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Party Region 2023 2020 2018
Sudan EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Suriname AMR GYTS 2000, 2004, 2009, 2016 GSHS 2009, 2016 National Household Drug Prevalence Survey 2007, 2013 STEPS 2013 Census 2014 ( some questions on tobacco GYTS 2000, 2004, 2009, 2016 GSHS 2009, 2016 National Household Drug Prevalence Survey 2007, 2013 STEPS 2013 Census 2014 ( some questions on tobacco Answer not provided
Sweden EUR With the purpose of assigning goals and a general direction to society’s efforts within alcohol, narcotics, doping and tobacco prevention for 2011–2015, the Swedish Parliament has adopted the Government bill “A Cohesive Strategy for Alcohol, Narcotic Drugs, Doping and Tobacco Policy” (prop. 2010/11:47), also known as "the ANDT-strategy". The strategy continues 2016-2020. An important part of the strategy is to develop a long-term system of indicators, making it possible to monitor development in the field of alcohol, narcotic drugs, doping and tobacco. This system was implemented in 2013 and include indicators as mortality. (in Swedish and English). The Public Health Agency conducts a national public health survey annually (biannually from 2016) titled "Health on equal terms?" involving a randomized sample of 20 000 individuals, 16-84. The aim of the survey is to monitor how people in general perceive their health and to monitor changes in the population over time. Both smoking and snuff habits and exposure to tobacco smoke. For more information on the survey please visit: CAN (The Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs) conducts a yearly nation-wide school survey on tobacco and other drugs among students in year nine and eleven. The results from the survey are published in a report called “Skolelevers drogvanor” (Alcohol and Drug Use Among Students). (only in Swedish). The government has given The National Board of Health and Welfare to investigate the possibility of developing a method for measuring tobacco-related morbidity and mortality from existing records. This new report from 2014 calculates mortality and morbidity from smoking-related diseases based on records from The National Board of Health and Welfare and Statistic Sweden. (only in Swedish). Bolin, K and Lindgren, B (2007). Smoking, healthcare cost, and loss of productivity in Sweden 2001. Scand J Public Health. 2007; 35(2):187-96. With the purpose of assigning goals and a general direction to society’s efforts within alcohol, narcotics, doping and tobacco prevention for 2011–2015, the Swedish Parliament has adopted the Government bill “A Cohesive Strategy for Alcohol, Narcotic Drugs, Doping and Tobacco Policy” (prop. 2010/11:47), also known as "the ANDT-strategy". The strategy continues 2016-2020. An important part of the strategy is to develop a long-term system of indicators, making it possible to monitor development in the field of alcohol, narcotic drugs, doping and tobacco. This system was implemented in 2013 and include indicators as mortality. (in Swedish and English). The Public Health Agency conducts a national public health survey annually (biannually from 2016) titled "Health on equal terms?" involving a randomized sample of 20 000 individuals, 16-84. The aim of the survey is to monitor how people in general perceive their health and to monitor changes in the population over time. Both smoking and snuff habits and exposure to tobacco smoke. For more information on the survey please visit: CAN (The Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs) conducts a yearly nation-wide school survey on tobacco and other drugs among students in year nine and eleven. The results from the survey are published in a report called “Skolelevers drogvanor” (Alcohol and Drug Use Among Students). (only in Swedish). The government has given The National Board of Health and Welfare to investigate the possibility of developing a method for measuring tobacco-related morbidity and mortality from existing records. This new report from 2014 calculates mortality and morbidity from smoking-related diseases based on records from The National Board of Health and Welfare and Statistic Sweden. (only in Swedish). Bolin, K and Lindgren, B (2007). Smoking, healthcare cost, and loss of productivity in Sweden 2001. Scand J Public Health. 2007; 35(2):187-96. With the purpose of assigning goals and a general direction to society’s efforts within alcohol, narcotics, doping and tobacco prevention for 2011–2015, the Swedish Parliament has adopted the Government bill “A Cohesive Strategy for Alcohol, Narcotic Drugs, Doping and Tobacco Policy” (prop. 2010/11:47), also known as "the ANDT-strategy". The strategy continues 2016-2020. An important part of the strategy is to develop a long-term system of indicators, making it possible to monitor development in the field of alcohol, narcotic drugs, doping and tobacco. This system was implemented in 2013 and include indicators as mortality. (in Swedish and English). The Public Health Agency conducts a national public health survey annually (biannually from 2016) titled "Health on equal terms?" involving a randomized sample of 20 000 individuals, 16-84. The aim of the survey is to monitor how people in general perceive their health and to monitor changes in the population over time. Both smoking and snuff habits and exposure to tobacco smoke. For more information on the survey please visit: CAN (The Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs) conducts a yearly nation-wide school survey on tobacco and other drugs among students in year nine and eleven. The results from the survey are published in a report called “Skolelevers drogvanor” (Alcohol and Drug Use Among Students). (only in Swedish). The government has given The National Board of Health and Welfare to investigate the possibility of developing a method for measuring tobacco-related morbidity and mortality from existing records. This new report from 2014 calculates mortality and morbidity from smoking-related diseases based on records from The National Board of Health and Welfare and Statistic Sweden. (only in Swedish). Bolin, K and Lindgren, B (2007). Smoking, healthcare cost, and loss of productivity in Sweden 2001. Scand J Public Health. 2007; 35(2):187-96.
Syrian Arab Republic EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Tajikistan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Thailand SEA - The National Population Health Surveys, which include sections on tobacco use - A Survey on the Tobacco Industry's Strategies at Tobacco Retail Shops in Thailand - Global Youth Tobacco Survey - Global Health Profession Student Survey - Global Adult Tobacco Survey Smoking and drinking behavior survey 2017 of National Statistical Office (NSO) 1 The cigarette Smoking and Alcohol Drinking Behavior Survey in2014. The survey contained the core questions of smoking behaviour. 2 GYTS 3 The cigarette Smoking and Alcohol Drinking Behavior Survey in 2017 ( available data in April 2018) 4 The Health and Welfare Survey (HWS) in 2015. The survey will contain the core question of smoking behaviour. 5 The national health exam survey in 2014. The survey will conduct by National Health Examination Survey Office (NHESO), HSRI, MoPH. 6 The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). The survey was conducted by Bureau of Non Communicable Disease, DDC, MoPH in 2015 and plan to repeat in 2018
Timor-Leste SEA Report not provided Report not provided WHO NCD STEPS 2014, GSHS 2015, DHS 2016, GYTS 2013
Tonga WPR STEPS Survey 2004; STEPS Survey 2012; GYTS 2010; GSHS 2010, Tonga GSHS 2017; STEPS Survey 2017 (only fact sheet available, official report not yet published) STEPS Survey 2004; STEPS Survey 2012; GYTS 2010; GSHS 2010, Tonga GSHS 2017; STEPS Survey 2017 (only fact sheet available, official report not yet published) STEPS Survey 2004; STEPS Survey 2012; GYTS 2010; GSHS 2010, National Census 2011, GSHS 2017; STEPS Survey 2017 (Results not yet published)
Trinidad and Tobago AMR GYTS - 2017 STEPS Risk Factor Survey - 2011/12 GYTS - 2011 GYTS - 2007 GYTS - 2002 GYTS - 2017 STEPS Risk Factor Survey - 2011/12 GYTS - 2011 GYTS - 2007 GYTS - 2002 GYTS - 2017 STEPS Risk Factor Survey - 2011 GYTS - 2011 GYTS - 2007 GYTS - 2002
Tunisia EMR Etude Modèle d'investissement pour la lutte contre le tabac en 2019 Answer not provided Answer not provided
Turkmenistan EUR Исследование STEPS в 2013, 2018 гг. в Туркменистане Исследование STEPS в 2014, 2018 гг. в Туркменистане WHO STEPS survey 2013-2014
Tuvalu WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Uganda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ukraine EUR Annual household surveys of the National Statistic Service have some questions on tobacco consumption. ESPAD, GATS, GYTS, STEPS, KIIS omnibus Annual household surveys of the National Statistic Service have some questions on tobacco consumption. Annual household surveys of the National Statistic Service have some questions on tobacco consumption.
United Arab Emirates EMR * GYTS 2002, 2006 & 2013 * National Health survey 2010 & 2018 Answer not provided Answer not provided
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland EUR Numerous recurring national surveys are used to collate large scale and comparable data on tobacco. Whilst multiple surveys are used to develop data, the most significant surveys include: - Office for national statistics Integrated Household Survey (IHS) - NHS information centre’s Health Survey for England. - NHS information centre’s Survey of Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use Among Young People (SDD). - Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey - Infant Feeding Survey - NI Health Survey (annually, Northern Ireland) - NI Young People Behaviour and Attitudes Survey (every 3 years, Northern Ireland) - Scottish Health Survey (annual) - Scottish Household Survey (annual) - Attitudes to Crime Survey (annual, Scotland) - Children and Young People Census (every 4 years, Scotland) - Tobacco Cessation Database (quarterly, Scotland) - NHS Local Delivery Plans (quarterly, Scotland): - Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland 2021- 2022 (new, Scotland) - The National Survey for Wales - Maternity and Birth Statistics (Wales) - Welsh Health Board performance data on smoking cessation - The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey and School Health Research Network Student Health and Wellbeing Survey - Latest rates from the Jersey Opinions and Lifestyle Survey 2022 R Jersey Children and Young People's Survey 20220309 SJ.pdf ( Smoking Profile 2021 ( - The Guernsey and Alderney Wellbeing Survey (every 5 years) Numerous recurring national surveys are used to collate large scale and comparable data on tobacco. Whilst multiple surveys are used to develop data, the most significant surveys include: - Office for national statistics Integrated Household Survey (IHS) - NHS information centre’s Health Survey for England. - NHS information centre’s Survey of Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use Among Young People (SDD). - Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey - Infant Feeding Survey - NI Health Survey (annually, Northern Ireland) - NI Young People Behaviour and Attitudes Survey (every 3 years, Northern Ireland) - Scottish Health Survey (annual) - Scottish Household Survey (annual) - Attitudes to Crime Survey (annual, Scotland) - Children and Young People Census (every 4 years, Scotland) - Tobacco Cessation Database (quarterly, Scotland) - The National Survey for Wales - Maternity and Birth Statistics (Wales) - Welsh Health Board performance data on smoking cessation - The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey and School Health Research Network Student Health and Wellbeing Survey - The Jersey Opinion and Lifestyle Survey - The Guernsey and Alderney Wellbeing Survey (every 5 years) Numerous recurring national surveys are used to collate large scale and comparable data on Tobacco. Whilst multiple surveys are used to develop data, the most significant surveys include: - Office for national statistics Integrated Household Survey (IHS) - NHS information centre’s Health Survey for England. - NHS information centre’s Survey of Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use Among Young People (SDD). - Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey - Infant Feeding Survey
United Republic of Tanzania AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Uzbekistan EUR В Узбекистане проведены следующие страновые исследования: 1. В 2019 г. при поддержке ВОЗ проведено исследование по изучению распространенности факторов риска неинфекционных заболеваний по методологии STEPS. ( 2. В 2021 г. при поддержке ВОЗ/CDC проведено исследование по изучению распространенности потреблении табака среди подростков по методологии GYTS. ( В 2022 году при поддержке ВОЗ и Межведомственной целевой группой Организации Объединенных Наций по профилактике неинфекционных заболеваний и борьбе с ними (UNIATF) проведено Инвестиционное исследование по прекращению употребления табака в Узбекистане. В настоящее время ведется анализ данных и подготовка отчета. Report not provided Report not provided
Vanuatu WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Venezuela AMR Report not provided Encuesta Joly 1971; Encuesta Gallup 1988; Encuesta sobre las caracteristica del hábito de fumar 1984, 1988, 1996, 1997; I Encuesta epidemiológica sobre el consumo de drogas en Venezuela 2005; Estudio Nacional de Drogas en población General 2011; Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes (EMTAJOVEN)1999 y 2010; Encuesta de Tabaquismo en Estudiantes de Profesiones de Salud 2011. Report not provided
Viet Nam WPR GATS second round in 2015, PGATS in 2020 GYTS third round in 2014, GYTS forth round in 2022 STEPS 2015 GSHS 2019 GATS second round in 2015 GYTS third round in 2014 STEPS 2015 GSHS 2019 GATS second round in 2015 GYTS third round in 2014 STEPS 2015
Zambia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Russian Federation EUR Российский мониторинг экономического положения и здоровья населения (РМЭЗ) Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики". Обследование проводится с 1992 года и представляет собой серию ежегодных опросов нескольких тысяч домохозяйств, так что в год опрашивается более 10000 респондентов. Данные РМЭЗ имеют панельную структуру: можно отследить, как с течением времени меняется состояние конкретных домохозяйств и индивидов. Информацию о мониторинге и сами данные можно найти на странице 2009 Глобальный опрос взрослого населения о потреблении табака (GATS). Российская Федерация, 2009 - Страновой отчет 2012 Еженедельный опрос «ФОМнибус» 27–28 октября 2012 г. 43 субъекта РФ, 100 населенных пунктов, 1500 респондентов Опрос Исследовательского центра рекрутингового портала 20-28 сентября 2012 г., 255 населенных пунктов, 1600 респондентов Опрос Левада-центра 19-22 октября 2012 г., 130 населенных пунктов, 45 регионов, 1601 респондент 2013 Выборочное наблюдение поведенческих факторов, влияющих на состояние здоровья населения 2013, сентябрь 2013, все субъекты Российской Федерации, 15875 респондентов Опрос Левада-центра 15-18 ноября 2013 г., 130 населенных пунктов, 45 регионов, 1603 респондента Еженедельный опрос «ФОМнибус» 26–27 января 2013 г. 43 субъекта Российской Федерации, 100 населенных пунктов, 1500 респондентов 2014 Мониторинг качества воздуха в международном аэропорту Шереметьево (Москва), февраль 2014 г. Телефонный опрос “Отношение к антитабачным мерам”, 7–8 июня 2014 г. 1000 респондентов. Инициативный всероссийский опрос ВЦИОМ, 5-6 июля 2014 г., 1600 респондентов в 130 населенных пунктах в 42 областях, краях и республиках России Засимова Л. С., Коссова Е. В., Рязанова М. Д. Социально-экономические факторы, влияющие на отношение индивидов к запрету на курение в общественных местах // Прикладная эконометрика. 2014. № 34 (2). Борисов К. Н. Курение опасный вирус для экономического развития России // МИР (Модернизация. Инновации. Развитие). 2014. №1 (17). 2015 О состоянии санитарно-эпидемиологического благополучия населения в Российской Федерации в 2014 году: Государственный доклад.—М.: Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и бла- гополучия человека, 2015.—206 с Herzfeld, T., Huffman, S., & Rizov, M. (2014). The Dynamics of Food, Alcohol and Cigarette Consumption in Russia During Transition. Economics & Human Biology, 13, 128-143.,%20Huffman,%20Rizov.%20The%20Dynamics....pdf Инициативный всероссийский опрос ВЦИОМ, 23-24 мая 2015 г., 1600 респондентов в 130 населенных пунктах в 46 областях, краях и республиках России Зарипова А. И., Хазимуллина Э. Р. Курение как фактор риска возникновения заболеваний легких // Проблемы Науки. 2015. №11 (41). Геренг Е.А., Суходоло И.В., Особенности слизистой оболочки бронхов у курильщиков с хронической обструктивной болезнью легких // Пульмонология. 2015. №3. 2016 Кузнецова П. Анализ возможных последствий повышения акциза на сигареты. М.: ЦЭФИР, 2016. ФОНД “Общественное мнение” (ФОМ). “О курение и дыхании”. Отношение к «антитабачным» мерам, курении и проблемах с дыханием. 22 января 2016 г. Сахарова Г. М., Антонов Н. С., Донитова В. В., Глобальное обследование об употреблении табака среди молодежи в возрасте 13-15 лет //Журнал «Медицина» № 4, 2016 ВЦИОМ. Курить или не курить. Мониторинг. Таблицы, данные за 2009-2016 гг. 31 мая 2016 г. 2017 Глобальный опрос взрослого населения о потреблении табака (GATS 2016) РОМИР. Курение становится всё менее популярным. 2017. URL: ВЦИОМ. Сами не курим и другим не советуем. 26 января 2017 г. О состоянии санитарно-эпидемиологического благополучия населения в Российской Федерации в 2016 году: Государственный доклад.—М.: Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и бла-гополучия человека, 2017 Мониторинг реализации действующего антитабачного законодательства в соответсвии с Приказом Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации от 15 ноября 2016 г. №859н "Об утверждении методики проведения мониторинга и оценки эффективности реализации мероприятий, направленных на предотвращение воздействия окружающего табачного дыма и сокращение потребления табака" (2017). 2018 Росстат. Выборочное наблюдение поведенческих факторов, влияющих на состояние здоровья населения 2018, сентябрь 2018, все субъекты Российской Федерации ВЦИОМ. Здоровый образ жизни: мониторинг. 21 марта 2018 г. Marquez P., Gonima A., Khaltourina D., Zamiatnina E., Zubkova T. (2018). Reducing Tobacco Use Through Taxation in the Russian Federation: Modelled Assessment of Two Policy Options. World Bank Group. Fuchs А., Isenman P., Khaltourina D., Salakhutdinova S. Cigarette Affordability in the Russian Federation 2002-2007. World Bank Group, 2018. О состоянии санитарно-эпидемиологического благополучия населения в Российской Федерации в 2017 году: Государственный доклад.—М.: Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и бла-гополучия человека, 2018 Мониторинг реализации действующего антитабачного законодательства в соответсвии с Приказом Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации от 15 ноября 2016 г. №859н "Об утверждении методики проведения мониторинга и оценки эффективности реализации мероприятий, направленных на предотвращение воздействия окружающего табачного дыма и сокращение потребления табака" (2018). 2019 Росстат. Итоги выборочного наблюдения здоровья населения 2019 ВЦИОМ. Здоровый образ жизни: мониторинг. 30.05.2019. URL: О состоянии санитарно-эпидемиологического благополучия населения в Российской Федерации в 2018 году: Государственный доклад.— М.: Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и благополучия человека, 2019 Мониторинг реализации действующего антитабачного законодательства в соответсвии с Приказом Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации от 15 ноября 2016 г. №859н "Об утверждении методики проведения мониторинга и оценки эффективности реализации мероприятий, направленных на предотвращение воздействия окружающего табачного дыма и сокращение потребления табака" (2019). 2020 1) ВЦИОМ:№ 4256, 09.06.2020 Здоровье — высшая ценность. Россияне чаще оценивают свое здоровье положительно, занимаются физическими упражнениями и следят за своим питанием. 2) Росстат, ВЫБОРОЧНОЕ НАБЛЮДЕНИЕ СОСТОЯНИЯ ЗДОРОВЬЯ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ 2020. 2021 Росстат. Выборочное наблюдение состояния здоровья населения. 2021. 2022 Курение в России: мониторинг. ВЦИОМ, 12.07.2022 Российский мониторинг экономического положения и здоровья населения (РМЭЗ) Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики". Обследование проводится с 1992 года и представляет собой серию ежегодных опросов нескольких тысяч домохозяйств, так что в год опрашивается более 10000 респондентов. Данные РМЭЗ имеют панельную структуру: можно отследить, как с течением времени меняется состояние конкретных домохозяйств и индивидов. Информацию о мониторинге и сами данные можно найти на странице 2009 Глобальный опрос взрослого населения о потреблении табака (GATS). Российская Федерация, 2009 - Страновой отчет 2012 Еженедельный опрос «ФОМнибус» 27–28 октября 2012 г. 43 субъекта РФ, 100 населенных пунктов, 1500 респондентов Опрос Исследовательского центра рекрутингового портала 20-28 сентября 2012 г., 255 населенных пунктов, 1600 респондентов Опрос Левада-центра 19-22 октября 2012 г., 130 населенных пунктов, 45 регионов, 1601 респондент 2013 Выборочное наблюдение поведенческих факторов, влияющих на состояние здоровья населения 2013, сентябрь 2013, все субъекты Российской Федерации, 15875 респондентов Опрос Левада-центра 15-18 ноября 2013 г., 130 населенных пунктов, 45 регионов, 1603 респондента Еженедельный опрос «ФОМнибус» 26–27 января 2013 г. 43 субъекта Российской Федерации, 100 населенных пунктов, 1500 респондентов 2014 Мониторинг качества воздуха в международном аэропорту Шереметьево (Москва), февраль 2014 г. Телефонный опрос “Отношение к антитабачным мерам”, 7–8 июня 2014 г. 1000 респондентов. Инициативный всероссийский опрос ВЦИОМ, 5-6 июля 2014 г., 1600 респондентов в 130 населенных пунктах в 42 областях, краях и республиках России Засимова Л. С., Коссова Е. В., Рязанова М. Д. Социально-экономические факторы, влияющие на отношение индивидов к запрету на курение в общественных местах // Прикладная эконометрика. 2014. № 34 (2). Борисов К. Н. Курение опасный вирус для экономического развития России // МИР (Модернизация. Инновации. Развитие). 2014. №1 (17). 2015 О состоянии санитарно-эпидемиологического благополучия населения в Российской Федерации в 2014 году: Государственный доклад.—М.: Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и бла- гополучия человека, 2015.—206 с Herzfeld, T., Huffman, S., & Rizov, M. (2014). The Dynamics of Food, Alcohol and Cigarette Consumption in Russia During Transition. Economics & Human Biology, 13, 128-143.,%20Huffman,%20Rizov.%20The%20Dynamics....pdf Инициативный всероссийский опрос ВЦИОМ, 23-24 мая 2015 г., 1600 респондентов в 130 населенных пунктах в 46 областях, краях и республиках России Зарипова А. И., Хазимуллина Э. Р. Курение как фактор риска возникновения заболеваний легких // Проблемы Науки. 2015. №11 (41). Геренг Е.А., Суходоло И.В., Особенности слизистой оболочки бронхов у курильщиков с хронической обструктивной болезнью легких // Пульмонология. 2015. №3. 2016 Кузнецова П. Анализ возможных последствий повышения акциза на сигареты. М.: ЦЭФИР, 2016. ФОНД “Общественное мнение” (ФОМ). “О курение и дыхании”. Отношение к «антитабачным» мерам, курении и проблемах с дыханием. 22 января 2016 г. Сахарова Г. М., Антонов Н. С., Донитова В. В., Глобальное обследование об употреблении табака среди молодежи в возрасте 13-15 лет //Журнал «Медицина» № 4, 2016 ВЦИОМ. Курить или не курить. Мониторинг. Таблицы, данные за 2009-2016 гг. 31 мая 2016 г. 2017 Глобальный опрос взрослого населения о потреблении табака (GATS 2016) РОМИР. Курение становится всё менее популярным. 2017. URL: ВЦИОМ. Сами не курим и другим не советуем. 26 января 2017 г. О состоянии санитарно-эпидемиологического благополучия населения в Российской Федерации в 2016 году: Государственный доклад.—М.: Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и бла-гополучия человека, 2017 Мониторинг реализации действующего антитабачного законодательства в соответсвии с Приказом Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации от 15 ноября 2016 г. №859н "Об утверждении методики проведения мониторинга и оценки эффективности реализации мероприятий, направленных на предотвращение воздействия окружающего табачного дыма и сокращение потребления табака" (2017). 2018 Росстат. Выборочное наблюдение поведенческих факторов, влияющих на состояние здоровья населения 2018, сентябрь 2018, все субъекты Российской Федерации ВЦИОМ. Здоровый образ жизни: мониторинг. 21 марта 2018 г. Marquez P., Gonima A., Khaltourina D., Zamiatnina E., Zubkova T. (2018). Reducing Tobacco Use Through Taxation in the Russian Federation: Modelled Assessment of Two Policy Options. World Bank Group. Fuchs А., Isenman P., Khaltourina D., Salakhutdinova S. Cigarette Affordability in the Russian Federation 2002-2007. World Bank Group, 2018. О состоянии санитарно-эпидемиологического благополучия населения в Российской Федерации в 2017 году: Государственный доклад.—М.: Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и бла-гополучия человека, 2018 Мониторинг реализации действующего антитабачного законодательства в соответсвии с Приказом Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации от 15 ноября 2016 г. №859н "Об утверждении методики проведения мониторинга и оценки эффективности реализации мероприятий, направленных на предотвращение воздействия окружающего табачного дыма и сокращение потребления табака" (2018). 2019 Росстат. Итоги выборочного наблюдения здоровья населения 2019 ВЦИОМ. Здоровый образ жизни: мониторинг. 30.05.2019. URL: О состоянии санитарно-эпидемиологического благополучия населения в Российской Федерации в 2018 году: Государственный доклад.— М.: Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и благополучия человека, 2019 Мониторинг реализации действующего антитабачного законодательства в соответсвии с Приказом Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации от 15 ноября 2016 г. №859н "Об утверждении методики проведения мониторинга и оценки эффективности реализации мероприятий, направленных на предотвращение воздействия окружающего табачного дыма и сокращение потребления табака" (2019). Report not provided
Rwanda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Demographic Health Survey 2005, 2010, 2014-2015, Prevalence of psychoactive substance use among youth in Rwanda 2012 and Rwanda NCDs Risk Factors Survey 2013, GYTS 2008
Saint Kitts and Nevis AMR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Saint Lucia AMR STEPS Survey 2012 GYTS 2001 GYTS 2011 GYTS 2017 STEPS Survey 2019 STEPS Survey 2012 GYTS 2001 GYTS 2011 GYTS 2017 STEPS Survey 2019 STEPS Survey 2012 GYTS 2001 GYTS 2011 GYTS 2017
Samoa WPR STEP survey 2014, DHS 2014, GYTS 2017, WHO FCTC Investment Case for Samoa 2018, MICS2019-2020 STEP survey 2013, DHS 2014, GYTS 2017, WHO FCTC Investment Case for Samoa 2018 Answer not provided
Sao Tome and Principe AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Saudi Arabia EMR المسح العالمي للتبغ بين البالغين 2019 المسح العالمي للتبغ بين الشباب 2022 تم اجراء المسح العالمي للتبغ بين البالغين عام 2019 Answer not provided
Serbia EUR 1. The Burden of Disease and Injury in Serbia. Nationally representative study; data from 2000; published 2003 (Atanaskovic-Markovic Z. et al. The Burden of Disease and Injury in Serbia. Belgrade: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, 2003). 2. Health status, health needs and use of health care among adults in the Republic of Serbia. Nationally representative sample; performed in 2000; published in 2002 (Grujic V. Glas Inst Zast Zdr Srb Yu 2002;76:23-147). 3. Global Youth Tobacco Survey in Serbia. Nationally representative sample; performed 2003; published 2005 (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, National Committee for Smoking Prevention. Global Youth Tobacco Survey in Serbia 2003. Belgrade: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, 2005; only hard copy available) - first round. 4. National Health Survey Serbia, 2006. Nationally representative survey performed in 2006; published in 2007. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia. National Health Survey Serbia, 2006, Key findings. Belgrade: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia. (;, second round 5. Global Health Professional Survey (GHPS) in Serbia, 2006. Nationally representative study of the 3rd year students in medical, dental and pharmacy faculties, and 3rd year nursing school; performed and published in 2006. Stojiljkovic Dj. Global Health Professional Study - A Study of Tobacco Use and Attitudes among Future Health Professionals (unpublished report). 6. Global Youth Tobacco Survey in Serbia, 2008. Nationally representative sample; performed in 2008, Public Health Association of Serbia (Warren CW, Asma S, Lee J, Lea V, Mackay J. Global Tobacco Surveillance System - The GTSS. Atlanta: CDC Foundation, 2009; and unpublished report for Serbia) - second round. 7. Global School Personnel Study in Serbia 2008. Nationally representative study; performed in 2008; Public Health Association of Serbia. (Warren CW, Asma S, Lee J, Lea V, Mackay J. Global Tobacco Surveillance System - The GTSS. Atlanta: CDC Foundation, 2009; and unpublished report). 8. European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs - ESPAD, in Serbia 2008. Nationally representative survey (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia and National Institute of Public Health. European Survey on Alcohol and Other Drug use in young People in Serbia - Report for the Republic of Serbia. Belgrade: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia and National Institute of Public Health, 2009 ( 9. National Survey on Pre- and Post-natal Smoking in the Republic of Serbia; Nationally representative sample of postpartum women; performed 2008/2009, Public Health Association of Serbia (Krstev S, Marinkovic J, Simic S, Kocev N, Bondy SJ. Prevalence and predictors of smoking and quitting during pregnancy in Serbia: results of a nationally representative survey.; Krstev S, Marinkovic J, Simic S, Kocev N, Bondy SJ. The Influence of Maternal Smoking and Exposure to Residential ETS on Pregnancy Outcomes: A Retrospective National Study. Matern Child Health J (2013) 17:1591–1598). 10. Assessment of smoke-free policy and practice in healthcare institutions in Serbia, 2009/2010. Nationally representative sample of health institutions and health care workers, Public Health Association of Serbia. (Krstev S, Marinkovic J, Simic S, Jovicevic A, Markovic-Denic Lj. Determinants of smoking and smoking cessation among health professionals in Serbia: a cross-sectional study in Serbia. Vojnosanit Pregl 2014;71 (5); 11. ESPAD Serbia 2011: Substance Use Among Students in 36 European Countries, 2011. Nationally representative sample. National report not available. (Björn Hibell et al. The 2011 ESPAD Report - Substance Use Among Students in 36 European Countries. Stockholm: Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and other Drugs (CAN), 2012.) - second round; 12. Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) in Serbia 2013 (third round). Nationally representative sample. (published 2014) 13. National Health Survey in Serbia, 2013 (third round). Nationally representative sample. (published 2014). 14. National survey on life styles of citizens in Serbia 2014 - substance use and gambling. Nationally representative sample, published in 2014, authors: Kilibarda B, Mravcik V, Sijeroslavski J, Gudelj Rakic J, Martens S. (Kilibarda B, Mravcik V, Martens MS. E-cigarette use among Serbian adults: prevalence and user characteristics. Int J Public Health 2016;61(2):167-75; Kilibarda B, Mravcik V, Oechsler H, Martens MS. Association of smoking status with substance use and psychological distress in Serbia. Public Health 2017;152:95-8.) 15. Survey of smoking in hospitality sector-exposure to tobacco smoke and attitudes of citizens of Serbia, 2017, within the Bloomberg project „Building consensus for adoption and full compliance with 100% smoke free law in Serbia“. 16. Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) in Serbia, 2017 (fourth round). (Kilibarda B, Vukovic D, Krstev S. Prevalence and correlates of concurrent use of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, and waterpipes among Serbian youth Tob Induc Dis. 2019 Sep 13;17:66. doi: 10.18332/tid/111357). 17. Health Behavior in School-aged Children Survey (HBSC), 2018; Gudelj Rakić J, Jovanović V, Kilibarda B, Vasić M, Tošić M, Kisić Tepavčević D. (In Serbian) 18. ESPAD 2019 (Kilibarda B, Nikolic N, Jovanovic V, Gudelj Rakic J, Tosic M. Evropsko školsko istraživanje o upotrebi psihoaktivnih supstanci među učenicima u Srbiji 2019: Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije, 2020. Available at: 19. National Health Survey in Serbia, 2019 (fourth round). National representative sample, data not released yet. 20. Economic of Tobacco and Tobacco Taxation, National Study in Serbia, conducted within the project „Accelerating Progress on Effective Tobacco Tax Policies in Low- and Middle-Income Countries“; Institute of Economic Sciences, 2018, 2019. 21. Study on economic and social impact of tobacco use. Study supported by WHO, implemented by the Institute of Public Health of Serbia with the support of the Ministry of Health – ongoing (B. Kilibarda, S. Mitov Scekic, L. Stankovic, J. Vitrai, A. Bojovic, Z. Pusztai, K. Mauer-Stender. Smoking-attributable number of deaths in Serbia. Abstract book ECTOH 2019. 22. National Survey on effects and Attitude Regarding the Law on Protection of the Citizens from Exposure to Tobacco Smoke (2010, 2011 (three times), 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017). National representative sample, published in 2015, 2016, 2017; 2018 and 2019 under preparation; Kilibarda B, Nikolic N, Gudelj Rakic J. (In Serbian). (B. Kilibarda, S. Krstev, M. Milovanovic, K. Foley. E-cigarette use in Serbia: Prevalence, reasons for trying and perceptions. Addict Behav 2019;91:61-7.) 1. The Burden of Disease and Injury in Serbia. Nationally representative study; data from 2000; published 2003 (Atanaskovic-Markovic Z. et al. The Burden of Disease and Injury in Serbia. Belgrade: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, 2003). 2. Health status, health needs and use of health care among adults in the Republic of Serbia. Nationally representative sample; performed in 2000; published in 2002 (Grujic V. Glas Inst Zast Zdr Srb Yu 2002;76:23-147). 3. Global Youth Tobacco Survey in Serbia. Nationally representative sample; performed 2003; published 2005 (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, National Committee for Smoking Prevention. Global Youth Tobacco Survey in Serbia 2003. Belgrade: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, 2005; only hard copy available) - first round. 4. National Health Survey Serbia, 2006. Nationally representative survey performed in 2006; published in 2007. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia. National Health Survey Serbia, 2006, Key findings. Belgrade: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia. (;, second round 5. Global Health Professional Survey (GHPS) in Serbia, 2006. Nationally representative study of the 3rd year students in medical, dental and pharmacy faculties, and 3rd year nursing school; performed and published in 2006. Stojiljkovic Dj. Global Health Professional Study - A Study of Tobacco Use and Attitudes among Future Health Professionals (unpublished report). 6. Global Youth Tobacco Survey in Serbia, 2008. Nationally representative sample; performed in 2008, Public Health Association of Serbia (Warren CW, Asma S, Lee J, Lea V, Mackay J. Global Tobacco Surveillance System - The GTSS. Atlanta: CDC Foundation, 2009; and unpublished report for Serbia) - second round. 7. Global School Personnel Study in Serbia 2008. Nationally representative study; performed in 2008; Public Health Association of Serbia. (Warren CW, Asma S, Lee J, Lea V, Mackay J. Global Tobacco Surveillance System - The GTSS. Atlanta: CDC Foundation, 2009; and unpublished report). 8. European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs - ESPAD, in Serbia 2008. Nationally representative survey (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia and National Institute of Public Health. European Survey on Alcohol and Other Drug use in young People in Serbia - Report for the Republic of Serbia. Belgrade: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia and National Institute of Public Health, 2009 ( 9. National Survey on Pre- and Post-natal Smoking in the Republic of Serbia; Nationally representative sample of postpartum women; performed 2008/2009, Public Health Association of Serbia (Krstev S, Marinkovic J, Simic S, Kocev N, Bondy SJ. Prevalence and predictors of smoking and quitting during pregnancy in Serbia: results of a nationally representative survey.; Krstev S, Marinkovic J, Simic S, Kocev N, Bondy SJ. The Influence of Maternal Smoking and Exposure to Residential ETS on Pregnancy Outcomes: A Retrospective National Study. Matern Child Health J (2013) 17:1591–1598). 10. Assessment of smoke-free policy and practice in healthcare institutions in Serbia, 2009/2010. Nationally representative sample of health institutions and health care workers, Public Health Association of Serbia. (Krstev S, Marinkovic J, Simic S, Jovicevic A, Markovic-Denic Lj. Determinants of smoking and smoking cessation among health professionals in Serbia: a cross-sectional study in Serbia. Vojnosanit Pregl 2014;71 (5); 11. ESPAD Serbia 2011: Substance Use Among Students in 36 European Countries, 2011. Nationally representative sample. National report not available. (Björn Hibell et al. The 2011 ESPAD Report - Substance Use Among Students in 36 European Countries. Stockholm: Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and other Drugs (CAN), 2012.) - second round; 12. Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) in Serbia 2013 (third round). Nationally representative sample. (published 2014) 13. National Health Survey in Serbia, 2013 (third round). Nationally representative sample. (published 2014). 14. National survey on life styles of citizens in Serbia 2014 - substance use and gambling. Nationally representative sample, published in 2014, authors: Kilibarda B, Mravcik V, Sijeroslavski J, Gudelj Rakic J, Martens S. (Kilibarda B, Mravcik V, Martens MS. E-cigarette use among Serbian adults: prevalence and user characteristics. Int J Public Health 2016;61(2):167-75; Kilibarda B, Mravcik V, Oechsler H, Martens MS. Association of smoking status with substance use and psychological distress in Serbia. Public Health 2017;152:95-8.) 15. Survey of smoking in hospitality sector-exposure to tobacco smoke and attitudes of citizens of Serbia, 2017, within the Bloomberg project „Building consensus for adoption and full compliance with 100% smoke free law in Serbia“. 16. Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) in Serbia, 2017 (fourth round). (Kilibarda B, Vukovic D, Krstev S. Prevalence and correlates of concurrent use of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, and waterpipes among Serbian youth Tob Induc Dis. 2019 Sep 13;17:66. doi: 10.18332/tid/111357). 17. Health Behavior in School-aged Children Survey (HBSC), 2018; Gudelj Rakić J, Jovanović V, Kilibarda B, Vasić M, Tošić M, Kisić Tepavčević D. (In Serbian) 18. ESPAD 2019 (report under preparation) 19. National Health Survey in Serbia, 2019 (fourth round). National representative sample, data not released yet. 20. Economic of Tobacco and Tobacco Taxation, National Study in Serbia, conducted within the project „Accelerating Progress on Effective Tobacco Tax Policies in Low- and Middle-Income Countries“; Institute of Economic Sciences, 2018, 2019. 21. Study on economic and social impact of tobacco use. Study supported by WHO, implemented by the Institute of Public Health of Serbia with the support of the Ministry of Health – ongoing (B. Kilibarda, S. Mitov Scekic, L. Stankovic, J. Vitrai, A. Bojovic, Z. Pusztai, K. Mauer-Stender. Smoking-attributable number of deaths in Serbia. Abstract book ECTOH 2019. 22. National Survey on effects and Attitude Regarding the Law on Protection of the Citizens from Exposure to Tobacco Smoke (2010, 2011 (three times), 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017). National representative sample, published in 2015, 2016, 2017; 2018 and 2019 under preparation; Kilibarda B, Nikolic N, Gudelj Rakic J. (In Serbian). (B. Kilibarda, S. Krstev, M. Milovanovic, K. Foley. E-cigarette use in Serbia: Prevalence, reasons for trying and perceptions. Addict Behav 2019;91:61-7.) 1. The Burden of Disease and Injury in Serbia. Nationally representative study; data from 2000; published 2003 (Atanaskovic-Markovic Z. et al. The Burden of Disease and Injury in Serbia. Belgrade: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, 2003). 2. Health status, health needs and use of health care among adults in the Republic of Serbia. Nationally representative sample; performed in 2000; published in 2002 (Grujic V. Glas Inst Zast Zdr Srb Yu 2002;76:23-147). 3. Global Youth Tobacco Survey in Serbia. Nationally representative sample; performed 2003; published 2005 (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, National Committee for Smoking Prevention. Global Youth Tobacco Survey in Serbia 2003. Belgrade: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, 2005; only hard copy available) - first round. 4. National Health Survey Serbia, 2006. Nationally representative survey performed in 2006; published in 2007. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia. National Health Survey Serbia, 2006, Key findings. Belgrade: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia. (;, second round 5. Global Health Professional Survey (GHPS) in Serbia, 2006. Nationally representative study of the 3rd year students in medical, dental and pharmacy faculties, and 3rd year nursing school; performed and published in 2006. Stojiljkovic Dj. Global Health Professional Study - A Study of Tobacco Use and Attitudes among Future Health Professionals (unpublished report). 6. Global Youth Tobacco Survey in Serbia, 2008. Nationally representative sample; performed in 2008, Public Health Association of Serbia (Warren CW, Asma S, Lee J, Lea V, Mackay J. Global Tobacco Surveillance System - The GTSS. Atlanta: CDC Foundation, 2009; and unpublished report for Serbia) - second round. 7. Global School Personnel Study in Serbia 2008. Nationally representative study; performed in 2008; Public Health Association of Serbia. (Warren CW, Asma S, Lee J, Lea V, Mackay J. Global Tobacco Surveillance System - The GTSS. Atlanta: CDC Foundation, 2009; and unpublished report). 8. European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs - ESPAD, in Serbia 2008. Nationally representative survey (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia and National Institute of Public Health. European Survey on Alcohol and Other Drug use in young People in Serbia - Report for the Republic of Serbia. Belgrade: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia and National Institute of Public Health, 2009 ( 9. National Survey on Pre- and Post-natal Smoking in the Republic of Serbia; Nationally representative sample of post partum women; performed 2008/2009, Public Health Association of Serbia (Krstev S, Marinkovic J, Simic S, Kocev N, Bondy SJ. Prevalence and predictors of smoking and quitting during pregnancy in Serbia: results of a nationally representative survey.; Krstev S, Marinkovic J, Simic S, Kocev N, Bondy SJ. The Influence of Maternal Smoking and Exposure to Residential ETS on Pregnancy Outcomes: A Retrospective National Study. Matern Child Health J (2013) 17:1591–1598). 10. Assessment of smoke-free policy and practice in healthcare institutions in Serbia, 2009/2010. Nationally representative sample of health institutions and health care workers, Public Health Association of Serbia. (Krstev S, Marinkovic J, Simic S, Jovicevic A, Markovic-Denic Lj. Determinants of smoking and smoking cessation among health professionals in Serbia: a cross-sectional study in Serbia. Vojnosanit Pregl 2014;71 (5); 11. ESPAD Serbia 2011: Substance Use Among Students in 36 European Countries, 2011. Nationally representative sample. National report not available. (Björn Hibell et al. The 2011 ESPAD Report - Substance Use Among Students in 36 European Countries. Stockholm: Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and other Drugs (CAN), 2012.) - second round; 12. Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) in Serbia 2013 (third round). Nationally representative sample. (published 2014) 13. National Health Survey in Serbia, 2013 (third round). Nationally representative sample. (published 2014). 14. National survey on life styles of citizens in Serbia 2014 - substance use and gambling. Nationally representative sample, published in 2014, authors: Kilibarda B, Mravcik V, Sijeroslavski J, Gudelj Rakic J, Martens S. (Kilibarda B, Mravcik V, Martens MS. E-cigarette use among Serbian adults: prevalence and user characteristics. Int J Public Health 2016;61(2):167-75; Kilibarda B, Mravcik V, Oechsler H, Martens MS. Association of smoking status with substance use and psychological distress in Serbia. Public Health 2017;152:95-8.) 15. National Survey on effects and attitude regarding the Law on Protection of the Citizens from Exposure to Tobacco Smoke (2014, 2015, 2016). National representative sample, published in 2015, 2016, 2017; Kilibarda B, Nikolic N, Gudelj Rakic J. (In Serbian). 16. Survey of smoking in hospitality sector-exposure to tobacco smoke and attitudes of citizens of Serbia, 2017, within the Bloomberg project „Building consensus for adoption and full compliance with 100% smoke free law in Serbia“. 17. Global Youth Tobbaco Survey (GYTS) in Serbia, 2017 (fourth round). 18. Survey on health behavior in school-aged children (HBSC), 2017, pilot study.
Seychelles AFR Research on the prevalence of smoking and some associated detriments has been done in young persons in 2002, 2007 and 2015 (Global Youth Tobacco Survey) and reports have been published both nationally and internationally and the same can be viewed at Reports Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2015. Viswanathan B, Bovet. P, Gedeon J. There were also data analysed from Seychelles Heart Surveys in 1989, 1994 and 2004 (with several papers published on various issues related to tobacco). Stringhini S, Viswanathan B, Gédéon J, Paccaud F, Bovet P. The social transition of risk factors for cardiovascular disease in the African region: Evidence from three cross-sectional surveys in the Seychelles. International journal of cardiology 11/2012; • 7.08 Impact Factor “National NCD survey 2013-2014, Seychelles Bovet P, Viswanathan B, Gedeon J et al”. Description: Population based survey of 1240 men and women aged 25-64 from an age stratified random sample from total population of Seychelles completed in March 2014. Questions on tobacco from STEPS. Estimates for population 25-64 adjusted for Ahmad population distribution; report link: Research on the prevalence of smoking and some associated detriments has been done in young persons in 2002, 2007 and 2015 (Global Youth Tobacco Survey) and reports have been published both nationally and internationally and the same can be viewed at Reports Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2015. Viswanathan B, Bovet. P, Gedeon J. There were also data analysed from Seychelles Heart Surveys in 1989, 1994 and 2004 (with several papers published on various issues related to tobacco). Stringhini S, Viswanathan B, Gédéon J, Paccaud F, Bovet P. The social transition of risk factors for cardiovascular disease in the African region: Evidence from three cross-sectional surveys in the Seychelles. International journal of cardiology 11/2012; • 7.08 Impact Factor “National NCD survey 2013-2014, Seychelles Bovet P, Viswanathan B, Gedeon J et al”. Description: Population based survey of 1240 men and women aged 25-64 from an age stratified random sample from total population of Seychelles completed in March 2014. Questions on tobacco from STEPS. Estimates for population 25-64 adjusted for Ahmad population distribution; report link: Research on the prevalence of smoking and some associated detriments has been done in young persons in 2002, 2007 and 2015 (Global Youth Tobacco Survey) and reports have been published both nationally and internationally and the same can be viewed at Reports Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2015. Viswanathan B, Bovet. P, Gedeon J. There were also data analysed from Seychelles Heart Surveys in 1989, 1994 and 2004 (with several papers published on various issues related to tobacco). Stringhini S, Viswanathan B, Gédéon J, Paccaud F, Bovet P. The social transition of risk factors for cardiovascular disease in the African region: Evidence from three cross-sectional surveys in the Seychelles. International journal of cardiology 11/2012; • 7.08 Impact Factor “National NCD survey 2013-2014, Seychelles Bovet P, Viswanathan B, Gedeon J et al”. Description: Population based survey of 1240 men and women aged 25-64 from an age stratified random sample from total population of Seychelles completed in March 2014. Questions on tobacco from STEPS. Estimates for population 25-64 adjusted for Ahmad population distribution; report link:
Sierra Leone AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Singapore WPR Student Health Surveys were conducted once every 3 years in reach educational setting, the last one was in 2016. National Population Health Surveys are conducted annually since 2017 Student Health Surveys were conducted once every 3 year, the last one was in 2012. National level Health Surveys for adults have been conducted every 3 years since 1992 Student Health Surveys conducted once every 3 year, the last one was in 2012. National Health Surveys 2010 and National Health Surveillance Survey 2013
Slovakia EUR Global Youth of Tobbaco Survey, 2017 ESPAD, 2022 Health Behaviour in School Aged Children, 2022 Survey Health awareness and behavior of the inhabitants of the Slovak Republic, 2022 Global Youth of Tobbaco Survey, 2011 ESPAD, 2015 Health Behaviour in School Aged Children, 2013-2014 Global Youth of Tobbaco Survey, 2011 ESPAD, 2015 Health Behaviour in School Aged Children, 2013-2014
Slovenia EUR Report not provided Report not provided Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014 The European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015. European Health Interview Survey 2007, 2014 Survey on Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs, 2012 CINDI Study 2001, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2003, 2007, 2011, 2017
Solomon Islands WPR Report not provided STEPs survey - 2005/2006 and the recent one in 2015 GYTS - 2008 GSHS - 2011 STEPs survey - 2005/2006 and the recent one in 2015 GYTS - 2008 GSHS - 2011
Sri Lanka SEA Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Nigeria AFR GATS 2012 GYTS 2000 and 2008 GATS 2012 GYTS 2000 and 2008 Answer not provided
Norway EUR Statistics Norway/Norwegian Institute of Public Health: Tobacco use. Yearly surveys 1973 - 2022 Statistics Norway: Survey on living conditions, every three years 1998-2012 SIRUS: Survey of substance use among youth 15-20 (1968-2008), young adults 21-30 (1998, 2002, 2006), students (1997, 2006) Norwegian Institute of Public Health/IPSOS: Survey of tobbaco supply sources (2015-2019) Statistics Norway: Survey of living conditions among immigrants in Norway (2006 and 2016) Norwegian Institute of Public Health: Survey of attitudes towards tobacco control initiatives (2010, 2015 and 2016) Norwegian Institute of Public Health: Survey of supply sources of tobacco/cross border trade (2015-2022) Statistics Norway/Norwegian Institute of Public Health: Tobacco use. Yearly surveys 1973 - 2019 Statistics Norway: Survey on living conditions, every three years 1998-2012 SIRUS: Survey of substance use among youth 15-20 (1968-2008), young adults 21-30 (1998, 2002, 2006), students (1997, 2006) Norwegian Institute of Public Health/IPSOS: Survey of tobbaco supply sources (2015-2019) Statistics Norway: Survey of living conditions among immigrants in Norway (2006 and 2016) Norwegian Institute of Public Health: Survey of attitudes towards tobacco control initiatives (2010, 2015 and 2016) Statistics Norway/Norwegian Institute of Public Health: Tobacco use. Yearly surveys 1973 - 2017 Statistics Norway: Survey on living conditions, every three years 1998-2012 SIRUS: Survey of substance use among youth 15-20 (1968-2008), young adults 21-30 (1998, 2002, 2006), students (1997, 2006) Norwegian Institute of Public Health: Survey of tobbaco supply sources (2015-2017) Statistics Norway: Survey of living conditions among immigrants in Norway (2006 and 2016) Norwegian Institute of Public Health: Survey of attitudes towards tobacco control initiatives (2010, 2015 and 2016)
Pakistan EMR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Paraguay AMR 2003 WHS, 2003 GYTS, 2003 GSPS, 2008 GHPS, 2008 GHPS, 2011 STEPS, 2008 GYTS, 2011 Primera Encuesta Nacional de Factores de Riesgo para ECNT, 2014 GYTS y 2019 GYTS CARGA DE ENFERMEDAD ATRIBUIBLE AL USO DEL TABACO EN PARAGUAY Y POTENCIAL IMPACTO SANITARIO Y ECONÓMICO DEL AUMENTO DEL PRECIO A TRAVÉS DE IMPUESTOS 2016 2003 WHS, 2003 GYTS, 2003 GSPS, 2008 GHPS, 2008 GHPS, 2011 STEPS, 2008 GYTS, 2011 Primera Encuesta Nacional de Factores de Riesgo para ECNT, 2014 GYTS CARGA DE ENFERMEDAD ATRIBUIBLE AL USO DEL TABACO EN PARAGUAY Y POTENCIAL IMPACTO SANITARIO Y ECONÓMICO DEL AUMENTO DEL PRECIO A TRAVÉS DE IMPUESTOS 2016 2003 WHS, 2003 GYTS, 2003 GSPS, 2008 GHPS, 2008 GHPS, 2011 STEPS, 2008 GYTS, 2011 Primera Encuesta Nacional de Factores de Riesgo para ECNT, 2014 GYTS
Poland EUR GATS and other nation-wide surveys among adults, GYTS and other country or local surveys among young people, EHIS, PONS, Census studies, EUREST-PLUS, TackSHS Country nation-wide representative surveys conducted among adult population (approx. 1000 respondents in each survey)in years 1974, 1980, 1982, 1985-88, 1990-2014; Global Adult Tobacco Survey, conducted by the Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute in Warsaw in collaboration with Warsaw Medical University in years 2009-2010 (n=8348); National Health Information Surveys conducted by Polish Central Statistical Office in years 1996, 2004, 2009, which included questions on tobacco use. These household surveys were based on big samples (20,000 - 40,000 respondents); Questions on tobacco use were also included in other surveys based on relatively large samples of adult respondents, such as "Social diagnosis" study, conducted in years 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 and national census study that was conducted in year 2011. Data on tobacco use among schoolchildren were collected through three rounds of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (1999, 2003 and 2009) and in Health Behaviour in Schoolchildren (HBSC|) study that was conducted in Poland in years 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014; Data on tobacco use among pregnant women were collected in surveys conducted in 1990 (in three regions), 2009 and 2010 (nation-wide); Among physicians, nation-wide representative surveys were carried-out in 1982, 1985, 1995, 2000, 2007; Nation-wide surveys among students of medical universities were carried-out in years 1987, 1995, 2000 and among all university students in year 2000; National survey was conducted among teachers in 1999 Nation-wide survey conducted by Chief Sanitary Inspectorate in year 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 Country nation-wide representative surveys conducted among adult population (approx. 1000 respondents in each survey)in years 1974, 1980, 1982, 1985-88, 1990-2014; Global Adult Tobacco Survey, conducted by the Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute in Warsaw in collaboration with Warsaw Medical University in years 2009-2010 (n=8348); National Health Information Surveys conducted by Polish Central Statistical Office in years 1996, 2004, 2009, which included questions on tobacco use. These household surveys were based on big samples (20,000 - 40,000 respondents); Questions on tobacco use were also included in other surveys based on relatively large samples of adult respondents, such as "Social diagnosis" study, conducted in years 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 and national census study that was conducted in year 2011. Data on tobacco use among schoolchildren were collected through three rounds of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (1999, 2003 and 2009) and in Health Behaviour in Schoolchildren (HBSC|) study that was conducted in Poland in years 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014; Data on tobacco use among pregnant women were collected in surveys conducted in 1990 (in three regions), 2009 and 2010 (nation-wide); Among physicians, nation-wide representative surveys were carried-out in 1982, 1985, 1995, 2000, 2007; Nation-wide surveys among students of medical universities were carried-out in years 1987, 1995, 2000 and among all university students in year 2000; National survey was conducted among teachers in 1999.
Portugal EUR INE National Health survey 2019 INE/INSA, National Health Survey 2014 , 2005/2006. Health Behaviour of School-aged Children, 2019, 2015, 2011 , ESPAD PT 2019 and ECATD-CAD/2019, 2015, 2011, ... Balsa C., Vital C., Urbano C. IV Inquérito Nacional ao Consumo de Substancias Psicoativas na População Geral, Portugal 2016/17. I relatório final. Lisboa: SICAD – Serviço de Intervenção nos Comportamentos Aditivos e nas Dependências; 2017. Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge. 1º Inquérito Nacional de Saúde com Exame Físico (INSEF 2015): Determinantes de Saúde. Lisboa: INSA IP, 2017. INE/INSA, National Health Survey 2014 Health Behaviour of School-aged Children, 2014 ESPAD PT 2015 and ECATD-CAD/2015 Balsa C., Vital C., Urbano C. IV Inquérito Nacional ao Consumo de Substancias Psicoativas na População Geral, Portugal 2016/17. I relatório final. Lisboa: SICAD – Serviço de Intervenção nos Comportamentos Aditivos e nas Dependências; 2017. Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge. 1º Inquérito Nacional de Saúde com Exame Físico (INSEF 2015): Determinantes de Saúde. Lisboa: INSA IP, 2017. INE/INSA, National Health Survey 2014 Health Behaviour of School-aged Children, 2014 ESPAD PT 2015 and ECATD-CAD/2015 Balsa C., Vital C., Urbano C. IV Inquérito Nacional ao Consumo de Substancias Psicoativas na População Geral, Portugal 2016/17. I relatório final. Lisboa: SICAD – Serviço de Intervenção nos Comportamentos Aditivos e nas Dependências; 2017. Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge. 1º Inquérito Nacional de Saúde com Exame Físico (INSEF 2015): Determinantes de Saúde. Lisboa: INSA IP, 2017.
Qatar EMR The economics impact of Tobacco in GCC Countries, 2019 Global Tobacco Youth survey 2018 Research on economic burden of Tobacco on Qatar 2014  Undertake the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), 2013  ]the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) 2013  the Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS) The economics impact of Tobacco in GCC Countries, 2019 Global Tobacco Youth survey 2018 Research on economic burden of Tobacco on Qatar 2014  Undertake the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), 2013  ]the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) 2013  the Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS)  Research on economic burden of Tobacco on Qatar 2014  Undertake the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), 2013  ]the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) 2013  the Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS)
Republic of Korea WPR Appendix 1. Korea National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey 2021 (published by Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2022) Appendix 2. Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey 2021 (published by Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2022) Appendix 1. Korea National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey 2018 (published by Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2019) Appendix 2. Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey 2019 (published by Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2019) Appendix 1. Korea National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey 2014 (published by Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2015) Appendix 2. Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey 2015 (published by Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2015)
New Zealand WPR New Zealand Health Survey every year from 2011/12 to 2021/22 Tobacco Use Surveys (2006-09); New Zealand Health Surveys (1996/97, 2002/03, 2006/07 and annually 2011/12 onwards), NZ Census has included two tobacco questions on smoking in 1981, 1996, 2006, 2013; ASH Year 10 Snapshot Survey (of 14 and 15 year olds) has been conducted annually since 1992; The Health Promotion Agency conducts two yearly Youth Insights Surveys and Adult Lifestyle Surveys. Tobacco Use Surveys (2006-09); New Zealand Health Surveys (1996/97, 2002/03, 2006/07 and annually 2011/12 onwards), NZ Census has included two tobacco questions on smoking in 1981, 1996, 2006, 2013; ASH Year 10 Snapshot Survey (of 14 and 15 year olds) has been conducted annually since 1992; The Health Promotion Agency conducts two yearly Youth Insights Surveys and Adult Lifestyle Surveys and runs a continuous Monitor of smoking behaviours.
Nicaragua AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Niger AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Netherlands EUR Please list all surveys, including the year of the survey, that you have undertaken in the past. The main data collection methods related to tobacco use in the Netherlands are: the Health Survey (yearly, last survey 2021), the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey (once every four years, last survey 2021), the Dutch National School Survey on Substance Use (once every four years, last survey 2019), and the Dutch Monitor on Substance Use and Pregnancy (once every two years, last survey 2021). The Dutch ‘Additional Module Substance Use’ survey of the Lifestyle Monitor consortium is used for in-depth analyses of smoking behavior in the Netherlands. This survey is conducted once every two years (last survey: 2020) and respondents are selected in a similar way as those in the annual Health Survey. These surveys are used to collect data about smoking by adults, adolescents, and pregnant women. The most recent statistics on smoking by adults, by adolescents, and by pregnant women can be found at the Trimbos Institute website (in Dutch): • Smoking by adults • Smoking by adolescents • Smoking by pregnant women Research from RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) and Trimbos Institute. www.trimbos Research from RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) and Trimbos Institute. www.trimbos
Madagascar AFR Report not provided une enquête GYTS a été réalisé en 2018 Answer not provided
Malaysia WPR 1. National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 1986, 1996, 2006, 2015, 2019 2. Global Adults Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2011 3. National E-Cigarette Survey (NECS) 2016 4. Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) 2003, 2009 5. Global School Health Survey (GSHS) 2012 6. Tobacco and E-Cigarette Survey among Malaysian Adolescent (TECMA) 2016 7. Adolescents Health Survey (AHS) 2017 1. National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 1986, 1996, 2006, 2015, 2019 2. Global Adults Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2011 3. National E-Cigarette Survey (NECS) 2016 4. Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) 2003, 2009 5. Global School Health Survey (GSHS) 2012 6. Tobacco and E-Cigarette Survey among Malaysian Adolescent (TECMA) 2016 1. National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 1986, 1996, 2006, 2015 2. Global Adults Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2011 3. National E-Cigarette Survey (NECS) 2016 4. Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) 2003, 2009 5. Global School Health Survey (GSHS) 2012 6. Tobacco and E-Cigarette Survey among Malaysian Adolescent (TECMA) 2016
Maldives SEA 1- STEPS Surveys (NCD Risk Factor Survey) 2004, 2011, 2020-2021 2- GYTS (Global Youth Tobacco Survey) 2003, 2007, 2011, 2019 3- GSHS (Global School Health Survey ) 2014 1- STEPS Surveys (NCD Risk Factor Survey) 2004, 2011 2- GYTS (Global Youth Tobacco Survey) 2003, 2007, 2011 1- STEPS Surveys (NCD Risk Factor Survey) 2004, 2011 2- GYTS (Global Youth Tobacco Survey) 2003, 2007, 2011
Mali AFR Report not provided Enquête steps sur les facteurs de risque des MNT 2013 Enquêtes GYTS 2014 Enquête tabac et pauvreté Enquête steps sur les facteurs de risque des MNT Enquêtes GYTS Enquête tabac et pauvreté
Marshall Islands WPR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Mauritania AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Mauritius AFR •Non-communicable Diseases Survey (1987, 1992, 1998, 2003, 2009, 2015 and 2021) •Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2003, 2008 and 2016 •Global School Health Survey (GYTS) 2009 and 2017 •International Tobacco Control (ITC) Survey 2009 (Wave1), 2010( Wave 2) and 2012 (Wave3) •Non-communicable Diseases Survey (1987, 1992, 1998, 2003, 2009 and 2015 •Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2003, 2008 and 2016 •Global School Health Survey (GYTS) 2009 and 2017 •International Tobacco Control (ITC) Survey 2009 (Wave1), 2010( Wave 2) and 2012 (Wave3 • Non- Communicable Diseases Survey (1987, 1992, 1998, 2003, 2009 and 2015) • Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2003, 2008 and 2016 • Global School Health Survey 2009 and 2017 • International Tobacco Control Survey ( 2009, 2010 and 2011)
Micronesia (Federated States of) WPR Global Youth Tobacco Survey (2007; 2013) (2019 completed awaiting analysis); Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (2016), combined STEPS (2016), NOMS (2013) (2018 completed awaiting final dissemination); FSM 2017 High School Rapid Survey Global Youth Tobacco Survey (2007; 2013) (2019 completed awaiting analysis); Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (2016), combined STEPS (2016), NOMS (2013) (2018 completed awaiting final dissemination); FSM 2017 High School Rapid Survey Global Youth Tobacco Survey; Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, STEPS,NOMS
Mongolia WPR Report not provided 3 times conducted National STEPs survey on prevalence of NCDs risk factors, 2005, 2009, 2013 GYTS , 2007, 2014 Global school based Student Health Survey, 2010, 2013 3 times conducted National STEPs survey on prevalence of NCDs risk factors, 2005, 2009, 2013 GYTS , 2007, 2014 Global school based Student Health Survey, 2010, 2013
Mozambique AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Myanmar SEA 1. Global Youth Tobacco Survey and Global School Personnel Survey (2001, 2007, 2011, 2016) 2. Global Health Profession Student Survey (2006, 2009) 3. WHO NCD STEPS Survey (2003, 2009, 2014) 4. Demographic and Health Survey (2015-2016) 1. Global Youth Tobacco Survey and Global School Personnel Survey (2001, 2007, 2011, 2016) 2. Global Health Profession Student Survey (2006, 2009) 3. WHO NCD STEPS Survey (2003, 2009, 2014) 4. Demographic and Health Survey (2015-2016) 1. Global Youth Tobacco Survey and Global School Personnel Survey (2001, 2007, 2011, 2016) 2. Global Health Profession Student Survey (2006, 2009) 3. WHO NCD STEPS Survey (2003, 2009, 2014)
Namibia AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Nauru WPR Report not provided NCD STEPS Survey 2004 GSHS in 2011 Report not provided
Jamaica AMR Jamaica Health and Lifestyle Survey 2000 and 2007/8; 2016/2017 Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2001, 2006, 2010, 2017 Global School Health Survey 2010 and 2017 Jamaica Drug Prevalence Survey 2016 Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions 2016 (conducted every 1 to 2 years) Jamaica Health and Lifestyle Survey 2000 and 2007/8; 2016/2017 Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2001, 2006, 2010, 2017 Global School Health Survey 2010 and 2017 Jamaica Drug Prevalence Survey 2016 Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions 2016 (conducted every 1 to 2 years) Jamaica Health and Lifestyle Survey 2000 and 2007/8; 2016/2017 Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2001, 2006, 2010, 2017 Global School Health Survey 2010 and 2017 Jamaica Drug Prevalence Survey 2016 Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions 2016 (conducted every 1 to 2 years)
Jordan EMR المسح العالمي للتدخين بين الشباب GTYS ( 1999,2003,2006,2009,2014) المسح العالمي بين طلاب الجامعات 2007 دراسة عوامل الخطورة 2007 Smoking_2010 in Jordanدراسة الاحصاءات العامة دراسة الفرصة الاستثمارية في التبغ 2019 المسح العالمي للتدخين بين الشباب ( 1999,2003,2006,2009,2014) المسح العالمي بين طلاب الجامعات 2007 دراسة عوامل الخطورة 2007 Smoking_2010 in Jordanدراسة الاحصاءات العامة دراسة الفرصة الاستثمارية في التغ 2019 المسح العالمي للتدخين بين الشباب ( 1999,2003,2006,2009,2014) المسح العالمي بين طلاب الجامعات 2007 دراسة عوامل الخطورة 2007 Smoking_2010 in Jordanدراسة الاحصاءات العامة
Kazakhstan EUR 2019 год, Глобальный опрос взрослого населения о потреблении табака (GATS). Национальный отчет «Доля граждан Казахстана, ведущих здоровый образ жизни» (Результаты социологического исследования – 2022 г.) Report not provided 2014 год, Глобальный опрос взрослого населения о потреблении табака (GATS). Глобальное обследование употребления табака среди молодежи GYTS 2014 год VI Национальный опрос по поведенческий факторам риска среди населения, 2015г.
Kiribati WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Kuwait EMR GYTS 2016 WHO STEPS 2014 Tobacco Economics for GCC Countries 2019 GYTS 2016 WHO STEPS 2014 Tobacco Economics for GCC Countries 2019 GYTS 2016 WHO STEPS 2015
Lao People's Democratic Republic WPR Report not provided 1. NATS 2. GYTS 3. Health care cost 4. Tobacco affordability 5. Tobacco tax revenue/lost 6. Youth opinion on Price survey 1. NATS 2. GYTS 3. Health care cost 4. Tobacco affordability 5. Tobacco tax revenue/lost 6. Youth opinion on Price survey
Lebanon EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Lesotho AFR Report not provided Lesotho WHO STEPwise approach to chronic disease risk factor survey, 2012 Report not provided
Liberia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Libya EMR Answer not provided 2010 2007 2003 GYTS 2010 2003 GSPS 2006 GHPSS 2009 STEPS 2010 2007 2003 GYTS 2010 2003 GSPS 2006 GHPSS 2009 STEPS
Lithuania EUR Study of the prevalence and habits of the population of Lithuania in the use of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products (2022): 2022 SURVEY OF LOCATION OF RETAILSALE POINTS OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS, TOBACCO-RELATED PRODUCTS AND ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ACCORDING TO LICENSES ISSUED BY MUNICIPAL COUNCILS: General Population Survey (2021): Statistics Department, information on tobacco consumption and consequences thereof (2021): Independent Study on unaccounted consumption of tobacco products in Lithuania: Special Eurobarometer 506, Attitudes of Europeans towards tobacco and electronic cigarettes (2020): Drug, tobacco and alcohol control department, Study "Assessment of effectiveness and public opinion about tobacco and alcohol control measures", 2020: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children in Lithuania: 2018 situation and trends Smoking-Attributable Social and Economic Harm Assessment in Lithuania. Doctoral dissertation, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. Academy of Medicine. 2019. Liutkutė V, Štelemėkas M, Veryga A. Smoking-Attributable Direct Healthcare Expenditure in Lithuania: A Prevalence-Based Annual Cost Approach. Medicina. 2018 Apr 12;54(2):15. Liutkutė V, Veryga A, Štelemėkas M, Goštautaitė Midttun N. Burden of smoking in Lithuania: attributable mortality and years of potential life lost. The European Journal of Public Health. 2017 Apr 3;27(4):736–41. Adult Lifestyle Survey 2018, Institute of Hygiene Drug Tobacco and Alcohol Control Department Survey (2016) "Prevalence of use of psychoactive substances in Lithuania in 2014-2016": Institute of Hygiene survey (2016) "Health behaviour of school-aged children": ESPAD report 2019 (international), 2019 European School Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drugs national report (ESPAD 2019, age range: 15-16), Statistics Department, information on tobacco consumption and consequences thereof (the last is on 2018, published 30/05/2019) Drug, tobacco and alcohol control department, Study "Assessment of effectiveness and public opinion about tobacco and alcohol control measures", 2020: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children in Lithuania: 2018 situation and trends Smoking-Attributable Social and Economic Harm Assessment in Lithuania. Doctoral dissertation, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. Academy of Medicine. 2019. Liutkutė V, Štelemėkas M, Veryga A. Smoking-Attributable Direct Healthcare Expenditure in Lithuania: A Prevalence-Based Annual Cost Approach. Medicina. 2018 Apr 12;54(2):15. Liutkutė V, Veryga A, Štelemėkas M, Goštautaitė Midttun N. Burden of smoking in Lithuania: attributable mortality and years of potential life lost. The European Journal of Public Health. 2017 Apr 3;27(4):736–41. Adult Lifestyle Survey 2018, Institute of Hygiene Drug Tobacco and Alcohol Control Department Survey (2016) "Prevalence of use of psychoactive substances in Lithuania in 2014-2016": Institute of Hygiene survey (2016) "Health behaviour of school-aged children": Statistics Department gives every year summary information on tobacco consumption and consequences thereof (the last is on 2016, published 30/05/2017) Health Behaviour among Lithuanian Adult Population, Kaunas Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (2014): Drug Tobacco and Alcohol Control Department Survey (2016) "Prevalence of use of psychoactive substances in Lithuania in 2014-2016": Institute of Hygiene survey (2016) "Health behaviour of school-aged children": Other surveys and statistical information is available:
Luxembourg EUR - enquête annuelle de la Fondation cancer et la Direction de la santé sur la prévalence tabagique 2022. - Statistiques de mortalité de la Dirsan: Mortalité attribuable au tabac 2019. -enquête annuelle de la Fondation cancer sur la prévalence tabagique 2018. -Statistiques de mortalité de la Dirsan: Mortalité attribuable au tabac 2017. -enquête annuelle de la Fondation cancer sur la prévalence tabagique 2016. -Statistiques de mortalité de la Dirsan: Mortalité attribuable au tabac 2015.
Eswatini AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ethiopia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
European Union EUR The EU regularly carries out public opinion polls to monitor Europeans' attitudes to a range of tobacco-related issues. The general aim of these surveys is to assess the prevalence and pattern of tobacco and electronic cigarette use, exposure to smoke in public places,to explore the motivations for smoking, and to help identify measures to reduce the number of smokers in the EU. Regular Eurobarometers are important tools for effective and accurate monitoring of the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD; 2014/40/EU) and for assessing whether the EU actions in tobacco control are effective: The latest Special Eurobarometer 506 on “Attitudes of Europeans towards tobacco and electronic cigarettes“ was published in February 2021. See: In addition, the European Commission carried out two dedicated Eurobarometer surveys on the illicit trade in cigarettes with the latest report published in July 2019. See: Special Eurobarometer 272 on Attitudes of Europeans Towards Tobacco. Report. Published in 2007: Special Eurobarometer 332 on Tobacco. Published in 2010: Eurobarometer qualitative study - Tobacco packaging health warning labels. Published in 2012: Special Eurobarometer 385 on Attitudes of Europeans Towards Tobacco . Published in 2012: Special Eurobarometer 429 on Attitudes of Europeans Towards Tobacco and Electronic Cigarettes. Published in 2015: Special Eurobarometer 458 on Attitudes of European Towards Tobacco and Cigarettes: The European Commission funded a Eurobarometer survey on the illicit trade in cigarettes which was carried out by the surveyor TNS during November-December 2015. 27,672 citizens aged 15 and above throughout the 28 Member States of the European Union were interviewed in their homes. Results were published in July 2016. The full results of the survey can be viewed here: A summary of the report can be viewed here: The European Commission commissioned a Eurobarometer survey on the illicit trade in cigarettes which was carried out in 28 Member States of the European Union. Results were published in July 2019. The full results of the survey can be viewed here: Special Eurobarometer 272 on Attitudes of Europeans Towards Tobacco. Report. Published in 2007: Special Eurobarometer 332 on Tobacco. Published in 2010: Eurobarometer qualitative study - Tobacco packaging health warning labels. Published in 2012: Special Eurobarometer 385 on Attitudes of Europeans Towards Tobacco . Published in 2012: Special Eurobarometer 429 on Attitudes of Europeans Towards Tobacco and Electronic Cigarettes. Published in 2015: Special Eurobarometer 458 on Attitudes of European Towards Tobacco and Cigarettes: The European Commission funded a Eurobarometer survey on the illicit trade in cigarettes which was carried out by the surveyor TNS during November-December 2015. 27,672 citizens aged 15 and above throughout the 28 Member States of the European Union were interviewed in their homes. Results were published in July 2016. The full results of the survey can be viewed here: A summary of the report can be viewed here:
Fiji WPR Report not provided Study about opinions about GHWs conducted in 2017; focus groups to develop awareness campaigns in 2017 and 2018; study on nicotine in ambient air in Suva conducted in 2019; study on public opinion of compliance with national tobacco free settings and tobacco advertisement, promotion and sponsorship in 2019-2020. Report not provided
Finland EUR The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) has been conducting regular national health surveys that include several questions on tobacco use, passive smoking and cessation for adults since the 1970s. In 1978-2014, the main tobacco surveillance systems were the Health Behaviour and Health among the Finnish Adult Population (AVTK) and Health Behaviour and Heath among the Finnish Elderly (EVTK). In 2014, the AVTK and EVTK were discontinued and replaced by a new surveillance system, Regional Health and Well-being Study (ATH), in 2015-2016. Since 2017, the ATH has been replaced by the national FinSote-survey, which has been merged with FinHealth Study in 2022-2023 (see below) to form a new study, Healthy Finland Survey. In addition to the postal surveys, a health examination survey FinRISK has been carried out for the adult population every five years since 1972. In 2017, it was merged with another health examination survey Health2000/Health 2011 and the new survey continues with the name FinHealth. FinHealth was merged with FinSote in 2022-2023 to form a new study, Healthy Finland Survey. Monitoring youth tobacco use by THL begun in the 1990s, with the launch of the national School Health Promotion (SHP) study for 8th and 9th graders of secondary schools in 1996. General upper secondary schools joined the survey in 2000, and vocational institutions in 2008. In 2017, elementary schools (4th and 5th grades) joined the survey. The survey is being carried out once in two years, the next round is conducted in spring 2023. THL has also participated in the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) -study since the beginning, 1995. THL also conducts surveys among different population groups, such as persons of migrant origin and the Roma population. Other important national surveys for tobacco control monitoring have been carried out by other institutes. The University of Tampere has been conducting Adolescent Health and Lifestyle Survey every second year since 1976. The last round of data collection was in 2019. The University of Jyväskylä has been coordinating the participation to the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) since 1983/84. The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) has been conducting regular national health surveys that include several questions on tobacco use, passive smoking and cessation for adults since the 1970s. In 1978-2014, the main tobacco surveillance systems were the Health Behaviour and Health among the Finnish Adult Population (AVTK) and Health Behaviour and Heath among the Finnish Elderly (EVTK). In 2014, the AVTK and EVTK were discontinued and replaced by a new surveillance system, Regional Health and Well-being Study (ATH), in 2015-2016. Since 2017, the ATH has been replaced by the national FinSote-survey. In addition to the postal surveys, a health examination survey FinRISK has been carried out for the adult population every five years since 1972. In 2017, it was merged with another health examination survey Health2000/Health 2011 and the new survey continues with the name FinHealth. Monitoring youth tobacco use by THL begun in the 1990s, with the launch of the national School Health Promotion (SHP) survey for 8th and 9th graders of secondary schools in 1996. General upper secondary schools joined the survey in 2000, and vocational institutions in 2008. In 2017, elementary schools (4th and 5th grades) joined the survey. THL has also participated in the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) -study since the beginning, 1995. Other important national surveys for tobacco control monitoring have been carried out by other institutes. The University of Tampere has been conducting Adolescent Health and Lifestyle Survey every second year since 1976. The University of Jyväskylä has been coordinating the participation to the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) since 1983/84. - ATH study, tobacco use 2017 (THL) - The Adolescent Health and Lifestyle Survey in 2017 (University of Tampere) - School Health Study 2017 (THL)
Gambia AFR WHO STEPWISE 2010 Demographic Health Survey 2018 Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2017 WHO STEPWISE 2010 Demographic Health Survey 2018 Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2017 WHO STEPWISE 2010
Ghana AFR 1. Tobacco smoke exposure (Agbenyike Wills) 2. Adult (male and Female) smoking prevalence and smokeless tobacco use and by Ethnic background (DHS 2014) 3. GYTS 2009 4. GTCR-5 2015 5. Youth Tobacco use prevalence (Global School-based Students survey, 2012) 6. Tobacco Industry Interference 2014 7. Advertising promotion and Sponsorship 2015 8. Demographic and Health Survey 2014 9. GYTS 2017 1. Tobacco smoke exposure (Agbenyike Wills) 2. Adult (male and Female) smoking prevalence and smokeless tobacco use and by Ethnic background (DHS 2014) 3. GYTS 2009 4. GTCR-5 2015 5. Youth Tobacco use prevalence (Global School-based Students survey, 2012) 6. Tobacco Industry Interference 2014 7. Advertising promotion and Sponsorship 2015 8. Demographic and Health Survey 2014 9. GYTS 2017 1. Tobacco smoke exposure (Agbenyike Wills) 2. Adult (male and Female) smoking prevalence and smokeless tobacco use and by Ethnic background (DHS 2014) 3. GYTS 2009 4. GTCR-5 2015 5. Youth Tobacco use prevalence (Global School-based Students survey, 2012) 6. Tobacco Industry Interference 2014 7. Advertising promotion and Sponsorship 2015 8. Demographic and Health Survey 2014 9. GYTS 2017
Greece EUR 1) Hellenic Statistical Authority 2009, 2014 2) Hellas Health (2006, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2016 3) Eurobarometer on tobacco (2009, 2012, 2014) Report not provided 1) Hellenic Statistical Authority 2009, 2014 2) Hellas Health (2006, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2016 3) Eurobarometer on tobacco (2009, 2012, 2014)
Grenada AMR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Guatemala AMR Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2003. Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2006. Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2008. Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2015. Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2003. Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2006. Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2008. Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2015. Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2003. Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2006. Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2008. Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2015.
Guinea-Bissau AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Guyana AMR Answer not provided Global Youth Tobacco Survey ( 2000, 2004, 2010, 2015) Global School Health Survey (2010) MICS (2014) Stepwise Approach to Chronic Disease Risk Factor Surveillance (2016) Demographic Health Survey 2009 Global Youth Tobacco Survey ( 2000, 2004, 2010, 2015) Global School Health Survey (2010) MICS (2014) Stepwise Approach to Chronic Disease Risk Factor Surveillance (2016) Demographic Health Survey 2009
Honduras AMR Report not provided Prevalencia del consumo de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas. 2015. IHADFA. Prevalencia del consumo de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas. 2015. IHADFA.
Hungary EUR European Health Interview Survey 2019, Adult Smoking Survey 2019, Hungarian Youth Tobacco Survey 2020, In accordance with the European Union regulations, the EU-SILC questionnaire was held in 2022, which included a health module that included a question about the frequency of smoking within the population. The survey has been successfully completed in our country, and the data is still being processed. European Health Interview Survey 2014 European Health Interview Survey 2014
Costa Rica AMR Consumo de Drogas en Costa Rica: resultados de la Encuesta Nacional 2006. San José, CR. : IAFA,2009 Documento ISBN: 978-9968-705-77-6 (Impreso)---ISBN: 978-9968-705-76-9 (Digital) Año recabaron datos: 2006 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link: Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link: La juventud y las drogas: encuesta nacional sobre percepciones y consumo en población de educación secundaria. Costa Rica 2006. San José, CR.: IAFA, 2007 Documento ISBN: 978-9968-705-73-8 (IMPRESO) Año recabaron datos: 2006 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link drogas.Encuesta-nacional-sobre-percepciones-y-consumo-en-poblacion-de-educacion-secundaria-2006.pdf Juventud Escolarizada y Drogas. Encuesta Nacional sobre consumo de drogas en población de educación secundaria CR 2009 Documento ISBN: 978-9968-705- 84-4 Año recabaron datos: 2009 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link : Link: Consumo de drogas en Costa Rica. Encuesta Nacional 2010. Consumo de Tabaco Instituto sobre Alcoholismo y Farmacodependencia. Área Desarrollo Institucional. Proceso Investigación Documento ISBN: 978-9968-705- 87-5 Año recabaron datos: 2010 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link: Encuesta Nacional sobre consumo de drogas en población de educación secundaria (2012). Instituto sobre Alcoholismo y Farmacodependencia. Área Desarrollo Institucional. Proceso de Investigación Documento ISBN: 978-9968-705- 93 -6 Año recabaron datos: 2012 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link: Encuesta Nacional sobre consumo de drogas en población de educación secundaria, IAFA. (2018) Encuesta Global de Tabaquismo en Adultos, GATS 2015, Costa Rica. The Global Youth Tobacco Survey Project (1999). IAFA The Global Youth Tobacco Survey Project (2002). IAFA The Global Youth Tobacco Survey Project (2008). IAFA The Global Youth Tobacco Survey Project (2013). IAFA Hoja resumen IV Encuesta Nacional sobre tabaquismo en jóvenes (GYTS) Costa Rica, 2013 Instituto sobre Alcoholismo y Farmacodependencia. Área Desarrollo Institucional. Proceso de Investigación Documento hoja resumen Año recabaron datos: 2013 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional PDF Consumo de Drogas en Costa Rica: resultados de la Encuesta Nacional 2006. San José, CR. : IAFA,2009 Documento ISBN: 978-9968-705-77-6 (Impreso)---ISBN: 978-9968-705-76-9 (Digital) Año recabaron datos: 2006 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link: Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link: La juventud y las drogas: encuesta nacional sobre percepciones y consumo en población de educación secundaria. Costa Rica 2006. San José, CR.: IAFA, 2007 Documento ISBN: 978-9968-705-73-8 (IMPRESO) Año recabaron datos: 2006 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link drogas.Encuesta-nacional-sobre-percepciones-y-consumo-en-poblacion-de-educacion-secundaria-2006.pdf Juventud Escolarizada y Drogas. Encuesta Nacional sobre consumo de drogas en población de educación secundaria CR 2009 Documento ISBN: 978-9968-705- 84-4 Año recabaron datos: 2009 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link : Link: Consumo de drogas en Costa Rica. Encuesta Nacional 2010. Consumo de Tabaco Instituto sobre Alcoholismo y Farmacodependencia. Área Desarrollo Institucional. Proceso Investigación Documento ISBN: 978-9968-705- 87-5 Año recabaron datos: 2010 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link: Encuesta Nacional sobre consumo de drogas en población de educación secundaria (2012). Instituto sobre Alcoholismo y Farmacodependencia. Área Desarrollo Institucional. Proceso de Investigación Documento ISBN: 978-9968-705- 93 -6 Año recabaron datos: 2012 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link: Encuesta Nacional sobre consumo de drogas en población de educación secundaria, IAFA. (2018) Encuesta Global de Tabaquismo en Adultos, GATS 2015, Costa Rica. The Global Youth Tobacco Survey Project (1999). IAFA The Global Youth Tobacco Survey Project (2002). IAFA The Global Youth Tobacco Survey Project (2008). IAFA The Global Youth Tobacco Survey Project (2013). IAFA Hoja resumen IV Encuesta Nacional sobre tabaquismo en jóvenes (GYTS) Costa Rica, 2013 Instituto sobre Alcoholismo y Farmacodependencia. Área Desarrollo Institucional. Proceso de Investigación Documento hoja resumen Año recabaron datos: 2013 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional PDF 1-Tabaquismo en la mujer Costarricense Luis Rosero-Bixby Mark W. Oberle Articulo. Revista de Ciencias Sociales ISSN 2215-2601 Año recabaron datos: 1984 -1985 Investigación representativa: ámbito subnacional Link: 2-Tabaquismo: actitudes de los médicos de Costa Rica y oportunidades de intervención D. W. Grossman, J. J. Knox,1 C. Nash y J. G. Jiménez Articulo. Revista de Ciencias Sociales ISSN 2215-2601 Año recabaron datos: 1999 Investigación representativa: ámbito subnacional Link: Link: 3-Consumo de drogas en la juventud costarricense. Análisis de diez años de investigación. Julio Bejarano. Federico Ugalde, Sandra Fonseca Articulo. Revista Acta psiquiátrica y psicológica de América Latina .ISNN 0001-6896 Año recabaron datos: 2004 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link: 4-El consumo de tabaco en jóvenes costarricenses escolarizados Julio Bejarano Articulo. Revista Acta psiquiátrica y psicológica de América Latina Números 36-37 / años 23-24 ISNN 0001-6896 Año recabaron datos: 2004-2005 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link: 5-Distribución geográfica del consumo de drogas en Costa Rica 2006. San José, CR. : IAFA, 2010 Documento ISBN: 978-9968-705-83-7 (digital) Año recabaron datos: 2006 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link: 6-Consumo de Drogas en Costa Rica: resultados de la encuesta nacional 2006. San José, CR. : IAFA,2009 Documento ISBN: 978-9968-705-77-6 (Impreso)---ISBN: 978-9968-705-76-9 (Digital) Año recabaron datos: 2006 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link: 7-Consumo de drogas en hombres y mujeres costarricenses (Tabaco) Análisis de una década en personas de 25 a 59 años de la población genera Articulo Revista costarricense de Salud Pública ISNN 1409-1429 Año recabaron datos: 2006 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link: 8-La juventud y las drogas: encuesta nacional sobre percepciones y consumo en población de educación secundaria. Costa Rica 2006. San José, CR.: IAFA, 2007 Documento ISBN: 978-9968-705-73-8 (IMPRESO) Año recabaron datos: 2006 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link drogas.Encuesta-nacional-sobre-percepciones-y-consumo-en-poblacion-de-educacion-secundaria-2006.pdf 9-Tabaquismo en estudiantes universitarios de profesiones de la salud: resultados en Costa Rica, encuesta mundial (GHPS) Costa Rica 2006. San José, CR.IAFA, 2007 Documento ISBN: 978-9968-705-74-5 Año recabaron datos: 2006 Investigación representativa: ámbito subnacional Link : 10-Juventud Escolarizada y Drogas. Encuesta Nacional sobre consumo de drogas en población de educación secundaria CR 2009 Documento ISBN: 978-9968-705- 84-4 Año recabaron datos: 2009 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link : Link: 11-Estudio de Tabaquismo en CR . CID Gallup Presentación PDF RENATA Año recabaron datos: 2009 Investigación representativa: ámbito Subnacional 12-Impacto en la recaudación tributaria del impuesto específico planteado en el Proyecto de “Ley sobre El Control del Tabaco y sus Efectos Nocivos para la Saludos Francisco Gamboa Soto Consultor Documento PDF Año recabaron datos: 2010 Investigación representativa: ámbito Subnacional 13-Consumo de drogas en Costa Rica. Encuesta Nacional 2010. Consumo de Tabaco Instituto sobre Alcoholismo y Farmacodependencia. Área Desarrollo Institucional. Proceso Investigación Documento ISBN: 978-9968-705- 87-5 Año recabaron datos: 2010 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link: 14- Vigilancia de los Factores de Riesgo Cardiovascular CCSS.R Roy Wong McClure y otros Documento PDF Año recabaron datos: 2011 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional 15- Tabaquismo en CR implicaciones del fumado activo y pasivo en la población general. Marjorie Moreno Salas –Julio Bejarano Articulo Revista Ciencias Sociales 133-134: 167-177 / 2011 (lll-lV). ISSN: 0482-5276 Año recabaron datos: 2011 Investigación representativa: ámbito subnacional Link: 16- El éxito de la industria tabacalera en Costa Rica: Importancia del Artículo 5.3 del Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco. Eric Crosbie1 Ernesto M. Sebrié2 Stanton A. Glantz1 “Tobacco Industry success in Costa Rica: The Importance of the FCTC Article 5.3” Salud Pública de México 2012; vol. 54, no. 2, March-April 2012” Articulo Revista Tobacco Control Policy Making: International, Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, UC San Francisco Año recabaron datos: 2012 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link: Permalink: 17- Aspectos legales de la regulación del fumado en CR: una nueva perspectiva en torno a la ley 9028: Ley General de Control de Tabaco y sus efectos nocivos en la Salud (Ley Antitabaco) CATALINA CHAVES SALOMÓN Documento Tesis PDF Año recabaron datos: 2012 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link Link: 18-Economía del tabaco M. Cecilia Monge Bonilla, MPH ISSN 0001-6002/2012/54/1/8-14 Articulo Revista Acta Medica Costarricense ISSN 0001-6012 Año recabaron datos: 2012 Investigación representativa: ámbito subnacional Link: 19- Encuesta Nacional sobre onsumo de drogas en población de educación secundaria. Instituto sobre Alcoholismo y Farmacodependencia. Área Desarrollo Institucional. Proceso de Investigación Documento ISBN: 978-9968-705- 93 -6 Año recabaron datos: 2012 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional Link: 20- IV Encuesta Nacional sobre tabaquismo en jóvenes (GYTS) Costa Rica, 2013 Instituto sobre Alcoholismo y Farmacodependencia. Área Desarrollo Institucional. Proceso de Investigación Documento ISBN: 978-9930-510- 01-8 Año recabaron datos: 2013 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional PDF 21-Hoja resumen IV Encuesta Nacional sobre tabaquismo en jóvenes (GYTS) Costa Rica, 2013 Instituto sobre Alcoholismo y Farmacodependencia. Área Desarrollo Institucional. Proceso de Investigación Documento hoja resumen Año recabaron datos: 2013 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional PDF 22- Susceptibilidad congnitiva hacia el fumado en estudiantes costarricenses, perspectiva tras 6 años de ratificación del Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco en CR. Julio Bejarano IAFA Artículo Revista Humanitas, 2015. 12 (12): pp9-20, ISSN 1659-1852 Año recabaron datos: 2013 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional PDF 23- Análisis geográfico provincial de las drogas en Costa Rica, 2011-2013. Instituto sobre Alcoholismo y Farmacodependencia. Área Desarrollo Institucional. Proceso de Investigación Documento ISBN: 978-9930-510-00 -1 -6 Año recabaron datos: 2014 Investigación representativa: ámbito subnacional Link: 24-Estudio Cualitativo en nivel nacional para la comprensión del contexto cultural del acceso al tabaco Ministerio de Salud, Etnia local Documento Año recabaron datos: 2014 Investigación representativa: ámbito sub nacional Link: 25- Hoja Resumen GATS ENCUESTA MUNDIAL DE TABAQUISMO EN ADULTOS CR 2015 Ministerio de Salud,CDC, OPS Documento Hoja Resumen Año recabaron datos: 2015 Investigación representativa: ámbito nacional PDF 26-Acercamiento a la situación actual del problema de las drogas en Costa Rica Análisis de los grandes problemas predominantes de Salud Pública en Costa Rica Giselle Amador Muñoz, Julio Bejarano Orozco, Duglas Mata Pernidi. Escuela Salud Publica Universidad de Costa Rica Articulo Año recabaron datos: Investigación representativa: Link: 27- El Cáncer del pulmón Situación epidemiológica TABAQUISMO Y SALUD PÚBLICA Proyecto fortalecimiento de la atención integral del cáncer en la Red Articulo Boletín # 12 Link Link 28- LEY 9028 Lucha contra el Tabaco Proyecto fortalecimiento de la atención integral del cáncer en la Red Boletín # 13 Link Link 29- Revista Bienestar sin fumar Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social Departamento de Comunicacion Documento Revista #28 junio 2010 Año recabaron datos: 2010 Link:
Côte d'Ivoire AFR Enquête de Démographie et de Santé 2021 EDS 2021 Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples -MICS 2016 Enquête nationale sur la situation de l'emploi et le secteur informel-2016 Enquête dévaluation du décret portant interdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics et les transports en commun-(2014-2015) Étude socio -anthropologique des déterminants du tabagisme ( mémoire de recherche 2014) Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples -2016 Enquête nationale sur la situation de lemploi et le secteur informel-2016 Enquête dévaluation du décret portant interdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics et les transports en commun-(2014-2015) Étude socio -anthropologique des déterminants du tabagisme ( mémoire de recherche 2014) Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples -2016 Enquête nationale sur la situation de lemploi et le secteur informel-2016 Enquête dévaluation du décret portant interdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics et les transports en commun-(2014-2015) Étude socio -anthropologique des déterminants du tabagisme ( mémoire de recherche 2014)
Croatia EUR In the last reporting cycle: Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2014/2015 Health Behaviour in School Aged Children (HBSC) 2018 Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) 2015/2016 EHIS 2019 GSP 2019 In the last reporting cycle: Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2014/2015 Health Behaviour in School Aged Children (HBSC) 2014 Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) 2015/2016 In the last reporting cycle: Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2014/2015 Health Behaviour in School Aged Children (HBSC) 2014 Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) 2015/2016
Cyprus EUR Cyprus national addictions authority general population survey for 2019 year of publication 2020 Cyprus national addictions authority general population survey for 2019 year of publication 2020 CAC (2016). Pancyprian General Population Survey on Tobacco, Alcohol, and other psychoactive substances. European monitoring centre on drugs and drug addition (2016). Espad report 2015.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea SEA Report not provided STEP survey (NCD risk factor survey)2005 STEP survey (NCD risk factor survey)2008 National Adult Tobacco survey 2013 KAP survey 2016 (Knowledge, attitude and practice survey) STEP survey (NCD risk factor survey) 2016 GATS 2017(Global Adult Tobacco Survey) STEP survey (NCD risk factor survey)2005 STEP survey (NCD risk factor survey)2008 National Adult Tobacco survey 2013 KAP survey 2016 (Knowledge, attitude and practice survey) STEP survey (NCD risk factor survey) 2016 GATS 2017(Global Adult Tobacco Survey)
Democratic Republic of the Congo AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Denmark EUR The National Health Profile 2021 Surveillance of health and lifestile habits on national, regional and municipallity level including basic indicators of smoking habits. Surveillance every fourth year. age 16+ National burden of disease 2022 (Data is from 2017-2018), Danish Health Authority and National Institute of Public Health Danskernes Rygevaner, 2022, Danish Health Authority The National Health Profile 2017 Surveillance of health and lifestile habits on national, regional and municipallity level including basic indicators of smoking habits. Surveillance every fourth year. age 16+ Yearly surveillance of smoking patterns (prevalence etc.) The National Health Profile 2017 Surveillance of health and lifestile habits on national, regional and municipallity level including basic indicators of smoking habits. Surveillance every fourth year. age 16+
Djibouti EMR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Dominica AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Egypt EMR -stepwise 2016/17- GATS 2010-GYTS 2009-GYTS 2011- GYTTS 2014 -stepwise 2016/17- GATS 2010-GYTS 2009-GYTS 2011- GYTTS 2014 -stepwise 2016/17- GATS 2010-GYTS 2009-GYTS 2011- GYTTS 2014
El Salvador AMR Relativas al consumo de tabaco: 2003 Encuesta Mundial sobre el Tabaco y los Jóvenes 2003 Primer estudio nacional sobre consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en población escolar de El Salvador 2008 Segundo estudio nacional sobre consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en población escolar de El Salvador 2009 Encuesta Mundial sobre el Tabaco y los Jóvenes 2010 Encuesta Nacional sobre el consumo de drogas y de otras problemáticas 2012 Estudio Nacional sobre Consumo de Drogas y de otras Problemáticas en Población Estudiantil Universitaria de El Salvador 2013 Encuesta Mundial de Salud Escolar 2014 Estudio Nacional sobre Consumo de Drogas en Población General de El Salvador 2014 Encuesta Nacional de Alcohol y Tabaco 2014 Encuesta Nacional de Salud de Indicadores Múltiples por conglomerados 2015 Encuesta Mundial sobre el Tabaco y los Jóvenes 2015 Encuesta Nacional de Enfermedades Crónicas no Transmisibles en Población Adulta de El Salvador 2016 Estudio de prevalencia del consumo de tabaco en estudiantes universitarios 2016 Tercera Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población Escolar de El Salvador 2018 Cuarta Encuesta Nacional sobre Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población Escolar 2018 Estudio de Opinión de Políticas Públicas de Control de Tabaco ENCUESTA NACIONAL DE ALCOHOL Y TABACO (ENAT, 2014) Encuesta Mundial sobre Tabaco en Jóvenes (GYTS, 2015) ENCUESTA NACIONAL DE ALCOHOL Y TABACO (ENAT, 2014) Encuesta Mundial sobre Tabaco en Jóvenes (GYTS, 2015)
Equatorial Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Estonia EUR 1.Tobacco market and consumption in Estonia, yearbook 2021 2.Health Behavior among Estonian Adult Population, 2020 1.Tobacco market and consumption in Estonia, yearbook 2019 2.Health Behavior among Estonian Adult Population, 2018 1.Tobacco market and consumption in Estonia, yearbook 2017 2.Health Behavior among Estonian Adult Population, 2016
Brunei Darussalam WPR National Nutritional Survey, 1997 The 2nd National Health and Nutritional Status Survey, 2011 Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 2013 Global School-based Student Health Survey, 2014 Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Survey on NCD, 2014 Tobacco Questions for Surveys, 2014 STEPS Survey of NCDs and Risk Factor, 2015-2016 Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 2019 Global School-based Student Health Survey, 2019 National Nutritional Survey, 1997 The 2nd National Health and Nutritional Status Survey, 2011 Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 2013 Global School-based Student Health Survey, 2014 Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Survey on NCD, 2014 Tobacco Questions for Surveys, 2014 STEPS Survey of NCDs and Risk Factor, 2015-2016 Global Youth Tobacco Survey and Global School-Based Student Health Survey were completed in October 2019. Currently both data are being analysed by CDC, USA. Global School-Based Student Health Survey 2014. Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Survey on NCD 2014. STEPS Survey of NCDs and Risk Factor 2015-2016.
Bulgaria EUR Please note that the information was provided during the previous reporting. European smoking clinic asessment and networking Global Youth Tobacco survey, Bulgaria 2002, 2008 and 2015 Global School Personnel Survey, Bulgaria 2002, 2008 Health Risk in Preschool Aged Children, Exposed to SHS 2002, 2007, 2013 European smoking clinic asessment and networking Transexpo Skin Cancer Risk Asessment in Children etc. European smoking clinic asessment and networking Global Youth Tobacco survey, Bulgaria 2002, 2008 and 2015 Global School Personnel Survey, Bulgaria 2002, 2008 Health Risk in Preschool Aged Children, Exposed to SHS 2002, 2007, 2013 European smoking clinic asessment and networking Transexpo Skin Cancer Risk Asessment in Children etc. European smoking clinic asessment and networking Global Youth Tobacco survey, Bulgaria 2002, 2008 and 2015 Global School Personnel Survey, Bulgaria 2002, 2008 Health Risk in Preschool Aged Children, Exposed to SHS 2002, 2007, 2013 European smoking clinic asessment and networking Transexpo Skin Cancer Risk Asessment in Children etc.
Burkina Faso AFR Enquête GYTS 2009, Enquête STEPS 2021 Enquête GYTS 2009, Enquête STEPS 2013 Enquête GYTS 2009, Enquête STEPS 2013
Burundi AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Cambodia WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Canada AMR Regular measurements of the prevalence of tobacco use by the Canadian population are obtained by the Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey which is the current general population survey for those aged 15 years and older, and for school-aged children in grades 7-12, the Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey. The Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey was developed to provide data on tobacco and vaping product use by Canadians aged 15 years and older. It serves as a temporary replacement for the Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey, which was last implemented in 2017. The Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey provides timely and accurate monitoring of the tobacco use in school aged children (grades 7-12). The Survey contributes an essential input to the development of sound and effective tobacco control policies and programs. Regular measurements of the prevalence of tobacco use by the Canadian population are obtained by the Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey which is the current general population survey for those aged 15 years and older, and for school-aged children in grades 7-12, the Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey. The Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey was developed to provide data on tobacco and vaping product use by Canadians aged 15 years and older. It serves as a temporary replacement for the Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey, which was last implemented in 2017. The Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey provides timely and accurate monitoring of the tobacco use in school aged children (grades 7-12). The Survey contributes an essential input to the development of sound and effective tobacco control policies and programs. Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey (CTNS) 2019. Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) 1999-2012; Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CTADS) 2013, 2015, 2017. Youth Smoking Survey (YSS) 1994, 2002, 2004-05, 2006-07, 2008-09, 2010-2011, 2012-2013; Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Surveys (CSTADS) 2014-15, 2016-17, 2018-19. Regular measurements of the prevalence of tobacco use by the Canadian population are obtained by the Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CTADS) which is the current general population survey for those aged 15 years and older, and for school-aged children in grades 6-12, the Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CSTADS). The Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CTADS) was developed to provide Health Canada and its partners with timely, reliable, and continual data on tobacco use and related issues. The surveys primary objective is to track changes in smoking status and amount smoked, especially for 15-24-year-olds, who are most at risk for taking up smoking. The Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CSTADS) provides timely and accurate monitoring of the tobacco use in school aged children (grades 6-12). CSTADS contributes an essential input to the development of sound and effective tobacco control policies and programs. Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) 1999-2012; Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CTADS) 2013, 2015. Youth Smoking Survey (YSS) 1994, 2002, 2004-05, 2006-07, 2008-09, 2010-2011, 2012-2013; Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Surveys (CSTADS) 2014-15.
Chad AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Chile AMR – IPSOS -Estudio de Opinión - Nuevos Aires para Chile Evaluación e Impacto en los Hábitos de las mujeres en espacios públicos 100% Libres de Humo de Tabaco- 2013 – IPSOS -Estudio de Opinión - Trabajadores de restoranes y pubs frente a ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco - 2012 – Encuesta Nacional de Salud Ministerio de Salud 2017, 2010; 2006; 2003; – Estudio Nacional de Drogas en población general de Chile: 2020; 2018, 2016,2014, 2012; 2010, 2008;2006;2004; 2002; 2000; 1998; 1996. 1994 – Estudio Nacional de Drogas en Población Escolar 2019; 2017, 2015, 20013,2011.2009.2007.2005.2003.2001.1999.1997.1995 – Estudio Drogas en consultantes de salas de urgencia 2010 – Estudio Magnitud de la relación delito y drogas 2008 – Estudio Representaciones sociales sobre el consumo de drogas de la Juventud Chilena 2008 – Estudio Costos Humanos, Sociales y Económicos de las Drogas 2006 – Estudio Informe Observatorio Chileno de Drogas 2006 – Encuesta de Calidad de Vida y Salud 2015-2016; 2006 ;2000 – Encuesta Mundial de Salud Escolar 2004 – Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jovenes 2008 2003. 2000 2015-2016 – Encuesta Nacional de Empleo. Trabajo. Calidad de vida y Salud de Trabajadores 2010 – Estudio de Carga de Enfermedad y Carga Atribuible 1996. 2007,2017 – Pichon-Riviere A, Bardach A, Caporale J, Alcaraz A, Augustovski F, Caccavo F, Vallejos V, Velazquez Z, De La Puente C, Bustos L, Castillo Laborde C, Verdugo J, Castillo- Riquelme M. Carga de Enfermedad atribuible al Tabaquismo en Chile. Documento Técnico IECS N° 8. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Noviembre de 2014 -2017 - Estudio de percepción de riesgo en adolescentes asociada a exhibición de cigarrillos (MINSAL, 2015) - Estudio Percepción de riesgo en diseño cajetillas de cigarrillos en adultos (MINSAL 2015) – IPSOS -Estudio de Opinión - Nuevos Aires para Chile Evaluación e Impacto en los Hábitos de las mujeres en espacios públicos 100% Libres de Humo de Tabaco- 2013 – IPSOS -Estudio de Opinión - Trabajadores de restoranes y pubs frente a ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco - 2012 – Encuesta Nacional de Salud Ministerio de Salud 2017, 2010; 2006; 2003; – Estudio Nacional de Drogas en población general de Chile: 2018, 2016,2014, 2012; 2010, 2008;2006;2004; 2002; 2000; 1998; 1996. 1994 – Estudio Nacional de Drogas en Población Escolar 2017, 2015, 20013,2011.2009.2007.2005.2003.2001.1999.1997.1995 – Estudio Drogas en consultantes de salas de urgencia 2010 – Estudio Magnitud de la relación delito y drogas 2008 – Estudio Representaciones sociales sobre el consumo de drogas de la Juventud Chilena 2008 – Estudio Costos Humanos, Sociales y Económicos de las Drogas 2006 – Estudio Informe Observatorio Chileno de Drogas 2006 – Encuesta de Calidad de Vida y Salud 2006 2000 – Encuesta Mundial de Salud Escolar 2004 – Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jovenes 2008 2003. 2000 2015-2016 – Encuesta Nacional de Empleo. Trabajo. Calidad de vida y Salud de Trabajadores 2010 – Estudio de Carga de Enfermedad y Carga Atribuible 1996. 2007,2017 – Pichon-Riviere A, Bardach A, Caporale J, Alcaraz A, Augustovski F, Caccavo F, Vallejos V, Velazquez Z, De La Puente C, Bustos L, Castillo Laborde C, Verdugo J, Castillo- Riquelme M. Carga de Enfermedad atribuible al Tabaquismo en Chile. Documento Técnico IECS N° 8. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Noviembre de 2014 -2017 - Estudio de percepción de riesgo en adolescentes asociada a exhibición de cigarrillos (MINSAL, 2015) - Estudio Percepción de riesgo en diseño cajetillas de cigarrillos en adultos (MINSAL 2015) – IPSOS -Estudio de Opinión - Nuevos Aires para Chile Evaluación e Impacto en los Hábitos de las mujeres en espacios públicos 100% Libres de Humo de Tabaco- 2013 – IPSOS -Estudio de Opinión - Trabajadores de restoranes y pubs frente a ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco - 2012 – Encuesta Nacional de Salud Ministerio de Salud 2010; 2006; 2003; – Estudio Nacional de Drogas en población general de Chile: 2012; 2010; 2008;2006;2004; 2002; 2000; 1998; 1996. 1994 – Estudio Nacional de Drogas en Población Escolar 2011.2009.2007.2005.2003.2001.1999.1997.1995 – Estudio Drogas en consultantes de salas de urgencia 2010 – Estudio Magnitud de la relación delito y drogas 2008 – Estudio Representaciones sociales sobre el consumo de drogas de la Juventud Chilena 2008 – Estudio Costos Humanos, Sociales y Económicos de las Drogas 2006 – Estudio Informe Observatorio Chileno de Drogas 2006 – Encuesta de Calidad de Vida y Salud 2006 2000 – Encuesta Mundial de Salud Escolar 2004 – Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jovenes 2008 2003. 2000 2015-2016 – Encuesta Nacional de Empleo. Trabajo. Calidad de vida y Salud de Trabajadores 2010 – Estudio de Carga de Enfermedad y Carga Atribuible 1996. 2007 – Pichon-Riviere A, Bardach A, Caporale J, Alcaraz A, Augustovski F, Caccavo F, Vallejos V, Velazquez Z, De La Puente C, Bustos L, Castillo Laborde C, Verdugo J, Castillo- Riquelme M. Carga de Enfermedad atribuible al Tabaquismo en Chile. Documento Técnico IECS N° 8. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Noviembre de 2013 - Estudio de percepción de riesgo en adolescentes asociada a exhibición de cigarrillos (MINSAL, 2015) - Estudio Percepción de riesgo en diseño cajetillas de cigarrillos en adultos (MINSAL 2015)
Colombia AMR Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes aplicada en Bogotá, 2001. • Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes aplicada en 5 ciudades, en 2007. • Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes y Encuesta Mundial de Salud Escolar, 2014-2015. • Estudio de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población Escolar, 2004, 2011, 2016 • Estudio Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población General, 2008, 2013 y 2019. • Encuesta de Calidad de Vida 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 • Estudio epidemiológico andino sobre consumo de drogas en la población universitaria de Colombia, 2009, 2012 y 2016 • Encuesta de Riesgo Cardiovascular para el departamento de Risaralda 2017 • Estudio Nacional de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes, 2017 • Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes aplicada en Bogotá, 2001. • Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes aplicada en 5 ciudades, en 2007. • Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes y Encuesta Mundial de Salud Escolar, 2014-2015. En la actualidad se están procesando los datos. • Estudio de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población Escolar, 2004, 2011, 2016 • Estudio Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población General, 2008 y 2013. • Encuesta de Calidad de Vida 2016, 2017 y 2018 • Estudio epidemiológico andino sobre consumo de drogas en la población universitaria de Colombia, 2009, 2012 y 2016 • Encuesta de Riesgo Cardiovascular para el departamento de Risaralda 2017 • Estudio Nacional de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes, 2017 • Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes aplicada en Bogotá, 2001. • Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes aplicada en 5 ciudades, en 2007. • Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes y Encuesta Mundial de Salud Escolar, 2014-2015. En la actualidad se están procesando los datos. • Estudio de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población Escolar, 2004, 2011, 2016 • Estudio Nacional de Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en Población General, 2008 y 2013. • Encuesta de Calidad de Vida 2016 y 2017 • Estudio epidemiológico andino sobre consumo de drogas en la población universitaria de Colombia, 2009, 2012 y 2016 • Encuesta de Riesgo Cardiovascular para el departamento de Risaralda 2017
Comoros AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Congo AFR Nous avons l'enquête GYTS en milieu scolaire ches les enfants de 13 à 15 ans d'abord en 2006 puis en 2009 et la dernière en 2019. Answer not provided Report not provided
Australia WPR Insights into Australian Smokers Australian Bureau of Statistics 2021-2022. Smoking estimates in this release are drawn from the Smoker Status, Australia dataset which is an experimental dataset built from household surveys conducted from July 2021 to June 2022. More details are available at: 2016 National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2019 National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2017 Australian Secondary School Students Alcohol and Drug Survey 2017-18 National Health Survey National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, 2014-15 Sax Institute 45 and Up Study - National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, 2014-15 2016 National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2017 Australian Secondary School Students Alcohol and Drug Survey 2017-18 National Health Survey Sax Institute 45 and Up Study - National Surveys National Health Survey 2014/2015 Australian Secondary School Students Alcohol and Drug Survey (ASSAD) 2014 National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2013 Australian Health Survey 2011/2012 Australian Secondary School Students Alcohol and Drug Survey (ASSAD) 2011 National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2010 Australian Secondary School Students Alcohol and Drug Survey (ASSAD) 2008 National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2007 National Health Survey 2004/2005 Australian Secondary School Students Alcohol and Drug Survey (ASSAD) 2005 Subnational Surveys: Western Australia - Tomlin, Stephania, Radomiljac, Ali and Kay, Alison. 2016. Health and Wellbeing of Adults in Western Australia 2015, Overview and Trends. South Australia - South Australian Omnibus Survey New South Wales Population Health Survey 2016 New South Wales School Students Health Behaviours Survey 2014 Tasmanian Population Health Survey 2009, 2013, 2016 Tasmanian Smoking and Health Surveys 2013, 2014
Austria EUR General Population Survey on Substance Use (GPS) 2019 and 2020-2022 European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) 2015 and 2019 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) 2018 und 2022 Austrian Health Interview Survey (ATHIS) 2018 ("Österreichische Gesundheitsbefragung") Scientific report "Tobacco and related products - facts and figures" 2022 (Wissenschaftlicher Bericht "Tabak- und Nikotinkonsum - Zahlen und Fakten") Addiction (treatment) during COVID 2020-2023 ("Sucht(behandlung) in der Krise") Epidemiologiebericht Sucht 2022 General Population Survey on Substance Use 2019 ESPAD 2019 HBSC 2018 Austrian Health Interview Survey (ATHIS) 2018 ("Österreichische Gesundheitsbefragung") General Population Survey on Substance Use 2015 ESPAD 2015 HBSC 2014 Austrian Health Interview Survey (ATHIS) 2014 ("Österreichische Gesundheitsbefragung")
Azerbaijan EUR - Azerbaijan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), 2000 - Reproductive, maternal, and child health in Eastern Europe and Eurasia: a comparative report, 2001 - Reproductive Health Survey, Azerbaijan, 2001 - Health and development survey among youth, 2002 - Azerbaijan Demographic and Health Survey, 2006 - Health Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices among Adults Azerbaijan (KAP): A socio-epidemiological analysis, 2006 - Situational analysis on Noncommunicable Diseases in Azerbaijan, 2009 - Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) - 2011 - Azerbaijan Demographic and Health Survey, 2011 - National Survey on Risk Factors for Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases in Azerbaijan, 2011 - Azerbaijan Demographic and Health Survey, 2011 - Study of trends in the prevalence of certain NCD risk factors among women in Azerbaijan, 2015 - Comparative analysis of compliance of the tobacco related relevant legislation of Azerbaijan Republic with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, conducted in 2015 and updated in 2016. - Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) - 2016 - Prevalence of noncommunicable disease risk factors in Azerbaijan Republic, STEPS 2017 - Assessing compliance with smoke-free Law in café, restaurant, taxis, metro underground crosswalk in Baku, 2018 - Azerbaijan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), 2000 - Reproductive, maternal, and child health in Eastern Europe and Eurasia: a comparative report, 2001 - Reproductive Health Survey, Azerbaijan, 2001 - Health and development survey among youth, 2002 - Azerbaijan Demographic and Health Survey, 2006 - Health Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices among Adults Azerbaijan (KAP): A socio-epidemiological analysis, 2006 - Situational analysis on Noncommunicable Diseases in Azerbaijan, 2009 - Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) - 2011 - Azerbaijan Demographic and Health Survey, 2011 - National Survey on Risk Factors for Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases in Azerbaijan, 2011 - Azerbaijan Demographic and Health Survey, 2011 - Study of trends in the prevalence of certain NCD risk factors among women in Azerbaijan, 2015 - Comparative analysis of compliance of the tobacco related relevant legislation of Azerbaijan Republic with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, conducted in 2015 and updated in 2016. - Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) - 2016 - Prevalence of noncommunicable disease risk factors in Azerbaijan Republic, STEPS 2017 - Assessing compliance with smoke-free Law in café, restaurant, taxis, metro underground crosswalk in Baku, 2018 - Azerbaijan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), 2000 - Reproductive, maternal, and child health in Eastern Europe and Eurasia: a comparative report, 2001 - Reproductive Health Survey, Azerbaijan, 2001 - Health and development survey among youth, 2002 - Azerbaijan Demographic and Health Survey, 2006 - Health Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices among Adults Azerbaijan (KAP): A socio-epidemiological analysis, 2006 - Situational analysis on Noncommunicable Diseases in Azerbaijan, 2009 - Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) - 2011 - Azerbaijan Demographic and Health Survey, 2011 - National Survey on Risk Factors for Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases in Azerbaijan, 2011 - Azerbaijan Demographic and Health Survey, 2011 - Study of trends in the prevalence of certain NCD risk factors among women in Azerbaijan, 2015 - Comparative analysis of compliance of the tobacco related relevant legislation of Azerbaijan Republic with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, conducted in 2015 and updated in 2016. - Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) - 2016 - Prevalence of noncommunicable disease risk factors in Azerbaijan Republic, STEPS 2017
Bangladesh SEA GYTS 2013 GATS 2009 and 2017 Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2009 and 2017 and NCD Risk Factor Survey 2010 Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2013 Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2009 and NCD Risk Factor Survey 2010
Barbados AMR Answer not provided Report not provided STEPS Survey 2007 HOTN 2013 Barbados Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2007. Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS) 2011
Belize AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Benin AFR enquête STEPS tous les 5 ans, des travaux de thèse, de mémoires et de doctorat sur le tabac enquête STEPS tous les 5 ans, des travaux de thèse, de mémoires et de doctorat sur le tabac enquête STEPS tous les 5 ans, des travaux de thèse, de mémoires et de doctorat sur le tabac
Bhutan SEA Global Youth Tobacco Survey – 2006 Global Youth Tobacco Survey – 2009 Global Youth Tobacco Survey – 2013 Global Adult Tobacco Survey – 2009 National Health Survey – 2012 National Survey for Non-Communicable Disease risk factors and mental health using WHO STEPS Survey in Bhutan – 2014 and 2019 International Tobacco Control Survey - 2009 Report not provided Global Youth Tobacco Survey – 2006 Global Youth Tobacco Survey – 2009 Global Youth Tobacco Survey – 2013 Global Adult Tobacco Survey – 2009 National Health Survey – 2012 National Survey for Non-Communicable Disease risk factors and mental health using WHO STEPS Survey in Bhutan – 2014 International Tobacco Control Survey - 2009
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) AMR - GYTS 2012. - GYTS 2018 - Segundo estudio epidemiológico del consumo de drogas en poblacion general, 2014. - Tercer estudio de prevalencia del consumo de drogas en escolares de 13 a 18 años, 2017. - Tercer estudio de prevealencia del consumo de drogas en población universitaria, 2017. - GYTS 2012. - GYTS 2018 - Segundo estudio epidemiológico del consumo de drogas en poblacion general, 2014. - Tercer estudio de prevalencia del consumo de drogas en escolares de 13 a 18 años, 2017. - Tercer estudio de prevealencia del consumo de drogas en población universitaria, 2017. - GYTS 2012. - Segundo estudio epidemiológico del consumo de drogas en poblacion general, 2014. - Tercer estudio de prevalencia del consumo de drogas en escolares de 13 a 18 años, 2017. - Tercer estudio de prevealencia del consumo de drogas en población universitaria, 2017.
Bosnia and Herzegovina EUR Answer not provided List of surveys that were undertaken in the past: Surveys performed in the Republic of Srpska: ESPAD (The European School Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drugs) - 2008, 2011; Global Youth Tobacco Survey GYTS - 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018; Population Health Status Report of the Republic of Srpska, Public Health Institute of the Republic of Srpska, 2010. Surveys performed in the Federation of BiH: HBSC (2002); ESPAD (2008, 2011); GHPS (2005, 2006); MICS (2002, 2007, 2011); Study on the state of health of the adult population of the Federation of BiH, 2012, in collaboration with WB, printed; Research of the risk factors of chronic non-communicable diseases (Baseline research) 2015, in collaboration with WB which is the owner of the Research, not printed; Global Smoking Survey at school children in the Federation of BiH (GYTS) - 2003, 2008, 2013 and 2019, in collaboration with WHO and CDC, printed. In the Federation BiH: HBSC (2002), ESPAD (2008, 2011), GYTS (2003, 2008, 2013), GHPS (2005, 2006), MICS (2002, 2007, 2011), Health Status Survey of the Population of the Federation of BiH (2012). In Republic of Srpska: Health Status Survey of the Population of Republic of Srpska (2011), ESPAD (2008, 2011), GYTS (2003, 2008, 2013), MICS (2002, 2007, 2011).
Botswana AFR Answer not provided Only GYTS was conducted in 2001 and 2008 and STEPS Survey in 2007 and 2014 respectively. We have just completed GATS Survey awaiting results. Only GYTS was conducted in 2001 and 2008 and STEPS Survey in 2007 and 2014 respectively. We have just completed GATS Survey awaiting results.
Brazil AMR 1) The National Health and Nutrition Survey/1989. 2) The World Health Survey/2003. 3) The Global Adult Tobacco Survey/2008 and 2013 4) The Surveillance System for Risk and Protective Factors for Chronic Illnesses: Telephone Survey (VIGITEL)/2006-2016 5) Pinto M, Bardach A, Palacios A, Biz AN, Alcaraz A, Rodríguez B, Augustovski F, Pichon-Riviere A. Carga de doença atribuível ao uso do tabaco no Brasil e potencial impacto do aumento de preços por meio de impostos. (Disease burden attributable to tobacco use in Brazil and potential impact of price increases through taxes. Technical document IECS N° 21). Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina. May 2017. Available at: 6) Estimating the Size of Illicit Tobacco Consumption in Brazil: Findings from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey Roberto Magno Iglesias, André Salem Szklo, Mirian Carvalho de Souza, Liz Maria de Almeida 7) Trends in Illicit Cigarette Use in Brazil Estimated from Legal Sales: 2012-2016 André Szklo, Roberto Magno Iglesias, Mirian Carvalho de Souza, Moysés Szklo, Liz Maria de Almeida American Journal of Public Health 108, no. 2 (February 1, 2018): pp. 265-269. 8) Global Adult Tobacco Survey (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde). 2019 9) Global Youth Survey (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar). 2019 1) The National Health and Nutrition Survey/1989. 2) The World Health Survey/2003. 3) The Global Adult Tobacco Survey/2008 and 2013 4) The Surveillance System for Risk and Protective Factors for Chronic Illnesses: Telephone Survey (VIGITEL)/2006-2016 5) Pinto M, Bardach A, Palacios A, Biz AN, Alcaraz A, Rodríguez B, Augustovski F, Pichon-Riviere A. Carga de doença atribuível ao uso do tabaco no Brasil e potencial impacto do aumento de preços por meio de impostos. (Disease burden attributable to tobacco use in Brazil and potential impact of price increases through taxes. Technical document IECS N° 21). Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina. May 2017. Available at: 6) Estimating the Size of Illicit Tobacco Consumption in Brazil: Findings from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey Roberto Magno Iglesias, André Salem Szklo, Mirian Carvalho de Souza, Liz Maria de Almeida 7) Trends in Illicit Cigarette Use in Brazil Estimated from Legal Sales: 2012-2016 André Szklo, Roberto Magno Iglesias, Mirian Carvalho de Souza, Moysés Szklo, Liz Maria de Almeida American Journal of Public Health 108, no. 2 (February 1, 2018): pp. 265-269. 1) The National Health and Nutrition Survey/1989. 2) The World Health Survey/2003. 3) The Global Adult Tobacco Survey/2008 and 2013 4) The Surveillance System for Risk and Protective Factors for Chronic Illnesses: Telephone Survey (VIGITEL)/2006-2016 5) Pinto M, Bardach A, Palacios A, Biz AN, Alcaraz A, Rodríguez B, Augustovski F, Pichon-Riviere A. Carga de doença atribuível ao uso do tabaco no Brasil e potencial impacto do aumento de preços por meio de impostos. (Disease burden attributable to tobacco use in Brazil and potential impact of price increases through taxes. Technical document IECS N° 21). Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina. May 2017. Available at: 6) Estimating the Size of Illicit Tobacco Consumption in Brazil: Findings from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey Roberto Magno Iglesias, André Salem Szklo, Mirian Carvalho de Souza, Liz Maria de Almeida 7) Trends in Illicit Cigarette Use in Brazil Estimated from Legal Sales: 2012-2016 André Szklo, Roberto Magno Iglesias, Mirian Carvalho de Souza, Moysés Szklo, Liz Maria de Almeida American Journal of Public Health 108, no. 2 (February 1, 2018): pp. 265-269.
Algeria AFR Enquete STEP WISE sur la mesure des facteurs de risque des MNT dont le tabac, Année 2017 Answer not provided Answer not provided
Andorra EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Angola AFR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Antigua and Barbuda AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
France EUR Baromètre santé (population générale) : 2005, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017,2018 , 2020, 2021,2022 Escapad (17 ans) : 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2019,2018,2022 Enquête EnCLASS 2018 Enquête ARAMIS 2017 Enquête ATLAS 2017 Enquête ESPAD 2015 Enquête Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) 2014 International tobacco control (ITC) : 2006, 2008, 2011 Baromètre santé (population générale) : 2005, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017,2018 Escapad (17 ans) : 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2019 Enquête EnCLASS 2018 Enquête ARAMIS 2017 Enquête ATLAS 2017 Enquête ESPAD 2015 Enquête Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) 2014 International tobacco control (ITC) : 2006, 2008, 2011 Baromètre santé (population générale) : 2005, 2010, 2015, 2016 Escapad (17 ans) : 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017 International tobacco control (ITC) : 2006, 2008, 2011 Enquête ARAMIS 2017 Enquête ATLAS 2017 Enquête ESPAD 2015 Enquête Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) 2014
Ecuador AMR - I Encuesta Nacional sobre Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Enseñanza Media, 1998. CONSEP. - I Encuesta Mundial sobre Tabaco en Jóvenes - EMTJ, 2001 (Quito, Guayaquil y Zamora). - II Encuesta Nacional sobre Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Enseñanza Media, 2005. CONSEP. - II Encuesta Mundial sobre Tabaco en Jóvenes - EMTJ, 2007 (Quito, Guayaquil y Zamora). - III Encuesta Nacional sobre Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Enseñanza Media, 2008. CONSEP.- I Estudio epidemiológico andino sobre consumo de drogas en la población universitaria de Ecuador, 2009. UNODC. - Encuesta sobre consumo de cigarrillos en adultos, Ministerio Coordinador de Política Económica, 2010. - Encuesta nacional sobre uso de drogas en estudiantes de 12 a 17 años, 2012. CONSEP. - II Estudio epidemiológico andino sobre consumo de drogas en la población universitaria de Ecuador, 2012. UNODC. - Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición - ENSANUT, 2012. Ministerio de Salud Pública e Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos. - Encuesta de percepción de la III ronda de advertencias sanitarias para envases de productos de tabaco, 2015. MSP. - III Estudio epidemiológico andino sobre consumo de drogas en la población universitaria de Ecuador, 2016. UNODC. - Encuesta Mundial sobre Tabaco en Jóvenes - EMTJ, 2016 (Quito, Guayaquil y Nivel Nacional). -Para el caso de la prevalencia de consumo de tabaco en mujeres, todas las encuestas incluyen dicha información, sin embargo, no se incluye información específica del grupo poblacional “mujeres embarazadas”. ––Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición - ENSANUT, 2018. Ministerio de Salud Pública e Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos. –Encuesta STEPS 2018 - I Encuesta Nacional sobre Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Enseñanza Media, 1998. CONSEP. - I Encuesta Mundial sobre Tabaco en Jóvenes - EMTJ, 2001 (Quito, Guayaquil y Zamora). - II Encuesta Nacional sobre Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Enseñanza Media, 2005. CONSEP. - II Encuesta Mundial sobre Tabaco en Jóvenes - EMTJ, 2007 (Quito, Guayaquil y Zamora). - III Encuesta Nacional sobre Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Enseñanza Media, 2008. CONSEP. - I Estudio epidemiológico andino sobre consumo de drogas en la población universitaria de Ecuador, 2009. UNODC. - Encuesta sobre consumo de cigarrillos en adultos, Ministerio Coordinador de Política Económica, 2010. - Encuesta nacional sobre uso de drogas en estudiantes de 12 a 17 años, 2012. CONSEP. - II Estudio epidemiológico andino sobre consumo de drogas en la población universitaria de Ecuador, 2012. UNODC. - Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición - ENSANUT, 2012. Ministerio de Salud Pública e Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos. - Encuesta de percepción de la III ronda de advertencias sanitarias para envases de productos de tabaco, 2015. MSP. - III Estudio epidemiológico andino sobre consumo de drogas en la población universitaria de Ecuador, 2016. UNODC. - Encuesta Mundial sobre Tabaco en Jóvenes - EMTJ, 2016 (Quito, Guayaquil y Nivel Nacional). Para el caso de la prevalencia de consumo de tabaco en mujeres, todas las encuestas incluyen dicha información, sin embargo, no se incluye información específica del grupo poblacional “mujeres embarazadas”. –Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición - ENSANUT, 2018. Ministerio de Salud Pública e Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos. – Encuesta STEPS 2018 - I Encuesta Nacional sobre Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Enseñanza Media, 1998. CONSEP. - I Encuesta Mundial sobre Tabaco en Jóvenes - EMTJ, 2001 (Quito, Guayaquil y Zamora). - II Encuesta Nacional sobre Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Enseñanza Media, 2005. CONSEP. - II Encuesta Mundial sobre Tabaco en Jóvenes - EMTJ, 2007 (Quito, Guayaquil y Zamora). - III Encuesta Nacional sobre Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Enseñanza Media, 2008. CONSEP. - I Estudio epidemiológico andino sobre consumo de drogas en la población universitaria de Ecuador, 2009. UNODC. - Encuesta sobre consumo de cigarrillos en adultos, Ministerio Coordinador de Política Económica, 2010. - Encuesta nacional sobre uso de drogas en estudiantes de 12 a 17 años, 2012. CONSEP. - II Estudio epidemiológico andino sobre consumo de drogas en la población universitaria de Ecuador, 2012. UNODC. - Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición - ENSANUT, 2012. Ministerio de Salud Pública e Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos. - Encuesta de percepción de la III ronda de advertencias sanitarias para envases de productos de tabaco, 2015. MSP. - III Estudio epidemiológico andino sobre consumo de drogas en la población universitaria de Ecuador, 2016. UNODC. - Encuesta Mundial sobre Tabaco en Jóvenes - EMTJ, 2016 (Quito, Guayaquil y Nivel Nacional). Para el caso de la prevalencia de consumo de tabaco en mujeres, todas las encuestas incluyen dicha información, sin embargo, no se incluye información específica del grupo poblacional “mujeres embarazadas”.
Cook Islands WPR Answer not provided Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2009, Global School Health Survey 2011, and 2011 Population census survey, NCD STEPS 2004 – first implementation Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2009, Global School Health Survey 2011, and 2011 Population census survey, NCD STEPS 2004 – first implementation
China WPR 2020年成人烟草调查,2021年中学生和大学生烟草调查。 1.2010、2015、2017、2018年中国成人烟草流行调查; 2.2014、2019年中国青少年烟草流行调查。 全球成人烟草调查(GATS),2009年 中国青少年烟草调查(GYTS),2013年 国际烟草控制政策评估项目(ITC项目),2006年-现在 中国部分城市成人烟草调查(TQS),2013-2014年 中国成人烟草调查,2015年 省级代表性成人烟草调查,2016-2017年 中国慢病危险因素监测(BRFSS)
Central African Republic AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Cameroon AFR Report not provided Global Aadult Tobacco Survey - ( GATS - Cameroun - 2013) Global Youth Tobacco Survey - (GYTS - Cameroun - 2014) Enquête Démographique et de Santé à Indicateurs Multiples - (EDS-MICS - Cameroun - 2011 Global Aadult Tobacco Survey - ( GATS - Cameroun - 2013) Global Youth Tobacco Survey - (GYTS - Cameroun - 2014) Enquête Démographique et de Santé à Indicateurs Multiples - (EDS-MICS - Cameroun - 2011
Belgium EUR Enquête de santé par interview 1997, 2001, 2004, 2008, 2013, 2018. HBSC every 4 years (regional level) Enquête de santé par interview 1997, 2001, 2004, 2008, 2013, 2018. Enquête de santé par interview 1997, 2001, 2004, 2008, 2013. Prochaine prevue en 2018.
Belarus EUR Report not provided Социологические исследования Института социологии НАН Беларуси - 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015 гг., ежегодное выборочное обследование домашних хозяйств по уровню жизни, научно-исследовательские работы, Распространенность факторов риска неинфекционных заболеваний в Республике Беларусь STEPS 2016 . Социологические исследования Института социологии НАН Беларуси - 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015 гг., ежегодное выборочное обследование домашних хозяйств по уровню жизни, научно-исследовательские работы, Распространенность факторов риска неинфекционных заболеваний в Республике Беларусь STEPS 2016 .
Bahrain (Kingdom of) EMR Non communicable diseases and risk factors survey (2007), Global Health Professions Student Survey (GHPSS), 2009, Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GTYS),2003 and 2015. School Global Health Survey 2016, Global Health Survey 2018. Tobacco Health Economics study 2016 In addition, info about smoking determinants and social, economic and health indicators are being gathered through smoking cessation clinics sheets. Non communicable diseases and risk factors survey (2007),Global Health Professions Student Survey (GHPSS), 2009, Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GTYS),2003 and 2015. School Global Health Survey 2016, Global Health Survey 2018 ( awaiting results to be approved by WHO). Tobacco Health Economics study (soon to be published) IN ADDITION INFO ABIOUT SMOKING DETERMINANTS AND SOCIAL, ECENOMIC AND HEALTH INDICATORS ARE BEING GATHERED THROUGH SMOKING CESSATION CLINICS SHEETS. Non communicable diseases and risk factors survey (2007),Global Health Professions Student Survey (GHPSS), 2009, Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GTYS),2003 and 2015. IN ADDITION INFO ABIOUT SMOKING DETERMINANTS AND SOCIAL, ECENOMIC AND HEALTH INDICATORS ARE BEING GATHERED THROUGH SMOKING CESSATION CLINICS SHEETS.
Bahamas AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Armenia EUR STEPS National survey 2016-2017 Health Behaviour School Children 2017-2018 NCDs Investment Case for Armenia 2019 STEPS National survey 2016-2017 Health Behaviour School Children 2017-2018 NCDs Investment Case for Armenia 2019 Report not provided
Albania EUR ADHS 2009, 2019 ARHS 2002 GPS (EMCDDA 2014) GYTS 2005, 2009, 2020 HBSC 2014, 2018, 2022 Report not provided Report not provided
Afghanistan EMR Report not provided Afghanistan STEP Survey 2018 Answer not provided
Uruguay AMR - Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Adultos (GATS) año 2009 y 2017. - Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes (GYTS) Años 2007, 2014 y 2019 - Encuesta Continua de Hogares. Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Años 2011, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021(2º sem), 2022. - Encuesta de Hogares de la Junta Nacional de Drogas. Años 1994, 1998, 2001, 2007, 2012, 2015 y 2018 - Encuesta Nacional de Factores de Riesgo de Enfermedades No Transmisibles (STEPS). Años 2006 y 2013. - Encuesta de Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Enseñanza Media. Junta Nacional de Drogas. Años 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2019 y 2021 - Proyecto ITC - Proyecto Internacional de Evaluación de las Políticas de Control de Tabaco. Relevamientos 1 a 5, período 2006 a 2014. - Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Adultos (GATS) año 2009 y 2017. - Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes (GYTS) Años 2007 y 2014. - Encuesta Continua de Hogares. Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Años 2011, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019. - Encuesta de Hogares de la Junta Nacional de Drogas. Años 1994, 1998, 2001, 2007, 2012 y 2015. - Encuesta Nacional de Factores de Riesgo de Enfermedades No Transmisibles (STEPS). Años 2006 y 2013. - Encuesta de Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Enseñanza Media. Junta Nacional de Drogas. Años 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2014 y 2019. - Proyecto ITC - Proyecto Internacional de Evaluación de las Políticas de Control de Tabaco. Relevamientos 1 a 5, período 2006 a 2014. - Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Adultos (GATS) año 2009 y 2017. - Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes (GYTS) Años 2007 y 2014. - Encuesta Continua de Hogares. Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Años 2011 y 2014. - Encuesta de Hogares de la Junta Nacional de Drogas. Años 1994, 1998, 2001, 2007, 2012 y 2015. - Encuesta Nacional de Factores de Riesgo de Enfermedades No Transmisibles (STEPS). Años 2006 y 2013. - Encuesta de Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de Enseñanza Media. Junta Nacional de Drogas. Años 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2012 y 2014. - Proyecto ITC - Proyecto Internacional de Evaluación de las Políticas de Control de Tabaco. Relevamientos 1 a 4, período 2006 a 2012.
Philippines WPR -Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) -Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) -Compliance Study on Enforcement of Smoke-Free Environment Policy in Metropolitan Manila (January 2020) - Compliance Study on Enforcement of Smoke-Free Environment Policy in Navotas City, 2021 • Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) • Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) • Compliance Study on Enforcement of Smoke-Free Environment Policy in Metropolitan Manila (January 2020) Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS): CY 2009, 2015 Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS): CY 2003, 2007, 2011, and 2015 Social Weather Station (SWS): CY 1998, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Global School-based Health Survey: CY 2000, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015 National Demographic Health Survey (NDHS) National Nutrition Health Survey (NNHS) Omnibus Policy on Tobacco Control
Papua New Guinea WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Panama AMR A continuación se detalle la lista de las principales investigaciones realizadas en materia de control de tabaco. 1. Encuesta Mundial de Tabaco en Jóvenes: 2002, 2008, 2012, 2017 2. Encuesta Mundial de Tabaco en Personal Escolar: 2008 3. Encuesta Mundial de Tabaco en Estudiantes de Profesiones de la Salud: 2008 4. Encuesta de Niveles de Vida: 1997, 2003 y 2008. A partir de las que se determinan datos de gasto en consumo de tabaco. 5. Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Calidad de Vida, 2007 6. Encuesta de Prevalencia de Factores de Riesgo de las Enfermedades Cónicas, 2010 7. Encuesta Mundial de Tabaco en Adultos, 2013 8. Estudio de Vigilancia de Exposición al Humo de Tabaco en América Latina. Ciudad de Panamá, 2003. 9. Exposición al Humo de Tabaco en Mujeres y Menores entre Tres Meses y Diez Años. Ciudad dePanamá. 2005 10. Estudio Global del Monitoreo de Aire: Comparación de los niveles de contaminación del aire en los espacios interiores de trabajo en varios países. 2008. 11. Beneficio de las Advertencias Sanitarias y sus Pictogramas sobre el Consumo de Tabaco. Ciudades de Panamá y Colón. 2009 12. Estudio sobre Empaquetado de Cigarrillos para América Latina y el Caribe. 2012 13. Impacto de la Prohibición de Fumar en Espacios Cerrados sobre los Ingresos Hospitalarios por Infarto Agudo de Miocardio. Panamá. Año: 2012 14. Estudio Comparativo: Exposición al humo de tabaco de segunda mano, en establecimientos de hospitalidad al aire libre: Evidencia de Panamá y Uruguay. 2013 15. La demanda de cigarrillos en Panamá. 2010. 16. Análisis de la demanda de tabaco en Panamá y el control del efecto asequibilidad con medidas fiscales y control del contrabando Implicaciones para Política Fiscal. 2000-2011. 17. The Association of Tobacco Control Policies and the Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction Using Hospital Admissions Data. 2011 18. Evaluación del Cumplimiento de la Prohibición de la Publicidad, Promoción y Patrocinio de Productos de Tabaco en puntos de venta, medios de comunicación, internet, redes sociales, plataformas móviles de mensajería, video juegos y empaquetado/etiquetado. Año. 2015 19. Impuestos y Precios de los productos de tabaco. Año: 2017 20. Determinantes Socioeconómicos de la Cesación y disposición al pago por terapia de Cesación en Panamá. Año: 2017 21. Impacto del incremento del impuesto selectivo al consumo de tabaco sobre la recaudación fiscal y el consumo de productos de tabaco. Año: 2017 22. Efecto de la Política Fiscal de Control de Tabaco y su Impacto en la Salud. Año: 2017 23. Características epidemiológicas del Cáncer Bucal en las regiones de salud de Panamá Metro, San Miguelito y Panamá Oeste en la población de 15 años. 2016-2017 24. Encuesta Nacional de Salud de Panamá 2019. Incluye datos para la estimación de indicadores de uso de productos de tabaco, exposición al humo de tabaco y enfermedades asociadas. 25. Evaluación del Cumplimiento de la prohibición de Publicidad, Promoción y Patrocinio de Productos de Tabaco en revistas, periódicos y otros medios impresos. Año. 2017 26. Características epidemiológicas del Cáncer Bucal en el resto de las regiones de salud del país en la población de 15 años. 2020 Fase 2. (Continuidad de la investigación No. 24) Año:2021 27. Factores de Riegos de la Enfermedad Renal Crónica No Tradicional. 2018-2019 - Fase 1 28. Asesoría de Tesis de Maestría y Doctorado en Salud Pública sobre control de tabaco. 29. Desarrollo del Sistema de Información para la Evaluación del Impacto de las Enfermedades No Transmisibles En Panamá. 2022 30. Prevalencia de diabetes mellitus diagnosticada: Resultados Encuesta Nacional de Salud de Panamá (ENSPA) 2019. - En proceso de publicación 31. Características epidemiológicas del Cáncer Bucal en las regiones de salud en la población de 15 años. 2016-2017 III fase (2023) 32. Factores de Riegos de la Enfermedad Renal Crónica No Tradicional. 2020-2021 Fase 2 33. Encuesta Mundial de Tabaco en Jóvenes 2023 (en proceso) 34. II Versión de la Evaluación del Cumplimiento de la prohibición de Publicidad, Promoción y Patrocinio de Productos de Tabaco en revistas, periódicos y otros medios impresos. Año: 2023 (en proceso) 35. Prevalencia de hipertensión y posibles factores de riesgo asociados a la conciencia de enfermedad en individuos entre 30 y 75 años de dos provincias panameñas. Resultados basados en dos estudios transversales. Año. 2010-2019. Publicado 2022 Plos One 36. Adherencia a medicamentos en individuos hipertensos en Panamá. Año 2019. Estudio Nacional Transversal. Publicado 2022 en Healthcare. 37. Prevalencia de obesidad central de acuerdo a diferentes definiciones en individuos de peso normal. Resultado de dos estudios transversales en Panamá. Año: 2019. Publicado en 2022. Revista The Lancet Regional Health - Americas. 38. Encuesta de Mercado de Cigarrillos. 2015 39. Encuesta de Mercado de Cigarrillos para Consumidores. 2013 40. Encuesta de Percepción de las Medidas de Control de Tabaquismo en Locales Comerciales. 2013 1. Encuesta Mundial de Tabaco en Jóvenes: 2002, 2008, 2012, 2017 2. Encuesta Mundial de Tabaco en Personal Escolar: 2008 3. Encuesta Mundial de Tabaco en Estudiantes de Profesiones de la Salud: 2008 4. Encuesta de Niveles de Vida: 1997, 2003 y 2008. A partir de las que se determinan datos de gasto en consumo de tabaco. 5. Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Calidad de Vida, 2007 6. Encuesta de Prevalencia de Factores de Riesgo de las Enfermedades Cónicas, 2010 7. Encuesta Mundial de Tabaco en Adultos, 2013 8. Estudio de Vigilancia de Exposición al Humo de Tabaco en América Latina. Ciudad de Panamá, 2003. 9. Exposición al Humo de Tabaco en Mujeres y Menores entre Tres Meses y Diez Años. Ciudad de Panamá. 2005 10. Estudio Global del Monitoreo de Aire: Comparación de los niveles de contaminación del aire en los espacios interiores de trabajo en varios países. 2008. 11. Beneficio de las Advertencias Sanitarias y sus Pictogramas sobre el Consumo de Tabaco. Ciudades de Panamá y Colón. 2009 12. Estudio sobre Empaquetado de Cigarrillos para América Latina y el Caribe. 2012 13. Impacto de la Prohibición de Fumar en Espacios Cerrados sobre los Ingresos Hospitalarios por Infarto Agudo de Miocardio. Panamá. Año: 2012 14. Estudio Comparativo: Exposición al humo de tabaco de segunda mano, en establecimientos de hospitalidad al aire libre: Evidencia de Panamá y Uruguay. 2013 15. La demanda de cigarrillos en Panamá. 2010. 16. Análisis de la demanda de tabaco en Panamá y el control del efecto asequibilidad con medidas fiscales y control del contrabando Implicaciones para Política Fiscal. 2000-2011. 17. The Association of Tobacco Control Policies and the Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction Using Hospital Admissions Data. 2011 18. Evaluación del Cumplimiento de la Prohibición de la Publicidad, Promoción y Patrocinio de Productos de Tabaco en puntos de venta, medios de comunicación, internet, redes sociales, plataformas móviles de mensajería, video juegos y empaquetado/etiquetado. Año. 2015 19. Impuestos y Precios de los productos de tabaco. 20. Determinantes Socioeconómicos de la Cesación de Productos de Tabaco en Panamá. Año: 2017 21. Determinantes Socioeconómicos de la Cesación y disposición al pago por terapia de Cesación en Panamá. Año: 2017 22. Impacto del incremento del impuesto selectivo al consumo de tabaco sobre la recaudación fiscal y el consumo de productos de tabaco. Año: 2017 23. Efecto de la Política Fiscal de Control de Tabaco y su Impacto en la Salud. Año: 2017 24. Prevalencia de Cáncer Oral y Factores Asociados. I fase 25. Características epidemiológicas del Cáncer Bucal en las regiones de salud de Panamá Metro, San Miguelito y Panamá Oeste en la población de 15 años. 2016-2017 26. Encuesta Nacional de Salud de Panamá 2019. Incluye datos para la estimación de indicadores de uso de productos de tabaco, exposición al humo de tabaco y enfermedades asociadas. 27. Evaluación del Cumplimiento de la prohibición de Publicidad, Promoción y Patrocinio de Productos de Tabaco en revistas, periódicos y otros medios impresos. Año. 2018 28. Características epidemiológicas del Cáncer Bucal en el resto de las regiones de salud del país en la población de 15 años. 2020 Fase 2. (Continuidad de la investigación No. 24) 29. Factores de Riegos de la Enfermedad Renal Crónica No Tradicional. 2018-2019 - Fase 1 30. Asesoría de Tesis de Maestría y Doctorado en Salud Pública sobre control de tabaco. 1. Encuesta Mundial de Tabaco en Jóvenes: 2002, 2008, 2012, 2017 2. Encuesta Mundial de Tabaco en Personal Escolar: 2008 3. Encuesta Mundial de Tabaco en Estudiantes de Profesiones de la Salud: 2008 4. Encuesta de Niveles de Vida: 1997, 2003 y 2008. A partir de las que se determinan datos de gasto en consumo de tabaco. 5. Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Calidad de Vida, 2007 6. Encuesta de Prevalencia de Factores de Riesgo de las Enfermedades Cónicas, 2010 7. Encuesta Mundial de Tabaco en Adultos, 2013 8. Estudio de Vigilancia de Exposición al Humo de Tabaco en América Latina. Ciudad de Panamá, 2003. 9. Exposición al Humo de Tabaco en Mujeres y Menores entre Tres Meses y Diez Años. Ciudad de Panamá. 2005 10. Estudio Global del Monitoreo de Aire: Comparación de los niveles de contaminación del aire en los espacios interiores de trabajo en varios países. 2008. 11. Beneficio de las Advertencias Sanitarias y sus Pictogramas sobre el Consumo de Tabaco. Ciudades de Panamá y Colón. 2009 12. Estudio sobre Empaquetado de Cigarrillos para América Latina y el Caribe. 2012 13. Impacto de la Prohibición de Fumar en Espacios Cerrados sobre los Ingresos Hospitalarios por Infarto Agudo de Miocardio. Panamá. Año: 2012 14. Estudio Comparativo: Exposición al humo de segunda mano, en establecimientos de hospitalidad al aire libre: Evidencia de Panamá y Uruguay. 2013 15. La demanda de cigarrillos en Panamá. 2010. 16. Análisis de la demanda de tabaco en Panamá y el control del efecto asequibilidad con medidas fiscales y control del contrabando Implicaciones para Política Fiscal. 2000-2011. 17. The Association of Tobacco Control Policies and the Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction Using Hospital Admissions Data. 2011 18. Evaluación del Cumplimiento de la Publicidad, Promoción y Patrocinio de Productos de Tabaco en puntos de venta, medios de comunicación, internet, redes sociales, plataformas móviles de mensajería, video juegos y empaquetado/etiquetado. Año. 2015 19. Impuestos y Precios de los productos de tabaco. 20. Determinantes Socioeconómicos de la Cesación de Productos de Tabaco en Panamá. Año: 2017 21. Determinantes Socioeconómicos de las Cesación y disposición al pago por terapia de Cesación en Panamá. Año: 2017 22. Impacto del incremento del impuesto selectivo al consumo de tabaco sobre la recaudación fiscal y el consumo de productos de tabaco. Año: 2017 23. Efecto de la Política Fiscal de Control de Tabaco y su Impacto en la Salud. Año: 2017 24. Prevalencia de Cáncer Oral y Factores Asociados. 25. Características epidemiológicas del Cáncer Bucal en las regiones de salud de Panamá Metro, San Miguelito y Panamá Oeste en la población de 15 años. 2016-2017
Palau WPR Palau Hybrid Survey 2016, WHO STEP Survey (STEPS): 2011, 2013; CDC Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS): 2010, 2012 ; Palau Youth Tobacco Survey (PYTS): 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013; 2017; CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS): 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and Palau School Health Survey: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019 Palau Hybrid Survey 2016, WHO STEP Survey (STEPS): 2011, 2013; CDC Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS): 2010, 2012 ; Palau Youth Tobacco Survey (PYTS): 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013; 2017; CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS): 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and Palau School Health Survey: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019 Palau Hybrid Survey 2016, WHO STEP Survey (STEPS): 2011, 2013; CDC Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS): 2010, 2012 ; Palau Youth Tobacco Survey (PYTS): 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013; CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS): 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and Palau School Health Survey: 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2017
Niue WPR Report not provided Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) was conducted in August - September 2019 and data analysis is not completed. Report not provided
Montenegro EUR GYTS - 2004. 2005. 2008. 2012. 2018 ESPAD - 2008. 2011. 2015. 2018. LSMS - 2004. 2008. Bjeloglav D, Prica I, Bjelic I, Green M, Laušević D, Terzić N. National survey on the health of the population of Montenegro in 2008. Institute of Public Health. Podgorica, 2013; Improvement of the Health Care System in Montenegro - Research with households. Ipsos Strategic Marketing, 2012. GPS, Survey on use of tobacco products among health care students GPS - RESEARCH ON THE QUALITY OF LIFE, LIFESTYLES AND HEALTH RISKS OF INHABITANTS OF MONTENEGRO IN 2017 GYTS, ESPAD, LSMS, GPS, Survey on use of tobacco products among health care students GYTS, ESPAD, LSMS, Survey on use of tobacco products among health care students
Mexico AMR Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición (ENSANUT) 2021 sobre COVID-19 Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición (ENSANUT) 2018 Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Drogas, Alcohol y Tabaco (ENCODAT) 2016-2017 Encuesta Global de Tabaquismo en Adultos (GATS) 2015 Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes 2014 Encuesta de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes (ETJ) 2011 Encuesta Global de Tabaquismo en Adultos (GATS) 2009 Encuesta de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes (ETJ) 2008 Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones (ENA) 2011 Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones (ENA) 2008 Encuesta de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes (ETJ) 2005-2006 Encuesta de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes (ETJ) 2003 Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones (ENA) 2002 Encuesta de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes (ETJ) 2000 Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones (ENA)1998 Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones (ENA) 1993 Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones 1993 Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones 1998 Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones 2002 Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones 2008 Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones 2011 Encuesta Global de Tabaquismo en Adultos, México 2009 Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes 2014 Encuesta Global de Tabaquismo en Adultos, México 2015 Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Drogas, Alcohol y Tabaco 2016 Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición, 2018 Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones 1993 Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones 1998 Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones 2002 Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones 2008 Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones 2011 Encuesta Global de Tabaquismo en Adultos, México 2009 Encuesta Global de Tabaquismo en Adultos, México 2015 Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Drogas, Alcohol y Tabaco 2016
Malta EUR ESPAD:2015 HBSC: 2013/201 Mortality Registry (Annual reports produced) Report not provided ESPAD:2015 HBSC: 2013/201 Mortality Registry (Annual reports produced)
Latvia EUR Surveys conducted on patterns, determinants of tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC). Survey conducted in 2008,2010,2012,2015,2018 Addictive substance use among the general population. Survey conducted every 4 years since 2008 European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD). Survey conducted every 4 years since 2003. European Heath Interview Survey (EIVA). Survey conducted in 2003,2008,2014,2019. Health Behaviour among Latvian Adult Population (conducted every two years since 1998) Global Youth Tobacco Survey (conducted every four years since 2002) Drug use in the general population (conducted every four years since 2008) Drug use among women during pregnancy, 2013 Addictive substance use habits and tendencies among students, 2013 European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) (conducted every four years since 1999) Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) (conducted since 1990/1991, every four years) Health Behaviour among Latvian Adult Population (conducted every two years since 1998) Global Youth Tobacco Survey (conducted every four years since 2002) Drug use in the general population (conducted every four years since 2008) Drug use among women during pregnancy, 2013 Addictive substance use habits and tendencies among students, 2013 European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) (conducted every four years since 1999) Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) (conducted since 1990/1991, every four years)
Kyrgyzstan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Kenya AFR GYTS- 2001, 2007, 2013 GATS- 2014 STEPS Survey- 2015 KDHS - 2003, 2008/9, 2015 Kenya Household Economic Survey 2017 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014 Report not provided GYTS- 2001, 2007, 2013 GATS- 2014 STEPS Survey- 2015 KDHS - 2003, 2008/9, 2015 Kenya Household Economic Survey 2017 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014
Japan WPR The National Health and Nutrition Survey in Japan, 2003-2019 See ( The National Health and Nutrition Survey in Japan, 2003-2018 See ( The National Health and Nutrition Survey in Japan, 2003-2016 See (
Iceland EUR Youth surveys conducted every year by Icelandic Center for Social and Analysis Health and Wellbeing of Icelanders conducted every 5 year House hold survey conducted though the year, every year by Gallup for Diretorate of Health in Iceland. Internet survey . Quota sample from the whole country, 18 years or older, randomly sampled from Gallups Internet panel and the national registry. As well we have conducted special tobacco surveys every 5 years with bigger sample size and more explicit questions Youth surveys conducted every year by Icelandic Center for Social and Analysis Health and Wellbeing of Icelanders conducted every 5 year House hold survey conducted though the year, every year by Gallup for Diretorate of Health in Iceland. Internet survey . Quota sample from the whole country, 18 years or older, randomly sampled from Gallups Internet panel and the national registry. As well we have conducted special tobacco surveys every 5 years with bigger sample size and more explicit questions Answer not provided
Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Germany EUR GEDA 2010 and 2012, GEDA 2014/2015-EHIS, GEDA 2019/2020-EHIS ( BZgA youth Survey 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021 (BZgA youth Survey: ITC Survey by DKFZ 2007, 2009, 2012 ( ESA by IFT, 2012,2015, 2018, 2021 ( DEBRA 2019-2023 (DEBRA-Study: GEDA 2010 and 2012, 2014/2015 BZgA youth Survey 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016,2018 ITC Survey by DKFZ 2007, 2009, 2012 ESA by IFT, 2012,2015, 2018 GEDA 2010 and 2012 BZgA youth Survey 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 (not yet published) ITC Survey by DKFZ 2007, 2009, 2012 ESA by IFT, 2012,2015
Georgia EUR WHO Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 2017 and 2014; WHO STEPS wise Survey on Risk Factors of Non-communicable Diseases, 2016 and 2010; ESPAD Survey 2015 and 2019.; Tobacco National Survey 2019; Public Support on Banning Smoking in Taxis, 2020. WHO Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 2017 and 2014; WHO STEPS wise Survey on Risk Factors of Non-communicalbe Diseases, 2016 and 2010; ESPAD Survey 2015 and 2019.; Tobacco National Survey 2019. WHO Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 2017; WHO STEPSwise Survey on Risk Factors of Non-communicalbe Diseases, 2016; ESPAD Survey 2015
Gabon AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Zimbabwe AFR Report not provided Global Youth Tobacco Survey done every 4 years. Global Youth Tobacco Survey done every 4 years.
Spain EUR ADULTOS - Encuesta Nacional de Salud en España 2017 y Encuesta Europea de Salud en España 2020 - Encuesta Domiciliaria sobre Alcohol y Drogas en España (EDADES) 2020. - Barómetro Sanitario 2022. - Eurobarómetro 2020. JÓVENES - Encuesta ESTUDES 2021 (Encuesta Estatal sobre Uso de Drogas en Enseñanzas Secundarias). - Estudio de comportamientos de los escolares relacionados con la salud (Health Behaviour In School-Aged Children, HBSC 2022). -Encuesta de Salud a Población Gitana 2014 ADULTOS - Encuesta Nacional de Salud en España 2017. - Encuesta Domiciliaria sobre Alcohol y Drogas en España (EDADES) 2018. - Barómetro Sanitario 2018 - Eurobarómetro 2017 JÓVENES - Encuesta ESTUDES 2018-19 (Encuesta Estatal sobre Uso de Drogas en Enseñanzas Secundarias). - Estudio de comportamientos de los escolares relacionados con la salud (Health Behaviour In School-Aged Children, HBSC 2018). -Encuesta de Salud a Población Gitana 2014 ADULTOS - Encuesta Europea de Salud en España 2014. - Encuesta Domiciliaria sobre Alcohol y Drogas en España (EDADES) 2015-2016. - Barómetro Sanitario 2016 - Eurobarómetro 2017 JÓVENES - Encuesta ESTUDES 2014 (Encuesta Estatal sobre Uso de Drogas en Enseñanzas Secundarias). - Estudio de comportamientos de los escolares relacionados con la salud (Health Behaviour In School-Aged Children, HBSC 2013-2014). -Encuesta de Salud a Población Gitana 2014
South Africa AFR • Shisana O, Labadarios D, Rehle T, Simbayi L, Zuma K, Dhansay A, Reddy P,Parker W, Hoosain E, Naidoo P, Hongoro C, Mchiza Z, Steyn NP, Dwane N, Makoae M, Maluleke T,Ramlagan S, Zungu N, Evans MG, Jacobs L, Faber M, & SANHANES-1 Team (2013) South African National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (SANHANES-1). Cape Town: HSRC Press • Department of Health, Medical Research Council, OrcMacro. 2007. South Africa. Demographic and Health Survey 2003. Pretoria: Department of Health. • Reddy SP, James S, Sewpaul R, Sifunda S, Ellahebokus A, Kambaran NS, Omardien RG. Umthente Uhlaba Usamila – The 3RD South African National Youth Risk Behaviour Survey. 2011. Cape Town: South African Medical Research Council, 2013. • Sita et al., 2013 Differences among the coloured, white, black, and other South African populations in smoking- attributed mortality at ages 35–74 years: a case-control study of 481 640 deaths. Lancet, Vol 382: 685-693 • Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. The global burden of disease: Generating evidence, guiding policy, Seattle, WA: IHME, 2013 Global Youth Tobacco Survey: 1999, 2001, 2008, 2011 National Department of Health, South African Medical Research Council, STATS South Africa. 2016. South Africa Demographic and Health Survey 2016. National Department of Health. -South African Social Attitudes Survey 2007, 2011, 2017, 2018 - Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2021 Report not provided • Shisana O, Labadarios D, Rehle T, Simbayi L, Zuma K, Dhansay A, Reddy P,Parker W, Hoosain E, Naidoo P, Hongoro C, Mchiza Z, Steyn NP, Dwane N, Makoae M, Maluleke T,Ramlagan S, Zungu N, Evans MG, Jacobs L, Faber M, & SANHANES-1 Team (2013) South African National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (SANHANES-1). Cape Town: HSRC Press • Department of Health, Medical Research Council, OrcMacro. 2007. South Africa. Demographic and Health Survey 2003. Pretoria: Department of Health. • Reddy SP, James S, Sewpaul R, Sifunda S, Ellahebokus A, Kambaran NS, Omardien RG. Umthente Uhlaba Usamila – The 3RD South African National Youth Risk Behaviour Survey. 2011. Cape Town: South African Medical Research Council, 2013. • Sita et al., 2013 Differences among the coloured, white, black, and other South African populations in smoking- attributed mortality at ages 35–74 years: a case-control study of 481 640 deaths. Lancet, Vol 382: 685-693 • Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. The global burden of disease: Generating evidence, guiding policy, Seattle, WA: IHME, 2013 Global Youth Tobacco Survey: 1999, 2001, 2008, 2011 National Department of Health, South African Medical Research Council, STATS South Africa. 2016. South Africa Demographic and Health Survey 2016. National Department of Health.
Czechia EUR Yearly cross-sectional adult population (15+) survey Tobacco use in the Czech Republic (since 2012 - last survey in 2022, publication in May 2023); Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS), since 2002 last conducted in 2022, publication during 2023) Yearly cross-sectional adult population (15+) survey Tobacco use in the Czech Republic (since 1998 - last survey in 2018, publication in 2019); Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) 2002, 2007, 2011, 2016 Global Health Professions Students Survey (GHPSS) 2007, 2011 Cross-national survey of school students: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC): 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018 European Health Information Survey (EHIS) in the Czech Republic in 1993, 1996, 1999, 2002, 2008, 2014, 2019 carried out by the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic. The latest wave of EHIS was performed in the Czech in 2019 in cooperation with the Czech Statistical Office. Czech Mental Health Study, 2017 (CZEMS) : A cross-sectional survey on a representative sample of the general adult noninstitutionalized population of the Czech Republic was conducted. National Register of Therapy of Drug Users collects data on patients treated for addiction on legal or illegal drugs, including tobacco. Registry was launched in 2015 National Survey on Substance Use in the Czech Republic in 2016 (Special study targeted on licit and illicit substance use in the Czech Republic in the general population aged 15+ years, N=3601, carried out by Czech National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addictions in collaboration with MindBridge Consulting research agency in September-November 2016). - The European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) since 1995. The last data collection wave performed in 2019 -carried out by Czech National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addictions in collaboration with Focus research agency. Analysis of data 2019 under way. - ESPAD Validation study 2016: ESPAD-like study focusing on substance use and other forms of risky behaviour among 15-16 years old students; study aimed at validation of the trends seen in ESPAD 2015. ESPAD Validation study 2016 was carried out by Czech National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addictions in collaboration with ppm factum research agency, N=2471 valid questionnaires of the ESPAD comparable target group) + Validation study 2018. - Study Health and Substance Use in Roma Population - study carried out by Czech National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addictions in collaboration with ppm factum research agency in 2017, focusing on Roma population, extent and patterns of licit and illicit substance use, gambling, life satisfaction etc., N=546. the Center for Treatment of Tobacco Dependence at the General University Hospital evaluates the 12-months abstinence rates, CO-validated, regularly (about 7,000 patients so far) Yearly cross-sectional adult population (15+) survey Tobacco use in the Czech Republic (since 1998 - last survey in 2017, publication in 2018); Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) 2002, 2007, 2011, 2016; Global Health Professions Students Survey (GHPSS) 2007, 2011; Cross-national survey of school students: Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC): 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014 ; European Health Information Survey (EHIS) in the Czech Republic in 1993, 1996, 1999, 2002, 2008 carried out by the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic. The latest wave of EHIS was performed in the Czech Republic between June 2014 and January 2015. In total, 6.737 interviews were performed with individuals aged 15+. The survey was administered by the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Czech Statistical Office. National Survey on Substance Use in the Czech Republic in 2016 (Special study targeted on licit and illicit substance use in the Czech Republic in the general population aged 15+ years, N=3601, carried out by the Czech National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addictions in collaboration with the MindBridge Consulting research agency in September and November 2016). - The European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) dated until 1995. The last data collection wave performed in 2015 (N=2738 valid questionnaires for international part of the study). ESPAD 2015 was carried out by Czech National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addictions in collaboration with the Focus research agency. - ESPAD Validation study 2016: ESPAD-like study focusing on substance use and other forms of risky behaviour among 15-16 years old students; study aimed at validation of the trends seen in ESPAD 2015. ESPAD Validation study 2016 was carried out by the Czech National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addictions in collaboration with ppm factum research agency, N=2471 valid questionnaires of the ESPAD comparable target group). - Study Health and Substance Use in Roma Population - study carried out by Czech National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addictions in collaboration with ppm factum research agency in 2017, focusing on Roma population, extent and patterns of licit and illicit substance use, gambling, life satisfaction etc., N=546.
Republic of North Macedonia EUR Report not provided GYTS 2002, 2008, 2015 HBSC 2010,2014,2018 ESPAD 1999,2008,2012,2015,2019 GPSD 2019 GYTS 2002, 2008 2015 HBSC 2010,2014
Türkiye EUR 1-Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2010-2012) 2- Health Workers Survey (2012) 3- Global Youth Tobacco Survey (2012). 4- Turkey Health Survey (2016) 4- Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2016) 5- Global Youth Tobacco Survey (2017) 6-- Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2019) 7- Turkey Health Survey (2019) 8-- Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2021) 1-Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2010-2012) 2- Health Workers Survey (2012) 3- Global Youth Tobacco Survey (2012). 4- Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2016) 5- Global Youth Tobacco Survey (2017) 1-Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2010-2012) 2- Health Workers Survey (2012) 3- Global Youth Tobacco Survey (2012). 4- Global Youth Tobacco Survey (2017)
Yemen EMR مسح صحة الأسرة عام 2003م و2013م وكذا المسح العالمي لتعاطي التبغ بين الشباب ( 13-15 سنة ) عام 2008م و2013م (GYTS 2008 & 2013)، والمسح العالمي للطلبة المهنيين الصحيين في كليات الطب والعلوم الصحية عام 2009م ((GHPSS 2009 Report not provided مسح صحة الأسرة عام 2003م و2013م وكذا المسح العالمي لتعاطي التبغ بين الشباب ( 13-15 سنة ) عام 2008م و2013م (GYTS 2008 & 2013)، والمسح العالمي للطلبة المهنيين الصحيين في كليات الطب والعلوم الصحية عام 2009م ((GHPSS 2009
Togo AFR STEPS 2010 - 2011, 2021; GYTS 2002, 2007, 2013, 2019 STEPS 2010 - 2011 , GYTS 2002, 2007, 2013. STEPS 2010 - 2011 , GYTS 2002, 2007, 2013.
Senegal AFR - Etude sur les coûts sanitaires du tabagisme au Sénégal par le CRES en partenariat avec le PNLT en 2018. -Etude situationnelle du commerce illicite du tabac au Sénégal par le CEPOD en partenariat avec le PNLT (2018). -. - Etude sur les coûts sanitaires du tabagisme au Sénégal par le CRES en partenariat avec le PNLT en 2018. -Etude situationnelle du commerce illicite du tabac au Sénégal par le CEPOD en partenariat avec le PNLT (2018). -. Answer not provided
San Marino EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Romania EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Republic of Moldova EUR GYTS, 2003, Republic of Moldova Demographic and health Survey, Republic of Moldova, 2005 GYTS, 2008, Republic of Moldova MICS Survey in Republic of Moldova, 2012, STEPS Survey, 2013 GYTS, 2013, Republic of Moldova, KAP Survey 2017 GYTS, 2019, Republic of Moldova STEPS Survey, 2021 GYTS, 2003, Republic of Moldova Demographic and health Survey, Republic of Moldova, 2005 GYTS, 2008, Republic of Moldova MICS Survey in Republic of Moldova, 2012, STEPS Survey, 2013 GYTS, 2013, Republic of Moldova, KAP Survey 2017 GYTS, 2019, Republic of Moldova GYTS, 2003, Republic of Moldova Demographic and health Survey, Republic of Moldova, 2005 GYTS, 2008, Republic of Moldova MICS Survey in Republic of Moldova, 2012, STEPS Survey, 2013 GYTS, 2013, Republic of Moldova
India SEA National Family Health Survey 2005-06 – National Family Health Survey 2015-16 question on tobacco control indicators taken from TAGS- TQS Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2009-10) Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2016 - 17) Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2019 Fourth Round of Global Youth Tobacco Survey is completed. Fact sheet is released. National Family Health Survey 2005-06 – National Family Health Survey 2015-16 question on tobacco control indicators taken from TAGS- TQS Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2009-10) Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2016 - 17) Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 2003, 2006, 2009 Fourth Round of Global Youth Tobacco Survey is completed. Fact sheet and Report to be released. National Family Health Survey 2005-06 – National Family Health Survey 2015-16 question on tobacco control indicators taken from TAGS- TQS Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2009-10) Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2016 - 17) Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 2009 Fourth Round of Global Youth Tobacco Survey is underway.
Ireland EUR Adults: Survey of Lifestyle, attitudes and nutrition in Ireland, 1998, 2002, 2007. Healthy Ireland Survey 2015 - 2022 (Annual and ongoing) Health Service Executive National Tracker Survey 2002-2022 Children Health Behaviour in School-aged Children: 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018 European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD), 1995 - 2019 Adults: Survey of Lifestyle, attitudes and nutrition in Ireland, 1998, 2002, 2007. Healthy Ireland Survey 2015 - 2019 (Annual and ongoing) National Tracker Survey 2002-2019 Children Health Behaviour in School-aged Children: 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018 European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD), 1995 - 2019 Adults: Survey of Lifestyle, attitudes and nutrition in Ireland, 1998, 2002, 2007. Healthy Ireland Survey 2015, 2016 & 2017 National Tracker Survey 2002-2018 Children Health Behaviour in School-aged Children: 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018 European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD), 1995, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015
Italy EUR National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT): Social Survey on Aspects of daily life - Italian’s Surveillance System named PASSI (Progressi della Aziende Sanitarie per la Salute in Italia) an Italian version of the Behavioural Risk Factors Surveillance System: year 2008-2016 Survey “Smoke in Italy” (Il fumo in Italia) survey realized yearly by the Observatory on Smoke, Alcol and Drugs (OFAD) of the National Institute of Health The Ministry of Health produce every years a report on the monitoring activity of Health and Safety Unit of the Italian Police who carried out more than 5,000 random controls throughout Italy, in many different types of venues where the smoking ban is in effect (metro and train stations, hospitals, doctors’ offices, museums and libraries, airports, post offices, betting parlours, discos, malls, arcades, restaurants, pubs, and pizzerias). Global Youth Tobacco Survey National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT): Social Survey on Aspects of daily life - Italian’s Surveillance System named PASSI (Progressi della Aziende Sanitarie per la Salute in Italia) an Italian version of the Behavioural Risk Factors Surveillance System: year 2008-2016 Survey “Smoke in Italy” (Il fumo in Italia) survey realized yearly by the Observatory on Smoke, Alcol and Drugs (OFAD) of the National Institute of Health The Ministry of Health produce every years a report on the monitoring activity of Health and Safety Unit of the Italian Police who carried out more than 5,000 random controls throughout Italy, in many different types of venues where the smoking ban is in effect (metro and train stations, hospitals, doctors’ offices, museums and libraries, airports, post offices, betting parlours, discos, malls, arcades, restaurants, pubs, and pizzerias). Global Youth Tobacco Survey National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT): Social Survey on Aspects of daily life - Italian’s Surveillance System named PASSI (Progressi della Aziende Sanitarie per la Salute in Italia) an Italian version of the Behavioural Risk Factors Surveillance System: year 2008-2016 Survey “Smoke in Italy” (Il fumo in Italia) survey realized yearly by the Observatory on Smoke, Alcol and Drugs (OFAD) of the National Institute of Health The Ministry of Health produce every years a report on the monitoring activity of Health and Safety Unit of the Italian Police who carried out more than 5,000 random controls throughout Italy, in many different types of venues where the smoking ban is in effect (metro and train stations, hospitals, doctors’ offices, museums and libraries, airports, post offices, betting parlours, discos, malls, arcades, restaurants, pubs, and pizzerias). Global Youth Tobacco Survey
Nepal SEA STEPS Survey GYTS Answer not provided Answer not provided
Iran (Islamic Republic of) EMR STEPS, since 2005 , the most recent is 2021 GYTS, 2003 & 2007 & 2016 STEPS, since 2005 , the most recent is 2016 GYTS, 2003 & 2007 & 2016 STEPS, since 2005 , the most recent is 2016 GYTS, 2003 & 2007 & 2016
Iraq EMR 2008 GYTS in Baghdad 2009 GHPSS (global health professional students survey) in Baghdad for dental, medical, nursing and pharmacy colleges 2012 International School Health Survey, including tobacco use. 2014 GYTS 2015 STEP Survey for NCD risk factors 2019 GYTS 2008 GYTS in Baghdad 2009 GHPSS (global health professional students survey) in Baghdad for dental, medical, nursing and pharmacy colleges 2012 International School Health Survey, including tobacco use. 2014 GYTS 2015 STEP Survey for NCD risk factors 2019 GYTS Answer not provided
Israel EUR Report not provided We had several different surveys in the last 10 years, KAP (Knowledge, Attitude and Practice) surveys - in 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2017 Central Bureau of Statistics surveys – Health survey in 2003, 2009, social and health survey in 2010 and 2017 EUROHIS survey an 2004 and INHIS surveys in 2008, 2014, 2017 phisical activity 2011-2, 2016 HBSC (Health behavior in school children) = 1998, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2011, 2014, 2019 Report not provided