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Party Region 2023 2020 2018
Sudan EMR Answer not provided تم البدء في تنفيذ التحذيرات الصحية المصورة بمساحة75% وتم اختيار الصور و اختبارها في المجتمع علي ان تتم مرحلة التطبيق رغم ان التوسيم ينطبق علي السجاير فقط فهو يمثل نسبة بسيطة من العلبة ٣٠% فقط من حجم العلبة وبلون غير ظاهر كما أن التوسيم لا يشمل أكياس التمباك وعلب معسل الشيشة
Suriname AMR Answer not provided Suriname requires picture health warnings on 50% of the front and 50% of the back of cigarette packages and is currently implementing the 4th round. Since December 2018 the health warnings appear in English and Dutch. The next round will be prolonged with the set of HW published in the Ministerial Order 2018 SB 44. Suriname requires picture health warnings on 50% of the front and 50% of the back of cigarette packages. We are still using the same warnings in English since 2014. A new set of Health Warnings are ready for the 4th round. The 4th round of Health Warnings will be operational by 7 December 2018. The Ministry will send this new set to the tobacco importers with an accompanying letter no later than June 7, since they have 6 months time to have the cigarette packaging in place. On the advice of the WHO it was decided to include the text of the next set of Health Warnings in Dutch and English.
Sweden EUR Answer not provided Nothing new since last report. Sweden has from 2015 been participating in the new Tobacco Products Committee under Dir 2014/40/EU, which in due course (20 May 2016) will increase the regulations particularly in the area or article 11. The Public Health Agency of Sweden has implemented the requirements in Dir 2014/40/EU in the Tobacco Act (1993:581), the Tobacco Decree (2001:312), and the provisions HSLF-FS 2016:46.
Syrian Arab Republic EMR Answer not provided تم تعديل المواصفات القياسي السورية الناظممة للموضوع بمايتناسب مع الاتفاقية والمرسوم التشريعي رقم 62 لعام 2009 بشأن مكافحة التدخين تم تعديل المواصفات القياسي السورية الناظممة للموضوع بمايتناسب مع الاتفاقية والمرسوم التشريعي رقم 62 لعام 2009 بشأن مكافحة التدخين
Tajikistan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Thailand SEA To compliance with WHO – FCTC Article 11, Thailand has issued two sets of regulation as follows: 1. Notification of the Ministry of Public Health Subject: Criteria, methods and conditions on tobacco product and Roll-your own packaging 2019 (B.E.2562) 2. Notification of the Ministry of Public Health Subject: Criteria, methods and conditions on tobacco product and cigarette packaging 2021 (B.E.2564) To compliance with WHO – FCTC Article 11, Thailand has issued two sets of regulation; 1. Notification of the Ministry of Public Health Subject: Criteria, methods and conditions on tobacco product and cigarette packaging 2018 (B.E.2561) and 2. Notification of the Ministry of Public Health Re: Criteria, Methods and Conditions for Packaging of Tobacco or Flavored Tobacco Products 2019 (B.E.2562) to reduce attractiveness of tobacco products, eliminate tobacco packaging as a form of advertising, and increase the noticeability and effectiveness of pictorial health warnings. Notification of the Ministry of Public Health Subject: Criteria, methods and conditions on tobacco product and cigarette packaging 2018 (B.E.2561) came into effect since 10th September 2019. This regulation restricts the use of logos, colors, brand images or promotional information on packaging other than brand names and product names displayed in a standard color and font style. Cigarette products include 85 percent pictorial health warnings on both sides of the pack, pantone cool grey packs and are free of any brands’ logos or images. Notification of the Ministry of Public Health Re: Criteria, Methods and Conditions for Packaging of Tobacco or Flavored Tobacco Products 2019 (B.E.2562) which has come into forced on 12th February 2020. According to the Tobacco Control Products Act 2560 (BE 2560), the manufacturer or importer of tobacco products for sale in the Kingdom shall arrange for the package of the tobacco products to be in the size, colours, marks, labels and to exhibit trademarks, marks, pictures and messages in accordance with the criteria, procedures and conditions prescribed by the Minister of Public Health.
Timor-Leste SEA Report not provided Report not provided The new tobacco control decree tlaw has article on PACKAGING AND LABELLING OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS.
Tonga WPR Answer not provided Remains the same as in the last Report, which is already in the Regulation and Act but not enforced. Remains the same as in the last Report 2016, which is already in the Regulation and Act but not enforced.
Trinidad and Tobago AMR Legal Notice No. 191 of 2022: The Tobacco Control (Amendment) Regulations, 2019 was published in the Trinidad and Tobago Gazette on September 26, 2022, therefore all packaging and labelling requirements inclusive of the pictorial health warnings or graphic health images came into full force on this date. Since the last reporting cycle amendments have been made to the Tobacco Control Regulations of 2013 as it pertains to the pictorial health warnings. Permission has been sought by the Ministry of Health for the tabling of the amended Regulations in Parliament. Copyright for use of pictorial warnings has been made with the EU, but awaiting ratification by the Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago.
Tunisia EMR Publication dans le Journal Officiel de la République Tunisienne N° 17 en date du 15 Février 2022 d'un arrêté du Ministre de la Santé en date du 21 Janvier 2022 relatif à la mise en œuvre des avertissements écrits et schématisées sur au moins 70% de l'emballage de tous les produits du tabac. la Régie Nationale de Tabac et des Allumettes (RNTA) à entamé le processus d'application de l'arrêté du Ministre de la Santé en date du 21 Janvier 2022 relatif à la mise en œuvre des avertissements écrits et schématisées sur au moins 70% de l'emballage de tous les produits du tabac. Actuellement il nexiste quune seule phrase "le tabac tue" écrite de façon lisible en langue arabe et française sur 30% des grandes surfaces du paquet de cigarettes et sur la même surface de lemballage des cartouches Il existe également le Taux de certains constituants (nicotine, goudron, CO) Actuellement il nexiste quune seule phrase "le tabac nuit à la santé" ecrite en très petit sur le haut du paquet Il existe également le Taux de certains constituants Mais depuis lapparition dun projet darrêté du ministre de la santé fin 2012, la RNTA a donné une grande importance quant à lapplication de ce projet qui vise à modifier larrêté du 24 Fevrier 1999 fixant les modalités dinscription des mentions qui doivent être portés sur la couverture extérieure des paquets de cigarettes et des cartouches et qui sont exposés directement aux consommateurs La RNTA a prévu sur les emballages de prescrire les inscriptions préventives dessinées sur 40% de lespace principal extérieur et ce avec les deux langues arabe et français imprimées en caractères lisibles et avec les % des différents constituants et produits émis(nicotine, goudron, Co)
Turkmenistan EUR Answer not provided С 01.07.2014 года введена маркировка акцизными марками всех импортных табачных изделий. Запрещена упаковка и сигареты типа «Slim». Запрещены заблуждающие надписи на сигаретных пачках типа «ментоловые». С 01.07.2014 года введена маркировка акцизными марками всех импортных табачных изделий. Запрещена упаковка и сигареты типа «Slim». Запрещены заблуждающие надписи на сигаретных пачках типа «ментоловые».
Tuvalu WPR Most packages are complying with laws where labels an health warnings visualizing well Answer not provided Report not provided
Uganda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ukraine EUR - 65% size of PHW an both sides of pack - 42 PHWs with annual rotation (14 x 3 sets) - 50% of text warnings on back side of the pack Answer not provided Answer not provided
United Arab Emirates EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland EUR Jersey brought in standardised packaging in 2021: Restriction on Smoking (Standardised Packaging and Labelling) (Jersey) Regulations 2021 ( Guernsey has introduced plain packaging via 'The Tobacco Advertising and Related Activities (Guernsey) Regulations 2021.’ This has been in place since 31st July 2022. In Gibraltar, the Tobacco Control Regulations 2020 have labelling requirements. These include health warnings that cover 50% of each of the two principle display areas, that these health warnings must be in English, rotating and packaging must not include false or misleading descriptors. The full text of the regulations is available at In March 2015, Parliament passed legislation to introduce the standardised packaging of cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco (HRT) across the UK. This legislation prohibits the use of branding and trademarks on cigarettes and HRT packaging, and regulates the design characteristics of tobacco packaging (e.g. the branding, colouring, typography, size, shape and method of opening). This Legislation (Standardised Packaging and Products regulation 2015) came into force in May 2016 and continues to be enforced. The Tobacco and Related Products Regulations 2016 also includes provisions on the packaging and labelling of tobacco products and continues to be enforced. In March 2015, Parliament passed legislation to introduce the standardised packaging of cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco (HRT) across the UK. This legislation prohibits the use of branding and trademarks on cigarettes and HRT packaging, and regulates the design characteristics of tobacco packaging (e.g. the branding, colouring, typography, size, shape and method of opening). This Legislation (Standardised Packaging and Products regulation 2015) came into force in May 2016. The Tobacco Products Directive was transposed in May 2016.
United Republic of Tanzania AFR Report not provided New measures are in preparatory phase. Currently we have 30% text only warnings. New measures are in preparatory phase. Currently we have 30% text only warnings.
Uzbekistan EUR 25 декабря 2019 г. принято постановление Кабинета Министров Республики Узбекистан № 1034 «О внесении изменений и дополнений в общий технический регламент о табачной продукции», которым утверждено: - образцы изображений медицинских предупреждений, - требования к расположению изображений-предупреждений, - требования к качеству изображений медицинских предупреждения, - требования к нанесению (по принципу ротации) изображений медицинских предупреждения, размещаемых на потребительскую упаковку (включая блок) курительной и не курительной табачной продукции (приложение 5). Эти требования действуют с 25 марта 2021 г. Законодательной палатой Олий Мажлиса Республики Узбекистан 25 октября 2022 года был принят новый Закон Республики Узбекистан «Об ограничении распространения и употребления алкогольной и табачной продукции», который был одобрен Сенатом Олий Мажлиса Республики Узбекистан 27 декабря 2022 года. Новый Закон, а также новые положения (статья 36), в котором отражены требования к упаковке и маркировке табачной продукции, устройств для употребления табака вступят в силу спустя три месяца после подписания Президентом Узбекистана. В статье 36 предусмотрено следующих новых требований: - увеличение размера медицинских предупреждений с 40% до 65% - размещение медицинских предупреждений на потребительскую упаковку устройств для употребления табака и никотина, - размещение медицинских предупреждений на мундштук и колбу кальяна. Report not provided Report not provided
Vanuatu WPR Already reach the maximum 90% space of cigarette package surface Amendment regulations of 2016 to the Tobacco Control Act of 2008 allow 90% of the front and back sides of packages to have graphic health warnings and text in three languages (Bislama, French and English). There are 6 different graphic health warnings and one GHW has a picture on emission of tobacco products. Report not provided
Venezuela AMR Report not provided l Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud impulsó el 09 de enero del 2014 la Resolución 004, publicada en gaceta Oficial No.: 40.330, la cual regula los Embalajes y Cajetillas de Cigarrillos, aumentando el set de Advertencias Sanitarias a 12 pictogramas y sumando un 30 % de advertencia en texto en la otra cara frontal que no contiene la imagen. Report not provided
Viet Nam WPR Answer not provided Vietnam is evaluating effective of old graphic health warning and propose 12 new samples to evaluate opinion of community to change new samples in next time. No change has been made in the past two years.
Zambia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Russian Federation EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Rwanda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Publication of the current tobacco control law, its implementation, compliance and enforcement are undergoing
Saint Kitts and Nevis AMR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Saint Lucia AMR Pictures have been rotated at regular intervals. Compulsory tobacco product labelling was introduced in Saint Lucia in August 16, 2017. Graphic labels are now required on all tobacco products for local consumption. The label must cover 50% of the package back and front and must declare the contents of the product. Also must contain the Declaration of harm on all packages which must be bold in colour (eg black font on yellow background) and placed on the side of the package. Deceptive labels pertaining to low tar etc are banned. Compulsory tobacco product labelling was introduced in Saint Lucia in August 16, 2017. Graphic labels are now required on all tobacco products for local consumption. The label must cover 50% of the package back and front and must declare the contents of the product. Also must contain the Declaration of harm on all packages which must be bold in colour (eg black font on yellow background) and placed on the side of the package. Deceptive labels pertaining to low tar etc are banned.
Samoa WPR Answer not provided We have enforced health warnings and graphic images on tobacco packages. We have enforced health warnings and graphic images on tobacco packages.
Sao Tome and Principe AFR Answer not provided sin datos sin datos
Saudi Arabia EMR تم تطبيق التغليف البسيط لمنتجات التبغ اعتبارا من يناير 2020 كما تم اعتماد مركز تعاوني للتغليف البسيط بالمملكة بالتعاون مع منظمة الصحة العالمية في عام 2022 قامت الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء باشتراط تغليف منتجات التبغ جميعها بالتغليف البسيط لتصبح هي الدولة الأولى في الشرق الأوسط التي تطبق التغليف البسيط قامت الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء كجهة مسؤولة وفق القانون بالتقدم بمقترح إلى دول مجلس التعاون لتعديل مواصفات تغليف وتوسيم منتجات التبغ للموافقة عليها والبدء في تطبيقها
Serbia EUR No progress was made since the latest FCTC 2020 Report. No progress has been made since the latest FCTC progress report 2018. There has no progress since 2005 when the Tobacco Law entered into force.
Seychelles AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Sierra Leone AFR Answer not provided The National Tobacco Control Strategy 2012–2016 requires that packages of cigarettes sold in Sierra Leone carry the warning “Smoking is dangerous to your health” on 10% of one of the main surface areas. The Strategy also foresees that commercialized cigarette packs will carry the statement “For Sale in Sierra Leone only”. However, these proposals have not yet been enforced. At a widely used point of sale, few tobacco products offered for sale actually carry these warnings, but that most of the products checked only carried the warnings stipulated by the country of origin. The National Tobacco Control Strategy 2012–2016 requires that packages of cigarettes sold in Sierra Leone carry the warning “Smoking is dangerous to your health” on 10% of one of the main surface areas. The Strategy also foresees that commercialized cigarette packs will carry the statement “For Sale in Sierra Leone only”. However, these proposals have not yet been enforced. At a widely used point of sale, few tobacco products offered for sale actually carry these warnings, but that most of the products checked only carried the warnings stipulated by the country of origin.
Singapore WPR Answer not provided In March 2019, the TCASA was amended to empower Minister to introduce Regulations on the appearance, packaging and labelling of tobacco products (standardised packaging). On the 1st July 2019 Regulations for the appearance, packaging and labelling of tobacco products (standardised packaging) was gazetted and will be in force on the 1st July 2020. As part of these Regulations there will also be a new set of graphic health warnings and the size of the health warnings will increase to at least 75% of the principal display area Health warning labelling requirements are specified in the Tobacco (Control of Advertising and Sales) Act and Regulations. The latest amendments were in 2013 and lists provisions to ban misleading labelling as well as a new set of graphic and text health warning labels.
Slovakia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Slovenia EUR Report not provided Report not provided Slovenia has transposed the DIRECTIVE 2014/40/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products and repealing Directive 2001/37/EC. The labelling provisions were adapted to new scientific evidence. For example, the indication of the emission levels for tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide on unit packets of cigarettes has proven to be misleading as it leads consumers to believe that certain cigarettes are less harmful than others. The Restriction of the Use of Tobacco and Related Products Act (Official Gazette of RS, Nos. 9/17 and 29/17) has also legislated plain packaging. Plain packaging for cigarettes and roll -your-own tobacco will be mandatory at the retail level from 1 January 2020.
Solomon Islands WPR Report not provided Since the commencement of the Tobacco Control Regulations in 2015 January, all packaging of tobacco products have been labelled with Graphic Health Warnings as well as health warnings. 10 pictures have been used with 5 GHWs for 9 months and then 3 months for transition and the other 5 GHWs takes the next 9 months and so forth. We have not changed any of the GHWs since 2015 but we are looking at adding a few local images to the GHWs database of the Tobacco Control Regulations. Since the commencement of the Tobacco Control Regulations in 2015 January, all packaging of tobacco products have been labelled with Graphic Health Warnings as well as health warnings. 10 pictures have been used with 5 GHWs for 9 months and then 3 months for transition and the other 5 GHWs takes the next 9 months and so forth. We have not changed any of the GHWs since 2015 but we are looking at adding a few local images to the GHWs database of the Tobacco Control Regulations.
Sri Lanka SEA Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Nigeria AFR Answer not provided NTC Regulations 2019 elaborated Section 20 of the NTC Act 2015. Honourable Minister of Health has prescribed and forwarded set of text plus graphic warning messages to Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON) for enforcement on tobacco manufacturers and importers. Section 20 of the National Tobacco Control (NTC) Act 2015 empowers the Honourable Minister of Health to prescribe health warning and messages for tobacco and tobacco products. To this effect, draft NTC Regulations is almost finalized and the Nigerian Industrial Standard is being reviewed in line with the NTC Regulation
Norway EUR Cf. answer to C235 There is an ongoing process implementing the EU Tobacco Products Directive 2014/40/EU that will strengthen the health warnings. Entry into force in Norway expected in January 2021. Requirement for standardised tobacco packaging entered into force 1 July 2017, with a one year transitional period for products already on the market. There is an ongoing process implementing the EU Tobacco Products Directive 2014/40/EU that will strengthen the health warnings. Entry into force in Norway expected in January 2019.
Oman EMR توجد مواصفة للتغليف البسيط لكنها غير ملزمة يتم تحديث المواصفة الحالية بصور تحذيرية جديدة يتم تحديث المواصفة الحالية بصور تحذيرية جديدة
Pakistan EMR Report not provided In order to fulfill obligations under Article 11 of FCTC, Pakistan introduced “Pictorial Health Warning (PHW)” on cigarette packets and outers in 2010. This warning was supposed to be rotated on yearly basis. In order to rotate current PHW, Tobacco Control Cell notified new pictorial health warning on 29th January, 2015 and enhanced the size from 40% to 85% of cigarette pack on both sides. This PHW was to be implemented from 30th March, 2015. Later on, the implementation date was extended and an Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) to review the impact of pictorial health warning on revenue & smuggling and to consult with stakeholders regarding implementation issues was constituted. The Committee deliberated on the issue and recommended to adopt phased approach The IMC recommendations were sent to Minister for Finance for approval. Meanwhile, two petitions were filed in Islamabad High Court against the constitution and decision of the Committee. This Ministry is party to the case. Subsequently, Finance Division basing their opinion on the advice of Law and Justice Division conveyed that IMC’s recommendations could not be considered or approved till such time that the Constitutional Petitions pending before the Islamabad High Court were disposed of. In the circumstances, the Ministry submitted a summary to the Federal Cabinet. The Federal Cabinet, in its meeting held on 23rd November, 2017, considered the Summary and directed to Implement IMC’s recommendations. According to the decision, 50% PHW will be implemented from 1st June, 2018 and presently 60% from 1st June, 2019 has been implemented successfully. In this regard, this Ministry has issued gazette notifications. In order to fulfill obligations under Article 11 of FCTC, Pakistan introduced “Pictorial Health Warning (PHW)” on cigarette packets and outers in 2010. This warning was supposed to be rotated on yearly basis. In order to rotate current PHW, Tobacco Control Cell notified new pictorial health warning on 29th January, 2015 and enhanced the size from 40% to 85% of cigarette pack on both sides. This PHW was to be implemented from 30th March, 2015. Later on, the implementation date was extended and an Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) to review the impact of pictorial health warning on revenue & smuggling and to consult with stakeholders regarding implementation issues was constituted. The Committee deliberated on the issue and recommended to adopt phased approach The IMC recommendations were sent to Minister for Finance for approval. Meanwhile, two petitions were filed in Islamabad High Court against the constitution and decision of the Committee. This Ministry is party to the case. Subsequently, Finance Division basing their opinion on the advice of Law and Justice Division conveyed that IMC’s recommendations could not be considered or approved till such time that the Constitutional Petitions pending before the Islamabad High Court were disposed of. In the circumstances, the Ministry submitted a summary to the Federal Cabinet. The Federal Cabinet, in its meeting held on 23rd November, 2017, considered the Summary and directed to Implement IMC’s recommendations. According to the decision, 50% PHW will be implemented from 1st June, 2018 and 60% from 1st June, 2019. In this regard, this Ministry has issued gazette notifications.
Paraguay AMR Durante estos años se elaboraron imágenes de advertencias propias con derecho de autor que están en proceso de aprobación para el recambio de los pictogramas vigentes. Consideramos conveniente facilitar el acceso y los permisos para la utilización de los pictogramas de los bancos de imágenes de los distintos países. . La Ley Nº 5538/15 en su Capitulo V Articulo 13 se reglamenta el Articulo 11 del CMCT-OMS. Estamos trabajando en actualizar, elaborar y aumentar el número de pictogramas Adjunto fotografías La Ley Nº 5538/15 en su Capitulo V Articulo 13 se reglamenta el Articulo 11 del CMCT-OMS.
Peru AMR No se ha generado progresos. Mediante la Ley N° 29517, se modificó la Ley N° 28705, Ley General para la prevención y Control de los Riesgos del Consumo del Tabaco, para adecuarnos al Convenio Marco de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para el control del tabaco.En la misma línea, mediante Decreto Supremo N° 001-2010-SA, se modificó el Decreto Supremo N° 015-2008-SA, Reglamento de la Ley N° 28705 El Perú cuenta con una regulación gráfica para el uso y aplicación de las advertencias sanitarias en envases, publicidad de cigarrillos y de otros productos hechos con tabaco, el documento fue aprobado a través de una Resolución Ministerial N° 469-2011/MINSA Desde COLAT se ha establecido una demanda ante el INDECOPI por el uso de idioma inglés en los paquetes, lo cual está prohibido por el código del consumidor El Ministerio de Salud con Resolución Ministerial N° 659-2019/MINSA aprueba la normativa gráfica para el uso y aplicación de las advertencias sanitarias en envases, publicidad de cigarrillos y de otros productos hechos de tabaco" Resolución Ministerial N°654-2019 que aprueba la "Normalidad gráfica para el uso y aplicación de las advertencias sanitarias en envases, publicidad de cigarrillos y de otros productos hechos con tabaco" El Perú cuenta con una regulación gráfica para el uso y aplicación de las advertencias sanitarias en envases, publicidad de cigarrillos y de otros productos hechos con tabaco, el documento fue aprobado a través de una Resolución Ministerial N° 469-2011/MINSA Desde COLAT se ha establecido una demanda ante el INDECOPI por el uso de idioma inglés en los paquetes, lo cual está prohibido por el código dl consumidor
Poland EUR No progress in implementing this Article in the past two years. One of the most important new regulations arising directly from the provisions of the Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products and repealing Directive 2001/37/EC is introduction of the obligation to affix to tobacco packaging health warnings occupying 65% of the external area of the package. No changes from last report. After more than two years work on the Act Amending the Act on the protection of health against the consequences of tobacco use and tobacco, it was signed on 11 August 2016 by the President of the Republic of Poland, and officially published on 24 August 2016. One of the most important new regulations arising directly from the provisions of the Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products and repealing Directive 2001/37/EC is introduction of the obligation to affix to tobacco packaging health warnings occupying 65% of the external area of the package.
Portugal EUR No progress to report. No progress to report. The first amendment of the tobacco law - Law 109/2015 of 26th August - transposion of the European Union Tobacco Products Directive (Directive 2014/40 of 3th april, from the Parliament and the Council). According to this Directive new dispositions were introduced in 20th may 2016. Pictorial health warnings were compulsory for Cigarettes, RYO and waterpipe tobacco; 65% of area in both most relevant surfaces of the packet. Other types of tobacco should include a textual health warning covering 40% and 30% of the two main faces of the package.New text warnings (3 rotating sets) were introduced. References to TNCO values were banned. The minimum dimensions of the cigarettes packages were defined. No progresso to report. The first amended of the tobacco law - Law 109/2015 - transposed the European Union Tobacco Products Directive (directive 2014/40 of 3th april, from the Parliament and the Council). According to this Directive new dispositions were introduced in 20th may 2016. Pictorial health warnings were compulsory for Cigarettes, RYO and waterpipe tobacco; 65% of area in both most relevant surfaces of the packet. Other types of tobacco should include a textual health warning covering 40% and 30% of the two main faces of the package.New text warnings (3 rottating sets) were introduced. References to ANCO values were banned. The minimum dimensions of the cigarettes packages were defined.
Qatar EMR Answer not provided Qatar is a member of the GCC standardizations committee that discuss and agree on all the specifications and standardizations as well as labelling of all tobacco products and then the MOPH will implement these specifications regarding labelling and the contents of tobacco . Qatar also part of the GCC tobacco cessation committee that one of it assignments is reviewing all the propose pectoral warnings and then submitted to the GCC standardization committee to approve on them. Qatar is a member of the GCC standardizations committee that discuss and agree on all the specifications and standardizations as well as labelling of all tobacco products and then the MOPH will implement these specifications regarding labelling and the contents of tobacco . Qatar also part of the GCC tobacco cessation committee that one of it assignments is reviewing all the propose pectoral warnings and then submitted to the GCC standardization committee to approve on them.
Republic of Korea WPR *Implementation of 3rd period pictorial health warning on tobacco products (Dec 23rd, 2020 ~ Dec 22nd, 2022) - Replacement of 9 images and maintaining 3, simplification of warning messages - (9 types) lung cancer, oral cancer, heart disease, stroke, secondhand smoking, smoking during pregnancy, premature death, teeth discoloration, liquid electronic cigarettes *Implementation of 4th period pictorial health warning on tobacco products (Dec 23rd, 2022 ~ Dec 22nd, 2024) - Replacement of 11 images and maintaining 1, introduction of disease-emphasized warning messages - (11 types) lung cancer, laryngeal cancer, oral cancer, heart disease, stroke, secondhand smoking, smoking during pregnancy, premature death, erectile dysfunction, teeth discoloration, heated tobacco products *Implementation of 2nd period pictorial health warning on tobacco products (Dec 23rd, 2018 ~ Dec 22nd, 2020) - Development and implementation of pictorial health warning for HTPs which marketed since June 2017 to deliver correct health information. - Tobacco Control Policy Expert Committee to review and develop health warnings for regular rotation (every 24 months) pursuant to the law has been established. *Implementation of pictorial health warning on tobacco products entered into force from December 23rd, 2016. - The amended National Health Promotion Act mandates all tobacco products to include pictorial image in the health warning. According to the new law, a health warning including text and pictorial image should cover at least 50% of the size of the tobacco package, where the size of pictorial image should be more than 30% of it. - Tobacco Health Warnings Committee to review and develop health warnings for regular rotation (every 24 months) pursuant to the law has been established.
New Zealand WPR Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Regulations 2021 set out regulations for packaging and labelling of tobacco products. These included messages to be displayed on tobacco packages and requirements for the purposes of standardising tobacco products and tobacco packages No changes since the last report. An amendment to the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990, which came into force on 14 March 2018, provides for standardised ("plain") packaging, including new health warnings and new pictorial warnings.
Nicaragua AMR En la Ley 727 "Ley para el Control de Tabaco". En el Capítulo IV - Empaquetado y Etiquetado de Productos del Tabaco - En el Art. 13 De la Información Veraz al Consumidor. se menciona este aspecto. Answer not provided Answer not provided
Niger AFR Report not provided il sagit de la signature de la fiche technique sur les avertissements graphiques le 5 novembre 2019. Cette fiche technique précise et exige lapposition des avertissements graphiques sur tous les emballages des produits du tabac destinés à être vendus au Niger avec prise deffet le 4 novembre 2020. Report not provided
Netherlands EUR In 2020, mandatory plain packages and combined health warnings for cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco was implemented in NL. Plain packaging for cigarettes and RYO is foreseen for october 2020.. From May 20th 2016 the packaging and labeling requirements of the new European Tobacco Products Directive were enforced into national law, also for electronic cigarettes / e-liquids with nicotine. Additionally, The Netherlands will regulate this for electronic cigarettes / e-liquids without nicotine.
Madagascar AFR Report not provided évaluation de lapplication de larticle 11 au niveaux de 3 villes (Antananarivo, Mahajanga, Toamasina) rotation sur les messages des avertissements sanitaire sur les conditionnements et étiquetage des produits du tabac
Malaysia WPR There is no official copyright such as Intellectual Property Copyright except for the patient's consent. To date, there were countries were given permission to use Malaysia's PHW. since 2014, no changes implemented. since 2014, no changes implemented.
Maldives SEA Answer not provided Textual Health Warning, covering 30% outside surface area of the package, messages to rotate, to be clear and its visibility not compromised by any other markings or wordings Textual Health Warning, covering 30% outside surface area of the package, messages to rotate, to be clear and its visibility not compromised by any other markings or wordings
Mali AFR Report not provided En effet toutes ces informations sont dans les textes et un comité de lutte contre le tabac est entrain de préparer des ateliers pour la mise en œuvre En effet toutes ces informations sont dans les textes et un comité de lutte contre le tabac est entrain de préparer des ateliers pour la mise en œuvre
Mauritania AFR Report not provided - -
Mauritius AFR Answer not provided A second set of eight (8) pictorial health warnings have been approved and launched by the Ministry in 2018 and it is intended to rotate these graphic health warnings on plain packaging of tobacco products which the Ministry has agreed to embark with the Regulations being current amended. The amended regulations has also reviewed the surface coverage area of the front and back sides of the cigarette packages. NA
Micronesia (Federated States of) WPR Answer not provided A bill on Packaging and labeling of tobacco products will be submitted to congress in their next session (September 2017) A bill on Packaging and labeling of tobacco products will be submitted to congress in their next session (September 2017)
Mongolia WPR Report not provided The tobacco products shall carry health warnings and messages which shall meet the following requirements: the health warnings shall be approved by the State Central Administrative Body in charge of health matters. Six variants of health warning design will be produced during one period and the designs shall be renewed once in every three years; The health warning and other required notes shall be written in Mongolian. 1. The picture health warning shall cover at least 50% of both front and back sides of a cigarette pack and front cover of a pipe tobacco or tobacco packages equal to that; 2. Shall be large, visible and clearly written text, describe by pictures or pictograms on health risks caused by tobacco products. The text of the MNS5024: 2013 standard for cigarette and MNS6274: 2013 standard for pipe tobacco law are available in annex 3 and 4. By the Law, six variants of health warning design changed by the Health Ministers Order N G/09, and approved by Ministry of Justice in 2018. The tobacco products shall carry health warnings and messages which shall meet the following requirements: the health warnings shall be approved by the State Central Administrative Body in charge of health matters. Six variants of health warning design will be produced during one period and the designs shall be renewed once in every three years; The health warning and other required notes shall be written in Mongolian. 1. The picture health warning shall cover at least 50% of both front and back sides of a cigarette pack and front cover of a pipe tobacco or tobacco packages equal to that; 2. Shall be large, visible and clearly written text, describe by pictures or pictograms on health risks caused by tobacco products. The text of the MNS5024: 2013 standard for cigarette and MNS6274: 2013 standard for pipe tobacco law are available in annex 3 and 4. By the Law, six variants of health warning design changed by the Health Ministers Order N G/09, and approved by Ministry of Justice in 2018.
Mozambique AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Myanmar SEA Answer not provided Article 13 of the National Law describe the penalties for the following offences: (a) production, distribution or sale of cigar without mentioning the caption of warning in Myanmar language to be mentioned on the package of cigar that smoking can seriously affect health and other necessary warnings in accordance with the stipulations; (b) production of cigar and tobacco products fraudulently mentioning that the toxic chemical potency is less than the amount prescribed by the Central Board in cigar and tobacco production, distribution or sale thereof in spite of knowing such fact mentioned; (c) production, distribution or sale of cigar and tobacco product without label for commercial purpose; (d) production, distribution or sale of any other goods showing the label of any cigar and tobacco product; (e) production, distribution or sale of toys, edibles or wares made in the form of cigar. Ministry of Health, by the approval of cabinet, released the notification on Pictorial Health Warning on Cigarette and other Tobacco Packaging on 29th February 2016 and it came into force after six months. According to that notification, the texual and pictorial health warnings must be displayed in upper 75% of front and back surfaces of the tobacco packages (25% is text warning and 50% is pictorial warning). The new picture was distributed to tobacco industries in June 2017 for year 2 implementation. Article 13 of the National Law describe the penalties for the following offences: (a) production, distribution or sale of cigar without mentioning the caption of warning in Myanmar language to be mentioned on the package of cigar that smoking can seriously affect health and other necessary warnings in accordance with the stipulations; (b) production of cigar and tobacco products fraudulently mentioning that the toxic chemical potency is less than the amount prescribed by the Central Board in cigar and tobacco production, distribution or sale thereof in spite of knowing such fact mentioned; (c) production, distribution or sale of cigar and tobacco product without label for commercial purpose; (d) production, distribution or sale of any other goods showing the label of any cigar and tobacco product; (e) production, distribution or sale of toys, edibles or wares made in the form of cigar. Ministry of Health, by the approval of cabinet, released the notification on Pictorial Health Warning on Cigarette and other Tobacco Packaging on 29th February 2016 and it came into force after six months. According to that notification, the texual and pictorial health warnings must be displayed in upper 75% of front and back surfaces of the tobacco packages (25% is text warning and 50% is pictorial warning). The new picture was distributed to tobacco industries in June 2017 for year 2 implementation.
Namibia AFR Report not provided Section 2-4 of Part 2 and Section 10 of Part 4 of the regulations state clearly pictograms, text and pictures to be used on tobacco containers. Report not provided
Nauru WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Jamaica AMR Answer not provided The Public Health (Tobacco Control) Regulations 2013 which was enacted on July 15, 2013 and amended in 2014 includes the provisions in keeping with Article 11 of the FCTC. Currently there is a requirement for the principal display area of tobacco products be covered with at least 60% of the specific graphic health warnings including the prescribed text and declaration. There is no requirement for individual sticks of cigarettes or other tobacco products to be labelled. However, vendors of single sticks or individual tobacco products are required to display the applicable graphic health warning at eye level at the point of sale. The Public Health (Tobacco Control) Regulations 2013 which was enacted on July 15, 2013 and amended in 2014 includes the provisions regarding Article 11 of the FCTC.
Jordan EMR Answer not provided يوجد مواصفة قياسية اردنية للسجائر وتمت زيادة المساحة من 30% عام 2004 الى 40% عام 2012 للصورة والتحذير مع اربع صور متغايره مواصفة قياسية للتبغ المعسل وضع الصورة والعبارة التحذيرية على المنتجات مع ابراز نسب المكونات وتمت مخاطبة المواصفات والمقاييس لزيادة مساحة الصورة والمساحة والعبارة التحذيرية لتصبح 50% Little progress has been made since 2014 given the presence of representatives of the main three tobacco industries (JTI, BAT, PMI) in the committee regulating tobacco products. MOH being just one member of this committee requested the support of the FCTC to exclude the tobacco industry with no positive results up to now. A workshop was organized by FCTC/WHO/MOH in January 2019 to update regulations for cigarettes and molasses (shisha) for all member of the Jordan Standard and Metrology Organization (JSMO) committee. Yet these regulations have not been updated until now. A second workshop was organized by WHO/EMRO in July 2019 were representatives from JSMO and the Jordan FDA were invited in order to help them develop their regulations for e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products. During the summer and fall 2019, JSMO and JFDA developed regulations for both e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products that MOH officially disagreed with. A study between MOH/WHO was conducted on the best PHW to be used for Jordan. PM has requested the implementation of plain-packaging (June 2019) by 2020 and USAID has been following up on this project which is currently on hold due to COVID-19. يوجد مواصفة قياسية اردنية للسجائر وتمت زيادة المساحة من 30% عام 2004 الى 40% عام 2012 للصورة والتحذير مع اربع صور متغايره مواصفة قياسية للتبغ المعسل وضع الصورة والعبارة التحذيرية على المنتجات مع ابراز نسب المكونات وتمت مخاطبة المواصفات والمقاييس لزيادة مساحة الصورة والمساحة والعبارة التحذيرية لتصبح 50%
Kazakhstan EUR согласно подпункта 1 пункта 12 статьи 110 Кодекса Республики Казахстан "О здоровье народа и системе здравоохранения" потребительская упаковка табачных изделий, в том числе изделий с нагреваемым табаком, табака для кальяна, кальянной смеси, должна содержать предупреждение о вреде потребления табачных изделий и никотина, которое должно соответствовать требованию: занимать не менее шестидесяти пяти процентов каждой большей по площади стороны пачки табачного изделия, упаковки табачного изделия, в том числе изделий с нагреваемым табаком, табака для кальяна, кальянной смеси; Report not provided Решением EEC-Decision № 18/2016 от 17/03/2016 введены новые эскизы пиктограмм
Kiribati WPR Answer not provided Part 3 of the Tobacco Control Act regulates the labelling of tobacco packages. Details of labelling of tobacco products, however, should be developed further in a regulation to be made by the Minister of Health (Section 3.–(7) of the Act). Such a regulation has already put in place in this year Part 3 of the Tobacco Control Act regulates the labelling of tobacco packages. Details of labelling of tobacco products, however, should be developed further in a regulation to be made by the Minister of Health (Section 3.–(7) of the Act). Such a regulation has already put in place in this year
Kuwait EMR Answer not provided Updates of the pictures develop specific pictures جاري التعمل على الاستعداد لتطبيق التغليف البسيط Updates of the pictures develop specific pictures
Lao People's Democratic Republic WPR Report not provided The regulation was issued on 23 May 2016 required 75% of graphic health warning on top of both sides of the packs and labelling. It will be effective in October 2016. The regulation was issued on 23 May 2016 required 75% of graphic health warning on top of both sides of the packs and labelling. It will be effective in October 2016.
Lebanon EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Lesotho AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Liberia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Libya EMR الانتاج المحلي متوقف حاليا داخل البلادوالباقي معظمه مهرب والمستورد يخضع لبعض القوانين Answer not provided Answer not provided
Lithuania EUR Answer not provided In order to transpose the EU Tobacco Products Directive (2014/40/EU) several amendments of the Law on Tobacco Control were adopted in 2016, including fully transposition on respective regulations on packaging and labeling of tobacco products. In order to transpose the EU Tobacco Products Directive (2014/40/EU) several amendments of the Law on Tobacco Control were adopted, including fully transposition on respective regulations on packaging and labeling of tobacco products.
Luxembourg EUR Aucune nouvelle mesure en accord avec l'article 11 n'a été prise depuis ces 2 dernières années. Transposition de la directive 2014/40/UE en loi nationale du 13 juin 2017. Introduction des photos choc. Introduction des avertissements sanitaires selon la directive antitabac. Augmentation de la surface des avertissements sanitaires et des photos choc selon la directive antitatac. Transposition de la directive 2014/40/UE en loi nationale du 13 juin 2017. Introduction des photos choc. Introduction des avertissements sanitaires selon la directive antitabac. Augmentation de la surface des avertissements sanitaires et des photos choc, selon la directive antitatac.
Eswatini AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ethiopia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
European Union EUR The Tobacco Products Directive 2014/40/EU requires that combined (picture and text) health warnings appear on packages of cigarette and roll-your-own tobacco packages covering 65% of the front and back. These shall be positioned at the top of the pack. The Directive replaces the information on TNCO with an information message that tobacco contains over 70 substances known to cause cancer. The Directive also sets minimum dimensions for warnings and thus eliminates small packages for certain tobacco products. It also bans promotional and misleading elements on tobacco products. The European Commission has also adopted two Implementing Decisions on the layout, design and shape of the combined health warnings for tobacco products for smoking and the precise position of the general warning and the information message on roll-your-own tobacco marketed in pouches. By Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2022/2100 (applicable from October 2023), Directive 2014/40/EU was amended, in order to withdraw the possibility for Member States to grant exemptions for heated tobacco products, in so far as they are tobacco products for smoking, from certain labelling requirements. See document: Directive 2014/40/EU governing the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products entered into force on 20 May 2014. Member States have transposed it by May 20, 2016. The Directive requires that combined (picture and text) health warnings appear on packages of cigarette and roll-your-own tobacco packages covering 65% of the front and back. These shall be positioned at the top of the pack. The Directive replaces the information on TNCO with an information message that tobacco contains over 70 substances known to cause cancer. The Directive also sets minimum dimensions for warnings and thus eliminates small packages for certain tobacco products. It also bans promotional and misleading elements on tobacco products. The European Commission has also adopted two Implementing Decisions on the layout, design and shape of the combined health warnings for tobacco products for smoking and the precise position of the general warning and the information message on roll-your-own tobacco marketed in pouches. Directive 2014/40/EU governing the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products entered into force on 20 May 2014. Member States have to transpose it by May 20, 2016. The Directive requires that combined (picture and text) health warnings appear on packages of cigarette and roll-your-own tobacco packages covering 65% of the front and back. These shall be positioned at the top of the pack. The Directive replaces the information on TNCO with an information message that tobacco contains over 70 substances known to cause cancer. The Directive also sets minimum dimensions for warnings and thus eliminates small packages for certain tobacco products. It also bans promotional and misleading elements on tobacco products. The European Commission has also adopted two Implementing Decisions on the layout, design and shape of the combined health warnings for tobacco products for smoking and the precise position of the general warning and the information message on roll-your-own tobacco marketed in pouches.
Fiji WPR Report not provided No updates since the 2012 regulations put in place GHWs with pictorial and local language text Report not provided
Finland EUR The Tobacco Act was amended by plain packaging regulation in 2022. The regulation enters into force 1st May 2023. It applies to the packaging of tobacco products, e-cigarettes and refill containers. In addition, it applies to the appearance of cigarettes, refill containers and nicotine-containing liquid. EUs Tobacco Products Directive (EU/2014/40) has changed the Finnish regulation, Tobacco Act/ Chapter 5 is about Unit packets. EUs Tobacco Products Directive (EU/2014/40) has changed the Finnish regulation, Tobacco Act/ Chapter 5 is about Unit packets.
Gambia AFR Answer not provided The Tobacco Control Act, 2016 has been enacted and came into force in December 2018. Pictorials Health Warnings has been developed and should be printed on cigarettes packs for country by the end of 2020. For the past two years, we are working the national tobacco control bill and in the bill, we are advocating for 75% increment of pack warnings and inclusion of the ingredients in the packs.
Ghana AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Greece EUR Law 4419/16 (Art 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,18) Report not provided Greece as a member of the European Union will implement the "Implementing action on the design layout and shape of combined health warnings for tobacco products for smoking.
Grenada AMR Report not provided NA NA
Guatemala AMR Los importadores y distribuidores cumplen, en general, con el artículo 11. Actualmente se trabaja en regular lo relativo a los cigarrillos electrónicos para tabaco calentado y otros que contiene nicotina. Ninguno Ninguno
Guinea-Bissau AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Guyana AMR Answer not provided The Standards for Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco Products was approved by the Standards Council of the Bureau of Standards. This document is currently awaiting submission to Cabinet for enactment. Upon passage in Cabinet and Parliament, the standards will be made mandatory. The Standards for Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco Products was approved by the Standards Council of the Bureau of Standards. This document is currently awaiting submission to Cabinet for enactment. Upon passage in Cabinet and Parliament, the standards will be made mandatory.
Honduras AMR Report not provided La Dirección General del IHADFA en los últimos dos años ha continuado autorizando cada seis meses las imágenes o pictogramas y mensajes de advertencias sanitarias que la industria de tabaco está obligada a imprimir en los empaques de los productos derivados de tabaco para su comercialización en Honduras. La Dirección General del IHADFA en los últimos dos años ha continuado autorizando cada seis meses las imágenes o pictogramas y mensajes de advertencias sanitarias que la industria de tabaco está obligada a imprimir en los empaques de los productos derivados de tabaco para su comercialización en Honduras.
Hungary EUR Answer not provided With regard to the protection of non-smokers it has been determined in 2016.05.20., that the package unit, the package labeling and the tobacco products can not contain any element or solution as follows: • Which advertises the tobacco product in a false impressive manner with regard to the product specifications, its effects on health, its risks or the emissions, moreover in this way, it encourages its consumption; • Which does mark no information of the nicotine-, tar-, and carbon monoxide content of the tobacco product; • Which suggests, that the particular tobacco product is less harmful than other products, or it refers to its revitalizing, energizing, healing, rejuvenating, natural and organic characteristics; • Which refers to taste, smell, flavor or other additives or lack of them by misleading the consumers; • Which reminds of food or cosmetic product; • Which suggests, that certain tobacco products can decompose biologically easily or have other environmental benefits; • Which refers to economic advantage (e.g.: „buy one, get one free”) Tobacco products distance sales is prohibited. From 2016, August 20th the introduction of integrated (without brand designation) packaging: the new cigarettes and tobacco products can only be circulated with this packaging. Products already in circulation will have temporary exemption, however from 2019 May 20th every cigarette and tobacco product must have the integrated packaging. With regard to the protection of non-smokers it has been determined in 2016.05.20., that the package unit, the package labeling and the tobacco products can not contain any element or solution as follows: • Which advertises the tobacco product in a false impressive manner with regard to the product specifications, its effects on health, its risks or the emissions, moreover in this way, it encourages its consumption; • Which does mark no information of the nicotine-, tar-, and carbon monoxide content of the tobacco product; • Which suggests, that the particular tobacco product is less harmful than other products, or it refers to its revitalizing, energizing, healing, rejuvenating, natural and organic characteristics; • Which refers to taste, smell, flavor or other additives or lack of them by misleading the consumers; • Which reminds of food or cosmetic product; • Which suggests, that certain tobacco products can decompose biologically easily or have other environmental benefits; • Which refers to economic advantage (e.g.: „buy one, get one free”) Tobacco products distance sales is prohibited. From 2016, August 20th the introduction of integrated (without brand designation) packaging: the new cigarettes and tobacco products can only be circulated with this packaging. Products already in circulation will have temporary exemption, however from 2019 May 20th every cigarette and tobacco product must have the integrated packaging.
Costa Rica AMR Se han definido la 7ma y 8va 'Campaña de Advertencias Sanitarias de Productos de Tabaco', correspondientes a los años 2023 y 2024 (respectivamente). -Se definió en el año 2019 la "5ta Campaña de Advertencias Sanitarias de Productos de Tabaco". A través de la coordinación intersectorial con la Dirección de Aduanas del Ministerio de Hacienda, Policía de Control Fiscal y Dirección de Inteligencia de la Fuerza Pública, se han efectuado operativos conjuntos con el fin de decomisar todo producto de tabaco que no cumpla con el etiquetado de acuerdo a lo dispuesto en la Ley 9028.
Côte d'Ivoire AFR Answer not provided Les articles 6 et 11 de la Loi N°2019-676 du 23 juillet 2019 font état des mises en garde sanitaires dont les modalités de mise en application doivent être fixées par voie réglementaire. Answer not provided
Croatia EUR we are preaparing the draft of new national legislation in order to implement Delegative directive concerning of labeling HTPs. Croatia has transposed the Directive 2014/40/EU into the national law. and so all the articles regarding Packaging and labelling of tobacco Products. Croatia has transposed the Directive 2014/40/EU into the national law. and so all the articles regarding Packaging and labelling of tobacco Products.
Cyprus EUR Answer not provided Through the Legislation of 2017 there are pictograms on the 65% of the surface area of the packaging. There is also a "quit-line" number on the packaging. Through the Legislation of 2017 there are pictograms on the 65% of the surface area of the packaging. There is also a "quitline" number on the packaging.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea SEA Report not provided Tobacco Control Law DPR Korea prohibits production and sale of any tobacco products if there is no text health warning (in local language) label covering over 30% of packing. In addition, the package should include the information on amount of nictotine, tar, and carbon monoxide discharged from tobacco smoke. MoPH is planning multi-sectoral workshops for introduction of pictorial health warning on tobacco products. Tobacco Control Law DPR Korea prohibits production and sale of any tobacco products if there is no text health warning (in local language) label covering over 30% of packing. In addition, the package should include the information on amount of nictotine, tar, and carbon monoxide discharged from tobacco smoke.
Democratic Republic of the Congo AFR Answer not provided Les mesures dapplication de la loi-cadre de la santé publique vont permettre avec efficacité lapplication de cet aarticle 11. Pas de proges
Denmark EUR Since the last reporting has plain packaging on tobacco products, herbal products for smoking and e-ciagrettes been adopted. We have not changed the requirements regarding health warnings etc. since submission of our last report. Our national regulation is based on the EU Tobacco Products Directive (2014/40/EU). In December 2019, the Danish Government and a majority of the political parties in Parliament agreed on a national action plan targeting tobacco use among children and young people. One initiative is plain packaging. The Bill implementing the national action plan will we introduced in 2020. Answer not provided
Djibouti EMR Report not provided Bien que la législation le prévoit, les paquets de chicha nappliquaent pas lart.11 Les mesures seront appliquées avant la fin 2016. Bien que la législation le prévoit, les paquets de chicha nappliquaent pas lart.11 Les mesures seront appliquées avant la fin 2016.
Dominica AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Egypt EMR Answer not provided يتم تسليم شركات التبغ ٤ صور تحذيره لفتره عامين ثم يتم تغييرهم و تحمل التحذيرات صورة و نص كتابي و رقم الخط الساخن للمساعده علي الاقلاع و يغطي التحذير مساحه ٥٠٪ من واجهتي العلبة يتم تسليم شركات التبغ ٤ صور تحذيره لفتره عامين ثم يتم تغييرهم و تحمل التحذيرات صورة و نص كتابي و رقم الخط الساخن للمساعده علي الاقلاع و يغطي التحذير مساحه ٥٠٪ من واجهتي العلبة
El Salvador AMR Answer not provided Reglamento de la Ley para el Control del Tabaco. Decreto Ejecutivo No. 63, de fecha 29 de mayo de 2015, publicado en el Diario Oficial No. 101, Tomo 407, de fecha 5 de junio de 2015. Capítulo III. Advertencias sanitarias. Cracterísticas. Art. 9.· Todo envase primario y secundario destinado a la comercialización y distribución de productos de tabaco y derivados, debe contener una clara y precisa advertencia de los efectos nocivos que para la salud de las personas, implica su consumo o exposición al humo del tabaco y de los componentes pertinentes del mismo. Las advertencias sanitarias que expresen los efectos nocivos para la salud de las personas, tendrán las siguientes características: a) Su tamaño debe ocupar el 50% o más de las superficies en ambas /caras principales expuestas de cada envase primario y secundario. b) Estar compuesta de mensajes con texto en castellano, imágenes y pictogramas claros, visibles y legibles. c) Se utilizarán no menos de diez advertencias sanitarias, imágenes y pictogramas combinados por pares diferentes para cada envase primario y secundario. No se permitirán advertencias similares en ambas caras. d) La rotación de las advertencias será de dos años, luego de las cua1es el MINSAL autorizará sustituirlas por dos años más; en caso de renovación, la parte interesada deberá justificar técnicamente su petición. Si al entrar en vigencia un nuevo lote de advertencia sanitaria quedaran saldos en bodega con la advertencia anterior, para su comercialización y distribución se deberá solicitar autorización por escrito al MINSAL y ésta no podrá ser superior de tres meses. e) Prohíbase el uso de mensajes de manera falsa, equívoca, engañosa, que pueda inducir al consumo o error con respecto a sus características, efectos nocivos para la salud, riesgos, emisiones, símbolos, signos figurativos y términos u otra clase que tengan el efecto directo o indirecto de crear la falsa impresión de que un determinado producto de tabaco es menos nocivo que otros, tales como "con bajo contenido de alquitrán", "ligeros", "ultra ligeros" o "suaves"; entre otros. El MINSAL exigirá que las advertencias sanitarias figuren en todos los envases primarios y secundarios de productos de tabaco y derivados y no podrá, en ningún caso, ser removible. Toda leyenda, información, características o cualquier otro tipo de texto impreso en los empaques de productos de tabaco y sus derivados, en todo momento, debe ser visible y en idioma castellano. Reglamento de la Ley para el Control del Tabaco. Decreto Ejecutivo No. 63, de fecha 29 de mayo de 2015, publicado en el Diario Oficial No. 101, Tomo 407, de fecha 5 de junio de 2015. Capítulo III. Advertencias sanitarias. Cracterísticas. Art. 9.· Todo envase primario y secundario destinado a la comercialización y distribución de productos de tabaco y derivados, debe contener una clara y precisa advertencia de los efectos nocivos que para la salud de las personas, implica su consumo o exposición al humo del tabaco y de los componentes pertinentes del mismo. Las advertencias sanitarias que expresen los efectos nocivos para la salud de las personas, tendrán las siguientes características: a) Su tamaño debe ocupar el 50% o más de las superficies en ambas /caras principales expuestas de cada envase primario y secundario. b) Estar compuesta de mensajes con texto en castellano, imágenes y pictogramas claros, visibles y legibles. c) Se utilizarán no menos de diez advertencias sanitarias, imágenes y pictogramas combinados por pares diferentes para cada envase primario y secundario. No se permitirán advertencias similares en ambas caras. d) La rotación de las advertencias será de dos años, luego de las cua1es el MINSAL autorizará sustituirlas por dos años más; en caso de renovación, la parte interesada deberá justificar técnicamente su petición. Si al entrar en vigencia un nuevo lote de advertencia sanitaria quedaran saldos en bodega con la advertencia anterior, para su comercialización y distribución se deberá solicitar autorización por escrito al MINSAL y ésta no podrá ser superior de tres meses. e) Prohíbase el uso de mensajes de manera falsa, equívoca, engañosa, que pueda inducir al consumo o error con respecto a sus características, efectos nocivos para la salud, riesgos, emisiones, símbolos, signos figurativos y términos u otra clase que tengan el efecto directo o indirecto de crear la falsa impresión de que un determinado producto de tabaco es menos nocivo que otros, tales como "con bajo contenido de alquitrán", "ligeros", "ultra ligeros" o "suaves"; entre otros. El MINSAL exigirá que las advertencias sanitarias figuren en todos los envases primarios y secundarios de productos de tabaco y derivados y no podrá, en ningún caso, ser removible. Toda leyenda, información, características o cualquier otro tipo de texto impreso en los empaques de productos de tabaco y sus derivados, en todo momento, debe ser visible y en idioma castellano.
Equatorial Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided NO EXISTE UNA LEY
Estonia EUR Answer not provided With the transposition of the Directive 2014/40/EL the use of combined health warnings has been made obligatory on cigarette, roll your own tobacco and water-pipe tobacco packages and also the labelling with health warnings the other tobacco products. With the transposition of the Directive 2014/40/EL the use of combined health warnings has been made obligatory on cigarette, roll your own tobacco and water-pipe tobacco packages and also the labelling with health warnings the other tobacco products.
Brunei Darussalam WPR Answer not provided There has been no change since 2012 when amendment to Tobacco Order, 2005 - Tobacco (Labelling) Regulations was done. In 2012, size of the pictorial health warning has been increased from 50% (front and back) to 75% (front and back). No changes since then.
Bulgaria EUR Please note that the information above was provided during the previous reporting. No progress has been made Answer not provided
Burkina Faso AFR Answer not provided Le Burkina Faso sest doté dun arrêté conjoint 2015-366/MS/MICA du 7 avril 2015 portant fixation des modalités dapplication du décret relatif au conditionnement et à létiquetage des produits du tabac. Les firmes du tabac avait jusquau 7 avril 2016 pour mettre en œuvre la mesure. Ces textes ont subis des modifications courant 2019 et ont permis la mise en oeuvre du marquage sanitaire en juillet 2020. Un guide dapposition a été élaboré et a facilité le travail. Le Burkina Faso sest doté dun arrêté conjoint 2015-366/MS/MICA du 7 avril 2015 portant fixation des modalités dapplication du décret relatif au conditionnement et à létiquetage des produits du tabac. Les firmes du tabac avait jusquau 7 avril 2016 pour mettre en œuvre la mesure. Malheureusement, le constat fait ressortir la non-application de la mesure par lindustrie du tabac exerçant dans notre pays.
Burundi AFR Report not provided Une ordonnance ministerielle no 540/291 du 24fevrier 2014 au Ministere des Finances portant determination des modalités dapplication du système de vignettes fiscales pour létiquettage de certains produits importés des produits du tabac a été élaboré et reste en vigueur jusquaujourdhui Report not provided
Cabo Verde AFR Answer not provided Regarding this item, there were no significant advances, only what the new law will bring. Answer not provided
Cambodia WPR Report not provided Training of 490 Tobacco Inspection Officers to conduct monitoring and enforcement of Pictorial Health Warning Sub Decree. Workshops provided to local authorities. Answer not provided
Canada AMR NIL The Tobacco Products Labelling Regulations (Cigarettes and Little Cigars) (TPLR-CLC) came into force in September 2011 and defines new health-related labelling requirements for packages of cigarettes and little cigars intended for retail sale in Canada. The TPLR-CLC requires a health warning on at least 75% of the front and back panels, a qualitative toxic emissions statement on a side panel, and a health information message to be included either on the upper slide-flap, the exterior surface of the slide, or on a leaflet inserted in the package. There are 16 different health warnings which are randomly available at point of sale locations. These will effectively rotate health warnings for cigarettes and little cigars. Pre-2011, under the then labelling requirements, the toxic emissions statements had to display numerical values for six toxic emissions: tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide and benzene. As research conducted by Health Canada had shown that the numerical values were not clearly understood by some smokers, and that most of them had little idea what the range of numbers displayed for each chemical meant, the numerical values were replaced post-2011by four text-based statements that provide clear, concise and easy to understand information about the toxic substances found in tobacco smoke. In 2018, the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act was given regulation-making powers to require that health warning labels be displayed on tobacco products themselves, e.g. on cigarettes. However, no such requirements has been implemented to date. The Tobacco Products Labelling Regulations (Cigarettes and Little Cigars) (TPLR-CLC) came into force in September 2011 and define new health-related labelling requirements for packages of cigarettes and little cigars intended for retail sale in Canada. The TPLR-CLC requires a health warning on at least 75% of the front and back panels, a qualitative toxic emissions statement on a side panel, and a health information message to be included either on the upper slide-flap, the exterior surface of the slide, or on a leaflet inserted in the package. There are 16 different health warnings which are randomly available at point of sale locations. These will effectively rotate health warnings for cigarettes and little cigars. Under the previous labelling requirements in the Tobacco Product Information Regulations, the toxic emissions statements displayed numerical values for six toxic emissions (tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide and benzene). However, research conducted by Health Canada has shown that the numerical values were not clearly understood by some smokers and most had little idea what the range of numbers displayed for each chemical meant. Therefore, the numerical values have been replaced by four text-based statements that provide clear, concise and easy to understand information about the toxic substances found in tobacco smoke.
Chad AFR Answer not provided - adoption de larrêté 039 portant conditionnement et étiquetage des produits de tabac au Tchad depuis 2015$ - évaluation dimpact de la mise en œuvre de la première phase en 2017 et -une phase de sélection des images pour la rotation des images en cours - adoption de larrêté 039 portant conditionnement et étiquetage des produits de tabac au Tchad depuis 2015$ - évaluation dimpact de la mise en œuvre de la première phase en 2017 et -une phase de sélection des images pour la rotation des images en cours
Chile AMR Answer not provided Se ha implementado esta directriz en forma sistemática variando las imágenes en un lapso que va entre los 12 y los 24 meses, de acuerdo a la legislación vigente. Se mantiene incorporados en esta exigencia la venta de los productos en zona franca Actualmente se encuentra en segundo trámite constitucional un proyecto de ley que amplia la normativa sobre empaquetado de productos de tabaco, incorporando el empaquetado genérico. Se espera que prontamente se retome la discusión y tramitación del proyecto. Se ha implementado esta directriz en forma sistemática variando las imágenes en un lapso que va entre los 12 y los 24 meses, de acuerdo a la legislación vigente. Se mantiene incorporados en esta exigencia la venta de los productos en zona franca
Colombia AMR La Ley 1335 de 2009, estableció en su Capítulo III, las disposiciones relativas a la publicidad y empaquetado de productos de tabaco y sus derivados: ""Artículo 13. Empaquetado y etiquetado. El empaquetado y etiquetado de productos de tabaco o sus derivados no podrán a) ser dirigidos a menores de edad o ser especialmente atractivos para estos; b) sugerir que fumar contribuye al éxito atlético o deportivo, la popularidad, al éxito profesional o al éxito sexual; c) contener publicidad falsa o engañosa recurriendo a expresiones tales como cigarrillos “suaves”, “ligeros”, “light”, “Mild”, o “bajo en alquitrán, nicotina y monóxido de carbono. Parágrafo 1°. En todos los productos de cigarrillo, tabaco y sus derivados, se deberá expresar clara e inequívocamente, en la imagen o en el texto, según sea el caso y de manera rotativa y concurrente frases de advertencia y pictogramas, cuya rotación se hará como mínimo anualmente, según la reglamentación que expida el Ministerio de la Protección Social"". Conforme a esta normativa, el entonces Ministerio de la Protección Social (hoy Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social) expidió la Resolución 3961 de 2009, que tiene por objeto establecer las disposiciones a través de las cuales se señalan los requisitos que deben cumplir el empaquetado y etiquetado de todos los productos de tabaco y sus derivados que se comercializan en el territorio nacional. En esta Resolución, se establece la obligación de inclusión de advertencias y pictogramas en todos los productos de cigarrillo, tabaco y sus derivados. De igual manera, define las características de las frases de advertencias y pictogramas, las prohibiciones en el empaquetado y etiquetado, y mecanismo por el cual el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social determinará las frases de advertencia y los pictogramas para cada periodo. El Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social elabora y aprueba las advertencias sanitarias aplicables a los envases de productos de tabaco: en el marco de la Resolución 001309 del 31 de mayo de 2012, en el Comité de Etiquetado y Empaquetado de productos del tabaco y sus derivados, el Ministerio revisa y analiza las simulaciones del empaquetado y etiquetado de los productos de tabaco, en lo que respecta a las advertencias sanitarias y a la prohibición total de cualquier tipo de publicidad, promoción y patrocinio de productos de tabaco. Este control previo (antes de que los productos entren al mercado), garantiza la aplicación de lo establecido en la Ley 1335/2009 y la Resolución 003961 de 2009. Derivado de la aplicación de este procedimiento de evaluación, en el que se ha venido retirando frases y elementos pictográficos promocionales de los empaques de este producto (como parte de la evaluación integral), la Nación-Ministerio de Salud ha sido objeto de múltiples demandas por parte de la industria del tabaco (Acción de Nulidad y Restablecimiento del Derecho Proceso Demandante British American Tobacco. Tribunal Administrativo de Cundinamarca). En la actualidad el estado de estos procesos ha establecido la coherencia en el actuar del Ministerio de Salud y la efectiva implementación de este artículo en conjunto con el artículo 13 del CMCT. Ahora bien, cuando los productos se comercializan en el mercado colombiano, de acuerdo con el Artículo 34 de la Ley 1335/2009, dos autoridades nacionales tienen la obligación de supervisar la implementación de medidas de empaquetado y etiquetado. Por una parte, la Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales (DIAN), con arreglo a sus competencias, realiza verificaciones en el puerto. Por su lado, la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC) lleva a cabo la verificación y control en lo que respecta al etiquetado y empaquetado de productos de tabaco. En efecto, acorde con lo dispuesto en la Ley, le corresponde a la SIC, además de garantizar el cumplimiento de la prohibición total de publicidad, promoción y patrocinio de productos de tabaco, verifica que los productos de tabaco, ya en el mercado: – No se dirijan a menores de edad, así como tampoco sean especialmente atractivos para esta población. – No se sugiera que fumar contribuye al éxito atlético o deportivo, la popularidad, al éxito profesional o al éxito sexual. – No contengan publicidad falsa o engañosa recurriendo a expresiones tales como: cigarrillos “suaves”, “ligeros”, “light”, “Mild”, o “bajo en alquitrán, nicotina y monóxido de carbono”. Contengan os pictogramas y las advertencias sanitarias vigentes. de igual manera la SIC impuso una sanción pecuniaria por violación a normas relativas a empaquetado, etiquetado y/o publicidad, promoción y patrocinio de productos de tabaco y sus derivados: a través del Acto No. 40738 del 23 julio de 2020 a la empresa JT Internationa Colombia SAS. A partir del año 2016, el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social incluye dentro de su Sistema Integrado de Gestión, un procedimiento interno para la evaluación integral del etiquetado y empaquetado de productos de tabaco y sus derivados. donde se realiza evaluación previa a su comercialización en a 430 referencias de productos de tabaco en promedio cada año. Así mismo, se cuenta con un manual para el diseño de las advertencias sanitarias, elaborado en el marco de un Convenio Interadministrativo con la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y el cual permite cumplir con la rotación anual de las advertencias sanitarias. Desde el año 2018 se han incluido 3 advertencias sanitarias especificas para los productos de tabaco calentado. El ministerio expide anualmente el 20 de noviembre de cada año la Ronda de advertencias sanitarias correspondiente a cada vigencia, este proceso se viene desarrollando desde el año 2010. La Ley 1335 de 2009, estableció en su Capítulo III, las disposiciones relativas a la publicidad y empaquetado de productos de tabaco y sus derivados: "Artículo 13. Empaquetado y etiquetado. El empaquetado y etiquetado de productos de tabaco o sus derivados no podrán a) ser dirigidos a menores de edad o ser especialmente atractivos para estos; b) sugerir que fumar contribuye al éxito atlético o deportivo, la popularidad, al éxito profesional o al éxito sexual; c) contener publicidad falsa o engañosa recurriendo a expresiones tales como cigarrillos “suaves”, “ligeros”, “light”, “Mild”, o “bajo en alquitrán, nicotina y monóxido de carbono. Parágrafo 1°. En todos los productos de cigarrillo, tabaco y sus derivados, se deberá expresar clara e inequívocamente, en la imagen o en el texto, según sea el caso y de manera rotativa y concurrente frases de advertencia y pictogramas, cuya rotación se hará como mínimo anualmente, según la reglamentación que expida el Ministerio de la Protección Social". Conforme a esta normativa, el entonces Ministerio de la Protección Social (hoy Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social) expidió la Resolución 3961 de 2009, que tiene por objeto establecer las disposiciones a través de las cuales se señalan los requisitos que deben cumplir el empaquetado y etiquetado de todos los productos de tabaco y sus derivados que se comercializan en el territorio nacional. En esta Resolución, se establece la obligación de inclusión de advertencias y pictogramas en todos los productos de cigarrillo, tabaco y sus derivados. De igual manera, define las características de las frases de advertencias y pictogramas, las prohibiciones en el empaquetado y etiquetado, y mecanismo por el cual el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social determinará las frases de advertencia y los pictogramas para cada periodo. El Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social elabora y aprueba las advertencias sanitarias aplicables a los envases de productos de tabaco: en el marco de la Resolución 001309 del 31 de mayo de 2012, en el Comité de Etiquetado y Empaquetado de productos del tabaco y sus derivados, el Ministerio revisa y analiza las simulaciones del empaquetado y etiquetado de los productos de tabaco, en lo que respecta a las advertencias sanitarias y a la prohibición total de cualquier tipo de publicidad, promoción y patrocinio de productos de tabaco. Este control previo (antes de que los productos entren al mercado), garantiza la aplicación de lo establecido en la Ley 1335/2009 y la Resolución 003961 de 2009. Derivado de la aplicación de este procedimiento de evaluación, en el que se ha venido retirando frases y elementos pictográficos promocionales de los empaques de este producto (como parte de la evaluación integral), la Nación-Ministerio de Salud ha sido objeto de múltiples demandas por parte de la industria del tabaco (Acción de Nulidad y Restablecimiento del Derecho Proceso Demandante British American Tobacco. Tribunal Administrativo de Cundinamarca). En la actualidad el estado de estos procesos ha establecido la coherencia en el actuar del Ministerio de Salud y la efectiva implementación de este artículo en conjunto con el artículo 13 del CMCT. Ahora bien, cuando los productos se comercializan en el mercado colombiano, de acuerdo con el Artículo 34 de la Ley 1335/2009, dos autoridades nacionales tienen la obligación de supervisar la implementación de medidas de empaquetado y etiquetado. Por una parte, la Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales (DIAN), con arreglo a sus competencias, realiza verificaciones en el puerto. Por su lado, la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC) lleva a cabo la verificación y control en lo que respecta al etiquetado y empaquetado de productos de tabaco. En efecto, acorde con lo dispuesto en la Ley, le corresponde a la SIC, además de garantizar el cumplimiento de la prohibición total de publicidad, promoción y patrocinio de productos de tabaco, verifica que los productos de tabaco, ya en el mercado: – No se dirijan a menores de edad, así como tampoco sean especialmente atractivos para esta población. – No se sugiera que fumar contribuye al éxito atlético o deportivo, la popularidad, al éxito profesional o al éxito sexual. – No contengan publicidad falsa o engañosa recurriendo a expresiones tales como: cigarrillos “suaves”, “ligeros”, “light”, “Mild”, o “bajo en alquitrán, nicotina y monóxido de carbono”. Contengan los pictogramas y las advertencias sanitarias vigentes. A partir del año 2016, el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social incluye dentro de su Sistema Integrado de Gestión, un procedimiento interno para la evaluación integral del etiquetado y empaquetado de productos de tabaco y sus derivados. Ver Así mismo, se cuenta con un manual para el diseño de las advertencias sanitarias, elaborado en el marco de un Convenio Interadministrativo con la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y el cual permite cumplir con la rotación anual de las advertencias sanitarias. Desde el año 2018 se han incluido 3 advertencias sanitarias especificas para los productos de tabaco calentado. Rondas de advertencias sanitarias 2010 a 2020 Véase Anexo 14 La Ley 1335 de 2009, estableció en su Capítulo III, las disposiciones relativas a la publicidad y empaquetado de productos de tabaco y sus derivados: "Artículo 13. Empaquetado y etiquetado. El empaquetado y etiquetado de productos de tabaco o sus derivados no podrán a) ser dirigidos a menores de edad o ser especialmente atractivos para estos; b) sugerir que fumar contribuye al éxito atlético o deportivo, la popularidad, al éxito profesional o al éxito sexual; c) contener publicidad falsa o engañosa recurriendo a expresiones tales como cigarrillos “suaves”, “ligeros”, “light”, “Mild”, o “bajo en alquitrán, nicotina y monóxido de carbono. Parágrafo 1°. En todos los productos de cigarrillo, tabaco y sus derivados, se deberá expresar clara e inequívocamente, en la imagen o en el texto, según sea el caso y de manera rotativa y concurrente frases de advertencia y pictogramas, cuya rotación se hará como mínimo anualmente, según la reglamentación que expida el Ministerio de la Protección Social". Conforme a esta normativa, el entonces Ministerio de la Protección Social (hoy Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social) expidió la Resolución 3961 de 2009, que tiene por objeto establecer las disposiciones a través de las cuales se señalan los requisitos que deben cumplir el empaquetado y etiquetado de todos los productos de tabaco y sus derivados que se comercializan en el territorio nacional. En esta Resolución, se establece la obligación de inclusión de advertencias y pictogramas en todos los productos de cigarrillo, tabaco y sus derivados. De igual manera, define las características de las frases de advertencias y pictogramas, las prohibiciones en el empaquetado y etiquetado, y mecanismo por el cual el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social determinará las frases de advertencia y los pictogramas para cada periodo. El Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social elabora y aprueba las advertencias sanitarias aplicables a los envases de productos de tabaco: en el marco de la Resolución 001309 del 31 de mayo de 2012, en el Comité de Etiquetado y Empaquetado de productos del tabaco y sus derivados, el Ministerio revisa y analiza las simulaciones del empaquetado y etiquetado de los productos de tabaco, en lo que respecta a las advertencias sanitarias y a la prohibición total de cualquier tipo de publicidad, promoción y patrocinio de productos de tabaco. Este control previo (antes de que los productos entren al mercado), garantiza la aplicación de lo establecido en la Ley 1335/2009 y la Resolución 003961 de 2009. Derivado de la aplicación de este procedimiento de evaluación, en el que se ha venido retirando frases y elementos pictográficos promocionales de los empaques de este producto (como parte de la evaluación integral), la Nación-Ministerio de Salud ha sido objeto de múltiples demandas por parte de la industria del tabaco (Acción de Nulidad y Restablecimiento del Derecho Proceso Demandante British American Tobacco. Tribunal Administrativo de Cundinamarca). En la actualidad el estado de estos procesos ha establecido la coherencia en el actuar del Ministerio de Salud y la efectiva implementación de este artículo en conjunto con el artículo 13 del CMCT. Ahora bien, cuando los productos se comercializan en el mercado colombiano, de acuerdo con el Artículo 34 de la Ley 1335/2009, dos autoridades nacionales tienen la obligación de supervisar la implementación de medidas de empaquetado y etiquetado. Por una parte, la Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales (DIAN), con arreglo a sus competencias, realiza verificaciones en el puerto. Por su lado, la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC) lleva a cabo la verificación y control en lo que respecta al etiquetado y empaquetado de productos de tabaco. En efecto, acorde con lo dispuesto en la Ley, le corresponde a la SIC, además de garantizar el cumplimiento de la prohibición total de publicidad, promoción y patrocinio de productos de tabaco, verifica que los productos de tabaco, ya en el mercado: – No se dirijan a menores de edad, así como tampoco sean especialmente atractivos para esta población. – No se sugiera que fumar contribuye al éxito atlético o deportivo, la popularidad, al éxito profesional o al éxito sexual. – No contengan publicidad falsa o engañosa recurriendo a expresiones tales como: cigarrillos “suaves”, “ligeros”, “light”, “Mild”, o “bajo en alquitrán, nicotina y monóxido de carbono”. Contengan los pictogramas y las advertencias sanitarias vigentes. En lo que respecta al incumplimiento de las medidas relativas al empaquetado y etiquetado establecidas por la Ley, el Artículo 25 de la Ley 1335/2009 establece sanciones pecuniarias. En efecto, la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio ha adelantado procesos administrativos sancionatorios ante los hallazgos realizados en ejercicio de sus funciones de inspección, vigilancia y control, imponiendo sanciones por $ de pesos colombianos. En curso existen varias investigaciones, y en recientes procedimientos de inspección y vigilancia se encontraron establecimientos con posibles incumplimientos de la Ley 1335 de 2009. Para acceder a las diferentes rondas de advertencias sanitarias, por favor consultar el siguiente link:
Comoros AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Congo AFR nous avons le décret n)2018-217 du 5 juin 2018, portant conditionnement et d'étiquetage du tabac et de ses produits dérivés.. Nous avons aussi le décret n°2022-483du 16 août 2022, portant institution d'un système de marquage des produits du tabac fabriqués ou importés au CONGO Les progrès accomplies ne sont pas énormes par manque de larrêté bien que nous avons eu les textes d application de la loi relative à la lutte antitabac. Néanmoins nous pouvons parler du bocage de la fabrication de la cigarette par notre usine SIAT qui déplore le manque des textes d application de la loi dans lesquels toutes les informations de l article 11 de la CCLAT sy trouvent. Report not provided
Australia WPR In November 2022, the Australian Government announced a range of tobacco control reforms. These reforms will include updating and improving graphic health warnings on tobacco products as well as requiring health promotion inserts in tobacco packs and pouches. Referred to: Updates to the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011 being considered as part of the current thematic review of tobacco control legislation. With effect from 1 October 2012, all tobacco products manufactured or packaged in Australia for domestic consumption were required to be in plain packaging, and with effect from 1 December 2012, all tobacco products sold, offered for sale or otherwise supplied in Australia were required to be in plain packaging (standardised packaging). Tobacco product packaging has also been required to be labelled with new, larger graphic health warnings since 1 December 2012. The Australian Government owns copyright for some but not all of the images used as graphic health warnings on tobacco product packaging in Australia. Australia grants copyright licences to other Parties for use of the images owned by the Australian Government, or where the Australian Government is permitted to sublicense the use of an externally owned image. In the case of some images not owned by the Australian Government, permission may need to be sought from an external copyright owner and may include a fee. Australia is undertaking a market research evaluation of the graphic health warnings on all tobacco products as prescribed under Australia’s Competition and Consumer (Tobacco) Information Standard 2011. The project will assess their effectiveness and identify strategies for improvement. It is anticipated that the project will be completed by 29 June 2018.
Austria EUR Answer not provided Austria finalized the transposition of the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD II) into national law. This resulted in an amendment of the Austrian Tobacco Act (in effect since 20 May 2016) concerning the regulations of packing and labelling (combined warnings/65% on both sides of the unit packet of FMC and RYO, position at the top, health warnings on the lateral sides, some standardisation of packet shapes, no promotional elements, etc.). Austria finalized the transposition of the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD II) into national law. This resulted in an amendment of the Austrian Tobacco Act (in effect since 20 May 2016) concerning the regulations of packing and labelling (combined warnings/65% on both sides of the unit packet of FMC and RYO, position at the top, health warnings on the lateral sides, some standardisation of packet shapes, no promotional elements, etc.).
Azerbaijan EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Bangladesh SEA N/A Answer not provided According to the recent amended law, pictorial warning must be printed on all package of tobacco products at least 50% of the pack (in front and back)
Barbados AMR no progress has been made in this area. There is regulation however it is not implemented/enforced by the Ministry of Business. Report not provided There is progress. The Cabinet of Barbados approved the final legislative change. The law be debated in Parliament of Barbados and proclaimed. The industry has been given a 6 month grace period for implementation
Belize AMR Answer not provided Currently the Bureau Standards is reviewing for implementation the Bill for Packaging and labeling of Tobacco Products. However not much progress has been made in this area. Report not provided
Benin AFR Answer not provided depuis 2011, Tous les paquets de cigarettes vendus au Bénin portent la mention " le tabac nuit gravement à la santé" sinon ils ne sont pas vendus au Bénin depuis 2011, Tous les paquets de cigarettes vendus au Bénin portent la mention " le tabac nuit gravement à la santé" sinon ils ne sont pas vendus au Bénin
Bhutan SEA Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) AMR Answer not provided El 25 de mayo de 2011 se promulga la Resolución Ministerial 576 para la implementación de 7 pictogramas en el 50% inferior de ambas caras principales de todos los empaques de productos de tabaco, reemplazando las advertencias de texto implementadas el año 2009. El 25 de mayo de 2011 se promulga la Resolución Ministerial 576 para la implementación de 7 pictogramas en el 50% inferior de ambas caras principales de todos los empaques de productos de tabaco, reemplazando las advertencias de texto implementadas el año 2009.
Bosnia and Herzegovina EUR For the Federation of BIH: Enforced new Law on control and limited use of tobacco, tobacco products and other smoking products in the Federation of BIH ("Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH", No. 38/22). Republic of Srpska: Health warnings and labelling of tobacco products are harmonised with FCTC and covered by Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in the Government of Republic of Srpska’s bylaw. Answer not provided
Botswana AFR Answer not provided Packaging and labelling is not in our current Control of Smoking Act but other laws that regulate similar products are used. The Tobacco Control Bill has included article 11 as one of the major componets to be given attention. Packaging and labelling is not in our current Control of Smoking Act but other laws that regulate similar products are used. The Tobacco Control Bill has included article 11 as one of the major componets to be given attention.
Brazil AMR Answer not provided Research about health warning new set, specially about the pictorial health warnings set (lauched on May/2018). Implementation of new set of health warnings.
Algeria AFR Revision du decret executif de 2004 portant sur le conditionnement et l'etiquetage des produits du tabac et augmentaion des espaces reservés aux messages sanitaires à hauteur d'au moins 30 pour cent avec introduction des pictogrammes de nouvelles dispositions sur les mises en garde sanitaires sont en cours délaboration conformément à larticle 11 de nouvelles dispositions sur les mises en garde sanitaires sont en cours délaboration conformément à larticle 11
Andorra EUR Actualmente estamos trabajando en la nueva ley que regulará todos los aspectos mencionados Report not provided Report not provided
Angola AFR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Antigua and Barbuda AMR Answer not provided This Article of the FCTC is embodied in our legislation Report not provided
France EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided L’Ordonnance n°2016-623 du 19 mai 2016 à introduit, dans le code de la santé publique, l’article L3512-20: « Sans préjudice des dispositions de larticle 575 D du code général des impôts, les unités de conditionnement, les emballages extérieurs et les suremballages des cigarettes et du tabac à rouler, le papier à cigarette et le papier à rouler les cigarettes sont neutres et uniformisés. Cette disposition est entrée en vigueur au 1er janvier 2017 Par ailleurs, l’article L3512-21 a défini autres obligations autres concernant les emballages : I. L‘étiquetage des unités de conditionnement, tout emballage extérieur ainsi que le produit du tabac proprement dit ne peuvent comprendre aucun élément ou dispositif qui : 1° Contribue à la promotion dun produit du tabac ou incite à sa consommation en donnant une impression erronée quant aux caractéristiques, effets sur la santé, risques ou émissions de ce produit ; 2° Ressemble à un produit alimentaire ou cosmétique. II.- Les éléments et dispositifs qui sont interdits en vertu du I comprennent notamment les messages, symboles, noms, marques commerciales, signes figuratifs ou autres. Finalement, en vertu de l’article L3512-22 « Les unités de conditionnement et les emballages extérieurs portent, dans les conditions fixées par un arrêté du ministre chargé de la santé : 1° Pour les produits du tabac à fumer : a) Un avertissement sanitaire apposé deux fois, comportant notamment les informations relatives au sevrage tabagique, combiné avec une photographie ; b) Un avertissement général. Ce message est apposé deux fois lorsque ces produits sont conditionnés dans des boites pliantes à couvercle basculant ; c) Un message dinformation ; 2° Pour les produits du tabac sans combustion, un avertissement sanitaire apposé deux fois. II.- Les unités de conditionnement du papier à rouler les cigarettes portent, dans les conditions fixées par un arrêté du ministre chargé de la santé, un avertissement général et un avertissement comportant notamment les informations relatives au sevrage tabagique. La taille des avertissements sanitaires des paquets de cigarettes et de tabac à rouler couvre, depuis le 20 mai 2016, 65% du recto et du verso des paquets ( Arrêté du 24 février 2015 modifiant l’arrêté du 15 avril 2010 relatif aux modalités d’inscription des avertissements de caractère sanitaire sur les unités de conditionnement des produits du tabac et insérant un pictogramme destiné aux femmes enceintes
Ecuador AMR Desde el último reporte, el Ministerio de Salud Pública ha aprobado tres rondas de Advertencias sanitarias para envases de productos de tabaco ( X, XI, XII). Las rondas de advertencias incluyen seis pictogramas y mensajes escritos relacionados a los efectos del consumo de tabaco para la salud de los fumados y de las personas expuestas al humo y emisiones de segunda mano. La autoridad sanitaria nacional, el Ministerio de Salud Pública, de acuerdo a lo estipulado en la LORCT en el artículo 18 y en el artículo 11 del CMCT, realiza cada año, desde el 2012, las advertencias sanitarias para empaquetados de productos de tabaco de manera rotativa y rotatoriamente. En los dos últimos años se ha realizado la VII (2018-2019) y la VIII (2019-2020) ronda de advertencias sanitarias. Las advertencias de la VIII ronda puede ser descargadas del siguiente enlace: La autoridad sanitaria nacional, el Ministerio de Salud Pública, de acuerdo a lo estipulado en la LORCT en el artículo 18 y en el artículo 11 del CMCT, realiza cada año, desde el 2012, las advertencias sanitarias para empaquetados de productos de tabaco de manera rotativa y rotatoriamente. En los dos últimos años se ha realizado la V (2016-2017) y la VI (2017-2018) ronda de advertencias sanitarias. A pesar de que en la III ronda se incorporó por primera vez la inclusión de un caso real para los pictogramas de estas advertencias, es a partir de la V ronda que se comienza a incluir principalmente casos reales en las advertencias sanitarias, presentando cuatro casos de personas que han padecido enfermedades a causa del consumo de tabaco en Ecuador, de las seis advertencias que salieron. En la siguiente ronda de advertencias, la VI ronda, todos las advertencias sanitarias incluyeron casos reales. Adicionalmente, en el 2016 se realizó la "Encuesta de percepción de la III ronda de advertencias sanitarias para envases de productos de tabaco”.
Cook Islands WPR Answer not provided No change since the last report. No change since the last report.
China WPR 1.根据《中华人民共和国境内卷烟包装标识的规定》《电子烟警语标识规定》,对市场销售烟草制品的包装和标签开展符合性审查和监测,确保警语和信息明确、醒目和清晰。 2.严格执行《电子烟》国家标准,对市场销售电子烟雾化物成分清单开展审查和监测,确保符合国家标准要求。 国家烟草局严格执行《中华人民共和国境内卷烟包装标识的规定》,对市场销售烟草制品的包装和标签开展符合性审查和监测,确保警语和信息明确、醒目和清晰。 自2016年10月1日起《中华人民共和国境内卷烟包装标识的规定》正式施行,进一步强化了卷烟包装的健康警示效果。一是增加警语内容和数量(增加3条警语,分别是“请勿在禁烟场所吸烟”、“劝阻青少年吸烟”和“禁止中小学生吸烟”);二是增加警告主体;三是进一步扩大警语区面积、加大警语字体、增强颜色对比度(即:(1)卷烟盒包的字体高度由现行的不小于4.0毫米加大到不小于4.5毫米、加大幅度为12.5%,卷烟条包的字体高度由现行的6.5毫米加大到不小于7.0毫米,加大幅度为7.7%;(2)警语区域所占面积由现行的不应小于所在面的30%扩大到不应小于35%,扩大幅度为16.7%; (3)警语字体与警语区背景色差值由△Eab≥30增强到△Eab≥40,增强幅度为33.3%)。
Central African Republic AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Cameroon AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Belgium EUR Answer not provided La nouvelle directive européenne 2014/40/UE est dapplication depuis le 20 mai 2016. cela implique des ameliorations en matière de packaging, notamment avertissements incluant photos sur les deux faces principales des paquets de cigarettes, avertissements incluant photos sur le tabac à rouler et le tabac à chichi. Le paquet standardisé est dapplication pour les cigarettes, tabac à rouler et tabac chicha depuis le 1er janvier 2020. La nouvelle directive européenne 2014/40/UE est dapplication depuis le 20 mai 2016. cela implique des ameliorations en matière de packaging, notamment avertissements incluant photos sur les deux faces principales des paquets de cigarettes, avertissements incluant photos sur le tabac à rouler et le tabac à chichi.
Belarus EUR Report not provided Принят и с 15 мая 2016 года вступилт в силу технический регламент Таможенного союза "Технический регламент на табачную продукцию" (ТР ТС 035/2014).     Принят и с 15 мая 2016 года вступилт в силу технический регламент Таможенного союза "Технический регламент на табачную продукцию" (ТР ТС 035/2014).    
Bahrain (Kingdom of) EMR The implementation of plain packaging on tobacco products is currently under study in the GCC specification Authority, if approved by all countries, then Kingdom of Bahrain will adopt it. As Saudi Arabia implemented plain packaging, it will be soon adopted for optional implementation in other GCC Work is in the final stages to update health warnings of tobacco products, also to update packaging and labeling specifications in order to be one step closer to plain packaging.
Bahamas AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Armenia EUR Answer not provided Requirements for packaging and labeling of tobacco products, tobacco product substitutes and labeling shall be established in accordance with the technical safety regulations established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia. Report not provided
Albania EUR All tobacco products sold in Albania are packaged and labelled as stipulated in Article 11. Report not provided Report not provided
Afghanistan EMR Report not provided the Afghanistan tobacco law which was approved by the government requires the labelling as mentioned in article 11 but the law has been changed by Tobacco importers according to the new law there will be no pictorial health warning massage on tobacco product, there will be no health warning massage in local language just there will be one massage on one of international languages but MOPH is trying to change the law to add pictorial health warnings and health warning massages in local languages pectoral and written warning messages are developed , approved by technical committee and high commission for tobacco control, these messages distributed to all relevant ministries such as Ministry of finance, commerce and culture information and interior affair
Uruguay AMR El último avance fue la implementación del empaquetado neutro desde enero de 2020, que se suma a la presentación única por marca vigente desde el 2009. El último avance en este sentido ha sido la implementación del empaquetado neutro desde enero de 2020. En lo referente a los derechos de autor de imágenes y pictogramas, no ha sido igual en todos las rondas. Answer not provided
Philippines WPR Recent laws have provided the Department of Health with the development and issuance of guidelines on graphic health warnings for vapor products, heated tobacco products, and other tobacco products. Aside from the guidelines, the DOH has also released updated templates for the aforementioned products as well as for tobacco products, pursuant to the GHW Law. This year, the DOH is set to release the 5th set of GHW templates for tobacco products. The 1st set of GHW templates for vapor products, heated tobacco products, and novel tobacco products was issued last year (2022), pursuant to the new Vape Law. The DOH released the third set of Graphic Health Warning templates through Administrative Order 2019-0009 for circulation from March 4, 2020 to March 3, 2022 in accordance to Republic Act 10643, “Graphic Health Warning Law” and its Implementing Rules and Regulations. The Graphic Health Warning Law (GHW) in the Philippines was passed in August 2014. The first set of 12 GHW templates was published in March 3, 2015. A Graphic Health Warning Implementing Rules and Regulations was finalized in November 2015 and was published in February 11, 2016. By March 4, 2016, all tobacco product manufacturers are required to adopt the GHW templates in the packaging and labeling of their tobacco products. Since November 2016, all retail stores are required to have displayed tobacco products with GHWs. The 2nd set of the Graphic Health Warnings was published on September 8, 2017 in a major broadsheet.
Papua New Guinea WPR These articles are captures in the Law. Enforcement awaiting endorsement of the regulations Health warnings are on the each packets. The current law provides for pictorial health warnings. It also provides for constituents and emissions Health warnings are on the each packets. The current law provides for pictorial health warnings. It also provides for constituents and emissions
Panama AMR La Ley 13 del 24 de enero 2008 en su Artículo 6 dicta que los paquetes de tabaco deberán aparecer impresas advertencias sanitarias que contengan información sobre los riesgos y daños para la salud de los productos de tabaco. Dichas advertencias ocuparán el cincuenta por ciento (50%) de la cara frontal y posterior del paquete de los productos del tabaco. Estas advertencias han de ser claras, visibles y legibles y rotaran anualmente. Circularán en el mercado nacional cinco clases de advertencias sanitarias, distribuidas proporcionalmente al volumen de envases. Los resultados de la GYTS 2017 indican que cerca de 1 de cada 2 (53.4%) de los jóvenes fumadores pensaron dejar de fumar como consecuencia de las advertencias sanitarias colocadas en los productos de tabaco (chicos: 61.3% -chicas: 47.4%). Estos mensajes impactaron más a los chicos que a las chicas con 13.9 puntos porcentuales por arriba. Aunque como país cumplimos con la obligación establecida en el Convenio, la evidencia científica muestra, que existen aún mejores prácticas que ya están siendo aplicadas por varios Estados Parte, como lo son advertencias de mayor tamaño, y disposiciones relativas a evitar que el empaquetado sea atractivo o engañe a los consumidores. En 2019 hubo un proyecto de Ley (Proyecto de Ley 136) que tenía entre sus objetivos incluir disposiciones sobre empaquetado sencillo e incrementar de 50% a 80% el tamaño de las advertencias sanitarias, sin embargo, dicho proyecto de Ley a solicitud del Ministerio de Salud fue objeto de un veto parcial de la Presidencia por no cumplir con las disposiciones del CMCT y sus Directrices, de hecho el articulado referente al empaquetado sencillo fue eliminado durante el segundo debate. En la actualidad aparece impreso en los paquetes de cigarrillos el contenido tóxico de los productos del tabaco de forma cualitativa, especialmente de nicotina y el alquitrán, así como el contenido de sus emisiones, en especial el monóxido de carbono y el benzopireno, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en las directrices del Articulo 11. Igualmente se exigen advertencias sanitarias en otros productos de tabaco, cigarros, papelillos de tabaco y otros. En el país está prohibida la comercialización de los sistemas electrónicos de administración de nicotina y sin nicotina, como también los productos de tabaco calentados por lo que las advertencias sanitarias en estos productos no son aplicables. La meta propuesta es lograr un aumento del tamaño de las advertencias sanitarias más allá del 50 % de las superficies principales, como también la implementación del empaquetado neutro, para tales efectos existe una propuesta que ha sido consultada técnicamente con el Secretariado, con la OMS y con la OPS. Por otra parte, debe indicarse que el MNSA continúa diseñando las advertencias sanitarias y sus pictogramas mismos que rotan anualmente de conformidad con lo establecido en la legislación vigente. La Dirección General de Salud Pública (DIGESA) cuenta con una disposición que establece el procedimiento de aprobación de las advertencias sanitarias, mismas que deben ser sometidas a la consideración de la DIGESA, según lo establece la normativa nacional. Este es un proceso que inicia con la solicitud de la industria a la Dirección General de Salud Pública, ente que solicita asesoría técnica de la Comisión Nacional de Control de Tabaco en Panamá, quien emite concepto técnico que es comunicado a los solicitantes mediante resolución debidamente fundamentada. Por este motivo, el MINSA ha sido objeto de 3 amparos de garantías constitucionales todos ya han sido resueltos por la Corte Suprema de Justicia a favor del MINSA. Detalles de las imágenes utilizadas en el PP Advertencias Sanitarias. Panamá – Rondas 1 a 11 – 2022. Resolución 2569 de 2021. Advertencias Sanitarias. Gaceta Oficial. PP. Experiencia de litigios nacionales relacionados con el control de tabaco en Panamá Resolución No.1678 de 11 de junio 2021. Procedimiento para la presentación y aprobación de advertencias y pictogramas. Ubicar en El proyecto de Ley 136 tenía entre sus objetivos incluir disposiciones sobre empaquetado sencillo e incrementar de 50% a 80% el tamaño de las advertencias sanitarias, sin embargo dicho proyecto de Ley fue aprobado en tercer debate pero su contenido no cumplía con las disposiciones del CMCT y sus directrices, por lo que a solicitud del Ministerio de Salud fue vetada parcialmente por la Presidencia de la República en junio de 2019. De hecho, el proyecto de Ley 136 aprobado en tercer debate eliminaba los artículos referentes al empaquetado sencillo. En el año 2018 se recibieron 9 solicitudes, de las cuales 2 fueron objetadas y 7 aprobadas. En el año 2019 se realizaron 18 tramitaciones de las cuales 11 fueron objetadas, 5 aprobadas y 2 fueron objeto de apelación, manteniéndose la decisión tomada inicialmente. En enero de 2020 s han recibido 8 tramitaciones tres de ellos objetados, uno aprobado y 4 presentaron desistimiento.Este es un proceso que inicia con la solicitud de la industria en a Dirección General de Salud Pública que solicita asesoría técnica de la Comisión Nacional de Control de Tabaco en Panamá, quien emite concepto técnico que es comunicado a los solicitantes mediante resolución debidamente fundamentada. Por este motivo, el MINSA ha sido objeto de 3 amparos de garantías constitucionales dos de los cuales han sido resueltos por la Corte Suprema de Justicia a favor del MINSA y uno se mantiene pendiente de resolver. Fallos en Legislación y demandas. El proyecto de Ley que se encuentra en la Comisión de Salud de la Asamblea Nacional de Diputados contiene disposiciones relativas a empaquetado sencillo e incrementa de 50% a 80% con respecto al tamaño de las advertencias sanitarias. Proyecto de Ley 136: "Artículo 9. Todos los paquetes de cigarrillos que se comercialicen en el territorio nacional tendrán un empaquetado sencillo, manteniendo el nombre de la marca, las advertencias sanitarias con sus respectivos pictogramas y cualquier otra disposición referente al empaquetado y etiquetado de los productos de tabaco establecidas en esta Ley, así como también en la Ley 13 de 24 de enero de 2008. Para cumplir con lo dispuesto en este artículo, se aplicarán los siguientes criterios: 1. El color de todas las cajetillas de cigarrillo será gris mate oscuro uniforme, sin degradación del color consignado con el código html 5B5B5B. 2. La marca será presentada en letra arial blanca, tamaño 20, resaltada en negrita, sin sombreados u otros elementos de diseño. 3. Las forma y el tamaño de los paquetes de cigarrillo será rectangular, de tamaño estándar, por lo que tendrá las siguientes dimensiones: 8Yzcm de alto, 5Yzcm de ancho y 2Yz cm de profundidad. 4. La apertura de las cajetillas de cigarrillos será tipo abatible (jlip-top). No se admitirá el uso de otras formas, como por ejemplo, paquetes más delgados o altos, entre otros. 5. El uso de otros símbolos, logos, colores, diseños no está permitido, con excepción de lo establecido para las advertencias sanitarias y sus respectivos pictogramas. 6. Todas las cajetillas serán de cartón por lo que se prohíbe el uso de cualquier otro tipo de envase, sea de metal o de cualquier otro material. 7. Ningún paquete de cigarrillo podrá contener dispositivos que le permitan hacer ruido, producir un olor, incluir alguna función destinada a cambiar después de la venta al por menor estas o cualquier otra característica de diseño que no haya sido previamente aprobada por el Ministerio de Salud. 8. El cigarrillo será envuelto únicamente en papel blanco liso. 9. No se permite la colocación del logo de la marca, el uso de otros colores u otras características de diseño directamente en los productos de tabaco. Artículo 29. El Artículo 9 de la Ley 13 de 24 de enero de 2008, quedará así: Artículo 9. Las advertencias que deben colocarse de conformidad con lo establecido en esta Ley, contendrán información sobre los riesgos y daños para la salud y ocuparán el ochenta por ciento (80%) de la cara frontal y posterior del paquete de los productos del tabaco. Las mismas serán impresas en el envase y no en el envoltorio exterior desechable. Las advertencias sanitarias se colocarán en la parte superior de los envases, con excepción de la base de estos. El área física será distribuida entre las caras principales y los bordes laterales de los envases. Cuando por las características de diseño del empaquetado de los productos de tabaco, el mismo tenga más de dos caras principales, en todas deberá aparecer el pictograma y el mensaje escrito de la advertencia. Durante cada periodo rotativo circularán en el mercado nacional cinco clases de advertencias sanitarias, distribuidas proporcionalmente al volumen de envases. Artículo 30. El Artículo 11 de la Ley 13 de 24 de enero de 2008, quedará así: Artículo 11. Para la impresión de las imágenes o pictogramas en los paquetes y envases de los productos del tabaco, se utilizará la técnica de separación de colores, y su tamaño mínimo será del sesenta por ciento (60%) del espacio designado para la advertencia sanitaria establecida por el Ministerio de Salud. Cuando se trate de las cajas de madera en las que se empaquen cigarros, puros u otros productos de tabaco, las advertencias sanitarias y sus pictogramas podrán imprimirse en etiquetas que deberán colocarse en forma tal que las mismas no puedan ser removidas durante el proceso de comercialización, incluido el periodo después de su venta al por menor. Estas etiquetas deben ser previamente aprobadas por el Ministerio de Salud." De marzo de 2016 a enero de 2018 la Dirección General de Salud Pública con la asesoría técnica de la Comisión Nacional de Control de Tabaco en Panamá ha aprobado 7 empaquetados de productos de tabaco a solicitud de la IT. Así mismo, ha objetado 16 solicitudes. De estas últimas 5 han sido objeto de apelaciones y recursos de reconsideración habiéndose mantenido la decisión originalmente adoptada. Por este motivo el MINSA ha sido objeto de 3 amparos de garantías constitucionales dos de los cuales han sido resueltos por la Corte Suprema de Justicia a favor del MINSA y uno se mantiene pendiente de resolver. Fallos en El MiNSA ha sugerido algunos cambios al anteproyecto de Ley los cuales se pueden ubicar en:
Palau WPR Answer not provided Amendments to Palau comprehensive tobacco control legislation have been submitted to the congress. Provisions to comply with FCTC Article 11 are included in the amendments. Focus groups were conducted in 2015 to identify the most critical health and social messages to apply to tobacco packaging. Additional focus groups were conducted to gather input prior and finalized the five or six health warnings and respective graphics.There is also ongoing work with respect to legislation which is being drafter and finalized but not yet to the legislature.
Niue WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Montenegro EUR Answer not provided Article25 Every packet of tobacco product for smoking shall have a clear indication of milligrams of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide issued by its use. Data referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article must be printed: 1) in Montenegrin language; 2) in bold, small letters (except for the first letter),black Helvetica letters on the white background of the size providing for covering the largest possible surface intended for warning and indications; 3) on a lateral part of the packaging so that they cover at least 10% of the page they are imprinted on; 4) on a part of the packaging not intended for opening or throwing; 5) so that they are not possible to be removed or destroyed or concealed, blurred or covered by other signs or symbols; and 6) framed with a black frame whose width may not be smaller than 3mm or bigger than 4mm, provided that they do not cover the text or visual part of a combined warning and may not be found on a control excise mark affixed on the tobacco product packaging. IV. LABELLING OF PACKAGING OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS Article40 Trade of tobacco products whose each unit packet and outside packaging is not labelled by health warning related to the harmful effects for people’s health or other harmful effects of its use, including text warnings, combined health warnings, general warnings and informative messages, in accordance with this Law, shall be prohibited. Tobacco product packaging shall be a box or wrapper in which a tobacco product is sold, not counting the transparent wrapper. Unit packaging of a tobacco product is the smallest individual packaging of a tobacco product that is independently placed in the market and outside packaging of a tobacco product is any packaging in which a tobacco product is placed in the market and contains one or more packed pieces of unit packets. Article41 Health warning in unit and outside packaging of a tobacco product shall be imprinted: 1) in Montenegrin language; 2) in the entire surface of a part of the packaging envisaged for the health warnings; 3) without special comments and clarifications: and 4) so that: - it is not possible to be removed, - it is indelible, - it is fully visible, - not partially or totally hidden or interrupted by control tax stamp, price marks, security features, wrappers, jackets, boxes or other items and symbols and - it does not hide and does not interrupt the tax stamp, price mark, tracking signs or security features in unit packaging. The health warning on unit packets of a tobacco product, other than cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco placed in the market in pouches, may be affixed on stickers too, provided that such stickers are irremovable. The health warning on unit packets of cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco shall be surrounded by a black border of a width of 1mm inside the surface area that is reserved for these warnings. The health warning shall remain intact when opening the tobacco product packet other than packets with a flip-top lid, where the health warning may be split when opening the packet, but only in a manner that ensures the graphical integrity and visibility of the text, photographs and cessation information. Article 42 Each unit packet and any outside packaging of tobacco products for smoking shall carry one of the following general warnings: „Smoking kills – quit now” or following information message: „ Tobacco smoke contains over 70 substances known to cause cancer”. For cigarette packets and roll-your-own tobacco in cuboid packets the general warning shall appear on the bottom part of one of the lateral surfaces of the unit packets, and the information message shall appear on the bottom part of the other lateral surface. Width of the general warning and information message referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be not less than 20mm. The general warning and information message shall be affixed: 1) in Montenegrin language; 2) printed in black Helvetica bold type on a white background; and 3) At the centre of the surface reserved for them, and on cuboid packets and any outside packaging they shall be parallel to the lateral edge of the unit packet or of the outside packaging. Article 43 For packets of cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco in the form of a shoulder box with a hinged lid that result in the lateral surfaces being split into two when the packet is open, the general warning and information message shall appear in their entirety on the larger parts of those split surfaces and shall be affixed in the interior side of upper surface that remains visible even after opening of the packaging. Height of the lateral surfaces of tobacco products packaging referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall not be less than 16mm. For roll-your-own tobacco marketed in pouches, in a form of rectangular flip-top lid covering the opening or in a form of a detached pouch, general warning and information message shall appear on the surfaces that ensure their full visibility. For roll-your-own tobacco packets in the market, in cylindrical packets the general warning shall appear on the outside surface of the lid and the information message on the inside surface of the lid and shall cover 50% of surfaces they are affixed to. Article 44 Each unit packet and any outside packaging of tobacco products for smoking shall contain a combined health warning consisting of a photograph or colour illustration and one of the following textual warnings: 1) "Smoking causes 9 out of 10 lung cancers"; 2) "Smoking causes mouth and throat cancer"; 3) "Smoking damages your lungs"; 4) "Smoking causes heart attacks"; 5) "Smoking causes stroke and disability"; 6) "Smoking clogs your arteries"; 7) "Smoking increases the risk of blindness"; 8) "Smoking damages your teeth and gums"; 9) "Smoking can kill your unborn child; 10) "Your smoke harms your children, family and friends"; 11) "Smokers’ children are more likely to start smoking"; 12) "Quit smoking–stay alive for those close to you"; 13) "Smoking reduces fertility"; 14) "Smoking increases the risk of impotence". In addition to the health warnings referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, each unit packet and any outside packaging of tobacco products for smoking shall contain the smoking cessation information (telephone number, e-mail and/or Internet sites intending to inform consumers about the programmes that are available to support persons who want to stop smoking). Warnings referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall change in a manner that each warning shall be displayed in equal numbers on manufactured or sold tobacco products on each brand name during the year. Graphic overview of warnings and other issues relevant for the displaying of combined health warnings shall be stipulated by the Ministry. The picture, position, design, shape and other issues of relevance for the highlighting of combined health warnings are prescribed by the Ministry. Article 45 Combined health warning on unit packet and outside packaging of tobacco products for smoking shall: 1) cover 65% of both the external front and back surface of the unit packet and outside packaging and cylindrical packets shall also display the combined health warnings, equidistant from each other, each covering 65 % of their respective half of the curved surface; 2) show the same text warning and corresponding colour photograph on both sides of the unit packets and any outside packaging; 3) Appear at the top edge of a unit packet and outside packaging and be positioned in the same direction as any other information appearing on that surface of the packaging, directly under the control tax stamp; The combined health warning on unit packet of cigarettes shall have at least 44mm of height and 52mm of width. Dimensions of the health warning shall be determined with reference to the surface of a closed packet of a tobacco product. Article 46 It shall be permitted to place the tobacco products for smoking in the market, except of cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco and waterpipe tobacco without information message referred to in Article 42 of this Law and a combined warning referred to in Article 44 of this Law. In the case referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, each unit packet and any outside packaging of a tobacco product for smoking shall carry one of the general warnings referred to in Article 42 of this Law and one of the text warnings and information referred to in Article 44 of this Law. The health warnings referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be displayed on the most visible surface, and text warnings on another most visible surface of unit packet and outside packaging of a tobacco product and shall change so that every text warning is displayed in equal numbers of manufactured or sold tobacco products, on each brand of these products throughout the year. The next most visible surface of a unit packet of a tobacco product with a hinged lid is the one that becomes visible when the packet is open. The health warnings referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall: 1) be affixed in accordance with Article 41 paragraph 4 of this Law; 2) be in a parallel position; and 3) be surrounded by a black border of a width of no less than 3mm and not more than 4 mm, which appears outside the surface reserved for the health warnings. The textual warning referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article must cover 40% of the specified area of the unit packet and each outside packing tobacco products. The textual warning referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, located on an area greater than 150 cm morade, covers an area of 45 cm2. Article 47 Each unit packet and any outside packaging of smokeless tobacco products shall carry the following health warning: „This tobacco product damages your health and is addictive” which shall: 1) be affixed on at least one of the largest sides; 2) cover 30% of surface where it is affixed; and 3) be affixed in accordance with Article 42 paragraph 4 of this Law. Article 48 It shall be prohibited to affix the label or characteristics of a tobacco product (text, symbol, name, trademark, figurative or other signs) on unit packet and outside packaging of tobacco products for smoking, that: 1) promotes a tobacco product or encourages its consumption by creating an erroneous impression about its characteristics, health effects, risks or emissions and information about the nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide contents; 2) suggests that a particular tobacco product is less harmful than others or aims to reduce the effect of some harmful components of smoke or has vitalizing, energetic, healing, rejuvenating, natural, organic properties or has other health or lifestyle benefits; 3) refers to taste, smell, any flavourings or other additives or the absence thereof; 4) refers to resemblance to food or cosmetic products; 5) suggests that a certain tobacco product has improved biodegradability or other environmental advantages; 6) suggests that smoking of a particular type of class of a tobacco product is less harmful than the others, that filters or other ingredients of a tobacco product make it less harmful than the others not having these ingredients and other labels of similar content; and 7) stimulates economic benefits for consumers (printed vouchers, offering discounts, free distribution, two-for-one or similar offers). Article 49 Unit packet of cigarettes shall have a cuboid shape or any other shape if size of a health warning is not decreased and unit packet of roll-your-own tobacco shall be in a square, cylindrical or pouch shape. A unit packet of cigarettes placed in the market shall include at least 20 cigarettes and single unit packet of roll-your-own tobacco at least 30 grams of tobacco. A unit packet of cigarettes may be made of carton or any soft material and shall not have an opening that can be re-closed or re-sealed after it is first opened, other than the flip-top lid and shoulder box with a hinged lid that can be hinged only at the back of the unit packet. Images and icons for the marking of cigarette packs can be used from the available sources of WHO. In relation to the Law on limitation use of tobacco products inclusion of image provides warnings on the harmful effects of tobacco products. In addition, increasing the surface to be occupying a warning on the packaging from 30% to 40% of packaging “In the Article 9: "Market of tobacco products is not allowed, except snuff and tobacco chewing, which do not have a warning printed on a combination that consists of color photographs or other illustrations, and one of the following warning, namely: ". Paragraph 2 is amended to read: "A warning referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article has to cover at least 40% of the best visual surface on one side or the other 30% of individual packages of tobacco products Paragraph 3: "Imagery warnings prescribed by the Ministry." In Article 12,: "The data referred to in Article 8 paragraph 1 of this Act and warnings from Article 9 paragraph 1 of this Law must be in the Montenegrin language, and framed with black frame, which width may be less than 3 mm or greater than 4 mm, but that may not cover the text or visual part of the combined warning. Each individual package of tobacco products must be marked with serial number or any other appropriate manner, in order to identification place and time of production. "
Mexico AMR En México, de conformidad con la Ley General para el Control de Tabaco, en los paquetes de productos del tabaco y en todo empaquetado y etiquetado externo de los mismos, deberán figurar leyendas y pictogramas o imágenes de advertencia que muestren los efectos nocivos del consumo de los productos del tabaco, los cuales deberán ser de alto impacto, rotativos y establecidos por la Secretaría de Salud. Estos se actualizan periódicamente en base a un análisis de impacto entre los diversos grupos poblacionales y en base en la mejor evidencia científica disponible. En este sentido, durante el bienio anterior se incluyeron mensajes, imágenes y advertencias sanitarias sobre COVID-19, resaltando que el tabaquismo representa en México la cuarta comorbilidad en pacientes infectados o fallecidos a causa de dicha enfermedad, los cuales fueron bien recibidos por la población en términos de impacto. Para la última ronda publicada el 28 de noviembre de 2017, se puede ver que los textos científicos tienen relación con la imagen que se presenta y en la descripción de cómo los tóxicos presentes en los productos de tabaco afectan al organismo. Además incorpora la leyenda “La Secretaría de Salud Informa”, que en acuerdos anteriores se dejó de implementar. Cuenta con 10 advertencias en la que destaca la selección de imágenes en función al grupo de mujeres jóvenes por ser el tipo de población con mayor aumento en el consumo de tabaco en los últimos años. Para la última ronda publicada el 28 de noviembre de 2017, se puede ver que los textos científicos tienen relación con la imagen que se presenta y en la descripción de cómo los tóxicos presentes en los productos de tabaco afectan al organismo. Además incorpora la leyenda “La Secretaría de Salud Informa”, que en acuerdos anteriores se dejó de implementar. Cuenta con 10 advertencias en la que destaca la selección de imágenes en función al grupo de mujeres jóvenes por ser el tipo de población con mayor aumento en el consumo de tabaco en los últimos años.
Malta EUR Answer not provided Report not provided The Tobacco Products Directive 2014/40/EU has been transposed – LN67/2016 (Manufacture, Presentation and Sale of Tobacco and Related Products Regulations, 2016).
Latvia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Kyrgyzstan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Kenya AFR we are in the process of reviewing our GHW to change the graphics and hopefully increase size and move to plain packaging Report not provided Answer not provided
Japan WPR Answer not provided Tobacco products will be required to be under the following regulations from April 1, 2020. ・ The health warnings occupy no less than 50% of the principal display areas. ・ The Colour of font is black or white. ・ Make the border line thicker for clearness ・ Display the health warnings of prohibition of underage smoking in the principal display areas. ・ Add 3(three) types of the health warnings and rotate 11(eleven) types of the health warnings a year. Answer not provided
Iceland EUR Answer not provided Ongoing preparation for implementing European directive 2014/40 ESB A data set of the new pictorial warnings have been laid out with text warnings in Icelandic language and are in preparation stage. Ongoing preparation for implementing European directive 2014/40 ESB A data set of the new pictorial warnings have been laid out with text warnings in Icelandic language and are in preparation stage.
Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Germany EUR Answer not provided Implementation of TPD. Implementation of TPD.
Georgia EUR In the past two years, a new rule for placing health warnings on the packaging of tobacco products was adopted, which included the obligation to put textual health warnings on heated and other novel tobacco products. Also, the legislation stipulates that from January 1, 2025, the medical warning on the packaging of these products must also include a pictorial warning as well. According to the tobacco control legislation there is provision requiring that the medical warnings on the packaging of tobacco products should not be less than 65 percent of the total area of the page. In the case of smokeless tobacco it should not be less than 30 per cent of the total area. The right to use the pictorial Health warnings was generously provided by the Canadian and Australia governments. Depiction of the amount of the emissions on the packaging of tobacco products is still not prohibited. From January 2023 according to the new tobacco control law it is required to introduce standardized tobacco packaging. According to the newly adopted tobacco control legislation there is provision requiring the increase of health warnings up to 60% of the whole surface of manufactured tobacco products packages and to make depiction of pictorial health warnings mandatory. The right to use the pictorial Health warnings was generously provided by the Canadian and Australia governments. Depiction of the amount of the emissions on the packaging of tobacco products is still not prohibited. The provision to depict largs size pictorial health warnings enters into force from September 1, 2018. From January 2023 according to the new tobacco control law it is required to introduce standardized tobacco packaging.
Gabon AFR Depuis Septembre 2019, un travail préliminaire consistant à : 1) identifier les images qui devraient figurer sur les paquets de cigarettes, 2) élaborer le guide d'apposition des averstissements sanitaires graphiques, 3) éffectuer un plaidoyer auprès des autorités en vue de la validation de ce processus, a été réalisé par l'équipe du Programme National accompagnée de l'OMS et se poursuit. Le décret sur le conditionnement a été publié; un atelier d’élaboration sur les avertissements sanitaires graphiques a été réalisé. Les images à faire apparaître sur les paquets de cigarette ont été sélectionnées, il reste à les imposer aux fabricants et importateurs de produits du tabac. le décret portant sur le conditionnement a été publié; un atelier délaboration sur les avertissements sanitaires graphiques a été réalisé
Zimbabwe AFR Report not provided This is being implemented as documented in the Statutory Instrument 264 of 2002 Public Health ( Tobacco Control ) Regulations of 2002 This is being implemented as documented in the Statutory Instrument 264 of 2002 Public Health ( Tobacco Control ) Regulations of 2002
Spain EUR Answer not provided Las advertencias combinadas (imágenes y texto) deben cubrir el 65% de las caras anterior y posterior en el caso de los cigarrillos y el tabaco de liar. Según el artículo 15.2 del RD 579/2017 las unidades de envasado y el embalaje exterior de los productos del tabaco para fumar deben incluir el mensaje informativo "El humo del tabaco contiene más de 70 sustancias cancerígenas". Se establecen las dimensiones mínimas de las advertencias y se eliminan los envases pequeños para determinados productos del tabaco. Se excluyen todo tipo de elementos promocionales o engañosos sobre los productos del tabaco. Las advertencias combinadas (imágenes y texto) deben cubrir el 65% de las caras anterior y posterior en el caso de los cigarrillos y el tabaco de liar. Según el artículo 15.2 del RD 579/2017 las unidades de envasado y el embalaje exterior de los productos del tabaco para fumar deben incluir el mensaje informativo "El humo del tabaco contiene más de 70 sustancias cancerígenas". Se establecen las dimensiones mínimas de las advertencias y se eliminan los envases pequeños para determinados productos del tabaco. Se excluyen todo tipo de elementos promocionales o engañosos sobre los productos del tabaco.
South Africa AFR Answer not provided Report not provided Improved Regulations drafted for approval to be publish for public comment. - Final decision, to await amendment of the Tobacco Products Control Act.
Czechia EUR No progress. Act No. 110/1997 Coll. on Foodstuffs and Tobacco Products, on the amendment and additions to some related acts, as amended subsequently, and related decree No. 261/2016 Coll., on tobacco products, apply. The revision of the mentioned law was finished in 2016. Main reason was the transposition of Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products and repealing Directive 2001/37/EC, to the national law. The Directive includes among others provisions regarding regulation of tobacco packaging and labelling. For example combined health warnings on tobacco products are after the transposition required. Act No. 110/1997 Coll. on Foodstuffs and Tobacco Products, on the amendment and additions to some related acts, as amended subsequently, and related decree No. 261/2016 Coll., on tobacco products, apply. This is a national law implementing the current EU Tobacco Products Directive (Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products and repealing Directive 2001/37/EC), which has been revised accordingly following the transposition of the Directive. Transposition process of the Directive to the aforementioned law was finished in 2016. The Directive, inter alia, provisions regarding regulation of tobacco packaging and labelling. For example combined health warnings on tobacco products are after the transposition required.
Republic of North Macedonia EUR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Türkiye EUR Answer not provided The Law No. 7151 "Amendments to Certain Health Related Laws and Decrees Having the Force of Law", among others, also amends Law No. 4207 "Law on the Prevention and Control of the Harmful Effects of Tobacco Products" in line with the plain packaging requirements. In this context, Article 24 stipulates that the requirement in relation to the minimum percentage of the surface to be covered with pictorial warnings and text warnings regarding the harmful effects of tobacco products to be placed on each of the two largest surfaces of the packages, was increased from sixty-five percent to eighty-five percent. Moreover, in accordance with the amendments foreseen in Article 24, tobacco products produced in Turkey or imported to Turkey shall be introduced to the market in the form of plain and standard package format, designed as one type including the way in which the brand is written, the font and the size of the brand, its position on the package, the color of packages, other texts, signs and figures. The brand shall also be written only on one surface of the package, and not exceeding five percent of this surface. The logo, symbol, or other marks of the brand cannot be placed on the packages. These rules shall also apply to tobacco products boxes that contain more than one package. The law came into force on 05/01/2020 Answer not provided
Yemen EMR Answer not provided Report not provided تحديث المواصفة المُرفقة
Togo AFR Answer not provided La loi antitabac adoptée en décembre 2010 réglémente en ses articles 4 à 7 le conditionnement et létiquetage du tabac et de ses produits dérivés et le décret N° 2012-047/PR portant modalité d’application des normes relatives au conditionnement et à l’étiquetage des produits du tabac et ses produits dérivés. La loi antitabac adoptée en décembre 2010 réglémente en ses articles 4 à 7 le conditionnement et létiquetage du tabac et de ses produits dérivés et le décret N° 2012-047/PR portant modalité d’application des normes relatives au conditionnement et à l’étiquetage des produits du tabac et ses produits dérivés.
Senegal AFR Answer not provided -Prise de larrêté n° 18416 du 08 décembre 2016 relatif aux avertissements sanitaires; - Etablissement dune charte graphique; - Choix des images et pré-testing de ses images; - Notification des directives à lindustrie du tabac; - Validation des artworks et des échantillons portant les avertissements sanitaires avant leur mise sur le marché. -Prise de larrêté n° 18416 du 08 décembre 2017 relatif aux avertissements sanitaires; - Etablissement dune charte graphique; - Choix des images et pré-testing de ses images; - Notification des directives à lindustrie du tabac; - Validation des artworks et des échantillons portant les avertissements sanitaires avant leur mise sur le marché.
San Marino EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Romania EUR According to Law no 201/2016 legal provisions were established for labelling requirements. in accordance with EU legislation. Report not provided Report not provided
Republic of Moldova EUR Answer not provided By the Law nr.278 introduced from 1 of January 2018 of pictorials, health warnings which occupy 65% or more of the principal display area. Law nr.278 provides the introduction since 1January 2018 of pictorials, health warnings should occupy 65% or more of the principal display area.
India SEA The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has notified new rules on pictorial health warnings, as per which the pictorial warnings shall be placed on both front and back sides of tobacco product packages and on 85% of the principal display areas. The new rules have been enforced from 1st December, 2022. The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has notified new rules on pictorial health warnings, as per which the pictorial warnings shall be placed on both front and back sides of tobacco product packages and on 85% of the principal display areas. The new rules have been enforced from 1st September, 2018. For the first time, the Tobacco Quitline Number has been added on the tobacco product packs. The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has notified new rules on pictorial health warnings, as per which the pictorial warnings shall be placed on both front and back sides of tobacco product packages and on 85% of the principal display areas. The new rules have been enforced from 1st September, 2018. For the first time, the Tobacco Quitline Number has been added on the tobacco product packs.
Ireland EUR The Public Health (Standardised Packaging of Tobacco) Act 2015 was enacted in March 2015 and Regulations made under this legislation were signed in September, 2017. Tobacco products labelling and packaging is also regulated under the EU Tobacco Products Directive which was transposed in Irish law in 2016. The Public Health (Standardised Packaging of Tobacco) Act 2015 was enacted in March 2015 and Regulations made under this legislation were signed in September, 2017. From September 2017 all cigarettes and all other tobacco products manufactured must be in standardised packaging. From September 2018 all tobacco products sold in retail outlets must be in standardised packaging. Wide compliance with measures have been observed and the measure has been shown to enjoy levels of public support, with more than 71% of responding supporting the measures in 2018. The Public Health (Standardised Packaging of Tobacco) Act 2015 was enacted in March 2015 and Regulations made under this legislation were signed in September, 2017. From September 2017 all cigarettes and all other tobacco products manufactured must be in standardised packaging. From September 2018 all tobacco products sold in retail outlets must be in standardised packaging
Italy EUR none The Legislative decree n.6/2016 adopted the European Directive 40/2014/UE which regulate packaging and labelling of tobacco products and cigarettes. In the period 2018-2019 the two competent authorities (ministry of health and ministry of finance) are monitoring the compliance of the products to the law. The Legislative decree n.6/2016 adopted the European Directive 40/2014/UE which regulate packaging and labelling of tobacco products and cigarettes. In the period 2016-2017 we are verifying the compliance of the products to the law.
Nepal SEA The tobacco industry had been opposing the policy provision especially packaging and labelling of tobacco products by filing the petition at supreme court. However, the verdict from the supreme court is in favor of the tobacco control policies. Final verdict of Supreme Court received for complete and effective implementation of Directive for Printing and Labeling of Warning Message and Graphics in the Boxes, Packets, Wrappers, Carton, Parcels and Packaging of Tobacco Products on December 29, 2013 and government has instructed industries to act responsibly. The Government announced in October 2015 that tobacco packages in Nepal will carry pictorial health warnings covering 90% of the main surface areas, up from the previous 75% All tobacco products packets with pictorial health warnings can be seen in the market. Final verdict of Supreme Court received for complete and effective implementation of Directive for Printing and Labeling of Warning Message and Graphics in the Boxes, Packets, Wrappers, Carton, Parcels and Packaging of Tobacco Products on December 29, 2013 and government has instructed industries to act responsibly. Samples of tobacco products packets with pictorial health warnings are seen and are in the process of sending in markets for sale.
Iran (Islamic Republic of) EMR Under WHO FCTC2030 project, an entity is working to develop new picture and message warnings to renew the current warning images. At the same time the national committee is establishing under leadership of MOH to finalize pictorial health warnings and incorporating protocol of plain packaging on tobacco products. No progress. We just developed the national guidelines on plain packaging but due to the COVID 19, we were not success to conduct intersectoral meeting to finalize it. Plain Packaging was approved by the HQ and we got the president approval in 2019. Study on effectiveness of warning pictures has been accomplished and is in the process of insertion on tobacco packages plain packaging is also under progress of getting approval from relevant authorities
Iraq EMR Answer not provided The new update in tobacco product regulations adopted by Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control refer to increase the size of pictorial health warning from 30% to 40% on the front and back of packages. Answer not provided
Israel EUR Report not provided Each tobacco and smoking product (including HTP, e-cigarettes and Herbal) must design its packs according to the law requirements, including: - Plain/uniformed/standardized pack in Panton 448C color, without any logos or brands colors. - Health textual warnings on both sides, in the two official languages and: for tobacco products (including HTP) - 65% of the two main areas of the pack, 12 different warnings in rotation. for electronic cigarettes - 30% of the two main areas of the pack, one warning. for Herbal product for smoking - 30% of the two main areas of the pack, one warning. Report not provided