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Party Region 2023 2020 2018
Sudan EMR Answer not provided تم منع وجود اماكن مخصصة لتعاطي التبغ و تم منعه بالاماكن المغلقة لا يمنع التدخين بكل االاماكن العامة وعدم تخصيص منطقةمفتوحة للمدخنين ولا يمنع التمباك
Suriname AMR Answer not provided Research shows that exposure to ETS is decreasing based on the comp arising between GYTS 2009 and 2016 The number of students exposed to tobacco smoke at home decreased overall from 46.6% in 2009 to 35.1% in 2016. (GYTS report 2016) Tobacco Law SB no 39 2013
Sweden EUR Answer not provided Sweden has adopted a new law on tobacco and similar Products (2018:2088). In the new law the current ban on smoking in the Tobacco Act shall be broadened and also include certain public places outdoors, such as café and restaurant terraces, entrances to establishments and other spaces to which the public has access, areas outdoors that are intended to be used by those travelling by domestic public transport, and playgrounds to which the public has access. The Swedish government has present a number of proposals that aim to reduce the use of Tobacco. In the proposition the government propose that the current ban on smoking in the Tobacco Act shall be broadened and also include certain public places outdoors, such as café and restaurant terraces, entrances to establishments and other spaces to which the public has access, areas outdoors that are intended to be used by those travelling by domestic public transport, and playgrounds to which the public has access.
Syrian Arab Republic EMR Answer not provided صدر المرسوم التشريعي 62 لعام 2009 بشأن مكافحة التدخين وذلك لدعم تنفيذ الاتفاقية صدر المرسوم التشريعي 62 لعام 2009 بشأن مكافحة التدخين وذلك لدعم تنفيذ الاتفاقية
Tajikistan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Thailand SEA Smoking is prohibited in all indoor public places, indoor workplaces, and public transport. Smoking is prohibited in the following outdoor places: facilities for exercise, sports training, sports playing, and sports competitions of every kind, public parks, zoological parks, and amusement parks, children’s playgrounds, and markets. Notification of the Ministry of Public Health RE: Identification of types or names of public places, work places and vehicles, entirely or in part, as non-smoking areas or smoking areas in non-smoking areas 2018 (B.E. 2561) designated indoor public places, private places and public vehicle as non-smoking area. This regulation makes 100% smoke-free indoor public areas. Owners of private place must also be obliged to advertise or notify that the place is a non-smoking area. They must control, prohibit, or take any other action in order to avoid smoking in the non-smoking area. However he can arrange smoking places outside the building as prescribed by the law. In the past two years, The Ministry of Public Health has stringently enforced The Notification, No.19 B.E. 2553 (A.D.2010 ) all indoor workplaces and public places to be 100% smoke-free. And since 2017, Thailand has the Tobacco Control Products Act 2560 (BE 2560), which was published in the Royal Gazette on April 5, 2017 and came into force on July 4, 2017. Important measures related to the implementation of smoking-free public spaces are categorized into 3 types: 1. The law requires public places to be non-smoking. In order to, protect the health of non-smokers. 2. Assign the duty to the owner of a public place legally designated as a non-smoking area. It is obligatory to operate a non-smoking facility. According to, the conditions and characteristics as required by law. 3. In addition to those who own a public place, the owner of the place must also be obliged to advertise or notify the place that it is a non-smoking area. And control, prohibit, or take any other action. In order to, avoid smoking in the non-smoking area
Timor-Leste SEA Report not provided Report not provided There is an improvement in implementation and coordination
Tonga WPR Answer not provided Tonga was successful in the submission of its amended Tobacco Control Act 2014 where it was passed and signed by His Majesty the King on 18 Feb 2016, and immediately put into force on Feb 29, 2016. This Act has amendment for protection from exposure to tobacco smoke as already mentioned above. There has been an active enforcement of the Act over the past two years in regards to smoking in smoke-free places clearly stated in the Act where increasing numbers of cases brought into custody for violating that component. Tonga was successful in the submission of its amended Tobacco Control Act 2014 where it was passed and signed by His Majesty the King on 18 Feb 2016, and immediately put into force on Feb 29, 2016. This Act has amendment for protection from exposure to tobacco smoke as already mentioned above. There has been an active enforcement of the Act over the past two years in regards to smoking in smoke-free places clearly stated in the Act where increasing numbers of cases brought into custody for violating that component.
Trinidad and Tobago AMR Bans on smoking in indoor spaces and public places as well as public transport continue to be enforced. During the period, the Ministry of Health by way of its Tobacco Control Unit, developed a General Public Report Form with the purpose of capturing reports from the public on violations of the law apart from illicit tobacco. To date, this form can be found on the Ministry of Health's website. Increased sensitization and awareness via the tobacco outreach programme. Yes, more sensitisation and awareness, and enforcement, as we progressed over the last two years.
Tunisia EMR élaboration d'un Décret Présidentiel par les différents secteurs et partenaires concernés pour l'interdiction de fumer dans les espaces fermés et les endroits a utilisation collectifs, qui est actuellement en instance de validation par la Présidence du Gouvernement Depuis la révolution, on note un relachement du respect de la loi et un relachement du contrôle Depuis la révolution, on note un relachement du respect de la loi et un relachement du contrôle
Turkmenistan EUR Ужесточаются административные взыскания за нарушения запрета на курение в общественных местах. Дополнительно введено административное взыскание на руководителей мест общественного питания за курение в неположенных местах, введен запрет на курение в автомобилях, где есть маленькие дети. Разрабатывается национальное руководство по мониторингу осуществления Статьи 8 в Туркменистане. Ужесточаются административные взыскания за нарушения запрета на курение в общественных местах.
Tuvalu WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Uganda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ukraine EUR new legislation adopted in 2022 closed all the gaps in the smoke-free legislation. enforcement though should be addressed The level of enforcement decreased in 2016-2017 because the governemnt banned inspections of business facilities. The level of enforcement decreased in 2016-2017 because the governemnt banned inspections of business facilities.
United Arab Emirates EMR We are working with related parties to review and refine the bylaw articles and clauses as regard the DSRs Answer not provided Answer not provided
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland EUR Scotland has introduced a 15m smoking perimeter ban around all National Health Service Hospitals. This is legally enforceable on those who have management and control of hospitals as well as on individuals ignoring the restrictions: The Prohibition of Smoking Outside Hospital Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2022 ( On 1 March 2021 the Welsh Government introduced new smoke-free laws which means that hospital grounds, school grounds, public playgrounds, and the outdoor areas of day care and child-minding settings are now required to be smoke-free. The current smokefree legislation continues to be enforced. In 2016 restrictions were introduced on smoking in cars carrying children.
United Republic of Tanzania AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Uzbekistan EUR Законодательной палатой Олий Мажлиса Республики Узбекистан 25 октября 2022 года был принят новый Закон Республики Узбекистан «Об ограничении распространения и употребления алкогольной и табачной продукции», который был одобрен Сенатом Олий Мажлиса Республики Узбекистан 27 декабря 2022 года. Новый Закон, а также положения, связанные с защитой от воздействия табачного дыма, вступит в силу спустя три месяца после подписания Президентом Узбекистана. Резюмируя положения по защите от воздействия табачного дыма нового Закона следует отметить, что исходя из международного опыта, в положениях Закона не использовано понятие «общественные места» и по мере возможности перечислены места, где необходимо запрещать употребление табачной продукции. В предыдущей редакции Закона не был использован такой, в результате чего не было обеспечено полная защита от воздействия табачного дыма. Кроме того, того, в новом Законе, определены лица, ответственные за защиту от воздействия табачного дыма. В понятийном аппарате Закона, указано, что лицами, ответственные за защиту от воздействия табачного дыма являются должностные лица (администрация) предприятий, учреждений, организаций, в том числе лица, в чьем ведении (собственности, владении, пользовании) находятся территории, здания, сооружения и иные объекты, расположенные в общественных местах, а также общественный транспорт; Таким образом, эти положения нового Закона по защите от воздействия табачного дыма соответствует требованиям статьи 8 РКБТ ВОЗ. Report not provided Report not provided
Vanuatu WPR This year Vanuatu is hosting the Pacific Melanesian Arts and Culture Festival in July. This even will be free smoking event This statement on Full ban for all indoors including workplaces, restaurants and bars, public transport, health care facilities, transport and education facilities ( Amendment regulations of 2016 to the Tobacco Control Act of 2008)" is still valid and implemented accordingly Report not provided
Venezuela AMR Report not provided A partir de la entrada en vigencia de la Resolución de Ambientes Libre de Humo de Tabaco, se implementó el proceso de vigilancia en todo el territorio nacional para el cumplimiento de esta normativa. Se reporta hasta la fecha un 98% de cumplimiento de la resolución. Asimismo, se dispone de un correo electrónico para la recepción de las denuncias por el incumplimiento de esta Ley:, así como un número telefónico: 0212-4080510. Report not provided
Viet Nam WPR Answer not provided After GATS results in 2015, it showed that the prevalence of second hand smoke exposure is significantly reduced across settings. From 2018, there many methods to prevent for second hand smoke such as check settings by inspectors, communicate on media means, hang smoking signs, capacity building for owners, manager to handle violation cases. There is a good progress seen in the GATS results where the prevalence of second hand smoking exposure is significantly reduced across settings
Zambia AFR Report not provided Report not provided 1. Development and implementation of Smoke Free Enforcement Manual 2. Prosecution of violations of the Smoke Free law
Russian Federation EUR В 2020 г. в соответствии с подпунктом "б" пункта 13 статьи 7 Федерального закона от 31.07.2020 N 303-ФЗ "О внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации по вопросу охраны здоровья граждан от последствий потребления никотинсодержащей продукции" введен запрет курения табака и потребления никотинсодержащей продукции в помещениях, составляющих общее имущество собственников комнат в коммунальных квартирах. Таким образом, курение полностью запрещено в местах общего пользования многоквартирных домов, при этом граждане могут курить в своих квартирах. Однако на общем собрании жильцов может быть принято решение о выделении места для курения на открытом воздухе или в изолированных помещениях общего пользования, в этом случае помещение должно соответствовать требованиям, предъявляемым Приказом Министерства строительства и жилищно-коммунального хозяйства РФ и Министерства здравоохранения РФ от 30 января 2021 г. N 32/пр/33: 5. Изолированные помещения для курения табака или потребления никотинсодержащей продукции оборудуются: а) дверью или аналогичным устройством, препятствующим проникновению загрязненного воздуха в смежные помещения, с внешней стороны которой размещен знак "Место для курения или потребления никотинсодержащей продукции", а с внутренней стороны - информационные материалы о вреде потребления табака или потребления никотинсодержащей продукции, вредном воздействии окружающего табачного дыма и веществ, выделяемых при потреблении никотинсодержащей продукции, а также номерах телефона "горячих линий", способствующих прекращению потребления табака или потребления никотинсодержащей продукции и лечению табачной (никотиновой) зависимости, организованных в соответствии с частью 4 статьи 15 Федерального закона от 23 февраля 2013 г. N 15-ФЗ "Об охране здоровья граждан от воздействия окружающего табачного дыма, последствий потребления табака или потребления никотинсодержащей продукции" (Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации, 2013, N 8, ст. 721; 2020, N 31, ст. 5062); б) пепельницами; в) искусственным освещением; г) первичными средствами пожаротушения (огнетушителями) в соответствии с Правилами противопожарного режима в Российской Федерации, утвержденными постановлением Правительства Российской Федерации от 16 сентября 2020 г. N 1479 (Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации, 2020, N 39, ст. 6056; 2021, N 3, ст. 593); д) приточно-вытяжной системой вентиляции с механическим побуждением, обеспечивающей ассимиляцию загрязнений, выделяемых в процессе потребления табачных изделий или никотинсодержащей продукции, а также препятствующей проникновению загрязненного воздуха в смежные помещения. По результатам Мониторинга 2019 г. потребление табака в домах и квартирах (где по закону не действует запрет на потребление табака) разрешено только в 24% случаев, что почти в два раза меньше по сравнению с 2017 годом (46,8%). В личном автомобиле в 2019 г. курение было разрешено только у 19,5% россиян, против 42,7% в 2017г. Результаты свидетельствуют об эффективности информационно-коммуникационных и просветительских мер российской антитабачной политики. По данным Мониторинга 2019 г. очевидцами курения в кафе, ресторанах и барах были 8,75% россиян, против 14% в 2017 г. Однако стало больше количество очевидцев нарушения запрета на курение в ночных клубах и дискотеках внутри помещений - 26,6% в 2019 г. против 23,5% в 2017 соответственно, что свидетельствует о недостаточном контроле и надзоре со стороны правоохранительных органов. Очевидцы нарушения запрета курения на рабочих местах в 2019 г. составили только 7%, что более чем в 2 раза меньше, по сравнению с 2017 г. (14,4%). По соблюдению запрета курения в других общественных местах, территориях и объектах также произошли положительные изменения - % очевидцев нарушения запрета на курение в следующих общественных местах в 2019 году по сравнению с 2017 годом составил: 2017 2019 В медицинских учреждениях 5,5% 3,75% В школах или колледжах 9,5% 8,2% В университетах и на территории университетов 25,4% 18,7% В правительственных учреждениях 11,1% 10,9% В автобусах 9,4% 9,2% В электричках 11,2% 9,4% На пляжах 49,5% 39,9% На стадионах 30,2% 21,7% В подъездах домов 58,1% 48,2% На автрозаправочных станциях 9,7% 6,9% В спортивных учреждениях 7% 4,8% В аэропортах 14,6% 10,2% Report not provided
Rwanda AFR Report not provided Report not provided The 2013 Rwanda tobacco control law is under implementation and enforecment
Saint Kitts and Nevis AMR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Saint Lucia AMR Ban on public smoking was enacted and applies to all workplaces and public spaces. The Public Health Act was amended and now includes the Public Health (smoking Control) Act, 2019 and Regulations were enacted in 2020. .Smoking Control Legislation was enacted in Saint Lucia in 2019 to protect the population from exposure to tobacco smoke and emissions in public and work places and conveyances. The Public Health Act was amended and now includes the Public Health (smoking Control) Act, 2019. The Regulations that provide the details of this legislation are in draft and are now before the Attorney Generals Chambers. Amendments to the Public Health Act are in progress which includes Smoking control legislation which has been drafted and is now before the Attorney Generals Chambers.
Samoa WPR Answer not provided No smoking workplaces is enforced and is complied with by most workplaces. There are designated smoking places for smokers to use. No smoking workplaces is enforced and is complied with by most workplaces. There are designated smoking places for smokers to use.
Sao Tome and Principe AFR Answer not provided sin datos sin datos
Saudi Arabia EMR مرفق لائحة مكافحة التدخين تم انشاء خلايا في السجون خالية من التدخين للسجناء غير المدخنين تم تطوير وتفعيل مدن صحية خالية من التدخين Answer not provided
Serbia EUR Answer not provided No progress has been made. No changes have been adopted in the Parliament. However, the draft version of amendments to the Law of Protection of the Citizens from Exposure to Tobacco Smoke with the aim to completely ban smoking in whole hospitality sector, have been prepared and submitted to the Ministry of Health in December 2015.
Seychelles AFR Following the National Tobacco Control Act 2009, total ban in enclosed work place came in to force and well implemented in Seychelles. Report: Bovet. P. Viswanathan.B, Bastienne. H, Gedeon. J. Compliance of hospitality premises to the ban on smoking in all enclosed public places in the Seychelles, 24 May 2015. In December 2022, around 75 randmoly seelcted hospitality premises were assessed the implementation of the smoke free law and the ban on tobacco advertising promotion and sponsorship as part of the Seychelles Tobacco Control Legislation. The funding of the survey was supported by the WHO AFRO. The survey included conventional method by a trained data collectors using a standard questionnaire used in the previous surveys in Seychelles. A report with the results of the assessment is expected to be provided and disseminated early 2023. A National Tobacco Control Act came in to force in Seychelles since 19th August 2009, which includes a total ban in enclosed workplaces, public places and public transports. The ban was implemented quite well since September 2009, in all enclosed public places including restaurants, bars and discos and in enclosed workplaces and in public transports, which includes taxis, buses and other public vehicles and has been virtually fully implemented. Report: Bovet. P. Viswanathan.B, Bastienne. H, Gedeon. J. Compliance of hospitality premises to the ban on smoking in all enclosed public places in the Seychelles, 24 May 2015. During 2019, Seychelles has been chosen amongst 5 countries to take part in a WHO pilot project to conduct a compliance survey to assess the implementation of the smoke free law and the ban on tobacco advertising promotion and sponsorship. The survey monitor the compliance of the ban on smoking in indoor public places and public transports and the ban on smoking in Tobacco Advertising Promotion and Sponsorship as part of the Seychelles Tobacco Control Legislation. The survey was developed by the WHO- It uses a standard methodology and was conducted in Seychelles in 2019. The survey included two methods for data collection; 1) conventional method by a trained data collectors using a mobile app called tobacco spotter 2) crowd sourcing method involving the general public using a mobile app. In total, 829 randomly selected governmental and private offices, point of sale and the media were assessed. A global report including the status of the Seychelles implementation/results is expected to be published by WHO in 2019-2020. A National Tobacco Control Act came in to force in Seychelles since 19th August 2009, which includes a total ban in enclosed workplaces, public places and public transports. The ban was implemented quite well since September 2009, in all enclosed public places including restaurants, bars and discos and in enclosed workplaces and in public transports, which includes taxis, buses and other public vehicles and has been virtually fully implemented. Report: Bovet. P. Viswanathan.B, Bastienne. H, Gedeon. J. Compliance of hospitality premises to the ban on smoking in all enclosed public places in the Seychelles, 24 May 2015.
Sierra Leone AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Singapore WPR NEA regularly reviews the smoking prohibition policy taking into consideration inputs from the public and other Ministries/Agencies to extend the smoking prohibition to other parts of Singapore, to protect the public from second-hand tobacco smoke. From 1 July 2022, to further protect non-smokers who visit public parks and beaches for recreational activities, the smoking prohibition was extended to more recreational areas such as: Active Beautiful Clean Waters sites, 10 recreational beaches, parks and gardens. NEA regularly reviews the smoking prohibition policy taking into consideration inputs from the public and other Ministries/Agencies to extend the smoking prohibition to other parts of Singapore, to protect the public from second-hand tobacco smoke. Since 1 January 2019, public areas within the Orchard Road precinct have been designated as a No Smoking Zone. Smoking is only allowed in Designated Smoking Areas (DSAs) within the No Smoking Zone NEA regularly reviews the smoking prohibition policy taking into consideration inputs from the public and other Ministries/Agencies to extend the smoking prohibition to other parts of Singapore. NEA’s long-term policy goal is to prohibit smoking at all public areas except at designated smoking points. From 1 June 2016, the smoking prohibition has been extended to reservoirs and certain parks. With effect from 30 Jun 2017, new smoking corners at food retail establishments island-wide will no longer be approved. From 1 Oct 2017, the smoking prohibition has been further extended to private -hire cars, when used to carry paying passengers; trishaws; excursion buses; Autonomous Universities’; Private Education Institutions; and a radius of five metres from the compounds of all educational institutions.
Slovakia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Slovenia EUR Report not provided Report not provided In 2017 Slovenia introduced ban on smoking or using tobacco, tobacco products and related products (Related products are: electronic cigarettes with and without nicotine, herbal products for smoking and novel tobacco products), apart from chewing tobacco and nasal tobacco, in any enclosed public places or work places, as well as in all vehicles (also private cars) in the presence of persons younger than 18.
Solomon Islands WPR Report not provided Part 5 of the Tobacco Control Act 2010 - Second Hand Smoking (Smoke-free law) is now in force and being implemented where there is prohibition of smoking in: schools, health facilities including hospitals, workplaces and public transport which includes buses, taxis, ships and airplanes. This will be supported by the enforcement documents following executive endorsement. Part 5 of the Tobacco Control Act 2010 - Second Hand Smoking (Smoke-free law) is now in force and being implemented where there is prohibition of smoking in: schools, health facilities including hospitals, workplaces and public transport which includes buses, taxis, ships and airplanes. This will be supported by the enforcement documents following executive endorsement.
Sri Lanka SEA Answer not provided We will able to capture from the STEPS 2018 and GATS 2019 We will able to capture from the STEPS 2018 and GATS 2019
Nigeria AFR Answer not provided National Tobacco Control Regulations 2019 was approved by the National Lawmakers and gazetted Honorable Minister of Health announced during the 2017 WNTD immediate implementation of Prohibition of smoking in anywhere on the premises of a child care facility; educational facility; and health care facility. Other prohibited places for smoking include playgrounds; amusement parks; plazas; public parks; stadium, public transports, restaurants, bars, or other public gathering spaces.
Norway EUR In 2021, the government sent on public consultation a proposal to expand the smoking ban to also cover outdoor playgrounds, outdoor sporting venues and outdoor public transportation platforms, private vehicles where children under 18 years are passengers and to certain joint areas inside and outside apartment buildings. In the new tobacco control strategy, the government has stated that they will implement these proposals and also consider extending the smoking ban further to outdoor areas at bars and restaurants, outdoor festival areas and to introduce measures where the municipalities may ban smoking in private apartments if neighbours are negatively affected. Answer not provided As of 1 July 2017, the use of e-cigarettes is included in the smoking ban. (especially mentioned in §28a)
Oman EMR يحظرالقانون التدخين في جميع الاماكن العامة المغلقة الا ان هناك موضوعين وهما: 1- يسمح القانون بتحصيص اماكن معزولة للمدحنين ضمن الاماكن المقفلة الا انه لم يتقدم الكثير لهذا الطلب بتخصيص امكاكن للمدخنين ضمن الاماكن العامة المغلقة 2-مقاهي الشيشة لا يطبق بها القانون رغم ان القانون يشملها باعتبارها اماكن عامة مغلقة يحظرالقانون التدخين في جميع الماكن العامة المغلقة الا ان هناك موضوعين وهما: 1- يسمح القانون بتحصيص اماكن معزولة للمدحنين ضمن الاماكن المقفلة الا انه لم يتقدم الكثير لهذا الطلب بتخصيص امكاكن للمدخنين ضمن الاماكن العامة المغلقة 2-مقاهي الشيشة لا يطبق بها القانون رغم ان القانون يشملها باعتبارها اماكن عامة مغلقة يحظرالقانون التدخين في جميع الماكن العامة المغلقة الا ان هناك موضوعين وهما: 1- يسمح القانون بتحصيص اماكن معزولة للمدحنين ضمن الاماكن المقفلة الا انه لم يتقدم الكثير لهذا الطلب بتخصيص امكاكن للمدخنين ضمن الاماكن العامة المغلقة 2-مقاهي الشيشة لا يطبق بها القانون رغم ان القانون يشملها باعتبارها اماكن عامة مغلقة
Pakistan EMR Report not provided Tobacco Control Cell is coordinating with provincial and district governments to make public places smoke-free. Letters have been sent to Provincial CMs, all Federal Secretaries and provincial Chief Secretaries to ensure enforcement of laws. Letter has been sent to Governor, State Bank of Pakistan to make all banks smoke-free. Islamabad has been declared first Smoke-free city. Public Parks, Health and Educational Institutions are completely smoke-free. Regarding enforcement, more than 1000 cases have been registered against the violators of TC laws (violations at public places) across Pakistan. In order to protect youth from epidemic of Sheesha smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke, Government of Pakistan banned import of Sheesha (tobacco and non-tobacco) and related substances. Tobacco Control Cell is coordinating with provincial and district governments to make public places smoke-free. Letters have been sent to Provincial CMs, all Federal Secretaries and provincial Chief Secretaries to ensure enforcement of laws. Letter has been sent to Governor, State Bank of Pakistan to make all banks smoke-free. Islamabad has been declared first Smoke-free city. Public Parks, Health and Educational Institutions are completely smoke-free. Regarding enforcement, more than 1000 cases have been registered against the violators of TC laws (violations at public places) across Pakistan. In order to protect youth from epidemic of Sheesha smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke, Government of Pakistan banned import of Sheesha (tobacco and non-tobacco) and related substances.
Paraguay AMR Como detallamos anteriormente la legislación promulgada en el año 2020 ayudo al avance del articulo 8. Se cuenta actualmente con la Ley Nº 5538/15, que reglamenta el Articulo 8 del CMCT-OMS, Para la aplicación del artículo 8 , trabajamos con los municipios en ordenanzas municipales, instituciones públicas y privadas, centros educativos para declararlos ALH. Se cuenta actualmente con la Ley Nº 5538/15, que reglamenta el Articulo 8 del CMCT-OMS, ademas se sigue trabajando para la promulgación de nuevas ordenanzas municipales de espacios 100x100 libres de humo de tabaco.
Peru AMR El cumplimiento de la prohibición especialmente en bares, discotecas y lugares de entretenimiento nocturno es moderado. Difusión para el conocimiento de NTS N° 158, aplicando una acta de inspección, en cumplimiento al programa establecido por el Área de Vigilancia Sanitaria de la Calidad de Aire, de la Dirección de Control y Vigilancia de la DIGESA. Se ha actualizado la Norma Tecnica de salud. Progresivamente, las autoridades y población se esta involucrando con el cumplimiento de la ley y su modificatoria, en especial en la capitales de los departamentos del país. Progresivamente, las autoridades y población se esta involucrando con el cumplimiento de la ley y su modificatoria, en especial en la capitales de los departamentos del país.
Poland EUR Ban is required by Article 5 the Act of 9 November 1995 on the Protection of Health against Consequences of Consumption of Tobacco and Tobacco Products (Journal of Laws of 2019 item 2182), no changes in 2021-2022. If we compare this to the 2018 results, the percentage of people exposed to passive smoking in different public places is general trend towards reduced smoking. Reduction in the smoking of electronic cigarette and novel tobacco products analogous to the current ban on smoking tobacco in public places.
Portugal EUR Since 1st january 2023, under the Ordinance 154/2022 of June 2, smoking is not anymore allowed in bars, restaurants, bingos, and betting rooms, shopping malls, and other places for leisure actvities with lesss than 100 square meters (full ban). In those places with more than 100 square meters smoking is only allowed in smoking rooms with negative pressure. These rooms are exclusively for smoking and vaping. No minors and no services inside are allowed. Indoor air quality must be measured in the non smoking areas, at least once a year. Since 1st January 2018 it is not allowed to smoke heat-not-burn or electronic cigarettes in the same places where smoking is not allowed. This measure was introduced by the second revision to the tobacco law (63/2017 of August 3). This new law included in the concept of smoking all tobacco products that produce aerosols, vapours, gases or particles and reinforcing the measures to be applied to these new products, with regard to the protection of environmental tobacco smoke, advertising and promotion, as well as a total ban on smoking in outdoor playgrounds and holiday camps. The first and second amended to the tobacco law - Law 109/205 of August 26 and Lam 63/2017 os August 3 - introduced some progresses, but not yet a full ban of smoking in all public paces. Until 2020 it will be possible to maintain smoking areas already in place in the 1st of January 2016, according to the previous law (transitional period), in work places, restaurantes, pubs bars, discos, airports, show rooms, fairs and exhibitions bingos and casinos. In new establishments or after 2020 it will be possible to crate smoking rooms - with negative pressure - in restaurants, pubs and bars, casinos and bingos, fairs and exhibitions, hotels, shopping malls and airports. the access to this new smoking areas is not allowed to minors. Service of meals will not be allowed. Since 1st january 2018 it is not allowed to smoke heat-not-burn or eletronic cigarettes in the same places where smoking is not allowed. This measure was introduced by the second revision to the tobacco law (63/2017 of August 3). This new law included in the concept of smoking all tobacco products that produce aerosols, vapors, gases or particles and reinforcing the measures to be applied to these new products, with regard to the protection of environmental tobacco smoke, advertising and promotion, as well as a total ban on smoking in oudoor playgrounds and holiday camps. The first and second amended to the tobacco law - Law 109/205 of August 26 and Lam 63/2017 os August 3 - introduced some progresses, but not yet a full ban of smoking in all public paces. Until 2020 it will be possible to mantain smoking areas already in place in the 1st of january 2016, according to the previous law (transitional períod), in work places, restaurantes, pubs bars, discos, aeroports, show rooms, fairs and exhibitions bingos and casinos. In new establishments or after 2020 it will be possible to crate smoking rooms - with negative pressure - in restaurants, pubs and bars, casinos and bingos, fairs and exibhitions, hotels, shopping malls and aeroports. the acess to this new smoking areas is not alloed to minors. Service of meals will not be allowed.
Qatar EMR Answer not provided Prohibition of designation smoking areas Prohibiting smoking while driving with a child less than 18 years of age Prohibition of designation smoking areas Prohibiting smoking while driving with a child less than 18 years of age
Republic of Korea WPR Enforcement of the reduction system on smoking administrative fines (Jun. 4, 2020) - Prevention of smoking within non-smoking areas through motivating smoking cessation by reducing administrative fines imposed on smokers within non-smoking areas when they receive certain smoking cessation education or smoking cessation support services. An area within a radius of 10m from the boundary of a kindergarten and a childcare centers(since Dec 31st, 2018), smoking cafe(since Jan 1st, 2019), and virtual sports facility industry(from Sep 19th, 2019) have been newly designated as non-smoking area pursuant to the amendment to the National Health Promotion Act. Multi-family housing(since Sept. 2016), indoor sports facility(since Dec. 2017), an area within a radius of 10m from the boundary of a kindergarten and a childcare centers(from Jan.2019) have been newly designated as non-smoking area pursuant to the amendment to the National Health Promotion Act
New Zealand WPR Smoke-free Environments (Prohibiting Smoking in Motor Vehicles Carrying Children) Amendment Act 2020 was passed in May 2020 and came into force on 28 November 2021. This prohibits smoking and vaping in motor vehicles carrying children and young people under 18 years of age. The Smoke-free Environments (Prohibiting smoking in Motor Vehicles Carrying Children) Amendment Bill is due for a second reading at parliament soon. The Bill would amend the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 to prohibit smoking in vehicles, including employers in work vehicles, carrying anyone under the age of 18. The purpose of the bill is to protect children from the harm associated with second hand smoke. There have been no changes to the national legislation affecting exposure to tobacco smoke (ie, the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990) in recent years. Local authorities continue to strengthen the protection from exposure to tobacco smoke in their jurisdictions.
Nicaragua AMR En la Ley 727 "Ley para el Control de Tabaco". Capítulo II - Ambientes Libres de Humo - Art. 6 De las Prohibiciones al Consumo del Tabaco. se establecen estos aspectos. Answer not provided Answer not provided
Niger AFR Report not provided beaucoup de services sont en train dêtre fransformés en environnement sans tabac avec des panneaux qui lindiquent clairement. Report not provided
Netherlands EUR All indoor smoking areas are forbidden. The smoking ban is clearly set out in the Act, Jaunary 1st 2015. The exception for pubs and bars smaller than 70sq. meters that existed since 2011 was ended in 2015, so now there is a complete smoking ban in pubs and bars. The smoking ban is clearly set out in the Act, Jaunary 1st 2015. The exception for pubs and bars smaller than 70sq. meters that existed since 2011 was ended in 2015, so now there is a complete smoking ban in pubs and bars.
Madagascar AFR Report not provided évaluation de lapplication de larticle 8 dans les 3 villes de Madagascar (Antananarivo, Mahajanga et Toamasina) renforcement de lapplication dudit arrêté par la sensibilisation auprès du public à travers de la mass media; auprès de quelques départements ministériels et certains lieux privés.
Malaysia WPR NA In implementing Article 8, Malaysia has translated into two regulations in Control of Tobacco Product Regulation, 2004: Regulation 11: 23 gazetted areas all over Malaysia Regulation 22: 5 cities have areas gazetted under the smoke free cities projects (Melaka, Penang, Johor, Kelantan and Terengganu). Malaysia has expanded the no smoking places from air-conditioned restaurant to all types of eateries. The law has been enforced since January 2019. In implementing Article 8, Malaysia has translated into two regulations in Control of Tobacco Product Regulation, 2004: Regulation 11: 23 gazetted areas all over Malaysia Regulation 22: 5 cities have areas gazetted under the smoke free cities projects (Melaka, Penang, Johor, Kelantan and Terengganu).
Maldives SEA Answer not provided No additional updates No additional updates
Mali AFR Report not provided Même si des sanctions ne sont pas prises individuellement les personnes utilisant ces services sopposent aux consommateurs. De plus en plus le logo "Interdit de fumer " est accolé aux murs des services publics et dans les bureaux Même si des sanctions ne sont pas prises individuellement les personnes utilisant ces services sopposent aux consommateurs. De plus en plus le logo "Interdit de fumer " est accolé aux murs des services publics et dans les bureaux
Mauritania AFR Report not provided - -
Mauritius AFR Answer not provided The tobacco legislation is being fully enforced in the implementation of article 8 of the WHO FCTC during the past two years following the submission of the previous report and several contraventions have been established by the enforcing agencies. The tobacco legislation is being fully implemented and enforced, any situation of non-compliance with the relevant provisions of the law is dealt with accordingly and defaulters are contravened and prosecuted before the Court of Law.
Micronesia (Federated States of) WPR Answer not provided There is an increase in the awareness of smokefree places and the increase of voluntary community public places that banned smoking There is an increase in the awareness of smokefree places and the increase of voluntary community public places that banned smoking
Mongolia WPR Report not provided Unfortunately, public eatery, shops, bar, pub and entertainment places become not 100% smoke free environment by the Law amendment in 2015. Unfortunately, public eatery, shops, bar, pub and entertainment places become not 100% smoke free environment by the Law amendment in 2015.
Mozambique AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Myanmar SEA Answer not provided During 2016 and 2017, the Shan State (Southern part) organized series of smoke-free advocacies at State and township levels. With strong commitment of local government, leadership of State Public Health Department and involvement of CBOs, Pindaya cave could declare as smoke-free cave in August 2017. During 2016 and 2017, the Shan State (Southern part) organized series of smoke-free advocacies at State and township levels. With strong commitment of local government, leadership of State Public Health Department and involvement of CBOs, Pindaya cave could declare as smoke-free cave in August 2017.
Namibia AFR Report not provided In protecting the public from tobacco exposure the Act provides for prohibition of smoking within a certain distance from a window of, ventilation inlet of, doorway to or entrance into a public places. The regulations will stipulate the distance. Report not provided
Nauru WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Jamaica AMR Answer not provided The Public Health (Tobacco Control) Regulations 2013 which was enacted on July 15, 2013 and amended in 2014 provides for protection from exposure to tobacco smoke in accordance with article 8. Some progress has been made in enforcement over the period. We continue to collaborate with other Ministries, Departments and agencies with a view to increasing enforcement efforts. We also continue to execute initiatives through the Ministrys Health Promotion and through departments such as the National Council on Drug Abuse; and further, through collaboration with civil society, specifically, the Jamaica Coalition for Tobacco Control in our efforts to sensitize the public and to identify breaches of the current Regulations. The Public Health (Tobacco Control) Regulations 2013 which was enacted on July 15, 2013 and amended in 2014 provides for protection from exposure to tobacco smoke in accordance with article 8. Some progress have been made in enforcement. We continue to collaborate with other agencies with a view to increasing enforcement efforts.
Jordan EMR زيادة في عدد الحملات الاعلامية و التوعية باضرار التدخين و قانون الصحة العامة 47 لسنة 2008 و تعديلاته On the 25th of June 2020, the Minister of Health issued a decision No. (T U/35/211) that was circulated to other government officials to ban smoking in all indoor public places. تم منع التدخين منعا تاما في مباني وزارة الصحة وجميع الوزارات والمؤسسات الحكومية والاسواق التجارية والمطاعم السريعة والفنادق مع صدور تعليمات للفصل التام بين المدخنين وغير المدخنين اوقد اصبحت تعليمات الفصل التام بين المدخنين وغير المدخنين نافذة واجبارية ضمن تعديلات قانون الصحة العامة المعدل رقم 11لسنة 2017
Kazakhstan EUR нет данных Report not provided Answer not provided
Kiribati WPR Answer not provided Hard to access the progress as this is the first report Hard to access the progress as this is the first report
Kuwait EMR Answer not provided صدور قانون حكاية البيئة 42 لسنة 2014 وتعديلاته بالقانون 99 لمسنة 2015 صدور اللائحة التنفيذية للقانون بدء حملات التفتيش حملة نوعوية صدور قانون حكاية البيئة 42 لسنة 2014 وتعديلاته بالقانون 99 لمسنة 2015 صدور اللائحة التنفيذية للقانون بدء حملات التفتيش حملة نوعوية
Lao People's Democratic Republic WPR Report not provided Health Minister Regulation approved in 2016 required all indoors should be smoke free Health Minister Regulation approved in 2016 required all indoors should be smoke free
Lebanon EMR Answer not provided Overall compliance with indoor smoking ban is at 69%, following a survey of 1200 locations throughout the country. Overall compliance with indoor smoking ban is at 69%, following a survey of 1200 locations throughout the country.
Lesotho AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Liberia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Libya EMR لا يوجد للاسف اي تقدم محرز وذلك نتيجة للفوضى العارمة في البلاد لم يتم تحقيق تقدم يذكر بسبب الظروف السياسية والامنية التي تمر بها البلاد لم يتم تحقيق تقدم يذكر بسبب الظروف السياسية والامنية التي تمر بها البلاد
Lithuania EUR According to amendment to the Tobacco control law, since 2021-01-01 the list of smoke-free places was expanded by adding the following smoke-free places: 7)public transport stops (pavilions), children's playgrounds, outdoor dining areas - places where public catering services are provided to serve customers in outdoor conditions (at outdoor tables, gazebos, other outdoor facilities), except for specifically set smoking areas; 8) during outdoor sports competitions or other outdoor events, except for specifically set smoking areas; 9) on the private balconies, terraces, loggias of multi-apartment houses, when at least one resident of the multi-apartment house objects to smoking). and also establishing clear regulation what use of any tobacco and tobacco related products is banned in all smoke-free places set by the Law. Draft amendment to the Tobacco control law was registered in the Parliament and is under the reading in the Parliament to introduce ban of using tobacco products and e-cigarettes in the following places: - stops of public transport; - children playgrounds; - outdoor cafes (except of specially established smoking places); - outdoor events places (except of specially established smoking places); - private balconies, terrace, loggias in the apartment buildings in case any resident of the apartment house opposed of smoking. The mentioned draft amendment to Tobacco control law also propose to introduce to repeal a valid exception for smoking of novel heated smokeless tobacco products being currently allowed to use under exception in night clubs, bars, cafes and common residential areas. Committee of Human rights of the Lithuanian Parliament has issued favourable opinion on the mentioned amendments. By implementing the Governmental Program Implementation Plan for 2017-2020 (action 1.4.2, item 8), the Minister of Health 13/03/2018 adopted the order on inter-sectoral working group for preparation of amendment of the Law on Tobacco Control with in order to legalise plain tobacco package, introduce tobacco display ban and expand non-smoking areas.
Luxembourg EUR Délimitation de zones fumeurs dans les quais de trois grandes gares de trains au Luxembourg, depuis 15 janvier 2023. Il est prévu d'étendre l'interdiction de fumer et de vapoter à davantage de gares par la suite. Entrée en vigueur de la nouvelle loi antitabac du 13 juin 2017 qui ajoute les mesures suivantes, aux mesures déjà existantes, contre lexposition à la fumée du tabac: • Interdiction de fumer sur les aires de jeux : L’interdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics sera étendue sur les aires de jeux. Cette mesure constitue un moyen de prévention qui s’adresse à ceux qui sont les plus vulnérables face aux méfaits du tabac. En évitant l’exposition des enfants au tabagisme, cette interdiction vise à réduire le nombre d’enfants qui vont commencer à fumer plus tard. Elle oblige également les adultes à avoir un comportement responsable face aux enfants et à assumer leur devoir de protection. La loi contribue à responsabiliser les parents qui servent de modèles aux enfants. • Interdiction de fumer dans les véhicules privés quand des enfants de moins de 12 ans sont à bord. Toujours dans un esprit de protection des plus jeunes, l’interdiction de fumer sera étendue aux voitures privées transportant des mineurs de moins de 12 ans, en partie pour les mêmes raisons que celles invoquées pour l’interdiction de fumer sur les aires de jeux. Cette mesure permet aussi d’adresser le problème de la nocivité accrue du tabagisme passif qui pose un problème particulièrement aigu dans lespace extrêmement confiné quest lhabitacle dune voiture. Même des fenêtres ouvertes et une climatisation à puissance maximale ne permettent d’évacuer la fumée de façon satisfaisante. Cette mesure vise aussi à ne pas exposer les enfants à la vue d’adultes en train de fumer afin de ne pas induire l’acceptation inconsciente d’une image liée au tabagisme. • Interdiction du vapotage aux mêmes endroits où s’applique l’interdiction de fumer. Afin de protéger la santé des citoyens et des consommateurs contre les risques potentiels de la cigarette électronique, le projet de loi prévoit l’interdiction du « vapotage » aux mêmes endroits où s’applique l’interdiction de fumer. La cigarette électronique constitue un risque potentiel pour la santé, notamment à cause de ses ingrédients principaux. En effet, des composés organiques indésirables, car toxiques ou cancérigènes, se retrouvent dans la vapeur inhalée et émise. Le propylène glycol, la glycérine, et la nicotine, à des concentrations variables, en sont les principaux constituants. Les e-liquides libèrent des substances irritantes et classées comme toxiques pour les consommateurs comme pour l’entourage, mais dans une moindre mesure que la cigarette conventionnelle. En outre, comme l’utilisation de la cigarette électronique simule l’acte de fumer proprement dit, cela peut constituer une stimulation à l’initiation au tabagisme particulièrement chez les jeunes. Le vapotage « renormalise » également l’image de fumer en société, et anéantit des dizaines d’années d’efforts pour construire une société de demain sans tabac. Nous mentionnons également l’Art.L312-2. (3) du Code du travail Luxembourgeois qui vise la protection contre lexposition à la fumée du tabac : « L’employeur doit prendre toutes les mesures pour assurer et améliorer la protection de la santé physique et psychique des salariés, notamment en assurant des conditions de travail ergonomiques suffisantes, en évitant dans la mesure du possible le travail répétitif, en organisant le travail de manière appropriée et en prenant les mesures nécessaires afin que les salariés soient protégés de manière efficace contre les émanations résultant de la consommation de tabac d’autrui. » Entrée en vigueur de la nouvelle loi antitabac du 13 juin 2017 qui ajoute les mesures suivantes, aux mesures déjà existantes, contre lexposition à la fumée du tabac: • Interdiction de fumer sur les aires de jeux : L’interdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics sera étendue sur les aires de jeux. Cette mesure constitue un moyen de prévention qui s’adresse à ceux qui sont les plus vulnérables face aux méfaits du tabac. En évitant l’exposition des enfants au tabagisme, cette interdiction vise à réduire le nombre d’enfants qui vont commencer à fumer plus tard. Elle oblige également les adultes à avoir un comportement responsable face aux enfants et à assumer leur devoir de protection. La loi contribue à responsabiliser les parents qui servent de modèles aux enfants. • Interdiction de fumer dans les véhicules privés quand des enfants de moins de 12 ans sont à bord. Toujours dans un esprit de protection des plus jeunes, l’interdiction de fumer sera étendue aux voitures privées transportant des mineurs de moins de 12 ans, en partie pour les mêmes raisons que celles invoquées pour l’interdiction de fumer sur les aires de jeux. Cette mesure permet aussi d’adresser le problème de la nocivité accrue du tabagisme passif qui pose un problème particulièrement aigu dans lespace extrêmement confiné quest lhabitacle dune voiture. Même des fenêtres ouvertes et une climatisation à puissance maximale ne permettent d’évacuer la fumée de façon satisfaisante. Cette mesure vise aussi à ne pas exposer les enfants à la vue d’adultes en train de fumer afin de ne pas induire l’acceptation inconsciente d’une image liée au tabagisme. • Interdiction du vapotage aux mêmes endroits où s’applique l’interdiction de fumer. Afin de protéger la santé des citoyens et des consommateurs contre les risques potentiels de la cigarette électronique, le projet de loi prévoit l’interdiction du « vapotage » aux mêmes endroits où s’applique l’interdiction de fumer. La cigarette électronique constitue un risque potentiel pour la santé, notamment à cause de ses ingrédients principaux. En effet, des composés organiques indésirables, car toxiques ou cancérigènes, se retrouvent dans la vapeur inhalée et émise. Le propylène glycol, la glycérine, et la nicotine, à des concentrations variables, en sont les principaux constituants. Les e-liquides libèrent des substances irritantes et classées comme toxiques pour les consommateurs comme pour l’entourage, mais dans une moindre mesure que la cigarette conventionnelle. En outre, comme l’utilisation de la cigarette électronique simule l’acte de fumer proprement dit, cela peut constituer une stimulation à l’initiation au tabagisme particulièrement chez les jeunes. Le vapotage « renormalise » également l’image de fumer en société, et anéantit des dizaines d’années d’efforts pour construire une société de demain sans tabac.
Eswatini AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ethiopia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
European Union EUR The European Commission announced its plans to propose in 2023 the revision of the Council Recommendation on Smoke-free Environments. For more information see call for evidence available at: As a support, the evaluative Study on smoke-free environments and advertising of tobacco and related products was published in 2021. See: Answer not provided Answer not provided
Fiji WPR Report not provided Implementing the tobacco free initiative in workplaces, villages and community halls. In 2019, new tobacco free settings declares are as follows:- one hospital (Korovou Sub Divisional Hospital) &, 12 community halls and three schools. Revitalization and replacement of tobacco free boards at 5 health facilities and 1 community hall. this year we have opted to celebrate the World No Tobacco Day 2020 at one of our remotest island since we have social gathering restrictions due to COVID 19. Report not provided
Finland EUR New amendments to Tobacco Act in 2022 (Section 74), there are new smoke-free outdoor areas in legislation: - public beaches during the summer season (from 1st May until 30th September) - playgrounds - outdoor areas of institutions providing care under the Child Welfare Act or the Mental Health Act, intended for persons under 18 years of age In addition, the provisions on smoking in the Imprisonment Act (767/2005) and the Remand Imprisonment Act have been amended. Legislation enters into force on 4th September 2023. Smoking in prison premises will be arranged so that prisoners and remand prisoners are not allowed to smoke or vape indoors. However, prisoners and remand prisoners are still reserved an opportunity to smoke outdoors daily. Prisoners and remand prisoners will be entitled to smoking cessation support. Under section 74: Smoking is also prohibited in private vechiles with anyone under the age of 15 present in the vechile. The prohibition does not apply to living areas inside vechiles. Under section 79: Imposition of smoking bans in housing corporations: A housing corporation may submit an application requesting the municipality to impose a ban that forbids smoking on the balconies of individual apartments in a building belonging to the housing corporation, in the outdoor areas to which the apartments have access, and inside apartments. Under section 74: Smoking is also prohibited in private vechiles with anyone under the age of 15 present in the vechile. The prohibition does not apply to living areas inside vechiles. Under section 79: Imposition of smoking bans in housing corporations: A housing corporation may submit an application requesting the municipality to impose a ban that forbids smoking on the balconies of individual apartments in a building belonging to the housing corporation, in the outdoor areas to which the apartments have access, and inside apartments.
Gambia AFR Answer not provided The coming into force of the "Tobacco Control Act, 2016" in December 2018 has provided protection from second hand smoke. The ban on public smoking protects non smokers from exposure to tobacco smoke
Ghana AFR Answer not provided FDA undertakes inspection of Hospitality facilities and guide those who want to set up DSAs. Where this is not yet set up, FDA enforces complete ban. FDA undertakes inspection of Hospitality facilities and guide those who want to set up DSAs. Where this is not yet set up, FDA enforces complete ban.
Greece EUR Better and stricter implementation of existing smoking control policies Report not provided No progress has been made in the past two years to implement Article 8, but recently the General Secretary of the Ministry of Health made a commitment to enforce the smoking ban law.
Grenada AMR Report not provided Very little progress have been made Very little progress have been made
Guatemala AMR A través de actividades de capacitación, así como de acciones de vigilancia, se ha logrado que los establecimientos abiertos y cerrados al público (centros de trabajo, establecimientos comerciales, educativos, religiosos, hoteles, transporte público y otros, cumplan con el Decreto 74-2008, Ley de Ambientes Libres de Humo de Tabaco. Se ha incrementado considerablemente la comunicación social de la Ley. La vigilancia del cumplimiento se incrementó en 2019; sin embargo, la Pandemia COVID-19 ha limitado la acción en el año 2020. Se ha ampliado el horizonte de acciones hacia la socialización y educación sanitaria, previo a la vigilancia. Se han mejorado y estandarizado los instrumentos aplicados para la vigilancia. Se ha incrementado considerablemente la vigilancia del cumplimiento, la sanción y la comunicación social de la Ley. Se ha ampliado el horizonte de acciones hacia la socialización y educación sanitaria, previo a la vigilancia. Se han mejorado y estandarizado los instrumentos aplicados para la vigilancia. Se trabaja en la publicación de un Manual para facilitar la aplicación por parte de personal de salud.
Guinea-Bissau AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Guyana AMR Answer not provided Whilst the legislation has been passed, steps are now being taken to achieve implementation. Whilst the legislation has been passed, steps are now being taken to achieve implementation.
Honduras AMR Report not provided Ha aumentado el cumplimiento de las disposiciones a favor de la protección contra la exposición al humo de tabaco, la población ha adquirido un mayor nivel de concienciación de cumplir con dichas disposiciones a nivel nacional. Se ha trabajado con el eslogan que ahora en Honduras no fumar es ley, y dicho mensaje a llegado a toda la población hondureña incluso en los lugares turísticos de nuestro territorio Hondureño. Se han llevado a cabo inspecciones permanentes con el apoyo de las Alcaldías Municipales de zonas turísticas donde hay playas maritimas para aplicar la ley Antitabaco y el CMCT de la OMS. Ha aumentado el cumplimiento de las disposiciones a favor de la protección contra la exposición al humo de tabaco, la población ha adquirido un mayor nivel de concienciación de cumplir con dichas disposiciones a nivel nacional. Se ha trabajado con el eslogan que ahora en Honduras no fumar es ley, y dicho mensaje a llegado a toda la población hondureña incluso en los lugares turísticos de nuestro territorio hondureño.
Hungary EUR Answer not provided In Hungary it is a milestone, that the Parliament decided the modification of the Act XLII of 1999 on the certain rules of the protection of non-smokers and of the consumption and marketing of tobacco products by extremely high – 84 % - qualified majority on 26 April 2011 whereby it has been forbidden since 1 January 2012 to smoke in enclosed public places and public spaces. According to the surveys and the monitorings it can be stated that the legislative amendment is highly appreciated (85%) in the society and people comply with it properly. By modifying the law, Hungary has joined those countries, which had implemented one of the most modern anti-smoking legislation of Europe. Based on it, they meet the criteria of the health policy, technical requirements and recommendations of the EU and the WHO. After the amendment of national property law, the average concentration of the indoor air pollution, which is mainly attributable to the tobacco smoke, has been reduced by 90% in the entertainment and dining areas. According to the results of the European population health survey done in 2014 it can be stated that there has been a further significant improvement in relation with the exposure to passive smoking compared to the 2009 data. Smoke-free Hungary Case Study (2014) The Smoking Focal Point (NOEFI) has prepared a case study (Smoke-free Hungary) on the impact assessment of the amendment of legislation on the protection of non-smokers with the support of WHO. The case study is aimed to present the actions effectively enhancing the reducement of smoking which were introduced in the past years. The introduction of these measures is unique among the FCTC Parties of WHO and the Member States of the EU. smoke-the-story-of-hungary In Hungary it is a milestone, that the Parliament decided the modification of the Act XLII of 1999 on the certain rules of the protection of non-smokers and of the consumption and marketing of tobacco products by extremely high – 84 % - qualified majority on 26 April 2011 whereby it has been forbidden since 1 January 2012 to smoke in enclosed public places and public spaces. According to the surveys and the monitorings it can be stated that the legislative amendment is highly appreciated (85%) in the society and people comply with it properly. By modifying the law, Hungary has joined those countries, which had implemented one of the most modern anti-smoking legislation of Europe. Based on it, they meet the criteria of the health policy, technical requirements and recommendations of the EU and the WHO. After the amendment of national property law, the average concentration of the indoor air pollution, which is mainly attributable to the tobacco smoke, has been reduced by 90% in the entertainment and dining areas. According to the results of the European population health survey done in 2014 it can be stated that there has been a further significant improvement in relation with the exposure to passive smoking compared to the 2009 data. Smoke-free Hungary Case Study (2014) The Smoking Focal Point (NOEFI) has prepared a case study (Smoke-free Hungary) on the impact assessment of the amendment of legislation on the protection of non-smokers with the support of WHO. The case study is aimed to present the actions effectively enhancing the reducement of smoking which were introduced in the past years. The introduction of these measures is unique among the FCTC Parties of WHO and the Member States of the EU.
Costa Rica AMR Se espera contar con los resultados de la 'Encuesta GATS 2022', con el propósito de conocer el avance en la aplicación del artículo N° 8 'Protección contra la exposición al humo de tabaco' del CMCT de la OMS. El Ministerio de Salud contrato en el año 2016, 27 inspectores externos exclusivos para realizar inspección en establecimientos declarados 100% libres de humo de tabaco. Esto incremento el cumplimiento de las disposiciones de Ley 9028 en nuestro país. Esta medida ha sido muy beneficiosa para la población porque se protege su salud y el medio ambiente su alcance se refleja en la disminución de la prevalencia de fumado: sin embargo es necesario iniciar la lucha para que no se fume en las casas destinadas a la habitación familiar con el fin de proteger a las generaciones presente y futuras. Es importante anotar que según la encuesta GATS solo el 49% de los encuestados estuvieron expuestos al humo de tabaco en los hogares. Por otra parte en el l reglamento se establecen otras disposiciones que son importantes mencionar: Artículo 6 : De la información a las personas con discapacidad visual. Artículo 7: Del derecho de las personas y deberes de propietarios, gerentes, administradores, representantes y demás personas con poder de decisión, de los espacios o lugares públicos y privados, cien por ciento (100%) libres de la exposición al humo de tabaco y sus derivados. Artículo 8: Obligaciones de las personas propietarias, representantes legales, gerentes, administradoras y jerarcas institucionales de los lugares públicos y privados, cien por ciento (100%) libres de la exposición al humo de tabaco y sus derivados. Artículo 9: De los avisos y la señalización en los lugares y espacios públicos y privados cien por ciento (100%) libres de la exposición al humo de tabaco y sus derivado. En el artículo 36 de la Ley se establecen las sanciones por el incumpliendo al artículo 5: Sitios prohibidos para fumar : a) Con multa del diez por ciento (10%) de un salario base, a las personas físicas que fumen en los sitios prohibidos. b) Con multa del quince por ciento (15%) de un salario base, a las personas responsables y jerarcas que incumplan el deber de colocar, en los sitios prohibidos para fumar, los avisos con la frase Prohibido fumar, ambiente libre de humo de tabaco” y con el símbolo internacional de prohibido fumar, así como cualquier otro aviso que establezca el reglamento de esta ley. c) Con multa del cincuenta por ciento (50%) de un salario base a quien incurra en alguna de las siguientes conductas: i.- A quien ocupe el cargo de administrador, director, curador, fiduciario, apoderado y demás personas físicas con facultades de decisión, en cualquier empresa o institución pública o privada, cuando se compruebe que han permitido el fumado en sitios prohibidos. Actualmente, el Ministerio de Salud tiene proyectado a iniciar en marzo con el proyecto de inspectores ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, el cual consiste en la contratación de gestores ambientales graduados de este centro de estudios para que se repartan en las direcciones regionales del Ministerio y puedan hacer inspecciones en los distintos sitios prohibidos para fumar; regulando, a su vez, el empaquetado y las ventas ilegales de productos de tabaco,
Côte d'Ivoire AFR Answer not provided Le décret visant la protection contre lexposition à la fumée du tabac prend en compte tous les lieux publics clos ou semi clos.Il est globalement respecté. Le décret visant la protection contre lexposition à la fume du tabac prend en compte tous les lieux publics clos ou semi clos.Il est globalement respecté.
Croatia EUR no changes since the last report The only progress is that we had banned to smoke tobacco and related products or herbal products, and the same restriction we had made to use nicotine-containing or non-nicotine-containing electronic cigarettes and waterpipes in all indoor public places. The only progress is that we had banned to smoke tobacco and related products or herbal products, and the same restriction we had made to use nicotine-containing or non-nicotine-containing electronic cigarettes and waterpipes in all indoor public places.
Cyprus EUR Answer not provided Voting of new legislation in 2017 where the indoor and outdoor places where smoking is forbidden have been expanded. Voting of new legislation in 2017 where the indoor and outdoor places where smoking is forbidden have been expanded.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea SEA Report not provided The Tobacco Control Law updated in 2016 expanded no-smoking areas. It is extended museums, exhibition halls, libraries, stadiums, swiming pools, barbershops and beauty shops, bathrooms, restaurants, zoos and botanical gardens. The Tobacco Control Law updated in 2016 expanded tno-smoking areas. It is extended museums, exhibition halls, libraries, stadiums, swiming pools, barbershops and beauty shops, bathrooms, restaurants, zoos and botanical gardens.
Democratic Republic of the Congo AFR la vulgarisation de l'arreté 041 sur l'interdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics renforcera la protection de la population La loi-cadre de la santé publique n° 18/035 du 13 décembre a prévu 1 article à cet effet. Answer not provided
Denmark EUR Since the last reporting has the Smoke-free Environments Act been extended and covers now also herbal products for smoking and non-tobacco nicotine products. The smoking ban has also been extended to boarding schools and youth educations, and further is it no longer permitted to sell tobacco products, herbal products for smoking and non-tobacco nicotine products at schools, boarding schools and youth educations Several municipalities have decided to implement smoke free working hours, in genereal meaning that smoking is forbidden during work hours - also if employees leave the workplace during work hours, for instance to go to meetings. The law has not been amended since submission of the last report. However, legislation regarding smoke-free school hours is a part of the national action plan (please refer to section C116). Answer not provided
Djibouti EMR Report not provided des réunions avec les parents deleves pour promouvoir lautodiscipline dans les vehicules privés. des réunions avec les parents deleves pour promouvoir lautodiscipline dans les vehicules privés.
Dominica AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Egypt EMR Answer not provided اللائحة التنفيذية للقانون ١٥٤ لسنه ٢٠٠٧ تحتاج الي تعديل لتسهيل اليه التطبيق و تحديد كيفية جمع الغرامات اللائحة التنفيذية للقانون ١٥٤ لسنه ٢٠٠٧ تحتاج الي تعديل لتسهيل اليه التطبيق و تحديد كيفية جمع الغرامات
El Salvador AMR Answer not provided Se ha desarrollado en 2020, la estrategia de consolidación territorial orientada a fortalecer las prohibiciones al consumo de tabaco en espacios públicos y privados del país, a fin de garantizar la protección de la salud de las personas no fumadoras; en respuesta a la necesidad de buscar una plena implementación del Art. 8 del Convenio Marco del Control de Tabaco (CMCT) y del Art. 6 de la Ley para el Control del Tabaco de El Salvador (LCPT). Se parte de reconocer que el territorio nacional está integrado por la suma de otros, que tienen características propias y particulares, lo que les brinda una riqueza y los diferencia entre sí por la suma de los elementos que los integran; tomando en cuenta que su composición está dada por la articulación de sistemas societales y sistemas ecológicos diversos. Por lo que, para garantizar el fortalecimiento de la aplicación de la medida en el país, se ha determinado la necesidad de establecer alianzas que permitan generar una amplia coordinación entre los actores presentes en los diversos niveles de organización territorial del Estado, con el fin de generar una implementación que tenga la capacidad de ser retroalimentada tomando en cuenta las diferencias que existen en el territorio nacional. La formulación e implementación de una estrategia orientada al fortalecimiento de las prohibiciones al consumo de tabaco y la protección del no fumador, para garantizar la plena implementación del Art. 8 del CMCT y del Art. 6 de la LCPT en El Salvador ha considerado las siguientes premisas: Para fortalecer la protección de la salud de población salvadoreña de los efectos de mortalidad, morbilidad y discapacidad que causa la exposición al humo de tabaco, se deben impulsar el establecimiento de alianzas con actores claves en la escala nacional, regional y local del país; como una estrategia de consolidación territorial para el cumplimiento del Art. 8 del CMCT y del Art.6 de la LPCT. Las alianzas establecidas deben ser realizadas con tomadores de decisión y líderes representantes de dichas escalas, con quiénes se tiene que genera un acercamiento para territorializar la importancia del cumplimento de los ambientes libres de humo de tabaco¸ como una medida de protección de la población del padecimiento de los efectos nocivos del consumo indirecto de tabaco. Dichas alianzas se consolidan mediante la integración de los actores en mesas de trabajo multisectorial a nivel nacional, regionales y municipales, quienes promueven la vigila y el desarrollo e implementación herramientas complementarias al Art. 6. para buscar la garantía de ambientes libres de humo de tabaco dentro de sus ámbitos de acción. Los actores son representantes de diversos sectores de gobierno, instituciones de educación superior y sociedad civil, con diversos grados de poder, acción e incidencia en las escalas territoriales; lo cual, permite que la medida sea fortalecida y retroalimentada de forma descendente, ascendente y transversal mediante su participación activa en las iniciativas del país. Al tener en cuenta los planteamientos anteriores, la estrategia puede ser enunciada como: Fortalecimiento de la implementación nacional de ambientes libres de humo, mediante el establecimiento de una coordinación sinérgica entre los actores claves para su aplicación en el territorio nacional. Mediante Decreto Ejecutivo No. 63, de fecha 29 de mayo de 2015, publicado en el Diario Oficial No. 101, Tomo 407, de fecha 5 de junio de 2015, se emitió el Reglamento de la Ley para el Control del Tabaco. En el Capítulo 1. Espacios libres de humo establece la Protección del no fumador. Art. 19.· Los propietarios o responsables de los espacios públicos y privados libres de humo establecidos en el artículo 6 de la Ley para el Control del Tabaco, deben buscar prioritariamente la protección del no fumador, fijando en lugares visibles letreros, avisos o símbolos que expresan la prohibición de fumar o mantener encendido tabaco. Fuera de los espacios reservados para fumadores, no deben existir ceniceros de ningún tipo. En el Art. 23, De los sitios prohibidos para fumar. Establece que en atención a lo establecido en la Ley para el Control del Tabaco y los artículos 1, literal “f” y 5, numeral 2, literal b del Convenio Marco de la OMS para el Control del Tabaco, respecto de los lugares libres de humo; queda prohibido fumar o mantener encendidos productos de tabaco y sus derivados que expidan humo, gases o vapores, en cualquiera de sus formas o en dispositivos, incluido el cigarrillo electrónico y la pipa, en los siguientes lugares: (a) en los centros de trabajo, se incluye áreas de acceso, zonas de tránsito, vehículos automotores y parqueos, de acuerdo al artículo 8, numeral 2 del CMCT; (b) Áreas donde se desarrollan eventos, espectáculos, actividades de concentración masiva de personas, sean éstos de índole política, deportiva, recreativa, religiosa, cultural, científica, comercial, entre otros; (c) Medios de transporte terrestre, marítimo y aéreo con origen y destino en territorio nacional; (d) Áreas o establecimientos donde se elaboren, transformen, preparen, degusten o vendan alimentos; (e) Terminales de autobuses, paradas de autobús, así como cualquier medio de transporte de personas; (f) Centros comerciales, casinos, clubes nocturnos, discotecas, bares, restaurantes y cafeterias; (g) Secretarias de Estado y dependencias, instituciones autónomas y entidades de servicio público no gubernamentales; (h) Centro educativos públicos y privados en todos sus niveles.
Equatorial Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided SON MEDIDAS PARCIALES
Estonia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Brunei Darussalam WPR Answer not provided Currently, the regulations on prohibition in certain places are being reviewed to include more public places. Currently revising the regulations to include more public places.
Bulgaria EUR Answer not provided Tobacco control legislation covers all the provisions concerning Art.8. Tobacco control legislation covers all the provisions concerning art.8, but inadequate fines reduce their effectiveness. Enforcement is a great problem because neither legal acts nor decrees for implementation of the Laws provide clear requirements for fines and violation penalties. For example: no political will exist to impose effective control on smoking in indoor public places, especially in restaurants, cafes, bars etc. The change in the Health Act, where the ban was enacted, do not include penalties as "closure of the establishment for a defined time" or "revocation of the license". The privatized Bulgarian tobacco industry presents Bulgarian tobacco control with even bigger challenges than the ones we are witnessing now and they, no doubt, should be directly putting at risk total population health.
Burkina Faso AFR Answer not provided - Organisation de rencontres dinformation des responsables des lieux publics. - sorties daffichages dans les lieux publics, - Formation des officiers de police. - - Sorties inopinée de la police dans les lieux publics Le Burkina Faso a prévu dans son plan stratégique 2016-2020, des actions en rapport avec lapplication de la loi antitabac et ses décrets dapplication. Il est prévu des mesures dissuasives à lencontre des éventuels contrevenants au décret sur linterdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics
Burundi AFR Report not provided Organisation des ateliers de sensiblisation dans la communauté sur les méfaits du tabagisme un projet de loi nationale sur la lutte contre le tabagisme contenant des dispositions y relatives Report not provided
Cabo Verde AFR Answer not provided Cape Verde only worked on the issue of awareness, but the new legislation will prohibit the use of tobacco in all the designated places pas de progrès des 1995
Cambodia WPR Report not provided Yes, Answer not provided
Canada AMR PEI - March 1, 2020: news tobacco and vaping laws came into force. Minimum age of purchases tobacco and nicotine vaping products increased from age 19 to 21 years. Nicotine vaping products are only available in stories designated as “tobacconist shops” – these stores are age -restricted, meaning that only people who are of legal age can purchase products can enter them. March 1, 2021: the sale of flavored vaping products (with the exception of tobacco flavor) is prohibited in PEI. BC - Banning smoking in bus shelters – in progress SK - Legislation was amended to include vaping restrictions. There have been extensive developments in implementing Article 8. Comprehensive smoke-free legislation has been passed in all sub-national jurisdictions and numerous municipalities in Canada have adopted bylaws or policies to prohibit smoking in public places such as patios, play grounds and parks. For example, municipal bylaws have been expanded in certain communities within the province of Saskatchewan. There have been extensive developments in implementing Article 8. Comprehensive smoke-free legislation has been passed in all sub-national jurisdictions and numerous municipalities in Canada have adopted bylaws or policies to prohibit smoking in public places such as patios, play grounds and parks. For example, as of Nov. 26, 2017, all colleges (CEGEP), universities and hospitals in Quebec were required by provincial legislation to adopt a policy regarding smoking on their grounds. While they need not adopt a 100% smoke-free outdoor policy, at least one has opted to do so.
Chad AFR Answer not provided Implantation des signalétiques dans plusieurs lieux publics, lieu de travail et transport comme certains bars, restaurants lieux de travail de la capitale formation des responsables de ces entreprises sur limportance des signalétiques avant leurs implantations; Emissions radiodiffusées et télévisées, formation des jeunes et enseignants comme pairs éducateurs, conférence débat avec les jeunes, sur les conséquences de tabagisme passif, Implantation des signalétiques dans quelques lieux publics par exemples certains bars, restaurants lieux de travail entretient avec les responsables de ces entreprises sur limportance des signalétiques avant leurs implantations; Emissions radiodiffusées et télévisées, formation des jeunes et enseignants comme pairs éducateurs, conférence débat avec les jeunes, sur les conséquences de tabagisme passif,
Chile AMR Answer not provided El cumplimiento del Artículo 8 del CMTC tiene un alto estándar de cumplimiento de acuerdo a la legislación vigente. El cumplimiento del Artículo 8 del CMTC tiene un alto estándar de cumplimiento de acuerdo a la legislación vigente.
Colombia AMR Proceso de implementación de las medidas de Inspección, Vigilancia y Control establecidos en la Ley 1335 de 2009 (Acta unificada de inspección, vigilancia y control de la Ley 1335 de 2009, para todo el territorio nacional; aplicación de medidas sancionatiorias, señalización oficial de ambientes Libres de humo de tabaco) - Creación y socialización de la ruta de denuncia para la protección de los ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco en los lugares establecidos en el artículo 19 de la Ley de control de tabaco. *Con el Proyecto FCTC 2030, se priorizó como una de sus líneas estratégicas el fortalecimiento de la vigilancia sanitaria. En este marco se han capacitado a las entidades subnacionales para fortalecer sus capacidades técnicas y operativas en la aplicación integral de la Ley 1335 de 2009, y con el objetivo de mejorar la articulación interinstitucional. - Proceso de implementación de las medidas de Inspección, Vigilancia y Control establecidos en la Ley 1335 de 2009 (Acta unificada de inspección, vigilancia y control de la Ley 1335 de 2009, para todo el territorio nacional; aplicación de medidas sancionatiorias, señalización oficial de ambientes Libres de humo de tabaco) - Creación y socialización de la ruta de denuncia para la protección de los ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco en los lugares establecidos en el artículo 19 de la Ley de control de tabaco. *Con el Proyecto FCTC 2030, se priorizó como una de sus líneas estratégicas el fortalecimiento de la vigilancia sanitaria. En este marco se han capacitado a las entidades subnacionales para fortalecer sus capacidades técnicas y operativas en la aplicación integral de la Ley 1335 de 2009, y con el objetivo de mejorar la articulación interinstitucional. - Proceso de implementación de las medidas de Inspección, Vigilancia y Control establecidos en la Ley 1335 de 2009 (Acta unificada de inspección, vigilancia y control de la Ley 1335 de 2009, para todo el territorio nacional; aplicación de medidas sancionatiorias, señalización oficial de ambientes Libres de humo de tabaco) - Creación y socialización de la ruta de denuncia para la protección de los ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco en los lugares establecidos en el artículo 19 de la Ley de control de tabaco.
Comoros AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Congo AFR le décret n+2018-216 du5 juin 2018 portant interdiction de fumer dans les lieux à usage public est mis en exergue parfois timidement dans certains lieux. Nous constatons que cette interdiction est complète parce que beaucoup des gens la mette en pratique même si nous navons pas des textes dapplication. On a plus des espaces sans pour 100% sans tabac créés par accords volontaires. Report not provided
Australia WPR The states and territory governments are responsible for smoking restrictions to prevent second-hand smoking in Australia. Smoking is banned in all indoor public places, and transport and most jurisdictions have begun to extend bans on smoking to some outdoor public areas. (1) In Victoria is currently working on banning smoking and vaping in high-roller rooms in casinos. (2) New South Wales (NSW) has maintained comprehensive bans on smoking and e-cigarette use in enclosed public places, in a range of outdoor public places, and in a car when a child under 16 years of age is in the vehicle. Active enforcement of these bans continues. Enforcement activities were curtailed for limited periods of time in 2020 and 2021, due to temporary re-deployments of public health workforce to assist with the covid-19 pandemic response. While the exemption for private gaming rooms in casinos remains within NSW smoke-free laws, one of the two casinos within NSW has voluntarily banned smoking, effective from January 2023 (3) In Western Australia (WA): • From 18 September 2019 smoking was prohibited within 5 metres of an entrance and within 10 metres of air-intakes to an enclosed public place under the Tobacco Products Control Amendment Regulations 2019. • From 31 December 2021, the exemption for smoking in enclosed casino “high roller” (gaming) areas was removed from the WA Tobacco Products Control Regulations 2006. (4) In the Australian Capital Territory (ACT): The ACT is implementing a smoke-free Corrections facility policy. This is expected to be in force during 2023. (5) The Queensland Parliament is considering a Bill to amend the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998. If passed, the Bill would extend the smoke-free areas in Queensland to include – smoke-free outdoor markets, a smoke-free buffer around outdoor eating and drinking places, no smoking within ten metres of children’s organised recreational activities (extends the sports ban to non-sporting activities) and extend smoke-free protection at schools to carparks. Implementation of laws preventing persons smoking in private vehicles with children in the car. The states and territory governments have lead responsibility for smoking restrictions to prevent second-hand smoking in Australia. Smoking is now banned in all indoor public places and transport and most jurisdictions have begun to extend bans on smoking to some outdoor public places. In Victoria, from 1 August 2017, smoking was banned: • in outdoor areas at hospitality and food venues used for eating food. This includes footpath dining areas, courtyards and beer gardens during times food is being eaten, or is available to be eaten • in all outdoor areas at food fairs. A food fair is an event where the principal activity is the supply of food for consumption at the event • within 10 metres of a food stall or food vendor at organised outdoor event (other than a food fair). • to complement smoke-free outdoor dining, smoking is banned in an outdoor drinking area if any part of that area is within 4 metres of an outdoor dining area, unless separated by a wall of at least 2.1 metres high. This means the two areas can be separated by either: • a 4 metre buffer zone; or • a wall of at least 2.1 metres high. If the separation requirement is not met, smoking is banned in an outdoor drinking area. This law applies to the same venue as well as to neighbouring venues. From 1 July 2015, smoking was banned in all areas at Victorian prisons. The revised Smoke-Free Public Places Act 2003 came into force in the Australian Capital Territory on 18 March 2016. This streamlines the process for establishing new smoke-free areas by enabling the Chief Minister and responsible Minister to jointly declare new smoke-free areas and events via a disallowable instrument. Public play spaces and public transport waiting areas have since been declared as smoke free public places. The South Australian Government has introduced smoke-free outdoor dining areas under the Tobacco Products Regulation Act 1997, including partnering with local governments to introduce declared smoke-free declared outdoor.
Austria EUR Answer not provided Concerning the protection from exposure to tobacco smoke, the judiciary of the Austrian supreme courts is getting more and more strict. Since 2016 the Austrian Tobacco Act has been further tightened by means of regulations regarding the protection from exposure to tobacco smoke through further introduction of smoking bans in various places. In the meantime national court of constitution confirmed that there should not be any exceptions regarding total tobacco bans, wheter they are covering traditional tobacco products or related products including all types of e-cigarettes, water pipes and shishas/hookahs Concerning the protection from exposure to tobacco smoke, the judiciary of the Austrian supreme courts is getting more and more strict. Since 2016 the Austrian Tobacco Act has been further tightened by means of regulations regarding the protection from exposure to tobacco smoke through further introduction of smoking bans in various places.
Azerbaijan EUR According to articles 212.1, 212.4 and 455.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, during 2021, city and district police authorities applied administrative penalties against 3,422 persons for smoking tobacco in places prohibited by law, for environmental pollution with tobacco product waste, for selling tobacco products to minors. The imposed fines amounted to 133,140 manats. In 2022, 14,421 person were fined for smoking in places prohibited by the law “On restriction of tobacco use” and for release of tobacco waste into the environment, 816 person were fined for selling tobacco products to persons under 18. New penalties for disorder of anti-tobacco legislations were defined and adopted in the Code “On Administrative Offences”: For involvement of juveniles in tobacco use by way of offering or demanding use of tobacco products by means of obtaining, giving, receiving tobacco products (100 AZN), Article 212.4. For throw of tobacco products waste (butts) to environment (50 AZN), Article 212.5. For failing of prevention of smoking in areas prohibited by the Law "On restriction of tobacco use" (officials - 500 AZN, legal entities - 1200 AZN). Changes in the rules of the Baku city Transport Agency were made in 2019. According to the amendments, passengers using regular passenger buses in the capital of Azerbaijan (Baku city), may take part in the administrative liability of the driver who uses tobacco products. For this, must be taken a photo of a smoking driver and sent to the official webpage of the Agencys Facebook social network or to the e-mail address, with information on a bus identification number or state registration number, and the route line number and with an inscription of "Tobacco" within up to 24 hours. Then driver will be fined at the rate of 40 to 50 AZN for smoking in a bus in accordance with the Code on Administrative Offenses. The next penalties were stay with no changes: for smoking cigarette in aircraft, railway (raised up to 40 manats), metro, sea and river (raised up to 40 manats) transports (respectively Articles ## 299; 305; 306 and 318); for smoking in other prohibited places, as pointed in the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Tobacco and Tobacco Products” - 30 manats (new Article 212.1.); in case of no ensuring allocation of special places for smoking and absence of "No Smoking" warning message or the sign in enterprises, institutions, organizations - 400 manats to officials and 1000 manats to legal entities (new Article 212.2.); smoking in the buses that move regularly through between or within towns and cities and on international routes shall result in the penalty amount of 40 to 50 manats (Article 322.0.4.); for violation the rules of commerce on ethylene (food) alcohol, and alcoholic beverages or tobacco goods (penalty raised up to 80 manats - Article 455.1.). Changes in the rules of the Baku city Transport Agency were made in 2019. According to the amendments, passengers using regular passenger buses in the capital of Azerbaijan (Baku city), may take part in the administrative liability of the driver who uses tobacco products. For this, must be taken a photo of a smoking driver and sent to the official webpage of the Agencys Facebook social network or to the e-mail address, with information on a bus identification number or state registration number, and the route line number and with an inscription of "Tobacco" within up to 24 hours. Then driver will be fined at the rate of 40 to 50 AZN for smoking in a bus in accordance with the Code on Administrative Offenses. The Code “On Administrative Violations” of the Republic of Azerbaijan enacted in 2000 and updated on 29 December 2015 provides the following penalties: for smoking cigarette in aircraft, railway (raised up to 40 manats), metro, sea and river (raised up to 40 manats) transports (respectively Articles ## 299; 305; 306 and 318); for smoking in other prohibited places, as pointed in the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Tobacco and Tobacco Products” - 30 manats (new Article 212.1.); in case of no ensuring allocation of special places for smoking and absence of "No Smoking" warning message or the sign in enterprises, institutions, organizations - 400 manats to officials and 1000 manats to legal entities (new Article 212.2.); smoking in the buses that move regularly through between or within towns and cities and on international routes shall result in the penalty amount of 40 to 50 manats (Article 322.0.4.); for violation the rules of commerce on ethylene (food) alcohol, and alcoholic beverages or tobacco goods (penalty raised up to 80 manats - Article 455.1.) ( - available in Azerbaijani language only).
Bangladesh SEA Exposure to tobacco smoke among number of non-smokers reduced, as per data from GATS 2009 and 2017. N/A In the amended tobacco control law 2013 the owner/supervisor/manager of the public place and tranport are responsible to keep their premises smoke free, otherwise he/she will be punished. Moreover under the guidence of MOHFW, with the initiative of different NGOs working in Tobacoo Control, many mobile courts has been conducted for exemplary punishment
Barbados AMR Answer not provided Report not provided The regulations related to smoking public places, prohibiting sales to minors, as well as those related to marketing and use of electronic cigarettes were consolidated in the Health Services (Smoking) Regulations 2017
Belize AMR Answer not provided The initiative created by the Government of Belize to have smoke free spaces, has been widely accepted and more spaces have been created within the business community and thus increasing the awareness of the need of smoke free area so as to safeguard the individuals who are none smokers. Report not provided
Benin AFR Answer not provided un effort est fait par les responsables des restaurants et bars, mais tous les hôtels ne se sont pas encore conformés aux dispositions dinterdiction de fumer un effort est fait par les responsables des restaurants et bars, mais tous les hôtels ne se sont pas encore conformés aux dispositions dinterdiction de fumer
Bhutan SEA Smoking in all public places were banned since 2004. However, the tobacco sales ban have been lifted since 2022. Now shops openly sale tobacco products, people openly smoke thus exposing non-smokers to second hand smoke. Report not provided Strengthen compliance with non -smoking policy. Designate smoking rooms in public places
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Bosnia and Herzegovina EUR For the Federation of BIH: Enforced new Law on control and limited use of tobacco, tobacco products and other smoking products in the Federation of BIH ("Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH", No. 38/22). For Brčko District of BIH: The Assembly of Brčko District BIH adopted the Law Amending and Supplementing Law on Banning Smoking on Other Forms of Consumption of Tobacco and Tobacco products in Public Places in Brčko District on 4 December 2019. Republic of Srpska: Protection from exposure to tobacco smoke is enforced through Law on Prohibition of Smoking Tobacco Products in Public Places of the Republic of Srpska. Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: The new Proposal of the Law on the Control and Restricted Use of Tobacco, Tobacco Products and Other Smoking Products was discussed and adopted by the Government of the FBiH in June 2018. This Proposal of Law is partially in conformity with Directive 2014/40/EU, Commission Directive 2014/109/EU and Directive 2003/33/EC as well as the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, ratified by BiH. The Law was forwarded to the Parliament of the FBiH for further parliamentary procedure. Brčko District BiH: The Assembly of Brcko District BiH adopted the Law Amending and Supplementing the Law on Banning Smoking and Other Forms of Consumption of Tobacco and Tobacco Products in Public Places in Brcko District BiH on 4 December 2019. New laws on tobacco control which will include the issue of protection from exposure to tobacco smoke are being developed: - by Federal Ministry of Health: Draft Law on Control and Limited Consumption of Tobacco, Tobacco and Other Products for Smoking (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina); - by Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in the Government of Republic of Srpska: Draft Law on Protecting Health of Population from Tobacco and Other Smoking Tobacco Products (Republic of Srpska). In late 2017 the Assembly of Brcko District BiH adopted the Law on Banning Smoking and Other Forms of Consumption of Tobacco and Tobacco Products in Public Places in Brcko District BiH ("Official Gazette of Brcko District BiH", No. 280/17).
Botswana AFR Answer not provided Implementation of article 8 has challenges of resources especially manpower to reach the furthest parts of the country. However, discussions are on going with local authorities to appoint focal persons at district level to address this gap. Implementation of article 8 has challenges of resources especially manpower to reach the furthest parts of the country. However, discussions are on going with local authorities to appoint focal persons at district level to address this gap.
Brazil AMR Actually INCA and ANVISA are reinforcing the capacity building of local sanitary surveillance actors on this matter, incluing aspects of nicotine delivery systens, also prohibited. Until this moment, 550 professionals of 5 states were trained on legislative and enforcement aspects. The national smoke free law entered into force in December 2014. It banned closed smoking areas, even if a restaurant, bar or store is partially closed by a wall, ceiling or awning. Places where smoking is allowed – as tobacco shops and research sites - must have an exclusive closed area for consumption, with exhaust system regulated by the National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance (ANVISA) to reduce smoke emissions and avoid contamination to other areas. The national smoke free law entered into force in December 2014. It banned closed smoking areas, even if a restaurant, bar or store is partially closed by a wall, ceiling or awning. Places where smoking is allowed – as tobacco shops and research sites - must have an exclusive closed area for consumption, with exhaust system regulated by the National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance (ANVISA) to reduce smoke emissions and avoid contamination to other areas.
Algeria AFR les lieux publics sont mieux respectés par rapport aux années précedentes lancement des campagnes de sensibilisation sur les risques engendrés par le tabagisme par plusieurs secteurs ( santé ,intérieur et collectivités locales , solidarité nationale , communication , jeunesse et sports , affaire religieuse, éducation nationale , enseignement supérieur, transport et la justice. lancement des campagnes de sensibilisation sur les risques engendrés par le tabagisme par plusieurs secteurs ( santé ,intérieur et collectivités locales , solidarité nationale , communication , jeunesse et sports , affaire religieuse, éducation nationale , enseignement supérieur, transport et la justice.
Andorra EUR Diponemos des del 2012 La Llei 7/2012, del 17 de maig, de protecció contra el tabaquisme passiu ambiental. Report not provided Report not provided
Angola AFR Answer not provided Report not provided According to the current legislation, each public space is responsible for enforcing the smoking ban in the respective area; the Ministry of Health produces and distributes, on a regular manner, materials on smoking bans. Media campaigns continue also to be developed on a regular basis.
Antigua and Barbuda AMR Answer not provided Antigua & Barbuda has issued a Cabinet Decision which bans tobacco smoking in ALL Government Institutions including vehicles and premises. Further to this in our 2018 Tobacco Control Act comprehensively describes areas that smoking is prohibited. Report not provided
France EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided En 2016 a été introduit dans le code de la santé publique l’article Article L3512-9 , qui précise qu’il est interdit à tous les occupants dun véhicule de fumer en présence dun enfant de moins de dix-huit ans.
Ecuador AMR En cumplimiento del Art. 8 del CMCT, sobre “Protección contra la exposición al humo de tabaco”, los artículos 21, 22 y 23 de la LORCT, establecen medidas para espacios cien por ciento (100%) libres de humo de tabaco. En el Art. 21, se establece que se prohíbe fumar y mantener prendidos productos de tabaco en: “a) Todos los espacios cerrados de las instituciones públicas; b) Todos los espacios cerrados que sean lugares de trabajo y de atención y acceso al público; c) Todos los espacios cerrados o abiertos, públicos o privados, que correspondan a dependencias de salud y educación a todo nivel; con excepción de los espacios abiertos de los establecimientos de educación superior debidamente señalizados; d) Los medios de transporte público en general; y, e) Los ambientes públicos y privados cerrados, destinados a actividades deportivas”. Adicionalmente se establece que cualquier institución pública o privada, puede declararse como 100% libre de humo de tabaco. El Ministerio de Salud Pública ha declarado 1985 establecimientos de salud y 2948 instituciones púbicas declaradas como espacios 100% libres de humo de tabaco. Para dar cumplimiento a lo dispuesto en el Artículo 11 de la LORCT, desde año 2015, la Agencia de Regulación, Control y Vigilancia Sanitaria (ARCSA), realiza monitoreos constantes y aleatorios de los espacios que deben cumplir con el mandato de ser libres de humo de tabaco. El resultado de estos monitoreos se envían de manera semestral al Ministerio de Salud Pública. Adicionalmente, desde el año 2017, se ha implementado lineamientos adicionales para que cualquier institución pública o privada, pueda declararse como establecimiento 100% libre de humo (independientemente de lo reglamentado por la ley). Para esto, los establecimientos deben cumplir ciertos requisitos que el Ministerio de Salud Pública monitoreará para que puedan ser reconocidos como establecimientos 100% libres de humos. ara dar cumplimiento a lo dispuesto en el Artículo 11 de la LORCT, desde año 2015, la Agencia de Regulación, Control y Vigilancia Sanitaria (ARCSA), realiza monitoreos constantes y aleatorios de los espacios que deben cumplir con el mandato de ser libres de humo de tabaco. El resultado de estos monitoreos se envían de manera semestral al Ministerio de Salud Pública. Adicionalmente, desde el año 2017, se ha implementado lineamientos adicionales para que cualquier institución pública o privada, pueda declararse como establecimiento 100% libre de humo (independientemente de lo reglamentado por la ley). Para esto, los establecimientos deben cumplir ciertos requisitos que el Ministerio de Salud Pública monitoreará para que puedan ser reconocidos como establecimientos 100% libres de humos. Los reportes de los establecimientos reconocidos se envían de manera semestral desde las diferentes coordinaciones zonales de salud a nivel nacional hacia el nivel central. Posteriormente se realizan seguimientos para corroborar que las instituciones sigan cumpliendo los lineamientos.
Cook Islands WPR Answer not provided No change since the last report, smoking is prohibited in all places as mentioned above, however, enforcement and monitoring is weak. No change since the last report, smoking is prohibited in all places as mentioned above, however, enforcement and monitoring is weak.
China WPR 1.2021年6月1日生效的《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》明确规定:任何人不得在学校、幼儿园和其他未成年人集中活动的公共场所吸烟、饮酒。 2.2020年6月1日生效的《中华人民共和国基本医疗卫生与健康促进法》,明确:国家采取措施,减少吸烟对公民健康的危害。公共场所控制吸烟,强化监督执法。 3. 修订《中华人民共和国烟草专卖法实施条例》和出台《电子烟管理办法》,电子烟等新型烟草制品参照卷烟的有关规定执行。 4.部分省市积极立法,加强了执法。 (1)2021年1月1日,《杭州市公共场所控制吸烟条例》取消吸烟室,实现室内公共场所、室内工作场所和公共交通工具内全面无烟。 (2)2022年12月,《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例》修订,将电子烟纳入监管范围。 (3)2020年1月1日,《武汉市控制吸烟条例》实施,明确室内公共场所、室内工作场所和公共交通工具全面禁烟。 (4)2020年6月,新修订的《河南省爱国卫生条例》实施,明确规定河南省市区室内公共场所、室内工作场所和公共交通工具内全面禁烟。 5.2021年12月,全国爱卫会在原国家卫生城镇评审管理办法和相关标准的基础上,研究制订了《国家卫生城镇评审管理办法》《国家卫生城市和国家卫生县标准》《国家卫生乡镇标准》,明确将全面无烟法规纳入国家卫生城市和国家卫生县数据评价指标。 6.2020年4月,国家卫生健康委、中央文明办、全国爱卫办颁布了《关于加强无烟党政机关建设的通知》和《无烟党政机关建设指南》,为“到2022年底基本实现全国各级党政机关建成无烟党政机关,并持续保持”的目标如期实现奠定了基础。 1.2019年7月,《健康中国行动(2019-2030年)》发布,控烟行动明确规定,到2022年和2030年全面无烟法规保护人口比例分别达到30%及以上和80%及以上,到2022年全面建成无烟党政机关。各省份也制定了各自目标,不断提高全面无烟法规覆盖人口比例,加强无烟党政机关、无烟医疗卫生机构、无烟学校、无烟家庭等无烟环境建设。 2.地方加快城市控烟立法、修法,不断加强控烟执法。 (1)新修订的《杭州市公共场所控制吸烟条例》2019年1月实施,条例规定到2022年实现室内公共场所全面禁烟,禁烟场所也禁吸电子烟。 (2)《秦皇岛市控制吸烟办法》2019年8月1日生效,室内工作场所、室内公共场所和公共交通工具禁止吸烟,电子烟纳入无烟场所监管范围,室外海滨和沙滩等禁止吸烟,开创中国禁烟先河。 (3)新修订的《深圳经济特区控制吸烟条例》2019年10月1日生效,将电子烟纳入监管范围,对违法处罚程序等做了修改,高铁站台等室外公共场所纳入监管,对在禁烟场所吸电子烟进行了首例处罚。 (4)《张家口市公共场所控制吸烟条例》(2019年8月15日公布)和《武汉市控制吸烟条例》(2019年11月23日公布)2020年1月实施,规定室内公共场所、室内工作场所和公共交通工具禁止吸烟,电子烟纳入无烟场所监管范围。 3.全国通过“文明城市”“卫生城市”“健康促进区县”创建等来推进无烟环境创建。中央文明办在2018年制定修改的《全国文明城市测评体系》和2019年修订颁布的《全国文明城市测评体系操作手册》中专门就公共场所禁烟工作制定测评标准,明确规定“城市无烟草广告,室内公共场所、工作场所和公共交通工具有明显禁烟标识,非吸烟区没有吸烟现象”,把公共场所禁烟工作落实情况作为评价一个城市文明程度的重要标准,引导推动各地特别是175个全国文明城市(区)和392个全国文明城市提名城市(区)把公共场所禁烟工作作为文明城市创建的重要内容,采取有力措施推进公共场所禁烟工作。 1.2015年6月1日,《北京市控制吸烟条例》正式生效,这是中国首部完全符合《公约》第八条要求的法规。 2.2016年11月,上海通过了新修订的《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例》,该法规于2017年3月1日生效,规定所有室内公共场所,包括室内工作场所和公共交通全面禁烟。 3.2017年1月1日,《深圳经济特区控制吸烟条例》迎来限制吸烟场所期限解禁,包括酒吧、KTV等娱乐场所的室内环境开始实现全面禁烟。 4.另外,已有西宁、海口、杭州、张家口等多个城市将控烟立法修法列入计划。各地卫生计生系统还积极通过“文明城市”“卫生城市”“健康促进区县”创建等来推进无烟环境创建。
Central African Republic AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Cameroon AFR Report not provided Plusieurs administrations ont pris des mesures portant interdiction de fumer dans leurs services centraux et déconcentrés depuis 2015 des efforts pour l’application des dites mesures par les usagers sont manifestes et perceptibles. Plusieurs administrations ont pris des mesures portant interdiction de fumer dans leurs services centraux et déconcentrés depuis 2015 des efforts pour lapplication des dites mesures par les usagers sont manifestes et perceptibles.
Belgium EUR Answer not provided Pas de changements majeurs les amendes et sanctions en cas dinfraction ont été renforcées. le nombres dinfractions dans les cafés a depuis diminué. les autres lieux publics ne posent pas de problème de respect de la legislation.
Belarus EUR Report not provided Расширен перечень общественных мест, где запрещено курение, такие места разделены на 2 категории - первая - где полностью запрещено курение, вторая - где курение запрещено, за исключением специально созданных мест (Декрет Президента Республики Беларусь №28 «О государственном регулировании производства, оборота и потребления табачного сырья и табачных изделий» (далее – Декрет № 28). Декретом № 28 утверждено Положение о государственном регулировании производства, оборота и потребления табачного сырья и табачных изделий, производства, оборота и использования электронных систем курения, жидкостей для электронных систем курения, систем для потребления табака. ГЛАВА 11 ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЕ КУРЕНИЯ (ПОТРЕБЛЕНИЯ) ТАБАЧНЫХ ИЗДЕЛИЙ, ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ ЭЛЕКТРОННЫХ СИСТЕМ КУРЕНИЯ, СИСТЕМ ДЛЯ ПОТРЕБЛЕНИЯ ТАБАКА, п.35. Определены требования к местам для курения (Декрет Президента Республики Беларусь от 23.11.2017 N 7 (ред. от 18.12.2019) "О развитии предпринимательства" (с изм. и доп., вступившими в силу с 08.01.2020, п. 24 общиХ санитарно-эпидемиологических требований к содержанию и эксплуатации капитальных строений (зданий, сооружений), изолированных помещений и иных объектов, принадлежащих субъектам хозяйствования. Образец знака о запрете курения (потребления) табачных изделий, использования электронных систем курения, систем для потребления табака установлен постановлением Министерства здравоохранения Республики Беларусь от 19.04.2019 N 35. Также в соответствии с Постановлением Министерства здравоохранения Республики Беларусь от 03.11.2011г. № 111"О внесении дополнений и изменений в некоторые санитарные нормы, правила и гигиенические нормативы", касающиеся запрещения курения в учреждениях (организациях) здравоохранения, образования, спорта, на объектах торговли и бытового обслуживания населения, на объектах общественного питания, вокзалах, станциях метрополитена, в вагонах поездов, на речных судах (за исключением мест, специально предназначенных для курения), расширены полномочия должностных лиц органов и учреждений, осуществляющих государственный санитарный надзор, по осуществлению контроля за соблюдением запрета курения и будет содействовать снижению распространения табакокурения в нашей стране и выполнению в полном объеме требований Декрета Президента Республики Беларусь от 17 ноября 2002 г. № 28.  По решению руководителя вводится дополнительное поощрение некурящих или бросивших курить, в кафе и ресторанах осуществляется зонирование территории (места для курящих и некурящих). Постановление Министерства здравоохранения Республики Беларусь от 03.11.2011г. № 111"О внесении дополнений и изменений в некоторые санитарные нормы, правила и гигиенические нормативы", касающиеся запрещения курения в учреждениях (организациях) здравоохранения, образования, спорта, на объектах торговли и бытового обслуживания населения, на объектах общественного питания, вокзалах, станциях метрополитена, в вагонах поездов, на речных судах (за исключением мест, специально предназначенных для курения). Данная мера расширяет полномочия должностных лиц органов и учреждений, осуществляющих государственный санитарный надзор, по осуществлению контроля за соблюдением запрета курения и будет содействовать снижению распространения табакокурения в нашей стране и выполнению в полном объеме требований Декрета Президента Республики Беларусь от 17 ноября 2002 г. № 28.  По решению руководителя вводится дополнительное поощрение некурящих или бросивших курить, в кафе и ресторанах осуществляется зонирование территории (места для курящих и некурящих).
Bahrain (Kingdom of) EMR During the COVID pandemic, HRH The Crown Prince and Prime Minister issued several preventive decisions based on recommendations from the National Taskforce to Combat COVID-19, including temporarily suspension of shisha serving, then with the ease of these restrictions, shisha was served only outdoor before recently going to operating indoor after COVID 19 decline. We encourage business owners to keep their place smoke free. However, we are still working closely to monitor those asking to allocate a designated smoking area to ensure it is compliant with health specifications of smoking areas. In addition, we are advocating to update antismoking law to ban indoor smoking completely in closed public areas and we collaborated in writing a draft of the law modification. We are still working closely to assist those willing to allocate a designated smoking area to ensure it is compliant with health specifications of smoking areas. However, we encourage business owners to keep their place smoke free. In addition, we are advocating to update antismoking law to ban indoor smoking completely in closed public areas.
Bahamas AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Armenia EUR Answer not provided During these two years we organised different public awareness campaigns among different aged group for the increase of knowledge and perception of the Secondhand smoke and negative consequences of the tobacco. it was organised not only in capital but also in different regions. Report not provided
Albania EUR strengthening of National Health inspectorate in terms of organization and personnel is producing tangible effects in respecting the law by business Report not provided Report not provided
Afghanistan EMR Report not provided involved different sector such as municipality, hotels union, environmental health dept, NEPA ( national environment protection administration) and Police for follow up check list for monitoring has been developed and implmented plan for monitoring developed continue monitoring mission provinces informed for all above involved different sector such as municipality, hotels union, environmental health dept, NEPA ( national environment protection administration) and Police for follow up check list for monitoring has been developed and implmented plan for monitoring developed continue monitoring mission provinces informed for all above
Uruguay AMR No ha habido cambios desde 2008 Answer not provided Answer not provided
Philippines WPR In 2021, the Department of Health started to conduct pilot testing of the Smoke-free and Vape-free Community Playbook, which provides local government units with ready-to-use tools to help promote and protect a critical determinant of health and well-being: preventing dangerous and harmful substance abuse, like smoking, among vulnerable populations. At the sub-national level, there is an increasing number of Local Government Units with local ordinances on 100% smoke free environments through continued technical assistance and advocacy campaigns. Efforts are being made to ensure that local ordinances are consistent with FCTC provisions. Moreover, it is worth noting that exposure to secondhand smoke in homes and various public places significantly declined. The exposure at home declined from 54.4% in 2009 to 34.7% in 2015 and 21.8% in 2021. The exposure to secondhand smoke in public transportation declined from 55.3% in 2009 to 37.6% in 2015 and then to 12.2% in 2021. At the sub-national level, there is an increasing number of Local Government Units with local ordinances on 100% smoke free environments through continued technical assistance and advocacy campaigns. Efforts are being made to ensure that local ordinances are consistent with FCTC provisions. The implementation of the Red Orchid Award (ROA) continuously serves as an incentive for LGUs to pursue a 100% smoke free environment in their localities. In 2017, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte signed the Executive Order no. 26 or "Providing for the Establishment of Smoke-free Environments in Public and Enclosed Places." It provided a framework which encourages local government units to implement smoke-free policies. The order prohibits smoking within enclosed public places and public conveyances. Selling, distributing or purchasing tobacco products to and from minors is also deemed unlawful. Minors are not allowed to smoke, sell or buy cigarettes or any other tobacco products. The order also makes it unlawful for anyone to order a minor to use, light up, buy, sell, distribute, deliver, advertise or promote tobacco products, a practice which is very common especially in rural areas. At the sub-national level, there is an increasing number of Local Government Units with local ordinances on 100% smoke free environments. Efforts are being made to ensure that local ordinances are consistent with FCTC provisions. The implementation of the Red Orchid Award (ROA) served as an incentive for LGUs to pursue a 100% smoke free environment in their localities. Local ordinances consistent with the FCTC guidelines were made criteria for selection of the winning LGUs in the ROA. The DOH was able to identify LGUs with good practices on 100% smoke free environment through the ROA. As a result, a network of LGUs leading in the implementation of 100% smoke free environment was organized through the Smoke Free Cities Asean Network (SCAN).
Papua New Guinea WPR Not much have been happening in the last 2 years. There is no data but generally no smoking is observed where no smoking signs are. There is no data but generally no smoking is observed where no smoking signs are.
Panama AMR Con respecto al deber de cumplimiento, la legislación panameña exige que los propietarios garanticen el cumplimiento de la prohibición de fumar en los ambientes establecidos en el artículo 5 de la Ley 13 de 2008. Las infracciones se colocan a los gerentes y/o responsables del establecimiento o ambiente en qué está prohibido fumar. No se sanciona a fumadores. El Decreto Ejecutivo 230 de 2008, que reglamenta la Ley 13, establece claramente las disposiciones que deben cumplir cada propietario, gerente o administrador. De igual forma, mandata la colocación de letreros de prohibido fumar y la adopción de medidas de disuasión para que se deje de fumar cuando se está infringiendo la Ley. La vigilancia de la norma está a cargo del MINSA y su cuerpo directivo local, regional y nacional, apoyado técnicamente por los inspectores de saneamiento ambiental y de protección de alimentos. Esta vigilancia se hace de conformidad con lo establecido en el Código Sanitario, modificado por la Ley 40 de 2006 y la Ley 54 de 2017. La legislación nacional establece 5 categorías de sanciones a saber: Amonestación escrita, sanciones pecuniarias que van desde 10 hasta 100 mil dólares, decomisos, cierres temporales, cierres permanentes. Su aplicación se da de conformidad con la falta, la reincidencia y el perjuicio a la salud pública. Son las mismas que se aplican a otras violaciones en el marco de la aplicación de medidas de salud pública. • Infraestructura de la observancia La legislación nacional otorga la competencia de vigilancia y control de estas disposiciones al Ministerio de Salud, que administrativamente se organiza por niveles de ejecución: local, regional y nacional y así mismo la severidad de las sanciones a aplicar. Se cuenta con la figura del Juez Ejecutor que vela por qué quienes no paguen las multas lo hagan. La vigilancia establece un proceso de inspección de los establecimientos para verificar el cumplimiento de la ley, el cual puede darse en tres sentidos: inspecciones programadas, operativos especiales e inspecciones por denuncias, las cuales son hechas a la línea caliente del Estado -311, vía correo electrónico, directamente en las instalaciones de salud o a través de la página web Se utiliza el sistema ya establecido para la vigilancia de la salud pública. Con los fondos de tabaco que accede el MINSA a partir de la recaudación del impuesto selectivo al consumo de tabaco, se aportan vehículos y otros recursos para potenciar la capacidad operativa del sistema regular de inspecciones. El Ministerio de Salud está facultado por Ley (Código Sanitario) para ingresar en cualquier establecimiento a fin de realizar inspecciones sanitarias. Los inspectores de saneamiento ambiental y de protección de alimentos son capacitados con base a los programas de capacitación relacionados con el control de tabaco, a fin de mantener una actualización de los mismos en los aspectos que deben ser vigilados y controlados. Como complemento al proceso de vigilancia de los ambientes libres de humo se apoya en las mediciones de material particulado para lo cual se utilizan los equipos SidePack, que están distribuidos en las regiones de salud y el nivel nacional. Para su uso efectivo se mantiene un proceso de capacitación y actualización del personal de saneamiento ambiental para su uso y análisis de resultados. Se trabaja con base en un cronograma de inspección que según sea el caso se acompaña de mediciones ambientales. La financiación del proceso de inspección se realiza a partir de fondos presupuestarios regulares, fondos del impuesto selectivo al consumo de tabaco o de los ingresos obtenidos de las multas. Como parte de las estrategias de observancia se han estado realizado campañas en medios de comunicación radial, televisivos y escritos, aunque el énfasis se ha concentrado en las redes sociales. Se realizan campañas tres fijas cada año que se desarrollan en carnavales (esta no se pudo realizar durante la pandemia de COVID-19), Día Mundial de No Fumar (semana del 31 de mayo), Día Nacional de No Fumar (semana del 25 de octubre) y campañas puntuales a lo largo del año, mismas que se sustentan más en las redes sociales y en las entrevistas por radio y televisión. También se elaboran videos que se colocan en las instalaciones de salud o bien se comparten en las acciones que se llevan a cabo con colegios y otras entidades educativas. Con respecto a la movilización y participación de la comunidad es de mencionar que las disposiciones de ambientes libres de humo de tabaco continuan teniendo muy buena aceptación por parte de la población, quienes se convierten en vigilantes permanentes de su cumplimiento y denuncian las violaciones a la misma. Detalles en Ley 13 de 2008, Decreto 230 de 2008, Ley 40 de 2006, Ley 54 de 2017, Ley 315 de 2022 y otra legislación nacional sobre esta materia se encuentra registrada en informes previos y se ubica en y en Se implementó el programa de Calidad de Aire Interior y Exterior, para el control de ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco, en establecimientos de interés sanitario, llevados a cabo por los inspectores de salud y los funcionarios de protección de alimentos, para el cumplimiento de la normativa del Control de Tabaco, los cuales se realizan de una manera científica y tecnológica con los medidores de partículas, Sidepak AM510, para detectar la concentración de PM 2.5, la cual es el tamaño de las partículas de tabaco. Adicionalmente, se adquirieron equipos de mayor capacidad DUST Track que mide partículas PM 1, PM 2.5 y PM10 y PST en forma simultánea y realiza muestreo de los componentes químicos y biológicos que se encuentren en el aire. También se adquirió el equipo Tiger ION que mide componentes químicos que han sido de utilidad para la atención de quejas en establecimientos de interés sanitario. Se cuenta con equipos para medición de parámetros ambientales. Con la adquisición de 16 unidades de SidePack para la medición de partículas PM 2.5 en el 2014, hemos logrado contar con equipos especializados que apoya la vigilancia y control de los ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco, pues los resultados de las mediciones se emplean para sustentar la aplicación de sanciones en aquellos establecimientos que violan la normativa existente. Se han realizado dos rondas de capacitación teórico - práctica en las 15 regiones de salud que incluyen a inspectores de saneamiento ambiental y de protección de alimentos para el uso de los equipos. Se cuenta con una programación de inspecciones para el desarrollo de operativos acompañados de la medición de partículas a fin de valorar en forma cualitativa y cuantitativa la calidad ambiental y por ende la contaminación por tóxicos de los productos fumados de tabaco, toda vez que en ambientes cerrados la detección de partículas PM 2.5 se asocia mayormente con el consumo de tabaco. Así mismo, se han asignado a los inspectores de saneamiento ambiental y de protección de alimentos , como a los miembros de la Comisión Nacional para el Control de Tabaco en Panamá, un total de 291 cámaras fotográficas con la finalidad de que se levante evidencia documental de los hallazgos encontrados en las inspecciones y pueda ser utilizada en el proceso de aplicación de las sanciones correspondientes. Se esta en la fase de implementación del Programa: “Disposición Adecuada de Colillas de Tabaco”, por medio de la Comisión Nacional de Control de Tabaco en Panamá, que ha estado retrasada por gestiones administrativas. Este programa se está coordinando con 11 municipalidades del país y se encuentra en la fase de instalación de dispositivos para la eliminación de colillas de tabaco en las calles de los distritos seleccionados, que lleva el mensaje ilustrado "Panamá libre de contaminación". También se están colocando tinacos para reciclaje con tres mensajes claves: prohibido fumar, prohibido el uso de los SEAN y recicla y protege el ambiente. Estos dispositivos se están instalando en parques y espacios abiertos donde esta prohibido fumar en las 11 municipalidades que forman parte de este proyecto. Con este programa se crea una alianza interinstitucional, como parte del cuidado del ambiente y la salud de las personas, debido a que está orientado a disminuir la contaminación que conlleva el desecho de los filtros de tabaco (Colillas), uno de los principales contaminantes ambientales. A la fecha de la preparación de este informe los dispositivos se han instalado en 8 de las 11 municipalidades que forman parte de este proyecto. Ver Se implementó el programa de Calidad de Aire Interior y Exterior, para el control de ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco, en establecimientos de interés sanitario, llevados a cabo por los inspectores de salud y los funcionarios de protección de alimentos, para el cumplimiento de la normativa del Control de Tabaco, los cuales se realizan de una manera científica y tecnológica con los medidores de partículas, Sidepak AM510, para detectar la concentración de PM 2.5, la cual es el tamaño de las partículas de tabaco. Adicionalmente, se adquirieron equipos de mayor capacidad DUST Track que mide partículas PM 1, PM 2.5 y PM10 y PST en forma simultánea y realiza muestreo de los componentes químicos y biológicos que se encuentren en el aire. También se adquirió el equipo Tiger ION que mide componentes químicos que han sido de utilidad para la atención de quejas en establecimientos de interés sanitario. Se cuenta con equipos para medición de parámetros ambientales. Con la adquisición de 16 unidades de SidePack para la medición de partículas PM 2.5 en el 2014, hemos logrado contar con equipos especializados que apoya la vigilancia y control de los ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco, pues los resultados de las mediciones se emplean para sustentar la aplicación de sanciones en aquellos establecimientos que violan la normativa existente. Se han realizado dos rondas de capacitación teórico - práctica en las 15 regiones de salud que incluyen a inspectores de saneamiento ambiental y de protección de alimentos para el uso de los equipos. Se cuenta con una programación de inspecciones para el desarrollo de operativos acompañados de la medición de partículas a fin de valorar en forma cualitativa y cuantitativa la calidad ambiental y por ende la contaminación por tóxicos de los productos fumados de tabaco, toda vez que en ambientes cerrados la detección de partículas PM 2.5 se asocia mayormente con el consumo de tabaco. Así mismo, se han asignado a los inspectores de saneamiento ambiental y de protección de alimentos y a la Comisión Nacional para el Control de Tabaco en Panamá, 291 cámaras fotográficas con la finalidad de que se levante evidencia documental de los hallazgos encontrados en las inspecciones y pueda ser utilizada en el proceso de aplicación de las sanciones correspondientes. Se tiene proyectada la implementación del Programa: “Disposición Adecuada de Colillas de Tabaco”, por medio de la Comisión Nacional de Control de Tabaco en Panamá, que ha estado retrasado por gestiones administrativas. Este programa se está coordinando con 11 municipalidades del país y trata de la instalación de dispositivos de colillas de tabaco en las calles de los distritos seleccionados. También se estarán colocando tinacos con dos mensajes claves el de prohibido fumar y el de recicla y protege el ambiente. Los mismos serán colocados en los diferentes parques de estos municipios y áreas abiertas que no incumplan la disposición de No fumar. Este programa crea una alianza interinstitucional, como parte del cuidado del ambiente y la salud de las personas, y está orientado a disminuir la contaminación que conlleva el desecho de los filtros de tabaco (Colillas), uno de los principales contaminantes ambientales.
Palau WPR Answer not provided RPPL 8-27 came into effect in February, 2012. In general, there is good compliance with the smoke free provisions of the law. See response to C223 regarding pending amendments to the legislation. RPPL 8-27 came into effect in February, 2012. In general, there is good compliance with the smoke free provisions of the law. Enforcement training took place in May 2013.
Niue WPR Report not provided Tobacco Control Act was enacted December 2018 effectively, establishing smoke free indoor public places including public transportation. The Regulations are under draft to support implementation of the Act Report not provided
Montenegro EUR Implementation of the Law control Inspections and within their responsibilities provide monitoring of the tobacco use. The same Law is in force, but the inspections are more trained to control the use of tobacco Article16 The workspace is any enclosed space in which an employer performs its activity or function, that is, in which the employees carry out their duties and assignments. The enclosed space is the space made of any material that has a movable or unmovable roof or ceiling, doors, windows and passages that are completely permanently or occasionally closed or the space where less than a half of the external walls area is made of openings that do not include openings for doors and windows. Article17 Public space is an area intended for people’s common use and includes the enclosed area in which: 1) teaching-educational activities are carried out, as well as health activities, manufacture, control and trade in medicines and medical devices; accommodation, stay and diet of children, pupils and students are provided; in which acceptance, accommodation and care of people in social need and elderly is carried out, where cultural, entertainment, sports and other events, performances and competitions are held, meetings and other organized gatherings; and 2) trade activity and manufacture, storing and food trade are carried out. Public space, in terms of paragraph 1 of this Article, shall also be deemed: 1) means of public transport in air, road and railway transport and maritime and inland navigation; airport buildings and closed waiting rooms in railway and road transport, as well as auto taxi and official transport means; 2) children’s playrooms; 3) hospitality facilities providing services of accommodation, preparation and serving food; 4) facilities for organizing games of chance; 5) institutions for accommodating people serving their criminal sanction sentences; and 6) lobbies, elevators and other common areas of residential buildings, cable car cabins and public toilets. Public space, in terms of this Law, is also an open enclosed yard area of educational-training institutions and an open enclosed space where public recording and broadcasting of any kind of programs are carried out and where cultural and entertaining events are held. Enclosed space is a space made of any material that has roof or ceiling that is immovable or movable, doors, windows and passages that are fully closed permanently or from time to time or space in which less than half the surface of the outer walls of the space consists of holes which are not counted openings for windows and doors.
Mexico AMR Las enmiendas a la Ley General para el Control del Tabaco y su Reglamento, vigentes desde 2022, establecen de conformidad con las recomendaciones del artículo 8 del convenio y sus directrices la prohibición absoluta de fumar y consumir productos de tabaco y nicotina en lugares de trabajo tanto interiores, cerrados como abiertos, ampliando la protección contra la exposición también de cualquier tipo de emisiones de los denominados productos de tabaco y nicotina novedosos y emergentes. De entre las modificaciones más importantes al marco regulatorio en materia de protección contra la exposición al humo de tabaco, en México, destacan: - La inclusión de las “emisiones”, dentro de los criterios de protección a la salud de los no fumadores y grupos vulnerables. - El establecimiento de los “espacios cien por ciento libres de humo de tabaco y emisiones”, en cualquier espacio cerrado con acceso al público que independientemente si es público o privado, o que su estructura sea temporal o permanente, queda prohibido fumar o tener encendido cualquier producto de tabaco o producto similar que genere emisiones. - La ampliación de los espacios cien por ciento libres de humo y emisiones en cualquier lugar de trabajo, espacios de concurrencia colectiva, transporte público y las escuelas en todos los niveles educativos, incluidas las universidades, que independientemente si son públicos o privados, cerrados o abiertos, queda prohibido fumar o tener encendido cualquier producto de tabaco o similar que genere emisiones. - La prohibición de fumar y consumir cualquier producto de tabaco o de nicotina que genere emisiones, también es extensiva a espacios abiertos tales como plazas, estadios, parques, playas, entre otros, donde por razones de orden público e interés social, queda prohibido fumar o consumir productos de nicotina. Existen sanciones económicas, para quien incumpla con lo dispuesto en la Ley y su Reglamento. Las nuevas disposiciones reglamentarias se derivan de la enmienda a la Ley General para el Control del Tabaco fue resultado de un amplio trabajo parlamentario que conjuntó en un sólo dictamen las aportaciones de diversas fuerzas políticas en favor de la salud pública de México. Se considera que el nuevo Reglamento, representa el avance más significativo en materia de control de tabaco, desde la creación de la propia Ley en 2008, el cual es una muestra clara de la voluntad política de este Gobierno para privilegiar la protección a la salud pública, por encima de cualquier otro interés creado. Se estima que las medidas contenidas en el nuevo Reglamento generarían ahorros al erario del orden de 155 mil millones de pesos anuales, así como 290 mil nuevas enfermedades evitadas y más de 50 mil muertes prematuras en un horizonte temporal de 10 años. Se ha mantenido un esfuerzo permanente en el legislativo para reformar la ley y que se eliminen las excepciones de áreas reservadas para fumar y sea una ley 100% libre de humo de tabaco, sin embargo, a pesar de los consensos y acuerdos, esto aún no ocurre. De manera simultánea el año pasado (2019) tres entidades federativas reformaron sus leyes específicas en materia de ambientes libres de humo de tabaco, para volverlas 100% lht. (Chiapas, Aguascalientes y Yucatán). Se ha mantenido un esfuerzo permanente en el legislativo para reformar la ley y que se eliminen las excepciones de áreas reservadas para fumar y sea una ley 100% libre de humo de tabaco, sin embargo, a pesar de los consensos y acuerdos, esto aún no ocurre.
Malta EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Legislation LN 386 of 2016 re smoking control in private vehicles.
Latvia EUR Answer not provided Amendments to Tobacco Law of April 17, 2019 stipulate that all restrictions that apply to smoking include not only traditional cigarettes but are applicable also to electronic cigarettes (nicotine-containing) and electronic devices (nicotine-free). Excise duty applies also to liquids used in electronic cigarettes and electronic devices. Answer not provided
Kyrgyzstan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Kenya AFR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Japan WPR Answer not provided The Health Promotion Act has been revised in 2018 to strengthen measures against secondhand smoke. Restrictions on smoking will be implemented in stages. The measures are in place based on types of facilities and areas set up within/outside those facilities. Schools, hospitals, children welfare facilities, and government offices have been entered in force since July 1st, 2019. Other than the above facilities will be enforced from April 1st, 2020. In 2012, Director-general of health service bureau notified that public space should be smoke-free, again. In 2013, Director of cancer control and health promotion notified that the entrance space should be smoke-free, again.
Iceland EUR Answer not provided Enforcement of the ban on smoking in public places (bars and restaurants) from 2007 has not had many problems. However the legislation allows for an exemption of smoking of staff in restaurants: in restaurants designated smoking area can be set up (not for customers) This exclude Iceland to have a complete ban in bars and restaurants by definition of a complete ban. Enforcement of the ban on smoking in public places (bars and restaurants) from 2007 has not had many problems. However the legislation allows for an exemption of smoking of staff in restaurants: in restaurants designated smoking area can be set up (not for customers) This exclude Iceland to have a complete ban in bars and restaurants by definition of a complete ban.
Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Germany EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Georgia EUR In 2021, legislative changes were adopted, according to which smoking was banned in taxis, sailing facilities, rope transport, and private vehicles where minors are presented and the relevant executive mechanism was set. Since May 1st, 2018 smoking of any tobacco products in indoor public places is banned (exemptions include taxi, casinos, cigar bars, slot clubs, theater performances). Accordingly, exposure to tobacco smoke has decreased. The progress is made in developing improved amendments to laws in line with the guidelines to implement WHO FCTC article 8 which were approve in May 2017. Important preparation works are taking place to meet the enforcement date on May 1, 2018. This includes improving enforcement infrastructure as well as national communication campaign targeting businesses and public.
Gabon AFR Jusqu'en 2021, la réglementation en vigueur, relative à la lutte antitabac (LAT) était quasiment inconnue aussi bien du Grand Public que des représentatnts des Administrations impliquées dans la LAT et censées faire appliquer ladite Loi. Ces deux dernières années ont été l'occasion pour le Programme National, accompagné par ses Partenaires (OMS et ONGS), de faire la vulgarisation tout azimut, des textes de loi. Actuellement, les représentants des Administrations sont sensibilisés et constituent des relais au sein de leurs Administrations respectives. Un travail de sensibilisation des mesures dinterdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics a été planifié, mais na pas encore été réalisé sur le terrain pour des multiples raisons dont celui lié aux moyens financiers. Answer not provided
Zimbabwe AFR Report not provided With increasing awareness programs on dangers of smoking and second hand smoking a lot of positive changes are exhibited in terms of smoking in Public areas. With increasing awareness programs on dangers of smoking and second hand smoking a lot of positive changes are exhibited in terms of smoking in Public areas.
Spain EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
South Africa AFR Answer not provided Report not provided Same as above - Partial ban. 25% of indoor public areas (e.g restaurants, hotels) are allowed for smoking. Regulations and specifications on indoor public areas are being currently reviewed
Czechia EUR No progress in this area since the last report. On February 14, 2018, Proposal for amending Act No. 65/2017 Coll. on the protection of health against harmful effects of addictive substances, as subsequently amended (Chamber Document No. 87) was submitted in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic by Deputies Marek Benda,and others. In particular, it proposed alleviating the smoking bans etc. This proposal was rejected by the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic at first reading in May 2018. A similar proposal was submitted in August 2018 by a group of Senators headed by Senator Ivo Valenta to the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic (Senate document No. 319). This Senate proposal was rejected at the Senate meeting on 15 November 2018. On April 18, 2018 Constitutional Court rejected proposal submitted by a group of 20 Senators of the Parliament of the Czech Republic for the abolition of certain parts (also related to smoking bans etc). of the Act 65/2017 Coll. (constitutional court ruling on-line available at: ) The process of revision of the smoke-free environments act (Act No. 379/2005 Coll.) was finished and on 31st May 2017 new act No. 65/2017 Coll. came into effect. One of the objectives of the act is to strengthen public health protection (e.g. a total ban of smoking in restaurants with exception of use of water pipes) and enforcement of the relevant provisions, improvement of legal clarity of some of the provisions, etc. For details please see C223.
Republic of North Macedonia EUR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Türkiye EUR Answer not provided As of February 25, 2020 importing of electronic devices, components, spare parts, solutions, etc. used for the consumption of all kinds of tobacco products, whether or not containing nicotine is prohibited. Besides the complete Smoke-free Law provisions in indoor workplaces, public transport and in indoor public places like bars, coffees and restaurants, in Turkey, new amendments have been carried out to strengthen the mentioned Law as the following: Smoking of tobacco and tobacco products by someone sitting on the driver’s seat of a private car is forbidden. Any kind of waterpipe and products imitating tobacco products even not containing tobacco is considered as a tobacco product. Closing of private establishment at the third violation due to Smoke-Free Law violation will be proceeded by local governors. Smoking is only allowed in particular designated open area of public institutions Smoking is banned in open public places like kindergarden where children mostly are, and open public places where sport activities are held. Smoking is only allowed 5 mt away of the entrance of airports, coach stations, train stations, shopping malls, cinemas, theatres, health institutions entrance
Yemen EMR Answer not provided Report not provided تم اصدار تعميم من أمانة العاصمة صنعاء بعدم التدخين في أماكن العمل وصالات المناسبات الاجتماعية ولكن لم يتم التقيد به لوجود الصراع والحرب خلال العام 2015م
Togo AFR Answer not provided Adoption en décembre 2010 de la loi antitabac du Togo qui stipule en son article 11 qu’il est interdit de fumer dans les locaux et véhicules à usage collectifs. Les lieux concernés sont aux termes de la loi, les établissements scolaires, universitaires et centres dapprentissage, établissements sanitaires, salles de spectacles, de cinéma, de théâtre, de concerts, salles et terrains de sport, bibliothèques, ascenseurs, services ouverts au public, bâtiments gouvernementaux, véhicules de transport en commun, ou tout autre lieu fréquenté par le public. Larticle 11 de la loi dispose en outre que les interdictions de consommer toute forme de tabac feront lobjet de signalisations apparentes . Adoption en décembre 2010 de la loi antitabac du Togo qui stipule en son article 11 qu’il est interdit de fumer dans les locaux et véhicules à usage collectifs. Les lieux concernés sont aux termes de la loi, les établissements scolaires, universitaires et centres dapprentissage, établissements sanitaires, salles de spectacles, de cinéma, de théâtre, de concerts, salles et terrains de sport, bibliothèques, ascenseurs, services ouverts au public, bâtiments gouvernementaux, véhicules de transport en commun, ou tout autre lieu fréquenté par le public. Larticle 11 de la loi dispose en outre que les interdictions de consommer toute forme de tabac feront lobjet de signalisations apparentes .
Senegal AFR Answer not provided les progrès sont notés dans dans la mise en oeuvre de larticle 8 . il sagit: - de la prise du décret dapplication de la loi; - des arrêtés n ° 18 416 du 08 Décembre 2016 relatif à linterdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics et n° 18 415 relatif aux signalétiques.. - les contrôles commencent à être effectifs et des opérations de suivi, de surveillance et de contrôle de lapplication. - Des activités de supervisions conjointes ont été organisées de 2017 à nos jours ( décembre 2019) dans les régions touristiques telles que Dakar , Thiès (Mbour) , Saint-Louis, Ziguinchor et Kaolack afin de veiller au respect de linterdiction de fumer, à lapplication de sanctions des fauteurs ( verbalisation) et au retrait dobjets publicitaires (cendriers, poubelles), chicha etc.. les progrès sont notés dans dans la mise en oeuvre de larticle 8 . il sagit: - de la prise du décret dapplication de la loi; - de l arrêté n ° 18 416 du 08 Décembre 2016 relatif à linterdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics. - les contrôles commencent à être effectifs et des opérations de suivi, de surveillance et de contrôle de lapplication
San Marino EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Romania EUR Since 2016 the legislation forbidden smoking in all indoor public spaces. Report not provided Report not provided
Republic of Moldova EUR Answer not provided Before adoption of a new tobacco control Law, smoking was allowed in enclosed spaces in specially smoking areas, but since 2016 is totally prohibited Before adoption of a new tobacco control Law, smoking was allowed in enclosed spaces in specially smoking areas, but since 2016 is totally prohibited
India SEA As mandated under the COTPA, 2003 and rules made under the Act, smoking is prohibited in public places, except DSA's provision in restaurants/hotels/ airports. There is appropriate enforcement mechanism within the States at sub-national level to impose penalties on the violations reported. Continuous training programmes are organized by States to train the law enforcers for effective implementation of the laws. Regular communications are sent to the States to implement the smokefree Rules. States are encouraged to organize training programmes for law enforcers and for advocacy. States conduct raids and impose fines for the violations related to ban on smoking in public places. There are also examples of cities, states, districts, villages going smokefree, all over the country and their numbers are increasing. Regular communications are sent to the States to implement the smokefree Rules. States are encouraged to organize training programmes for law enforcers and for advocacy. States conduct raids and impose fines for the violations related to ban on smoking in public places. There are also examples of cities, states, districts, villages going smokefree, all over the country and their numbers are increasing.
Ireland EUR Tobacco Free Ireland contains recommendations for the protection of children and denormalisation of tobacco use, these recommendations advocate for the promotion of tobacco free environments through legislative and non-legislative measures. These recommendations have been advanced in recent years through cooperation with local stakeholders. Establishing tobacco free environments in settings such as schools, sportsgrounds, parks, beaches, parks, and others are central to the Tobacco Free Ireland policy. Legislation to ban smoking in private cars where children are present, The Protection of Childrens Health ( Tobacco Smoke in Mechanically Propelled Vehicles) Act, came into force on 1st January 2016. A number of campaigns promoting tobacco free spaces in areas such as playgrounds have taken place around Ireland which promote the need for areas free from tobacco smoke and have included the distribution of information on cessation services that are available. Legislation to ban smoking in private cars where children are present : The Protection of Childrens Health ( Tobacco Smoke in Mechanically Propelled Vehicles) Act came into force on 1st January 2016.
Italy EUR Answer not provided In the last two years has been implemented the smoking ban in the open spaces of school premises and has been approved the law which prohibited to smoke in the open spaces of pediatric and gynaecologist health-care facilities premises and in private vehicles in presence of minors In the last two years has been implemented the smoking ban in the open spaces of school premises and has been approved the law which prohibited to smoke in the open spaces of pediatric and gynaecologist health-care facilities premises and in private vehicles in presence of minors and pregnants. the Italian Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System (called PASSI) evaluated the perception of population on respect of the ban in public place and workplace respectively. The positive opinion is increasing from 91.1% in 2016 to 91.8% in 2018 for public places and from 93% in 2016 to 93.7% in 2018 in workplaces. People who voluntarily applied the ban in their homes are increasing too (from 81.8% in 2016 to 84.4% in 2018). The Health and Safety Unit of the Italian Police (Carabinieri per la Sanità) in 2017-2019 carried out more than 10,400 random controls throughout Italy, in many different types of venues where the smoking ban is in effect (metro and train stations, hospitals, doctors’ offices, museums and libraries, airports, post offices, betting shops, discos, malls, arcades, restaurants, pubs, and pizzerias), which showed that overall compliance is high (1.4% of smokers where not allowed and 2.9% of irregular signs). In the same period years more than 3,500 distributors, vending machines and smoking rooms have been also controlled with 1.7% of fine for different type of violations. In the last two years has been implemented the smoking ban in the open spaces of school premises and has been approved the law which prohibited to smoke in the open spaces of pediatric and gynaecologist health-care facilities premises and in private vehicles in presence of minors and pregnants. the Italian Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System (called PASSI) evaluated the perception of population on respect of the ban in public place and workplace respectively. The positive opinion is increasing from 89.5% in 2012 to 90.3% in 2014 to 91.1% in 2016 for public places and from 91.3% in 2012 to 92.6% in 2014 to 93% in 2016 in workplaces. People who voluntarily applied the ban in their homes are increasing too (from 78.6% in 2012 to 80% in 2014 to 81.8% in 2016). The Health and Safety Unit of the Italian Police (Carabinieri per la Sanità) in 2015 and 2016 carried out more than 8,200 random controls throughout Italy, in many different types of venues where the smoking ban is in effect (metro and train stations, hospitals, doctors’ offices, museums and libraries, airports, post offices, betting parlours, discos, malls, arcades, restaurants, pubs, and pizzerias), which showed that overall compliance is high (1.8% of smokers where not allowed and 2.6% of irregular signs). In the last two years more than 3,000 distributors, vending machines and smoking rooms have been also controlled
Nepal SEA Answer not provided Some of the examples of progress area as follows: People who smoked in public places like restaurants and other public places were caught by Police and took action as per tobacco control act and regulation. Some of the examples of progress area as follows: People who smoked in public places like restaurants and other public places were caught by Police and took action as per tobacco control act and regulation.
Iran (Islamic Republic of) EMR Answer not provided We are still in comprehensive ban on tobacco smoking in public places. Considering ban in issuing license for Waterpipe supplying in Feb 2015, the territory of 32 from 62University of Medical Sciences at country level have been completely removed from WaterPipe dispensaries.
Iraq EMR Answer not provided A multisectoral committee headed by the general secretariat of the council of ministers was established for the purpose of following up the ban of smoking in all governmental indoor places. Answer not provided
Israel EUR Report not provided since May 2012, the Israeli parliament approved a few corrections to the law: 1. In 2014 - ban on smoking in sport stadiums (open or closed), but with an option for a designates smoking areas. 2. In 2015 - complete ban on smoking in educational institutes including 10 meters outside of the entrance. 3. in 2018 - complete ban on smoking in public events in the open with more than 50 people, swimming pools, closed parking lots,playgrounds, 10 meters outside of the entrance of kindergartens and daycare centers for children. partial ban in hospitals and clinics (designated smoking areas in the yard are allowed), government, municipalities, and courts are smoke free but can designate a smoking areas in the yard. 4. In 2019 - the law was broaden to include not only smoking tobacco products but also using HTP, electronic cigarettes or smoking herbal products. Report not provided