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Party Region 2023 2020 2018
Sudan EMR Answer not provided رغم ان البيع ممنوع للقصر واذ شك البائع لابد من السؤال عن اثبات العمر ببطاقة ااو غيره ولكن هناك قصور في التنفيذ يباع التبغ بكل سهولة للقصر
Suriname AMR Answer not provided Our aim: To protect current and future gene rations from the effects of tobacco consumption and to reduce tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke. Also aiming to reduce tobacco initiation, some progress has made since the tobacco went into effect (monitoring through the GYTS instruments). Much more needs to be done. The GYTS/GSHS 2016 data was published on WNTDay 2018 to a large audience. Some indicators show a decreasing trend when compared to the previous GYTS data set. Also new data (for the first time) was revealed on the use of e-cigarettes and the use of water pipes. The MOH used this event as a momentum to bring these risk /protective factors to the attention of different parties dealing with youth and their development. A intersectoral working group was formed and tasked to develop a GYTS/GSHS Action plan. Tobacco Law SB No 39 2013
Sweden EUR Answer not provided No progress. No progress.
Syrian Arab Republic EMR Answer not provided الوضع مقبول عموماً وسيتم تعزيزه بعد المصادقة على بروتكول منظمة الصحة العالمية بشأن مكافحة الاتجار غير المشروع بمنتجات التبغ الوضع مقبول عموماً وسيتم تعزيزه بعد المصادقة على بروتكول منظمة الصحة العالمية بشأن مكافحة الاتجار غير المشروع بمنتجات التبغ
Tajikistan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Thailand SEA Tobacco Products Control Act 2017 designated minimum age of 20 years old for sellers and 18 years old for buyers to sell/buy tobacco products. In case of doubt, sellers can ask for proof of evidence. Currently, Thailand has the Tobacco Control Products Act 2560 (BE 2560), indicates that no person shall be allowed to sell or give tobacco product to a person who does not attain 20 full years of age, No one shall assign, employ, ask or allow the person who is below 18 full years of age to sell or give tobacco product. Prohibiting the sale of cigarettes individually or in small packets, prohibiting the sale of tobacco products by vending machines, prohibiting the sale of tobacco products through electronic media or computer network, prohibiting the sale of tobacco products with the distribution, addition, gift of or exchange of tobacco product with other product, provision of service or other privilege.No person shall advertise or conduct marketing communications of tobacco products and no business operator and related person shall sponsor or support person,group of persons, state agency or private organization to create image of tobacco products, to advertise tobacco products Currently, Thailand has the Tobacco Control Products Act 2560 (BE 2560), indicates that no person shall be allowed to sell or give tobacco product to a person who does not attain 20 full years of age, No one shall assign, employ, ask or allow the person who is below 18 full years of age to sell or give tobacco product. Prohibiting the sale of cigarettes individually or in small packets, prohibiting the sale of tobacco products by vending machines, prohibiting the sale of tobacco products through electronic media or computer network, prohibiting the sale of tobacco products with the distribution, addition, gift of or exchange of tobacco product with other product, provision of service or other privilege.No person shall advertise or conduct marketing communications of tobacco products and no business operator and related person shall sponsor or support person,group of persons, state agency or private organization to create image of tobacco products, to advertise tobacco products
Timor-Leste SEA Report not provided Report not provided There was some implementation and instruction from the Prime Minister during the lsat two years.
Tonga WPR Answer not provided The current TCA 2014 has covered most of the areas in Article 16 that werent covered by the principal Act in the past years, particularly on banning display at point of sale, and prohibiting the sale to and by minors. There is ongoing active enforcement of the Act on this area with few cases have brought into custody and found quilt for violating the Act. The new amended TCA 2014 has covered most of the areas in Article 16 that werent covered by the principal Act in the past years, particularly on banning display at POS, and prohibiting the sale to and by minors. There is ongoing active enforcement of the Act on this area with few cases have brought into custody and found quilt for violating the Act.
Trinidad and Tobago AMR No new legislation, regulation or policy has been adopted in TTO with respect to sales of tobacco products to and by minors. The law continues to be enforced in this regard. Enforcement of this article and adherence by retailers continue. Enforcement of this article is continuous and there is a high level of adherence by retailers.
Tunisia EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Turkmenistan EUR Answer not provided Ужесточение мер административного взыскания за нарушение законодательства в этой области Ужесточение мер административного взыскания за нарушение законодательства в этой области
Tuvalu WPR Identification provision to prove age in every outlet 2017 amendments prevent sales to and BY minors (under 18 years); it also prohibits loose cigarette/tobacco sales Report not provided
Uganda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ukraine EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
United Arab Emirates EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland EUR Gibraltar amended legislation pertaining to children and tobacco in 2020. The amendment included the provision that tobacco must be either in a locked container or in an area only accessible to the personnel of that business. The amendment also prohibited the sale of toys or candy that resembled cigarettes. The text of the amendment is available online Gibraltar's Tobacco Control Regulations 2020 prohibit the sale of individual cigarettes, the sale of packets of fewer than 20 cigarettes or hand rolling tobacco less than 30 grams. The regulations are available online Standardised packaging continues to be in force for HRT and cigarettes and flavourings are banned in these products too (except menthol, until 2020). Standardised packaging has been introduced for HRT and cigarettes and flavourings are banned in these products too (except menthol, until 2020).
United Republic of Tanzania AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Uzbekistan EUR Законодательной палатой Олий Мажлиса Республики Узбекистан 25 октября 2022 года был принят новый Закон Республики Узбекистан «Об ограничении распространения и употребления алкогольной и табачной продукции», который был одобрен Сенатом Олий Мажлиса Республики Узбекистан 27 декабря 2022 года. Новый Закон, а также новые положения, в котором отражены требования к ограничению доступа табачных изделий несовершеннолетним вступят в силу спустя три месяца после подписания Президентом Узбекистана. В частности: - в статье 21 предусмотрено запрещение реализации табачной продукции, а также устройств для употребления табака и никотина: лицам, не достигшим двадцати одного года; лицами, не достигшими двадцати одного года; без непосредственного участия продавца, в том числе посредством торговых автоматов, иных электронных или механических устройств; с полок самообслуживания; в форме электронной коммерции (за исключением игристых и натуральных вин), в том числе с помощью доставки любым путем; путем выездной и выносной торговли (с рук, лотков, из корзин, ручных тележек); в помещениях, предназначенных для реализации товаров детского ассортимента; имитирующих детские игрушки, конфеты или другие товары детского ассортимента; на территориях организаций системы здравоохранения, образовательных организаций, учреждений культуры, физкультурно-оздоровительных и спортивных сооружений, санаторно-курортных и медико-социальных учреждений; в стационарных торговых объектах и объектах оказания услуг, расположенных на расстоянии менее чем двести метров по прямой линии от территорий образовательных, спортивных и религиозных организаций, за исключением случаев, когда объект торговли расположен на территории торговых комплексов (рынков) с общей торговой площадью более тысячи квадратных метров и в ярмарочных павильонах; без потребительской упаковки (пачки, блока) – в отношении табачной продукции, а также устройств для употребления табака и никотина, поштучно – в отношении сигарет; Лицо, непосредственно осуществляющее реализацию табачной продукции, а также устройств для употребления табака и никотина, обязано потребовать от покупателя, выглядящего моложе двадцати одного года, предъявления документа, удостоверяющего его личность и возраст, а в случае отсутствия документа – отказать в реализации алкогольной и табачной продукции. - в статье 22 указано, что в местах реализации табачной продукции, а также устройств для употребления табака и никотина должна быть размещена предупреждающая надпись или знак о запрете на ее реализацию лицам, не достигшим двадцати одного года, а также медицинское предупреждение. 7 июня 2022 г. принят Закон Республики Узбекистан № ЗРУ-776 «О рекламе» в новой редакции (приложение 6). Статья 40 данного Закона посвящена ограничению рекламы табачной продукции и устройств для употребления табака и никотина. Согласно данной статье: Не допускается стимулирование продажи табачной продукции и устройств для употребления табака и никотина путем: безвозмездного распространения образцов табачной продукции и устройств для употребления табака и никотина, а также применения скидок на них; распространения, в том числе продажи товаров (футболок, головных уборов, игр и других) с использованием наименования, товарного знака (знака обслуживания) или изображения табачной продукции и устройств для употребления табака и никотина, а также табачной продукции и устройств для употребления табака и никотина, имитирующих детские игрушки, конфеты или другие товары детского ассортимента; использования любых терминов, описаний, знаков, символов, изображений или иных обозначений, ассоциирующихся с табачной продукцией, устройством для употребления табака и никотина, при производстве других видов товаров, не являющихся табачной продукцией, устройством для употребления табака и никотина, принадлежностями или отдельными частями данных устройств; проведения стимулирующих акций или других подобных мероприятий». Report not provided Report not provided
Vanuatu WPR Answer not provided There is no vending machine that operates in Vanuatu. The ones were before were removed Report not provided
Venezuela AMR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Viet Nam WPR Answer not provided There is no policy development in last period There is no policy development in last period
Zambia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Russian Federation EUR В 2020 г. ограничения торговли, применяемые к табачной продукции, распространены на никотинсодержащую продукцию, а также на устройства для потребления никотинсодержащей продукции (статья 19 Федерального закона № 15-ФЗ). Все законодательные изменения были приняты до начала отчетного периода. Report not provided
Rwanda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Saint Kitts and Nevis AMR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Saint Lucia AMR Public Health Smoking Control Amendment 2019 and Regulations 2020 bans sale of tobacco products to and by minors and provides penalties for such offences. The Education Act prohibits the sale of tobacco products at schools (page 101). General legislation prohibiting sales to and by minors is prioritized as part of comprehensive tobacco control legislation. In 2019 the Public Health (Smoking Control) Amendment 2019 prohibits the sale of tobacco products to and by minors. The Regulations will provide penalties for breaches and offences. The Education Act prohibits the sale of tobacco products at schools (page 101). General legislation prohibiting sales to and by minors is prioritized as part of comprehensive tobacco control legislation.
Samoa WPR Answer not provided This has been legislated and health awareness programs are continuous to enforce this measure. This has been legislated and health awareness programs are continuous to enforce this measure.
Sao Tome and Principe AFR Answer not provided sin datos sin datos
Saudi Arabia EMR Answer not provided -يمنع بيع منتجات التبغ للقصر اقل من 18 سنه ويمنع البيع المفرد لمنتجات التبغ وهناك عقوبات تشمل عدم تطبيق هذا المنع كذلك هناك حظر لبيع او صنع الحلوه او الالالعاب على شكل منتجات التبغ -يمنع بيع منتجات التبغ للقصر اقل من 18 سنه ويمنع البيع المفرد لمنتجات التبغ وهناك عقوبات تشمل عدم تطبيق هذا المنع كذلك هناك حظر لبيع او صنع الحلوه او الالالعاب على شكل منتجات التبغ
Serbia EUR Answer not provided To the inspectors a new power have been given, e.g., "mystery shopper" that can help detecting the offenders. Prohibition of sale of tobacco products to minors is regulated, apart from the Tobacco Law, by the Law on Consumer Protection (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No 62/14, 6/16) that entered into force in 2014. According to the article 24 (1) of the Law on Consumer Protection, sale, serving and giving tobacco products as gifts to persons below the age of 18 is prohibited. Moreover, this article 24 (2) defined that, in case of doubt, seller of tobacco products can request from the purchaser to provide evidence of reaching the full legal age. For the infringement of the article 24 a fine for the legal entity is RSD 300,000 to 2,000,000,000, for entrepreneur RSD 50,000 to 150,000 and for the individual person RSD 50,000 to 500,000.
Seychelles AFR Answer not provided As per section 27 (f) and (g) of the Tobacco Control Act, a regulation on Sale of Packages and Single Cigarette came in to force as from 1st July 2019. The regulation includes mandatory sale of cigarettes by packets of not less than 10 sticks and ban the sale of individual cigarettes. The regulations shall not apply for the sale of cigar. The regulation also includes a spot fine for anyone who fails to comply. Several media programs and sessions to sensitize the general public and specific stakeholders on the regulation in 2019. Answer not provided
Sierra Leone AFR Answer not provided There is no policy requiring such measures but we are on the process of legislating tobacco products protecting children from getting access to tobacco products. There is no policy requiring such measures but we are on the process of legislating tobacco products protecting children from getting access to tobacco products.
Singapore WPR In Nov 2017, the Tobacco Act was amended to increase the minimum legal age (MLA) for the purchase, use and possession of tobacco products from 18 to 21 in stepwise fashion from 2019 onwards (i.e. MLA will be 19 from 1 Jan 2019, 20 from 1 Jan 2020 and finally 21 from 1 Jan 2021) In Nov 2017, the Tobacco Act was amended to increase the minimum legal age (MLA) for the purchase, use and possession of tobacco products from 18 to 21 in stepwise fashion from 2019 onwards (i.e. MLA will be 19 from 1 Jan 2019, 20 from 1 Jan 2020 and finally 21 from 1 Jan 2021). Nil.
Slovakia EUR Answer not provided In the past two years any change. In the past two years any change.
Slovenia EUR Report not provided Report not provided The Restriction of the Use of Tobacco and Related Products Act (Official Gazette of RS, Nos. 9/17 and 29/17) is from 11.3. 2017: - banning the sale of tobacco and related products in any manner by which they are directly accessible, such as open store shelves - prohibiting the manufacture and sale of sweets, snacks, toys or any other objects in the form of tobacco products which appeal to minors - banning the sale of tobacco, tobacco products, e-cigarettes and other related products to minors (under 18); - banning the sale of tobacco, tobacco products and related products from vending machines and from mobile points of sale.
Solomon Islands WPR Report not provided There are provisions for the sale to minors but nothing on sale by minors. No prosecution made as yet as the enforcement and compliance strategic plan is still to be finalized and endorsed. Selling to minors is one of the 3 major areas targeted as low hanging fruits which the Enforcement/ Compliance for tobacco control strategic plan is targeting. The other two areas are second hand smoking and the selling of single rolls. There are provisions for the sale to minors but nothing on sale by minors. No prosecution made as yet as the enforcement and compliance strategic plan is still to be finalized and endorsed. Selling to minors is one of the 3 major areas targeted as low hanging fruits which the Enforcement/ Compliance for tobacco control strategic plan is targeting. The other two areas are second hand smoking and the selling of single rolls.
Sri Lanka SEA Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Nigeria AFR Enforcement sensisitzation visits has been carried out is some states, also radio jingles in 3 major radio stations which among other has sensitized the public on the ban of sale to and by minors have been aired NTC Act 2015 and its implementing Regulations 2019 Honorable Minister of Health announced during the 2017 WNTD immediate implementation of Prohibition of sale of tobacco products to and by anyone below 18.
Norway EUR In our new tobacco control strategy, the government has presented plans for banning online sales of tobacco products and e-cigarettes. Answer not provided As of 1 January 2018 all wholesalers and retailers (except distance sales) of tobacco products and tobacco surrogates (e.g. e-cigarettes and herbal tobacco products) must register in a national tobacco sales registry.
Oman EMR Answer not provided لا جديد لا جديد
Pakistan EMR Report not provided Under Article 16 of FCTC, Pakistan is mandated to prohibit the sales of tobacco products to persons under 18. National law prohibits sale of tobacco products to persons under 18. Pakistan has also banned offering free samples, cash rebates, discounts and sponsorship of events. No one shall manufacture or offer for sale sweets, snacks, or toys in the form of cigarettes. There is also ban on manufacture, sale, or offer for sale or import of packs having less than 20 cigarette sticks. Every retailer is mandated to display a poster inside their point of sale about the prohibition of tobacco sales to minors. Recently, Pakistan has banned sale of individual cigarette sticks by retailers. Under Article 16 of FCTC, Pakistan is mandated to prohibit the sales of tobacco products to persons under 18. National law prohibits sale of tobacco products to persons under 18. Pakistan has also banned offering free samples, cash rebates, discounts and sponsorship of events. No one shall manufacture or offer for sale sweets, snacks, or toys in the form of cigarettes. There is also ban on manufacture, sale, or offer for sale or import of packs having less than 20 cigarette sticks. Every retailer is mandated to display a poster inside their point of sale about the prohibition of tobacco sales to minors. Recently, Pakistan has banned sale of individual cigarette sticks by retailers.
Paraguay AMR Tenemos dificultades para controlar la comercialización de los productos de tabaco a los menores de edad debido a que se siguen vendiendo con suma facilidad estos productos en los puntos de venta y más aun por el auge internet La Ley Nº 5538/15, establece en su Capitulo II y artículos 5,6,7: la venta, suministro de productos de tabaco asi como la prohibición de venta a menores y por menores. La Ley Nº 5538/15, establece en su Capitulo II y artículos 5,6,7
Peru AMR No ha habido progresos Existe un mayor numero de municipalidad haciendo fizcalización en el maco de sus funciones de la venta de cigarrillos al menudeo y por y a menores en la calle y bodegas En el año 2010 se promulgó la Ley N° 29517 que modifica la Ley 28705, Ley General para la Prevención y Control de los riesgos del consumo de tabaco, para adecuarse al convenio marco de la OMS para el control del tabaco
Poland EUR No changes from last report. No changes from last report. Poland in 2016 implement ban on the sale of electronic cigarettes to adolescents under 18 years of age and introduction of text warnings at the locations of sales on the prohibition of the sale of electronic cigarettes to persons under 18 years of age.
Portugal EUR No progress to report since last submission. Answer not provided Answer not provided
Qatar EMR Answer not provided In implementing article 16 from the FCTC and article 7 in LAW NO. 10 OF 2016 ON THE CONTROL OF TOBACCO AND ITS DERIVATIVES states in Article 13: The sale of cigarettes or tobacco or its derivatives at a distance of less than 1000 meters from schools and other educational and training institutions shall be prohibited. stated that Article 18 Without prejudice to any more severe penalty stipulated in any other law, a penalty not exceeding three thousand (3000) Riyals shall be imposed on anyone who smokes cigarettes while driving a vehicle in the presence of any person under the age of 18.. And health inspectors in the MOPH if they caught any sellers who sells to minors will be violated and sent to the public persecution In implementing article 16 from the FCTC and article 7 in LAW NO. 10 OF 2016 ON THE CONTROL OF TOBACCO AND ITS DERIVATIVES states in Article 13: The sale of cigarettes or tobacco or its derivatives at a distance of less than 1000 meters from schools and other educational and training institutions shall be prohibited. stated that Article 18 Without prejudice to any more severe penalty stipulated in any other law, a penalty not exceeding three thousand (3000) Riyals shall be imposed on anyone who smokes cigarettes while driving a vehicle in the presence of any person under the age of 18.. And health inspectors in the MOPH if they caught any sellers who sells to minors will be violated and sent to the public persecution
Republic of Korea WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided *Amended definition of tobacco related articles harmful to juveniles(from "device and components for inhaling nicotine liquid" to "device and components for inhaling tobacco contents including nicotine liquid, etc.") and banned sale of device for Heated Tobacco Product to minors (Oct.2017) *Designated product mimicking smoking behaviour as articles harmful to juvenile under the Juvenile Protection Act, such as Vitamin Stick and banned its sale to minors (Dec. 2017)
New Zealand WPR Answer not provided No changes since legislative changes in July 2012. No changes since legislative changes in July 2012.
Nicaragua AMR En la Ley 727 "Ley para el Control de Tabaco" en su Art. 12 Prohibición de Venta o Entrega Gratuita de Tabaco a Menores. se mencionan estos aspectos. se prohíbe la venta de cigarrillos a menores de 18 años. Answer not provided Answer not provided
Niger AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Netherlands EUR Answer not provided by 2022 neutral vending machines are only allowed with the intervention of a sales person Displayban by juli the first 2020 in supermarkets and other points of sale by the first of januari 2021. An exception is made for tobacco speciality shops Plain packaging: for sigarettes and RYO is foreseen for october 1, 2020 Answer not provided
Madagascar AFR Report not provided des réunions ont été effectué avec le responsable de la lutte contre les drogues au niveau du Primature et des agents oppresseurs pour la stratégie de lapplication de ce texte. Un draft du texte réglementaire interdisant de vente autour de 200m des établissements scolaires a été élaboré. Une sensibilisation au niveau de la radio nationale a été effectuée une sensibilisation auprès du public pour faire connaître lexistence de la loi est réalisée par la société civile
Maldives SEA Answer not provided NONE NONE
Mali AFR Report not provided A létat actuel des dispositions légales sont entrain d*être développées pour lapplication et le suivi A létat actuel des dispositions légales sont entrain d*être développées pour lapplication et le suivi
Marshall Islands WPR Answer not provided Report not provided KUMIT AND POLICE FOR ARE WORKING ON COMPLIANCE
Mauritania AFR Report not provided - -
Mauritius AFR Answer not provided The current tobacco legislation is being fully enforced by the Authorities and several contraventions have been established for all cases of breach of the relevant provisions of the law pertaining to the sale of tobacco products to and by minors. The tobacco legislation is being fully enforced and all breach of the law is dealt with by enforcement officers comprising of Police and Public health and Food Safety Inspectors whereby contraventions are established and severe warnings administered as the case may be
Micronesia (Federated States of) WPR Answer not provided Compliance check to Article 16 is conducted twice a year throughout the four states in FSM (SYNAR) Compliance check to Article 16 is conducted twice a year throughout the four states in FSM
Mongolia WPR Report not provided Prohibited: the sale of tobacco to and by persons under the age of 21; the introduction of tobacco vending machines; the organization of promotional sales in any form and lotteries in order to increase tobacco sales. Prohibited: the sale of tobacco to and by persons under the age of 21; the introduction of tobacco vending machines; the organization of promotional sales in any form and lotteries in order to increase tobacco sales.
Mozambique AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Myanmar SEA Answer not provided Ministry of Education, in collaboration with MOHS, conducted national level seminar and workshops for development of ways forward for strengthening 7 priority areas, including tobacco control, in 2019. Peer education programme has been launched to increase awareness including provisions of the law,focusing on prevention of minors from tobacco use. MOE has been working in close collaboration with parent teachers association and Students Unions to strengthen necessary areas. Answer not provided
Namibia AFR Report not provided References in the Act No 1 of 2010: Article 18(1)(a) of the Act. Article 18(2) of the Act. Article 15(4) of the Act. Acticle 20(1) of the Act, but measure in force from a date determined by the Minister of Health in the regulations. Article 19(1) of the Act. Article 18(1)(b) of the Act. Remaining items will be referred to in section 7 of the regulations. Report not provided
Nauru WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Jamaica AMR There has been limited progress since the last reporting period. However, the proposed Tobacco Control Act 2020 that is currently being considered by a Committee of Parliament which will enable greater progress in the implementation of Article 16. The Child Care and Protection Act makes provision for the prohibition of sale of some forms of tobacco products to and by minors. The provisions in the Child Care and Protection Act is limited as the prohibitions do not apply broadly to all forms of tobacco products (including electronic nicotine delivery systems) to and by minors. The current provision restrictively references cigarettes, cigars, cheroots, and cigarillos. Attempts are being made to amend the Act to accord with the FCTC requirements. The Child Care and Protection Act makes provision for the prohibition of sale of some forms of tobacco products to and by minors. The Child Care and Protection Act does not prohibit the sale of tobacco products in general (including electronic nicotine delivery systems) to and by minors. The current provision restrictively references cigarettes, cigars, cheroots, and cigarillos. Attempts are being made to amend the Act to accord with the FCTC requirements.
Jordan EMR Answer not provided تم تضمين منع بيع منتجات التبغ للقصر في قانون الصحة العامة رقم 47 لسنة 2008 الحدث ( لمن لم يكمل 18 عام ) وتم منع استخدام منع ماكينات بيع منتجات التبغ في قانون الصحة العامة رقم 47 لسنة 2008 ، ويتضمن قانون سلوك الاحداث منع بيع القصر وبيع التجزئة . ومنع مقلدات التبغ وقد تم تغليظ العقوبات على بيع التبغ للقصر لتصل العقوبة لتصبح العقوبة من 1000الى 3000 الاف دينار او الحبس من 3-6 اشهر وذلك في تعديلات القانون رقم 11لسنة 2017 القانون المعدل لقانون الصحة العامة رقم 47 لسنة 2008 تم تحديد 19 عام للسماح بشراء التبغ المسخن او السجائر الالكترونية حسب تعليمات الغذاء والدواء الصادرة عام 2019 قرار خاص بالأعمال الخطرة أو المرهقة أو المضرة بالصحة للأحداث لسنة 2011 تم تضمين منع بيع منتجات التبغ للقصر في قانون الصحة العامة رقم 47 لسنة 2008 الحدث ( لمن لم يكمل 18 عام ) وتم منع استخدام منع ماكينات بيع منتجات التبغ في قانون الصحة العامة رقم 47 لسنة 2008 ، ويتضمن قانون سلوك الاحداث منع بيع القصر وبيع التجزئة . ومنع مقلدات التبغ وقد تم تغليظ العقوبات على بيع التبغ للقصر لتصل العقوبة لتصبح العقوبة من 1000الى 3000 الاف دينار او الحبس من 3-6 اشهر وذلك في تعديلات القانون رقم 11لسنة 2017 القانون المعدل لقانون الصحة العامة رقم 47 لسنة 2008
Kazakhstan EUR Запрещается продажа табачных изделий, в том числе изделий с нагреваемым табаком, табака для кальяна, кальянной смеси, систем для нагрева табака, электронных систем потребления и жидкостей для них: 1) лицам в возрасте до двадцати одного года; 2) лицами в возрасте до восемнадцати лет; Report not provided Answer not provided
Kiribati WPR Enforcement done in this areas as well mentions in the Tobacco Control Act as some business are brought up to the court and fine from $50.00 to $1000.00 Australian dollars. Pending cases for the court fine from other business. Most retail shops are in compliance with this Article, however, monitoring the extent of compliance is weak and needs to be strengthened Most retail shops are in compliance with this Article, however, monitoring the extent of compliance is weak and needs to be strengthened
Kuwait EMR Answer not provided The new Law 42/2014 will be amended to include specific penalties for sales to minors The new Law 42/2014 will be amended to include specific penalties for sales to minors
Lao People's Democratic Republic WPR Report not provided The sales to and buy by minors bans by Tobacco Control Law, however, it is not strictly implemented The sales to and buy by minors bans by Tobacco Control Law, however, it is not strictly implemented
Lebanon EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Lesotho AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Liberia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Libya EMR بيع السجائر غير مقتصر على فئة عمرية بعينها وليس هناك اي اجراءات تضمن عدم السماح للبيع للاطفال والمراهقين على حد سواء رغم وجود القرارات التي تصيغ ذلك لكن دون تنفيذها على ارض الواقع هناك صعوبة في تفعيل التشريع الصادر بالخصوص هناك صعوبة في تفعيل التشريع الصادر بالخصوص
Lithuania EUR Amendments of Tobacco control law were adopted and came into force since 2021-05-01 on establishing restrictions on the places and kinds of retail sale of tobacco related products, such as ban the sale of tobacco related products through vending machines, in shops, kiosks and other retail outlets where children's goods account for 50% or more of retail sales turnover, pharmaceutical companies, healthcare, education, cultural institutions, Internet cafes-clubs, etc.) and on increase of fines for violating the ban on distance sale of tobacco related products and for violating the ban on sale to minors. Draft amendment to the Tobacco Control Law was registered in March 2020 in the Parliament (draft prepared by the Ministry of Health) to introduce ban of sale of devices intended for consumption of tobacco and related products for persons under 18 years old. Control of the prohibition to sale tobacco products to minors is adopted in the Law on Tobacco Control of Republic of Lithuania:
Luxembourg EUR Aucune nouvelle mesure en accord avec l'article 16 n'a été prise depuis ces 2 dernières années. Depuis lentrée en vigueur de la loi antitabac du 13 juin 2017, transposant la directive tabac 2014/40/UE en droit national, lâge minimum pour acheter des produits du tabac est de 18 ans au Luxembourg. Cette interdiction de vente aux mineurs sappliqe à tous les produits du tabac: cigarettes, cigars, tabacs à rouler, shishas, cigarettes électronqiues, produits du tabac à base de plantes et nouveaux produits du tabac. Passage de lâge dinterdiction de 16ans à 18ans pour lachat de produits du tabac et de vapotage.
Eswatini AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ethiopia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
European Union EUR The Tobacco Products Directive 2014/40/EU, stipulates that a unit packet of cigarettes shall include at least 20 cigarettes. A unit packet of roll-your-own tobacco shall contain tobacco weighing not less than 30g. The Tobacco Products Directive 2014/40/EU, stipulates that a unit packet of cigarettes shall include at least 20 cigarettes. A unit packet of roll-your-own tobacco shall contain tobacco weighing not less than 30g. The Tobacco Products Directive 2014/40/EU, stipulates that a unit packet of cigarettes shall include at least 20 cigarettes. A unit packet of roll-your-own tobacco shall contain tobacco weighing not less than 30g.
Fiji WPR Report not provided Tobacco Control Act 2010: Part 5-Restrictions on Sale and Smoking of Tobacco Products; 13 (1)(a) A person must not-sell or supply any tobacco product to a person under the age of 18 years; (b) purchase a tobacco product for the use of a person under the age of 18 years.(2) A person retailing in tobacco products must- (a) place a clear and prominent notice inside the retail outlet, notifying on prohibition of sale tobacco products to any person under 18 years old and (b) prior to selling a tobacco product to any person suspected to be under the age of 18 years, must request for a document of identification. Report not provided
Finland EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Gambia AFR Answer not provided Tobacco Control Act, 2016 has a section on "Exposure to and by Minors". The Act is in force since December 2018. The Draft Bill covered the exposure of tobacco products to and by minors.
Ghana AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Greece EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Grenada AMR Report not provided This section is addressed in our draft legislation which have not yet been made into law. Most point of sale for tobacco products do have notice prohibiting sale to minors and tobacco products are not sold on open shelves. Presently there are not tobacco vending machines in Grenada Free cigarettes or tobacco products are not promoted or distributed in Grenada This section is addressed in our draft legislation which have not yet been made into law. Most point of sale for tobacco products do have notice prohibiting sale to minors and tobacco products are not sold on open shelves. Presently there are not tobacco vending machines in Grenada Free cigarettes or tobacco products are not promoted or distributed in Grenada
Guatemala AMR En general, se cumple con la prohibición de la venta a menores y por menores. Ninguno. Las disposiciones legales prohibitivas se han mantenido inalteradas. Éstas se encuentran en el Código de Salud. Ninguno. Las disposiciones legales prohibitivas se han mantenido inalteradas. Éstas se encuentran en el Código de Salud.
Guinea-Bissau AFR Answer not provided This item is included in the draft bill. This item is included in the draft bill.
Guyana AMR Answer not provided Part 8 of the Tobacco Control Act provides for all of the measures listed above and this is now law. Part 8 of the Tobacco Control Act provides for all of the measures listed above and this is now law.
Honduras AMR Report not provided En los dos últimos años desde el 2018 a la fecha se han dado avances en el cumplimiento de la disposición del Artículo 16 del CMCT de la OMS con respecto a la prohibición de productos derivados de tabaco a menores y por menores. Para tal efecto es. Imperativo el apoyo de cada Corporación Municipal para alcanzar un amplio cumplimiento de dichas disposiciones. En los dos últimos años se han dado avances en el cumplimiento de la disposición del Artículo 16 del CMCT de la OMS con respecto a la prohibición de productos derivados de tabaco a menores y por menores.
Hungary EUR From 29 June 2021 The specific consumption of nicotine-containing products that replace smoking (in addition to the already existed rules about the traditional smoking products of course) is prohibited in public educational institutions, as well as in child welfare and child protection institutions . Electronic cigarettes can be only purchased in the National Tobacco stores according to the amendment of the Act CXXXIV of 2012 on “Reducing Smoking Prevalence among Young People and Retail of Tobacco Products. (Introduced: 23 December 2015, entry into force: 20 May 2016) Electronic cigarettes can be only purchased in the National Tobacco stores according to the amendment of the Act CXXXIV of 2012 on “Reducing Smoking Prevalence among Young People and Retail of Tobacco Products. (Introduced: 23 December 2015, entry into force: 20 May 2016)
Costa Rica AMR - - Answer not provided
Côte d'Ivoire AFR Answer not provided Il ny a pour lheure pas un système de surveillance qui encadre notre Loi sur les dispositions relatives à la vente aux mineurs et par les mineurs. Answer not provided
Croatia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Cyprus EUR Answer not provided Some progress made in this Article. The new tobacco legislation states that it is illegal to sell packs of cigarettes with less than 20 items and regarding roll-your-own tobacco no less than 30grms. This will ensure that no low cost tobacco is available for purchasing by children. The definition of minors was extended from the age of 16 to the age of 18. Tobacco industries voluntarily have a sign on each packet not to be sold for persons under the age of 18. Some progress made in this Article. The new tobacco legislation states that it is illegal to sell packs of cigarettes with less than 20 items and regarding roll-your-own tobacco no less than 30grms. This will ensure that no low cost tobacco is available for purchasing by children. The definition of minors was extended from the age of 16 to the age of 18.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea SEA Report not provided Article 24 of National Tobacco Control Law articulates sale of tobacco products to minors and students are banned. Article 36 articulates those who violate the tobacco law including selling tobacco to minors and students are subject to legal liability. Monitoring and supervision on compliance of no tobacco law are strengthened. It is clearly laid down and is being implemented the Article No 24 of Law on Tobacco Control to prohibit sale to minors and students.
Democratic Republic of the Congo AFR Answer not provided Interdiction bien affichée sur sur le paquet de cigarettes et marteler à chaque occasion (ateliers, conférences,...). Answer not provided
Denmark EUR Answer not provided The fines for sales to minors have been raised and sellers who repeatedly sell tobacco to minors may now be temporarily banned from selling tobacco. To strengthen enforcement and ensure compliance, the task of enforcing the ban on sales to minors has been assigned to the Danish Safety Technology Authority. Answer not provided
Djibouti EMR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Dominica AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Egypt EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
El Salvador AMR Answer not provided Ley para el Control del Tabaco, 2011 Prohibiciones Art. 9.- Se prohíbe la venta de tabaco y sus productos: a) A menores de edad. b) Por menores de edad. c) POR UNIDADES O CAJETILLAS DE MENOS DE DIEZ CIGARRILLOS. (1) d) Cigarros por unidades. e) En máquinas expendedoras. f) En los lugares no permitidos para el consumo, establecidos en la presente Ley, excepto en los supermercados y tiendas. g) Que estén elaborados en formas o figuras que induzcan al consumo del mismo a menores de edad. h) Que estén directamente accesibles en los lugares de venta. i) A personas que no prueben su mayoría de edad cuando se considere necesario. Reglamento de la Ley para el Control del Tabaco. Decreto Ejecutivo No. 63, de fecha 29 de mayo de 2015, publicado en el Diario Oficial No. 101, Tomo 407, de fecha 5 de junio de 2015. Capítulo II. Lugares o puntos de venta. Art. 7.- Cada lugar o punto de venta deberá cumplir con los siguientes requisitos: …b) Mantener un anuncio situado al interior del establecimiento con las leyendas sobre la prohibición de venta, distribución o suministro a título gratuito a menores de edad; de acuerdo a lo establecido en la norma técnica sanitaria respectiva. c) Exigir a la persona que se presente a adquirir productos del tabaco y derivados, que acredite su mayoría de edad con identificación oficial que contenga fotografía, …h) Se prohíben los exhibidores, dispensadores u otras modalidades de autoservicio o venta impersonal en los supermercados y tiendas de conveniencia, para evitar la inducción del consumo a niñas, niños y adolescentes. Sólo se permitirá la colocación de una lista textual de los productos de tabaco que se expenden, con sus respectivos precios y deberá exhibirse la información que advierta sobre el perjuicio causado por el humo de tabaco, con el objeto de evitar el consumo compulsivo entre aquellas personas que quieren dejar de fumar. Objetos prohibidos. Art. 16.- Se prohíbe la fabricación, importación, distribución gratuita y venta de alimentos, juguetes u otros objetos que tengan la forma, marca y diseño de productos de tabaco y derivados. Ley para el Control del Tabaco, 2011 Prohibiciones Art. 9.- Se prohíbe la venta de tabaco y sus productos: a) A menores de edad. b) Por menores de edad. c) POR UNIDADES O CAJETILLAS DE MENOS DE DIEZ CIGARRILLOS. (1) d) Cigarros por unidades. e) En máquinas expendedoras. f) En los lugares no permitidos para el consumo, establecidos en la presente Ley, excepto en los supermercados y tiendas. g) Que estén elaborados en formas o figuras que induzcan al consumo del mismo a menores de edad. h) Que estén directamente accesibles en los lugares de venta. i) A personas que no prueben su mayoría de edad cuando se considere necesario. Reglamento de la Ley para el Control del Tabaco. Decreto Ejecutivo No. 63, de fecha 29 de mayo de 2015, publicado en el Diario Oficial No. 101, Tomo 407, de fecha 5 de junio de 2015. Capítulo II. Lugares o puntos de venta. Art. 7.- Cada lugar o punto de venta deberá cumplir con los siguientes requisitos: …b) Mantener un anuncio situado al interior del establecimiento con las leyendas sobre la prohibición de venta, distribución o suministro a título gratuito a menores de edad; de acuerdo a lo establecido en la norma técnica sanitaria respectiva. c) Exigir a la persona que se presente a adquirir productos del tabaco y derivados, que acredite su mayoría de edad con identificación oficial que contenga fotografía, …h) Se prohíben los exhibidores, dispensadores u otras modalidades de autoservicio o venta impersonal en los supermercados y tiendas de conveniencia, para evitar la inducción del consumo a niñas, niños y adolescentes. Sólo se permitirá la colocación de una lista textual de los productos de tabaco que se expenden, con sus respectivos precios y deberá exhibirse la información que advierta sobre el perjuicio causado por el humo de tabaco, con el objeto de evitar el consumo compulsivo entre aquellas personas que quieren dejar de fumar. Objetos prohibidos. Art. 16.- Se prohíbe la fabricación, importación, distribución gratuita y venta de alimentos, juguetes u otros objetos que tengan la forma, marca y diseño de productos de tabaco y derivados.
Equatorial Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided NO EXISTE UNA LEY
Estonia EUR Answer not provided The biggest change from the last report is the point of sale displayban for tobacco products. No changes from the last report.
Brunei Darussalam WPR Answer not provided Prohibition of sales to and by minors has been enforced since 2008 through the Tobacco Order 2005. Prohibition of sales to and by minors has been enforced since 2008 through the Tobacco Order 2005.
Bulgaria EUR Answer not provided Despite the existence in Bulgaria of strong national regulations banning the sale of cigarettes to minors during the last years, the 3 stages of GYTS Bulgaria demonstrate a large accessibility of tobacco products ever for 13-years old students. Age restrictions are difficult to enforce and are not effective unless they are supplemented by enforcement of very strict regulations, creating rationale that underpins them; lobby the community and suitable agencies to enforce the principles of and prosecute offenders of the law. Despite the existence in Bulgaria of strong national regulations banning the sale of cigarettes to minors during the last years, the 3 stages of GYTS Bulgaria demonstrate a large accessibility of tobacco products ever for 13-years old students. Age restrictions are difficult to enforce and are not effective unless they are supplemented by enforcement of very strict regulations, creating rationale that underpins them; lobby the community and suitable agencies to enforce the principles of and prosecute offenders of the law.
Burkina Faso AFR Answer not provided - Mention est faite concernant la vente par et pour les moins de 18 ans au niveau des paquets de cigarettes - Les sorties des agents de la police nationale sur le respect de fumer dans les lieux publics, sont des occasions pour décourager les moins de 18 ans à la vente et à lachat de la cigarette - les ventes promotionnelles sont sanctionnées Le Burkina Faso vient délaborer un draft de texte relatif définition des conditions douverture et dexploitation des points de vente des produits du tabac. Le document est soumis à amendements en vue de sa validation.
Burundi AFR Report not provided Instructions ministérielles relatives aux: a. Exigence d’informations sanitaires sur les produits du tabac ; b. Interdiction de la vente des cigarettes aux enfants et dans certains lieux publics. c. Interdiction de la publicité, la promotion et le parrainage par lindustrie de tabac. Report not provided
Cabo Verde AFR Answer not provided The new legislation will prohibit any sale or purchase, by and for children under eighteen. Sales of electronic products and devices for smoking through automatic vending machines will be prohibited. Answer not provided
Cambodia WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Canada AMR The legal age varies by province (18-21 years of age). At a national level, the minimum legal age of 18 is set out in the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act. Since the last reporting period, PEI has raised their minimum legal age in the province to 21 years old. In order to protect youth from inducements to use tobacco products and the consequent dependence on them, the Government of Canada is further reducing the attractiveness of tobacco products by limiting the availability of menthol-flavoured tobacco products in Canada. To achieve this objective, the Government of Canada implemented in 2017 an Order Amending the Tobacco Act to prohibit the use of these menthol additives in the manufacture of cigarettes, blunt wraps and most cigars and their sale. This amendment will also mean that the prohibition on the promotion of menthol additives on tobacco product packaging will be applicable. In order to protect youth from inducements to use tobacco products and the consequent dependence on them, the Government of Canada is further reducing the attractiveness of tobacco products by limiting the availability of menthol-flavoured tobacco products in Canada. To achieve this objective, the Government of Canada implemented in 2017 an Order Amending the Tobacco Act to prohibit the use of these menthol additives in the manufacture of cigarettes, blunt wraps and most cigars and their sale. This amendment will also mean that the prohibition on the promotion of menthol additives on tobacco product packaging will be applicable.
Chad AFR Answer not provided - en dehors des campagnes de sensibilisation à cet effet, il ya la mention vente interdite aux mineurs de moins de 18 ans sur les paquets de cigarette. Un décret dapplication de la loi 10 portant interdiction de vente par et pour les mineurs en cours dadoption. - en dehors des campagnes de sensibilisation à cet effet, il ya la mention vente interdite aux mineurs de moins de 18 ans sur les paquets de cigarette. Un décret dapplication de la loi 10 portant interdiction de vente par et pour les mineurs en cours dadoption.
Chile AMR No han existido modificaciones recientes a la ley 19.419 en este aspecto. Ley 19.419 Art 4º Se prohíbe la venta de estos productos en aquellos lugares que se encuentren a menos de cien metros de distancia de los establecimientos de educación básica y media. La distancia se medirá desde cada puerta de acceso de los respectivos establecimientos, por aceras, calles y espacios de uso público. Ley 19.419 Art 4º Se prohíbe la venta de estos productos en aquellos lugares que se encuentren a menos de cien metros de distancia de los establecimientos de educación básica y media. La distancia se medirá desde cada puerta de acceso de los respectivos establecimientos, por aceras, calles y espacios de uso público.
Colombia AMR En la Ley 1335 de 2009 se establecen, en el Capítulo I, disposiciones sobre la venta de productos de tabaco a menores de edad: Artículo 2°. Prohibición de vender productos de tabaco a menores de edad. Se prohíbe a toda persona natural o jurídica la venta, directa e indirecta, de productos de tabaco y sus derivados, en cualquiera de sus presentaciones, a menores de dieciocho (18) años. En caso de duda, soliciten que cada comprador de tabaco demuestre que ha alcanzado la mayoría de edad. Parágrafo 1°. Es obligación de los vendedores y expendedores de productos de tabaco y sus derivados indicar bajo un anuncio claro y destacado al interior de su local, establecimiento o punto de venta la prohibición de la venta de productos de tabaco a menores de edad. Este anuncio en ningún caso hará mención a marcas, empresas o fundaciones de empresas tabacaleras; ni empleará logotipos, símbolos, juegos de colores, que permitan identificar alguna de ellas. Parágrafo 2°. Las autoridades competentes realizarán procedimientos de inspección, vigilancia y control a los puntos de venta, local, o establecimientos con el fin de garantizar el cumplimiento de esta disposición. Parágrafo 3°. Se prohíbe el uso de máquinas expendedoras o dispensadores mecánicos de productos de tabaco, en lugares y puntos de venta en los cuales hay libre acceso de los menores de edad. Se debe garantizar que los productos de tabaco no sean accesibles desde los estantes al público sin ningún tipo de control. Artículo 3°. Con el objetivo de salvaguardar la salud pública y evitar el acceso de menores de edad al tabaco y sus derivados, prohíbase la fabricación e importación de cigarrillos en cajetillas o presentaciones que contengan menos de diez (10) unidades. Parágrafo. A partir de los dos (2) años siguientes a la vigencia de la presente ley se prohíbe la venta por unidad de productos de tabaco o sus derivados. Artículo 4°. Se prohíbe la fabricación y comercialización de dulces, refrigerios, juguetes u otros objetos que tengan forma de productos de tabaco y puedan resultar atractivos para los menores. De acuerdo con el Artículo 28 de la Ley 1335, las autoridades policiales realizarán procedimientos de inspecciones aleatorias de vigilancia y control de los puntos de venta, con el fin de garantizar el cumplimiento de esta disposición de la Ley. El incumplimiento de la normatividad dará lugar a las mismas penas establecidas en el Código Nacional de Policía, el Código de Infancia y Adolescencia y demás leyes vigentes que regulan las sanciones en esta materia. En la Ley 1335 de 2009 se establecen, en el Capítulo I, disposiciones sobre la venta de productos de tabaco a menores de edad: Artículo 2°. Prohibición de vender productos de tabaco a menores de edad. Se prohíbe a toda persona natural o jurídica la venta, directa e indirecta, de productos de tabaco y sus derivados, en cualquiera de sus presentaciones, a menores de dieciocho (18) años. En caso de duda, soliciten que cada comprador de tabaco demuestre que ha alcanzado la mayoría de edad. Parágrafo 1°. Es obligación de los vendedores y expendedores de productos de tabaco y sus derivados indicar bajo un anuncio claro y destacado al interior de su local, establecimiento o punto de venta la prohibición de la venta de productos de tabaco a menores de edad. Este anuncio en ningún caso hará mención a marcas, empresas o fundaciones de empresas tabacaleras; ni empleará logotipos, símbolos, juegos de colores, que permitan identificar alguna de ellas. Parágrafo 2°. Las autoridades competentes realizarán procedimientos de inspección, vigilancia y control a los puntos de venta, local, o establecimientos con el fin de garantizar el cumplimiento de esta disposición. Parágrafo 3°. Se prohíbe el uso de máquinas expendedoras o dispensadores mecánicos de productos de tabaco, en lugares y puntos de venta en los cuales hay libre acceso de los menores de edad. Se debe garantizar que los productos de tabaco no sean accesibles desde los estantes al público sin ningún tipo de control. Artículo 3°. Con el objetivo de salvaguardar la salud pública y evitar el acceso de menores de edad al tabaco y sus derivados, prohíbase la fabricación e importación de cigarrillos en cajetillas o presentaciones que contengan menos de diez (10) unidades. Parágrafo. A partir de los dos (2) años siguientes a la vigencia de la presente ley se prohíbe la venta por unidad de productos de tabaco o sus derivados. Artículo 4°. Se prohíbe la fabricación y comercialización de dulces, refrigerios, juguetes u otros objetos que tengan forma de productos de tabaco y puedan resultar atractivos para los menores. De acuerdo con el Artículo 28 de la Ley 1335, las autoridades policiales realizarán procedimientos de inspecciones aleatorias de vigilancia y control de los puntos de venta, con el fin de garantizar el cumplimiento de esta disposición de la Ley. El incumplimiento de la normatividad dará lugar a las mismas penas establecidas en el Código Nacional de Policía, el Código de Infancia y Adolescencia y demás leyes vigentes que regulan las sanciones en esta materia. En la Ley 1335 de 2009 se establecen, en el Capítulo I, disposiciones sobre la venta de productos de tabaco a menores de edad: Artículo 2°. Prohibición de vender productos de tabaco a menores de edad. Se prohíbe a toda persona natural o jurídica la venta, directa e indirecta, de productos de tabaco y sus derivados, en cualquiera de sus presentaciones, a menores de dieciocho (18) años. En caso de duda, soliciten que cada comprador de tabaco demuestre que ha alcanzado la mayoría de edad. Parágrafo 1°. Es obligación de los vendedores y expendedores de productos de tabaco y sus derivados indicar bajo un anuncio claro y destacado al interior de su local, establecimiento o punto de venta la prohibición de la venta de productos de tabaco a menores de edad. Este anuncio en ningún caso hará mención a marcas, empresas o fundaciones de empresas tabacaleras; ni empleará logotipos, símbolos, juegos de colores, que permitan identificar alguna de ellas. Parágrafo 2°. Las autoridades competentes realizarán procedimientos de inspección, vigilancia y control a los puntos de venta, local, o establecimientos con el fin de garantizar el cumplimiento de esta disposición. Parágrafo 3°. Se prohíbe el uso de máquinas expendedoras o dispensadores mecánicos de productos de tabaco, en lugares y puntos de venta en los cuales hay libre acceso de los menores de edad. Se debe garantizar que los productos de tabaco no sean accesibles desde los estantes al público sin ningún tipo de control. Artículo 3°. Con el objetivo de salvaguardar la salud pública y evitar el acceso de menores de edad al tabaco y sus derivados, prohíbase la fabricación e importación de cigarrillos en cajetillas o presentaciones que contengan menos de diez (10) unidades. Parágrafo. A partir de los dos (2) años siguientes a la vigencia de la presente ley se prohíbe la venta por unidad de productos de tabaco o sus derivados. Artículo 4°. Se prohíbe la fabricación y comercialización de dulces, refrigerios, juguetes u otros objetos que tengan forma de productos de tabaco y puedan resultar atractivos para los menores. De acuerdo con el Artículo 28 de la Ley 1335, las autoridades policiales realizarán procedimientos de inspecciones aleatorias de vigilancia y control de los puntos de venta, con el fin de garantizar el cumplimiento de esta disposición de la Ley. El incumplimiento de la normatividad dará lugar a las mismas penas establecidas en el Código Nacional de Policía, el Código de Infancia y Adolescencia y demás leyes vigentes que regulan las sanciones en esta materia.
Comoros AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Congo AFR Nous avons le décret n°2018-218 du 5 juin 2018, fixant les modalités de l'interdiction de la publicité, de la promotion du tabac, de ses produits dérivés et de la vente aux mineurs et par les mineurs. de l'Arrêté n°2853/MSP/MCAC/MSOP du 31 mai 2022, relatif à l'interdiction de la fabrication, de l'importation, de la détention, de la vente ou de l'offre à titre gratuit de cigarettes à capsules aromatisées ainsi que des cigarettes contenant des arômes caractérisant et de la chicha. la publication du décret n°2018-218 du 5 juin 2018 fixant les modalités dapplication de linterdiction de la publicité, de la promotion du tabac, de ses dérivés et de la vente aux mineurs et par les mineurs est un progrès Report not provided
Australia WPR Australian states and territories govern the sale of tobacco products to consumers. Under current Australian laws, persons must be a minimum of 18 years of age to purchase tobacco, tobacco products and e-cigarette products in Australia. All Australian states and territories prohibit the sale of single cigarettes and mandate the minimum number of cigarettes in a pack (20 cigarettes), reasoning that small packs are less expensive and more attractive to youth. The majority of states and territories have existing legislation controlling the sale and/or marketing of overtly fruit or confectionery-flavoured tobacco products and prohibit the manufacturing and sale of tobacco products resembling toys (based on protecting young people from taking up smoking). In addition, states and territories require signage at points of sale, warning of the legal age restriction, and the purchaser of tobacco products to provide appropriate evidence of having reached full legal age. Australian state and territory legislation prohibits or restricts the display of tobacco products at points of sale. A brief description of the progress made by the states and territories (6/7) in implementing Article 16 are presented below: (1) Victoria legislates e-cigarettes as smoking products, making their sale to minors illegal. Further, some jurisdictions have banned the sale of ENDS/ENNDS to minors. (2) In New South Wales (NSW), inspectors from the 15 local health districts pro-actively enforce the ban on selling tobacco products to minors. Enforcement activities were curtailed for limited periods in 2020 and 2021 due to temporary re-deployments of the public health workforce to assist with the covid-19 pandemic response. (2 - Extension) Moreover, in NSW, The Public Health (Tobacco) Regulation 2022 commenced on 1 September 2022, replacing the Public Health (Tobacco) Regulation 2016. The key changes made in the new regulations relating to the penalties available. Most penalty infringement notice amounts (on-the-spot fines) have been increased from $360 for an individual and $1,800 for a corporation to $1,110 for an individual and $5,500 for a corporation. The new regulations also introduced penalty infringement notices for three existing offences, namely: selling cigarettes in a pack fewer than 20; packing a tobacco product into a package in which the product will be sold unless it is marked with a health warning; and selling a tobacco product unless the packaging is marked with a health warning. Prior to 1 October 2021, the supply of nicotine-containing e-cigarettes and e-liquids was illegal in NSW under the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 1966. Due to a national change to the classification of nicotine vaping products, it became legal for pharmacists in NSW to supply nicotine-containing vaping products on prescription to people aged 18 years and older from 1 October 2021. Pharmacies must comply with all retailing requirements set out under the Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2008, including the ban on supply to minors. It remains illegal for non-pharmacy retailers to sell nicotine-containing e-cigarette products. NSW Health actively enforces the ban on the sale of nicotine-containing e-cigarette products by non-pharmacy retailers. From 1 July 2021 to 31 December 2022 NSW Health inspectors seized over 198,000 nicotine e-cigarettes and e-liquids from retailers, with an estimated street value of over $6.1 million. This enforcement activity is part of a comprehensive program of work to reduce the use of e-cigarettes by young people. (3) In Western Australia (WA) the banning on the sale of tobacco products by minors commenced on 18 September 2020. From the18 September 2019, under the Tobacco Products Control Amendment Regulations 2019, WA has enforced: • the sale of fruit and confectionery-flavoured cigarettes and split-pack cigarettes is prohibited. • Further restricting the public display of tobacco products or smoking implements (except cigars and cigar cutters) inside specialist tobacco stores. • Size of tobacco products price signs (boards) reduced to A4. • Amended health warning signs to being displayed beside information signs, price signs (boards) and price tickets for tobacco products. • Preventing the inclusion of tobacco purchases in shopping reward schemes. • Stopping tobacco sales at music festivals or other public events. (4) In Tasmania, under the Public Health Act 1997, e-cigarettes are regulated in the same way that tobacco is regulated. Tasmania has a positive licensing system for the sale of tobacco products and e-cigarettes. Twice-yearly compliance checks are undertaken for all licensed smoking retailers. Licensing fees have been increased from $365 to $1,218.90. Pharmacists selling nicotine containing e-cigarettes are required to hold a smoking product licence. (5) The Northern Territory (NT) has included a condition on retail tobacco licences that prohibiting the sale of confectionery-flavoured, confectionery-scented or menthol-flavoured cigarette papers and cigarette filters. E-cigarettes are legislated as if they are tobacco products and are not able to be sold to minors. (6) In the Australian Capital Territory (ACT): In 2022, the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1927 was amended to allow compliance testing to occur for sales of all smoking products (including e-cigarettes) to minors. Prior to this, the Act only permitted compliance testing for tobacco sales to minors. The Queensland Parliament is considering a Bill to amend the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998. If passed, the Bill would prevent minors' supply and handling of smoking products, and this will be fully implemented by September 2025. Australian states and territories govern the sale of tobacco products to consumers. For further information on state and territory legislation regarding control of sales of tobacco products please refer to the following link: Australian states and territories govern the sale of tobacco products to consumers. Under current Australian laws, persons must be a minimum of 18 years of age to access tobacco and tobacco products in Australia. All Australian states and territories prohibit the sale of single cigarettes and mandate the minimum number of cigarettes in a pack (20 cigarettes), reasoning that small packs, being less expensive, are more attractive to youth. The majority of states and territories have existing legislation controlling the sale and/or marketing of overtly fruit or confectionery-flavoured tobacco products and prohibit the manufacturing and sale of tobacco products resembling toys (on the basis of protecting young people from taking up smoking). In addition states and territories require signage at points of sale, warning of the legal age restriction, and also require the purchaser of tobacco products to provide appropriate evidence of having reached full legal age. The Australian Capital Territory legislates e-cigarettes as smoking products, making their sale to minors illegal. Australian state and territory legislation prohibits or restricts the display of tobacco products at points of sale. The sale of cigarettes in vending machines is also restricted in states and territories in the following ways: • In Victoria, vending machines for operation by the public must be positioned in sight of the service counter in bars, casinos and bottle shops. •In the Australian Capital Territory vending machines may not be used by the public to purchase smoking products. • In New South Wales, vending machines are only allowed in licensed premises restricted to individuals over the age of 18, and like the Australian Capital Territory, may only be operated by staff intervention. • Queensland, Tasmania, Western Australia, and the Northern Territory all have measures in place to ensure that tobacco vending machines are not accessible to minors and do not promote the sale of tobacco products to minors. Further, some jurisdictions have banned the sale of ENDS/ENNDS to minors. In Tasmania, penalties for sale and supply of tobacco to minors were significantly increased to a maximum fine of $19,000 for a first offence, $38,000 for a second offence and $57,000 for a further offence. The sale or supply of electronic cigarettes to a person under 18 years is also banned. New laws also enable a fit and proper test on applicants for a licence to sell tobacco products and electronic cigarettes. For further information on state and territory legislation regarding control of sales of tobacco products please refer to the following link:
Austria EUR Answer not provided Under current Austrian legislation the legal age for purchasing tobacco products is defined on the provincial level; all nine provinces have fixed 18 years as minimum required age in their youth protection acts (Jugensdschutzgesetze). However, efforts in strenghening the law resulted in raising the legal age for purchasing (as of January 2019 according to the amendment of the Tobacco Act of March 2018) as well as for consuming tobacco products (regulated in 2018) from 16 to 18 years of age. As from January 2019 the selling of tobacco products and related products inclusive e-cigarettes, waterpipes etc. is prohibited to minors under 18 (ammendment to the Austrian Tobacco Law Act from April 2018). Under current Austrian legislation the legal age for purchasing tobacco products is defined on the provincial level; all nine provinces have fixed 16 years as minimum required age in their youth protection acts (Jugensdschutzgesetze). However, efforts in strenghening the law will result in raising the legal age for purchasing (as of January 2019 according to the amendment of the Tobacco Act of March 2018) as well as for consuming tobacco products (forseen to be regulated in 2018) from 16 to 18 years of age.
Azerbaijan EUR Answer not provided The Code of the Azerbaijan Republic “On Administrative Violations” enacted in 2000 and updated on 29 December 2015 provides penalties raised up to 100 manats (Article 455.2.) for sale of ethylene (food) alcohol, and alcoholic beverages or tobacco goods to the juveniles ( - available in Azerbaijani language only). New ammendment to this Code (Article 212.3.) provide penalty (100 AZN) for involvement of juveniles in tobacco use by way of offering or demanding use of tobacco products by means of obtaining, giving, receiving tobacco products. The new Law "On restriction of tobacco use" (Article 13) prohibiting the sales of tobacco products to minors. ( - available in Azerbaijani language only) The Code of the Azerbaijan Republic “On Administrative Violations” enacted in 2000 and updated on 29 December 2015 provides penalties raised up to 100 manats (Article 455.2.) for sale of ethylene (food) alcohol, and alcoholic beverages or tobacco goods to the juveniles ( - available in Azerbaijani language only). The new Law "On restriction of tobacco use" (Article 13) prohibiting the sales of tobacco products to minors. ( - available in Azerbaijani language only)
Bangladesh SEA Bangladesh banned both selling tobacco products to and by minor Answer not provided Answer not provided
Barbados AMR Answer not provided Report not provided Generally good compliance by vendors and no reports of breaches
Belize AMR Answer not provided No major progress. Report not provided
Benin AFR Answer not provided il ny a pas de distributeurs automatiques de cigarettes au Bénin, mais on assiste à une prolifération des chicha , qui passe de bouche à bouche, dans tous les bars et restaurants, sur des terrasses il ny a pas de distributeurs automatiques de cigarettes au Bénin, mais on assiste à une prolifération des chicha , qui passe de bouche à bouche
Bhutan SEA The 2019 GYTS report have indicated, 1 among 4 youth (13-15 years) use any form of tobacco products. The survey also reported that over 50% of youth had easy access to tobacco products from retailers. The use of tobacco amongst youth is definitely going to rise (since legalizing sales of tobacco products in 2022). The next GYTS will surely provide massive prevalence in the usage of tobacco products. Report not provided sale of tobacco is banned. Therefore, sales to and by minors is not applicable.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Bosnia and Herzegovina EUR Answer not provided Law on Prohibition of Sale and Use of Tobacco Products to Persons under the Age of 18 of Republic of Srpska, defined all measures regarding the sales of tobacco to the minors. Answer not provided
Botswana AFR Answer not provided The draft tobacco control bill prohibits sale of single cigarettes and sale of tobacco products by street vendors. The draft tobacco control bill prohibits sale of single cigarettes and sale of tobacco products by street vendors.
Brazil AMR Answer not provided We have been discussing the need to develop research and actions aimed at responsible retailing, due to the advertisements being made at points of sale and also the issue of sales to minors. An important challenge to face is the proof of the majority of the consumer in the purchase of tobacco products. In addition to the lack of specific legislation, children and adolescents are not usually asked about their age at the time of purchase or a proof of age of majority is not required. In this way, access to tobacco products is made easier for young people. We have been discussing the need to develop research and actions aimed at responsible retailing, due to the advertisements being made at points of sale and also the issue of sales to minors. An important challenge to face is the proof of the majority of the consumer in the purchase of tobacco products. In addition to the lack of specific legislation, children and adolescents are not usually asked about their age at the time of purchase or a proof of age of majority is not required. In this way, access to tobacco products is made easier for young people. There are bills in progress at the National Congressin that can be very important (if approved) for prevention of sale to minors, like PLS 236/2016 on the prohibition of the sale of cigarettes to persons under the age of 21.
Algeria AFR Mise en place de comité de wilaya chargé du controle de la vente des produits du tabac aux mineurs par decision interministerielle Sante-interieur - commerce Answer not provided Answer not provided
Andorra EUR Actualmente estamos trabajando en la modificación de la ley del control del tabaco para dar cumplimiento a este apartado. Report not provided Report not provided
Angola AFR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Antigua and Barbuda AMR Answer not provided This Article of the FCTC is embodied in our legislation Report not provided
France EUR Une étude réalisé en 2021 montre que 64% des buralistes ont continué de vendre du tabac à des mineurs de 17 ans, contre 65,1% lors de la précédente enquête menée en 2019. Le constat est d’autant plus inquiétant dans les villes de plus de 15 000 habitants, où 77% des buralistes acceptent de vendre du tabac à des mineurs. En prenant en compte les conditions cumulatives, à savoir l’existence d’une affichette, conforme à l’arrêté et visible, lisible au client qui entre dans le débit, en 2021, seuls 42% des débitants respectaient l’ensemble de ces obligations. Ils étaient 49% à la précédente enquête, correspondant à une certaine dégradation. Une étude menée en 2019 montre que la signalétique dans les lieux de vente est défaillante : plus de 40% des buralistes n’ont pas l’affichette conforme et visible. Il a été constaté également l’absence de contrôle de la pièce d’identité du mineur. Ce contrôle imposé par la loi est assuré par moins de 1 buraliste sur 5. Près de 10% des buralistes vendent du tabac à des enfants de 12 ans (tous non-fumeurs), et deux buralistes sur trois en vendent aux mineurs de 17 ans. La loi est moins respectée dans les moyennes et grandes villes : en Île-de-France, 92% des débitants de tabac vendent aux mineurs de 17 ans, quils soient fumeurs ou non-fumeurs. Article L3512-12 du code de la santé publique prévoit que : "La personne qui délivre lun de ces produits exige du client quil établisse la preuve de sa majorité". Le buraliste a maintenant lobligation de demander une preuve de majorité. Depuis le 26 janvier 2016, les polices municipales sont autorisées à contrôler l’interdiction de vente aux mineurs au sein de débits de tabac.
Ecuador AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Cook Islands WPR Answer not provided No change since the last report. No change since the last report.
China WPR 1. 新修订的《未成年人保护法》2021年6月1日生效,明确不得唆使未成年人吸烟,学校周边不得设置烟草销售点,并设置了明确的执法主体和罚款。 2.2022年5月1日,《电子烟管理办法》生效 ,规定了关于未成年人保护的要求。第六条规定:“国家和社会加强吸电子烟危害健康的宣传教育,劝阻青少年吸电子烟,禁止中小学生吸电子烟。”第十八条规定:“普通中小学、特殊教育学校、中等职业学校、专门学校、幼儿园周边不得设置电子烟产品销售网点。”第二十二条规定:“禁止向未成年人出售电子烟产品。电子烟经营者应当在显著位置设置不向未成年人销售电子烟的标志;对难以判明是否是未成年人的,应当要求其出示身份证件。”第二十三条规定:“禁止利用自动售货机等自助售卖方式销售或者变相销售电子烟产品。” 3.多部门开展保护未成年人免受烟侵害“守护成长”专项行动。各地烟草专卖部门、市场监管部门清理学校周边售烟网点成果显著,严厉打击向未成年人售烟违法行为,深入治理电子烟市场乱象,开展多渠道社会宣传,扩大专项行动社会影响力。期间,全国共查处向未成年人售烟案件356起,其中销售烟草制品案件143起,销售电子烟案件213起;清理中小学、幼儿园周边烟草制品销售网点21603户、电子烟销售网点843户。 4.2022年2月至4月,多部门联合开展清理整治向未成年人销售电子烟严厉打击涉电子烟违法犯罪专项工作。行动期间,全国共出动执法人员29万人次,检查电子烟零售网点77576户,清理中小学、幼儿园周边电子烟零售网点1603个,清理自动售烟设备388台;查处向未成年人销售电子烟案件433起,成功侦破“上头电子烟”案件共103起,抓获犯罪嫌疑人868人,侦破制售假冒伪劣电子烟刑事案件20起;面向全国中学生开展网上电子烟问卷调查,共回收问卷201万份。 5.开通 12313 烟草市场监管服务热线专栏,计划将“保护未成年人免受烟侵害”作为服务热线主要受理领域之一,在 12313 热线微信公众号等渠道开通相关专栏,鼓励广大群众举报有关违法违规行为,充分调动社会监督积极性,形成保护未成年人的社会合力。 1.按照《未成年人保护法》等规定,全国各级烟草行政管理部门大力整治中小学周边零售店向未成年人出售烟草制品的行为。 2.2018年8月,国家烟草局、国家市场监督管理总局发布《关于禁止向未成年人出售电子烟的通告》,规定市场主体不得向未成年人销售电子烟,呼吁社会各界共同保护未成年人免受电子烟侵害。 3.2019年10月,国家卫生健康委、中宣部、教育部、市场监管总局、广电总局、国家烟草局、共青团中央、全国妇联联合发布《关于进一步加强青少年控烟工作的通知》,明确要求严厉查处违法向未成年人销售烟草制品,警示各类市场主体不得向未成年人销售电子烟,尤其是通过互联网向未成年人销售电子烟。 4.2019年11月,国家烟草局、国家市场监督管理总局发布《关于进一步保护未成年人免受电子烟侵害的通告》,敦促电子烟生产、销售企业或个人及时关闭电子烟互联网销售网站或客户端;敦促电商平台及时关闭电子烟店铺,并将电子烟产品及时下架;敦促电子烟生产、销售企业或个人撤回通过互联网发布的电子烟广告,进一步保护青少年免受电子烟危害。 Answer not provided
Central African Republic AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Cameroon AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Belgium EUR - Prohibition on selling tobacco products via vending machines will enter into force in December 2023 - A display ban in the interfederal strategy on tobacco control is foreseen. Not implemented yet. Lage en dessous duquel la vente de tabac est interdite est passé de 16 à 18 ans. Un loi interdisant la vente par des distributeurs a été votée au parlement. Elle est actuellement en cours de notification à la Commission européenne. Elle devrait être appliquée en 2023. Answer not provided
Belarus EUR Report not provided Запрещается продажа табачных изделий, жидкостей для электронных систем курения лицам моложе 18 лет. Не изменились
Bahrain (Kingdom of) EMR In November 2021, Kingdom of Bahrain adopted the National specification for electronic nicotine products, the specification stated that sale of these products is banned to those under 18 years old. Law no 8 of 2009 ban the following: sale to minors, sale by minors, sale through vending machines, display tobacco products in a directly reachable shelf, selling sweets or toys that resemble tobacco products, displaying ads or promotions at point of sales . Persons caught violating any of these articles are referred to public prosecutor. Starting 2011 and still ongoing, a campaign was launched to monitor the implementation of anti-smoking law at points of sale of tobacco products including sales to and by minors. Persons caught selling tobacco products to minors are referred to public prosecutor.
Bahamas AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Armenia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Albania EUR No packets with less than 20 cigarettes are sold in country. Report not provided Report not provided
Afghanistan EMR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Uruguay AMR No hubo cambios en al legislación, la Ley 18.256 de 2008, Articulo 11 - literales A y D - queda prohibida: A) la venta de productos de tabaco a menores y por menores de dieciocho años de edad. Tal prohibición deberá constar en un aviso destacado y claro, tanto en el interior como en el exterior del local. D) la distribución gratuita de productos de tabaco Answer not provided Answer not provided
Philippines WPR The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) issued Revenue Regulations No 7-2021 in compliance with Republic Act No. 10643, otherwise known as “An Act to Effectively Instill Health Consciousness Through Graphic Health Warnings on Tobacco Products” and Joint Memorandum Circular No. 3-2020 which directs the printing of legal age for smoking in the containers/packs of tobacco products. On the subnational level, some local government units have issued laws/policies prohibiting the sales of small packets. Likewise under the national law, schools must have posters that sale of cigarette products is prohibited within 100 meters. In 2017, Executive order on smoke-free environments in public and enclosed places was signed by President Rodrigo Duterte. It encourages local government units to pass ordinances that will promote 100% smoke-free environment. Under EO 26, the selling, distributing or purchasing tobacco products to and from minors is deemed unlawful. Sections 7 to 12 of the Republic Act of 9211 (Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003) on Access Restrictions has prohibited the sale and distribution of tobacco products to minors, purchase of tobacco products from a minor, sale of tobacco products by a minor and for a minor to smoke tobacco products. Moreover, sale of tobacco products is prohibited within 100 meters of school perimeters as well as sale to minors by means of a vending machine or any self-service facility. The law also requires warning to minors about unlawful sale or distribution to minors of tobacco products at points of sale and need for age verification during purchase. The Department of Education has issued policies to address sales of cigarettes to and by minors within the school such as school premises, school canteens and in the implementation of school activities. Policies are: Operating Guidelines on Canteen Management, 100% Smoke Free Environment, adoption and observance of related provisions of RA 9211 as well as the adoption and implementation of the Joint Memorandum Circular on Protecting the Bureaucracy Against Tobacco Industry Interference (Article 5.3). The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) through their Balik Eskwela (Back to School) program conducts daily inspection of stores for display of tobacco products and warning to minors, within the 100% meter school perimeters in Metropolitan Manila. To date, 2,183 stationary stores and 780 ambulant vendors had been monitored by the MMDA for compliance to access restriction laws. In 2017, Executive order on smoke-free environments in public and enclosed places was signed by President Rodrigo Duterte. It encourages local government units to pass ordinances that will promote 100% smoke-free environment. Under EO 26, the selling, distributing or purchasing tobacco products to and from minors is deemed unlawful. Sections 7 to 12 of the Republic Act of 9211 (Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003) on Access Restrictions has prohibited the sale and distribution of tobacco products to minors, purchase of tobacco products from a minor, sale of tobacco products by a minor and for a minor to smoke tobacco products. Moreover, sale of tobacco products is prohibited within 100 meters of school perimeters as well as sale to minors by means of a vending machine or any self-service facility. The law also requires warning to minors about unlawful sale or distribution to minors of tobacco products at points of sale and need for age verification during purchase. The Department of Education has issued policies to address sales of cigarettes to and by minors within the school such as school premises, school canteens and in the implementation of school activities. Policies are: Operating Guidelines on Canteen Management, 100% Smoke Free Environment, adoption and observance of related provisions of RA 9211 as well as the adoption and implementation of the Joint Memorandum Circular on Protecting the Bureaucracy Against Tobacco Industry Interference (Article 5.3). The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) through their Balik Eskwela (Back to School) program conducts daily inspection of stores for display of tobacco products and warning to minors, within the 100% meter school perimeters in Metropolitan Manila. To date, 2,183 stationary stores and 780 ambulant vendors had been monitored by the MMDA for compliance to access restriction laws.
Papua New Guinea WPR tobacco law provides for this provisions. Will come into effect when the regulation is being endorsed. this article is captured. Vending machine is prohibited in the new law. this article is captured. Vending machine is prohibited in the new law.
Panama AMR En estos momentos, el MINSA en conjunto con Instituto Conmemorativo Gorgas de Estudios de la Salud y en coordinación con el Ministerio de Educación se encuentra en la fase de planificación y organización de la V versión de la GYTS Panamá, misma que se llevará a cabo en el transcurso de los próximos meses, por lo que no se cuenta con información nueva sobre la aplicación de esta medida. Se reitera que los resultados de la GYTS evidencian un descenso progresivo de los jóvenes que compran cigarrillos en la tienda, este descenso se reporta en cerca del 50% al comparar las cifras 2002 con 2012. Sin embargo, en el año 2017 hubo un repunte de 9.6 puntos porcentuales con relación a los jóvenes que compran cigarrillos en la tienda. En cuanto a la posibilidad de comprar cigarrillos a pesar de la edad, las cifras reportadas son fluctuantes, aunque presentan un descenso porcentual de 24.1% al comparar las cifras del año 2002 con las reportadas en el 2017. En el 2017, el 58.7% de los jóvenes de 13 a 15 años que fumaban compraron cigarrillos sueltos a pesar de que está prohibida este tipo de venta. De manera regular, se efectúan operativos programados destinados a la vigilancia y control de la normativa vigente en materia de control de tabaco, incluida la vigilancia de la prohibición de la venta a y por menores de edad, como también la verifica la existencia de los letreros de prohibición de la venta a menores en los puntos de venta. En los casos de incumplimiento se aplican las sanciones correspondientes. De igual forma, se realizan acciones de vigilancia durante operativos especiales o aquellos que se organizan para la atención de una queja o denuncia. Informes de GYTS en o en Como parte de los resultados del estudio observacional para la evaluación del cumplimiento de la prohibición de publicidad, promoción y patrocinio de productos de tabaco en puntos de venta, medios de comunicación, internet, redes sociales, plataformas móviles de mensajería, video juegos y empaquetado/etiquetado de productos de tabaco, encontrándose que: • En general, se ha podido evidenciar que la exhibición de publicidad, promoción y patrocinio de productos de tabaco y sus características, ha sido de muy escasa en los puntos de venta. • En el 56.5% de los establecimientos visitados tenían colocado un letrero que anunciaba la prohibición de fumar, identificándose que el 49.1% cumple con las disposiciones de la autoridad sanitaria, con respecto a las características del letrero. • Se evidenció que cerca de 1 de cada 2 establecimientos (54.2%) de los mismos no cuentan con el letrero de prohibida la venta a menores y que sólo el 13.4% de los puntos de venta han colocado este letrero en apego a la legislación vigente. • En sólo el 35.6% de los puntos de venta del estudio se vende productos de tabaco, siendo los cigarrillos el producto más vendido. • Aún se exhiben elementos de colores alusivos a la marca, lo que puede considerarse como una forma de publicidad subliminal. • La exhibición de productos de tabaco en los puntos de venta se observó en 1.4%. La prohibición de la exhibición de los productos de tabaco se cumple en 92.2% de los establecimientos visitados que venden productos de tabaco. • Se destaca que el 16.7% de las marcas más exhibidas, en los puntos de venta, no son parte del mercado legal nacional. • Los cigarrillos fueron el producto de tabaco que se identificó como el más exhibido en los puntos de venta, representando el 6.6% del 7.2% de la exhibición observada. • La prohibición de la comercialización de sistemas electrónicos administradores o no de nicotina se cumple en un 99.9%, sólo se ubicó la venta de estos productos en Isla Colón, provincia de Bocas el Toro con un 0.1% de reportes. • En el 86.0% de los puntos de venta visitados se cumplía la norma de advertencias sanitarias en el empaquetado de productos de tabaco. • En el 97.0% de los puntos de venta incluidos en el estudio no se observó personas fumando. • En ningún establecimiento se cumple la norma que establece la altura a la que deben colocarse los productos de tabaco. • Hay un buen cumplimiento de la prohibición de la venta de cigarrillos sueltos pues en sólo el 4% de los establecimientos se evidenció esta práctica comercial. • En cerca de 8 de cada 10 (84.0%) de los puntos de venta visitados no se evidenciaron colillas de cigarrillos. Detalles del estudio en o en Los resultados de la GYTS evidencian un descenso progresivo de los jóvenes que compran cigarrillos en la tienda, este descenso se reporta en cerca del 50% al comparar las cifras 2002 con 2012. Sin embargo, en el año 2017 hubo un repunte de 9.6 puntos porcentuales con relación a los jóvenes que compran cigarrillos en la tienda. En cuanto a la posibilidad de comprar cigarrillos a pesar de la edad, las cifras reportadas son fluctuantes, aunque presentan un descenso porcentual de 24.1% al comparar las cifras del año 2002 con las reportadas en el 2017. En el 2017, el 58.7% de los jóvenes de 13 a 15 años que fumaban compraron cigarrillos sueltos a pesar de que está prohibida este tipo de venta. Se realizan operativos programados destinados a la vigilancia y control de la normativa vigente en materia de control de tabaco, durante los mismos se evalúa el cumplimiento integral de las disposiciones vigentes, entre ellos se verifica la existencia de los letreros de prohibición de la venta a menores en los puntos de venta. En los casos de incumplimiento se aplican las sanciones correspondientes. De igual forma, se realizan acciones de vigilancia durante operativos especiales o aquellos que se organizan para la atención de una queja o denuncia. Informes de GYTS en Como parte de los resultados del estudio observacional para la evaluación del cumplimiento de la prohibición de publicidad, promoción y patrocinio de productos de tabaco en puntos de venta, medios de comunicación, internet, redes sociales, plataformas móviles de mensajería, video juegos y empaquetado/etiquetado de productos de tabaco, se encontró que el 45% de una muestra de 1532 establecimientos visitados que vendía productos tenía letreros de prohibida la venta a menores de los cuales el 22.7% cumplían con las disposiciones establecidas en el Decreto 230 de 2008. Detalles del estudio en Los resultados de la GYTS evidencian un descenso progresivo de los jóvenes que compran cigarrillos en la tienda, este descenso se reporta en cerca del 50% al comparar las cifras 2002 con 2012. En cuanto a la posibilidad de comprar cigarrillos a pesar de la edad, las cifras reportadas son fluctuantes, pero en general se da un descenso al compararlas con las del año 2002. Se realizan operativos programados destinados a la vigilancia y control de la normativa vigente en materia de control de tabaco, durante los mismos se evalúa el cumplimiento integral de las disposiciones vigentes, entre ellos se verifica la existencia de los letreros de prohibición de la venta a menores en los puntos de venta. En los casos de incumplimiento se aplican las sanciones correspondientes. De igual forma, se realizan acciones de vigilancia durante operativos especiales o aquellos que se organizan para la atención de una queja o denuncia. Informe de GYTS 2012 en Como parte de los resultados del estudio observacional para la evaluación del cumplimiento de la prohibición de publicidad, promoción y patrocinio de productos de tabaco en puntos de venta, medios de comunicación, internet, redes sociales, plataformas móviles de mensajería, video juegos y empaquetado/etiquetado de productos de tabaco, se encontró que el 45% de una muestra de 1532 establecimientos visitados que vendía productos tenía letreros de prohibida la venta a menores de los cuales el 22.7% cumplían con las disposiciones establecidas en el Decreto 230 de 2008. Detalles del estudio en
Palau WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Niue WPR Report not provided Persons under 21 years of age are no longer allowed to buy tobacco products. Report not provided
Montenegro EUR Answer not provided Article 10 The sale of tobacco products to persons under age of 18 is prohibited. Article 11 In retail stores, prohibition on sale of tobacco products to persons under 18 years of age must be displayed. Article 68 A legal person will be fined between € 500 and € 20,000 for selling tobacco products to persons under 18 years of age The item is referred to in the Law. Article 18 "If the seller in the store as referred in paragraph 1 of this Article, suspects that the buyer is less than 18 years of age old, he may require from that person to show an appropriate documents in order to prove legal age, and if they refuse, the seller shall not sell to such person a tobacco product." Penalties were increased through amending the Law on limitation of tobacco products, and the group of subjects related to the prohibition significantly expanded, we therefore see improvements in the implementation of this area
Mexico AMR De manera adicional y complementaria a las disposiciones en materia de venta a menores de tabaco, actualmente se está analizando desde la perspectiva legislativa y con el apoyo de la Secretaria de Salud tipificar la venta de tabaco en menores como un delito grave equiparable con la corrupción a menores, dentro del código penal. Answer not provided Answer not provided
Malta EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Improved enforcement of legislation requiring vending machines to be supervised by an adult to ensure that no minors make use of them.
Latvia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Kyrgyzstan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Kenya AFR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Japan WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Iceland EUR Answer not provided Results showed through randomized control system done by town council near Reykjavik for many years that young people can buy tobacco to some extent. This is one priority to consider when making new official tobacco policy in tobacco control in Iceland Results showed through randomized control system done by town council near Reykjavik for many years that young people can buy tobacco to some extent. This is one priority to consider when making new official tobacco policy in tobacco control in Iceland
Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Germany EUR No reportable changes were made in since 2020. As part of an intensive education and information work, the federal government has been conducting projects and campaigns for the purpose of effective compliance with the youth protection law prohibitions. In addition, the federal government supports numerous prevention activities, in particular to prevent problematic consumption patterns of children and adolescents. As part of an intensive education and information work, the federal government has been conducting projects and campaigns for the purpose of effective compliance with the youth protection law prohibitions. In addition, the federal government supports numerous prevention activities, in particular to prevent problematic consumption patterns of children and adolescents.
Georgia EUR From January 1, 2021, the regulation entered into force, according to which it is prohibited to sell and/or place tobacco products in such a way that they are visible from the inside of the point of sale (prohibition of visibility from the outside of the point of sale is prohibited from September 1, 2018). Intensive enforcement of the law is assured by the Ministry of International Affairs (Police). Additionally, monitoring group works through all Georgia to identify violations. National emergency line 112 also receives calls from citizens to report violations and transfers the call the the police. Above listed prohibitions are included in the tobacco control national tobacco control law has improved and simplified administrative mechanisms if the regulations are violated.
Gabon AFR Answer not provided Aucun progrès na été réalisé dans ce domaine Answer not provided
Zimbabwe AFR Report not provided As awareness increases in this area observation to this also increases As awareness increases in this area observation to this also increases
Spain EUR Answer not provided No se han realizado progresos No se han realizado progresos
South Africa AFR Answer not provided Report not provided The current law forbids sales to minors below 18yrs
Czechia EUR There was not any change of the Act No. 65/2017 Coll., on the protection of health against harmful effects of addictive substances that regulates this area until December 31,2022. A ban on the sale of nicotine pouches to individuals under 18 years of age was introduced. The adjustment applies from March2023. From this time were introduced regulations for the sale of this product (in a similar way as tobacco products, electronic cigarettes and herbal products intended for smoking). There was not any change of the Act No. 65/2017 Coll., on the protection of health against harmful effects of addictive substances that regulates this area until December 31,2022. A ban on the sale of nicotine pouches to individuals under 18 years of age was introduced. The adjustment applies from March2023. From this time were introduced regulations for the sale of this product (in a similar way as tobacco products, electronic cigarettes and herbal products intended for smoking). On 31st May 2017 new act No. 65/2017 Coll., on the protection of health against harmful effects of addictive substances, came into effect. This act replaced act No. 379/2005 Coll. Act No. 65/2017 Coll. contains for example: • stronger restrictions on the availability of tobacco products, smoking accessories, herbal products for smoking, electronic cigarettes (containing nicotine and nicotine-free) e.g. stricter regulation of the sale of tobacco products by vending machines*, alongside restrictions on the places where tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, etc. can be sold, and more stringent regulations on the distance sale of tobacco products and related products through a communication device (internet sale), • a broadening of the range of control authorities and specification of their competencies in the area of the protection of health against addictive substances. • distance sales of tobacco products are regulated in both cross-border sales as required by the Directive 2014/40/EU and national sales. Economic operators must operate an age verification system which verifies that the purchasing consumer is adult. • a broadening of the acts constituting an administrative offence and more stringent penalties for certain administrative offences, e.g. for those who sell a tobacco products or related products to minors. etc. *According to section 3 paragraph 3 act No. 65/2017 Coll. It is prohibited to sell tobacco products, smoking accessories, herbal products for smoking and electronic cigarettes through a vending machine unless it can be excluded that these products will be sold to a person under 18 years of age; for this purpose, the seller selling through a vending machine shall verify the age of the buyer by means of a designated person. On 31st May 2017 new Act No. 65/2017 Coll., on the protection of health against harmful effects of addictive substances, came into effect. This act replaced Act No. 379/2005 Coll. New Act No. 65/2017 Coll. contains for example: • stronger restrictions on the availability of tobacco products, smoking accessories, herbal products for smoking, electronic cigarettes (containing nicotine and nicotine-free), e.g. stricter regulation of the sale of tobacco products by vending machines*, alongside restrictions on the places where tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, etc. can be sold, and more stringent regulations on the distance sale of tobacco products and related products through a communication device (internet sale), • broadening of the range of control authorities and specification of their competencies in the area of the protection of health against addictive substances, • broadening of the definition of acts constituting an administrative offence and more stringent penalties for certain administrative offences, e.g. for those who sell a tobacco products or related products to minors, etc. *According to the section 3 subsection 3 act No. 65/2017 Coll. It shall be prohibited to sell tobacco products, smoking accessories, herbal products for smoking and electronic cigarettes through a vending machine unless it can be excluded that these products will be sold to a person under 18 years of age; for this purpose, the seller selling through a vending machine shall verify the age of the buyer by means of a designated person.
Republic of North Macedonia EUR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Türkiye EUR The Article 3/8 of Law No. 4207 includes a regulation as “Tobacco products and waterpipes with and without tobacco and their analogues shall not be sold or offered for use to minors under 18 years of age.” The Article 3/9 of Law No. 4207 includes a regulation as “Minors under 18 shall not be employed in tobacco companies or tobacco marketing or sales activities.” No new implementation since the last report No progression or new implementation since the last report
Yemen EMR Answer not provided Report not provided صدرت اللائحة التنفيذية للقانون رقم 26 بشأن مكافحة التدخين في يوليو 2013م وفيها مواد تخص حظر بيع القصر وحظر البيع لهم
Togo AFR Answer not provided La loi antitabac du Togo et ses décret dapplications réglementent la vente aux et par les mineurs et les décrets dapplication de cette loi renforcent cette interdiction. La loi antitabac du Togo et ses décret dapplications réglementent la vente aux et par les mineurs et les décrets dapplication de cette loi renforcent cette interdiction.
Senegal AFR Answer not provided Il concerne larticle 17 de la loi n ° 2014-14 du 28 mars 2014. un nouveau projet de décret sur les débits de tabac est dans le circuit pour signature. Il concerne larticle 17 de la loi n ° 2014-14 du 28 mars 2014.
San Marino EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Romania EUR According to Law 349/2002 modified in 2016 sales in education settings, public and private is forbidden. Report not provided Report not provided
Republic of Moldova EUR Answer not provided New Tobacco Control Law provisions prohibit location of tobacco selling points closer than 200m of educational institutions and health care facilities. New Tobacco Control Law provisions prohibit location of tobacco selling points closer than 200m of educational institutions and health care facilities.
India SEA The Guidelines for Tobacco Free Educational Institutions (ToFEI) are being implemented by states and Union Territories with the objective of providing fresh momentum to implementation of tobacco control initiatives in educational institutions, including schools, colleges/institutes for higher or professional education and universities, both in public and private sector. A joint letter with Department of School Education & Literacy and Department of Higher Education was communicated to all States and Union Territories for effective coordination between State Education and Health Departments. The effective implementation of ToFEI will go a long way in shaping the behavior of children and young adults, by sensitizing them to the harmful effects of tobacco use and create a healthy and tobacco free environment. State Governments are encouraged to organize sensitisation programmes for law enforcers. Some of the states have used innovative strategies like partnering with corporates for display of signages at points of sale. Many educational institutions/universities/colleges are taking steps to become and be declared as tobaccofree, using/adapting the guidelines of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is undertaking activities under National Population Education Project (NPEP) and Adolescence Education Programme (AEP) under which the students are made aware of the ill effects of tobacco/smoking. For the Central Board of Secondary Education, the Board has sensitized all its affiliated schools vide circular No. Acad-04/2012 dated 24.04.2012 for promoting healthy food habits amongst students which also emphasize on tobacco free school. State Governments are encouraged to organize sensitisation programmes for law enforcers. Some of the states have used innovative strategies like partnering with corporates for display of signages at points of sale. Many educational institutions/universities/colleges are taking steps to become and be declared as tobaccofree, using/adapting the guidelines of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is undertaking activities under National Population Education Project (NPEP) and Adolescence Education Programme (AEP) under which the students are made aware of the ill effects of tobacco/smoking. For the Central Board of Secondary Education, the Board has sensitized all its affiliated schools vide circular No. Acad-04/2012 dated 24.04.2012 for promoting healthy food habits amongst students which also emphasize on tobacco free school.
Ireland EUR The upcoming Public Health (Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill will prohibit the sale of tobacco products by those aged under 18 years. The Bill is expected to be enacted in 2023. In October 2019 the Government approved the drafting of a Public Health (Tobacco and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill. Measures included in the General Scheme of the Bill would prohibit the sale of tobacco products from self-service vending machines. Work on the proposed legislation is ongoing. Test purchasing remains a method of inspection of retailers, with authorised minors attempting to purchase tobacco products. In 2018 more than 300 test purchases were carried out by the Health Service Executive. In 2014 the Irish Government approved the drafting of legislation to introduce a licensing system and other measures in relation to retail sale of tobacco products and electronic non-medicinal nicotine delivery systems. The proposed legislation will prohibit the sale of tobacco products from self-service vending machines. It will also prohibit the sale of electronic non-medicinal nicotine delivery systems to persons under 18 years and the sale of electronic non-medicinal nicotine delivery systems and tobacco products by persons under the age of 18 years (minors). Work on the proposed legislation is ongoing.
Italy EUR Answer not provided on 2016 Italy with the Legislative decree n.6/2016 adopted the European Directive 40/2014/UE which prohibits 10 cigarettes packs, the same law introduce penalties and fees for sellers who sale tobacco products to minors and distribute that promoting tobacco products. This year Italy with the Legislative decree n.6/2016 adopted the European Directive 40/2014/UE which prohibits 10 cigarettes packs, the same law introduce penalties and fees for sellers who sale tobacco products to minors and distribute that promoting tobacco products.
Nepal SEA Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Iran (Islamic Republic of) EMR Answer not provided Rate of penalties has been increased By enforcement of licensing system, this article would be better supervised.
Iraq EMR Answer not provided Unfortunately there is no obvious progress made in implementing article 16. Answer not provided
Israel EUR Report not provided 1. Total ban on vending machines (2014) 2. Ban on selling all smoking products, including HTP, Electronic cigarettes and herbal products. 3. Ban on snacks and toys resemble to cigarettes 4. No person shall market, distribute or loan a smoking product to another in a commercial framework, including at marketing and sales promotions events for products other than smoking products, without remuneration, for symbolic remuneration or in return for another smoking product or ancillary to the purchase of another product, including in return for participation in a consumer survey, registration on a mailing list or the furnishing of personal details. Report not provided