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Party Region 2023 2020 2018
Sudan EMR Answer not provided 1. تم تدريب الشخص المحوري لمكافحة التبغ علي المادة 5.3 من قبل منظمة الصحة العالمية 2. تم وضع سياسات لتنفيذ المادة 5.3 بالتعاون مع المستشار القانوني 3. تم لايوجد
Suriname AMR Answer not provided In November 2017 a Sensitization workshop on Tobacco Industry Interference - Implementation and Enforcement of Article 5.3. A follow up workshop “Formulating prerequisites for the inter sectoral working group on tobacco control was held end of 2018. Within the current HiAP approach advocated by the Ministry of Health, building coalitions with strategic partners is recognized as a major tool and adds to the implementation and further enactment and enforcement of the Tobacco control law. In November 2017 a Sensitization workshop on Tobacco Industry Interference - Implementation and Enforcement of Article 5.3. The follow up of this workshop is planed for May 2018. See enclosed the report of this workshop.
Sweden EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Syrian Arab Republic EMR Answer not provided لم تتم مشاركة مؤؤسة التبغ في سورية أثناء وضع سياسة مكافحة التبغ لم تتم مشاركة مؤؤسة التبغ في سورية أثناء وضع سياسة مكافحة التبغ
Tajikistan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Thailand SEA -The experts of NTPCC members should not be involved. Since the tobacco industry’s play an important role in imposing tobacco control policies and rejecting partnerships and non-binding agreements, there is a written rule on the exclusion of TI-affiliated organizations' involvement in all tobacco control processes. Moreover, Thailand creates the declaration of conflict-of-interest forms for the national tobacco product control committee to sign before attending the meeting, which considers the important policies of tobacco control. - According to Principle 2 (accountable and transparent), a code of conduct for interacting with the TI has been enacted for the officials of the Ministry of Public Health. The conduct does not include other government officials. According to Article 12(c), a variety of activities have been conducted. 1) public education on tobacco industry tactics, 2) community campaigns for countering, which prohibit the advertisement of tobacco products directly and indirectly through media or any other methods; and 3) CSR monitoring and urge educational institutes to decline any sponsoring activities from tobacco industries 4) Tobacco state enterprises are treated the same way as any other tobacco industries. Advocacy meetings conducted for policy makers and technical staff from related ministries. To protect tobacco control policies from commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry in accordance with national law. Regulation of Ministry of Public Health (code of conduct in interacting with the TI) was improved and is already signed by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health which is provided material in accordance of Article 5.3 as part of WHO-FCTC. This regulation must be carried out by officials in Ministry of Public Health. to protect tobacco control policies from commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry in accordance with national law . Regulation of Ministry of Public Health was improved already and it is in the process of sign by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health. Provided material in accordance of Article 5.3 as part of the Tobacco Product Control Bill
Timor-Leste SEA Report not provided Report not provided There is some progress made in implementation of protection of public health related to tobacco control such as development of national comprehensive tobacco decree law and coordination with relevant ministries for enforcement (Commerce Industry, Ministry of Finance, Secretariat State of Environmental and Secretariat State of Youth and Sport).
Tonga WPR Answer not provided Remains the same as in the last Report. Remains the same as in the last Report 2016.
Trinidad and Tobago AMR The country continues by way of its Ministry of Health to sensitize all its partners as well as the public regarding Article 5.3. As was mentioned at C 123, internally at the Ministry of Health, the hiring process to the Tobacco Control Unit is guided by the use of an approved declaration form to allow for candidates' disclosure of any affiliation with the tobacco industry. To date, there has been no interference from the sole manufacturer/ any tobacco product importer as far as the Tobacco Control Unit, and by extension the Government of Trinidad and Tobago. There are no advertisements, promotions and sponsorship by the tobacco industry. To date, there has been no interference from the sole manufacturer/ any tobacco product importer as far as the Tobacco Control Unit, and by extension the Government of Trinidad and Tobago. There are no advertisements, promotions, and sponsorship by the tobacco industry.
Tunisia EMR Answer not provided Il nya pas eu dinfluence et dinterférence de lindustrie du tabac du moins de façon visible mais malheureusement, lors de lenquête GYTS de 2010, on a relevé que des élèves ont reçu des cigarettes avec du bonbon et chocolat gratuitement (cigarettes données par des inconnus devant lécole) Il nya pas eu dinfluence et dinterférence de lindustrie du tabac du moins de façon visible mais malheureusement, lors de lenquête GYTS de 2010, on a relevé que des élèves ont reçu des cigarettes avec du bonbon et chocolat gratuitement (cigarettes données par des inconnus devant lécole)
Turkmenistan EUR Answer not provided Розничная цена на сигареты в 2018 году повысилась на 20 % по сравнению с 2017 годом. Также акцизный налог на табачные изделия повысился на 25 % по сравнению с 2017 годом. Розничная цена на сигареты за 2017 год повысилась на 25 % по сравнению с 2016 годом. Также акцизный налог на табачные изделия повысился на 25 % по сравнению с 2016 годом.
Tuvalu WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Uganda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ukraine EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
United Arab Emirates EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland EUR The UK Government has developed guidance to support adherence to Article 5.3 for all government departments and government officials. This will be published imminently. The Scottish Government does not engage with the tobacco industry. The Scottish consultation on vaping in 2022 include a declaration of interest for all respondents to ensure that industry returns were correctly notified. Work is on-going over the commitment to undertake an audit of Article 5.3, which was impacted by the covid pandemic. In introducing standardised packaging in Jersey Public Health Officers restricted all communications on the practicalities of implementation and the final standardised packaging regulations with the tobacco industry by email. In Gibraltar The Tobacco Control Regulations 2020 state that the focal point for tobacco control must ensure that policies are not influenced by commercial or other vested interests of the tobacco industry. Guernsey does not meet with tobacco manufactures, accept any sponsorship or canvas their views. ‘Towards a Smokefree Generation: A Tobacco Control Plan for England’ included a chapter titled ‘Regulation and enforcement’ where the Government recommitted to uphold its obligations under the WHO FCTC. Through this plan, the Government committed to transparency by continuing to publish information on all meetings with the tobacco industry to further transparency. The exception is for commercially or operationally sensitive information. Work to implement this is ongoing. In the Plan, the Government said it would limit direct contact with the tobacco industry to that necessary to discuss the implementation of regulatory provisions or operational matters, and that it would encourage tobacco companies to engage with the Government in writing rather than face to face, email or phone communications so as to maximise transparency. This policy continues. Scotlands action plan includes a commitment to audit Scottish compliance with Article 5.3 in 2020. The Welsh Government does not engage with the tobacco industry. In Jersey policy officers are aware of and act in accordance with the guiding principles. Initial high-level briefing has also been given to all Ministers, raising awareness of requirements. Currently considering approaches to ensure transparent communications with tobacco industry in regulation development around standardised packaging, soon to be implemented. Guernsey does not meet with tobacco manufacturers, accept any sponsorship or canvas their views Local authorities are encouraged to follow the Governments lead in this area. The Government has restated the importance of local authorities abiding to Article 5.3. Government Departments frequently recirculate guidance on Article 5.3. ‘Towards a Smokefree Generation: A Tobacco Control Plan for England’ included a chapter titled ‘Regulation and enforcement’ where the Government recommitted to uphold its obligations under the WHO FCTC. Through this plan, the Government committed to transparency by continuing to publish information on all meetings with the tobacco industry to further transparency. The exception is for commercially or operationally sensitive information. In the plan the Government said it would limit direct contact with the tobacco industry to that necessary to discuss the implementation of regulatory provisions or operational matters, and that it would encourage tobacco companies to engage with the government in writing rather than face to face, email or phone communications so as to maximise transparency. Local authorities are encouraged to follow the Governments lead in this area.
United Republic of Tanzania AFR Report not provided Refused to participate in any meetings organised or have an element of Tobacco industry Answer not provided
Uzbekistan EUR В Узбекистане в период 2020-2021 гг. средневзвешенная доля акцизных налогов в розничной цене сигарет составила в пределах 31.5% - 32.3%. В этот период основные усилия были направлены на продвижение нового Закона Республики Узбекистан «Об ограничении распространения и употребления алкогольной и табачной продукции». В связи с этим, не были осуществлены меры, влияющие на ценовую политику. Report not provided Report not provided
Vanuatu WPR none Answer not provided Report not provided
Venezuela AMR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Viet Nam WPR Answer not provided Viet Nam has been able to exclude the TI representative from attending COP 7. Viet Nam has been able to exclude the TI representative from attending COP 7.
Zambia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Not much progress has been made apart from the fact that the public and key government Ministries and departments have been provided information on the schemes and manipulations of the tobacco industry.
Russian Federation EUR В 2021 г. акцизы на табачную и никотинсодержащую продукцию были повышены на 20%. По данным Федерального казначейства, повышение акцизов способствовало росту доходов бюджета государства от налогов на табачную и иную никотинсодержащую продукцию на 115 млрд рублей (с 612 млрд рублей в 2020 г. до 727 млрд рублей в 2021 г.). В 2022 г. акцизы на табачную и никотинсодержащую продукцию были повышены на 4%. 1 апреля 2021 года вступил в силу Федеральный закон от 30.12.2020 N 504-ФЗ "О внесении изменений в статью 13 Федерального закона "Об охране здоровья граждан от воздействия окружающего табачного дыма, последствий потребления табака или потребления никотинсодержащей продукции". В отношении сигарет и папирос введена единая минимальная цена, которая рассчитывается на основе минимального значения ставки акциза на единицу потребительской упаковки (пачку) табачной продукции, ставки налога на добавленную стоимость и повышающего коэффициента по следующей формуле: ЕМЦТП = 0,02 x СА x (1 + СНДС) x 1,4, где СА - минимальное значение ставки акциза в рублях за 1000 штук в отношении сигарет и папирос, установленное Налоговым кодексом Российской Федерации на соответствующий период; СНДС - ставка налога на добавленную стоимость, установленная Налоговым кодексом Российской Федерации. Полномочием рассчитывать значение единой минимальной цены (в целых рублях с округлением в большую сторону) уполномочено Министерство сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации. При этом определено, что реализация сигарет и папирос потребителям осуществляется исключительно по максимальным розничным ценам (они печатаются на упаковке и устанавливаются производителем или импортером в соответствии со статьей 187.1 Налогового кодекса Российской Федерации). В 2022 г. единая минимальная цена составляла 112 рублей за упаковку (пачку) продукции. Answer not provided Report not provided
Rwanda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Tobacco control law was gazetted on 8th April 2013. Publication of two regulations: (1)Ministerial Order determining the content and design of the warning to be put on the package of tobacco and tobacco products published in the Official Gazette nᵒ 26 of 29/06/2015 (2) Ministerial Order determining the characteristics of smoking areas and the content which shall be included in the notice to be displayed in the smoking area published in the Official Gazette nᵒ 26 of 29/06/2015
Saint Kitts and Nevis AMR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Saint Lucia AMR Provisions included in the new national tobacco control policy. Enactment of Comprehensive tobacco legislation has been reclassified to high priority by The Ministry of Health and Wellness. Projects for legislative and policy formulation are in progress. Enactment of Comprehensive tobacco legislation has been reclassified to high priority by The Ministry of Health and Wellness. Projects for legislative and policy formulation are in progress.
Samoa WPR conducted consultation of draft national guidelines for Article 5.3 , yet to have consultation with PSC to adopt Article into the Public Service commission policies. There has been minimal progress in implementing Article 5.3 but there is plan to develop Code of Conduct for art 5.3 in the current work plan as a way forward of implementation. There has been minimal progress in implementing Article 5.3, and more assistance is required.
Sao Tome and Principe AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Saudi Arabia EMR Answer not provided تعمل المملكة العربية السعودية على تبني سياسات مكافحة للتبغ وتعمل على حمايتها من تدخل دوائر التبغ. حيث قامت بتبني تشريع التغليف البسيط بالإضافة إلى وضع آلية لتنظيم بيع منتجات التبغ الإلكترونية حسب شروط معينة Answer not provided
Serbia EUR Answer not provided No improvements have been made since 2016. No improvements have been made since 2016.
Seychelles AFR Answer not provided The Board has not yet been working on the related regulation for Article 13 in Seychelles Tobacco Control Act, but this is to come The Board has not yet been working on the related regulation for Article 13 in Seychelles Tobacco Control Act, but this is to come
Sierra Leone AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Singapore WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Slovakia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Slovenia EUR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Solomon Islands WPR Report not provided Development of guidelines for interactions with the industry Discussions with Ministry of Public Service to factor in elements in Article 5.3 into the code of conduct Public Service training program to include FCTC and specifically Article 5.3 Draft amendment for Article 5.3 to be part of the Tobacco Control Act. The amendment document is at its final draft now and we will be putting it to Cabinet and later the Parliament hopefully before the end of the year. Development of guidelines for interactions with the industry Discussions with Ministry of Public Service to factor in elements in Article 5.3 into the code of conduct Public Service training program to include FCTC and specifically Article 5.3 Draft amendment for Article 5.3 to be part of the Tobacco Control Act. The amendment document is at its final draft now and we will be putting it to Cabinet and later the Parliament hopefully before the end of the year.
Sri Lanka SEA Answer not provided * Website launched and available for public * The apps (android and iso) was developed and in the process of field testing * Website launched and available for public * The apps (android and iso) was developed and in the process of field testing
Nigeria AFR During every National Tobacco Control (NATOCC) Meeting, the Tobacco Industry Interefence is always presented and discussed. Also, during NATOCC members are required to sign a declaration of interest form. The tobacco industry has since been delisted from enjoying any incentive from government. National Tobacco Control Act came into force on 26th May, 2015; Regulations regarding the National Tobacco Control Act 2015 drafted; Organized workshop on WHO FCTC Article 5.3 for Law Enforcement Agencies,and the media in June 2017; Honorable Minister of Health announced during the 2017 WNTD immediate implementation of prohibition of interference of tobacco industry in public health and related issues in line with the law. National Tobacco Control Act came into force on 26th May, 2015; Regulations regarding the National Tobacco Control Act 2015 drafted; Organized workshop on WHO FCTC Article 5.3 for Law Enforcement Agencies,and the media in June 2017; Honorable Minister of Health announced during the 2017 WNTD immediate implementation of prohibition of interference of tobacco industry in public health and related issues in line with the law.
Norway EUR The new tobacco strategy entails as one of its main objectives: "In line with our international obligations, the tobacco industry shall not be able to influence tobacco control policy". One of the measures in the strategy states: "The government will fully implement the FCTC Article 5.3 and its guidelines, ans will consider legislation, information measures and guidelines for public officials." Answer not provided Answer not provided
Oman EMR كل عضو في اللجنة الزطنية لمكافحة التبغ يوقع اقرارا بعدم وجود مصلحة له مع دوائر صناعة التبغ تم ايجاد استمارة تعارض مصالح لاعضاء اللجنة الوطنية لمكافحة التبغ والتنبه على دوائر الوزارة بعدم شراء ادوية من وكلاء شركات التبغ وكذلك التنبيه على جميع الوحدات الحكومية المعنية بعدم قبول معونات وهبات من شركات التبغ. تم ايجاد استمارة تعارض مصالح لاعضاء اللجنة الوطنية لمكافحة التبغ والتنبه على دوائر الوزارة بعدم شراء ادوية من وكلاء شركات التبغ وكذلك التنبيه على جميع الوحدات الحكومية المعنية بعدم قبول معونات وهبات من شركات التبغ. تم ايجاد استمارة تعارض مصالح لاعضاء اللجنة الوطنية لمكافحة التبغ والتنبه على دوائر الوزارة بعدم شراء ادوية من وكلاء شركات التبغ وكذلك التنبيه على جميع الوحدات الحكومية المعنية بعدم قبول معونات وهبات من شركات التبغ.
Pakistan EMR Report not provided To protect tobacco control policies from vested interests of tobacco industry, SOPs and National Action Plan on Article 5.3 have been developed by TCC and approved by Ministry of NHSRC. This NAP is important guideline for interacting with tobacco industry in line with FCTC Article 5.3 guidelines. Technical assistance has been provided to Health, Finance and relevant ministries / departments at federal and provincial level to protect tobacco control policies from tobacco industry influence and get the tobacco control policies implemented. To protect tobacco control policies from vested interests of tobacco industry, SOPs for interacting with tobacco industry in line with FCTC Article 5.3 guidelines has been developed. Technical assistance has been provided to Health, Finance and relevant ministries / departments at federal and provincial level to protect tobacco control policies from tobacco industry influence and get the tobacco control policies implemented.
Paraguay AMR Durante el mes de julio del año 2022 se ha promulgado la ley de protocolo de eliminación de comercio ilícito de productos de tabaco mediante la Ley N° 6950/2022 En proceso de elaboración del código de conducta de los funcionarios públicos en relación a la industria tabacalera No hubo progresos en estos puntos en los últimos 2 años.
Peru AMR En relación al ultimo informe del país, no se ha generado progresos. Se ha difundido y generado una corriente de opinión entre los diversos sectores respecto a la importancia de proteger las políticas de salud de la interferencia de la industria del tabaco. Esto además se evidenció cuando el ex Jefe del Gobierno Español solicitó reunión en enero del 2019 a la Ministra de Salud, reunión a la que no acudió pero a la que acudieron representantes de Philips Morris. Se logró que la ministra no participara en esta reunión, que fuera pública, grabada y asistieron a la reunión representantes de la sociedad civil. todo ello, en estricto cumplimiento de la directrices del CMCT contra los litigios de la industria tabacalera, en ellos se ha puntualizado aspectos relevantes del CMCTOficio 00759-2018-PP-MINSAe. El Ministerio de Justicia, junto con la COLAT , han realizado dos Foros con los Procuradores que defienden al Estado Este año 2020, se tiene programado elaborar la propuesta de Decreto Supremo "Procedimiento de protección de las políticas públicas de salud pública relativas al control del tabaco contra los intereses comerciales y otros intereses. Con fecha 25 de enero 2018 (Oficio 00759-2018-PP-MINSA, informe sobre el resultado del proceso a la definición de “Espacio Público” la Comisión Nacional Permanente de lucha Antitabaquica (COLAT) se reconoce a la Procuraduría Pública del MINSA por el logro obtenido en el proceso judicial interpuesto por la UNITED DISCO S.A.C., contra el Ministerio de Salud, la Municipalidad Distrital de Miraflores y el INDECOPI, sobre la nulidad de la Resolución Administrativa, cuya pretensión fue que se declare barrera burocrática la definición de “espacios públicos cerrados” prevista en el artículo 3° dela Ordenanza N°349-MM; en dicho proceso se obtuvo un pronunciamiento favorable. El Ministerio de Justicia, junto con la COLAT , han realizado dos Foros con los Procuradores que defienden al Estado contra los litigios de la industria tabacalera, en ellos se ha puntualizado aspectos relevantes del CMCT
Poland EUR In line with art 5.3 FCTC Polish Ministry of Health not consider any scientific evidence with preparations was financed by tobacco industry. No changes from last report Answer not provided
Portugal EUR No progress to report. No progress to report. The members of the techical consultative body created by the tobacco law (Law 37/2007 of 14th August, amended and republished by Laws n.º 109/2015 of August26 and 63/2017 of August 3), in order to support its implementation, must declare no conflict of interests with the aim of smoking prevention and control. The General Directorate of Health published, in 2013, guidelines for the implementation of smoking prevention initiatives at community level. These initiatives should be protected from conflict of interests with tobacco industry. The members of the National Scientific Tobacco Prevention Board of the National Programme cannot have conflict of interest with tobacco industry. The members of the techical consultative body created by the tobacco law (Law 37/2007 of 14th August, amended and republished by Laws n.º 109/2015 of August26 and 63/2017 of August 3), in order to support its implementation, must declare no conflict of interests with the aim of smoking prevention and control. The General Directorate of Health published, in 2013, guidelines for the implementation of smoking prevention initiatives at community level. These initiatives should be protected from conflict of interests with tobacco industry. The members of the National Scientific Tobacco Prevention Board of the National Programme cannot have conflict of interest with tobacco industry.
Qatar EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Republic of Korea WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
New Zealand WPR Ongoing updating of the public register, requests for disclosures of tobacco industry links and funding in submissions for the Proposals for the Smoked Tobacco Regulatory Regime The Ministry continues to remind DHBs, Public Health Units and funded stop smoking services to: 1) decline any request from the tobacco industry and 2) advise the Ministry of Health of any approach by the tobacco industry and the response provided to them No changes since the last report.
Nicaragua AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Niger AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Netherlands EUR Every four year a letter is sent to ministries, provinces and local authorities to inform them about art. 5.3. This year a new letter will be sent. - The government set up a document that explains how it interprets article 5.3. - All governments (from municipalities to ministries) have been informed about article 5.3 and how the government interprets this article. - A website and protocol about article 5.3 have been developed (see link above) - The government set up a document that explains how it interprets article 5.3. - All governments (from municipalities to ministries) have been informed about article 5.3 and how the government interprets this article. - A website and protocol about article 5.3 have been developed (see link above)
Madagascar AFR Report not provided une fiche pour la déclaration de non affiliation contre les Industries du tabac a été élaboré. Les membres du CCoLAT ou Comité Consultatif de la Lutte Antitabac ainsi que léquipe de lOFNALAT et le consultant auprès de lOMS ont signé chacun ces fiches Answer not provided
Malaysia WPR NA Malaysia in the process of developing and implementing 5.3 (Code of Conduct) among Ministry of Health’s staff. Malaysia in the process of developing and implementing 5.3 (Code of Conduct) among Ministry of Health’s staff.
Maldives SEA Answer not provided No Updates since last report. No Updates since last report.
Mali AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Marshall Islands WPR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Mauritania AFR Report not provided Adoption de la loi 2020-018 relative à la lutte contre le tabac en Mauritanie. Cette loi est assez conforme aux disposition de la Convention cadre de lOMS pour la lutte antitabac. Un Projet de loi antitabac conforme aux disposition de la CCLAT est au parlement depuis 2013, mais il nest pas encore été discuté ni programmé pour discussion,. Nous esperons quil le soit dans la session prochaine du mois de Mai 2017.
Mauritius AFR Under the Public Health (Restrictions on Tobacco Products) Regulations 2022, promulgated in June 2022, under regulation 25, the tobacco industry have no right to interfere with policies of the Ministry or the Governement. The vested interest if TI is being closely monitored and their moves are being watched. TI has never been able to interfere with the policy decision of the Ministry though they have tried by all means for instance for have a say in the amendments being brought to the current legislations. All requests from TI to meet Management to discuss matters pertaining to our TC policies have been turned down and proposals to set up manufacturing plants on our territory have been turned down Tobacco industry has never been able to interfere in whatsoever way in the day to day running of the Tobacco Control Unit and with policy makers to market their vested interests towards decision makers.
Micronesia (Federated States of) WPR Answer not provided Same as last submission Same as last submission
Mongolia WPR Report not provided The State Policy on Tobacco Control shall be intimate part of the State Policy on Public Health and shall be guided by the principles set out below: • prevent the initiation of the minors and reduce the consumption of tobacco products by sustainable financing of tobacco control and health promoting activities through tax increases reaching to the level indicated in the Convention Framework on Tobacco Control; • protect the public health policies from negative influences of tobacco industry withing the legal framework; • support for participation of private and non-governmental organizations without any affiliation with tobacco industry in developing and implementation of policy and programs on tobacco control; • increase the accessibility of scientific and comprehensive information, education and communication activities on health hazards, economic and environmental consequences of tobacco consumption and passive smoking and affordability of treatment of nicotine addiction; • require the tobacco industry and those “legal entities” working to further its interests to operating and acting in the manner that is accountable and transparent; • it is not recommended to give rewards, tax discounts and other fringe benefits to the tobacco industry; • treat tobacco industry equally regardless of form of ownership in the implementation of Tobacco Control Law; • tobacco industry and those working to further its interests shall not be involved directly or indirectly in drafting, endorsing and implementing tobacco control legislation or policy; • all branches of government and the public shall be provided with information about strategies and tactics used by the tobacco industry including setting and implementation of the government‘s public health related policies and need to be protected from vested interests of the tobacco industry and its advertisement, promotion and sponsorship activities. The State Policy on Tobacco Control shall be intimate part of the State Policy on Public Health and shall be guided by the principles set out below: • prevent the initiation of the minors and reduce the consumption of tobacco products by sustainable financing of tobacco control and health promoting activities through tax increases reaching to the level indicated in the Convention Framework on Tobacco Control; • protect the public health policies from negative influences of tobacco industry withing the legal framework; • support for participation of private and non-governmental organizations without any affiliation with tobacco industry in developing and implementation of policy and programs on tobacco control; • increase the accessibility of scientific and comprehensive information, education and communication activities on health hazards, economic and environmental consequences of tobacco consumption and passive smoking and affordability of treatment of nicotine addiction; • require the tobacco industry and those “legal entities” working to further its interests to operating and acting in the manner that is accountable and transparent; • it is not recommended to give rewards, tax discounts and other fringe benefits to the tobacco industry; • treat tobacco industry equally regardless of form of ownership in the implementation of Tobacco Control Law; • tobacco industry and those working to further its interests shall not be involved directly or indirectly in drafting, endorsing and implementing tobacco control legislation or policy; • all branches of government and the public shall be provided with information about strategies and tactics used by the tobacco industry including setting and implementation of the government‘s public health related policies and need to be protected from vested interests of the tobacco industry and its advertisement, promotion and sponsorship activities.
Mozambique AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Myanmar SEA Answer not provided In collaboration with Peoples Health Foundation, the awareness raising workshop on Article 5.3 was organized for the parliamentarians. A manual for civil servants was also drafted. In collaboration with Peoples Health Foundation, the awareness raising workshop on Article 5.3 was organized for the parliamentarians. A manual for civil servants was also drafted.
Namibia AFR Report not provided The Act on Tobacco Control prohibits charity and free rewards related to tobacco (Article 19 of the law.) and the industry is not part of the Tobacco Control Committee (Article 5(g) of the law.) Report not provided
Nauru WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Jamaica AMR There is a Sub-committee for Alcohol and Tobacco which coordinates tobacco control and resides within the National Multi-sectoral NCDs Committee at the Ministry of Health and Wellness. Additionally, the current draft of the Tobacco Control Bill contains strong provision pertaining to Article 5.3. The Ministry of Health and Wellness has taken steps to ensure that Tobacco Industry does not influence public health policies. The Ministry continues to sensitize Government Officials in relation to tobacco industry interference through workshops and presentations regarding the activities of the industry. The Ministry intends to have ongoing sensitization sessions. We have gained much support for our sensitization activities from civil society, namely the Jamaica Coalition for Tobacco Control. Article 5.3 has been addressed in the comprehensive tobacco control legislation which is being finalized. The Ministry of Health has taken steps to ensure that Tobacco Industry does not influence public health policies. We continue to sensitize Government Officials in relation to tobacco industry interference through workshops and presentations regarding the activities of the industry. We intend to have ongoing sensitization sessions. Article 5.3 will be addressed in the comprehensive tobacco control legislation - This is documented in the Draft Model Discussion Bill which was reviewed and discussed with stakeholders; and which will be used as the policy to inform the comprehensive legislation.
Jordan EMR Answer not provided تم وضع الدلائل الارشادية للمادة 5.3 واعتمادها ويتم منع دعم النشاطات الرياضية ومنع البرامج الموجهة مع جميع الاطراف تم منع الرعاية والدعاية والترويج والاعلان عن منتجات التبغ والتعميم على جميع الوزارات والمؤسسات بعدم التعامل مع شركات التبغ او الدخول في شراكات معها MoH in collaboration with FCTC/WHO has tried to remove tobacco industry representatives from the Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization (JSMO) committee responsible for the development of tobacco products and e-cigarettes regulations. MoH in collaboration with the Framework Convention Alliance (FCA) and the WHO/FCTC issued the first Tobacco Industry Interference Index compiling some publicly available information. MoH in collaboration with the King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) and the WHO/FCTC issued a first report mapping the illicit trade, tobacco products black markets, tobacco business owners and their potential link with the government or academia. تم وضع الدلائل الارشادية للمادة 5.3 واعتمادها ويتم منع دعم النشاطات الرياضية ومنع البرامج الموجهة مع جميع الاطراف
Kazakhstan EUR нет данных Report not provided
Kiribati WPR No available data The draft implementation on the regulation is being aligned with Tobacco Control Act.Training of enforcement officers will be carried out in April in 2016. The draft implementation on the regulation is being aligned with Tobacco Control Act.Training of enforcement officers will be carried out in April in 2016.
Kuwait EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided The amendment requested for the new 42/2014 Law to include prevention of the sponsorship of the tobacco indusrty to any activity
Lao People's Democratic Republic WPR Report not provided 1. Advocacy meetings conducted with key ministries in mentioned in C123. 2. Health sector code of conduct approved by Health Minister in 2018. Advocacy meetings conducted for policy makers and technical staff from related ministries
Lebanon EMR Answer not provided A focal point was created in 2014 at the Ministry of Finance, to serve as an information source and firewall between the state-owner tobacco monopoly and the Ministry of Public Health and other tobacco control advocates A focal point was created in 2014 at the Ministry of Finance, to serve as an information source and firewall between the state-owner tobacco monopoly and the Ministry of Public Health and other tobacco control advocates
Lesotho AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Liberia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Libya EMR البلاد في حالة فوضى طالت عدم الاستقرار والنهوض في كل المجالات تعيش الدولة حالة من عدم الإستقرار السياسي و الأمني أثر سلباً على هذه الأنشطة تعيش الدولة حالة من عدم الإستقرار السياسي و الأمني أثر سلباً على هذه الأنشطة
Lithuania EUR Answer not provided The amendment of the Law on Tobacco Control was adopted 08/12/2016 introducing: - among other principles of state tobacco control policy the principle protection of tobacco policy making and implementation from the commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry; - ban for tobacco manufacturers and vendors to support any events, activities, individuals and mass media in any form and by any means; - ban for the promotion of purchase and / or use of tobacco products in any form and by any means. The amendment of the Law on Tobacco Control was adopted 08/12/2016 introducing: - among other principles of state tobacco control policy the principle protection of tobacco policy making and implementation from the commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry; - ban for tobacco manufacturers and vendors to support any events, activities, individuals and mass media in any form and by any means; - ban for the promotion of purchase and / or use of tobacco products in any form and by any means.
Luxembourg EUR Answer not provided Transposition de la directive européenne 2014/40/UE en droit national. Signature et ratification par le Luxembourg du protocol FCTC de lOMS. Transposition de la directive européenne 2014/40/UE en droit national. Signature et ratification par le Luxembourg du protocol FCTC de lOMS.
Eswatini AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ethiopia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
European Union EUR See previous reply to C123. Since 1 December 2019, each Member of the College of Commissioners designates in his/her Cabinet an ‘ethics & transparency contact point’ to ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct for the Members of the Commission and with the rules governing meetings, publication of these meetings and access to documents. See section V of P(2019) 2: Answer not provided
Fiji WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Finland EUR There is lack of information among some authorites and therefore we have started to develop more concrete guidelines on Art. 5.3. Answer not provided There was a lively discussion about tobacco industry activities in media in 2017 when professor Heikki Hiilamo published a report about tobacco industry tactics worldwide (including Nordic countries and Finland).
Gambia AFR The committee is still functional and monitoring the activities of tobacco industries quarterly. The Tobacco Control Act 2016 has been in force since December 2018 which is in compliance with the WHOFCTC. The draft National Tobacco Control Bill have clauses that protect the public health of the population from the interest of the tobacco industry.
Ghana AFR Answer not provided All meetings with the Tobacco Industry has been open, has been on regulatory or taxation purposes. The Industry has not been allowed in any of meetings or activities of Tobacco control. All meetings with the Tobacco Industry has been open, has been on regulatory or taxation purposes. The Industry has not been allowed in any of meetings or activities of Tobacco control.
Greece EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Grenada AMR Report not provided N/A N/A
Guatemala AMR Se han realizado coordinaciones con el Congreso de la República, así como con autoridades y varias instancias del Ministerio de Salud para proteger las Políticas de Salud Pública de control del tabaco, con base en la legislación nacional: Código de Salud, Ley de Ambientes Libres de Humo de Tabaco y otras. Adicionalmente, se han tenido conversaciones con representantes de la Cámara de Comercio y otros comercializadores. Se continúa trabajando en la transparencia en las interacciones con la industria tabacalera. Se tiene prevista la elaboración de regulaciones que incluyan las normas de interacción correspodientes. Se continúa trabajando en la transparencia en las interacciones con la industria tabacalera. Se tiene prevista la elaboración de regulaciones que incluyan las normas de interacción correspodientes.
Guinea-Bissau AFR Answer not provided Pas dinformation Pas dinformation
Guyana AMR Answer not provided The National Tobacco Control Act has been passed in the National Assembly on 27th July 2017. The National Tobacco Control Act has been passed in the National Assembly on 27th July 2017.
Honduras AMR Report not provided Honduras está obligada a dar cumplimiento a las disposiciones relativas a protección de las políticas de salud pública relativas al control del tabaco contra los intereses comerciales y otros intereses creados de la industria tabacalera y a la facilitación del acceso del público, conforme a lo prescrito en el artículo 12(c), a una amplia variedad de información sobre las actividades de la industria tabacalera que revista interés para el objetivo del Convenio, disponible como fuente de información pública, para lo cual el Instituto Hondureño para la Prevención del Alcoholismo, Drogadicción y Farmacodependencia (IHADFA) y otras organizaciones e instituciones del Estado y la Sociedad Civil están en constante observación del cumplimiento, control y seguimiento de las referidas disposiciones jurídicas, para lo cual Honduras ha dado avances significativos al respecto, Y adicionalmente en Honduras se cuenta con el Instituto de Acceso a la Información Pública donde se atienden denuncias a nivel nacional como un sistema de vigilancia del cumplimiento de estas estipulaciones legales y su estricto cumplimiento, adicionalmente al interior del IHADFA se cuenta con una oficina de transparencia donde se monitorea diariamente el ingreso de cualquier denuncia a nivel nacional y dar el seguimiento respectivo ante las organismos contralores del Estado, y de igual manera la Sociedad Civil como la Alianza Hondureña Antitabaco monitorea día a día el cumplimiento dichas disposiciones ya referidas. En la actualidad se está dando seguimiento a las estrategias establecidas en el Plan Nacional de Control del Tabaco para dar cumplimiento a lo establecido en Artículo 5.3 en referencia. Honduras está obligada a dar cumplimiento a las disposiciones relativas a protección de las políticas de salud pública relativas al control del tabaco contra los intereses comerciales y otros intereses creados de la industria tabacalera y a la facilitación del acceso del público, conforme a lo prescrito en el artículo 12(c), a una amplia variedad de información sobre las actividades de la industria tabacalera que revista interés para el objetivo del Convenio, disponible como fuente de información pública, para lo cual el Instituto Hondureño para la Prevención del Alcoholismo, Drogadicción y Farmacodependencia (IHADFA) y otras organizaciones e instituciones del Estado y la Sociedad Civil están en constante observación del cumplimiento, control y seguimiento de las referidas disposiciones jurídicas, para lo cual Honduras ha dado avances significativos al respecto, Y adicionalmente en Honduras se cuenta con el Instituto de Acceso a la Información Pública donde se atienden denuncias a nivel nacional como un sistema de vigilancia del cumplimiento de estas estipulaciones legales y su estricto cumplimiento, adicionalmente al interior del IHADFA se cuenta con una oficina de transparencia donde se monitorea diariamente el ingreso de cualquier denuncia a nivel nacional y dar el seguimiento respectivo ante las organismos contralores del Estado, y de igual manera la Sociedad Civil como la Alianza Hondureña Antitabaco monitorea día a día el cumplimiento dichas disposiciones ya referidas.
Hungary EUR Answer not provided The State Secretaritat for Health of the Ministry of Human Capacities is not related to the representatives of the tobacco industry. Hungary made use of all the options that the aforementioned 2014/40/EU directive provides: regulation of electronic cigarettes, the introduction of a single, neutral packaging system of tobacco products, the banning of menthol capsules, the use of combined health-warnings on all tobacco products, the regulation of additives in tobacco products. The State Secretaritat for Health of the Ministry of Human Capacities is not related to the representatives of the tobacco industry.
Costa Rica AMR - Mediante la directriz DM-JM-3274-2018 se dejó sin efecto la Directriz DM-RM-6540-2013 que permitía la exhibición de los productos de tabaco en los comercios. Como una estrategia de publicidad que incentivaba la venta de los productos de tabaco y sus derivados. A partir del establecimiento del Programa Control de tabaco se ha generado una serie de alianzas estratégicas que facilitan el quehacer cotidiano en la lucha contra la injerencia de la industria tabacalera y favorecen la implementación de la Ley 9028. A raíz de la solicitud presentada al congreso legislativo por 2 diputados con el fin de efectuar modificación al artículo 18 de la Ley inciso a), que dice “Se prohíbe vender cajetillas que contengan menos de 20 cigarrillos“, surge el grupo de difusión integrado por profesionales, ONG y sociedad civil, donde a través de una red social se alerta cuando se percibe la injerencia de la industria tabacalera en el accionar del país para mitigar el efecto de la Ley 9028 para coordinar acciones. Además, en agosto del 2017 se llevó a cabo un taller de tres días con dos profesionales internacionales ( The Union y Corporate Accountability International), financiada por el Ministerio de Salud, en donde participaron funcionarios de varias instituciones relacionadas con el control de tabaco y con abogados del Ministerio de Salud. El objetivo consistió en generar el compromiso de los funcionarios públicos en la búsqueda de una correcta aplicación del artículo 5.3 del CMCT que contrarreste la interferencia de la industria tabacalera en la política pública nacional. Como resultado, la propuesta de creación de códigos de conducta o declaración de intereses con la industria tabacalera a lo interno del Ministerio de Salud está pendiente de presentarse al próximo ministro o ministra de salud para el periodo 2018-2022.
Côte d'Ivoire AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Croatia EUR no changes since the last report Croatia has utilized the “Guidelines for implementation of Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC” when developing or implementing policies in this area. We used this guidelines in everyday work, when deciding how to deal with the tobacco industry, in a manner that is accountable and transparent. Answer not provided
Cyprus EUR Answer not provided The new legislation was prepared without interference of the tobacco industry. The new legislation was prepared without interference of the tobacco industry.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea SEA Report not provided Tobacco programme is focusing on strict implementation of national tobacco control law. Full IEC campaigns are conducted through mass media to raise awareness on tobacco control and tobacco law, and WHO guidance is shared on regular basis. World No Tobacco Days are observed every year and this year it will focus on protecting youth from industry manipulation and preventing them from tobacco and nicotine use. Tobacco Control Law DPR Korea is being implemented which articulates tobacco can be sold only by the approved agencies and sale by the unapproved agencies or individuals if any is punished. Tobacco production, sale and import is highly regulated by the government. The Tobacco control law permits production, sale and import of tobacco only by the licensed institutions, enterprises and organizations in specified quantities only.
Democratic Republic of the Congo AFR Answer not provided Avec la promulgation de la loi antitabac, les industriels nous ont approchés pour nous faire des propositions dans lélaboration des mesures dapplication. Answer not provided
Denmark EUR No legislative measures since submission of the last report, but there is an awareness of the tobacco and nicotine market fast developing, which is taking into account in implementing public health policies No legislative measures since submission of the last report. There has been no change since the last report.
Djibouti EMR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Dominica AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Egypt EMR Answer not provided قامت شركه فيليب موريس بالتقدم لوزير الصحه بمشروع لرفع الوعي لدي شباب الجامعات عن مخاطر التدخين و تم التصدي لها بعد مقابله وزير الصحه و تقديم المستندات الازمه لوقف هذه المحاوله لخرق الماده ٥.٣ من الاتفاقيه الاطاريه لمكافحه التبغ و كذلك محاوله تشخير الطرق الصحراويه و تدعيم و تجديد بعض المدارس في القري المصريه قامت شركه فيليب موريس بالتقدم لوزير الصحه بمشروع لرفع الوعي لدي شباب الجامعات عن مخاطر التدخين و تم التصدي لها بعد مقابله وزير الصحه و تقديم المستندات الازمه لوقف هذه المحاوله لخرق الماده ٥.٣ من الاتفاقيه الاطاريه لمكافحه التبغ و كذلك محاوله تشخير الطرق الصحراويه و تدعيم و تجديد بعض المدارس في القري المصريه
El Salvador AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Equatorial Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided EL PLAN ESTRATEGICO NO ESTA VALIDADO
Estonia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Brunei Darussalam WPR Survey was conducted to look at awareness of civil servants on the existence of the Code of Conduct. Results showed that 73.2% of the respondents are aware of the code of conduct. The Code of Conduct has been finalised and circulated to all civil servants in December 2019. The Code of Conduct is currently being finalised by Prime Ministers Office.
Bulgaria EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided In October 2015, Parliament agreed on first reading the Draft Law on Amendment and Supplement of the Law on tobacco and tobacco products, by which compliance of national legislation with European Community law (Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament) in the field of contents of tobacco products, the regulation of tobacco product disclosures, packaging and labelling of tobacco products, advertising and sale of tobacco and illicit trade in tobacco products, manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related tobacco products, is achieved.
Burkina Faso AFR Answer not provided - Les comités mis en place dans les ministères sur des dossiers tabac ne comportent pas de représentants de lindustrie - Le ministère de la santé a posé plaintes contre lindustrie pour non respect de la réglementation ( concernant les messages graphiques) Answer not provided
Burundi AFR Report not provided Organisation de deux ateliers d’informations et d’échanges sur l’article 5.3 de la CCLAT « protection des politiques antitabac contre l’ingérence de l’industrie du tabac » auprès des cadres des différents ministères, des Parlementaires et institutions publiques et des Organisations de la Société Civile Report not provided
Cabo Verde AFR Answer not provided Ce rapport est le premier du Cap-Vert Le décret-loi n ° 46/2007 du 10 Décembre 2007, publié au Journal Oficial n °. 45 - Série I 10 Décembre, ADOPTE LE CODE DE LA PUBLICITÉ, que interdit toute forme de publicité, de promotion et de parrainage du tabac; Le décret-loi n ° 4/2010: 3 Juin BO n °. 21 - Série I 3 Juin 2010 - a approuvé le code des douanes et définit les crimes de contrebande et de limpôt. Ce rapport est le premier du Cap-Vert Le décret-loi n ° 46/2007 du 10 Décembre 2007, publié au Journal Oficial n °. 45 - Série I 10 Décembre, ADOPTE LE CODE DE LA PUBLICITÉ, que interdit toute forme de publicité, de promotion et de parrainage du tabac; Le décret-loi n ° 4/2010: 3 Juin BO n °. 21 - Série I 3 Juin 2010 - a approuvé le code des douanes et définit les crimes de contrebande et de limpôt.
Cambodia WPR Report not provided Provided training on FCTC article 5.3 for 490 Tobacco Inspection Officers and disseminate FCTC article 5.3 through dissemination workshop on Tobacco Control law at provincial levels including local authorities. The code of conduct to implement article 5.3 in health care staff of the Ministry of Health has been established. Disseminate article 5.3 to all members of National Tobacco Control Committee.
Canada AMR BC - Reviewed and familiarized myself with Article 5.3 AB - No changes made since Jan. 2020. Canada - Public Safety follows a strict procedure when interacting with the tobacco industry and its subsidiaries in order to protect GoC policy from their commercial interests. Public Safety has a standard verbal disclosure statement that it uses to inform tobacco industry representatives and their subsidiaries that information collected and provided during these interactions is subject to Access to Information Policy and full disclosure will be made. Canada continues to review the provisions of Article 5.3 of the FCTC in a Canadian context and has taken steps to inform other federal government departments of the commitment. Canada continues to work with sub-national levels of government to ensure that they are aware of Article 5.3. Canadas civil society also engages in monitoring and putting forward policies and recommendations that are useful in both federal and sub-national tobacco control activities. Health Canada recognizes the importance of Article 5.3 and, as such, now requires participants in consultation processes to declare perceived or actual conflicts of interest in making their submissions. Canada continues to review the provisions of Article 5.3 of the FCTC in a Canadian context and has taken steps to inform other federal government departments of the commitment. Canada continues to work with sub-national levels of government to ensure that they are aware of Article 5.3. Canadas civil society also engages in monitoring and putting forward policies and recommendations that are useful in both federal and sub-national tobacco control activities. In Alberta, in 2017, staff in the Ministry of Health were directed that any and all interaction with the tobacco industry must comply with Article 5.3. Interaction with industry is limited only to those meetings that are absolutely necessary to regulate the industry. Health Canada recognizes the importance of Article 5.3 and, as such, now requires participants in consultation processes to declare perceived or actual conflicts of interest in making their submissions.
Chad AFR Answer not provided en plus des émissions et conférences débats à la radio et à la télévision sur le langage mensogier de lindustrie du tabac , actuellement la sous commission a porté peinte contre lIDT à cause de la publicité faite dans les radios et points de vente.. en plus des émissions et conférences débats à la radio et à la télévision sur le langage mensogier de lindustrie du tabac , actuellement la sous commission a porté peinte contre lIDT à cause de la publicité faite dans les radios et points de vente..
Chile AMR Answer not provided Actualmente se está trabajando coordinadamente de manera sistemática con instituciones tales como Ministerios del Interior, Justicia, Economía para mejorar las coordinaciones en pro de proteger la política pública en relación a control de tabaco. Actualmente se está trabajando coordinadamente de manera sistemática con instituciones tales como Ministerios del Interior, Justicia, Economía para mejorar las coordinaciones en pro de proteger la política pública en relación a control de tabaco.
Colombia AMR "Dentro de las capacitaciones que se dan a las autoridades sanitarias del nivel subnacional, se ha incluido el tema de cómo reconocer la interferencia de la Industria tabacalera y cómo reaccionar ante ella y proteger las políticas públicas. Esto ha sido de gran provecho para los territorios, pues deja de ser un tema que solo se da en las entidades nacionales para entenderlo como un tema de todos los niveles. De igual forma, cuando se ha identificado algun tipo de interferencia a nivel nacional o regional se han generado comunicaciones para desarrollar capacidades y poner en conocimiento de las entidades los posibles incumplimientos que se puedan generar a estas disposiciones. Por otra parte, se insta a las instituciones a revisar las fuentes de financiación en lo posible de la evidencia científica que sirve como fundamento para conceptos o toma de decisiones en relación al control del tabaco. Por otra parte a través del curso de acción colectiva producto del Proyecto FCTC-2030 se ha desarrollado capacidades en la población general interesada en los temas institucionales donde se ha recalcado los derechos y deberes respecto al control del tabaco para generar veedurias ciudadanas que velen por el cumplimiento de dichas disposiciones. de igual manera se ha solicitado en los distintos espacios de discusión y audiencias públicas manifestar cualquier tipo de conflicto de interés que puedan tener las organizaciones y personas que intervienen en dichos espacios." Dentro de las capacitaciones que se dan a las autoridades sanitarias del nivel subnacional, se ha incluido el tema de cómo reconocer la interferencia de la Industria tabacalera y cómo reaccionar ante ella y proteger las políticas públicas. Esto ha sido de gran provecho para los territorios, pues deja de ser un tema que solo se da en las entidades nacionales para entenderlo como un tema de todos los niveles. Answer not provided
Comoros AFR Answer not provided On remarque un taux considérable dabandon du tabac depuis la diffusion des résultats de lenquête Step Wise On remarque un taux considérable dabandon du tabac depuis la diffusion des résultats de lenquête Step Wise
Congo AFR so Le ministère en charge de la santé refuse loffre offerte par lindustrie du tabac représentée dans notre pays par lusine locale SIAT dans lélaboration des textes dapplication de la loi relative à la lutte antitabac. Report not provided
Australia WPR No changes in the reporting period. The Department of Health, with assistance from various other relevant Australian Government agencies, developed “Guidance for Public Officials on Interacting with the Tobacco Industry” (the Guide). The Guidance outlines the obligations placed on public agencies and officials (including elected representatives) under Article 5.3. The guidance has been shared with all Australian Members of Parliament and Senators, as well as with those based at Australia’s High Commissions and Embassies The Department of Health, with assistance from various other Australian Government agencies, has developed “Guidance for Public Officials on Interacting with the Tobacco Industry” (the Guide). The Guidance outlines the obligations placed on public agencies and officials (including elected representatives) under Article 5.3. The guidance has been shared with all Australian Members of Parliament and Senators, as well as with those based at Australia’s High Commissions and Embassies Various Australian Government agencies are currently developing a guidance document to increase understanding and knowledge of Australia’s obligations under Article 5.3.
Austria EUR It is planned that an amendment of the TNRSG will go through the parliamentary review process in the second quarter of 2024 (with planned entry into force within the next few months). The amendment is expected to include, among other things, the extension of existing advertising and sponsoring bans etc. In general, the Federal Ministry of Health is not having any direct contact as such to representatives of the tobacco industry when it comes to the drafting of law targeting the tobacco industry’s interests. Nevertheless, based on constitutional law, representatives of the industry themselves (as any other citizen too) have the right to submit their positions to draft law related to their business by means of the official evaluation procedure. The attempts of the tobacco industry to undermine the existing legal provisions prohibiting advertisement and sponsoring were rejected by the legislator and by various high court decisions. In general, the Federal Ministry of Health is not having any direct contact as such to representatives of the tobacco industry when it comes to the drafting of law targeting the tobacco industry’s interests. Nevertheless, based on constitutional law, representatives of the industry themselves (as any other citizen too) have the right to submit their positions to draft law related to their business by means of the official evaluation procedure. The attempts of the tobacco industry to undermine the existing legal provisions prohibiting advertisement and sponsoring were rejected by the legislator and by various high court decisions.
Azerbaijan EUR Answer not provided On 21 December, 2017 the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic "On Approval of excise rates of goods involved in Excise Tax on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan" was amended. This decision came into force after 30 days, on 23 January, 2018 (the tax rates for imported tobacco products were raised up to 2-3 time from previous rates). In addition, new amendments and additions were made to the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan by Law No. 1356-VQD dated November 30, 2018. By the new Law, excise tax on the import of liquid for electronic cigarettes is 20 manat per 1 liter. Appropriate change in «Tax Code» was came into force on February 10, 2019. From January 1, 2019, the excise tax on locally produced cigarettes was increased from 12 to 20 AZN per 1000 pieces. In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Medical Insurance dated 28.12.2018, the amount of compulsory health insurance was set at 0.05 manat for each excise stamp issued for tobacco products. This Law comes into force from January 1, 2020. From January 1, 2020, the excise tax will be increased from 20 to 31 manats per 1000 cigarillos (thin cigarettes), and on cigarettes made from tobacco and its substitutes from 20 to 31 manats per 1000 pieces. This was reflected in the Law "On Amendments to the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan" signed by the Presidentual decree on December 25, 2019. The prices of imported tobacco products have increased approximately 15-30-75% since last reporting. On October 04, 2018, by the Decree № 290 of the President of Azerbaijan Republic the new paragraph was added to the "Statute of the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan Republic" - "8.10-3. To implement state policy and state control in the field of protection from harmful effects of tobacco use". Answer not provided
Bangladesh SEA N/A No progress has made. Only draft guideline is prepared. We have made a draft guideline on Article 5.3 on Bangladesh perspective. It will be finalized very soon and will be disseminated to all concerned.
Barbados AMR nil Report not provided The Ministry of Health remains vigilant in this area
Belize AMR Answer not provided Draft a National Tobacco Bill for the protection of public health policies with respect to tobacco control. This bill has been reviewed by the Ministry of Health and the Attorney Generals Ministry, however it has not been adopted nor legislated. Report not provided
Benin AFR Answer not provided un petit progrès, les taxes sur le tabac ont été augmenté à 55 % dans le code général des Impôts 2019 Dans la loi des finances 2020, la taxe sur le tabac est levée à 100% Aucune usine de tabac ne sest installé au Bénin Aucun progrès au contraire lindustrie du tabac se déplace davantage vers notre pays et tient à installer une usine de fabrication et introduire de nouvelles semences de culture du tabac
Bhutan SEA Answer not provided Report not provided The Country has not experienced marketing or commercial of any tobacco products and other vested interests of the tobacco industry so far.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Bosnia and Herzegovina EUR Answers provided to questions C121 and C122: YES (for the Federation of BIH); NO (for the Brčko District of BIH). Republic of Srpska Relations between the Public Health Institute of the Republic of Srpska and the tobacco industry are in line with the Guidelines for implementation of Article 5.3 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Answer not provided
Botswana AFR Answer not provided Complete ban of tobacco advertising has been achieved but there are some challenges the country experiences from the tobacco industry and their stakeholders (retailers). They print promotional messages on merchandise such as jackets, T shirts and shirts. Such goods were seized and destroyed in 2011. Currently there are emerging use of other forms of tobacco use such as E-cigarette and TI provide Street Vendors with Trolleys displaying prices but we are fighting that. Complete ban of tobacco advertising has been achieved but there are some challenges the country experiences from the tobacco industry and their stakeholders (retailers). They print promotional messages on merchandise such as jackets, T shirts and shirts. Such goods were seized and destroyed in 2011. Currently there are emerging use of other forms of tobacco use such as E-cigarette and TI provide Street Vendors with Trolleys displaying prices but we are fighting that.
Brazil AMR - The Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro welcomed the public civil action proposed by the Ministry Public of Rio de Janeiro against Rock World S.A., Vega Fina Tabacaria and Souza Cruz, for illegal advertising at Rock in Rio 2017 and 2019 festivals. - National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) approves Regulatory Impact Analysis report on Electronic Smoking Devices, which includes all types of electronic cigarettes. The approved technical report indicates the need to maintain the ban on electronic devices for smoking, which includes all types of electronic cigarettes, and the adoption of additional measures to curb the illegal trade in these products, such as increasing inspection and carrying out educational campaigns.(2022) Answer not provided - Production of technical note "How much it costs to receive donations from the tobacco industry". The document points out that every $ 200,000 received in donations from tobacco company profits equals the death of 14 people. From this technical note a folder was produced. The materials were used in advocacy actions on political visits to the ministries offices of the Commission and other bodies, as well as political technical visits to parliamentarians. - Brazil hosted the South-South and Triangular Cooperation Workshop for the implementation of Article 5.3 WHO / FCTC, from 3 to 5 May 2017, which was attended by Colombia, Guatemala, the Philippines and Thailand.
Algeria AFR mise en application des dispositions de lutte antitabac contenues dans la loi sanitaire de 2018 Answer not provided Answer not provided
Andorra EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Angola AFR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Antigua and Barbuda AMR Answer not provided The Tobacco Control legislation was passed in 2018. Report not provided
France EUR Pour la sixième année consécutive, les fabricants, les importateurs et les distributeurs de produits du tabac ainsi que les entreprises, organisations professionnelles ou les associations les représentants ont déclaré auprès du ministère de la santé et de la prévention l’ensemble des dépenses liées à des activités d’influence ou de représentation d’intérêts réalisés au titre de l’année 2021. 30 entreprises ont déclaré n’avoir réalisé aucune dépense relative à des activités d’influence ou de représentation d’intérêts. 8 entreprises ont déclaré des dépenses de cette nature pour un montant total de 717 945,50 euros. Parmi ces 8 entreprises déclarantes : – 6 ont déclaré des dépenses de rémunération de personnels employés en totalité ou en partie pour exercer des activités d’influence et de représentation d’intérêts au titre de l’année 2021. Ces dépenses s’élèvent à 102 950,50 euros. – 6 ont déclaré des dépenses d’achats de prestations auprès des sociétés de conseil en activités d’influence ou de représentation d’intérêts au titre de l’année 2021 s’élevant à 614 884 euros. – 1 a déclaré des avantages en nature ou en espèces à un député pour un montant de 111 euros. Pour la troisième année consécutive, en 2018, les fabricants, les importateurs et les distributeurs de produits du tabac ainsi que les entreprises, organisations professionnelles ou les associations les représentants ont déclaré auprès du ministère des solidarités et de la santé l’ensemble des dépenses liées à des activités d’influence ou de représentation d’intérêts réalisés au titre de l’année 2018. - 27 entreprises ont déclaré n’avoir réalisé aucune dépense relative à des activités d’influence ou de représentation d’intérêts. - 10 entreprises ont déclaré des dépenses de cette nature pour un montant total de 861 097,65 euros. Parmi ces 10 entreprises déclarantes : - 7 ont déclaré des dépenses de rémunération de personnels employés en totalité ou en partie pour exercer des activités d’influence et de représentation d’intérêts au titre de l’année 2018. Ces dépenses s’élèvent à 289 646,45 euros. - 6 ont déclaré des dépenses d’achats prestations auprès des sociétés de conseil en activités d’influence ou de représentation d’intérêts au titre de l’année 2018 s’élevant à 571 451,20 euros. En 2017, 24 entreprises ont déclaré n’avoir réalisé aucune dépense relative à des activités d’influence ou de représentation d’intérêt. - 25 entreprises ont déclaré des dépenses de cette nature, pour un montant total de 255 737 euros. Parmi ces 25 déclarants : - 9 entreprises ont déclaré des dépenses de rémunérations de personnels, employés en totalité ou en partie pour exercer des activités d’influence ou de représentation d’intérêts, pour un montant total de 203 307 euros ; - 21 entreprises ont déclaré des dépenses d’achat de prestation auprès de sociétés de conseil en activité d’influence ou de représentation d’intérêts, pour un montant total de 1 046 529 euros ; - 1 entreprise a déclaré des avantages versés à 62 bénéficiaires, pour un montant total de 5 901 euros.
Ecuador AMR Answer not provided Con fecha 3 de julio de 2018, se puso en conocimiento público el acuerdo firmado entre el Servicio Nacional de Aduanas del Ecuador (SENAE) y la Industria del Tabaco, Alimentos y Bebidas S.A. (ITABSA), con el presunto propósito de “establecer intercambios de información, coordinación, capacitación y asistencia necesaria para el común desarrollo en el ámbito aduanero, tributario, de facilitación al comercio exterior y control aduanero”. El Ministerio de Salud Pública, en calidad de Autoridad Sanitaria Nacional, en ejercicio de sus atribuciones y en cumplimiento a lo establecido en el CMCT, el Protocolo de la OMS para la Eliminación del Comercio Ilícito de Productos de Tabaco, la Ley Orgánica para la Regulación y Control del Tabaco (LORCT) y su Reglamento; expreso su gran preocupación generada por la suscripción de dicho instrumento de cooperación, que evidenciaba una clara muestra de interferencia de la industria del tabaco, y mobilizó todos los recursos a fin de terminar inmediatamente el acuerdo de cooperación firmado entre SENAE e ITABSA, considerando que el mismo violaba la normativa nacional e internacional vigente respecto al relacionamiento y colaboración con la industria del tabaco. Con el apoyo de organizaciones de la sociedad civil e instituciones involucradas, el acuero fue finalizado de manera uniteral por parte del Estado Ecuatoriano. Adicionalmente, el Comité de Lucha Antitabáquica CILA ha implementado un documento para la declaración de no tener conflictos de interés con la industria tabacalera en todos sus delegados de instituciones nacionales, sociedad civil y academia. En el año 2015, una funcionaria delegada del Ministerio de Salud Pública asistió a una capacitación sobre las directrices para la aplicación del artículo 5.3 del CMCT, la cual convocó a representantes de otros países de la Región de las Américas, tales como: Colombia, Costa Rica, Panamá, entre otros. A partir de esta capacitación, en el MSP se manifiesta la necesidad de contar con un instrumento jurídico para la protección de las políticas de salud pública, relativas al control de tabaco, contra los intereses comerciales y otros creados de la industria tabacalera. Actualmente, se está coordinando una jornada de actividades multisectoriales e interinstitucionales para desarrollar un instrumento legal de protección de las políticas de salud pública relativas al control de tabaco contra los interesas comerciales y otros intereses creados de la industria tabacalera.
Cook Islands WPR Answer not provided Ministry of Health Cook Islands do not take, participate or support any agreement to tobacco importers. For transparency and accountability, tobacco industries/importers are required and has submitted their report to the Ministry of Health about the constituents, and addictives on all tobacco products imported into the country. Ministry of Health Cook Islands do not take, participate or support any agreement to tobacco importers. For transparency and accountability, tobacco industries/importers are required and has submitted their report to the Ministry of Health about the constituents, and addictives on all tobacco products imported into the country.
China WPR 无。 Answer not provided Answer not provided
Central African Republic AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Cameroon AFR Report not provided 1- Le projet de loi nationale sur le contrôle du tabac élaboré et transmis depuis 2012 auprès des autorités compétentes pour adoption et promulgation, tient compte de larticle 5.3 de la CCLAT Quelques résistances encadrées quant à la mise en œuvre du texte sur le conditionnement imagé. Le projet de loi nationale sur le contrôle du tabac élaboré et transmis depuis 2012 auprès des autorités compétentes pour adoption et promulgation, tient compte de larticle 5.3 de la CCLAT
Belgium EUR Included in national tobacco control strategy but not implemented yet. Aucun changement Answer not provided
Belarus EUR Report not provided Рост цен и акцизов на табачные изделия – ежегодный, несколько раз в год. Данная информация отражается на сайтах информационных агентств. Проводятся информационные кампании, выступления специалистов системы здравоохранения и других заинтересованных органов государственного управления в СМИ, в том числе и по вопросам изменения цены на табачные изделия. Информация о вреде потребления табака для здоровья вместе с рекомендациями для желающих бросить курить размещается на сайтах организаций здравоохранения, органов государственного управления в стране ежегодно проводятся антитабачные акции, различные конкурсы среди молодежи по антитабачной тематике. Рост цен и акцизов на табачные изделия – ежегодный, несколько раз в год. Проводятся информационные кампании, выступления специалистов системы здравоохранения и других заинтересованных органов государственного управления в СМИ. Информация о вреде потребления табака для здоровья вместе с рекомендациями для желающих бросить курить размещается на сайтах организаций здравоохранения, органов государственного управления в стране ежегодно проводятся антитабачные акции, различные конкурсы среди молодежи по антитабачной тематике
Bahrain (Kingdom of) EMR In 2021, the National Antismoking Committee has adopted specific policies vis a vis tobacco manufacturer, wholesale distributors and importers of tobacco products equally. no update since last report THE NATIONAL ANTISMOKING COMMITTE WAS FORMULATED TO INCLUDE SEVERAL GOVERNMENTAL AND NON GOVERNMENTAL SECTORS,HOWEVER, REQUEST OF ACCESS TO THE COMMITTE BY TOBACCO INDUSTRY WAS DENIED IN SEVERAL OCCASIONS, THE REASON WAS CONFLICT OF INTREST AND TO PRTOECT THE PUBLIC HEALTH POLICIES AND STRATIGIES.
Bahamas AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Armenia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Albania EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Afghanistan EMR Report not provided regular technical committee meetings conducted for developing standard signs and 10 written messages, coordinate with MoF, MoC AI, MoIAC to increase the tax, restriction of tobacco use in public places, installing pectoral messages to tobacco packaging, ban on advertising of tobacco products, free hospital and government-non government institution from smoke regular technical committee meetings conducted for developing standard signs and 10 written messages, coordinate with MoF, MoC AI, MoIAC to increase the tax, restriction of tobacco use in public places, installing pectoral messages to tobacco packaging, ban on advertising of tobacco products, free hospital and government-non government institution from smoke
Uruguay AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Se está en proceso de consulta jurídica en cuanto al alcance de las declaraciones juradas y a la recomendación nro. 7 de las Directrices del CMCT sobre el art. 5.3.
Philippines WPR Answer not provided Capacity building activities have been conducted among government representatives to heighten the information dissemination on the CSC-DOH JMC 2010-01. This include Likewise, publication of information, education and communication (IEC) materials were done. This include the advertisement published in newspaper to cascade information on the JMC among the public. Moreover, a number of tobacco industry interference attempts have been prevented and reported incidents were addressed based on the JMC. The Philippines also attended the Advisory Committee Meeting of Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance (SEATCA) and Annual Asia-Pacific Smoke-Free Meeting in November 27-29, 2019 where Article 5.3 issues and strategies were tackled by advocates. The CSC, the DOH, and non-governmental institutions involved in the tobacco control policies are at the forefront in conducting orientations on the JMC to government officials and employees, through the Accountability Seminar on Tobacco Industry Interference (ASTII). From 2016 to 2017, all local government units (LGUs) were capacitated relative to the implementation of Article 5.3; as well as forty eight (48) national government agencies. Further, Kkowledge products on countering tobacco industry interference (i.e. modules, IEC materials) were developed and were used by different agencies such as the Office of the President. There were also coordination meetings among members of NTCC Article 5.3 where strategic plans and programs were discussed. Complaints relative to possible violation of Article 5.3 from 2016-2017 were reported and filed before the Office of the Ombudsman for appropriate legal action. The CSC and the DOH are actively coordinating with agencies whenever the latter seek legal advice in addressing challenges relative to tobacco industry interference. The Philippines have also provided technical assistance on Article 5.3 during the South-South and Triangular Cooperation held in Brazil last May 2017. During the Asean Conference on Civil Service Matters, the Philippines presented the JMC 2010-01 and Article 5.3 among Asean member states. Also, CSC attended as member of delegates to the COP7 and presented the JMC 2010-01 as best practice in implementing Article 5.3 in the Philippines during the side meeting of the conference.
Papua New Guinea WPR Attempt to get the Code of Conduct Policy failed . But will try again once the regulation gets through The revised Tobacco Control Policy 2015 have captured Policy Strategies on Article 5.3. However, the Act is not consistent as it did not cover the area of Article 5.3. It was taken out from the original draft. The revised Tobacco Control Policy 2015 have captured Policy Strategies on Article 5.3. However, the Act is not consistent as it did not cover the area of Article 5.3. It was taken out from the original draft.
Panama AMR El Decreto Ejecutivo No.246 de 15 de diciembre de 2004, “Por el cual se dicta el Código Uniforme de Ética de los Servidores Públicos que laboran en las entidades del Gobierno Central” establece los parámetros éticos que deben cumplir los funcionarios públicos durante el ejercicio de sus funciones, dentro de los que se incluye los siguientes principios de probidad, prudencia, justicia, templanza, idoneidad, responsabilidad, transparencia, igualdad y liderazgo. Dicho Código puede ser aplicado en casos de que los servidores públicos no apliquen el principio de transparencia en sus relaciones formales y mandatorias, por el cargo que ejercen, con la industria tabacalera. Detalles sobre las disposiciones existentes en esta materia se detallaron en la pregunta C123. El país ha fomentado la concientización sobre las tácticas de la industria tabacalera y la necesidad de evitar la interferencia de la industria tabacalera en la toma de decisiones, puede indicarse que este proceso se continua efectuando a través de redes sociales, medios masivos de comunicación, página web, capacitaciones, talleres regionales y subregionales (región de las Américas), sensibilización directa a tomadores de decisión e influenciadores, jornadas nacionales de intercambio de información, videos educativos. Ver Se reitera que Panamá NO tiene acuerdos voluntarios con la industria tabacalera y que entre las medidas para limitar la interacción de los funcionarios públicos con la industria tabacalera, se incluyen las dispuestas en el Código Uniforme de Ética, como en las resoluciones y decreto que crean la Comisión Nacional de Control de Tabaco, la Comisión Nacional Interinstitucional para la implementación del Protocolo para la Eliminación del Comercio Ilícito de Productos de Tabaco y el Consejo Nacional para la Salud Sin Tabaco, que establecen parámetros de relacionamiento con la industria tabacalera, de conformidad con las disposiciones de las directrices del artículo 5.3. Los litigios son uno de los mecanismos utilizados por la industria tabacalera para interferir en la aplicación efectiva del CMCT de la OMS, de sus directrices, así como del Protocolo y de la legislación nacional. Con antelación se ha detallado este asunto, sin embargo se destaca que el Pleno de la Corte Suprema de Justicia falló a favor del MINSA con respecto a las demandas contencioso administrativo y a los amparos de garantías constitucionales acumulados. Por otro lado, puede indicarse que la sociedad civil panameña trabaja el índice de interferencia de la industria tabacalera y que existe una versión del 2021 que ha sido compartida con la Comisión Nacional de Control de Tabaco. Otras experiencias guardan relación con el tema del EMPAQUETADO SENCILLO. Panamá ha trabajado en la aplicación del artículo 5.3 del CMCT, mediante le desarrollo de diversas estrategias a saber: 1. Divulgación al público 2. Congresos Nacional e Internacional y/o jornadas de capacitación para el fortalecimiento de las capacidades del equipo de salud. 3. Integración en foros para el debate del tema entre ellos los foros virtuales realizados por OPS durante la pandemia de COVID-19 4. Reuniones de coordinación con otros entes del Ejecutivo, Poder Judicial, instituciones académicas,ONG´s 5. Reuniones con la IT en el Seno de la Comisión Nacional de Control de Tabaco para aclara dudas sobre el cumplimiento de medidas de carácter obligatorio que deben aplicarse. 6. Inspecciones para la investigación de las denuncias 7. Defensa de las acciones ante la Autoridad Nacional de Transparencia y ante la Procuraduría General de la Administración frente a denuncias interpuestas contra funcionarios del MINSA por la industria tabacalera y terceras personas con posiciones contrarias a la política nacional de control de tabaco relativa a los SEAN´s, tabaco calentado y similares. 8. Aplicación de las sanciones tipificadas en la legislación nacional 9. Entrevistas en medios de comunicación 10. Modificación de la normativa legal de Control de Tabaco específicamente en lo relativo a los SEAN´s y a los productos de tabaco calentado. 11. Publicación de artículos científicos sobre control de tabaco en revistas indexadas. Panamá ha trabajado en la aplicación del artículo 5.3 del CMCT, mediante le desarrollo de diversas estrategias a saber: 1. Divulgación al público 2. Congresos Nacional e Internacional y/o jornadas de capacitación para el fortalecimiento de las capacidades del equipo de salud. 3. Reuniones del Secretariado efectuadas en Panamá con participación de representantes de los países de las 6 regiones de la OMS. 4. Integración en foros para el debate del tema (Foros OPS, FCA, CLAS, Foro de Abogados de AMRO, Foro de Economistas de AMRO, Foro Nacional de Economistas y otros) 5. Reuniones de coordinación con otros entes del Ejecutivo, Poder Judicial, instituciones académicas, ONG´s 6. Reuniones con la IT en el Seno de la Comisión Nacional de Control de Tabaco para aclara dudas sobre el cumplimiento de medidas de carácter obligatorio que deben aplicar. 7. Inspecciones para la investigación de las denuncias 8. Aplicación de las sanciones tipificadas en la legislación nacional (se logro sancionar directamente a dos industrias tabacaleras por violación del cumplimiento de las normativa. Una de las IT presentó demanda ante la Sala Tercera de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, que falló a favor del MINSA. 9. Entrevistas en medios de comunicación 10. Modificación de la normativa legal de Control de Tabaco, SEAN y del Consejo Nacional para la Salud Sin Tabaco 11. Publicación de comentario editorial y artículos científicos sobre control de tabaco en revistas indexadas. 12. Gestión ante la Cancillería de la inclusión de la declaración de No Conflicto de Interés con la Industria Tabacalera a los representantes de país que asisten a reuniones de Tabaco. 1. Divulgación al público 2. Capacitación Nacional e Internacional de abogados del MINSA 3. Congresos Nacionales e Internacionales y/o jornadas de capacitación para el fortalecimiento de las capacidades del equipo de salud. 4. Integración en foros para el debate del tema. 5. Reuniones de coordinación con otros entes del Ejecutivo, Asamblea, Poder Judicial, instituciones académicas, ONG¨s, Representante de Google en Panamá 6. Reuniones con la IT en el seno de la Comisión a fin de establecer la obligatoriedad del cumplimiento de las medidas. 7. Inspecciones para la investigación de las denuncias. 8. Aplicación de las sanciones tipificadas en la legislación nacional 9. Conferencias de Prensa 10. Entrevistas en los distintos medios de comunicación y redes sociales 11. Modificación de la normativa legal de la Comisión Nacional de Control de Tabaco, Sistemas Electrónicos o no de Nicotina y del Consejo Nacional para la Salud sin Tabaco 12. Publicación de boletines 13. Realización de estudios e investigaciones 14. Publicaciones de artículos en revistas indexadas.
Palau WPR Answer not provided No progress has been made since last report. There has been significant activity to advance our efforts on this provision. The tobacco control working group (TCWG) of the Coordinating Mechanism completed the Pacific Tobacco Industry Interference Index that was subsequently submitted to WHO for a brief analysis and scoring. In addition, the report included recommendations for steps to implement the Article 5.3 Guidelines. The TCWG has also submitted comments/suggested edits to the national government’s Bureau of Public Service System (BPSS) for the revision of their rules and regulations to include elements of Article 5.3. The TCWG is also finalizing a code of behavior for members and organizations of the NCD Coordinating Mechanism (CM) per Executive Order 379 (duties of the CM). At least two presentations on Article 5.3 have been delivered to members of the CM. Plans are also underway to design a campaign to raise awareness of the harm caused by tobacco use and role of tobacco industry interference to mislead the public.
Niue WPR Report not provided The Tobacco control bill 2018 outlines measures relating to Article 5.3 that indicates a positive progress and direction for government policies protection from commercial and vested interests. Report not provided
Montenegro EUR On June 22, 2022, a multi-sector expert consultation was held in Montenegro on the protection of public health policies in Montenegro from commercial and other interests of the tobacco industry. In connection with the aforementioned meeting, the participants filled out surveys (in order to determine their views) and had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the pre-prepared working material of the WHO, FCTC. In addition, during 2022, discussions were organized with the exchange of information on the possibility to prescribe provisions in the legal framework of the country in accordance with Article 5.3 of the Framework Convention on the Control of Tobacco Products - "Technical assistance for the development of a draft national Code of Conduct for government officials at various levels to protect tobacco control policies and programs from tobacco industry interference". In Montenegro, a new Law on the Restriction of the Use of Tobacco Products was adopted, which promotes the protection of public health policies against commercial measures by the tobacco industry. In Montenegro, there is no significant promotion of tobacco products by the tobacco industry, and we managed through a variety of activities to completely prevent any visibility of tobacco products. Montenegro does not have a developed tobacco industry, which facilitates these processes. In Montenegro, there is no significant promotion of tobacco products by the tobacco industry, and we managed through a variety of activities to completely prevent any visibility of tobacco products. Montenegro does not have a developed tobacco industry, which facilitates these processes.
Mexico AMR La Secretaría de Salud utiliza un texto genérico en las comunicaciones oficiales externas, que podrían ser susceptibles a la interacción o interferencia de la industria por parte de otros actores gubernamentales, el cual señala: "El relacionamiento con la industria del tabaco y asociaciones afines, se encuentra restringido por el Convenio Marco de la OMS para el Control del Tabaco (CMCT OMS) firmado por el Gobierno de México el 12 de agosto de 2003, ratificado por el Senado de la República el 14 de abril de 2004 y publicado en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el 12 de mayo de 2004, el cual menciona en su artículo 5.3 "Obligaciones generales" y en sus directrices de aplicación que, a la hora de establecer y aplicar políticas de salud pública relativas al control del tabaco, éstas se deben proteger de los intereses comerciales y otros intereses creados, asimismo establece que los gobiernos deberán limitar al máximo las interacciones con la industria del tabaco y sus asociados". Actualmente se cuenta con una versión preliminar actualizada de un "Protocolo de actuación de los Servidores públicos en su contacto con la industria tabacalera" para Compatibilizar en los Estados Unidos Mexicanos la Instrumentación del Artículo 5.3 del Convenio Marco de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para el Control del Tabaco, misma que se encuentra en revisión para su visto bueno y autorización de publicación. Actualmente se cuenta con una versión preliminar de Lineamientos para Compatibilizar en los Estados Unidos Mexicanos la Instrumentación del Artículo 5.3 del Convenio Marco de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para el Control del Tabaco, misma que se encuentra en revisión de las áreas jurídicas pertenecientes a las dependencia del gobierno federal involucradas en el control del tabaco.
Malta EUR Answer not provided Report not provided nil
Latvia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided In 2016 the Procedure against lobbying was approved in the Ministry of Health.
Kyrgyzstan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Kenya AFR Answer not provided Report not provided Development of regulations governing the interaction of public officers with tobacco industry and its affiliates, requiring nominees to the Tobacco Control Board to declare any conflict of interest prior to being inaugurated as members.
Japan WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Iceland EUR Answer not provided Ministry of Health took a positive step forward in tobacco control by working on a official public policy in tobacco control. The policy has not been published yet. Ministry of Welfare has taken a positive step forward in tobacco control by working on a official public policy in tobacco control. The policy has not been published yet.
Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Germany EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Georgia EUR Expert analysis was done on the 2018 draft Resolution of the Government of Georgia regarding the implementation of FCTC Article 5.3. According to comments and notes, the draft was updated and initiated by the Ministry of Health in 2022 and is waiting for approval. Tobacco control law of Georgia has a provision on protecting health policies with respect of tobacco control from commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry. It entails provision of Governmental Normative Act on regulating civil servants and other state employees relation with the tobacco industry. The respective Normative Act is being developed and is under the process of approval by the Government of Georgia. Answer not provided
Gabon AFR Answer not provided Depuis le dernier rapport, aucune action de sensibilisation na été réalisée. plusieurs activités dinformation et de sensibilisation auprès des jeunes, du public et des décideurs ont été réalisées en partenariat avec les OSC intervenant dans la lutte antitabac. Un atelier a été organisé pour le renforcement des capacités des agents chargés dappliquer les mesures
Zimbabwe AFR Report not provided No progress made No progress made
Spain EUR Se ha establecido un protocolo de actuación ante las solicitudes de reunión por parte de la industria. En caso de que una empresa quiera reunirse con la Unidad de Tabaquismo del Ministerio de Sanidad, esta debe rellenar un formulario en el que exprese el motivo de la reunión, los asistentes y las líneas a tratar y presentarlo para su estudio y aceptación o denegación. En caso de aceptar la reunión se realizará un acta de la misma que será publica para garantizar la transparencia de la misma. PRODUCTOS DEL TABACO Y RELACIONADOS: IMPLICACION DE SU CONSUMO EN LA SALUD PÚBLICA Recientemente, se alcanzó acuerdo de la Comisión de Salud Pública del Sistema Nacional de Salud, junto con las autoridades sanitarias de las Comunidades Autónomas por el cual se recuerda las obligaciones derivadas del Convenio Marco y de su artículo 5.3 Por otro lado, se han publicado las “Listas de productos de tabaco, Dispositivos susceptibles de liberación de nicotina e hierbas para fumar” en el apartado de tabaquismo de la página del Ministerio de Sanidad Answer not provided
South Africa AFR Answer not provided Report not provided Key government departments and stakeholders were engaged on their roles and obligations to the WHO FCTC. A Draft Code of Conduct in establishing relationships with the tobacco industry was developed for input and comments. The Article 5.3 structure was not sustained and will need to be revived.
Czechia EUR In December 2022, representatives of some institutions participated in the Capacity Building for the Implementation of Article 5.3 of the Convention webinar and created a draft Action Plan for the implementation of Article 5.3. Activities for the next period are currently being proposed and discussed. When the FCTC was ratified in the Czech Republic in 2012, a clause was added that tobacco control should be consulted with the tobacco industry as a "necessary measure". For example, Article 5.3 FCTC was promoted by Ministry of Health during consultations of the preparation of the draft act on lobbying (in the legislation process – currently – in the Parliament/Chamber of Deputies – Document of the Chamber No. 565). Aim of the act will be to make lobbyists (including tobacco industry) report their activities and thereby limit the undesirable effects connected with them, such as corruption, conflict of interest and clientelism. Article 5.3 FCTC (and its guidelines) should be taken into account, as appropriate. There was no substantive progress in this regard.
Republic of North Macedonia EUR Report not provided / Answer not provided
Türkiye EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided - Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Authority (TAPDK) collaborating with Ministry of Health and WHO has organized in 19-20 October 2016 a workshop on the implementation of FCTC Art 5.3.
Yemen EMR Answer not provided Report not provided لا يوجد
Togo AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Senegal AFR Answer not provided Les progrès accomplis dans lapplication de larticle 5.3 sont: -la sensibilisation par les médias ( émissions radio et télé), des campagnes de sensibilisation ont été organisées dans les universités et les établissements denseignement scolaires sur la nocivité des produits du tabac; - lutter contre l’ingérence de l’industrie par la surveillance de la conformité des produits de tabac avec la charte graphique des avertissements sanitaires avant leur mise sur la marché. - Refuser toutes formes de collaboration avec l’industrie du tabac. -Production de la première, deuxième et troisième vague de nouveaux paquets de cigarettes portant des avertissements sanitaires en 2017, 2018 et 2019. Les progrès accomplis dans lapplication de larticle 5.3 sont: -la sensibilisation par les médias ( émissions radio et télé), des campagnes de sensibilisation ont été organisées dans les universités et les établissements denseignement scolaires sur la nocivité des produits du tabac; - lutter contre l’ingérence de l’industrie par la surveillance de la conformité des produits de tabac avec la charte graphique des avertissements sanitaires savant leur mise sur la marché. - Refuser toutes formes de collaboration avec l’industrie du tabac.
San Marino EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Romania EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Republic of Moldova EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
India SEA MoHFW has set up a code of conduct under Article 5.3 of WHO FCTC for its autonomous bodies to protect the public health policies from the vested interest of tobacco industry. States at sub-national level have adopted guidelines in compliance to Article 5.3 of WHO FCTC, for their respective jurisdictions. An Inter-Ministerial Committee has been constituted to look into the inter-ministerial issues related to tobacco control and FCTC. A follow-up meeting of the IMC was held in January 2018 to update the status on implementation of various tobacco control measures. An Inter-Ministerial Committee has been constituted to look into the inter-ministerial issues related to tobacco control and FCTC. A follow-up meeting of the IMC was held in January 2018 to update the status on implementation of various tobacco control measures.
Ireland EUR In 2021, the Minister of State with Responsibility for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy issued letters to all Government Ministers and Heads of Departments to remind them of their obligations under Article 5.3 and requesting that the WHO Guidelines for Implementation be distributed to all Department and Agency officials. Additionally, similar letters were sent to all legislators in Dáil Eireann and Seanad Eireann informing them of their obligations and enclosing a copy of the Guidelines. [In December 2022 Ireland attended the Article 5.3 Capacity Building Workshop hosted by The WHO FCTC Knowledge Hub for Article 5.3 and the Convention Secretariat, and the outcomes have shaped the 2023 workplan for implementation of Article 5.3.] The Minister for Health has previously written to all Government Ministers and all Heads of Government Departments outlining our commitments under Article 5.3. The Guidelines developed in relation to Article 5.3 were also circulated. In addition Government officials are reminded on a regular basis of Ireland’s obligations under Article 5.3 when engaging in tobacco related matters. The Minister for Health has, over the years and as recently as November, 2017 written to all Government Ministers and all Heads of Government Departments outlining our commitments under Article 5.3. The Guidelines developed in relation to Article 5.3 were also circulated. In addition Government officials are reminded on a regular basis of Ireland’s obligations under Article 5.3 when engaging in tobacco related matters
Italy EUR none none Answer not provided
Nepal SEA The final verdict of the supreme court has been issued which is in favor of tobacco control directive 2014. Previously they have opposed 90% pictorial health warning provision and they have filed litigation against the directive. Directives for controlling Tobacco Industry Interference is developed and is in stage of approval. Directives for controlling Tobacco Industry Interference is developed and is in approval pipeline.
Iran (Islamic Republic of) EMR Answer not provided We have drafted a Bylaw on Article 5.3 to propose to the Ministerial Cabinet for approval. It is under review of technical committee in deputy of legal affairs in MOH. -To enforce the national guidelines on comprehensive ban on TAPS, granting the Supreme court vote on Banning adding flavor substances in tobacco products In opposition to the complaint of the tobacco industry
Iraq EMR Answer not provided the supreme committee for tobacco control adopted some recommendations that related to warning of tobacco industries interference in the governmental agencies. Unfortunately, did not get formal approvals for adoption of code of conduct regarding this article. we were forcely prevent a comprehensive campaign of tobacco advertising conducted by sumer company (domestic factory for cigarette manufacturers) in 2016.
Israel EUR Report not provided Several ministries in the government (Health, Finance, Commerce) adopted code of conduct in relation to the tobacco industry, that direct the government officials about limiting the interactions with the industry and the requirements and condition of meetings with them, such as transparency, representative of the legal department, report and protocol. Since 2018 In the Ministry of Healths yearly report theres a chapter dedicated to reports about any meetings of the Ministry of Health officials with tobacco and nicotine industry in case there were any. Report not provided