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Party Region 2023 2020 2018
Sudan EMR Answer not provided تم وضع لوائح لقانون 2005 و سياسة للتعامل مع مصانع التبغ تحت التوقيع تفرض الافصاح عن منتجات التبغ و مكوناته Answer not provided
Suriname AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided In the past years since the submission of our last report in 2016, Suriname did not made any progress in the implementation of Article 10. Suriname is still using the same measures for public disclosure of information about the toxic constituents of the tobacco products and the emissions that they may produce. Currently we are still in a process of developing new measures and we are hoping to start with the implementation in 2019.
Sweden EUR Answer not provided No progress. No implement conserning effective measures to ensure that the public is informed of the toxic substances in the tobacco products and the emissions that they may give rise to has been made. In Excel files, published on the webbsite, have the tobacco products that have been reported to the Public Health Authority been listed. No progress.
Syrian Arab Republic EMR Answer not provided تم تعديل المواصفات القياسي السورية الناظممة للموضوع بمايتناسب مع الاتفاقية والمرسوم التشريعي رقم 62 لعام 2009 بشأن مكافحة التدخين تم تعديل المواصفات القياسي السورية الناظممة للموضوع بمايتناسب مع الاتفاقية والمرسوم التشريعي رقم 62 لعام 2009 بشأن مكافحة التدخين
Tajikistan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Thailand SEA The manufacturer or importer of tobacco products have the duty to send the sample of the tobacco products to the Ministry of Public Health for examination and disclosure to the public as informed in accordance with the criteria, procedures and conditions prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations under TPCA 2017. The manufacturer or importer of tobacco products have the duty to send the sample of the tobacco products to the Ministry of Public Health for examination and disclosure to the public as informed in accordance with the criteria, procedures and conditions prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations under TPCA 2017. According to the Tobacco Control Products Act 2560 (BE 2560), The manufacturer or importer of tobacco products have the duty to send the sample of the tobacco products to the Ministry of Public Health for examination and disclosure to the public as informed in accordance with the criteria, procedures and conditions prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.
Timor-Leste SEA Report not provided Report not provided The new national decree law has been regulated of tobacco product disclosure.
Tonga WPR Answer not provided Remains the same as in the last Report. Its clearly stated in the Regulation and Act but not enforced. Remains the same as in the last Report 2016. Its clearly stated in the Regulation and Act but not enforced.
Trinidad and Tobago AMR Manufacturers and importers continue to provide information specifically related to the quantities of the contents of their tobacco products. These contents are carbon monoxide, tar and nicotine. As it pertains to enforcement efforts, it is also mandatory that this information is detailed on tobacco packs. Tobacco manufacturer and importers continue to report the contents of their tobacco products. Answer not provided
Tunisia EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Turkmenistan EUR Answer not provided Согласно Закону Туркменистана «Об охране здоровья граждан от воздействия табачного дыма и последствий потребления табачных изделий» статье 22 в начале 2014 года была подготовлена и утверждена отчетная форма по ингредиентам, по форме которой все изготовители и импортеры табачных изделий 1 раз в год обязаны предоставлять уполномоченному органу отчет. по ингредиентам, содержащихся в табачных изделиях Согласно Закону Туркменистана «Об охране здоровья граждан от воздействия табачного дыма и последствий потребления табачных изделий» статье 22 в начале 2014 года была подготовлена и утверждена отчетная форма по ингредиентам, по форме которой все изготовители и импортеры табачных изделий 1 раз в год обязаны предоставлять уполномоченному органу отчет. по ингредиентам, содержащихся в табачных изделиях
Tuvalu WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Uganda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ukraine EUR "Article 111. Reporting of ingredients and emissions of tobacco products Every year, no later than 1 February of the year following the report, every manufacture or importer of tobacco products submits to the central executive body for the oversight of the medical and epidemiological welfare of the population a reporting in the electronic form on the ingredients of tobacco products destined to be sold on the customs territory of Ukraine for each brand name and type: 1) a list of all ingredients and quantities thereof used in the manufacture of the tobacco products in descending order of the weight of each ingredient included in the products; 2) the emission levels of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide; 3) information on other emissions and their levels (where available). The list of the ingredients shall also be accompanied with: 1) the statement of reasons for the inclusion of ingredients in relevant tobacco products; 2) the relevant toxicological data regarding these ingredients in burnt or unburnt form, as appropriate, referring in particular to their effects on the health of consumers and taking into account, inter alia, any addictive effects. Manufacturers and importers of tobacco products shall indicate the methods used to measure emissions to the central executive body for the oversight of the medical and epidemiological welfare of the population. The emissions of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide are measured using such government standards: DSTU ISO 4387 for tar; DSTU ISO 10315 for nicotine; DSTU ISO 8454 for carbon monoxide. The accuracy of the data on emissions of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide shall be determined on the basis of the method in accordance with DSTU ISO standard 8243:2009. Determination of emissions of nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide is carried out by accredited laboratories in accordance with an appropriate list approved by the central executive body for the oversight of consumer protection. Manufacturers or importers of cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco shall submit a technical document, setting out a general description of the additives used and their properties. The central executive body for the oversight of the medical and epidemiological welfare of the population shall publish the information referred to this Article on its official website, other than confidential information restricted by manufacturer or importer in accordance with the Law. Manufacturers and importers of tobacco products shall submit to the central executive body for the oversight of the medical and epidemiological welfare of the population: 1) internal and external studies available to them on market research and preferences of various consumer groups, including young people and current smokers, relating to ingredients and emissions, as well as executive summaries of any market surveys they carry out when launching novel tobacco products; 2) their sales volumes per brand and type, reported by stating the number of individual units or in kilograms, on a yearly basis no later than February 1st of the year following the report. Manufactures and importers of herbal products for smoking shall submit to the central executive body for the oversight of the medical and epidemiological welfare of the population a list of all ingredients and quantities thereof used in manufacture of such products by brand name and type. This information shall be published on the official website of the central executive body for the oversight of the medical and epidemiological welfare of the population, other than confidential information restricted by manufacturer or importer in accordance with the Law. The central executive body for the oversight of the medical and epidemiological welfare of the population lays down the detailed conditions on the reporting procedures"; Answer not provided Answer not provided
United Arab Emirates EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland EUR Answer not provided The Tobacco and Related Products Regulations 2016 covers provisions for the regulation of tobacco product disclosures and continues to be enforced. The EU Tobacco Products Directive has been transposed into UK law through the Tobacco and Related Products Regulations 2016. This legislation covers provisions for the regulation of tobacco product disclosures.
United Republic of Tanzania AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Uzbekistan EUR За последние два года не имеется прогресс в отношении регулирования раскрытия состава табачных изделий. Report not provided Report not provided
Vanuatu WPR none Amendment regulations of 2016 to the Tobacco Control Act of 2008 Report not provided
Venezuela AMR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Viet Nam WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Zambia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Russian Federation EUR 19 мая 2022 г. Решением Совета Евразийской экономической комиссии № 82 утверждена Форма отчета о составе реализованных на территории государства-члена Евразийского экономического союза в течение отчетного календарного года табачных изделий и выделяемых ими веществах. Форма отчета предназначена для использования в пяти государствах-членах ЕАЭС – Армении, Беларуси, Казахстане, Кыргызстане и России. Форма отчета предполагает представление информации: - о составе курительных табачных изделий (табаке и ингредиентах, добавляемых к табаку, а также об ингредиентах, содержащихся в нетабачных материалах); - о содержании смолы, никотина и монооксида углерода в дыме сигарет. Для того, чтобы производители начали предоставлять отчет по утвержденной форме, на уровне отдельной страны необходимо введение электронной системы, обеспечивающей конфиденциальность передачи и хранения представляемых в составе отчета данных. В соответствии с пунктом 16 Технического регламента Таможенного союза «Технический регламент на табачную продукцию» (ТР ТС 035/2014) проходит процесс утверждения в Евразийской экономической комиссии проект формы отчета о составе реализованных на территории государства-члена Евразийского экономического союза в течение отчетного календарного года табачных изделий и выделяемых ими веществах. Проект отчета позволит получить от изготовителей и импортеров табачной продукции информацию о полном составе табачных изделий и выделяемых ими продуктов, а также об их токсичности и аддиктивности, что позволит использовать эту информацию при разработке и реализации соответствующих мер, направленных на противодействие потреблению табака. Report not provided
Rwanda AFR Report not provided Report not provided The ministerial orders on Regulation of tobacco product disclosures are still under development by the Ministry of trade and industry
Saint Kitts and Nevis AMR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Saint Lucia AMR Answer not provided Compulsory tobacco product labelling was introduced in Saint Lucia in August 16, 2017. Graphic labels are now required on all tobacco products for local consumption. The label must cover 50% of the package back and front and must declare the contents of the product. Also must contain the Declaration of harm on all packages which must be bold in colour (eg black font on yellow background) and placed on the side of the package. Deceptive labels pertaining to low tar etc are banned. Compulsory tobacco product labelling was introduced in Saint Lucia in August 16, 2017. Graphic labels are now required on all tobacco products for local consumption. The label must cover 50% of the package back and front and must declare the contents of the product. Also must contain the Declaration of harm on all packages which must be bold in colour (eg black font on yellow background) and placed on the side of the package. Deceptive labels pertaining to low tar etc are banned.
Samoa WPR Answer not provided Tobacco companies are required to carry out testing of their products every calendar year and they submit a report to the MoH with the verified report from the WHO accredited Laboratory. Tobacco companies are required to carry out testing of their products every calendar year and they submit a report to the MoH with the verified report from the WHO accredited Laboratory.
Sao Tome and Principe AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Saudi Arabia EMR Answer not provided - نص نظام مكافحة التدخين انه لا يفسح للتبغ ومشتاقته بشكل نهائي الا بعد تحليل عينات منه في المختبرات التي تحددها اللائحه التنفيذية للتأكد من مطابقتها للمواصفات وقد حددت الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء لتكون الجهة المنوط بها انشاء هذه المختبرات - نص نظام مكافحة التدخين انه لا يفسح للتبغ ومشتاقته بشكل نهائي الا بعد تحليل عينات منه في المختبرات التي تحددها اللائحه التنفيذية للتأكد من مطابقتها للمواصفات وقد حددت الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء لتكون الجهة المنوط بها انشاء هذه المختبرات
Serbia EUR No progress was made since the latest FCTC 2020 Report. There is no progress since the latest FCTC Report 2018. No progress since 2016.
Seychelles AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Sierra Leone AFR Answer not provided No policy has been put in place yet requiring the importers of tobacco products to disclose to Governmental authorities information about the contents and emissions of those products. Consequently, such information is not available to the public, with the exception of imported tobacco products containing such information due to the regulations in the countries from which they originate. No policy has been put in place yet requiring the importers of tobacco products to disclose to Governmental authorities information about the contents and emissions of those products. Consequently, such information is not available to the public, with the exception of imported tobacco products containing such information due to the regulations in the countries from which they originate.
Singapore WPR Answer not provided Nil. Nil.
Slovakia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Slovenia EUR Report not provided Report not provided Slovenia has transposed the DIRECTIVE 2014/40/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products and repealing Directive 2001/37/EC.
Solomon Islands WPR Report not provided As per provisions in the Tobacco Control Regulations 2013, the manufacturing companies operating in country have been submitting their disclosure reports to the Ministry of Health by the 31st of March every following year. This has been going on since 2015 and we have been getting the disclosure reports. However, one of the manufacturing companies have not submitted their disclosure report this March yet and we are on their case with penalties to be put forward pending their explanation of their non / late submission. As per provisions in the Tobacco Control Regulations 2013, the manufacturing companies operating in country have been submitting their disclosure reports to the Ministry of Health by the 31st of March every following year. This has been going on since 2015 and we have been getting the disclosure reports. However, one of the manufacturing companies have not submitted their disclosure report this March yet and we are on their case with penalties to be put forward pending their explanation of their non / late submission.
Sri Lanka SEA Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Nigeria AFR Answer not provided The Nigerian Industrial Standard for tobacco and tobacco products has provision that requires every manufacturer, distributor or importer operating in Nigeria to submit to Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) within the month of December of each year under reference, in print or in electronic form, the following information in addition to requirements in Appendix A; -General product information -Cigarette design features -Tobacco chemistry. -Smoke chemistry (See details in clauses 4, 5 and Appendix A of the Standard) The Nigerian Industrial Standard for tobacco and tobacco products has provision that requires every manufacturer, distributor or importer operating in Nigeria to submit to Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) within the month of December of each year under reference, in print or in electronic form, the following information in addition to requirements in Appendix A; -General product information -Cigarette design features -Tobacco chemistry. -Smoke chemistry (See details in clauses 4, 5 and Appendix A of the Standard)
Norway EUR Cf. answer to C235 There is an ongoing process implementing the EU Tobacco Products Directive 2014/40/EU that will contribute to the regulation of tobacco product disclosures. Entry into force in Norway expected January 2020. There is an ongoing process implementing the EU Tobacco Products Directive 2014/40/EU that will contribute to the regulation of tobacco product disclosures. Entry into force in Norway expected January 2019.
Oman EMR تم تحديد كية النيكوتين والقار في السجائر المباعة لا يوجد لا يوجد
Pakistan EMR Report not provided Finance Act 2005 prescribes that no cigarettes factory shall clear cigarettes unless they conform to the health standards prescribed by the federal government. This provision has not been operationalized in view of the absence of internationally accredited laboratory system capable of accurately testing and reporting tobacco products in Pakistan. GoP is actively following international developments on the matter. We are also looking forward to the evolution of the proposed global database regarding tobacco product contents and emission disclosure. We are considering the option of earmarking special funds to set up internationally accredited laboratory in Pakistan to test the contents and emissions, as has been done by some countries in the Region Finance Act 2005 prescribes that no cigarettes factory shall clear cigarettes unless they conform to the health standards prescribed by the federal government. This provision has not been operationalized in view of the absence of internationally accredited laboratory system capable of accurately testing and reporting tobacco products in Pakistan. GoP is actively following international developments on the matter. We are also looking forward to the evolution of the proposed global database regarding tobacco product contents and emission disclosure. We are considering the option of earmarking special funds to set up internationally accredited laboratory in Pakistan to test the contents and emissions, as has been done by some countries in the Region
Paraguay AMR Dicho trabajo se realiza en conjunto con la Dirección Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria, organismo encargado de solicitar a las empresas dicha información. La Ley Nº 5538/15 en su Capitulo VIII Articulo 23, inciso f) los fabricantes deberán proveer a la autoridad sanitaria y al publico acerca de los ingredientes utilizados en los productos elaborados con tabaco. No se ha avanzado en este aspecto en los últimos años La Ley Nº 5538/15 en su Capitulo VIII Articulo 23, inciso f) los fabricantes deberán proveer a la autoridad sanitaria y al publico acerca de los ingredientes utilizados en los productos elaborados con tabaco.
Peru AMR No han existido cambios, conforme ley; solo en las cajetillas de cigarrillos, bolsas, empaques y envoltura de productos de tabaco que se expendan al consumidor final, se deba señalar el contenido de nicotina, alquitrán y monóxido de carbono. Answer not provided
Poland EUR Poland has adopted Article 5 of the Directive 2014/40/EU. Pursuant to Article 8a of the Polish Act implementing TPD the manufacturer or importer of tobacco products shall submit to the Inspector of Chemical Substances one-off information, indicating the brand and type, referring to: 1) a list of all ingredients, and quantities thereof, used in the manufacture of the a tobacco product, in descending order of the weight of each ingredient included in a given tobacco product; 2) the levels of emissions referred to in Article 10(1), and the levels of other emissions laid down in the provisions, referred to in Article 10(10); 3) other emissions by tobacco products and their levels, if they are available. Moreover the list of ingredients shall be supplemented by the following: 1) a statement setting out the reasons for the inclusion of such ingredients in the tobacco products, together with information as to whether the ingredients have been registered pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, as well as their classification pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 (OJ L 353, 31.12.2008, p. 1, as amended); 2) the relevant toxicological data regarding the ingredients in burnt or unburnt form, as appropriate, referring in particular to their effects on the health of consumers and taking into account, in particular, any addictive effects; 3) a technical document setting out a general description of the additives used and their properties - for cigarettes and roll-yourown tobacco. Furthermore Poland has implemented enhanced reporting obligations in regards to the priority additives (Article 6 of TPD). A priority list of additives contained in cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco is laid down in the Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/787 of 18 May 2016 laying down a priority list of additives contained in cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco subject to enhanced reporting obligations (OJ L 131, 20.5.2016, p. 88). Pursuant to Article 8aa implementing the Article 6 of TPD the manufacturer and importer of cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco containing an additive which appears on the list shall carry out a comprehensive study which shall examine whether the additive: 1) contributes to the toxicity or addictiveness of the products concerned, and whether this has the effect of increasing the toxicity or addictiveness of any of the products concerned to a significant or measurable degree; 2) results in a characterising flavour; 3) facilitates inhalation or nicotine uptake; 4) leads to the formation of substances that have CMR properties, with the quantities thereof provided, and whether this has the effect of increasing the CMR properties in any of the products concerned to a significant or measurable degree. No changes in 2021-2022 Poland has adopted Article 5 of the Directive 2014/40/EU. Pursuant to Article 8a of the Polish Act implementing TPD the manufacturer or importer of tobacco products shall submit to the Inspector of Chemical Substances one-off information, indicating the brand and type, referring to: 1) a list of all ingredients, and quantities thereof, used in the manufacture of the a tobacco product, in descending order of the weight of each ingredient included in a given tobacco product; 2) the levels of emissions referred to in Article 10(1), and the levels of other emissions laid down in the provisions, referred to in Article 10(10); 3) other emissions by tobacco products and their levels, if they are available. Moreover the list of ingredients shall be supplemented by the following: 1) a statement setting out the reasons for the inclusion of such ingredients in the tobacco products, together with information as to whether the ingredients have been registered pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, as well as their classification pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 (OJ L 353, 31.12.2008, p. 1, as amended); 2) the relevant toxicological data regarding the ingredients in burnt or unburnt form, as appropriate, referring in particular to their effects on the health of consumers and taking into account, in particular, any addictive effects; 3) a technical document setting out a general description of the additives used and their properties - for cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco. Furthermore Poland has implemented enhanced reporting obligations in regards to the priority additives (Article 6 of TPD). A priority list of additives contained in cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco is laid down in the Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/787 of 18 May 2016 laying down a priority list of additives contained in cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco subject to enhanced reporting obligations (OJ L 131, 20.5.2016, p. 88). Pursuant to Article 8aa implementing the Article 6 of TPD the manufacturer and importer of cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco containing an additive which appears on the list shall carry out a comprehensive study which shall examine whether the additive: 1) contributes to the toxicity or addictiveness of the products concerned, and whether this has the effect of increasing the toxicity or addictiveness of any of the products concerned to a significant or measurable degree; 2) results in a characterising flavour; 3) facilitates inhalation or nicotine uptake; 4) leads to the formation of substances that have CMR properties, with the quantities thereof provided, and whether this has the effect of increasing the CMR properties in any of the products concerned to a significant or measurable degree. Up till now Poland received around 4 000 notifications of tobacco products. Moreover some basic information on the notified product are published on the website of the Bureau for Chemical Substances, these information includes data on TNCO levels. Information on the contents of tobacco products will be published once the common format for it is adopted on the EU level. Poland has adopted Article 5 of the Directive 2014/40/EU. Pursuant to Article 8a of the Polish Act implementing TPD the manufacturer or importer of tobacco products shall submit to the Inspector of Chemical Substances one-off information, indicating the brand and type, referring to: 1) a list of all ingredients, and quantities thereof, used in the manufacture of the a tobacco product, in descending order of the weight of each ingredient included in a given tobacco product; 2) the levels of emissions referred to in Article 10(1), and the levels of other emissions laid down in the provisions, referred to in Article 10(10); 3) other emissions by tobacco products and their levels, if they are available. The manufacturer or importer of tobacco products shall immediately inform the Inspector of changes in the composition of the tobacco product which impact the information specified above. For new or modified tobacco products, the one-off information shall be submitted to the Inspector 6 months prior to the date of placing on the market of those products. Moreover the list of ingredients shall be supplemented by the following: 1) a statement setting out the reasons for the inclusion of such ingredients in the tobacco products, together with information as to whether the ingredients have been registered pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, as well as their classification pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 (OJ L 353, 31.12.2008, p. 1, as amended); 2) the relevant toxicological data regarding the ingredients in burnt or unburnt form, as appropriate, referring in particular to their effects on the health of consumers and taking into account, in particular, any addictive effects; 3) a technical document setting out a general description of the additives used and their properties - for cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco. Furthermore Poland has implemented enhanced reporting obligations in regards to the priority additives (Article 6 of TPD). A priority list of additives contained in cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco is laid down in the Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/787 of 18 May 2016 laying down a priority list of additives contained in cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco subject to enhanced reporting obligations (OJ L 131, 20.5.2016, p. 88). Pursuant to Article 8aa implementing the Article 6 of TPD the manufacturer and importer of cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco containing an additive which appears on the list shall carry out a comprehensive study which shall examine whether the additive: 1) contributes to the toxicity or addictiveness of the products concerned, and whether this has the effect of increasing the toxicity or addictiveness of any of the products concerned to a significant or measurable degree; 2) results in a characterising flavour; 3) facilitates inhalation or nicotine uptake; 4) leads to the formation of substances that have CMR properties, with the quantities thereof provided, and whether this has the effect of increasing the CMR properties in any of the products concerned to a significant or measurable degree. 3The studies shall take into account the intended use of the products concerned and examine in particular the emissions resulting from the combustion process involving the additive concerned and the interaction of that additive with other ingredients contained in the products concerned.
Portugal EUR No progress to report since last submission. No progresso to report. Portugal applies the Directive 2014/40 of 3th April of the Parliament and the European Council, transposed by the law 109/2015 of 26th of August amended by the law 63/2017 of august 3. The manufacturers and producers must notify the ingredientes of their products put in the Portuguese market in the European Union common entry gate - EU.CEG. The Member-States must disclose non confidential information to the public. Considering the need to protect confidentiality of trade secrets, the best way to disclose this information to the public is under discussion in a Joint Action at EU level - (Joint action on tobacco control) This disclosure is not yet available. Under the Joint Action on Tobacco Control a common definition of public information for public disclosure is being discussed. No progresso to report. Portugal applies the Directive 2014/40 of 3th April of the Parliament and the European Council, transposed by the law 109/2015 of 26th of August. This Directive follows the FCTC recommendations for the implementation of article 9 and 10, namely the ban on characterising flavours in cigarettes and RYO. However, these prohibition do not include additives which are essential for manufacture of tobacco products. Certain additives like vitamins, stimulants, additives with colouring properties for emissions, that facilitate smoke inhalation, or have carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic (CMR) properties in unburnt form, are prohibited in all tobacco products. Flavours in components of the tobacco products like filters, papers, packages, capsules, are prohibited in cigarettes and RYO. Menthol flavour will be authorized until the end of 2020. The producers and tobacco importers have the obligation to disclose all tobacco ingredients to the General Directorate of Health. This entity has the obligation to disclosure the non confidential ingredients information to the public. A legal act to regulate the market entry of novel tobacco products is being discussed, but not yet published
Qatar EMR Answer not provided department of specifications in the ministry of environment they lead in this area implementing the regulations of tobacco products disclosure ,yet LAW NO. 10 OF 2016 ON THE CONTROL OF TOBACCO AND ITS DERIVATIVES states Article 6 : Subject to the provisions of the approved standard specifications, the date of expiry and the cautionary statements and images, as determined by the designated department in the Ministry, must be conspicuously affixed on each unit of tobacco or derivatives or cigarette package, in accordance with the regulations of the decision promulgated by the Minister. department of specifications in the ministry of environment they lead in this area implementing the regulations of tobacco products disclosure ,yet LAW NO. 10 OF 2016 ON THE CONTROL OF TOBACCO AND ITS DERIVATIVES states Article 6 : Subject to the provisions of the approved standard specifications, the date of expiry and the cautionary statements and images, as determined by the designated department in the Ministry, must be conspicuously affixed on each unit of tobacco or derivatives or cigarette package, in accordance with the regulations of the decision promulgated by the Minister.
Republic of Korea WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
New Zealand WPR Recent changes mean that a new product approval scheme will come into force in 2025. This will mean that tobacco product importers or manufacturers will need to provide a dossier of information on their products, including relevant test reports. This will include demonstrating compliance with new low nicotine requirements specified in the Act No changes since the last report. No changes since the 2016 report.
Nicaragua AMR En la Ley 727 "Ley para el Control de Tabaco". Capítulo VI - Contenido de los Productos del Tabaco y Requisitos de Reporte de la Industria Tabacalera - Art. 22 De la Comprobación del Contenido y Emisiones de Productos del Tabaco. Se mencionan estos aspectos. Answer not provided Answer not provided
Niger AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Netherlands EUR NL has implemented the tobacco-product disclosure laws according to the TPD. From May 20th 2016 the industry has to submit information about contents and emissions of tobacco products in the EU Common Entry Gate System. Besides this, the industry has to submit health risks reports and market research. From May 20th 2016 the industry has to submit information about contents and emissions of tobacco products in the EU Common Entry Gate System. Besides this, the industry has to submit health risks reports and market research.
Madagascar AFR Report not provided des sensibilisations sur la composition des fumées de cigarette en général sont faites afin d informer sur les constituants toxiques des produits du tabac des sensibilisations auprès des publics sont faites par les masses médias et les ONG afin de leur informer sur les constituants toxiques des produits du tabac
Malaysia WPR We have amended regulation 8A on Retail selling Price under Control of Tobacco Product Regulation, 2004, in which, industries must submit the report on Product Specification, Content and Emission since 2021. Answer not provided Answer not provided
Maldives SEA Answer not provided No progress. The regulation developed to cover Article 9, remains unpublished pending government approval No progress. The regulation developed to cover Article 9, remains unpublished pending government approval
Mali AFR Report not provided La procédure de révision de classement des produits du tabac en cours Answer not provided
Marshall Islands WPR Answer not provided Report not provided SEE PREVIOUS COMMENTS
Mauritania AFR Report not provided -Tout est bien prévu dans la loi qui attend encore ladoption par le parlement -Tout est bien prévu dans le projet de loi qui attend encore ladoption par le parlement
Mauritius AFR Article 10 has been considered during the drafting of the regulations and importers are required to report to the Tobacco Control Unit on a yearly basis over emissions, sales, ingredients and RIP. It is to be highlighted that the amendments of the current legislation has taken on board the full implementation of article 10 of the WHO FCTC and constructive steps have been initiated for the past two years to include a relevant provision in the amended regulation for the implementation of article 10. Answer not provided
Micronesia (Federated States of) WPR Answer not provided measures are still in draft bill form awaiting submission and review by FSM Congress NA
Mongolia WPR Report not provided The legal entity producing tobacco shall be responsible for the following provisions on tobacco control: The name, address, business activities, and other related information of the tobacco industry and its share holders owning more than 20 percent shall be made available and transparent to the public at their web sites; Any standards set by the authorized organization regarding tobacco boxes, pack and packages shall be fulfilled within one year from the day of endorsement. It shall be prohibited to provide financial, material aids and contributions to social, health, welfare and environmental organizations by the tobacco industry or through another organizations under the name of “Social responsibility”. The legal entity producing tobacco shall be responsible for the following provisions on tobacco control: The name, address, business activities, and other related information of the tobacco industry and its share holders owning more than 20 percent shall be made available and transparent to the public at their web sites; Any standards set by the authorized organization regarding tobacco boxes, pack and packages shall be fulfilled within one year from the day of endorsement. It shall be prohibited to provide financial, material aids and contributions to social, health, welfare and environmental organizations by the tobacco industry or through another organizations under the name of “Social responsibility”.
Mozambique AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Myanmar SEA Answer not provided “The Control of smoking and consumption of tobacco product law” doesn’t include the obligation regarding the disclosure of contents and emissions of the tobacco products to government authorities or public by the manufacturers or importers. There is also no other regulation yet requiring the disclosure of contents and emissions of the tobacco products. “The Control of smoking and consumption of tobacco product law” doesn’t include the obligation regarding the disclosure of contents and emissions of the tobacco products to government authorities or public by the manufacturers or importers. There is also no other regulation yet requiring the disclosure of contents and emissions of the tobacco products.
Namibia AFR Report not provided The matter is addressed in the Act and the relevant regulations Report not provided
Nauru WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Jamaica AMR Answer not provided The Public Health (Tobacco Control) Regulation 2013 which was enacted on July 15, 2013 and amended in 2014 makes provision for Article 10. This will be addressed more comprehensively in the impending comprehensive tobacco control legislation, which is now being finalized. The Public Health (Tobacco Control) Regulation 2013 which was enacted on July 15, 2013 and amended in 2014 makes provision for Article 10. This will be addressed comprehensively in the impending comprehensive tobacco control legislation, that is, the FCTC (Implementation) Bill.
Jordan EMR Answer not provided يتم مراقبة المصانع من قبل مؤسسة الموصفات والمقاييس واخذ عينات دورية عشوائية لفحصها لدى الاقسام المختصه في الجمعية العلمية الملكية وستم المتابعة والترخيص وفحص المكونات من وحدة التبغ في المؤسسة العامة للغذاء والدواء وحسب قرار رئاسة الوزراء يتم مراقبة المصانع من قبل مؤسسة الموصفات والمقاييس واخذ عينات دورية عشوائية لفحصها لدى الاقسام المختصه في الجمعية العلمية الملكية
Kazakhstan EUR по представленным отчетам табачной индустрией превышения предельных уровней содержания никотина, смолистых веществ и монооксида углерода не отмечалось, в этой связи меры не принимались Report not provided Answer not provided
Kiribati WPR Answer not provided All importers of tobacco are required to submit annual reports (this is closely monitored by the Tobacco Control Point) regarding the composition and contents of tobacco products All importers of tobacco are required to submit annual reports (this is closely monitored by the Tobacco Control Point) regarding the composition and contents of tobacco products
Kuwait EMR Answer not provided The Tobacco laboratory in the MOH is responsile in such examinations and testing but it is limited to cigarettes not including the shisha products in the examination The Tobacco laboratory in the MOH is responsile in such examinations and testing but it is limited to cigarettes not including the shisha products in the examination
Lao People's Democratic Republic WPR Report not provided The Health Minister Regulation was issued on 23 May 2016 required tobacco industries to report on the tobacco products disclosure. The Health Minister Regulation was issued on 23 May 2016 required tobacco industries to report on the tobacco products disclosure.
Lebanon EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Lesotho AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Liberia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Libya EMR للاسف لايوجد مثل هذه الخطوات عللى الصعسد الوطني Answer not provided Answer not provided
Lithuania EUR According to amendments to the Tobacco control law, since 2022-05-01 the regulation of the content of e-cigarettes (ENNDS) without nicotine was established (in principle the same regulation as for ENDS including taxation). According to amendments to the Tobacco control law, since 2022-07-01 the regulation of flavours ban of e-cigarettes (with and without nicotine, except tobacco flavour) was established to reduce attractiveness and use of e-cigarettes (especially among young people). Answer not provided Answer not provided
Luxembourg EUR La communication au public des informations sur les produits du tabac est inscrite dans la loi luxembourgeoise. Ceci concerne les produits à fumer et à vapoter. Actuellement, les informations sont fournies au public sur demande de celui-ci. Implémentation du portail EU-CEG de la Commission Européenne, pour les déclarations de la compostion de produits du tabac et cigarettes électronique. Coopération avec le WP5 du JATC(Joint Action Tobacco Control) (, pour lutilisation et la publication des déclarations des ingrédients des produits du tabac et produits cigarettes électronques. Implémentation du portail EU-CEG de la Commission Européenne, pour les déclarations de la compostion de produits du tabac et cigarettes électronique. Actuellement étude de la faisabilité, pour afficher les déclarations des ingrédients des produits du tabac et cigarette électronqie de la part des fabricanrs dans un portail de communication au public.
Eswatini AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ethiopia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
European Union EUR In the area of ingredients reporting (i.e. disclosure), Directive 2014/40/EU foresees a common electronic format for the reporting of tobacco ingredients, including both tobacco leaf and ingredients, including additives. For certain additives on a priority list, more in-depth studies and their disclosure were required. The Directive also requires manufacturers and importers to submit internal and external studies available to them on market research and preferences of various consumer groups, including young people and current smokers, as well as executive summaries of any market surveys they carry out when launching new products. Manufacturers and importers are also required to report the sales volume data per product. Member States shall ensure the submitted information is made publicly available on a website, taking into account the need to protect trade secrets. In the area of ingredients reporting (i.e. disclosure), Directive 2014/40/EU foresees a common electronic format for the reporting of tobacco ingredients, including both tobacco leaf and ingredients, including additives. For certain additives on a priority list, more in-depth studies and their disclosure is required by June 2018. The list of these additives (contained in cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco) for which enhanced reporting obligations shall be set up by the Commission taking into account additives, a) for which initial indications, research, or regulation in other jurisdictions exist suggest that they contribute to the toxicity or addictiveness of the products concerned, impart a characterising flavour; facilitate inhalation or nicotine uptake; or lead to the formation of substances that have CMR properties, and b) which are amongst the most commonly used additives by weight or number. The Directive also requires manufacturers and importers to submit internal and external studies available to them on market research and preferences of various consumer groups, including young people and current smokers, as well as executive summaries of any market surveys they carry out when launching new products. Manufacturers and importers are also required to report the sales volume data per product. Member States shall ensure the submitted information is made publicly available on a website, taking into account the need to protect trade secrets. In the area of ingredients reporting (i.e. disclosure), Directive 2014/40/EU foresees a common electronic format for the reporting of tobacco ingredients, including both tobacco leaf and ingredients, including additives. For certain additives on a priority list, more in-depth studies and their disclosure is required by June 2018. The list of these additives (contained in cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco) for which enhanced reporting obligations shall be set up by the Commission taking into account additives, a) for which initial indications, research, or regulation in other jurisdictions exist suggest that they contribute to the toxicity or addictiveness of the products concerned, impart a characterising flavour; facilitate inhalation or nicotine uptake; or lead to the formation of substances that have CMR properties, and b) which are amongst the most commonly used additives by weight or number. The Directive also requires manufacturers and importers to submit internal and external studies available to them on market research and preferences of various consumer groups, including young people and current smokers, as well as executive summaries of any market surveys they carry out when launching new products. Manufacturers and importers are also required to report the sales volume data per product. Member States shall ensure the submitted information is made publicly available on a website, taking into account the need to protect trade secrets.
Fiji WPR Report not provided A statement of the level of tar and nicotine must be published on each cigarette pack in line with section 10.–(1) of the 2010 Decree. (although we are trying to repeal this to align with the FCTC). Report not provided
Finland EUR Answer not provided The regulation is coming from the Tobacco Products Directive (EU/2014/40): Section 14: Notifications regarding ingredients, emissions and fire safety Section 15: Notifications of modifications Section 16: Market research and sales volumes Section 17: Studies on primary additives Section 18: Enhanced reporting obligation Section 19: Derogation for small and medium-sized enterprises Section 20: Notification of a novel tobacco product Section 21: Method, format and time of submitting information on tobacco products The regulation is coming from the Tobacco Products Directive (EU/2014/40): Section 14: Notifications regarding ingredients, emissions and fire safety Section 15: Notifications of modifications Section 16: Market research and sales volumes Section 17: Studies on primary additives Section 18: Enhanced reporting obligation Section 19: Derogation for small and medium-sized enterprises Section 20: Notification of a novel tobacco product Section 21: Method, format and time of submitting information on tobacco products
Gambia AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Ghana AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Greece EUR Law 4419/16 (Art. 5,6,7,17,18,20) Report not provided Implementation of TPD article 5,6,7
Grenada AMR Report not provided NA NA
Guatemala AMR Answer not provided Ninguno Ninguno
Guinea-Bissau AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Guyana AMR Answer not provided The Tobacco Control Act was successful passed in July 2017 The Tobacco Control Act was successful passed in July 2017
Honduras AMR Report not provided La ratificación del CMCT de la OMS, la Ley Especial para el Control del Tabaco y su Reglamentación establecen las disposiciones del Artículo 10 del CMCT de la OMS referente a la divulgación de la información sobre los productos derivados de tabaco para lo cual uno de los avances importantes desde el 2018 a la fecha es el Plan Nacional para el Control del Tabaco que vendrá a impulsar esta disposición importante ya que a la fecha el Estado de Honduras aún no cuenta con dicha reglamentación específica. La ratificación del CMCT de la OMS, la Ley Especial para el Control del Tabaco y su Reglamentación establecen las disposiciones del Artículo 10 del CMCT de la OMS referente a la divulgación de la información sobre los productos derivados de tabaco para lo cual se ha cumplido con dichas obligaciones jurídicas en Honduras.
Hungary EUR There was no relevant legislation since the submission of the last report. A new legislation of the relevant field has been adopted: Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products and repealing Directive 2001/37/EC. The relevant provisions of the Directive have been transposed at national level. A new legislation of the relevant field has been adopted: Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products and repealing Directive 2001/37/EC. The relevant provisions of the Directive have been transposed at national level.
Costa Rica AMR Se mantienen las condiciones especificadas en el informe del 2020. Ley 9028, Capitulo lll Autoridad Sanitaria. Articulo 8 Potestades y Deberes de la autoridad sanitaria. Capitulo lV Etiquetado de los productos de tabaco. Artículo 9 El etiquetado de los productos de tabaco. Reglamento Capitulo lll artículos 11 al 15 de la declaración jurada de los ingredientes y emisiones de los productos de tabaco que se comercializan en el país costa Rica. Reglamento de etiquetado de los productos de tabaco y sus derivados N° 37778-S Gaceta 138 Ley 9028, Capitulo lll Autoridad Sanitaria. Articulo 8 Potestades y Deberes de la autoridad sanitaria. Capitulo lV Etiquetado de los productos de tabaco. Artículo 9 El etiquetado de los productos de tabaco. Reglamento Capitulo lll artículos 11 al 15 de la declaración jurada de los ingredientes y emisiones de los productos de tabaco que se comercializan en el país costa Rica. Reglamento de etiquetado de los productos de tabaco y sus derivados N° 37778-S Gaceta 138
Côte d'Ivoire AFR Answer not provided Larticle 5 de la Loi N°2019-676 du 23 juillet 2019 fait obligation aux fabricants et importateurs des produits de tabac de communiquer annuellement au Ministère de la Santé toutes informations relatives à la qualité, à la quantité, à la composition et aux émissions des produits du tabac. Answer not provided
Croatia EUR Answer not provided Croatia has transposed Directive2014/40/EU into national legislation regarding the contents of tobacco products and of tobacco products disclosures. Croatia has transposed Directive2014/40/EU into national legislation regarding the contents of tobacco products and of tobacco products disclosures.
Cyprus EUR Answer not provided Information on tobacco products is delivered through the online system EU Common Entry Gate.(EU-CEG) Information on tobacco products is delivered through the online system EU Common Entry Gate.(EU-CEG)
Democratic People's Republic of Korea SEA Report not provided Updated tobacco law mandates the display of content of emission of CO and content and tobacco on all tobacco products and tobacco products without such information are banned and not allowed for sale by law. Updated tobacco law mandates the display of content of emission of CO and content and tobacco on all tobacco products.
Democratic Republic of the Congo AFR Answer not provided Tout ceci sera effectif dans un proche avenir avec ladoption et la promulgation des mesures dapplication de la loi-cedre de la santé publique. Answer not provided
Denmark EUR Answer not provided The Danish Safety Technology Authority has been work package 5 leader in Joint Action on Tobacco Control, one of the aims of the JATC was to make a report that assesses public non confidential data in order to make this available to the public. The report has been finalized and the aim is to shortly start publicizing more data. Answer not provided
Djibouti EMR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Dominica AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Egypt EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
El Salvador AMR Answer not provided La Comisión Técnica de tabaco, la cual es la delegada por el Ministro de Salud para la verificación de las artes sometidas a revisión y aprobación de los empaques primarios y secundarios de los productos de tabaco, realizan, observan y hacen cumplir dicho articulado. Ley para el control del tabaco. DECRETO No.771. veintitrés días del mes de junio del año dos mil once Art. 10.- Los productos del tabaco que se comercialicen en el territorio nacional, tendrán impresos en los envases primarios, secundarios o terciarios, información sobre los contenidos de nicotina, alquitrán y monóxido de carbono de dichos productos en las superficies expuestas, en idioma castellano. Dicha información deberá colocarse en una cara lateral del envase en una dimensión no menor de diez milímetros. Reglamento de la Ley para el Control del Tabaco. Decreto 63. 29 de mayo de 2015. Capítulo III. Advertencias sanitarias. Viñetas Informativas. Art. 10.· Además de las advertencias sanitarias, los envases primarios de los productos de tabaco y derivados deben llevar las viñetas informativas en las caras laterales, debiendo expresar en una de sus caras, textos en castellano con letra de color negro y fondo blanco, que pueda leerse de la base a la parte superior de la cajetilla, el siguiente mensaje: a) Este producto MATA. b) Contiene nicotina, alquitrán y monóxido de carbono. c) Busca ayuda al teléfono del MINSAL y FOSALUD. d) Venta prohibida a menores. Se prohíbe el uso de mensajes, símbolos, figuras, imágenes, signos figurativos y logos al interior de la cajetilla que estén vinculados con la fabricación, indicaciones de uso y promocionales de los productos de tabaco. Reglamento de la Ley para el Control del Tabaco. Decreto 63. 29 de mayo de 2015. Capítulo III. Advertencias sanitarias. Viñetas Informativas. Art. 10.· Además de las advertencias sanitarias, los envases primarios de los productos de tabaco y derivados deben llevar las viñetas informativas en las caras laterales, debiendo expresar en una de sus caras, textos en castellano con letra de color negro y fondo blanco, que pueda leerse de la base a la parte superior de la cajetilla, el siguiente mensaje: (a) Este producto MATA, (b) Tiennicotina, alquitrán y monóxido de carbon c)Busca ayuda al teléfono del MINSAL y FOSALUD. d) Venta prohibida a menores. Se prohíbe el uso de mensajes, símbolos, figuras, imágenes, signos figurativos y logos al interior de la cajetilla que estén vinculados con la fabricación, indicaciones de uso y promocionales de los productos de tabaco.
Equatorial Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided NO DISPONEMOS DE UNA LEY
Estonia EUR Answer not provided No changes since the last report. No changes since the last report.
Brunei Darussalam WPR Answer not provided No change. No change.
Bulgaria EUR Please note that the information above was provided during the previous reporting. In 2016, the Law amending and supplementing the Law on Tobacco and Tobacco Products was adopted by the XIIIth National Assembly on 24 March 2016, In 2016, the Law amending and supplementing the Law on Tobacco and Tobacco Products was adopted by the XIIIth National Assembly on 24 March 2016,
Burkina Faso AFR Answer not provided Le guide dapposition des images graphiques a précisé les éléments à y figurer sur les parquets. Cela peut se voir sur les emballages des produits de tabacs Answer not provided
Burundi AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Cabo Verde AFR Answer not provided A Confirmer avec DGC : si la loi exiger des fabricants et des importateurs de produits du tabac qu’ils communiquent aux autorités gouvernementales des informations relatives à : A Confirmer avec DGC : si la loi exiger des fabricants et des importateurs de produits du tabac qu’ils communiquent aux autorités gouvernementales des informations relatives à :
Cambodia WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Canada AMR NIL In March 2019, Canada amended the Tobacco Reporting Regulations, which set out the requirements for the reporting of information on the sales, manufacturing processes, ingredients, constituents, emissions, research and development activities as well as promotional activities undertaken by tobacco manufacturers. The amendments served to update and clarify the requirements in order to make them more relevant to the current environment and to eliminate redundant requirements; updated the official testing methods for the sampling and testing of tobacco products to reflect technological advances. The amendments are expected to enhance the quality and completeness of the information submitted by the tobacco industry. In 2000, Canada enacted the Tobacco Reporting Regulations, which set out requirements for the reporting of information on sales, manufacturing processes, ingredients, toxic constituents, toxic emissions of tobacco products sold in Canada, as well as research activities and promotional activities undertaken by tobacco manufacturers and importers. The Tobacco Reporting Regulations enacted in 2000 require that tobacco manufacturers report to the Government the content and emissions of consumer tobacco products sold in Canada. Under the previous labelling requirements, the toxic emissions statements displayed numerical values for six toxic emissions (tar; nicotine; carbon monoxide; formaldehyde; hydrogen cyanide; and, benzene). Research conducted by Health Canada has shown that the numerical values were not clearly understood by some smokers and most had little idea what the range of numbers displayed for each chemical meant. The numerical values have been replaced by four text-based statements that provide clear, concise and easy to understand information about the toxic substances found in tobacco smoke.
Chad AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Chile AMR Answer not provided Comprendido en el Artículo 9° de la Ley 19.419 de Tabaco en Chile. El proceso es el indicado en la ley 19.419 para solicitar autorización de venta de productos en la cual los fabricante e importadores deben informar al Ministerio de salud lo referido a los componente incorporados a los productos de tabaco en su proceso de fabricación. La no entrega de esta documentación implica la prohibición de la venta del producto. Comprendido en el Artículo 9° de la Ley 19.419 de Tabaco en Chile. El proceso es el indicado en la ley 19.419 para solicitar autorización de venta de productos en la cual los fabricante e importadores deben informar al Ministerio de salud lo referido a los componente incorporados a los productos de tabaco en su proceso de fabricación. La no entrega de esta documentación implica la prohibición de la venta del producto.
Colombia AMR "El artículo 22 de la Ley de Control del Tabaco exige a los fabricantes e importadores que presenten cada año, siempre que el MSPS lo solicite y en la forma que lo solicite, un informe sobre los ingredientes añadidos al tabaco, así como sobre los niveles de alquitrán, nicotina y monóxido de carbono presentes en el humo del tabaco. Además, la Ley reconoce que dicha información “es secreto industrial y será tratada de forma confidencial y con absoluto secreto”. Con el fin de adoptar esta reglamentación, se viene trabajando en el ICONTEC con el Comité No. T-604 ""Tabaco y sus productos"", el cual desde su constitución en noviembre del 2014 ha desarrollado 17 sesiones. En este periodo de tiempo, se han adoptado y adapatado las siguientes Normas ISO en NTC: • NTC-ISO 10315:2016 Cigarrillos. Determinación de nicotina en la materia particulada total. Método analítico por cromatografía de gases. • NTC-ISO 10362-1:2016 Cigarrillos. Determinación de agua en la materia particulada total. Parte 1: método por cromatografía de gases. • NTC-ISO 4387:2016 Cigarrillos. Determinación de la materia particulada total y el alquitrán utilizando una máquina fumadora analítica de rutina. • NTC-ISO 3308:2016 Máquina fumadora de cigarrillos. Analítica de rutina. Definiciones y condiciones estándar. • NTC-ISO 3402:2016 Tabaco y productos del tabaco. Atmósferas para acondicionamiento y ensayo. • NTC-ISO 8454:2017 Cigarrillos. Determinación del monóxido de carbono en el humo de la corriente principal del cigarrillo. Método por análisis de infrarrojo no dispersivo. • NTC-ISO 16055:2018 Tabaco y productos del tabaco. Cigarrillo monitor. Requisitos y uso. Entre el año 2020 y 2021 se avanzó en la construcción del Análisis de Impacto Normativo de la reglamentación de contenidos y componentes, documento necesario para realizar los procesos reglamentarios según la normatividad nacional, dicha reglamentación pretende reglamentar el suministro de información por parte de la industria tabacalera sobre los contenidos y componentes de sus productos." El artículo 22 de la Ley de Control del Tabaco exige a los fabricantes e importadores que presenten cada año, siempre que el MSPS lo solicite y en la forma que lo solicite, un informe sobre los ingredientes añadidos al tabaco, así como sobre los niveles de alquitrán, nicotina y monóxido de carbono presentes en el humo del tabaco. Además, la Ley reconoce que dicha información “es secreto industrial y será tratada de forma confidencial y con absoluto secreto”. Se avanzó en un proyecto de resolución del MSPS, para regular el suministro de información por parte de los fabricantes e importadores de productos de tabaco al Gobierno Nacional. Con el fin de adoptar esta reglamentación, se gestionó ante ICONTEC la conformación del comité de tabaco para la adopción de las Normas ISO a Norma Técnica Colombiana (NTC) de las normas requeridas para la implementación del artículo 22 de la Ley. Este comité se ha denominado Comité No. T-604 "Tabaco y sus productos", el cual sesiona cada 6 meses desde noviembre del 2014. En este periodo de tiempo, se han adoptado y adapatado las siguientes Normas ISO en NTC: • NTC-ISO 10315:2016 Cigarrillos. Determinación de nicotina en la materia particulada total. Método analítico por cromatografía de gases. • NTC-ISO 10362-1:2016 Cigarrillos. Determinación de agua en la materia particulada total. Parte 1: método por cromatografía de gases. • NTC-ISO 4387:2016 Cigarrillos. Determinación de la materia particulada total y el alquitrán utilizando una máquina fumadora analítica de rutina. • NTC-ISO 3308:2016 Máquina fumadora de cigarrillos. Analítica de rutina. Definiciones y condiciones estándar. • NTC-ISO 3402:2016 Tabaco y productos del tabaco. Atmósferas para acondicionamiento y ensayo. • NTC-ISO 8454:2017 Cigarrillos. Determinación del monóxido de carbono en el humo de la corriente principal del cigarrillo. Método por análisis de infrarrojo no dispersivo. • NTC-ISO 16055:2018 Tabaco y productos del tabaco. Cigarrillo monitor. Requisitos y uso. El Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social ha liderado el proceso de articulación con el Ministerio Comercio, Industria y Turismo para la reglamentación del artículo 22 de la Ley 1335 de 2009, en el que se exige a los fabricantes e importadores que presenten cada año, siempre que el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social lo solicite y en la forma que lo solicite, un informe sobre los ingredientes añadidos al tabaco, así como sobre los niveles de alquitrán, nicotina y monóxido de carbono presentes en el humo del tabaco. Se cuenta con un Proyecto de Resolución para reglamentar este artículo de la Ley. Con el fin de adoptar esta reglamentación, se gestionó ante ICONTEC la conformación del comité de tabaco para la adopción de las normas ISO a Norma Técnica Colombiana de los estudios analíticos de los componentes del humo de tabaco de los cigarrillos. Este comité se ha denominado “Comité de plantas aromáticas y tabaco”, el cual sesiona cada 2 meses desde noviembre del 2014. Desde esa fecha se ha avanzado en la adopción de las Normas ISO necesarias para la reglamentación del artículo 22 de la Ley 1335 de 2009.
Comoros AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Congo AFR On le faisait quand on sensibilisait le public sur les effets nocifs du tabac surtout pendant la célébration de la journée mondiale sans tabac le 31 mai de chaque année. Mais avec la pandémie du COVID que le monde a connu, le Congo n'est pas resté à la marge. Donc aucune activité n'a été menée dans ce sens depuis la présentation du dernier rapport. Answer not provided Report not provided
Australia WPR Articles 9 & 10 will become relevant to Australia's domestic policy agenda in light of the Australian Government’s tobacco control reforms announced in November 2022 which propose to bring a greater domestic focus on product regulation. Voluntary system in place for tobacco industry to disclose the contents and ingredients of tobacco products – published on the Department of Health’s website. Also being considered as part of the current thematic review of tobacco control legislation. As a result of a senate Inquiry into the Tobacco Industry and Tobacco Related Illnesses in 1997 the three largest tobacco manufacturers in the Australian market agreed in 2000 to report annually on the ingredients of their cigarettes including per brand variant. This is a voluntary agreement between the Commonwealth Government and Philip Morris Limited, British American Tobacco Australia Limited and Imperial Tobacco Australia Limited. The data is posted unmodified at The three tobacco companies also undertook cigarette emissions testing on a one off basis in 2001. The emissions data were supplied to the Australian Government Department of Health and posted unmodified at The Australian Government Department of Health is in the early stages of considering options and developing a regulation impact statement for implementation of the WHO FCTC Partial Guidelines for Article 9 (relating to regulation of the contents of tobacco products) and Article 10 (relating to regulation of tobacco product disclosures), to reduce the harmful effects of tobacco use.
Austria EUR Answer not provided In order to transpose the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD II) into national law, an amendment of the Austrian Tobacco Act, which entered into force on 20 May 2016, stipulates reporting obligations for all ingredients. Based on the requirements of the § 8 TNRSG, the information on the content of the relevant products is published on the Website of the FMoH or AGES ( In order to transpose the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD II) into national law, an amendment of the Austrian Tobacco Act, which entered into force on 20 May 2016, stipulates reporting obligations for all ingredients.
Azerbaijan EUR Answer not provided On 01 December 2017 the new Law of Azerbaijan Republic "On restriction of tobacco use" was adopted. The article 7 of the Law states the right to receive information about tobacco and effects of its use as follow: "Everyone has the right to receive information on tobacco products and emissions of tobacco products..." On 01 December 2017 the new Law of Azerbaijan Republic "On restriction of tobacco use" was adopted. The article 7 of the Law states the right to receive information about tobacco and effects of its use as follow: "Everyone has the right to receive information on tobacco products and emissions of tobacco products..."
Bangladesh SEA N/A Answer not provided Answer not provided
Barbados AMR Answer not provided Report not provided No progress on emissions and content
Belize AMR Answer not provided Not much progress has been made since the Draft National Tobacco Bill and Policy has not been approved and passed by the National Assembly. Report not provided
Benin AFR Answer not provided Les importateurs de cigarettes déposent les résultats danalyse de leurs produits vendus sur le marché béninois une fois par an au ministère de la santé selon le décret dapplication de la loi antitabac du Bénin Les importateurs de cigarettes déposent les résultats danalyse de leurs produits vendus sur le marché béninois une fois par an au ministère de la santé selon le décret dapplication de la loi antitabac du Bénin
Bhutan SEA Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Bosnia and Herzegovina EUR For the Federation of BiH: Enforced new Law on control and limited use of tobacco, tobacco products and other smoking products in the Federation of BIH ("Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH", No. 38/22). Republic of Srpska: Contents and emissions of tobacco products are harmonized with FCTC and covered by the Republic of Srpskas tobacco control bylaw on marking of packages of tobacco products. Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Rulebook on labelling of packaging of tobacco products ("Official Gazette of FBiH", 57/2011) determines the method of indicating data on the amount of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide, as well as the appearance of such data on each original individual package of tobacco products in circulation, and conditions and manner of labelling of tobacco products, content and appearance of general and special warnings. Answer not provided
Botswana AFR Answer not provided International standards are used to regulate the contents and emissions since most of the products are imported. The local produced products are exported and they have to comply with the stadards of where they are being exported. The only challenge we have is of products that get into our country illegaly. Some of them do not have enough information for the consumer. That being the case we have ensured that our upcoming law takes care of this. International standards are used to regulate the contents and emissions since most of the products are imported. The local produced products are exported and they have to comply with the stadards of where they are being exported. The only challenge we have is of products that get into our country illegaly. Some of them do not have enough information for the consumer. That being the case we have ensured that our upcoming law takes care of this.
Brazil AMR Answer not provided As the Normative Act changed on May/2018, we effectively implemented the progress mentioned on our last report. New information must be included in the analytical reports presented to Anvisa as a part of market authorization (registration) and its renewal of market authorization at the time of registration / renewal of registration. • Inclusion of new information that must be contained in the analytical reports presented at the time of registration / renewal of registration.
Algeria AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Andorra EUR Actualmente estamos trabajando en la modificación de la ley del control del tabaco para dar cumplimiento al art. 10 Report not provided Report not provided
Angola AFR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Antigua and Barbuda AMR Answer not provided This Article of the FCTC is embodied in our legislation Report not provided
France EUR La directive sur les produits du tabac (2014/40/UE) fixe des règles relatives à la fabrication, la présentation et la vente des produits du tabac et produits connexes. La directive impose aux fabricants et importateurs de déclarer ces produits auprès des autorités compétentes des États membres avant leur commercialisation. La composition, les émissions, les données toxicologiques sur les ingrédients, des études approfondies pour certains additifs ainsi que des données de marché doivent être transmises. En France l’Anses a été désignée pour recueillir ces informations et les analyser, en identifiant et en évaluant les dangers des substances chimiques auxquelles le consommateur ou son entourage sont exposés lors de l’utilisation de ces produits. L’Anses assure d’autre part une mission d’information en rendant publiques les listes des produits commercialisés qui ont été déclarés ainsi que les informations non confidentielles contenues dans les dossiers, notamment des données relatives à la composition des produits. L’ANSES produit annuellement des reports concernant les ingrédients, la composition et la conformité de produits sur le marché. Tous ces rapports sont disponibles sur le site de l’ANSES : Depuis 2016, l’ANSES, a pour mission d’évaluer les dangers et risques liés aux substances des produits du tabac et du vapotage (ingrédients et émissions), d’assurer une surveillance et de réaliser la publication en ligne des informations qui ne relèvent pas du secret industriel et commercial. Fin 2019, plus de 2500 produits du tabac figurent dans la base comme étant déclarés pour être commercialisés France ( plus de 28 000 pour le vapotage). L’Ordonnance n°2016-623 du 19 mai 2016 a introduit l’article L3512-17 du code de la santé publique : « I.- Avant la mise sur le marché de tout produit du tabac, les fabricants et importateurs de produits du tabac transmettent, par marque et par type, à létablissement public désigné par arrêté la liste de tous les ingrédients utilisés dans la fabrication des produits du tabac et leurs émissions. Cette déclaration comporte des informations portant notamment sur le statut des ingrédients au regard du règlement (CE) n° 1907/2006 du 18 décembre 2006 et du règlement (CE) n° 1272/2008 du 16 décembre 2008, les données toxicologiques et les effets sur la santé du produit, la raison de lutilisation des ingrédients, ainsi quune description générale des additifs utilisés et leurs propriétés. II.- Au plus tard dix-huit mois après quun additif a été inscrit sur la liste prioritaire établie par décision européenne mentionnée à larticle 6 de la directive 2014/40/ UE, les fabricants et les importateurs soumettent les études approfondies quils ont réalisées le concernant. III.- Pour les nouveaux produits du tabac définis au troisième alinéa de larticle L. 3512-1, une notification complémentaire est transmise six mois avant la mise sur le marché. Cette notification comporte des études portant notamment sur la toxicité, les effets de dépendance, lattractivité et le marché du produit. L’Article L3512-18 prévoit également que « Les fabricants et importateurs de produits du tabac communiquent à létablissement public désigné par arrêté les études internes et externes concernant le marché et les préférences des groupes de consommateurs en matière dingrédients et démissions et des synthèses détudes en vue du lancement de nouveaux produits. Ils déclarent annuellement à cet établissement le volume de leurs ventes pour lannée écoulée, par marque et par type. Le fabricants doivent payer une taxe pour les frais d’enregistrement, stockage, traitement et analyse des données ainsi transmises.
Ecuador AMR Answer not provided Ley Orgánica para la Regulación y Control del Tabaco (2012) marca normativamente las acciones sobre este artículo. A la fecha no se cuenta con una actualización de la Ley pero se ha trabajado en una propuesta de reforma que incluye este tema. Answer not provided
Cook Islands WPR Answer not provided no change since the last report no change since the last report
China WPR 根据《中华人民共和国烟草专卖法实施条例》《电子烟管理办法》《电子烟产品技术审评实施细则》等有关规定,在中华人民共和国境内销售的电子烟产品,应当通过技术审评。未通过技术审评的电子烟产品,不得上市销售。申请电子烟产品技术审评,应当通过管理系统提交原材料报告、工艺说明、产品检验监测报告、安全性评估等。(《电子烟产品技术审评实施细则》第九条) 1.对烟草制品释放物的焦油、烟碱、一氧化碳以及涉及参数进行监测,结果向政府当局报告。 2.要求生产企业就烟草制品燃烧释放物中的焦油、烟碱和一氧化碳含量在烟盒上进行标识,向公众披露。 3.2019年11月21日至22日,参加在荷兰比尔特霍芬召开的《烟草控制框架公约》第9、10条专家组会议。 4.市场监管总局和外交部牵头、中国检验检疫科学研究院承办的“《烟草控制框架公约》履约第9、10条国际研讨会”在北京召开,就《烟草控制框架公约》第9、10条涉及的技术内容进行讨论,增进国际合作和交流。 对烟草农药残留以及主要组成部分,如添加剂、烟用纸张等进行检测,结果向政府当局报告。对卷烟烟气的焦油、烟碱、一氧化碳以及设计参数进行检测,结果向政府当局报告。对烟气中焦油、烟碱和一氧化碳含量进行检测,结果向公众披露,并在烟盒上进行标识。
Central African Republic AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Cameroon AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Belgium EUR Answer not provided La nouvelle directive européenne 2014/40/UE est dapplication depuis le 20 mai 2016. Le système EUCEG mis en place par la Commission européenne est utilisée pour récolter les données des fabricants de tabac. Chaque dossier est controlé afin quil soit corrigé si nécessaire larrêté royal transposant cette directive a été modifié en avril 2019 pour sajuster à la réalité de terrain et éviter certains contournements de législation par lindustrie. Les dispositions en matière de notification ont été renforcée afin de recevoir ces données plus tôt dans lannée et permettre contrôles et sanctions en cas de manquements. La nouvelle directive européenne 2014/40/UE est dapplication depuis le 20 mai 2016. Le système EUCEG mis en place par la Commission européenne est utilisée pour récolter les données des fabricants de tabac.
Belarus EUR Report not provided Принят и с 15 мая 2016 года вступил в силу технический регламент Таможенного союза "Технический регламент на табачную продукцию" (ТР ТС 035/2014).     Принят и с 15 мая 2016 года вступил в силу технический регламент Таможенного союза "Технический регламент на табачную продукцию" (ТР ТС 035/2014).    
Bahrain (Kingdom of) EMR In Nov 2021, Kingdom of Bahrain adopted a national specification for electronic nicotine products; In May 2022, implementation of this specification started and is delegated to Ministry of Health. The national specification regulates contents and emissions of these products; it also regulates the machine used to consume it. Tobacco products manufacturers are requested to submit annual reports about contents of their products. In addition, a special system is being formulated to register tobacco products in Ministry of Health. this system will include constituents of each product and its pictorial warning. this system is expected to be launched by mid 2020. Tobacco products manufacturers are requested to submit annual reports about contents of their products.
Bahamas AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Armenia EUR Answer not provided not available Report not provided
Albania EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Afghanistan EMR Report not provided NA NA
Uruguay AMR A partir de enero 2023, se estableció la declaración de nicotina y alquitrán, en formato electrónico y se exige a todos los productos de tabaco (previamente lo informaban sólo para cigarrillos). La Ley 18.256 del año 2008 establece que las compañías tabacaleras deberán informar al Ministerio y al público en general las sustancias tóxicas de sus productos. Además establece que cada 3 meses se divulgara en los principales medios de comunicación información relativa a los componentes tóxicos de los componentes del tabaco y las emisiones. Esto no se está exigiendo dadas las recomendaciones incluidas en las Directrices de los artículos 9 y 10 del Convenio Marco. Posteriormente, luego que Uruguay ganara el juicio a Philip Morris, se prohibió por Decreto Presidencial, la divulgación de cualquier información al público, por parte de la industria. La normativa actual dispone que el Minsiterio de Salud Pública establecerá las sustancias que las compañías tabacaleras deberán informar al Ministerio y al público en general, en concordancia con las Directrices de los art. 9 y 10 del Convenio Marco, las cuales aún no han sido aprobadas en su totalidad.
Philippines WPR (no data provided from C241 to C245) The passage of Republic Act No. 11467 is an advancement in tobacco industry disclosures, as it reinforces the regulatory purview of the Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over the industry of ENDS/ENNDS and HTPs. Answer not provided
Papua New Guinea WPR Enforcement awaiting the endorsement of the Tobacco Control Regulation The current law requires this information. Implementation will commence after the regulation is being endorsed. The current law requires this information. Implementation will commence after the regulation is being endorsed.
Panama AMR Ver respuestas a las preguntas C235 y C238 Revisar los detalles del punto C 235 y C 237 Revisar los detalles del punto C 237
Palau WPR Answer not provided Amendments to Palau comprehensive tobacco control legislation have been submitted to the congress. Provisions to comply with FCTC Articles 9 & 10 are included in the amendments. little progress to report at this time
Niue WPR Report not provided The passing of Tobacco Control Bill 2018 contains the provision for Article 10 which was passed in 2019. Progress for enforcement also relies on the adoption of regulation which is yet to happen. Report not provided
Montenegro EUR It can be said that everything stated in question C235 applies All manufacturers and importers of tobacco products are required to submit to the subjects (the Institute of Public Health) by the Government information on the contents and emissions of tobacco products. However, due to the impossibility of adequate controls, for the reasons stated in the same part, can not be done in connection with the evaluation of the above information All manufacturers and importers of tobacco products are required to submit to the subjects (the Institute of Public Health) by the Government information on the contents and emissions of tobacco products. However, due to the impossibility of adequate controls, for the reasons stated in the same part, can not be done in connection with the evaluation of the above information
Mexico AMR Si bien la exigencia a la industria tabacalera para la difusión de información sobre contenidos y emisiones de los productos del tabaco, tanto a las autoridades regulatorias nacionales correspondientes como al público en general se encuentran consideradas dentro de las disposiciones de la Ley General para el Control del Tabaco y su Reglamento, lamentablemente dicha exigencia no se cumplen hay mecanismos de aplicación de la medida. Existe una normatividad que señala la obligación de las tabacaleras de informar sobre los contenidos de sus productos de tabaco y publicar en el empaquetado lo relativo a nicotina, monóxido de carbono y alquitrán, sin embargo no existen reglamentaciones sobre las concentraciones máximas que deben tener dichos productos. ACUERDO por el que se da a conocer la serie de leyendas, imágenes, pictogramas, mensajes sanitarios e información que deberá figurar en todos los paquetes de productos del tabaco y en todo empaquetado y etiquetado externo de los mismos. Dicho documento se actualiza cada dos años y medio Existe una normatividad que señala la obligación de las tabacaleras de informar sobre los contenidos de sus productos de tabaco y publicar en el empaquetado lo relativo a nicotina, monóxido de carbono y alquitrán, sin embargo no existen reglamentaciones sobre las concentraciones máximas que deben tener dichos productos.
Malta EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Legislation implemented.
Latvia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided The draft law has been prepared to transpose the provisions of the TPD.
Kyrgyzstan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Kenya AFR Since we have a limited capacity for product testing and disclosure of content by tobacco manufacturers and importers, we have required all tobacco manufacturers and importers to provide analysis report of the content and emissions of their products as tested by laboratories under TobLabNet. Report not provided Answer not provided
Japan WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Iceland EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Germany EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Georgia EUR Taking into account the introduction of Heated Tobacco products on the market of Georgia in recent years, the reporting form for Heating and other novel tobacco products disclosures was developed, so importers and manufacturers are obliged to submit information not only traditional tobacco product and e-cigarettes but on the content and instructions of use for heated and other new tobacco product. Each producer or importer has to present information about emissions and contents of each tobacco product variety to the National Center for Disease Control and public health. Newly prepared Order of the Minister requires tobacco industry to provide information about emissions and contents of the tobacco products.
Gabon AFR Answer not provided Aucun progrès na été réalisé dans ce domaine. Answer not provided
Zimbabwe AFR Report not provided No progress made in this area No progress made in this area
Spain EUR La vigilancia del mercado de productos del tabaco y relacionados se realiza como paso previo a la comercialización de los productos, tanto por parte del Comisionado para el Mercado de Tabacos con el etiquetado de los productos del tabaco, como por parte de esta Unidad de Tabaquismo del Ministerio con el etiquetado del resto de productos. Una vez en el mercado existe un Plan Anual de Muestreo y Verificación (último de 2022) en el que se realiza la vigilancia de los productos y su conformidad con la legislación mediante tomas de muestras en los puntos de ventas por parte de inspectores de sanidad y consumo y su posterior análisis en laboratorios de verificación oficiales de la administración. Mediante el RD 579/2017 se mejora de la información disponible sobre los contenidos mediante las nuevas obligaciones de notificación impuestas a los fabricantes. En este sentido se dispone de un portal común europeo al respecto que facilita el acceso a la información por parte de las autoridades sanitarias. Esta información es objeto de análisis y evaluación desde el punto de vista de salud pública, pudiendo ser utilizada en la elaboración de notas informativas de interés público. Además, a efectos de divulgación al público, recientemente hemos publicado en la web del Ministerio la relación de productos del tabaco comunicados al portal europeo que se comercializan en España y cumplen los requisitos del Título I del Real Decreto 579/2017, con indicación de su contenido en emisiones. Este listado se actualiza mensualmente. Mediante el nuevo RD 579/2017 se mejora de la información disponible sobre los contenidos mediante las nuevas obligaciones de notificación impuestas a los fabricantes. En este sentido se dispone de un portal común europeo al respecto que facilita el acceso a la información por parte de las autoridades sanitarias. Esta información es objeto de análisis y evaluación desde el punto de vista de salud pública, pudiendo ser utilizada en la elaboración de notas informativas de interés público.
South Africa AFR Answer not provided Report not provided Current regulations include disclosure of the amount of nicotine and tar and on the manufacturing of reduced ignition propensity cigarettes.
Czechia EUR no progress Regulation of the contents of tobacco products is included in following national law: • Act No. 110/1997 Coll. on Foodstuffs and Tobacco Products, on the amendment and additions to some related acts, as amended subsequently • Decree No. 261/2016 Coll. on Tobacco Products (providing the list of prohibited additives of tobacco products) This is a national act of law implementing the current EU Tobacco Products Directive (2014/40/EU). Information on tobacco products intended to be placed on the market is publicly available on the websites of the Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority: There is an ongoing discussion with the EC and other Member States on the extent of the information on the tobacco that must be available for the public. Act No. 110/1997 Coll. on Foodstuffs and Tobacco Products, on the amendment and additions to some related acts, as amended subsequently, applies. This is a national law implementing the current EU Tobacco Products Directive (Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products and repealing Directive 2001/37/EC), which has been revised accordingly following the transposition of the Directive. Transposition process of the Directive to the aforementioned law was finished in 2016.The Directive includes, inter alia, provisions regarding regulation of tobacco product disclosure. Information on contents/emissions of tobacco products are publicly available on the websites of the Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority:
Republic of North Macedonia EUR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Türkiye EUR Answer not provided By the regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 01/03/2019 and 30701 numbered issue “Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding Production Types, Labelling and Supervision of Tobacco Products”, the emission information on the tobacco products was removed and the regulation came into force on 05/01/2020. Answer not provided
Yemen EMR Answer not provided Report not provided تم تحديث لائحة مواصفات بطاقات التبغ واعتمادها ضمن دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي
Togo AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Senegal AFR Answer not provided Aucune information na été reçu de lindustrie du tabac. Cependant, le PNLT a diligenté une recherche dans ce domaine et a eu comme résultats que les cigarettes fabriquées et vendues au Sénégal présentées plus de substances nocives ( nicotine et goudron) que celles vendues au Maroc ou en Europe. Answer not provided
San Marino EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Romania EUR According to Law no 201/2016 legal provisions were established for the information reporting obligations. Report not provided Report not provided
Republic of Moldova EUR Answer not provided Law 278 includes general provisions on contents of tobacco products and reporting. Developed a sanitary regulation on reporting, which describes procedure of reporting to Ministry of health by tobacco industry Law 278 includes general provisions on contents of tobacco products and reporting. Developed a sanitary regulation on reporting, which describes procedure of reporting to Ministry of health by tobacco industry
India SEA The establishment of National Tobacco Testing laboratories (NTTLs) is one of the key deliverables under the National Tobacco Control Programme and are envisioned as accredited ‘State of Art’ laboratories with the purpose of providing world class analytical facilities for tobacco products and generate scientific evidence for decision making. These NTTLs shall undertake analysis of all tobacco products through specialized equipment and experimental facilities using scientific methods; commence method validation and development of analytical methods for tobacco products testing; participate in the generation of global tobacco testing protocols; and undertaking relevant research on newer technologies for tobacco analysis and its dissemination to NTCP and others as stipulated in Article 9 and 10 of WHO – FCTC. for this purpose, to strengthen the existing NTTL capacity is built at Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh to increase the capacity as Scientific Support Group and Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER), Puducherry to increase the capacity as National Tobacco Regulators' Forum Section 11 of the Tobacco Control Act of India (COTPA-2003) mandates setting up of tobacco product testing labs. National Tobacco Testing Laboratories (NTTLs) have been established at Central Drug Testing Laboratory (CDTL), Mumbai, Regional Drug Testing Laboratory (RDTL), Guwahati and apex lab at National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (NICPR), Noida for testing tobacco products. Small Testing of tobacco products has been initiated. Staff has been recruited and first phase training has been provided for the National Tobacco Testing Laboratories (NTTLs) staff. Section 11 of the Tobacco Control Act of India (COTPA-2003) mandates setting up of tobacco product testing labs. National Tobacco Testing Laboratories (NTTLs) have been established at Central Drug Testing Laboratory (CDTL), Mumbai, Regional Drug Testing Laboratory (RDTL), Guwahati and apex lab at National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (NICPR), Noida for testing tobacco products. Small Testing of tobacco products has been initiated. Staff has been recruited and first phase training has been provided for the National Tobacco Testing Laboratories (NTTLs) staff.
Ireland EUR Regulation is in line with European Union law, the TPD. Ireland continues to monitor its compliance with the requirements of the Tobacco Products Directive. In compliance with E.U. law.
Italy EUR Answer not provided The Legislative decree n.6/2016 adopted the European Directive 40/2014/UE which regulate tobacco products and e-cigarettes disclosures. Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/2186 of 25 November 2015 establishing a format for the submission and making available of information on tobacco products. European Commission established a portal called EU-CEG which gathered all the notification of tobacco products (and ecigs). Italy realized a website to disclose available information to the general public. Ministry of Health together with National Institute of Health realized the website where are published all the information of notified tobacco products The Legislative decree n.6/2016 adopted the European Directive 40/2014/UE which regulate tobacco products and e-cigarettes disclosures. Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/2186 of 25 November 2015 establishing a format for the submission and making available of information on tobacco products. European Commission established a portal called EU-CEG which gathered all the notification of tobacco products (and ecigs). Italy realized a website to disclose available information to the general public.
Nepal SEA Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Iran (Islamic Republic of) EMR Answer not provided No progress. As stated in the C238 the report on challenges has been developed and we are working in it to fill the gaps. Through the national campaign, randomly, many of Waterpipe dispensaries have been included in sampling test of thier tobacco used for Waterpipe and results of the tests publicly broadcast-ed via mass media.
Iraq EMR Answer not provided The changes in the regulation regarding article 10 of FCTC since last report IS THE UPDATE OF TOBACCO PRODUCT REGULATIONS by Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control, also Iraq nominate a candidate to join the team of expert to discuss this article. Answer not provided
Israel EUR Report not provided Since June 2020, all tobacco and smoking products manufacturers and importers must file a yearly report on each and every brand of tobacco or smoking product they manufactured or imported during the last year, with details about the ingredients and emission from their tobacco or smoking products, including HTP, electronic cigarettes and herbal for smoking. The Ministry must make the information on the ingredients and the emissions available to the public through the Ministry of Health Web site. Report not provided