not considered indoor public places under this Act, which constitute a functional part of a space used to carry out an educational activity. It is prohibited to smoke in an area situated less than 20 metres away from the entrance to a healthcare facility. It is prohibited to smoke in an area situated less than 20 metres away from the entrance to an educational establishment. Smoking rooms are prohibited in spaces where healthcare or education-related activities are carried out. By way of derogation from the provision in paragraph 1 of this Article, smoking shall be permitted in specially designated smoking areas used to accommodate guests pursuant to regulations governing the hospitality industry, which shall display a ‘smoking permitted in this area’ sign; in specially designated smoking areas in psychiatric wards and special designated smoking areas in other facilities providing healthcare or welfare services to mental patients, as well as in penitentiary institutions and prisons, which shall display a ‘smoking permitted in this area’ sign; and in smoking rooms in hospitality establishments. Act on restrictions on the use of tobacco and related products (OG 45/2017)Article 25. It is prohibited to smoke tobacco and related products or herbal products, and to use nicotine-containing or non-nicotine-containing electronic cigarettes and waterpipes in all indoor public places. An indoor public place means a space having a roof and more than one half of the entire partition surface area consisting of deck-to-deck partitions, or a terrace enclosed by partitions made of glass or other material. In addition, an indoor public place is a space having a roof in which more than one half of the partition surface area is closable, provided that such partitions are closed. It is also prohibited to smoke in areas not considered indoor public places under this Act, which constitute a functional part of a space used to carry out an educational activity. It is prohibited to smoke in an area situated less than 20 metres away from the entrance to a healthcare facility. It is prohibited to smoke in an area situated less than 20 metres away from the entrance to an educational establishment. Smoking rooms are prohibited in spaces where healthcare or education-related activities are carried out. By way of derogation from the provision in paragraph 1 of this Article, smoking shall be permitted in specially designated smoking areas used to accommodate guests pursuant to regulations governing the hospitality industry, which shall display a ‘smoking permitted in this area’ sign; in specially designated smoking areas in psychiatric wards and special designated smoking areas in other facilities providing healthcare or welfare services to mental patients, as well as in penitentiary institutions and prisons, which shall display a ‘smoking permitted in this area’ sign; and in smoking rooms in hospitality establishments.
Cyprus EUR The new legislation added a new administrative fine for the owner of the venue where smoking is observed of up to 850 euro. The new legislation allows for the closure of the establishment by court order for 4 days in case the tobacco legislation is not held. The new legislation continues to apply an out of court fine of 85 euros that can be issued to the individual breaking the law and to the owner of the establishment . However, the law is not implemented or partially implemented especially in places such as bars/pubs, nightclubs or restaurants. The new legislation added a new administrative fine for the owner of the venue where smoking is observed of up to 850 euro. The new legislation allows for the closure of the establishment by court order for 4 days in case the tobacco legislation is not held. The new legislation continues to apply an out of court fine of 85 euros that can be issued to the individual breaking the law and to the owner of the establishment . The new legislation added a new administrative fine for the owner of the venue where smoking is observed of up to 850 euro. The new legislation allows for the closure of the establishment by court order for 4 days in case the tobacco legislation is not held. The new legislation continues to apply an out of court fine of 85 euros that can be issued to the individual breaking the law and to the owner of the establishment .
Democratic People's Republic of Korea SEA Report not provided Smoking in indoor public places, cultural facilities and public service areas are strictly banned by the tobacco law. Smoking in indoor public places, cultural facilities and public service areas are strictly banned by the tobacco law. Nightclubs are not available in the country.
Democratic Republic of the Congo AFR Non respectée du fait de léducation de la masse et des habitudes acquises. Non respectée du fait de léducation de la masse et des habitudes acquises. La sensibilisation est programmée à loccasion de la JMST 2018.
Denmark EUR Smoking is prohibited indoors. Exceptions: - It may be decided to allow smoking in designated smoking rooms and smoking cabins. It is not permitted to serve food or beverages in smoking rooms and smoking cabins. - It may be decided that smoking is permitted indoors at small hospitality establishments (pubs) if the following criteria are met: 1) is licensed to serve alcohol 2) does not serve food 3) serving are is less than 40 m2. 4) there are tables and chairs in the serving area. Smoking is prohibited indoors. Exceptions: - It may be decided to allow smoking in designated smoking rooms and smoking cabins. It is not permitted to serve food or beverages in smoking rooms and smoking cabins. - It may be decided that smoking is permitted indoors at small hospitality establishments (pubs) if the following criteria are met: 1) is licensed to serve alcohol 2) does not serve food 3) serving are is less than 40 m2. 4) there are tables and chairs in the serving area. In restaurants, the owner can allow smoking in designated smoking rooms and smoking cabins. In small bars in which the area accessible by the public is less than 40 square meters, the owner can allow smoking if a number of criteria are met.
Djibouti EMR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Dominica AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Egypt EMR غير مطبق برغم ان القانون ١٥٤ لسنه ٢٠٠٧ يمنع التدخين في المواصلات العامه غير مطبق برغم ان القانون ١٥٤ لسنه ٢٠٠٧ يمنع التدخين في المواصلات العامه غير مطبق برغم ان القانون ١٥٤ لسنه ٢٠٠٧ يمنع التدخين في المواصلات العامه
El Salvador AMR Las Unidades de Alcohol y Tabaco (UDAT) del Ministerio de Salud, financiadas por Fosalud, son las encargadas de hacer cumplir las disposiciones legales en los territorios sobre los cuales tienen competencia a lo largo del país. Según el Art. 6 de la Ley para el Control del Tabaco ´´Ninguna persona fumará tabaco ni mantendrá tabaco encendido en áreas interiores de cualquier lugar público o privado que se contemple en esta Ley. Para los fines de esta Ley, se entenderá como espacios públicos o privados libres de humo, los siguientes k- LUGARES PÚBLICOS Y PRIVADOS CON ACCESO AL PÚBLICO QUE NO CUENTEN CON ESPACIOS ESPECÍFICOS PARA EL FUMADO. Asimismo, con relación a lo anterior, fumar en lugares no permitidos se considera una infracción grave, para lo cual se establecen multas a las personas que incumplan la Ley para el Control del Tabaco, según lo dispuesto en su Art.24. inciso c. Art. 24.- Las infracciones graves se sancionarán con multa de uno a diez salarios mínimos mensuales, más el decomiso del producto y suspensión por seis meses del permiso conferido para la venta de productos de tabaco. Se consideran infracciones graves las siguientes: c) Fumar en lugares no permitidos. Las Unidades de Alcohol y Tabaco (UDAT) del Ministerio de Salud, financiadas por Fosalud, son las encargadas de hacer cumplir las disposiciones legales en los territorios sobre los cuales tienen competencia a lo largo del país. Según el Art. 6 de la Ley para el Control del Tabaco ´´Ninguna persona fumará tabaco ni mantendrá tabaco encendido en áreas interiores de cualquier lugar público o privado que se contemple en esta Ley. Para los fines de esta Ley, se entenderá como espacios públicos o privados libres de humo, los siguientes k- LUGARES PÚBLICOS Y PRIVADOS CON ACCESO AL PÚBLICO QUE NO CUENTEN CON ESPACIOS ESPECÍFICOS PARA EL FUMADO. Asimismo, con relación a lo anterior, fumar en lugares no permitidos se considera una infracción grave, para lo cual se establecen multas a las personas que incumplan la Ley para el Control del Tabaco, según lo dispuesto en su Art.24. inciso c. Art. 24.- Las infracciones graves se sancionarán con multa de uno a diez salarios mínimos mensuales, más el decomiso del producto y suspensión por seis meses del permiso conferido para la venta de productos de tabaco. Se consideran infracciones graves las siguientes: c) Fumar en lugares no permitidos. Ley para el Control del Tabaco. Art. 7.- Los responsables o propietarios de los lugares establecidos en el artículo anterior, colocarán letreros visibles que indiquen claramente que se prohíbe el consumo de tabaco. Este letrero tendrá las características establecidas en el reglamento de la presente Ley.
Equatorial Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided SON MEDIDAS PARCIALES
Estonia EUR Smoking is allowed in smoking rooms. Smoking is allowed in smoking rooms. Smoking is allowed in smoking rooms or smoking areas (smoking areas will be banned since 2017).
Brunei Darussalam WPR Complete ban – according to the Tobacco (Prohibition in Certain Places) (Amendment) Notification 2012. It is an offence under Section 14 (2) Tobacco Order 2005 and liable to a fine not exceeding BND$1,000, or a compound of BND$300 for first offence, and BND$500 for subsequent offences. Brunei does not have pubs, bars and nightclubs. Complete ban – according to the Tobacco (Prohibition in Certain Places) (Amendment) Notification 2012. It is an offence under Section 14 (2) Tobacco Order 2005 and liable to a fine not exceeding BND$1,000, or a compound of BND$300 for first offence, and BND$500 for subsequent offences. Brunei does not have pubs, bars and nightclubs. Complete ban – according to the Tobacco (Prohibition in Certain Places) (Amendment) Notification 2012. It is an offence under Section 14 (2) Tobacco Order 2005 and liable to a fine of BND$300.
Bulgaria EUR Please note that the information above was provided during the previous reporting. Health Law Article 56 (1)Smoking in indoor public places shall be prohibited. (2)Smoking shall be also prohibited in premises with separate work places where work is done, as well as the premises ancillary and servicing there. Additional provisions § 1a).The "public places" within the meaning of Art. 56 are all places that are publicly available and/or intended for public use, regardless of ownership or right of access. Health Law Article 56 (1)Smoking in indoor public places shall be prohibited. (2)Smoking shall be also prohibioted in premises with separate work places where work is done, as well as the premises ancillary and servicing there. Aditional provisions § 1a).The "public places" within the meaning of Art. 56 are all places that are publicly available and/or intended for public use, regardless of ownership or right of access.
Burkina Faso AFR Les affiches ont été distribuées et affichées dans les lieux pour informer les usagers. Les affiches ont été distribuées et affichées dans les lieux pour informer les usagers. Answer not provided
Burundi AFR Report not provided pour les mesures partielles,seules les instructions ministerielles ont été mises en place et les signaux dinterdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics ont été distribués avec une délogation de fumer dans un espace reservé Report not provided
Cabo Verde AFR La loi n °. 119 / IV / 95 du 13 Mars 1995 et et la Loi n.º 8/X/2022 de 16 de maio de 2022 Interdiction de fumer dans les services de santé (hospitaI, centres et cliniques) Interdiction de fumer dans les écoles (salles de classe, lecture, bibliothèque et réfectoire) Interdisant de fumer dans les endroits destinés aux enfants de moins de 16 (bases de loisirs doccupation et de soins) Interdit dans les cinémas, théâtres, salles de concert et autres lieux destinés à la diffusion des arts et du spectacle Il peut être défini pour ces zones et zones fumeur La loi n °. 119 / IV / 95 du 13 Mars 1995, Interdiction de fumer dans les services de santé (hospitaI, centres et cliniques) Interdiction de fumer dans les écoles (salles de classe, lecture, bibliothèque et réfectoire) Interdisant de fumer dans les endroits destinés aux enfants de moins de 16 (bases de loisirs doccupation et de soins) Interdit de fumer dans locias de espatáculo et de loisirs Il peut être défini pour ces zones et zones fumeur La loi n °. 119 / IV / 95 du 13 Mars 1995, Interdiction de fumer dans les services de santé (hospitaI, centres et cliniques) Interdiction de fumer dans les écoles (salles de classe, lecture, bibliothèque et réfectoire) Interdisant de fumer dans les endroits destinés aux enfants de moins de 16 (bases de loisirs doccupation et de soins) Interdit de fumer dans locias de espatáculo et de loisirs Il peut être défini pour ces zones et zones fumeur
Cambodia WPR Report not provided Yes, Answer not provided
Canada AMR PEI – Yes BC - Smoking and vaping is not permitted in any fully or substantially enclosed public place or workplace, or in the buffer zone around doors, open windows and air intakes to these locations. This includes both permanent structures and temporary ones such as marquee tents. MB - "enclosed public place" means any part of an enclosed place to which members of the public have access, including, but not limited to, (a) any part of (i) an office building, (ii) a retail store or other commercial establishment, or (iii) the common areas of a residential building or shopping mall, (b) a health care facility, (c) a day care centre or nursery, (d) an educational institution or facility, (e) a restaurant, (f) an elevator, (g) a licensed premises, (h) an enclosed place, other than a private residence, in which a private function is being held, (i) a private club to which a member or invited person has access, (j) a bus shelter, pedestrian tunnel or enclosed pedestrian walkway, and (k) any other place or class of places prescribed by regulation; (« endroit public fermé ») SK - Provincial legislation prohibits the use of commercial tobacco in all enclosed public places. Specific exemptions for First Nation cultural ceremonies and ventilated smoking rooms for residents in designated long-term care facilities. ON - SFOA, 2017 prohibits smoking in all indoor workplaces and public spaces. With minor exceptions described in C223. NL - Complete for any place that is normally open to the public Canada has virtually eliminated smoking in all indoor public places with the exception of group living facilities and specified hotel rooms. The number of designated smoking rooms has been drastically reduced. Canada has virtually eliminated smoking in all indoor public places with the exception of group living facilities and specified hotel rooms. The number of designated smoking rooms has been drastically reduced.
Chad AFR référence faites au Décret 1522 référence faites au Décret 1522 Un projet de décret portant interdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics a été élaboré et en cours dadoption
Chile AMR Prohibición total por ley 19.419 en su articulo 10 y 11 Prohibición total por ley 19.419 en su articulo 10 y 11 Prohibición total por ley 19.419 en su articulo 10 y 11
Colombia AMR Socialización de la ruta de denuncia para la protección de los ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco en los lugares establecidos en el artículo 19 de la Ley 1335 de 2009. Señalización como ambiente 100% libre de humo de tabaco y sus derivados. Creación y socialización de la ruta de denuncia para la protección de los ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco en los lugares establecidos en el artículo 19 de la Ley 1335 de 2009. Señalización como ambiente 100% libre de humo de tabaco y sus derivados Ver: Anexo 13 Creación y socialización de la ruta de denuncia para la protección de los ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco en los lugares establecidos en el artículo 19 de la Ley 1335 de 2009. Señalización como ambiente 100% libre de humo de tabaco y sus derivados Ver:
Comoros AFR les produits de tabac est interdit dans les publics Answer not provided Answer not provided
Congo AFR Dans les lieux publics intérieurs, linterdiction est complete. Dans les lieux publics intérieurs, linterdiction est complete. Report not provided
Australia WPR Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed public places in Australia, including workplaces, with some limited exceptions varying between the states and territories (including in relation to defined areas of casinos in New South Wales, Western Australia, Queensland and Victoria; and certain other defined locations in Victoria). (1) In Victoria, e-cigarettes are also prohibited in smoke-free areas. In New South Wales, smoking or using e-cigarettes is banned in all enclosed public places, with the exception of a private gaming room within a casino. (2) In Tasmania, Under the Public Health Act 1997, smoking is banned in all enclosed public places, such as pubs, clubs, and restaurants. Smoking to any public building is banned within 3 metres of an entrance or exit and within 10 metres of air intake. (3) In the Australian Capital Territory (ACT): Under the ACTs Smoke-Free Public Places Act 2003 smoking and vaping is banned in all enclosed public places, including (but not limited to) enclosed areas of cinemas, theatres, clubs, hotels, community facilities, government premises, hostels, aged care facilities, places of worship, public transport (including, a bus, taxi or boat), eating places, educational institutions, shopping centres and sporting or recreational premises. Complete Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed public places in Australia, including workplaces, with some limited exceptions varying between the states and territories (including in relation to defined areas of casinos in New South Wales, Western Australia, Queensland and Victoria; and certain other defined locations in Victoria).
Austria EUR Current legal situation: Notwithstanding employment law regulations and smoking bans pursuant to article 12 of the Austrian Tobacco Act (in facilities for teaching and training, negotiating and schools sports activities) smoking is generally forbidden in all indoor public places including the whole hospitality sector (except Hotels and accomodation facilities only for their overnight guests); a strict and overall total smoking ban is set by law. The possibility of providing a seperate, enclosed smoking room is expressly prohibited for educational or other facilities where children and adolescents are supervised, accommodated or sheltered. “indoor public places” are definded as rooms accessible to the general public (such as cultural facilities, etc.), including all rooms of means of public and private bus, rail, air and shipping transportation and additionally facilities such as business premises, office premises or similar frequented by customers/clients during office hours, such as shopping centres and many others. The amendment of the Austrian Tobacco Act of August 2015 (Federal Law Gazette I No. 101/2015) provides that since 20 May 2016, novel tobacco products (such as e-cigarettes, etc.) are included in the already existing provisions concering smoking bans in indoor public places. Legal Situation as of 1 May 2018: Extension of the total smoking ban on multiple-purpose halls, festival tents as well as at events of associations when children and young people until 18 years of age are present. Legal Situation as of 1 November 2019 (ammendment of the Austrian Tobacco law act from June 2019): A total Smoking ban for the hospitality sector (including night and shisha bars) has been set by law. Article 13 of the Austrian Tobacco Act allows some exceptions: Rooms of public places are allowed to have just a subordinate side room only for the purpose of smoking and only if it is guaranteed that no smoke escapes from this room. As already indicated Hotels and accomodation facilities are allowed to provide their overnight guests a subordinate side room as mentioned above. Furthermore it has to be guaranteed that no comsumption of meals or drinks as well as waiter services take place. Tobacco shops are covered by a total smoking ban if they provide postal partner services. Current legal situation: Notwithstanding employment law regulations and smoking bans pursuant to article 12 of the Austrian Tobacco Act (in facilities for teaching and training, negotiating and schools sports activities) smoking is generally forbidden in all indoor public places including the whole hospitality sector (except Hotels and accomodation facilities only for their overnight guests); a strict and overall total smoking ban is set by law. The possibility of providing a seperate, enclosed smoking room is expressly prohibited for educational or other facilities where children and adolescents are supervised, accommodated or sheltered. “indoor public places” are definded as rooms accessible to the general public (such as cultural facilities, etc.), including all rooms of means of public and private bus, rail, air and shipping transportation and additionally facilities such as business premises, office premises or similar frequented by customers/clients during office hours, such as shopping centres and many others. The amendment of the Austrian Tobacco Act of August 2015 (Federal Law Gazette I No. 101/2015) provides that since 20 May 2016, novel tobacco products (such as e-cigarettes, etc.) are included in the already existing provisions concering smoking bans in indoor public places. Legal Situation as of 1 May 2018: Extension of the total smoking ban on multiple-purpose halls, festival tents as well as at events of associations when children and young people until 18 years of age are present. Legal Situation as of 1 November 2019 (ammendment of the Austrian Tobacco law act from June 2019): A total Smoking ban for the hospitality sector (including night and shisha bars) has been set by law. Article 13 of the Austrian Tobacco Act allows some exceptions: Rooms of public places are allowed to have just a subordinate side room only for the purpose of smoking and only if it is guaranteed that no smoke escapes from this room. As already indicated Hotels and accomodation facilities are allowed to provide their overnight guests a subordinate side room as mentioned above. Furthermore it has to be guaranteed that no comsumption of meals or drinks as well as waiter services take place. Tobacco shops are covered by a total smoking ban if they provide postal partner services. Current legal situation: Notwithstanding employment law regulations and smoking bans pursuant to article 12 of the Austrian Tobacco Act (in facilities for teaching and training, negotiating and schools sports activities) smoking is generally forbidden in all indoor public places pursuant to article 13 of the Austrian Tobacco Act: “indoor public places” are definded as rooms accessible to the general public (such as cultural facilities, etc.), including all rooms of means of public and private bus, rail, air and shipping transportation and additionally facilities such as business premises, office premises or similar frequented by customers/clients during office hours, such as shopping centres and many others. Exemption: Rooms of public places are allowed to have seperate, enclosed smoking rooms if a sufficient number of rooms exist and it is guaranteed that no smoke escapes from those rooms; furthermore signs have to indicate that these rooms are smoking rooms. The possibility of providing a seperate, enclosed smoking room is expressly prohibited for educational or other facilities where children and adolescents are supervised, accommodated or sheltered. For hospitality venues specific provisions laid down in article 13a of the Austrian Tobacco Act apply: Smoking is generally forbidden in hospitality venues with the following exemptions: establishments that contain more than one room for serving guests, can allow for smoking in seperate, enclosed rooms if the main room and at least 50 % of the places are covered by a smoking ban. 1-room-establishments with a surface of under 50 m² (in certain circumstances under 80 m² if a separation into two separate rooms is prohibited by law) can choose whether to be smoking or non-smoking venues. The amendment of the Austrian Tobacco Act of August 2015 (Federal Law Gazette I No. 101/2015) provides that since 20 May 2016, novel tobacco products (such as e-cigarettes, etc.) are included in the already existing provisions concering smoking bans in indoor public places. Legal Situation as of 1 May 2018: Extension of the total smoking ban on multiple-purpose halls, festival tents as well as at events of associations when children and young people until 18 years of age are present.
Azerbaijan EUR Legislation is in place throughout Azerbaijan prohibiting smoking in indoor public places (Article 21 of the Law on Tobacco and Tobacco Product), however, smoking is allowed in designated places Legislation is in place throughout Azerbaijan prohibiting smoking in indoor public places (Article 21 of the Law on Tobacco and Tobacco Product), however, smoking is allowed in designated places Legislation is in place throughout Azerbaijan prohibiting smoking in indoor public places (Article 21 of the Law on Tobacco and Tobacco Product), however, smoking is allowed in designated places
Bangladesh SEA Complete ban: 100% smoke free public places, such as libraries, elevators, hospitals and clinics, cinema hall, exhibition center, covered showing place, theatre hall, children park,etc. Partial ban: Smoke free public places, but designated smoking area (DSA) is allowed with some conditions in more than one room (such as shopping center). Complete ban: 100% smoke free public places, such as libraries, elevators, hospitals and clinics, cinema hall, exhibition center, covered showing place, theatre hall, children park,etc. Partial ban: Smoke free public places, but designated smoking area (DSA) is allowed with some conditions in more than one room (such as shopping center). All indoor public places are included in the existing law
Barbados AMR No smoking is allowed indoor in public places Report not provided No smoking is allowed indoor in public places
Belize AMR Complete Banning:- Display of "No Smoking" sign and provide awareness and education activities to promote the initiative. Partial Banning:- Establishment must designate a specific area for smoking and display of "NO Smoking" sign in the area were smoking is not allowed and provide awareness and education activities to promote the initiative. Complete Banning:- Display of "No Smoking" sign and provide awareness and education activities to promote the initiative. Partial Banning:- Establishment must designate a specific area for smoking and display of "NO Smoking" sign in the area were smoking is not allowed and provide awareness and education activities to promote the initiative. Report not provided
Benin AFR apposition de logo dinterdiction de fumer par le responsable des lieux apposition de logo dinterdiction de fumer par le responsable des lieux apposition de logo dinterdiction de fumer par le responsable des lieux
Bhutan SEA The 2010 Bhutan's Tobacco Control Act has defined indoor public places and has banned smoking in those areas. Until now this provision has not been amended. Report not provided Chapter 2, section 3 a & b of Tobacco Control Act 2010 entails non-smoking in commercial and Recreational Centers
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) AMR La Ley N° 3029 y su reglamentación establecen que esta prohibido fumar en espacios públicos cerrados. El cumplimiento de esta normativa esta a cargo de los Gobiernos Subnacionales, que lastimosamente su cumplimiento no es obligatorio. La Ley N° 3029 y su reglamentación establecen que esta prohibido fumar en espacios públicos cerrados. El cumplimiento de esta normativa esta a cargo de los Gobiernos Subnacionales, que lastimosamente su cumplimiento no es obligatorio. La Ley N° 3029 y su reglamentación establecen que esta prohibido fumar en espacios públicos cerrados. El cumplimiento de esta normativa esta a cargo de los Gobiernos Subnacionales, que lastimosamente su cumplimiento no es obligatorio.
Bosnia and Herzegovina EUR PARTIAL ban (smoking is possible if they have special rooms for non-smokers) in Brčko District of BIH. Possibility for smoking area in case that clubs and bars do not prepare and serve the food or they have special rooms for non-smokers. Possibility for smoking area in case that clubs and bars do not prepare and serve the food or they have special rooms for non-smokers.
Botswana AFR Smoking in indoor public places is prohibited. In cases of restaurants, there should be separation of smokers from non smokers. Smoking in indoor public places is prohibited. In cases of restaurants, there should be permanent wall partitioning to seperate smokers from non smokers. Smoking in indoor public places is prohibited. In cases of restaurants, there should be permanent wall partitioning to seperate smokers from non smokers.
Brazil AMR Approved in 2011, but regulated in 2014, Law 12,546 prohibits smoking cigarillos, cigars, pipes, hookahs and other products in places of public or private use, such as halls and corridors of condominiums, restaurants and clubs - even if the environment is partially enclosed by a wall, partition, ceiling or awning. In case of non-compliance, commercial establishments may be fined and even lose their operating license.The Ministry of Health disseminated a national campaign in 2014 to strengthen the awareness on the national smoke free law. The campaign was disseminated in radio, magazines, buses and internet. Approved in 2011, but regulated in 2014, Law 12,546 prohibits smoking cigarillos, cigars, pipes, hookahs and other products in places of public or private use, such as halls and corridors of condominiums, restaurants and clubs - even if the environment is partially enclosed by a wall, partition, ceiling or awning. In case of non-compliance with the standard, commercial establishments may be fined and even lose their operating license.The Ministry of Health disseminated a national campaign in 2014 to strengthen the awareness on the national smoke free law. The campaign was disseminated in radio, magazines, buses and internet. In November 2014 INCA organized a meeting in the Brazilian PAHO headquarters with all 27 tobacco control focal points of state health secretariats and municipal sanitary surveillance representatives to explain the new smoke free law regulation and to present the national campaign, training them for future joint local actions. Approved in 2011, but regulated in 2014, Law 12,546 prohibits smoking cigarillos, cigars, pipes, hookahs and other products in places of public or private use, such as halls and corridors of condominiums, restaurants and clubs - even if the environment is partially enclosed by a wall, partition, ceiling or awning. In case of non-compliance with the standard, commercial establishments may be fined and even lose their operating license.The Ministry of Health disseminated a national campaign in 2014 to strengthen the awareness on the national smoke free law. The campaign was disseminated in radio, magazines, buses and internet. In November 2014 INCA organized a meeting in the Brazilian PAHO headquarters with all 27 tobacco control focal points of state health secretariats and municipal sanitary surveillance representatives to explain the new smoke free law regulation and to present the national campaign, training them for future joint local actions.
Algeria AFR Renforcement de l'applicattion de cette interdiction par l'ensemble des secteurs Renforcement de cette interdiction par lensemble des secteurs Renforcement de cette interdiction par lensemble des secteurs
Andorra EUR Solo esta permitido en salas autorizadas como tales Report not provided Report not provided
Angola AFR information, education and communication campaign in the media Report not provided information, education and communication campaign in the media
Antigua and Barbuda AMR No smoking signs no ash trays supervision of no smoking ban No smoking signs no ash trays supervision of no smoking ban Report not provided
France EUR La création de fumoirs est facultative. Très peu des lieux accueillant du public ont crée des fumoirs. La création de fumoirs est facultative. Très peu des lieux accueillant du public ont crée des fumoirs. La création de fumoirs est facultative. Très peu des lieux accueillant du public ont crée des fumoirs.
Ecuador AMR En el Artículo 21, en el inciso a. de la Ley Orgánica para la Regulación y Control del Tabaco (LORCT) establece que se debe declarar espacios cien por ciento (100%) libres de humo de tabaco y se prohíbe fumar o mantener encendidos productos de tabaco en todos los espacios cerrados de la instituciones públicas. Adicionalmente, existe la posibilidad de denunciar en caso de que se quiera o sea necesario al correo electrónico Además, se realizan monitoreos aleatorios para verificar el cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en la Ley. En el Artículo 21, en el inciso a. de la Ley Orgánica para la Regulación y Control del Tabaco (LORCT) establece que se debe declarar espacios cien por ciento (100%) libres de humo de tabaco y se prohíbe fumar o mantener encendidos productos de tabaco en todos los espacios cerrados de la instituciones públicas. Adicionalmente, existe la posibilidad de denunciar en caso de que se quiera o sea necesario al correo electrónico Además, se realizan monitoreos aleatorios para verificar el cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en la Ley. En el Artículo 21, en el inciso a. de la Ley Orgánica para la Regulación y Control del Tabaco (LORCT) establece que se debe declarar espacios cien por ciento (100%) libres de humo de tabaco y se prohíbe fumar o mantener encendidos productos de tabaco en todos los espacios cerrados de la instituciones públicas. Adicionalmente, existe la posibilidad de denunciar en caso de que se quiera o sea necesario al correo electrónico Además, se realizan monitoreos aleatorios para verificar el cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en la Ley.
Cook Islands WPR Complete – smoking is prohibited. Complete – smoking is prohibited. Complete – smoking is prohibited.
China WPR 《公共场所卫生管理条例实施细则》第十八条和地方性无烟法规,对禁止在室内公共场所吸烟都进行了相关规定。部分地方性法规规定室内公共场所部分或全面禁烟。 《公共场所卫生管理条例实施细则》第十八条和地方性无烟法规,对禁止在室内公共场所吸烟都进行了相关规定。 1987年实施的《公共场所卫生管理条例》第二条指出公共场所包括: (一)宾馆、饭馆、旅店、招待所、车马店、咖啡馆、酒吧、茶座; (二)公共浴室、理发店、美容店; (三)影剧院、录像厅(室)、游艺厅(室)、舞厅、音乐厅; (四)体育场(馆)、游泳场(馆)、公园; (五)展览馆、博物馆、美术馆、图书馆; (六)商场(店)、书店; (七)候诊室、候车(机、船)室、公共交通工具。 《公共场所卫生管理条例实施细则》第十八条和地方性无烟法规,对禁止在室内公共场所吸烟也都进行了相关规定。
Central African Republic AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Cameroon AFR Report not provided Notes, lettres, circulaires, décisions, arrêtés sont les textes administratif pris par les administrations pour interdire aux usagers de fumer en ces lieux. Notes, lettres, circulaires, décisions, arrêtés sont les textes administratif pris par les administrations pour interdire aux usagers de fumer en ces lieux.
Belgium EUR Linterdiction est totale. Seul un fumoir peut être installé, sous certaines conditions très strictes (fermé, pas utilisé comme zone de passage, extraction puissante, 25 % maximum de l’établissement, pas de service) Linterdiction est totale. Seul un fumoir peut être installé, sous certaines conditions très strictes (fermé, pas utilisé comme zone de passage, extraction puissante, 25 % maximum de l’établissement, pas de service) linterdiction est totale. Seul un fumoir peut être installé, sous certaines conditions très strictes (fermé, pas utilisé comme zone de passage, extraction puissante, 25 % maximum de l’établissement, pas de service)
Belarus EUR Report not provided Декрет Президента Республики Беларусь №28 «О государственном регулировании производства, оборота и потребления табачного сырья и табачных изделий» (далее – Декрет № 28). Декретом № 28 утверждено Положение о государственном регулировании производства, оборота и потребления табачного сырья и табачных изделий, производства, оборота и использования электронных систем курения, жидкостей для электронных систем курения, систем для потребления табака. ГЛАВА 11 ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЕ КУРЕНИЯ (ПОТРЕБЛЕНИЯ) ТАБАЧНЫХ ИЗДЕЛИЙ, ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ ЭЛЕКТРОННЫХ СИСТЕМ КУРЕНИЯ, СИСТЕМ ДЛЯ ПОТРЕБЛЕНИЯ ТАБАКА 35. Запрещаются курение (потребление) табачных изделий, использование электронных систем курения, систем для потребления табака (далее - курение): в лифтах и вспомогательных помещениях многоквартирных жилых домов, общежитий; на детских площадках; на рабочих местах, организованных в помещениях; на территориях и в помещениях, занимаемых спортивно-оздоровительными и иными лагерями; в помещениях и на территориях, занимаемых учреждениями образования, организациями, реализующими образовательные программы послевузовского образования; в подземных переходах, на станциях метрополитена; на остановочных пунктах на маршрутах автомобильных перевозок пассажиров и перевозок пассажиров городским электрическим транспортом, посадочных площадках, используемых для посадки и высадки пассажиров; во всех видах транспорта общего пользования, за исключением указанных в абзаце одиннадцатом части второй настоящего пункта; в автомобилях, если в них присутствуют дети в возрасте до 14 лет; в иных местах, определенных законодательными актами Республики Беларусь. Запрещается курение, за исключением специально созданных мест: в торговых объектах и объектах бытового обслуживания населения, торговых центрах и на рынках; в объектах общественного питания, на территории летних площадок (продолжений залов); в границах территорий, занятых пляжами; на территориях и в помещениях, занимаемых организациями физической культуры и спорта, физкультурно-спортивными сооружениями; в производственных зданиях (помещениях); в помещениях и на территориях, занимаемых государственными органами, организациями культуры и здравоохранения, санаторно-курортными и оздоровительными организациями, организациями, оказывающими услуги связи, социальные, банковские, страховые, гостиничные и иные услуги, а также организациями, индивидуальными предпринимателями, которым в соответствии с законодательством Республики Беларусь предоставлено право осуществлять образовательную деятельность, за исключением указанных в абзаце шестом части первой настоящего пункта; в помещениях, предназначенных для приема граждан, в том числе по вопросам осуществления административных процедур; в помещениях пассажирских терминалов автомобильного транспорта, портов и аэропортов; в помещениях и на территориях железнодорожных станций, предназначенных для обслуживания пассажиров железнодорожного транспорта общего пользования; на морских судах, судах смешанного (река - море) плавания. Юридические лица и индивидуальные предприниматели, в собственности, хозяйственном ведении, оперативном управлении либо на ином законном основании которых находятся объекты, указанные в части второй настоящего пункта, создают (выделяют) специальные места на территориях этих объектов или комнаты для курения, оборудованные в установленном порядке и обозначенные указателем "Место для курения". Организации - производители табачных изделий вправе в производственных зданиях (помещениях) осуществлять дегустацию табачных изделий и табачного сырья в порядке, установленном этими организациями-производителями. 36. На объектах, указанных в абзацах втором - девятом и одиннадцатом части первой и части второй пункта 35 настоящего Положения, юридическими лицами и индивидуальными предпринимателями, в собственности, хозяйственном ведении, оперативном управлении либо на ином законном основании которых находятся эти объекты, размещается знак о запрете курения. Образец и требования к размещению такого знака устанавливаются Министерством здравоохранения. КонсультантПлюс: примечание. Образец знака о запрете курения (потребления) табачных изделий, использования электронных систем курения, систем для потребления табака установлен постановлением Министерства здравоохранения Республики Беларусь от 19.04.2019 N 35. Декрет Президента Республики Беларусь от 17.12.2002 № 28 "О государственном регулировании производства, оборота и потребления табачного сырья и табачных изделий" Государственное регулирование потребления табачных изделий 38. Запрещается курение (потребление) табачных изделий, за исключением мест, специально предназначенных для этой цели: в учреждениях (организациях) здравоохранения, культуры, образования, спорта, на объектах торговли и бытового обслуживания населения; на объектах общественного питания, кроме объектов, реализующих табачные изделия и имеющих предназначенные для обслуживания граждан (потребителей) помещения с действующей системой вентиляции; в помещениях органов государственного управления, местных исполнительных и распорядительных органов, организаций; на всех видах вокзалов, в аэропортах, подземных переходах, на станциях метрополитена; во всех видах общественного транспорта, вагонах поездов, на судах, в самолетах, за исключением поездов дальнего следования, пассажирских судов и самолетов, в которых предусмотрены места, специально предназначенные для курения. 39. Индивидуальные предприниматели или юридические лица, иностранные юридические лица, иностранные организации, в собственности, хозяйственном ведении либо в оперативном управлении которых находятся объекты (помещения, здания, сооружения, транспорт), указанные в пункте 38 настоящего Положения, создают (выделяют) на этих объектах специально предназначенные для курения места и оборудуют их в соответствии с требованиями, установленными Министерством по чрезвычайным ситуациям и Министерством здравоохранения. (в ред. Декрета Президента Республики Беларусь от 20.02.2015 N 2)
Bahrain (Kingdom of) EMR According to article 4 of antismoking law, smoking is prohibited in all closed public places; however, a designated area for smokers can be allocated provided it is compliant with specifications of smoking areas stated by Ministry of Health. According to article 4 of antismoking law, smoking is prohibited in all colsed public places including workplaces, however a designated area for smokers can be allocated provided it is compliant with specifications of smoking areas stated by Ministry of Health. According to article 4 of antismoking law, smoking is prohibited in all colsed public places including workplaces, however a designated area for smokers can be allocated provided it is compliant with specifications of smoking areas stated by Ministry of Health.
Bahamas AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Armenia EUR For the public places mandatory restrictions is in effect in Armenia, including bars and restaurants. For the public places obligatory same partial restrictions is in effect in Armenia, except bars and restaurants, where legislation envisages special zones for smoking, but it is not obligatory. Report not provided
Albania EUR Smoking is totally banned in all indoor public places bars, restaurants and night clubs and or cultural venues. Report not provided Report not provided
Afghanistan EMR Report not provided sending official information about content of law to all organizations distributing signs of No Tobacco use and related warning messages to all relevant organizations informed all NGOs about Hospital no tobacco policy implmented training for staff of the hospital conducted training for teachers (25 Schools) and polices officials (17 Districts) sending official information about content of law to all organizations distributing signs of No Tobacco use and related warning messages to all relevant organizations informed all NGOs about Hospital no tobacco policy implmented training for staff of the hospital conducted training for teachers (25 Schools) and polices officials (17 Districts)
Uruguay AMR Se prohíbe fumar sin excepciones. Se prohibe fumar sin excepciones. Se prohibe fumar sin excepciones.
Philippines WPR -Government offices, public and private elementary and high schools, colleges and universities imposes absolute smoking ban. Policies that supported the prohibition of smoking in indoor public places include Department of Education Department Order No. 48, s. 2016 entitled “Policy and Guidelines On Comprehensive Tobacco Control” and CHED Memorandum Order no. 63 s. 2007 Prohibition of Smoking in Higher Education Institutions. -Private institutions may have designated smoking areas or may impose stricter measures in their buildings or establishments to better ensure smoke-free environment in their premises. -All enclosed public places not considered as absolute smoke-free, may or may not establish designated smoking area. In Metro Manila, some LGUs allow DSA in open spaces while some in enclosed separate rooms following strict requirements. Government offices, public and private elementary and high schools, colleges and universities imposes absolute smoking ban however, private institutions may have designated smoking areas or may impose stricter measures in their buildings or establishments to better ensure smoke-free environment in their premises. Policies that supported the prohibition of smoking in indoor public places include Department of Education Department Order No. 48, s. 2016 entitled “Policy and Guidelines On Comprehensive Tobacco Control” and CHED Memorandum Order no. 63 s. 2007 Prohibition of Smoking in Higher Education Institutions. Government buildings, health care facilities, as well as educational institutions and universities are prohibited from smoking tobacco. These prohibitions are covered by the policies from the Department of Health and Department of Education. However, shopping malls, pubs and bars, nightclubs, and restaurants only have partial banks. Policies depend on the company and compliance to city/ municipal ordinances.
Papua New Guinea WPR Again the organisations and organisors take charge. they have their own rules and regulations. Again the organisations and organisors take charge. they have their own rules and regulations. Again the organisations and organisors take charge. they have their own rules and regulations. There are places where no signs are up.
Panama AMR Esta prohibición es completa y cómo se ha descrito previamente incluye a los productos de tabaco convencionales y novedosos. Se vigila conforme a lo establecido en la normativa nacional por el cuerpo de inspectores de salud ambiental como por el equipo de protección de alimentos. La vigilancia inicia en la base del sistema de salud pública, es decir en la red de primer nivel de atención que tiene competencias y atribuciones específicas, de conformidad con lo dispuesto y según se califique cada caso o bien identifiquen violaciones reiterativas a la norma, los casos pueden ser escalados a nivel regional o nacional y con ello las sanciones que son aplicables de manera diferenciada según nivel administrativo. Desde los años 70´s en Panamá está prohibido fumar en establecimientos de salud y educación, centros religiosos, cines, teatros y terminales de transporte, transporte colectivo, entre otros. La Ley 13 de 2008 amplia estas prohibiciones a restaurantes, bares, casinos, hoteles, similares y cualquier otro ambiente de trabajo cerrado. Lo que hoy día permite indicar que contamos con la prohibición para AMBIENTES CERRADOS 100% LIBRES DE HUMO DE TABACO, que tal como se establece en el artículo 8 del CMCT, esto nos permite proteger efectivamente la salud de no fumadores, disminuir el consumo y la exposición de los fumadores, desocializar la práctica de fumar y hacer menos atractivo el consumo de productos de tabaco para los jóvenes. La disposición cuenta con una amplia aceptación de la población nacional, aunque algunos extranjeros residentes en Panamá en los últimos años la encuentran exagerada, pero busca ayuda para dejar de fumar. Algunos hoteles, tienen como política la aplicación de una tasa sancionatoria para los huéspedes que fumen en las habitaciones que alcanza los B/. 100.00. Desde el 2009 se trata de avanzar en la aprobación de una Ley que prohíbe fumar en todos los lugares donde haya concurrencia de personas sean abiertos o cerrados, entre los que se incluyen las terrazas y similares, playas y otros. Esta disposición fue incluida en el Proyecto de Ley 136, que fue aprobado en tercer debate pero su contenido no cumplía con las disposiciones del CMCT por lo que a solicitud del Ministerio de Salud fue vetada por la Presidencia de la República en junio de 2019. Desde los años 70´s en Panamá está prohibido fumar en establecimientos de salud y educación, centros religiosos, cines, teatros y terminales de transporte, transporte colectivo, entre otros. La Ley 13 de 2008 amplia estas prohibiciones a restaurantes, bares, casinos, hoteles, similares y cualquier otro ambiente de trabajo cerrado. Lo que hoy día permite indicar que contamos con AMBIENTES CERRADOS 100% LIBRES DE HUMO DE TABACO, que tal como se establece en el artículo 8 del CMCT, permiten proteger efectivamente la salud de no fumadores, disminuir en consumo y la exposición de los fumadores, desocializar la práctica de fumar y hacer menos atractivo el consumo de productos de tabaco para los jóvenes. La disposición cuenta con una amplia aceptación de la población nacional, aunque algunos extranjeros residentes en Panamá en los últimos años la encuentran exagerada. Algunos hoteles, tienen como política la aplicación de una tasa sancionatoria para los huéspedes que fumen en las habitaciones que alcanza los B/. 100.00. Desde el 2009 se trata de avanzar en la aprobación de una Ley que prohíbe fumar en todos los lugares donde haya concurrencia de personas sean abiertos o cerrados, entre los que se incluyen las terrazas y similares, playas y otros. Esta disposición esta actualmente en debate en la Asamblea Nacional de Diputados.
Palau WPR RPPL 8-27 bans smoking in indoor public places. RPPL 8-27 bans smoking in indoor public places. RPPL 8-27 bans smoking in indoor public places.
Niue WPR Report not provided Indoor public places are smoke free under the new Tobacco Control Act 2018 Report not provided
Montenegro EUR Article17 Public space is an area intended for people’s common use and includes the enclosed area in which: 1) teaching-educational activities are carried out, as well as health activities, manufacture, control and trade in medicines and medical devices; accommodation, stay and diet of children, pupils and students are provided; in which acceptance, accommodation and care of people in social need and elderly is carried out, where cultural, entertainment, sports and other events, performances and competitions are held, meetings and other organized gatherings; and 2) trade activity and manufacture, storing and food trade are carried out. Public space, in terms of paragraph 1 of this Article, shall also be deemed: 1) means of public transport in air, road and railway transport and maritime and inland navigation; airport buildings and closed waiting rooms in railway and road transport, as well as auto taxi and official transport means; 2) children’s playrooms; 3) hospitality facilities providing services of accommodation, preparation and serving food; 4) facilities for organizing games of chance; 5) institutions for accommodating people serving their criminal sanction sentences; and 6) lobbies, elevators and other common areas of residential buildings, cable car cabins and public toilets. Public space, in terms of this Law, is also an open enclosed yard area of educational-training institutions and an open enclosed space where public recording and broadcasting of any kind of programs are carried out and where cultural and entertaining events are held. Article17 Public space is an area intended for people’s common use and includes the enclosed area in which: 1) teaching-educational activities are carried out, as well as health activities, manufacture, control and trade in medicines and medical devices; accommodation, stay and diet of children, pupils and students are provided; in which acceptance, accommodation and care of people in social need and elderly is carried out, where cultural, entertainment, sports and other events, performances and competitions are held, meetings and other organized gatherings; and 2) trade activity and manufacture, storing and food trade are carried out. Public space, in terms of paragraph 1 of this Article, shall also be deemed: 1) means of public transport in air, road and railway transport and maritime and inland navigation; airport buildings and closed waiting rooms in railway and road transport, as well as auto taxi and official transport means; 2) children’s playrooms; 3) hospitality facilities providing services of accommodation, preparation and serving food; 4) facilities for organizing games of chance; 5) institutions for accommodating people serving their criminal sanction sentences; and 6) lobbies, elevators and other common areas of residential buildings, cable car cabins and public toilets. Public space, in terms of this Law, is also an open enclosed yard area of educational-training institutions and an open enclosed space where public recording and broadcasting of any kind of programs are carried out and where cultural and entertaining events are held. In addition to the above listed public spaces, the use of tobacco products is also forbidden in places such as playgrounds for children, catering facilities which provide accommodation, preparing and serving food, drinks and beverages; facilities for playing games of chance; facilities for the accommodation of persons to serving penalty; halls and other common areas of buildings; cabin lifts and public toilets. Under the terms of the Law, a "public place" also includes an outdoor courtyard area of educational and health care facilities and open limited spaces where public broadcasting and recordings of any kinds are held, including cultural and entertainment events.“
Mexico AMR Esta prohibido fumar tabaco o consumir cualquier lugar público cerrado (o abierto que concentre personas). La enmienda a la Ley General para el Control del Tabaco y su Reglamento, vigentes desde 2022, establecen de conformidad con las recomendaciones del artículo 8 del convenio y sus directrices la prohibición absoluta de fumar en lugares de trabajo tanto interiores o cerrado como abiertos, ampliando la protección contra la exposición de cualquier tipo de emisiones de los denominados productos de tabaco y nicotina novedosos y emergentes. Existen sanciones económicas, para quien incumpla con lo dispuesto en la Ley y su Reglamento. Está prohibido, sin embargo la ley permite áreas interiores reservadas para fumar. Existen sanciones económicas, para quien incumpla con lo dispuesto en la ley y su reglamento. Está prohibido, sin embargo la ley permite áreas interiores reservadas para fumar. Existen sanciones económicas, para quien incumpla con lo dispuesto en la ley y su reglamento.
Malta EUR Total Report not provided Total
Latvia EUR Smoking is prohibited in educational facilities, health-care facilities, apartment houses stairwells, corridors and other common areas, public buildings, structures and premises (cinemas, concerts, sports halls, other sports buildings and structures, postal and other institutions halls, disco and dance halls, etc.), in cafés, restaurants, and other places of public catering, except summer (open-air) cafés in which smoking is permitted only in specially designated places. Smoking in any public place, if other persons oppose it, is prohibited. Smoking is prohibited in educational facilities, health-care facilities, apartment houses stairwells, corridors and other common areas, public buildings, structures and premises (cinemas, concerts, sports halls, other sports buildings and structures, postal and other institutions halls, disco and dance halls, etc.), in cafés, restaurants, and other places of public catering, except summer (open-air) cafés in which smoking is permitted only in specially designated places. Smoking in any public place, if other persons oppose it, is prohibited. Smoking is prohibited in educational facilities, health-care facilities, apartment houses stairwells, corridors and other common areas, public buildings, structures and premises (cinemas, concerts, sports halls, other sports buildings and structures, postal and other institutions halls, disco and dance halls, etc.), cafes, restaurants and other public catering places is defined. Smoking in any public place, if other persons oppose it, is prohibited.
Kyrgyzstan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Kenya AFR Complete ban. Report not provided Complete ban.
Japan WPR The revised Health Promotion Act, which was fully enforced from April 1, 2020, bans smoking inside public places in principle. However, if administrator has taken measures to prevent tobacco smoke from leaking, the administrator can set up a designated smoking room in the facilities. The revised Health Promotion Act, which will be fully enforced from April 1, 2020, bans smoking inside public places in principle. However, if administrator has taken measures to prevent tobacco smoke from leaking, the administrator can set up a smoking room in the facilities. Article 25 of the Health Promotion Act requires each facility manager to implement necessary measures regulating protection from exposure to tobacco smoke. Since the article does not specify the scope of the restriction, the actual application is left to the discretion of each manager.
Iceland EUR The legislation allows for an exemption of smoking of staff in restaurants: in restaurants designated smoking area can be set up (not for custumers) The legislation allows for an exemption of smoking of staff in restaurants: in restaurants designated smoking area can be set up (not for custumers) The legislation allows for an exemption of smoking of staff in restaurants: in restaurants designated smoking area can be set up (not for custumers)
Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Germany EUR Yes, separate smoking rooms are allowed Yes, separate smoking rooms are allowed Yes, separate smoking rooms are allowed
Georgia EUR According to the tobacco control legislation, smoking is completely banned in all public places except cigar bars where smoking cigars is allowed, but a special license is required to open a cigar bar (serving any food or smoking cigarette is strictly forbidden there). Also, the exception is theaters, where actors can smoke during the performance. These provisions are set by the law since 1st May 2018. according to the tobacco control legislation smoking is completely banned in all public places except cigar bars where smoking of cigars is allowed, but special license in required to open a cigar bar and serving any food or smoking cigarette is strictly forbidden. Also, the exception are theaters, where actors can smoke during the performance. The law entered into force on May 1, 2018. according to the new tobacco control legislation smoking is completely banned in all public places except cigar bars where smoking of cigars is allowed, but special license in required to open a cigar bar and serving any food or smoking cigarette is strictly forbidden. The law enters into force on May 1, 2018.
Gabon AFR Le Decret n° 0287 du 17 Mai 2016 stipule dans son article premier qu'il est formellement interdit de fumer du tabac dans les lieux ouverts au public. Par "lieux ouverts au public", on entend, les lieux d'accès au public à quelque titre que ce soit. Le travail de sensibilisation sur terrain na pas encore été réalisé. Answer not provided
Zimbabwe AFR Report not provided See attached SI 264 OF 2002,Public Health ( Tobacco Control ) Regulations of 2002 See attached SI 264 OF 2002,Public Health ( Tobacco Control ) Regulations of 2002
Spain EUR Está prohibido fumar en todos los espacios públicos cerrados: - Centros y dependencias de las Administraciones públicas y entidades de Derecho público - Centros, servicios o establecimientos sanitarios, así como en los espacios abiertos comprendidos en sus recintos - Centros docentes y formativos - Instalaciones deportivas y lugares donde se desarrollen espectáculos públicos - Zonas destinadas a la atención directa al público - Centros comerciales, incluyendo grandes superficies y galerías - Centros de atención social - Centros de ocio o esparcimiento - Centros culturales, salas de lectura, exposición, biblioteca, conferencias y museos - Salas de fiesta, establecimientos de juego o de uso público en general - Áreas o establecimientos donde se elaboren, transformen, preparen, degusten o vendan alimentos. - Ascensores y elevadores - Cabinas telefónicas, recintos de los cajeros automáticos y otros espacios cerrados de uso público de reducido tamaño. Se entiende por espacio de uso público de reducido tamaño aquel que no ocupe una extensión superior a cinco metros cuadrados. - Estaciones de autobuses, vehículos o medios de transporte colectivo urbano e interurbano, vehículos de transporte de empresa, taxis, ambulancias, funiculares y teleféricos. - Todos los espacios del transporte suburbano (vagones, andenes, pasillos, escaleras, estaciones, etc.) - Estaciones, puertos y medios de transporte ferroviario y marítimo - Aeropuertos, aeronaves con origen y destino en territorio nacional y en todos los vuelos de compañías aéreas españolas, incluidos aquellos compartidos con vuelos de compañías extranjeras - Estaciones de servicio y similares - Cualquier otro lugar en el que, por mandato de esta Ley o de otra norma o por decisión de su titular, se prohíba fumar. - Hoteles, hostales y establecimientos análogos, salvo en los espacios al aire libre. No obstante, podrán habilitarse habitaciones fijas para fumadores, siempre que cumplan con los requisitos establecidos en el artículo 8. - Bares, restaurantes y demás establecimientos de restauración cerrados. - Salas de teatro, cine y otros espectáculos públicos que se realizan en espacios cerrados - Recintos de los parques infantiles y áreas o zonas de juego para la infancia - En todos los demás espacios cerrados de uso público o colectivo Está prohibido fumar en todos los espacios públicos cerrados: - Centros y dependencias de las Administraciones públicas y entidades de Derecho público - Centros, servicios o establecimientos sanitarios, así como en los espacios cubiertos comprendidos en sus recintos - Centros docentes y formativos, incluyendo los accesos inmediatos a los edificios o aceras circundantes - Instalaciones deportivas y lugares donde se desarrollen espectáculos públicos - Zonas destinadas a la atención directa al público - Centros comerciales, incluyendo grandes superficies y galerías - Centros de atención social - Centros de ocio o esparcimiento - Centros culturales, salas de lectura, exposición, biblioteca, conferencias y museos - Salas de fiesta, establecimientos de juego o de uso público en general - Áreas o establecimientos donde se elaboren, transformen, preparen, degusten o vendan alimentos. - Ascensores y elevadores - Cabinas telefónicas, recintos de los cajeros automáticos y otros espacios cerrados de uso público de reducido tamaño. Se entiende por espacio de uso público de reducido tamaño aquel que no ocupe una extensión superior a cinco metros cuadrados. - Estaciones de autobuses, vehículos o medios de transporte colectivo urbano e interurbano, vehículos de transporte de empresa, taxis, ambulancias, funiculares y teleféricos. - Todos los espacios del transporte suburbano (vagones, andenes, pasillos, escaleras, estaciones, etc.) - Estaciones, puertos y medios de transporte ferroviario y marítimo - Aeropuertos, aeronaves con origen y destino en territorio nacional y en todos los vuelos de compañías aéreas españolas, incluidos aquellos compartidos con vuelos de compañías extranjeras - Estaciones de servicio y similares - Cualquier otro lugar en el que, por mandato de esta Ley o de otra norma o por decisión de su titular, se prohíba fumar. - Hoteles, hostales y establecimientos análogos, salvo en los espacios al aire libre. No obstante, podrán habilitarse habitaciones fijas para fumadores, siempre que cumplan con los requisitos establecidos en el artículo 8. - Bares, restaurantes y demás establecimientos de restauración cerrados. - Salas de teatro, cine y otros espectáculos públicos que se realizan en espacios cerrados - Recintos de los parques infantiles y áreas o zonas de juego para la infancia - En todos los demás espacios cerrados de uso público o colectivo Está prohibido fumar en todos los espacios públicos cerrados: - Centros y dependencias de las Administraciones públicas y entidades de Derecho público - Centros, servicios o establecimientos sanitarios, así como en los espacios cubiertos comprendidos en sus recintos - Centros docentes y formativos, incluyendo los accesos inmediatos a los edificios o aceras circundantes - Instalaciones deportivas y lugares donde se desarrollen espectáculos públicos - Zonas destinadas a la atención directa al público - Centros comerciales, incluyendo grandes superficies y galerías - Centros de atención social - Centros de ocio o esparcimiento - Centros culturales, salas de lectura, exposición, biblioteca, conferencias y museos - Salas de fiesta, establecimientos de juego o de uso público en general - Áreas o establecimientos donde se elaboren, transformen, preparen, degusten o vendan alimentos. - Ascensores y elevadores - Cabinas telefónicas, recintos de los cajeros automáticos y otros espacios cerrados de uso público de reducido tamaño. Se entiende por espacio de uso público de reducido tamaño aquel que no ocupe una extensión superior a cinco metros cuadrados. - Estaciones de autobuses, vehículos o medios de transporte colectivo urbano e interurbano, vehículos de transporte de empresa, taxis, ambulancias, funiculares y teleféricos. - Todos los espacios del transporte suburbano (vagones, andenes, pasillos, escaleras, estaciones, etc.) - Estaciones, puertos y medios de transporte ferroviario y marítimo - Aeropuertos, aeronaves con origen y destino en territorio nacional y en todos los vuelos de compañías aéreas españolas, incluidos aquellos compartidos con vuelos de compañías extranjeras - Estaciones de servicio y similares - Cualquier otro lugar en el que, por mandato de esta Ley o de otra norma o por decisión de su titular, se prohíba fumar. - Hoteles, hostales y establecimientos análogos, salvo en los espacios al aire libre. No obstante, podrán habilitarse habitaciones fijas para fumadores, siempre que cumplan con los requisitos establecidos en el artículo 8. - Bares, restaurantes y demás establecimientos de restauración cerrados. - Salas de teatro, cine y otros espectáculos públicos que se realizan en espacios cerrados - Recintos de los parques infantiles y áreas o zonas de juego para la infancia - En todos los demás espacios cerrados de uso público o colectivo
South Africa AFR Partial ban. 25% of indoor public areas (e.g restaurants, hotels) are allowed for smoking. Regulations and specifications on indoor public areas are being currently reviewed Report not provided Partial ban. 25% of indoor public areas (e.g restaurants, hotels) are allowed for smoking. Regulations and specifications on indoor public areas are being currently reviewed
Czechia EUR As regards freely accessible interior public places - smoking is banned with the exception of structurally separated areas designated for smoking. There are some conditions for smoking rooms which must be fullfiled by owner stipulated in Section10 (ban of entry to persons under 18 years of age, appropriate marking etc.). As regards freely accessible interior public places - smoking is banned with the exception of structurally separated areas designated for smoking. There are some conditions for smoking rooms which must be fullfiled by owner stipulated in Section10 (ban of entry to persons under 18 years of age, appropriate marking etc.). As regards freely accessible interior public places - smoking is banned with the exception of structurally separated areas designated for smoking. There are some conditions for smoking rooms which must be fulfilled by the owner stipulated in Section10 (ban of entry to persons under 18 years of age, appropriate marking etc.).
Republic of North Macedonia EUR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Türkiye EUR Smokefree Law covers all indoor places especially public ones since the very begining of the implementation of the mentiioned Law. Smokefree Law covers all indoor places especially public ones since the very begining of the implementation of the mentiioned Law. Smokefree Law covers all indoor places especially public ones since the very begining of the implementation of the mentiioned Law.
Yemen EMR يختلف حيث وجدنا أن تنفيذه في القطاع الخاص أفضل منه في العام والحكومي Report not provided يختلف حيث وجدنا أن تنفيذه في القطاع الخاص أفضل منه في العام والحكومي
Senegal AFR Oui prévue dans larticle 18 de la loi. Oui prévue dans larticle 18 de la loi. Oui prévue dans larticle 18 de la loi.
San Marino EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Romania EUR Smoking is banned in indoor public places. It is allowed only in international airports is special organized spaces. Report not provided Report not provided
Republic of Moldova EUR developed a Guide for managers of hospitality sector facilities with recommendation how to apply law provisions, also adopted a Instruction for Public health and Police officers how to enforce the Law developed a Guide for managers of hospitality sector facilities with recommendation how to apply law provisions, also adopted a Instruction for Public health and Police officers how to enforce the Law developed a Guide for managers of hospitality sector facilities with recommendation how to apply law provisions, also adopted a Instruction for Public health and Police officers how to enforce the Law
India SEA As mandated under the COTPA, 2003 and rules made under the Act, “public place” means any place to which the public have access, whether as of right or not, and includes auditorium, hospital buildings, railway waiting room, amusement centres, restaurants, public offices, court buildings, educational institutions, libraries, public conveyances and the like which are visited by general public but does not include any open space. Public place includes all indoor workplaces, including private workplaces. Public place includes all indoor workplaces, including private workplaces.
Ireland EUR Smoking has been banned from all indoor public places since 2004 with the enactment of The Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2002. Smoking has been banned from all indoor public places since 2004 with the enactment of The Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2002. Smoking has been banned from all indoor public places since 2004
Italy EUR Smoking is not allowed in all enclosed place (public and private). The law allows the possibility to create rooms for smokers realized with well defined structural and ventilation criteria Smoking is not allowed in all enclosed place (public and private). The law allows the possibility to create rooms for smokers realized with well defined structural and ventilation criteria Smoking is not allowed in all enclosed place (public and private). The law allows the possibility to create rooms for smokers realized with well defined structural and ventilation criteria
Nepal SEA Tobacco smoking is completely banned in indoor public places. Tobacco smoking is completely banned in indoor public places. Tobacco smoking is completely banned in indoor public places.
Iran (Islamic Republic of) EMR Smoking in all indoor public places completely banned and enforced. Restriction in banning smoking in traditional tea shops which get the license before the ratification of the convention is still has a problem in enforcement. Respecting the religious principals (Islam), there are no pubs and bars in the I.R.IRAN. Smoking in all indoor public places completely banned and enforced. Restriction in banning smoking in traditional tea shops which get the license before the ratification of the convention is still has a problem in enforcement. Respecting the religious principals (Islam), there are no pubs and bars in the I.R.IRAN. Smoking in all indoor public places completely banned and enforced. Restriction in banning smoking in traditional tea shops which get the license before the ratification of the convention is still has a problem in enforcement. Respecting the religious principals (Islam), there are no pubs and bar in the I.R.IRAN.but since these are mentioned in the list of public places, complete ban is marked
Iraq EMR Smokers in indoor public places, including public transport, shall be fined 10000 Iraqi dinars in accordance with the smoking control law. Smokers in indoor public places, including public transport, shall be fined 10000 Iraqi dinars in accordance with the smoking control law. Smokers in indoor public places, including public transport, shall be fined 10000 Iraqi dinars in accordance with the smoking control law.
Israel EUR Report not provided Smoking designated rooms are allowed. Report not provided