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Party Region 2023 2020 2018
Sudan EMR الدعم الفني التدريب و رفع القدرات داخليا و خارجيا توفير ميزانيات لتنفيذ الانشطة الدعم الفني التدريب و رفع القدرات داخليا و خارجيا توفير ميزانيات لتنفيذ الانشطة التدريب ورفع القدرات
Suriname AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Sweden EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Syrian Arab Republic EMR تم تلقي مساعدات مالية محدودة للغاية من منظمة الصحة العالمية في مجال برامج التدريب والتثقيف والمسوحات بالرغم من ان الجمهورية العربية السورية تعتبر من الدول التي من الحروب والكوارث (زلزال) تم تلقي مساعدات مالية محدودة للغاية من منظمة الصحة العالمية في مجال برامج التدريب والتثقيف وبحوث محددات الاستهلاك للتبغ (CDC مسوح التبغ والشباب ومسوح العاملين في المدارس ) تم تلقي مساعدات مالية محدودة للغاية من منظمة الصحة العالمية في مجال برامج التدريب والتثقيف وبحوث محددات الاستهلاك للتبغ (CDC مسوح التبغ والشباب ومسوح العاملين في المدارس )
Tajikistan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Thailand SEA The Convention Secretariat and WHO HQ supported for conducting multi-sectoral workshops and meetings, and prevalence surveys, respectively. CDC supported for conducting the global surveys. The Bloomberg Initiative supported through the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease and Vital Strategies for strengthening the tobacco control policies in Thailand. SEATCA supported for implementation of Article 5.3, 6, 8, 9 &10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17 &18, 19 and 20 of WHO FCTC Assistance received in sharing knowledge WHO FCTC Art.11, 13, ENDs and HTP control. Assistance provided: to share experience and knowleage on tobacco control in accordance with WHO FCTC. For example, article 6, 9&10, 12, 14, 15, 17&18 and 21
Timor-Leste SEA Report not provided Report not provided Technical and Financial for development of Tobacco Control Legislation, Advocacy Workshop, Promotion activities for tobacco Control through the media, Training capacity building for health staff and non-health staff.
Tonga WPR As in the last Report, technical and financial assistance received included trainings on quitline and cessation supports; technical advisors on social marketing and creative media production in preparation for our mass-media tobacco campaigns, adaptation of TV ads on tobacco campaigns from various organizations in overseas to local context, conducting pretesting and analysis of tobacco TV ads and promotional materials; conducting need assessment on the implementation of FCTC in Tonga; and provision of vehicle for enforcement activities to retail shops and smoke free areas. Technical assistance provided by Tobacco Control Unit Officers to health care workers included training on tobacco brief interventions, quitline and counseling supports for smokers who want to quit. Also provided technical support and assistance in the development of the new NCD Strategys tobacco component. As in the last Report, technical and financial assistance received included trainings on quitline and cessation supports; technical advisors on social marketing and creative media production in preparation for our mass-media tobacco campaigns, adaptation of TV ads on tobacco campaigns from various organizations in overseas to local context, conducting pretesting and analysis of tobacco TV ads and promotional materials; conducting need assessment on the implementation of FCTC in Tonga; and provision of vehicle for enforcement activities to retail shops and smoke free areas. Technical assistance provided by Tobacco Control Unit Officers to health care workers included training on tobacco brief interventions, quitline and counseling supports for smokers who want to quit. Also provided technical support and assistance in the development of the new NCD Strategys tobacco component. Technical and financial assistance received included trainings on quitline and cessation supports; technical advisors on social marketing and creative media production in preparation for our mass-media tobacco campaigns, adaptation of TV ads on tobacco campaigns from various organizations in overseas to local context, conducting pretesting and analysis of tobacco TV ads and promotional materials; conducting need assessment on the implementation of FCTC in Tonga; and provision of vehicle for enforcement activities to retail shops and smoke free areas. Technical assistance provided by Tobacco Control Unit Officers to health care workers included training on tobacco brief interventions, quitline and counseling supports for smokers who want to quit. Also provided technical support and assistance in the development of the new NCD Strategys tobacco component.
Trinidad and Tobago AMR The Tobacco Control Unit continues to provide technical advice on smoking cessation programmes to RHAs. We have worked with our partners to develop health education programmes in schools and the Ministry of National Security to enforce legislation and ensure compliance. The Tobacco Control Unit has provided technical advice on smoking cessation programmes to RHAs. We have worked with the Ministry of Education to develop health education programmes in schools, the Ministry of National Security to enforce legislation and ensure compliance and the Ministry of Finance to increase taxes. The Tobacco Control Unit has provided technical advices on smoking cessation programmes to RHAs. We have worked with the Ministry of Education to develop health education programmes in schools, the Ministry of National Security to enforce legislation and ensure compliance, and the Ministry of Finance to increase taxes.
Tunisia EMR - De l'OMS : sous forme de séminaires de formation (formation des médecins de première ligne en matière d'aide au sevrage tabagique), de financement d'enquêtes GYTS et d'assistance technique (finalisation de la révision de la loi 17/98 relative à la prévention des méfaits du tabac) - Du Secrétariat de la Convention Cadre de l'OMS pour la lutte contre le tabac, du Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement pour la réalisation du Modèle d'Investissement pour la lutte antitabac en Tunisie en 2019 - De lOMS : sous forme de séminaires de formation (formation des médecins de première ligne en matière daide au sevrage tabagique), de financement denquêtes GYTS et dassistance technique (finalisation de la révision de la loi 17/98 relative à la prévention des méfaits du tabac selon les directives de la convention cadre de lutte contre le tabac), - De la Jordanie (Centre de prise en charge des cancers Roi Houssein et Global Bridges) sous forme de formation des formateurs en matière de traitement de laddiction tabagique. - De lOMS : sous forme de séminaires de formation (formation des médecins de première ligne en matière daide au sevrage tabagique), de financement denquêtes GYTS et dassistance technique (finalisation de la révision de la loi 17/98 relative à la prévention des méfaits du tabac selon les directives de la convention cadre de lutte contre le tabac), - De la Jordanie (Centre de prise en charge des cancers Roi Houssein et Global Bridges) sous forme de formation des formateurs en matière de traitement de laddiction tabagique.
Turkmenistan EUR Семинар по налогообложению табачных изделий (2019 год-Европейское региональное бюро Всемирной Организации Здравоохранения), Семинар по отказу от курения (2019 год- Европейское региональное бюро Всемирной Организации Здравоохранения) Семинар по налогообложению табачных изделий (2019 год-Европейское региональное бюро Всемирной Организации Здравоохранения), Семинар по отказу от курения (2019 год- Европейское региональное бюро Всемирной Организации Здравоохранения) Answer not provided
Tuvalu WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Uganda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ukraine EUR Answer not provided Needs assessment mission of the WHO FCTC Secretariat was conducted in November 2017. Needs assessment mission of the WHO FCTC Secretariat was conducted in November 2017.
United Arab Emirates EMR * Receiving technical assistance and training from WHO & EMR Office on different tobacco control components as implementation of GYTS, Taxation, cessation and many more …. * Provided assistance and training to PHC physicians on providing smoking cessation skills, * Provided assistance and training to municipalities employees on implementation of related articles of law and bylaw. Answer not provided Answer not provided
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland EUR The UK Government has invested around £15 million of Official Development Assistance (ODA) funds over six years, 2016/17 to 2021/22, in order to strengthen the implementation of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (FCTC) for low and middle income countries. This is the FCTC 2030 project led by the WHO FCTC Secretariat. The FCTC 2030 project is directly supporting countries in developing and taking forward tobacco control strategies. It is particularly focused on supporting countries to: • implement the requirements of Article 5 (general obligations) of the WHO FCTC, to improve tobacco control governance, • increase tobacco tax • implement the two WHO FCTC time-bound measures on (i) tobacco packaging and (ii) ending tobacco advertising), and • implement other Articles of the WHO FCTC according to national priorities. The UK government agreed to extend the project for another 3 years (22/23 to 24/25) through ODA funding with a maximum of £3m in total and to include support on ODA eligible countries implement the FCTC illicit protocol. The project is due to commence its 8th year of UK support in APril 2023. The Governments of Australia and Norway also fund the project. The UK Government is investing £15 million of Official Development Assistance (ODA) funds over five years, 2016/17 to 2020/21, in order to strengthen the implementation of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (FCTC) for low and middle income countries. This is the FCTC 2030 project led by the FCTC Secretariat. The FCTC 2030 project is directly supporting 15 countries in developing and taking forward tobacco control strategies. It is particularly focused on supporting countries to: • implement the requirements of Article 5 (general obligations) of the WHO FCTC, to improve tobacco control governance, • increase tobacco tax • implement the two WHO FCTC time-bound measures on (i) tobacco packaging and (ii) ending tobacco advertising), and • implement other Articles of the WHO FCTC according to national priorities. The UK Government is investing £15 million of Official Development Assistance (ODA) funds over five years, 2016/17 to 2020/21, in order to strengthen the implementation of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (FCTC) for developing countries. This is the FCTC2030 project led by the FCTC Secretariat. The high level objectives include: • the FCTC 2030 project is directly supporting 15 countries in developing and taking forward tobacco control strategies. It is particularly focused on supporting countries to: • implement the requirements of Article 5 (general obligations) of the WHO FCTC, to improve tobacco control governance, • increase tobacco tax • implement the two WHO FCTC time-bound measures on (i) tobacco packaging and (ii) ending tobacco advertising), and • implement other Articles of the WHO FCTC according to national priorities.
United Republic of Tanzania AFR Report not provided Sensitization to legal personnel on tobacco control. Sensitization to legal personnel on tobacco control.
Uzbekistan EUR Ответы на этот вопрос отражены в ответе на вопрос [D7], т.к. все мероприятия были проведены совместно с государственными, неправительственными, международными организациями и международными и местными донорами. Report not provided Report not provided
Vanuatu WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Venezuela AMR Report not provided Ver punto 4.7 Report not provided
Viet Nam WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Zambia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Russian Federation EUR В соответствии с пунктом 16 Технического регламента Минздравом России совместно с министерствами здравоохранения государств-членов ЕАЭС разработан и направлен для утверждения в Евразийскую экономическую комиссию проект формы отчета о составе реализованных на территории государства-члена Евразийского экономического союза в течение отчетного календарного года табачных изделий и выделяемых ими веществах. Отчет утвержден Решением Совета Евразийской экономической комиссии от 19 мая 2022 г. № 82. Разработанный отчет позволит получить от изготовителей и импортеров табачной продукции информацию о составе табачных изделий и выделяемых ими продуктов, а также об их токсичности и аддиктивности, что позволит использовать эту информацию при разработке и реализации соответствующих мер, направленных на противодействие потреблению табака. В соответствии с пунктом 27 Технического регламента Таможенного союза «Технический регламент на табачную продукцию» (ТР ТС 035/2014, далее – Технический регламент) Евразийская экономическая комиссия (Решение Совета ЕЭК № 18 от 17 марта 2016 г.) утвердила эскизы предупреждений о вреде потребления табачных изделий и параметры их нанесения на потребительскую упаковку табачной продукции (далее соответственно – эскизы предупреждений). Эскизы адаптированы Минздравом России для каждого государства-члена ЕАЭС (общее количество эскизов – 72). Эскизы предупреждений направлены на информирование населения государств-членов ЕАЭС о разрушительных последствиях потребления табачных изделий и табачного дыма для здоровья человека и предназначены для нанесения на табачную продукцию, которая выпускается на территории Евразийского экономического союза. В соответствии с пунктом 16 Технического регламента Минздравом России совместно с министерствами здравоохранения государств-членов ЕАЭС разработан и направлен для утверждения в Евразийскую экономическую комиссию проект формы отчета о составе реализованных на территории государства-члена Евразийского экономического союза в течение отчетного календарного года табачных изделий и выделяемых ими веществах. Разработанный проект отчета позволит получить от изготовителей и импортеров табачной продукции информацию о составе табачных изделий и выделяемых ими продуктов, а также об их токсичности и аддиктивности, что позволит использовать эту информацию при разработке и реализации соответствующих мер, направленных на противодействие потреблению табака. Report not provided
Rwanda AFR Report not provided Report not provided WHO provided financial support to celebrate World No Tobacco Day 2006, 2009, 2013 . WHO provided financial support to conduct NCDs Risk Facotors Survey whereby we incorporated questions related to tobacco. WHO through gate foundation has provided over 90 millions Rwandan francs to implement tobacco control activities from 2018-2020
Saint Kitts and Nevis AMR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Saint Lucia AMR Implementation of tobacco product labelling, use of tobacco data for policy and programme development, implementation of MPOWER Strategies, Development and Implementation of Anti-Tobacco awareness campaigns, the options and processes for the use of taxation as consumption control measure and for the implementation of a harmonized tobacco tax regime in the OECS Union. Development of national tobacco control policy. Tobacco cessation training. Implementation of tobacco product labelling, use of tobacco data for policy and programme development, implementation of MPOWER Strategies, Development and Implementation of Anti-Tobacco awareness campaigns, the options and processes for the use of taxation as consumption control measure and for the implementation of a harmonized tobacco tax regime in the OECS Union. Implementation of tobacco product labelling, use of tobacco data for policy and programme
Samoa WPR As stated above As stated above Answer not provided
Sao Tome and Principe AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Saudi Arabia EMR دعم المنظمات غير الحكومية التي تعمل في مجال مكافحة التبغ من خلال توفير العلاج ببدائل النيكوتين بصورة مجانية Answer not provided Answer not provided
Serbia EUR 1. Grant by the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use for the project „Building consensus for adoption and full compliance with 100% smoke-free law in Serbia“, April 2017 – March 2019. 2. WHO Regional Office for Europe financed the on-going "Study on economic and social impact of tobacco use in Serbia". 3. Institute of Public Health of Serbia participated in adaptation to Serbian language the "Guidelines for smoking cessation" of the European Network for Smoking Cessation. 4. Joint Action on Tobacco Control2, EU funded project, a collaborative action between the European Commission and 30 project partners/institutions. Institute of Public Health of Serbia participates in this project after being nominated by the Ministry of Health of Serbia. Joint Action on Tobacco Control, EU funded project, a collaborative action between the European Commission and project partners/institutions from other European countries. Institute of Public Health of Serbia participates in this project after being nominated by the Ministry of Health of Serbia. FCTC2030 project for Serbia to support draft of a a new Tobacco Control Strategy and Action plan and a draft version of the new Comprehensive Tobacco-Free Law updated in full agreement with WHO FCTC 1. Grant by the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use for the project „Building consensus for adoption and full compliance with 100% smoke-free law in Serbia“, April 2017 – March 2019. 2. WHO Regional Office for Europe financed the on-going "Study on economic and social impact of tobacco use in Serbia". 3. Institute of Public Health of Serbia participated in adaptation to Serbian language the "Guidelines for smoking cessation" of the European Network for Smoking Cessation. 4. Joint Action on Tobacco Control, EU funded project, a collaborative action between the European Commission and 30 project partners/institutions. Institute of Public Health of Serbia participates in this project after being nominated by the Ministry of Health of Serbia. 1. WHO Regional Office for Europe supported 3 participants from the Ministry of Health and Institute of Public Health of Serbia (Office for Smoking Prevention) to the European Regional Tobacco Control Leadership Program, Kiev 3 - 9 September, 2017, organized by the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; 2. WHO Regional Office for Europe supported 2 participants from the Ministry of Health to the Sub-regional workshop "The role of advocacy in the implementation of the WHO FCTC", Dubrovnik, 18-19 May, 2017; 3. WHO Regional Office for Europe supported 3 participants from the Ministry of Health and Institute of Public Health of Serbia (Office for Smoking Prevention) to the Sub-regional meeting on the implementation of the WHO FCTC for the South-eastern European countries, Budva, Montenegro, 24-27 October 2016. 4. WHO Regional Office for Europe supported 2 participants from the Ministry of Health to the European Regional Meeting on the implementation of the WHO FCTC, Аshgabat, Turkmenistan, 28-29 April 2016. 5. Grant by the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use for the study „Building consensus for adoption and full compliance with 100% smoke-free law in Serbia, April 2017 – November 2018. 6. WHO Regional Office for Europe financed the on-going "Study on economic and social impact of tobacco use in Serbia" (2017-2018). 7. EU - EuroPean Accreditation Curriculum on Tobacco Treatment (EPACTT 2) Project: Joint Action on Tobacco Control (Institute of Public Health of Serbia is a partner in adaptation of the Guidelines for smoking cessation of the European Network for smoking cessation).
Seychelles AFR Seychelles received financial and technical support from WHO to conduct a survey to to monitor compliance with smoke free laws in hospitality premises in 2022. Within these various support initiatives, further collaboration has been developed, in particular with other experts Dr. Pascal Bovet, University of Lausanne, Switzerland) particularly for tobacco control legislation Seychelles received financial and technical support from WHO to conduct a pilot survey to to monitor compliance with smoke free laws and tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship bans in 2019. Within these various support initiatives, further collaboration has been developed, in particular with other experts Dr. Pascal Bovet, University of Lausanne, Switzerland) particularly for tobacco control legislation and studies related to tobacco prevalence and impact of smoking on health. Seychelles received financial support from WHO under the WHO POA 2016-2018 to organise World No Tobacco Days and for sensitization of various tobacco control activities. Within these various support initiatives, further collaboration has been developed, in particular with other experts Dr. Pascal Bovet, University of Lausanne, Switzerland) particularly for tobacco control legislation and studies related to tobacco prevalence and impact of smoking on health.
Sierra Leone AFR Tchnical Support on all areas of tobacco control FCTC 2030 Development team /CSF Assistance in Tax issues (UCT) Assistance in legal drafting by law officers department Sierra Leone Assistance in tobacco Tax harmonization and illicit trade Control ECOWAS Assistance in popularization of the draft bill by Health for all Coalition a Civil Society Group Tchnical Support on all areas of tobacco control FCTC 2030 Development team /CSF Assistance in Tax issues (UCT) Assistance in legal drafting by law officers department Sierra Leone Assistance in tobacco Tax harmonization and illicit trade Control ECOWAS Assistance in popularization of the draft bill by Health for all Coalition a Civil Society Group Tchnical Support on all areas of tobacco control FCTC 2030 Development team /CSF Assistance in Tax issues (UCT) Assistance in legal drafting (ILC and WHO AFRO) Assistance in tobacco Tax harmonization and illicit trade Control ECOWAS
Singapore WPR Technical Support / Capacity Building Programmes for region and involvement in activities organized by Convention Secretariat (period between 1 January 2020 to 28 February 2023) Singapore through WHO TobLabNet and in collaboration with various WHO platforms, continues to support the work requested by COP in capacity building by providing technical training and consultation on tobacco testing, in line with decision FCTC/COP7(14) and FCTC/COP8(21) at the Seventh and Eighth Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP8) of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). During the period in review, Singapore provided scientific advisory and regulatory testing support to government agencies for countries at southeast asia (SEARO) and western pacific region (WPRO) which help to fulfil their FCTC obligations. Singapore continues to provide technical support in building the scientific knowledge relating to the harms of tobacco and emerging tobacco products, to countries within and beyond the western pacific region. In line with decision FCTC/COP6(9); FCTC/COP6(12); FCTC/COP7(9); FCTC/COP7(14); FCTC/COP8(21) and FCTC/COP8(22), Singapore was involved in the following: • Completed the validation and established four WHO TobLabNet Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on o Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) (1) WHO TobLabNet SOP 11: Standard operating procedure for determination of nicotine, glycerol and propylene glycol in e-liquids; SOP12 (published by WHO on 10 March 2022); and o Smokeless Tobacco Products: (2) WHO TobLabNet SOP 12: Standard operating procedure for determination of nicotine content in smokeless tobacco products (published by WHO on 19 April 2022); (3) WHO TobLabNet SOP 13 - Standard operating procedure for determination of moisture content in smokeless tobacco products (published by WHO on 19 April 2022); (4) WHO TobLabNet SOP 14: Standard operating procedure for determination of the pH of smokeless tobacco products (published by WHO on 19 April 2022). • Invited to speak as Chair of WHO TobLabNet, on “Scientific Updates on emerging tobacco, tobacco-like and nicotine products” at Workshop on Implementation of Regional Action Plan for Tobacco Control in the Western Pacific Region (2020 to 2030) and Preparation for the Ninth Conference of the Parties of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, held from 29 September to 1 October 2021 • Invited to speak as Chair of WHO TobLabNet, on “Scientific Updates on emerging tobacco, tobacco-like and nicotine products” at Regional meeting in preparation for the Ninth Session of the Conference of the Parties (Pre-COP9) to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and the Second Session of the Meeting of the Parties (Pre-MOP2) to the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, WHO South-East Asia Region, held from 11 to 12 October 2021 • participated as Chair of WHO TobLabNet and as technical resource person to the Ninth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, held virtually from 8 to 13 November 2021 • Invited to speak as Chair of WHO TobLabNet, on “WHO TobLabNet Experience with testing of the contents of waterpipe tobacco products and status of WHO-sponsored SOPs” at The Fourth International Conference on Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking Virtual meeting organized by the WHO FCTC Knowledge Hub for Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking in collaboration with the Secretariat of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and WHO Regional Office of the Eastern Mediterranean, held from 27 to 29 September 2022 • Provided a 2-day on-site technical training to 20 participants from African, South East Asia and Middle East Region countries, jointly organised by Singapore and World Health Organization, held from 5 to 6 December 2022 Technical Support / Capacity Building Programmes for region and involvement in activities organized by Convention Secretariat (period between 1 March 2018 to 31 January 2020) Singapore through WHO TobLabNet and in collaboration with various WHO platforms, continues to support the work requested by COP in capacity building by providing technical training and consultation on tobacco testing, in line with decision FCTC/COP8(21) of the eight session of the Conference\of the Parties (COP8) of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). During the period in review, Singapore provided tobacco-testing support to regulatory agencies for countries at southeast asia (SEARO) and western pacific region (WPRO) which help to fulfil their FCTC obligations. Various forms of tobacco product received from Samoa, Solomon Island, Fiji,, Kiribati, Niue, Micronesia-Yap State, Palau, Indonesia, Timor Leste and Tonga were tested and this serve as information and reference to build on product regulatory activities in these countries. In line with decision FCTC/COP/3/DIV/3; FCTC/COP7(14); FCTC/COP8(21) and FCTC/COP8(22), Singapore was involved in the following: • Completed the finalization of three Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for determination of aldehydes (SOP08) and volatile organics (SOP09) in mainstream cigarette smoke under ISO and intense smoking conditions and determination of nicotine and carbon monoxide in mainstream cigarette smoke under intense smoking condition (SOP10). These SOPs were published at WHO website. • participated as Chair of WHO TobLabNet at a meeting on tobacco addictiveness reduction measures to discuss current and emerging knowledge on the issue and examined the potential positive and negative individual and societal consequences, as well as conditions and challenges to support successful implementation. The meeting was organized by the Convention Secretariat and WHO and was held from 15 to 16 May 2018 in Berlin, Germany. • participated as Chair of WHO TobLabNet and presented at the Regional Preparatory Workshop For the Eight Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), hosted by WPRO which was held from 28 to 30 August 2018, at Manila, The Philippines. • participated as Chair of WHO TobLabNet to be the resource person at the Eight Session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, held from 1 to 8 October 2018, in Geneva, Switzerland. • participated as Expert at the meeting to review the latest available scientific evidence on the impact of cigarette ventilation on cigarette use, held from 18 to 19 November 2019 organized by the Convention Secretariat and WHO in Bilthoven, The Netherlands • participated as Chair of WHO TobLabNet at the Expert Group Meeting on Articles 9 & 10 of the WHO FCTC to examine the reasons for low implementation of Articles 9 and 10 of the Convention, held from 21 to 22 November 2019, organized by the Convention Secretariat. Technical Support / Capacity Building Programmes Singapore through WHO TobLabNet and in synergy with various WHO platforms, continues to suppport the work requested by COP in capacity building by providing technical training and consultation in tobacco testing. Singapore provides tobacco testing service to regulatory agencies for countries at the western pacific region. Through WHO TobLabNet platform: Singapore involved in the following activities requested by COP: • Provision of technical input and facilitated the finalization of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for determination of toxicants in mainstream cigarette smoke under ISO and intense smoking regime for aldehydes (SOP08) and volatile organics (SOP09). • Lead the assessment in evaluating the applicability of TobLabNet’s SOP in nicotine content testing in smokeless tobacco. • Completed the assessment on the applicability of TobLabNet’s validated SOPs for nicotine TSNA and B[a]P in smokeless tobacco. • Provision of technical inputs on activities requested by COP on waterpipes, ENDS/ENNDS, heat not burn products to WHO and sharing of technical experience at various WHO meeting platforms.
Slovakia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Slovenia EUR Report not provided Report not provided Legal assistance was provided for Slovenia for introduction of stricter legislative measures, especially of plain packaging. Slovenia provided legal assistence about introduced stricter tobacco control measures for Georgia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Solomon Islands WPR Report not provided The main party that has been assisting us on tobacco control is WHO. There is also small support coming from SPC (Community of the South Pacific). In the past two years their work has involved training and workshops on accelerating excise tax on tobacco. WHO, together with the McCabe Cancer Centre (Melbourne) have rendered technical assistance towards the strengthening of tobacco control legislation as well as tobacco control enforcement work. Under WHO funds we have also had a consultant doing work on tobacco tax regimes to help inform and assist the Economic Reform Unit, Ministry of Finance. The main party that has been assisting us on tobacco control is WHO. In the past two years their work has involved training and workshops on accelerating excise tax on tobacco. WHO, together with the McCabe Cancer Centre (Melbourne) have rendered technical assistance towards the strengthening of tobacco control legislation as well as tobacco control enforcement work.
Sri Lanka SEA Assistance Received: Surveillance: GATS, GYTS, Introduction of tobacco quit line Tobacco Industry Monitoring Centre (Observatory) Assistance Received: Surveillance: GATS, GYTS, Introduction of tobacco quit line Tobacco Industry Monitoring Centre (Observatory) Assistance Received: Surveillance: GATS, GYTS, Introduction of tobacco quit line Tobacco Industry Monitoring Centre (Observatory)
Nigeria AFR 1) Gates Fund through WHO AFRO and WHO Country Office: Implementation of Tobacco Control policies, laws and regulations– Development/implementation of Tobacco Control strategic; communication plan, tax policies and smoke-free environment 2) Development Gateway: Tobacco Control Data Initiative (TCDI) including dashboard 3) Management Sciences for Health (MSH): Implementation of Tobacco Control policies, laws and regulations 4) Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC): Implementation of Tobacco Control policies, laws and regulations 5) Nigeria Tobacco Control Alliance (NTCA): Implementation of Tobacco Control policies, laws and regulations 6) Consortium of Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU), Africa Centre for Tobacco Industry Monitoring and Policy Research (ATIM) and African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF): Capacity building of officers in Tobacco Control Unit 7) European Respiratory Society: Supported piloting of brief tobacco cessation services in few centres 8) Campaign for Tobacco Free Kits (CTFK): Legal training on drafting of National Tobacco Control Regulations of the Act. 9) International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease: Training of government officials and Lawmakers on FCTC Article 5.3. 10) Management Sciences for Health supported the National Awareness and Implementation of Graphic Health Warning Project 11). Development Gateway supported the Tobacco Control Initiative Dashboard (TCDI) 1) Gates Fund through WHO AFRO and WHO Country Office: Implementation of Tobacco Control policies, laws and regulations– Development/implementation of Tobacco Control strategic; communication plan, tax policies and smoke-free environment 2) Development Gateway: Tobacco Control Data Initiative (TCDI) including dashboard 3) Management Sciences for Health (MSH): Implementation of Tobacco Control policies, laws and regulations 4) Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC): Implementation of Tobacco Control policies, laws and regulations 5) Nigeria Tobacco Control Alliance (NTCA): Implementation of Tobacco Control policies, laws and regulations 6) Consortium of Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU), Africa Centre for Tobacco Industry Monitoring and Policy Research (ATIM) and African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF): Capacity building of officers in Tobacco Control Unit 7) European Respiratory Society: Supported piloting of brief tobacco cessation services in few centres 8) Campaign for Tobacco Free Kits (CTFK): Legal training on drafting of National Tobacco Control Regulations of the Act. 9) International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease: Training of government officials and Lawmakers on FCTC Article 5.3. 1) WHO supporting participation of Regional Meetings. 2) Campaign for Tobacco Free Kits (CTFK) supported legal training on drafting of National Tobacco Control Regulations of the Act. 3) International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease supported training of government officials and Lawmakers on FCTC Article 5.3. 4) Economics of Tobacco Control Project, University of Cape Town, South Africa provided technical support during the Two Days Workshop of the Technical Working Group on Tobacco Taxation in Nigeria.
Norway EUR In addition to the VAC, Norway annually contributes 2 million NOK to the FCTC Secretariat. In 2022, Norway also contributed 11,5 million NOK to the FCTC 2030 Project. In addition to the VAC, Norway annually contributes 2 million NOK to the FCTC Secretariat. In 2019, Norway also contributed 10 million NOK to the FCTC 2030 Project. In addition to the VAC, Norway annually contributes 2 million NOK to the FCTC Secretariat.
Oman EMR يتم تلقي المساعدات الفنية من منظمة الصحة العالمية ومركز مكافحة الأمراض بأتلانتا لعمل المسوحات الصحية المتعلقة بمكافحة التبغ مثل المسح العالمي لاستخدام التبغ بين الشباب 2003و 2007و2010, 2016 كذلك دراسة تعاطي التبغ بين الأطباء ودراسة قياس نسبة الدخان المنتشر في البيئة. كما تم توفير الدعم المالي والتقني لاجراء دراسة حول اقتصاديات التبغ في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي يتم تلقي المساعدات الفنية من منظمة الصحة العالمية ومركز مكافحة الأمراض بأتلانتا لعمل المسوحات الصحية المتعلقة بمكافحة التبغ مثل المسح العالمي لاستخدام التبغ بين الشباب 2003و 2007و2010, 2016 كذلك دراسة تعاطي التبغ بين الأطباء ودراسة قياس نسبة الدخان المنتشر في البيئة. يتم تلقي المساعدات الفنية من منظمة الصحة العالمية ومركز مكافحة الأمراض بأتلانتا لعمل المسوحات الصحية المتعلقة بمكافحة التبغ مثل المسح العالمي لاستخدام التبغ بين الشباب 2003و 2007و2010, 2016 كذلك دراسة تعاطي التبغ بين الأطباء ودراسة قياس نسبة الدخان المنتشر في البيئة.
Pakistan EMR Report not provided FCTC Secretariat, Geneva conducted FCTC Impact Assessment and Need Assessment Exercises in Pakistan. WHO is assisting in conducting compliance monitoring study and GYTS. Pakistan received grant from Bloomberg Initiative. seven projects were implemented in 10 model districts of Pakistan with this assistance. Tobacco Control Cell implemented tow national anti-tobacco mass media campaigns to focus on the health harms of tobacco, with technical and financial assistance of Vital Strategies. For the current pictorial health warning, we received assistance from Australia. They provided us rights to use the pre-tested picture. Rights to print the picture (used by Thailand) for PHW on cigarette packs and outers were received from Australia. FCTC Secretariat, Geneva conducted FCTC Impact Assessment and Need Assessment Exercises in Pakistan. WHO is assisting in conducting compliance monitoring study and GYTS. Pakistan received grant from Bloomberg Initiative. seven projects were implemented in 10 model districts of Pakistan with this assistance. Tobacco Control Cell implemented tow national anti-tobacco mass media campaigns to focus on the health harms of tobacco, with technical and financial assistance of World Lung Foundation. For the current pictorial health warning, we received assistance from Thailand. They provided us rights to use the pre-tested picture. Rights to print the picture (used by Thailand) for PHW on cigarette packs and outers were received from Thailand.
Paraguay AMR TALLER ON LINE CON EL DR. EDUARDO BIANCO sobre ENTRENAMIENTO EN CESACIÓN TABÁQUICA organizado por la OPS. Desde el Brasil, recibimos apoyo técnico antes y durante del tratamiento en el parlamento del PECIT. ONG fundación Koeti trasferencia de conocimientos a la población Asistencia y asesoramiento en cesación tabáquica en la Argentina cooperación con MSAL Bases para la organización e implementación de un programa de Cesación tabaquica en Paraguay con estrategias poblaciones e individuales según el articulo 14 del CMCT Situación Paraguay: medidas relacionadas con precios e impuestos art. 6 del CMCT Comercio ilícito de productos de tabaco art. 15 Mapeo de las actividades de ñas IT, teniendo en cuenta los art. 12 y 13 del CMCT Análisis normativos y recomendaciones para fortalecer la gobernanza y proteger las políticas de control de tabaco Interferencia de la IT respecto de la adopción e implementan de políticas publicas de salud informe Paraguay Recomendaciones tendientes a generar un impacto a las políticas de control de tabaco en el país Ninguno
Peru AMR * Cooperación de la Universidad Jonh Hopking - Programa Internacional de Liderazgo en Control de Tabaco en América Latina y el Caribe. * Asesoría de la OPS para regular y normar los nuevos productos de tabaco. * Comisión Nacional Permanente de Lucha Antitabáquica - COLAT, Centro de Información y Educación para la Prevención del Abuso de Drogas - CEDRO y ONCOSALUD para la realización de programas de formación de líderes de control de tabaco entre funcionarios municipales y profesionales de la salud de diversas regiones del país. * Cooperación de la Universidad Jonh Hopking - Programa Internacional de Liderazgo en Control de Tabaco en América Latina y el Caribe. * Asesoría de la OPS para regular y normar los nuevos productos de tabaco. * Comisión Nacional Permanente de Lucha Antitabáquica - COLAT, Centro de Información y Educación para la Prevención del Abuso de Drogas - CEDRO y ONCOSALUD para la realización de programas de formación de líderes de control de tabaco entre funcionarios municipales y profesionales de la salud de diversas regiones del país. • Programa de cesación de tabaco. * La experiencia de Ecuador en medidas fiscales y de seguimiento y localización * Tomando acción para proteger a los agricultores de tabaco y al medio ambiente
Poland EUR Bureau for Chemical Substances participated as a collaborating partner in activities performed in the framework of EU Joint Action on Tobacco Control (JATC). Organising the Youth Tobacco Control Leadership School (Nov 14-16, 2022, Warsaw) for young tobacco control and public health advocates from EU and non-EU European countries Bureau for Chemical Substances participated as a collaborating partner in activities performed in the framework of EU Joint Action on Tobacco Control (JATC). Resources from ACS for the Great Polish Smoke-out campaign and cancer and tobacco control trainings and conferences (1990s); Resources from WHO for strengthening country and regional tobacco control, for example within activities undertaken by WHO Collaborating Centre at the Epidemiology Department in the Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute (in years 1994-2010; Grants from OSI and AI for tobacco control advocacy in Poland and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe; Resources from WB for preparing report on economic aspects of tobacco epidemic and control in Poland (1990s); Research grants for conducting GYTS (1999, 2003, 2009) and GATS (2009-2010) studies from CDC; Research grants from IARC for analyzing aetiology of tobacco-related cancers (since 1980s); Research grants from JHU for study on nicotine biomarkers and secondhand exposure at home and public places (Since 2000); Grants from, BI for implementing comprehensive smoke-free policies and analyzing tobacco industry strategy in Poland; Resources and grants from WLF for media campaigns and related surveys (last edition of "Cigarettes eat you alive" campaign with financial support from WLF was conducted in 2009).
Portugal EUR Exhange of information between the European Comission and member-stares regarding the implementation of the Tobacco Products Directive and other directives related with tobacco control. Answer not provided Portugal is a Member-State of European Union. In this context we received support from European Comission in tecnical aspects of implementation of the Directive 2014/40 from the European Coucil and the Parliament of 3 of April, regarding tobacco products regulation.
Qatar EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Republic of Korea WPR - Attended the WHO FCTC Investment Fund Presentation and acquired information related to sustainable funds sources for the stable operation of FCTC (Dec. 2020) - Attended the workshop commemorating the WHO World No Tobacco Day and monitored health insurances’ effect on smoking cessations and other countries’ exemplary smoking cessation support services (Mar. 2021) - Attended the webinar for experts held by the WHO to monitor the recent research results on the correlation between COVID-19 and smoking as well as the global tobacco control trend (May 2021) - Attended the irregular webinars held by the WHO FCTC with an aim to raise awareness on the importance of preventing illegal trades of tobacco products and learned the effects of illegal trades linked with criminal groups on security and public finance (May 2021), mutual administrative support for the response to illegal trades of tobacco products (Jun. 2021), and the importance of the routes of tobacco products’ movement (Jul. 2021) - Attended the workshop of 2020–2023 WHO Regional Action Plan for Tobacco Control in the Western Pacific and monitored its implementation status and future plans (Sep. 2021) - Attended the Ninth WHO FCTC Conference of the Parties, which was held in a virtual, to establish the international platform of sharing information on tobacco contents and proposed the expansion of the definition of tobacco products for the reinforcement of regulations on novel tobacco products (Nov. 2021) - Shared Policies on E-cigarettes in South Korea at the novel tobacco products-related workshop held by the WHO WPRO for the Mongolian Ministry of Health (Dec. 2021) - Attended the WHO virtual workshop for experts and government officials to learn the logic of tax increase, which is the most important factor of tobacco product demand reduction strategies, review exemplary cases, and analyze suitable tax increase levels (Mar. 2022) - Presented South Korea’s tobacco products regulation cases regarding environment protection at the webinar held to commemorate the World No Tobacco Day, which was requested by the WHO Western Pacific Region (May 2022) - Shared the current agenda of South Korea’s tobacco control polices and discussed international cooperation plans for future policy reinforcements through the task meeting with the Tobacco Free Initiative staff of the WHO Western Pacific Region who visited Korea (Nov. 2022) - Shared South Korea’s e-cigarette tax imposition at the workshop on novel tobacco products, which the WHO WPRO held for the Chinese Ministry of Health under the request of the Chinese government that had planned to release a novel tobacco products (Dec. 2022) - Attended the Empowerment Workshop regarding Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC to learn the strategies of reporting tobacco control policies to the tobacco industry and relevant exemplary cases (Dec. 2022) Answer not provided - Participating the WHO FCTC Impact Assessment(Mar. 2016) which contributed to build good example and evidence on the WHO FCTC implementation and its positive impact in improving national tobacco control policy. - Organizing overseas training for the Regional Tobacco Cessation Centers, community health clinics, school teachers for youth smoking prevention programmes in order to facilitate information exchange with relevant organizations and institutions abroad, at least once per year. - Drafting and proposing a decision on gender-specific tobacco control at the WHO FCTC COP7 in order to raise awareness on the importance of considering gender-specific elements when developing tobacco control and to contribute promotion of sustainable tobacco control(Nov. 2016) - Hosting “International Symposium on Tobacco Control: An evaluation and the way forward”, with the sponsorship of the WHO WPRO, to reinforce the importance of socioeconomic aspects of tobacco control and to strengthen global networking for further exchange of knowledge among experts (Mar. 2017) - Hosting “Asia Pacific Quitline Network Workshop” to share experiences of quitline in the region and to provide trainings for new tobacco cessation services.(Sept. 2017) - Organizing the “Global Forum on Tobacco Control : tacking new challenges” in November 2017 to evaluate one-year implementation of pictorial health warnings as well as to discuss newly emerging issues including the Heated Tobacco Products with the participation of guest speakers from the WHO, Thailand, Switzerland, Japan - Participating the Plain Packaging Workshop hosted by the FCTC Convention Secretariat to explore the international trends in tobacco packaging and labelling as well as to discuss on Korea’s further strategy in tobacco packaging regulation.(Oct. 2017) - Participating the ASEAN+3 Conference on NCDs hosted by the government of the Philippines to share good practices and recent progress in Korea’s national tobacco control policies, highlighting development of national tobacco cessation services.(Oct. 2017) - Participating the 2nd meeting of the Global Tobacco Regulators’ Forum to share and discuss national situation and policies regarding the Heated Tobacco Products (Mar. 2018) - Participating the17th World Conference on Tobacco or Health to share research outcomes in Korea and to explore key issues in tobacco control in March 2018.
New Zealand WPR Answer not provided As noted above, overseas development assistance funds for Pacific countries include funds for tobacco control. This technical support has sought to strengthen tobacco control measures, legislation, and FCTC compliance in the region. As noted above, overseas development assistance funds for Pacific countries include funds for tobacco control. This technical support has sought to strengthen tobacco control measures, legislation, and FCTC compliance in the region.
Nicaragua AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Netherlands EUR Our government privided an extra budget for the FCTC secretariat. Our ministry of health and the RIVM contribute to the WHO Global Tobacco Regulators Forum (GTRF). RIVM gives scientific advise via e.g. background papers, MoH is co-chair. This supports tobacco product regulation worldwide. RIVM is co-chair and lead lab of the WHO Tobacco Laboratory Network (TobLabNet), developing and validating methods for analyzing tobacco and nicotine products to advance tobacco product regulation worldwide. RIVM provided training on methods for measuring contents and emissions in tobacco and nicotine products. This supports tobacco product regulation worldwide. RIVM contributed to workshops on Article 10 and many webinars organised by WHO, e.g. on flavors. This supports tobacco product regulation worldwide. Trimbos is co-chair of the EuroHealthNet Thematic working group on social marketing to address addictions. This group acts as a platform to exchange knowledge and best practices regarding social marketing strategies, including mass media public health campaigns, to tackle tobacco use and alcohol consumption. From 2023, Trimbos will participate in an international consortium on implementation of primary cancer prevention interventions. This project is financed through EU Horizon 2022. Several Trimbos researchers have presented at international conferences regarding best practices of tobacco control policies, smoking cessation support, campaigns and community approach. Trimbos is chairing a European working group on tobacco control quitlines to exchange experiences, materials and best practices. research and exchange of knowledge about: - users - health risks - communication possibilities - user trends -e cigarettes - TNCO measuremnt method Scientific research about: - users - health risks - communication possibilities - use trends
Madagascar AFR Report not provided Formation et partage des bonnes pratiques sur la mise en application de paquet neutre Formation sur la rédaction du rapport GYTS Formation sur le processus de lélaboration du Projet de Loi Formation sur la libre échange du commerce et la lutte antitabac Formation et partage des bonnes pratiques sur la mise en application de paquet neutre
Malaysia WPR 1- WHO Tobacco LabNet (2022-current) Provide technical assistance in the study of laboratory analysis on toxicity and volatile compounds of e-cigarette to National Public Health Laboratory and National Poison Centre. 2- WHO Country Office (2021) Funded research on EVALI among Severe Acute Respiratory Illness (SARI) patients in Malaysia conducted by the University of Malaya and proposed the Guideline for EVALI investigation. 3- WHO WPRO Office Funded program on Malaysia Home withOUt Smoking Environment (MyHOUSE) to encourage smokers to quit smoking habits starting from home. - Mc Cabe Center, Melbourne, Australia: provision of technical, scientific, legal and other expertise to establish and strengthen national tobacco control strategies, plans and programmes. We attended the training hosted by MC Cabe center on the legal aspect of tobacco control and Mc Cabe Center continue to assist us on the drafting of our new tobacco bill. - Knowledge Hub on Taxation, University of Cape Town, South Africa: development, transfer and acquisition of technology, knowledge, skills, capacity and expertise related to tobacco control. The Knowledge Hub on Taxation, University of Cape Town, South Africa collaborate with the local University (University of Putra Malaysia) in conducting study on the impact of tobacco taxation and issues relating to illicit trade and the Protocol. - SEATCA - South East Asia Tobacco Control Alliance: development, transfer and acquisition of technology, knowledge, skills, capacity and expertise related to tobacco control. SEATCA assist us in capacity building on smoke free City and the important of Article 5.3 WHO FCTC. Answer not provided
Maldives SEA 1- Sensitization workshops on FCTC to government and NGO participants 2- Cessation Training for service providers 3- Technical and financial assistance for the Development and dissemination of IEC materials 4- Technical and Financial Assistance for national awareness campaigns 5- Training on Global Tobacco Control Management 1- Sensitization workshops on FCTC to government and NGO participants 2- Cessation Training for service providers 3- Technical and financial assistance for the Development and dissemination of IEC materials 4- Technical and Financial Assistance for national awareness campaigns 5- Training on Global Tobacco Control Management 1- Sensitization workshops on FCTC to government and NGO participants 2- Cessation Training for service providers 3- Technical and financial assistance for the Development and dissemination of IEC materials 4- Technical and Financial Assistance for national awareness campaigns 5- Training on Global Tobacco Control Management
Mali AFR Report not provided Les seules aides fournies sont les participations aux conférences; rencontres; groupe de travail et les COP Les seules aides fournies sont les participations aux conférences; rencontres; groupe de travail et les COP
Marshall Islands WPR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Mauritania AFR Report not provided - -
Mauritius AFR NGO-ViSA - Mauritius granted permission to many countries to use our pictorial health warnings. - Mauritius granted permission to use its pictorial health warnings to other countries.. - Technical assistance was obtained from the WHO/ITU for implementation and development of a Project Implementation Document in the context of the implementation of the mTobacco Cessation programme.
Micronesia (Federated States of) WPR Assistances in: Development of Action Plan for Tobacco Control, Advocacy Plan to Policy makers, Cessation trainings, Enforcement trainings from WHO Office in Suva, Assistances in: Development of Action Plan for Tobacco Control, Advocacy Plan to Policy makers, Cessation trainings, Enforcement trainings from WHO Office in Suva, Assistances in: Development of Action Plan for Tobacco Control, Advocacy Plan to Policy makers, Cessation trainings, Enforcement trainings from WHO Office in Suva,
Mongolia WPR Report not provided - WHO FCTC secretariat provided technical assistance to conduct baseline assessment in FCTC implementation in Mongolia in 2015. - WHO HQ provided technical assistance to conduct economic analysis on tobacco taxation. - WHO HQ is providing technical and financial support to conduct tobacco compliance survey in 2017 - WHO FCTC secretariat provided technical assistance to conduct baseline assessment in FCTC implementation in Mongolia in 2015. - WHO HQ provided technical assistance to conduct economic analysis on tobacco taxation. - WHO HQ is providing technical and financial support to conduct tobacco compliance survey in 2017
Mozambique AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Myanmar SEA The Convention Secretariat and WHO supported for conducting multi-sectoral workshops and meetings, and prevalence surveys, respectively. CDC supported for conducting the global surveys. The Bloomberg Initiative supported through the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease and Vital Strategies for strengthening the tobacco control policies in Myanmar. SEATCA supported for implementation of smoke-free cities and heritage sites. The Convention Secretariat and WHO supported for conducting multi-sectoral workshops and meetings, and prevalence surveys, respectively. CDC supported for conducting the global surveys. The Bloomberg Initiative supported through the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease and Vital Strategies for strengthening the tobacco control policies in Myanmar. SEATCA supported for implementation of smoke-free cities and heritage sites. The Convention Secretariat and WHO supported for conducting multisectoral workshops and meetings, and sentinel prevalence surveys, respectively. CDC supported for conducting the global surveys. The Bloomberg Initiative supported through the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease and Vital Strategies for strengthening the tobacco control policies in Myanmar. SEATCA supported for implementation of smoke-free cities and heritage sites.
Namibia AFR Report not provided WHO assisted with the orientation of tobacco control inspectors. WHO also provided technical assistance and consultation. Report not provided
Nauru WPR Report not provided In relation to the support received from WHO, also received technical inputs for Cabinet Submissions on the implementation of the appropriation of resalable proportion of revenues from tobacco taxes for health interventions directed at tobacco control. Report not provided
Jamaica AMR Jamaica benefitted from capacity building in the following areas: 1. PAHO Webinars related to Tobacco Control and Cessation 2. PAHO Training on Developing Tobacco Control Legislation in the Caribbean 3. Participation in the Caribbean Public Health Law Forum including through the Tobacco Control Working Group In addition to the above-mentioned areas in which assistance was received and provided, the following is to be noted: 1. Representatives of Ministries, Departments and Agencies from State parties to the FCTC in the Caribbean, in addition to representatives of Regional and international bodies, and Civil society/NGOs participated in the Workshop to promote the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products. This was organized by the Convention Secretariat of the WHO FCTC in collaboration with the PAHO/WHO regional offices. This was held in Montego Bay,Jamaica. Under an arrangement with the Inter-American Development Bank for the strengthening of health systems in Jamaica, there are arrangements for Jamaica to benefit from funding which will assist with tobacco control initiatives. This will also assist in fast tracking the comprehensive tobacco control legislation In addition to the above-mentioned areas in which assistance was received and provided, the following is to be noted: 1. Ministry of Health Officials attended a workshop on tobacco surveillance. The said workshop was organized by CARPHA and PAHO. 2. The Ministry of Health officials as well as representatives of other Ministries, Departments and Agencies in Jamaica and CARICOM participated in the Sub-regional Workshop on Law and NCDs which was organized by the Convention Secretariat of the WHO FCTC, PAHO and the McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer. Ministry officials also played a critical role in organizing the said workshop. 3.Ministry officials participated in a 2-day workshop on Article 19 (Criminal Liability) convened by the Action for Smoking and Health.
Jordan EMR Answer not provided معظم انشطة مكافحة التدخين تتم بمساعدة ودعم فني ومالي من الهيئات الدولية وخاصة منظمة الصحة العالمية و دعم من خزينة موازنة الوزارة معظم انشطة مكافحة التدخين تتم بمساعدة ودعم فني ومالي من الهيئات الدولية وخاصة منظمة الصحة العالمية وقد قلصت دعمها خلال العامين الماضيين بشكل كبير وايضا دعم من خزينة موازنة الوزارة
Kazakhstan EUR нет данных Report not provided Answer not provided
Kiribati WPR WHO has been instrumental in providing financial assistance to conduct GYTS and lately the GSHS. Most of the assistance had been received from overseas organisation on tobacco control, tobacco use impacts on health, culture, economically etc... and cessation Allen and Clarke provide technical assistance in making up the tobacco regulation. WHO has been instrumental in providing financial assistance to conduct GYTS and lately the GSHS. Most of the assistance had been received from overseas organisation on tobacco control, tobacco use impacts on health, culture, economically etc... and cessation Allen and Clarke provide technical assistance in making up the tobacco regulation. WHO has been instrumental in providing financial assistance to conduct GYTS and lately the GSHS. Most of the assistance had been received from overseas organisation on tobacco control, tobacco use impacts on health, culture, economically etc... and cessation Allen and Clarke provide technical assistance in making up the tobacco regulation.
Kuwait EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Lao People's Democratic Republic WPR Report not provided WHO and SEATCA provided technical and financial support, but it is limited Answer not provided
Lebanon EMR we hope to get any financial assistance to cover our project , we hope to get any financial assistance to cover our project , we hope to get any financial assistance to cover our project ,
Lesotho AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Liberia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Libya EMR لم يتم تلقي اي دعم الي الان رغم مناشاداتنا المتكررة من اجل ذلك رفع كفاءة العاملين في برنامج مكافحة التدخين وتنفيذ الااتفاقية رفع كفاءة عدد من العاملين بالبرنامج حول تنفيذ الاتفاقية والبرتوكول
Lithuania EUR LT Customs: Provided: Relevant trainings, support in drafting strategies, legal acts, control technics, study visits, technical equipment Received: Relevant trainings, technical equipment, financial support In order to prevent fraud, corruption and other illegal activities affecting the financial interests of the Union, the Customs Department under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania implements the Project under Hercule III program “Strengthening of operational and technical capacities of the Lithuanian customs to detect smuggled goods, in particular cigarettes”. The aim of this project is the acquisition and installation of a high power stationary x-ray system at the Šalčininkai road post, which is located on the border with the Republic of Belarus. The high power x-ray system acquired during this project will enable the Lithuanian customs to ensure high-level national security, prevent illegal movement of goods crossing the Lithuanian border and create a better environment for business to carry out customs formalities. Answer not provided
Luxembourg EUR Aide logistique et stratégique par lOMS (CCLAT) et par la CE (DG Santé). Aide logistique et stratégique par lOMS (CCLAT) et par la CE (DG Santé). Aide logistique et stratégique par lOMS (CCLAT) et par la CE (DG Santé).
Eswatini AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ethiopia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
European Union EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Fiji WPR Report not provided Fiji MOHMS has hosted Solomon Islands in 2016 and Samoa in 2019 on study tours on tobacco control enforcement Report not provided
Finland EUR Finnish authorities are participating in the work of the Nordic Network of Tobacco control. The Network representatives are state authorities in the field of tobacco control. The group meets once per year in one of the Nordic countries. The Network is sharing information and collaborating in tobacco control issues with colleagues from the other Nordic countries. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL): FCTC Knowledge Hub on Surveillance. Assistance provided globally from the WHO FCTC Secretariat’s Knowledge Hub on Surveillance, through website. Further, through the EU-funded Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2 -project, information has been disseminated to facilitate the development of tobacco endgame goals and measures in the region and to monitor and evaluate them. In addition, assistance was provided to WHO EURO in tobacco control workshops. A model for community-based tobacco control have been developed and implemented by Finnish Lung Health Association (Filha) in Kyrgyzstan since 2011 in accordance with the FCTC recommendations. During 2020-2022 the project was expanded to include the whole country. Key groups in society were trained in tobacco control and this way the knowledge level of the population regarding tobacco issues was increased influencing attitudes and supporting cessation. Health professionals were trained in Tajikistan and Filha provided technical support to the process of developing a Tobacco/nicotine cessation Guideline in Uzbekistan. A Central-Asian tobacco control network was established between Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. This work has been planned in close collaboration with the governments of the Central-Asian countries and WHO country offices. Finnish authorities are participating in the work of the Nordic Network of Tobacco control. The Network representatives are state authorities in the field of tobacco control. The group meets once per year in one of the Nordic countries. The Network is sharing information and collaborating in tobacco control issues with colleagues from the other Nordic countries. National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL): FCTC Knowledge Hub in the field of article 20 (surveillance). In addition, in 2019, assistance was provided to WHO EURO in a smoking cessation workshop. A model for community-based tobacco control have been developed and implemented by Finnish Lung Health Association (Filha) in Kyrgyzstan since 2011 in accordance with the FCTC recommendations. During 2018-2019 the project has been expanded to include the whole country as well as to neighboring Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The project trains key groups in society in tobacco control issues and this way increase the knowledge level of the population regarding tobacco issues, influence attitudes and supporting tobacco cessation. A Central-Asian tobacco control network has been established in 2019 between Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. This work is planned in close collaboration with the governments of the Central-Asian countries and WHO country offices as well as relevant scientists and NGO’s. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is participating in the work of the Nordic Network of Tobacco control. The Network representatives are state authorities and the group meets once per year. The Network is sharing information and collaborating in tobacco control issues with colleagues from the other Nordic countries. National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL): FCTC Knowledge Hub in the field of article 20 (surveillance) A model for community-based tobacco control have been developed and implemented by Finnish Lung Health Association (Filha) in Kyrgyzstan since 2011 in accordance with the FCTC recommendations. During 2016-2017 the project have been expanded to include the whole country. The project trains key groups in society (family doctors, teachers, school children, Village Health Committees, media, local authorities) in tobacco control issues (tobacco legislation, prevention, cessation, tobacco dependence treatment) and this way increase the knowledge level of the population regarding tobacco issues, influence attitudes and support tobacco cessation. During the ongoing phase of the project the goal is to influence the creation of a Central-Asian tobacco control and cessation network. This work is planned in close collaboration with the governments of the Central-Asian countries and WHO country offices. In the beginning Kyrgyz experts trained by Filha will be used as experts in other Central Asian countries as a capacity building measure.
Gambia AFR Assistance was provided on training workshops, advocacy meetings, development of the draft national tobacco control policy and strategic plan, tobacco control bill and enforcement plan, development of the national tobacco cessation clinical guidelines, mass campaigns, community outreach programs . Just recently, in late 2016 to date, support was given to have a orientation meeting with parliamentarian, to launch to tobacco control act,2016, developed abridged version of the act, production of some copies of the act, development of the enforcement plan training of the enforcers, need assessment of tobacco control programme, development tobacco control regulations. Conducted training of enforcers on the Tobacco Control Act, 2016, Sensitisation of Hotel, Restaurant an Bar owners on the TCA 2016 and tobacco control Regulations 2019, Inauguration of the Tobacco Control Committee,Training of the members of the Tobacco Control Committee (TCC), Assistance was provided on training workshops, advocacy meetings, development of the draft national tobacco control policy and strategic plan, tobacco control bill and enforcement plan, development of the national tobacco cessation clinical guidelines, mass campaigns, community outreach programs . Just recently, in late 2016 yo date, support was given to have a orientation meeting with parliamentarian, to launch to tobacco control act,2016, developed abridged version of the act, production of some copies of the act, development of the enforcement plan training of the enforcers, need assessment of tobacco control programme, development tobacco control regulations. Conducted training of enforcers on the Tobacco Control Act, 2016, Sensitisation of Hotel, Restaurant an Bar owners on the TCA 2016 and tobacco control Regulations 2019, Inauguration of the Tobacco Control Committee,Training of the members of the Tobacco Control Committee (TCC), Assistance was provided on training workshops, advocacy meetings, development of the draft national tobacco control policy and strategic plan, tobacco control bill and enforcement plan, development of the national tobacco cessation clinical guidelines, mass campaigns, community outreach programs . Just recently, in late 2016 yo date, support was given to have a orientation meeting with parliamentarian, to launch to tobacco control act,2016, developed abridged version of the act, production of some copies of the act, development of the enforcement plan training of the enforcers, need assessment of tobacco control programme, development tobacco control regulations.
Ghana AFR Assistance received in the following areas: 1. FCTC Project 2030 2. Review of national laws and regional training for law enforcement agencies. 3. Work on Taxation- Tax Justice Network Africa, WHO AFRO Assistance received in the following areas: 1. Preparation of Regulation 2. Work on Taxation and tax stamp 3. Training health workers and preparing Guidelines on dependence and Cessation 4. South-South and Triangular Cooperation Assistance received in the following areas: 1. Preparation of Regulation 2. Work on Taxation and tax stamp 3. Training health workers and preparing Guidelines on dependence and Cessation 4. South-South and Triangular Cooperation
Greece EUR Answer not provided Report not provided ASSISTANCE PROVIDED: a) leading role of Biomedical Research Foundation Academy in the following European Projects. EUREST, PRESICE, DIRECT. b). Leading role of KEELPNO in European Project TOB-G. ASSISTANVE RECEIVED: a).George D.Behrakis Foundation support of HEART (HELLENIC ACTION THROUGH RESEARCH AGAINST TOBACCO)Projects - coordination of Joint Action on Tobacco control
Grenada AMR Report not provided Training, conferences and funding of tobacco control related activities Training, conferences and funding of tobacco control related activities
Guatemala AMR La asistencia por parte de OPS ha sido en dos planos: a) en la formulación del proyecto de Iniciativa de Ley mencionado previamente (prestada en el contexto del Consejo Nacional de Salud) b) las intervenciones MPOWER La asistencia por parte de OPS ha sido en dos planos: a) en la formulación del proyecto de Iniciativa de Ley mencionado previamente (prestada en el contexto del Consejo Nacional de Salud) b) las intervenciones MPOWER La asistencia por parte de OPS ha sido en dos planos: a) en la formulación del proyecto de Iniciativa de Ley mencionado previamente (prestada en el contexto del Consejo Nacional de Salud) b) en el enfoque de intervenciones best-buys. La asistencia sur-sur por parte de Brasil consistió en un taller sobre interferencia de la industria. La asistencia sur-sur por parte de Ecuador consistió en un taller sobre impuestos y control del comercio ilícito.
Guinea-Bissau AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Guyana AMR The Pan American Health Organization is a key partner in Tobacco Control and served on the Tobacco Control Council. The Ministry of Health as the pioneer for Tobacco Control provide assistance to all organizations or groups that require training, equipment or materials in Tobacco Control, for example, the Ministry of Education, Culture Youth and Sports, local NGOs, and general public. The Pan American Health Organization and Guyana Chest Society are key partners in Tobacco Control and served on the Tobacco Control Council, also. The Chest Society is no longer functional but PAHO assists with providing technical support to the country in this area. The Ministry of Public Health as the pioneer for Tobacco Control provide assistance to all organizations or groups that require training, equipment or materials in Tobacco Control, for example, the Ministry of Education, Culture Youth and Sports, local NGOs, and general public. The Pan American Health Organization and Guyana Chest Society are key partners in Tobacco Control and served on the Tobacco Control Council, also. The Chest Society is no longer functional but PAHO assists with providing technical support to the country in this area. The Ministry of Public Health as the pioneer for Tobacco Control provide assistance to all organizations or groups that require training, equipment or materials in Tobacco Control, for example, the Ministry of Education, Culture Youth and Sports, local NGOs, and general public.
Honduras AMR Report not provided Desde 2018 a la fecha se ha contado con el apoyo y la Asistencia técnica de la OPS-OMS y el acompañamiento de las Secretarías de Salud, Economía y Comercio. Asistencia técnica de la OPS-OMS.
Hungary EUR Received and the information provided in the majority of cases are mutual, in recent times occurred in the following areas: • regulate the packaging of tobacco products, including single package • regulation of additives used in tobacco products • flavoring regulation of tobacco products • herbal products for smoking control • Opportunities to regulate electronic cigarettes • Putting the new Tobacco Products Directive in domestic law, • Tobacco product prices • Smoking restrictions affected areas Received and the information provided in the majority of cases are mutual, in recent times occurred in the following areas: • regulate the packaging of tobacco products, including single package • regulation of additives used in tobacco products • flavoring regulation of tobacco products • herbal products for smoking control • Opportunities to regulate electronic cigarettes • Putting the new Tobacco Products Directive in domestic law, • Tobacco product prices • Smoking restrictions affected areas Received and the information provided in the majority of cases are mutual, in recent times occurred in the following areas: • regulate the packaging of tobacco products, including single package • regulation of additives used in tobacco products • flavoring regulation of tobacco products • herbal products for smoking control • Opportunities to regulate electronic cigarettes • Putting the new Tobacco Products Directive in domestic law, • Tobacco product prices • Smoking restrictions affected areas
Costa Rica AMR 1) Análisis de emisión de humo de tabaco en cigarrillos en laboratorio. 2) Información actualizada sobre el avance del Control de Tabaco en el mundo. Asesoría técnica y regulatoria en diferentes temas: 1) Análisis de emisión de humo de tabaco en cigarrillos en laboratorio. 2) Sistemas Electrónicos de Administración de Nicotina Y Sistemas Similares Sin Nicotina: aspectos técnicos y regulatorios. 3) Productos de tabaco calentado y productos innovadores. 4) Trazabilidad fiscal de productos de tabaco. Actualmente se está gestionando un proyecto de cooperación triangular sur-sur con la Secretaría del Convenio Marco junto con el Instituto del Cáncer de Brasil, y se encuentran involucrados Togo y Filipinas. El objetivo consiste proponer algunas alternativas y herramientas que permitan impulsar espacios y acciones para avanzar en la implementación del Artículo 5.2 del CMCT. En proceso de desarrollo en el 2018
Côte d'Ivoire AFR - Aide financière reçue pour l'organisation de voyage d'étude et de partage d'expérience; -Aide financière et technique reçues pour des programmes de formation à l'endroit des décideurs, des administrateurs des services publics, - Aide technique reçue pour des missions de plaidoyer; - Aide logistique et financière aux ONG locales pour des activités de formation et de sensibilisation au niveau communautaire; -Aide fournie à trois Société savante de Côte d'Ivoire dans le cadre de la promotion de la recherche sur le tabagisme, -Aide technique fournie à des organismes publics dans le cadre d'activité de sensibilisation. - Aide financière reçue pour lorganisation de voyage détude et de partage dexpérience; -Aide financière et technique reçues pour des programmes de formation à lendroit des décideurs, des administrateurs des services publics, - Aide technique reçue pour des missions de plaidoyer; - Aide logistique et financière aux ONG locales pour des activités de formation et de sensibilisation au niveau communautaire; -Aide fournie à trois Société savante de Côte dIvoire dans le cadre de la promotion de la recherche sur le tabagisme, -Aide technique fournie à des organismes publics dans le cadre dactivité de sensibilisation. - Aide financière reçue pour lorganisation de voyage détude et de partage dexpérience; -Aide financière et technique reçues pour lorganisation datelier de renforcement de capacité, - Aide technique reçue pour des missions de plaidoyer - Aide logistique et financière aux ONG locales pour des activités formation et de sensibilisation au niveau communautaire
Croatia EUR European Commission supporting us in the process of transposing the Directive 2014/40/EU in the national law through meetings, materials and exchange of information and knowledge. WHO supporting us in implementation of FCTC through meetings: (Training workshop on the enforcement of tobacco control legislation, Sofia, Bulgaria, 29.10.2019.-1.11.2019; WHO FCTC Article 5.3 and Novel Tobacco Products, Kyiv/Ukraine, 27.-30.11.2018); Pre-Conference of the Parties Meeting for the WHO European Region, Lisbon/Portugal, 10.-13.9.2018) European Commission supporting us in the process of transposing the Directive 2014/40/EU in the national law through meetings, materials and exchange of information and knowledge. WHO supporting us in implementation of FCTC through meetings: (Training workshop on the enforcement of tobacco control legislation, Sofia, Bulgaria, 29.10.2019.-1.11.2019; WHO FCTC Article 5.3 and Novel Tobacco Products, Kyiv/Ukraine, 27.-30.11.2018); Pre-Conference of the Parties Meeting for the WHO European Region, Lisbon/Portugal, 10.-13.9.2018) European Comission supporting us in the process of transposing the Directive 2014/40/EU in the national law through meetings, materials and exchange of information and knowledge. WHO supporting us in implementation of FCTC through meetings: (Sub-regional meeting on the implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Budva, Montenegro, 24-27 October 2016; Sub-regional workshop “The role of advocacy in the implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control”, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 18-19 May 2017; European Regional Meeting on the implementation of the WHO FCTC - Heidelberg, Germany, 30 November to 1 December 2017)
Cyprus EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Assistance was provided to University of Cyprus for studying the impact of illustration on cigarette packages.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea SEA Report not provided WHO provided technical and financial support for multi-sectoral workshops to strengthen the implementation of national tobacco control law and training of service providers on tobacco cessation and counselling. World No Tobacco Days are observed in collaboration with MoPH and WHO for extensive IEC campaign. WHO provided technical assistance in preparing for GYTS and strengthening the tobacco control activities through multi-sectoral involvement. WHO provided technical and financial support for strengthening multi-sectoral collaboration, development and distribution of IEC materials, conducting IEC campaigns on World No Tobacco Days, survey of tobacco epideliology, update of tobacco control law and others.
Democratic Republic of the Congo AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided La RDC a reçu du Scrétariat de la CCLAT un appui finacier pour: latélier de taxation, mission dévaluation des besoins pour la mise en oeuvre de la CCLAT,atélier pour accélererle processus de ratification du protocole pour éliminer le commerce illicite des produits du Tabac, élaboration du plan stratégique national et le mécanisme national de coordination multisectoriel de la lutte antitabac, mission de mise en place des espaces non fumeur dans 4 villes de la RDC. missions à Gaberone et au Kenya sur le comercce illicite de produit de tabac, et à la célébration de 10 ansde CCLAT en Afrique au Kenya.
Denmark EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Djibouti EMR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Dominica AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Egypt EMR لقد قدمت منظمة الصحة العالمية المساعدات الماليه و التقنية لوزارة الصحة المصرية و كذلك قدمت وزارة الصحة المساعدة التقنيه للقطاع الصحي و التعليمي و الخدمة المجتمعية لقد قدمت منظمة الصحة العالمية المساعدات الماليه و التقنية لوزارة الصحة المصرية و كذلك قدمت وزارة الصحة المساعدة التقنيه للقطاع الصحي و التعليمي و الخدمة المجتمعية لقد قدمت منظمة الصحة العالمية المساعدات الماليه و التقنية لوزارة الصحة المصرية و كذلك قدمت وزارة الصحة المساعدة التقنيه للقطاع الصحي و التعليمي و الخدمة المجتمعية
El Salvador AMR La OPS/OMS y el CDC Atlanta, han prestado asistencia técnica en materia de vigilancia del control del tabaco, para el levantamiento de la Cuarta Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes 2020. El CICAD/OEA y el CCICT han brindado formación en materia de cesación. Especialmente, el último organismo ha fortalecido al personal que labora en el primer nivel de atención en salud, para realizar una intervención mínima de tabaquismo. La Secretaria del CMCT, la OPS/OMS, La Unión, Campaing Tobacco Free kids y PNUD: han presentado asistencia técnica y financiera para la elaboración de las propuestas de las reformas al marco legal requerido por el país, con las cuales, se busca cerrar las brechas existentes en la legislación nacional respecto al CMCT. Así mismo, dichos organismos han prestado técnica para el establecimiento del Mecanismo Nacional de Coordinación de Control del Tabaco. La Unión y Campaing Tobacco Free kids, han brindado asistencia técnica para el establecimiento y el fortalecimiento de una coalición de sociedad civil que impulse la implementación del control del tabaco. La OPS/OMS y el CDC Atlanta, han prestado asistencia técnica en materia de vigilancia del control del tabaco, para el levantamiento de la Cuarta Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Jóvenes 2020. El CICAD/OEA y el CCICT han brindado formación en materia de cesación. Especialmente, el último organismo ha fortalecido al personal que labora en el primer nivel de atención en salud, para realizar una intervención mínima de tabaquismo. La Secretaria del CMCT, la OPS/OMS, La Unión, Campaing Tobacco Free kids y PNUD: han presentado asistencia técnica y financiera para la elaboración de las propuestas de las reformas al marco legal requerido por el país, con las cuales, se busca cerrar las brechas existentes en la legislación nacional respecto al CMCT. Así mismo, dichos organismos han prestado técnica para el establecimiento del Mecanismo Nacional de Coordinación de Control del Tabaco. La Unión y Campaing Tobacco Free kids, han brindado asistencia técnica para el establecimiento y el fortalecimiento de una coalición de sociedad civil que impulse la implementación del control del tabaco. OPS/OMS y CDC Atlanta sobre vigilancia del Tabaquismo en Jóvenes. CICAD/OEA sobre formación y certificación de personal sanitario como operadores OPS/OMS, Tobacco Free kids y La Unión: La Secretaria del CMCT dispone de peritos con experiencia en litigios y arbitraje a nivel internacional, que han asesorado a los gobiernos de los países conforme progresan en la implementación de las directrices del CMCT. En particular, la Secretaria comisionó a las organizaciones no gubernamentales Tobacco-Free Kids e International Union Against Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease para facilitar en agosto de 2015 un Taller para profesionales de las ciencias jurídicas con responsabilidad directa en la implementación de la Ley para el Control del Tabaco y el CMCT denominado: “Implementación de las Directrices del Art. 5.3 del Convenio Marco de la OMS para el Control del Tabaco” La Unión (Unión Internacional Contra la Tuberculosis y Enfermedades Respiratorias): Actualmente se tiene un Grand para llevar a cabo una política multisectorial de control de tabaco y reformas al marco normativo vigente para cerrar brechas respecto al CMCT 2018-2019. Durante 2016 el Secretariado del CMCT, OMS y PNUD, desarrollaron la Misión de evaluación de Necesidades en El Salvador, lo cual ha permitido tener un diagnóstico de las principales brechas que tiene El Salvador en la implementación del CMCT, lo cual a su vez ha permitido establecer prioridades de país y orientar la cooperación internacional. El Salvador es parte dela estrategia FCTC 2030, coordinada por el Secretariado del CMCT en coordinación con OPS/OMS y PNUD. Y con el financiamiento del gobierno de Reino Unido, lo cual apoyará técnica y financieramente a cerrar las principales brechas en la implementación del CMCT. Se tiene un proyecto de cooperación Sur Sur El Salvador-Uruguay, por medio de la Agencia Uruguaya de Cooperación Internacional, en la que el Centro de Cooperación Internacional para el Control de Tabaco (Uruguay) está brindando asesoría técnica para desarrollar una estrategia Nacional de Cesación de Tabaco, que incorpore el diagnóstico, la consejería breve y la referencia en el Primer Nivel de Atención, entre otros elementos de cesación como mejoras en la Quik Line, mensajería, etc.
Equatorial Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided NO HABIDO
Estonia EUR Assistance to implement cost-effective and affordable measures to reduce tobacco use and promote implementation of the WHO FCTC received from WHO Regional Office for Europe Answer not provided Answer not provided
Brunei Darussalam WPR WHO Tobacco Collaborating Centre for Tobacco Cessation and Respiratory Diseases Prevention, China - Train-the-Trainer workshop on brief tobacco interventions. WHO WPRO – Funding to attend the following meeting: i) Regional Preparatory Workshop for the Eighth Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP8) to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC); and ii) Consultation to Develop a Regional Action Plan for Tobacco Control on the Western Pacific Region (2020-2030). SEATCA - Provided funding to attend related training workshops; provided advice on some aspects of tobacco control programme in Brunei; compiled information from Brunei for the publication of ASEAN Tobacco Control Report. Tobacco and Alcohol Control Office (TACO) of the Department of Health, Hong Kong - Connecting with Patients for Tobacco Free Living provided by Mayo Clinic. WHO Tobacco Collaborating Centre for Tobacco Cessation and Respiratory Diseases Prevention, China - Train-the-Trainer workshop on brief tobacco interventions. WHO WPRO – Funding to attend the following meeting: i) Regional Preparatory Workshop for the Eighth Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP8) to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC); and ii) Consultation to Develop a Regional Action Plan for Tobacco Control on the Western Pacific Region (2020-2030). SEATCA - Provided funding to attend related training workshops; provided advice on some aspects of tobacco control programme in Brunei; compiled information from Brunei for the publication of ASEAN Tobacco Control Report. Tobacco and Alcohol Control Office (TACO) of the Department of Health, Hong Kong - Connecting with Patients for Tobacco Free Living provided by Mayo Clinic. SEATCA - Provided funding to attend related training workshops; provided advice on some aspects of tobacco control programme in Brunei; compiled information from Brunei for the publication of ASEAN Tobacco Control Report. Kiribati - provided permission to use the PHW available in WHO database. Workshop for the development of National Action Plan on Tobacco Control, facilitated by Dr. Susan Mercado. Malaysia – Assistance for the commencement of the smoking cessation programme and operational issues, provided information requested by Malaysia. Singapore – Assistance in drafting the current tobacco control legislation and operational issues, assistance in obtaining images for the next rotation of PHWs. Thailand – Assistance in obtaining images for the next rotation of PHWs. Indonesia – Shared experience of implementing PHWs. WHO WPRO – i) Assistance in developing the National Tobacco Control Action Plan. ii) Information and advisories on the use of ENDS iii) Brunei Darussalam hosted the “WHO Meeting on Generic Packaging of Tobacco Products” from 10-11 January 2012. Australia – Assisting in the establishment of Quitline. Korea - Assisting in the establishment of Quitline.
Bulgaria EUR Please note that the information was provided during the previous reporting. Under the Biennial Collaborative Agreement 2018-2019 between MoH of Bulgaria and WHO Regional Office - Europe - activities related with technical assistance to implement cost-effective and affordable measures to reduce tobacco use and promote implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Also, in the new BCA 2020-21 - planned activities for the implementation of FCTC with focus on the article 5.3. strengthening at country level with active participation of key stakeholders. Implementation of GYTS. Under the Biennial Collaborative Agreement 2018-2019 between MoH of Bulgaria and WHO Regional Office - Europe - activities related with technical assistance to implement cost-effective and affordable measures to reduce tobacco use and promote implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Also, in the new BCA 2020-21 - planned activities for the implementation of FCTC with focus on the article 5.3. strengthening at country level with active participation of key stakeholders. Implementation of GYTS. Answer not provided
Burkina Faso AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Burundi AFR Report not provided Le renforcement des capacités de la part du Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Lutte contre le Sida Report not provided
Cabo Verde AFR La Cabo Verde a reçu da la OMS laide finacières et tecnicques pour la prodution des materiels de la sensibilization et de capacitations. La Cabo Verde a reçu da la OMS laide finacières et tecnicques pour la prodution des materiels de la sensibilization et de capacitations. La Cabo Verde a reçu da la OMS laide finacières et tecnicques pour la prodution des materiels de la sensibilization et de capacitations.
Cambodia WPR Report not provided The UNION Answer not provided
Canada AMR Financial assistance was provided the International Health Grants Program (IHGP) for the proposal “Enhancing Healthcare Systems, Tobacco Control Amid Covid-19.” $CAD 105,220 was provided to the African Tobacco Control Alliance to lead this project (in fiscal year 2022-23) Complimenting Canada’s domestic engagement in tobacco control activities and health policy, Canada’s International Development Research Center (IDRC) provides funding to support low- and middle-income country (LMIC) researchers to develop the local evidence needed to inform the adoption and effective implementation of tobacco control policies. During the period from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2019, IDRC allocated 4.2 million CAD to various research projects aiming to better understand and contribute to the economic rationale for tobacco control in LMICs. This investment included a financial contribution from Cancer Research UK (CRUK) under the Economics of Tobacco Control initiative. For further information, please visit List of IDRC-CRUK funded projects for the reported period: – Measuring tobacco-attributable costs and illicit trade effects for optimal tobacco tax scenarios in 8 Latin America countries – The Economics of Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking in the Eastern Mediterranean – Strengthening the evidence for advancing tobacco control policy in Mexico, Colombia, and India – Making Tobacco Taxation Work in Vietnam – The Economics of Tobacco Control in Nigeria: Fostering an Effective Tobacco Control Policy Implementation in Nigeria – Tobacco tax reforms for health and economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa – Improving the implementation of tobacco taxation in Southeast Asia Canada provided technical information to both countries on measures to regulate flavours in tobacco products.
Chad AFR les aides récues: OMS et FCTC : organisaation chaque année de journée mondiale sans tabac, réalisation des ateliers national sur le commerve illicite et la lutte antitanac, VITAL STRATEGIES : organisation campagne de masse mediatique ( spot publicitaire télévisée et radiodifusée) sur limage de cancer de bouchee liée au tabac (image de IDRISSA) pendant trois mois ( novembre 2016 à JANVIER 2017); FCTC 2030 : projet de ise en oeuvre globale de FCTC 2030 de 2017 à 2021. Ce qui nous a permi dee réaliser une évaluation des besoins, évaluation de limpact des aavertissements sanitairees phase I, évalubore trois Decret et deux aarreté dapplication loi 10, etc Union: réalisaation dun atelier sur la taxation avec le ministère de finance en 2016; des voyaages déchange sur la lutte antitabac. AIDE FOURNI: AUX NGOS cités en haut dans le dommaine de renforcement des capacités des acteurs ( medias sur article 5.3; Mairie sur la mise en oeuvre des legislations et mefaits de tabac; certaines NGOS sur lutte antitabac et législations= les aides récues: OMS et FCTC : organisaation chaque année de journée mondiale sans tabac, réalisation des ateliers national sur le commerve illicite et la lutte antitanac, VITAL STRATEGIES : organisation campagne de masse mediatique ( spot publicitaire télévisée et radiodifusée) sur limage de cancer de bouchee liée au tabac (image de IDRISSA) pendant trois mois ( novembre 2016 à JANVIER 2017); FCTC 2030 : projet de ise en oeuvre globale de FCTC 2030 de 2017 à 2021. Ce qui nous a permi dee réaliser une évaluation des besoins, évaluation de limpact des aavertissements sanitairees phase I, évalubore trois Decret et deux aarreté dapplication loi 10, etc Union: réalisaation dun atelier sur la taxation avec le ministère de finance en 2016; des voyaages déchange sur la lutte antitabac. AIDE FOURNI: AUX NGOS cités en haut dans le dommaine de renforcement des capacités des acteurs ( medias sur article 5.3; Mairie sur la mise en oeuvre des legislations et mefaits de tabac; certaines NGOS sur lutte antitabac et législations= les aides récues: OMS et FCTC : organisaation chaque année de journée mondiale sans tabac, réalisation des ateliers national sur le commerve illicite et la lutte antitanac, VITAL STRATEGIES : organisation campagne de masse mediatique ( spot publicitaire télévisée et radiodifusée) sur limage de cancer de bouchee liée au tabac (image de IDRISSA) pendant trois mois ( novembre 2016 à JANVIER 2017); FCTC 2030 : projet de ise en oeuvre globale de FCTC 2030 de 2017 à 2021. Ce qui nous a permi dee réaliser une évaluation des besoins, évaluation de limpact des aavertissements sanitairees phase I, évalubore trois Decret et deux aarreté dapplication loi 10, etc Union: réalisaation dun atelier sur la taxation avec le ministère de finance en 2016; des voyaages déchange sur la lutte antitabac. AIDE FOURNI: AUX NGOS cités en haut dans le dommaine de renforcement des capacités des acteurs ( medias sur article 5.3; Mairie sur la mise en oeuvre des legislations et mefaits de tabac; certaines NGOS sur lutte antitabac et législations=
Chile AMR Answer not provided Se ha recibido apoyo por partes de organizaciones no gubernamentales internacionales tal como la Unión Internacional contra la tuberculosis asociada principalmente al apoyo en la modificación de la ley 19.419 referida a empaquetado plano, prohibición de exhibición de los productos de tabaco y prohibición de aditivos. Este Convenio finalizo en octubre 2017. Se ha recibido apoyo por partes de organizaciones no gubernamentales internacionales tal como la Unión Internacional contra la tuberculosis asociada principalmente al apoyo en la modificación de la ley 19.419 referida a empaquetado plano, prohibición de exhibición de los productos de tabaco y prohibición de aditivos. Este Convenio finalizo en octubre 2017.
Colombia AMR La Secretaría del Convenio Marco para el Control de Tabaco (CMCT), en consonancia con las decisiones tomadas por la Conferencia de las Partes, inició el Proyecto FCTC 2030 con el fin de fortalecer la aplicación del CMCT para lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Colombia, junto con El Salvador, fueron los dos únicos países de la Región de las Américas que fueron seleccionados para el Proyecto FCTC 2030. Para este proyecto, Colombia planteó sus prioridades en función de los principales desafíos que enfrenta en el proceso de aplicación del Tratado: fortalecer los procesos de inspección, vigilancia y control; movilizar la acción intersectorial; implementar el Programa Nacional de Cesación en todo el territorio nacional; y desarrollar una estrategia nacional de comunicación en control de tabaco. Con ocasión del cierre del proyecto, se realizó un diálogo el 11 de mayo de 2022, organizado por el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social. En este Diálogo se presentó el Documento “Colombia Avanza en el Control Integral del Tabaco: Logros y desafíos en el camino hacia los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible”. Entre los asuntos que se mencionan, se encuentra la promulgación del decreto que formaliza el mecanismo de coordinación intersectorial.      El Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social inició el proceso de gestión ante la Secretaría del Convenio para el desarrollo de la misión de evaluación de necesidades, en virtud de los artículos 21 y 26 del CMCT. Este ejercicio de evaluación de necesidades consiste en un revisión de fuentes primarias y secundarias para la evaluación del estado de implementación del tratado, con la cual, se formulan unas recomendaciones para mejorar el proceso de aplicación del CMCT. Así las cosas, a finales del año 2012, la misión asistió al país, conformada por la Secretaría del CMCT, la OPS/OMS, el Banco Mundial y el PNUD. El informe final resultado de este ejercicio de evaluación de necesidades, el cual fue socializado en 2013 con todas las entidades involucradas y competentes en control de tabaco. En este mismo año, se llevó a cabo el Taller Regional de las Américas para la implementación del Convenio Marco. En este Taller participaron delegaciones de los Estado Parte y No Parte de la Región de las Américas, y organizaciones internacionales como el Banco Mundial, la Organización Mundial de Aduanas, el PNUD, la Secretaría del CMCT, la OMS y la OPS/OMS. Paralelo a estos primeros ejercicios de cooperación técnica, se han desarrollado proyectos de cooperación internacional Sur-Sur con Uruguay (advertencias sanitarias y cesación), Brasil (acción intersectorial), y El Salvador (advertencias sanitarias y estrategias de comunicación). De los proyectos de cooperación internacional en control de tabaco más destacado, es el que se conoce como FCTC 2030. En 2017, Colombia fue seleccionada como uno de los 15 países en el mundo que hacen parte del Proyecto de cooperación internacional FCTC 2030 el cual, con recursos del Gobierno del Reino Unido y del Gobierno de Australia, busca apoyar durante cuatro años (a 2021) el proceso de implementación del Convenio Marco, y así contribuir al logro de los objetivos y metas establecidos en la Agenda de Desarrollo Sostenible. Para el Proyecto en Colombia, se contemplaron las siguientes líneas estratégicas: A) fortalecimiento de los procesos de inspección, vigilancia y control del control de tabaco; B) fortalecimiento de la acción intersectorial; C) Implementación del Programa Nacional de Cesación de Tabaco; d) desarrollo de una Estrategia Nacional de comunicación en control de tabaco. En noviembre de 2017, se realizó el lanzamiento oficial del Proyecto que contó con la participación de delegados de la Secretaría del Convenio Marco, de la OMS, de la OPS/OMS y del PNUD, así como de los diversos sectores y actores competentes en control de tabaco. Entre 2018 y 2019, los años en los que se han asignado recursos para la ejecución de las actividades del Proyecto, la gestión se ha concentrado en las prioridades definidas en el proyecto, y en la importancia de asegurar la coordinación entre las actividades y lo planteado estratégicamente en el Proyecto. Esto significa, que en los procesos de planificación anual, se ha buscado asegurar que las actividades propuestas permitan y faciliten el logro de los objetivos propuestos en el marco del Proyecto FCTC 2030. Así, y con el concurso de todos los miembros del equipo de control de tabaco, se ha asumido la gestión para el desarrollo idóneo de cada una de las actividades propuestas. En 2019 se continuó con el entrenamiento en cesación y fiscalización sanitaria de control de tabaco, el desarrollo de la iniciativa de cooperación Sur-Sur con Brasil para el fortalecimiento de la acción intersectorial en control de tabaco. Adicionalmente, se avanzó en el desarrollo de una estrategia de comunicaciones en control de tabaco. Answer not provided
Comoros AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Congo AFR L'élaboration de l'arrêté sur la mise en œuvre du décret 2018-217 du 5 juin 2018, portant conditionnement et étiquetage du tabac et de ses produits a été financé à la hauteur de 1.060.000frs par l'OMS et la réalisation de l'enquête GYTS de 2019 à hauteur de 8.800.000frs CFA Lélaboration de larrêté sur la mise en oeuvre du décret 2018-217 du 5 juin 2018, portant conditionnement et étiquetage du tabac et de ses produits a été financé à la hauteur de 1.060.000frs par lOMS et la réalisation de lenquête GYTS à hauteur de 8.800.000frs CFA Report not provided
Australia WPR The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care and the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade provide funding for the McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer Intensive Legal Training Program (the Program). As an example of information sharing, the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care regularly responds to requests for licensing of our graphic health warnings. The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care also provide funding to the Global Alliance for Tobacco Control for their work in supporting the implementation of the WHO FCTC in the Western Pacific Region. Australia has received assistance from WHO and other parties on the development of tobacco control polices including graphic health warnings. The Australian Government Department of Health and the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade provide funding for the McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer Intensive Legal Training Program (the Program). As an example of information sharing, the Australian Government Department of Health regularly responds to requests for licensing of our graphic health warnings. The Australian Government Department of Health and the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade provide funding for the McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer Intensive Legal Training Program (the Program) under the Aid for Trade program. As an example of information sharing, the Australian Government Department of Health regularly responds to requests for licensing of our graphic health warnings.
Austria EUR VIVID - Institute for the prevention of addiction provides data which are relevant for tobacco Control and tobacco prevention in General. VIVID is part of the German Network "Tobacco and Childrens rights". In this context they publish a factsheet and a brochure togehter and they are learning from each other. Furthermore VIVID is part of the international Network "Addiction prevention", with similar German, Suisse and Italian ("South Tyrol") institutions. And VIVID is cooperating with the international network "Tobacco free Kids", who advocate tobacco control at a very global Level. This network wrote letters to social platforms like Facebook and Instagram to get sure that they dont accept hidden advertising for e-cigarettes and tobacco heaters. VIVID - Institute for the prevention of addiction provides data which are relevant for tobacco Control and tobacco prevention in General. VIVID is part of the German Network "Tobacco and Childrens rights". In this context they publish a factsheet and a brochure togehter and they are learning from each other. Furthermore VIVID is part of the international Network "Addiction prevention", with similar German, Suisse and Italian ("South Tyrol") institutions. And VIVID is cooperating with the international network "Tobacco free Kids", who advocate tobacco control at a very global Level. This network wrote letters to social platforms like Facebook and Instagram to get sure that they dont accept hidden advertising for e-cigarettes and tobacco heaters. Answer not provided
Azerbaijan EUR The Public Health and Reforms Center of the MoH was actively involved into Bloomberg Initiative projects: in 2016 - “Strengthening tobacco control legislation in Azerbaijan” project, and in 2018 - “Developing multi-sectoral tobacco control mechanisms in Azerbaijan” project The Public Health and Reforms Center of the MoH was actively involved into Bloomberg Initiative projects: in 2016 - “Strengthening tobacco control legislation in Azerbaijan” project, and in 2018 - “Developing multi-sectoral tobacco control mechanisms in Azerbaijan” project The Public Health and Reforms Center of the MoH was actively involved into Bloomberg Initiative project 2016 - “Strengthening tobacco control legislation in Azerbaijan” project. Two nominees from the Public Health and Reforms Center of the MoH participated in the 2017 European Regional Tobacco Control Leadership Program have been held by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (3-9 September, 2017, in Kiev, Ukraine). In April, 2017, the delegate from the Public Health and Reforms Center of the MoH participated on the "Tobacco control and Identifying Tobacco Taxes" event in Washington, DC, jointly organised by the World Banks Tobacco Control sector and WHO.
Bangladesh SEA Assistance received from The Union, Vital Strategies, CTFK and WHO on various issues of tobacco control. NTCC Coordinator Mr. Khairul Alam Sheikh attended two programs on TAPS issues in India and Nepal in 2019 Answer not provided
Barbados AMR The Pan American Health Organization usually through the Biennial Work Plan Report not provided The Pan American Health Organization usually through the Biennial Work Plan
Belize AMR PAHO -Belize office provides us with a lot of technical support and financial support specifically for the World No Tobacco Day activities. NDACC-Belize does not get any other technical or financial support from nongovernmental organizations for tobacco control. PAHO -Belize office provides us with a lot of technical support and financial support specifically for the World No Tobacco Day activities. NDACC-Belize does not get any other technical or financial support from nongovernmental organizations for tobacco control. Report not provided
Benin AFR subvention CTCA 2019 2020 subvention CTCA 2019 2021 aide lélaboration du plan stratégique de lutte antitabac 2016-2020 mise en place du comité multisectoriel de lutte antitabac atelier de sensibilisation des parlementaires sur le projet de loi à Voter
Bhutan SEA Assistance received to implement Tobacco Control activities, to develop national tobacco control strategy and guideline, and production of IEC materials on tobacco control from WHO Report not provided Assistance received to implement Tobacco Control activities from WHO
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Bosnia and Herzegovina EUR For the Federation of BIH: NGO PROI involved in advocating for enforcement of new Law on control and limited use of tobacco, tobacco products and other smoking products in the Federation of BIH ("Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH", No. 38/22). NGO PROI signed Agreement of collaboration with Federal Ministry of Health. Answers to questions D1, D2, D3, D4 and D6 were provided by the Federation of BIH only. Assistance was received under two Projects funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Bosnia and Herzegovina: -Reducing Health Risk Factors Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina, implemented by the World Bank – Country Office in BiH, -Strengthening and Improvement of Modern and Sustainable Public Health Strategies, Capacities and Services to Improve Health of the Population in Bosnia and Herzegovina, implemented by the World Health Organization – Country Office in BiH. Above projects were implemented in the period 2013-2018. Three TAIEX workshops on tobacco control issues were held in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2018-2019. Focus was on the following topics: Presentation of 2014/40/EU Tobacco Products Directive; Combatting the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products: Tracking and tracing system; Standards for Safety and quality of electronic cigarettes containing nicotine and water pipe tobacco. These workshops were highly attended by representatives of relevant institutions from different sectors and administrative levels in BiH. Assistance was received under two Projects funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Bosnia and Herzegovina: -Reducing Health Risk Factors Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina, implemented by the World Bank – Country Office in BiH, -Strengthening and Improvement of Modern and Sustainable Public Health Strategies, Capacities and Services to Improve Health of the Population in Bosnia and Herzegovina, implemented by the World Health Organization – Country Office in BiH.
Botswana AFR Financial and technical assistance in developing the National Tobacco Control Strategy Training on GYTS was provided by WHO towards end of 2009. Every year WHO assist with educational materials for World No Tobacco Day. The local television and radio station provide free slot for public awareness and pulicity of some anti tobacco activities. Local authorities provides financial asistance for world no tobacco day commemoration. Training on GYTS was provided by WHO towards end of 2009. Every year WHO assist with educational materials for World No Tobacco Day. The local television and radio station provide free slot for public awareness and pulicity of some anti tobacco activities. Local authorities provides financial asistance for world no tobacco day commemoration.
Brazil AMR - National Cancer Institute - was redesignated as a Collaborating Center of the Pan American Health Organization / WHO on Tobacco Control. - In May 2016, the Executive Secretariat of CONICQ - National Cancer Institute - was redesignated as a Collaborating Center of the Pan American Health Organization / WHO on Tobacco Control by June 2020. In the Work Plan for this redesignation a cooperation action is planned with Latin American countries and the Portuguese-speaking countries, especially with the Africans. This action provides for the exchange of experiences, information, research, materials and other collaborations to be identified. - Brazil has been cooperating with several countries on different topics, such as national coordinating mechanism, national plans and programs for tobacco control and cessation program, for example. Brazil, as part of its Collaborating Center, worked directly with Portuguese-speaking African country, (Cape Verde), technically training them to develop national plans and programs and discussing cessation program implementation. - Between May 8 and 10, 2017, a meeting was organized by the Secretariat of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in Montevideo, Uruguay. The event entitled "South-South and triangular cooperation to promote the implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in the era of Sustainable Development Goals" aimed at bringing together developing countries, Knowledge Hubs, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in order to establish agreements, partnerships and projects to streamline the implementation of tobacco control policies. During the event, Brazil was recognized not only for its history of strong action in the tobacco control policy historically carried out by the National Cancer Institute, but also for its expertise in building national coordination mechanisms, for having created a Commission to subsidize the Brazilian position in the negotiations of the FCTC and to be the first country in the world to implement through a Presidential Decree, in 2003, a mechanism for coordination multisectoral project - National Commission for Tobacco Control (CONICQ) - initially responsible for participating in the ratification process of the FCTC and subsequently implementing the articles of the Framework Convention in Brazil. Due to his experience in the topic, Brazil was invited to coordinate the discussion table on the implementation of Article 5.2 of the FCTC. Based on the demands of the countries, a proposed international cooperation project for the implementation of a National Coordination mechanism, with funding from the Convention Secretariat, Brazil developed with the support of FCTC Secretariat a Workshop in the Philippines in April 18 to 20, 2018. Due to the sucess of this project and the commitment of Brazil to share its experience, encouraging the implementation of art. 5of the FCTC, an agreement was signed with Colombia to develop two technical workshops, one in 2019 and one in 2020. For the first workshop, which took place in August 2019, 4 video conferences were held with about 2 hours and the demand for 8 days of preparation of technical materials and presentations. A similar process is being developed with Cabo Verde, in which Brazilian team promoted a capacity building workshop on a national coordination mechanism took place from February 11 to 15, 2019; with the participation of 2 staff from Brazil. Due to the demand of Cape Verde, Brazil, throught The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, adapted its winter course of Tobacco control policies from the National School of Public Health to train five students, among them 3 invited Cabo Verde Students. The course occurred among September 02 to 13, 2019. Additionally, the Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA), througth is cessassion Division, promoted a mission with training course between October, 13 to 17 de 2019. the course promoted managerial training in a cessation program. The Brazilian treatment program was presented with exposure of the Brazilian methodology to health agents. In relation to the recent FCTC Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade, on December 3 and 4, 2019, Brasilia hold the International Workshop to promote the ratification and implementation of the FCTC Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products. Representatives and International experts preesnted the most importante aspects of the Protocol and the next steps to be implemented. There were representatives from Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. - In May 2016, the Executive Secretariat of CONICQ - National Cancer Institute - was redesignated as a Collaborating Center of the Pan American Health Organization / WHO on Tobacco Control by June 2020. In the Work Plan for this redesignation a cooperation action is planned with the Portuguese-speaking countries, especially with the Africans. This action provides for the exchange of experiences, information, research, materials and other collaborations to be identified. - Brazil has been cooperating with several countries on different topics, such as flavor additives, health warnings and diversification of tobacco production, for example. - A meeting was held in June 2017 to involve the Parties to the WHO FCTC which have not yet complied with the implementation reports of the Convention since their accession and to train them to prepare the reports, providing all the practical skills necessary for successful completion. Brazil, as part of its Collaborating Center, worked directly with Portuguese-speaking African countries (Cape Verde, Angola and Guinea), technically training them to produce these reports. - Between May 8 and 10, 2017, a meeting was organized by the Secretariat of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in Montevideo, Uruguay. The event entitled "South-South and triangular cooperation to promote the implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in the era of Sustainable Development Goals" aimed at bringing together developing countries, Knowledge Hubs, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in order to establish agreements, partnerships and projects to streamline the implementation of tobacco control policies. During the event, Brazil was recognized not only for its history of strong action in the tobacco control policy historically carried out by the National Cancer Institute, but also for its expertise in building national coordination mechanisms, for having created a Commission to subsidize the Brazilian position in the negotiations of the FCTC and to be the first country in the world to implement through a Presidential Decree, in 2003, a mechanism for coordination multisectoral project - National Commission for Tobacco Control (CONICQ) - initially responsible for participating in the ratification process of the FCTC and subsequently implementing the articles of the Framework Convention in Brazil. Due to his experience in the topic, Brazil was invited to coordinate the discussion table on the implementation of Article 5.2 of the FCTC. Based on the demands of the countries present at the meeting, a proposed international cooperation project was developed during the conference to develop a Smart Approach model for the implementation of a National Coordination mechanism, with funding from the Convention Secretariat, Brazil being the provider country and Costa Rica, Togo and the Philippines as beneficiary countries. The main objective of the project is to promote a comprehensive implementation of the FCTC in the participating countries by creating or strengthening a National Coordination Mechanism (NCM) to prioritize tobacco control policies within the governmental agenda and ensure the creation or coordination of the multisectoral response to control smoking at different levels of governance. As a result of the project, Brazil prepared a questionnaire for the recipient countries to allow a diagnosis of the updated situation regarding the implementation of Article 5.2 of the FCTC in those countries. Based on information from each country and Brazilian history on intersectorial cooperation strategies in the area of ​​tobacco control policies, the Brazilian team formed by representatives of the Conicq Executive Secretariat, INCA representative and consultants contracted by the Convention Secretariat prepared the " General Guidelines for Smart Approach " which will include a methodology related to mapping and stakeholder engagement, which will be presented at a Workshop in the three recipient countries throughout 2018. The first workshop will be held in the Philippines from April 18 to 20, 2018.
Algeria AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Andorra EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Angola AFR Technical assistance has been provided by the WHO to Angola for the elaboration of the Draft Bill on Tobacco Control, as well as to review prices and taxation on tobacco products. Report not provided Technical assistance has been provided by the WHO to Angola for the elaboration of the Draft Bill on Tobacco Control, as well as to review prices and taxation on tobacco products.
Antigua and Barbuda AMR Training workshops, financial/ resource support, technical cooperation, information exchange, media campaign materials Training workshops, financial/ resource support, technical cooperation, information exchange, media campaign materials Report not provided
France EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Aide technique (contenu de la législation, échange sur le mesures mis en place par les autres pays membres, échanges sur la politique fiscale avec des pays frontaliers, échanges sur la mise en place du système de traçabilité)
Ecuador AMR - El Ecuador actualmente cuenta con cooperación con OPS para la implementación de la Encuesta de tabaquismo en jóvenes, en coordinación con los establecimientos educativos. Se trabaja con expertos del nivel regional y de la oficina país. - Durante las reuniones de la COP, Ecuador presentó la resolución Contribución del CMCT de la OMS a la promoción y cumplimiento de los derechos humanos, misma que contó con el apoyo del Secretariado del CMCT. - La Universidad de Bath y el Gobierno del Reino Unido otorgaron una beca al MSP para el Curso "Monitoring, investigation and accountability of the Tobacco Industry" - Ecuador participa activamente en el Grupo de Trabajo sobre Sistemas de Seguimiento y Localización en el marco CMCT. Asistencia técnica y financiera para el desarrollo de talleres para intercambio de experiencias regionales, desarrollo, transferencia y adquisición de capacidad y competencia técnica relacionados con el control del tabaco Asistencia técnica y financiera para el desarrollo de talleres para intercambio de experiencias regionales, desarrollo, transferencia y adquisición de capacidad y competencia técnica relacionados con el control del tabaco
Cook Islands WPR Assistance received – technical training, funding and personnel assistance from the above WHO Offices mentioned in 4.7, including exchange of information. Assistance received – technical training, funding and personnel assistance from the above WHO Offices mentioned in 4.7, including exchange of information. Assistance received – technical training, funding and personnel assistance from the above WHO Offices mentioned in 4.7, including exchange of information.
China WPR Answer not provided 1.中国疾控中心与世界卫生组织、美国疾控中心合作开展成人烟草流行监测,掌握我国各类人群烟草流行现状及趋势;中日医院申请世界卫生组织2018-2019双年度合作项目,更新《中国吸烟危害健康报告》。 2.在彭博基金、盖茨基金的支持下,卫生健康系统各单位开展无烟立法执法、无烟环境建设、控烟宣传、能力建设、科学研究等工作。 3.2019年11月中国控烟协会与世界卫生组织联合举办中国控烟高层研讨会暨第十届海峡两岸及香港澳门地区烟害防治研讨会。 4.2018、2019年,中日医院联合世界卫生组织举办实施第14条准则国际研讨会,来自蒙古、马来西亚、越南、老挝、柬埔寨、文莱、斐济等西太区国家的代表参加了会议;联合英国伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院举办全国戒烟医师培训班。 5. 2019年6月26-28日,对外经贸大学与世界卫生组织共同主办烟草税与烟草经济国际培训研讨会,对来自于中国和周边国家柬埔寨、越南、菲律宾、巴基斯坦、缅甸、尼泊尔的财税部门官员进行了烟草税政策模拟和政策评估的技术培训。 6.对外经贸大学承担了萨摩亚、俄罗斯、印度尼西亚、塞拉利昂、汤加王国等国家的烟草税收政策有关研究。 1.与世界卫生组织、美国疾控中心合作开展烟草流行监测,掌握我国各类人群烟草流行现状及趋势; 2.在世界卫生组织支持下,开发适合国情的戒烟服务指南,建立戒烟服务网络,开展戒烟技能培训; 3.开展科学研究,评估控烟政策效果,为控烟立法提供依据,加强控烟宣传工作。
Central African Republic AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Cameroon AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Belgium EUR Des échanges de données, connaissances, experiences se font de manière structurel entre pays de l'Union européenne. Workshops of WP6 of the joint action on tobacco control: 30/03/2022: workshop on menthol and nicotine pouches. Belgium presented its experience in installing a complete ban on menthol in tobacco products that are inhaled. 11/10/2022: Austria presented how they treat novel tobacco products market authorization. Bilateral contacts were established afterwards. Procedures of Austria will be implemented in Belgium (future work). Des échanges de données, connaissances, experiences se font de manière structurel entre pays de lUnion européenne. BE a participé à deux workshops (organisé par la Commission européenne en 2019) à destination des authorités de Bosnie sur le commerce illicites et les législations anti-tabac UE. Elle y a partagé son expérience. Answer not provided
Belarus EUR Report not provided Проведение обучающих семинаров, консультаций с представителями и экспертами ВОЗ, организованных Страновым офисом ВОЗ в Беларуси, изучение опыта других стран в рамках конференций, сессий, проводимых под эгидой ВОЗ, взаимодействие со специалистами Странового офиса ВОЗ в организации и проведении вторых Европейских игр, как мероприятия, свободного от табака, участие в пресс-конференциях, посвященных Всемирному дню без табака, Дню некурения. 22 февраля 2016 -- участие во встрече представителей организаций-партнеров программы по борьбе против табака из стран Евразийского экономического союза, посвященной стратегическому планированию деятельности программы 02 марта 2016 г. в г. Москва (Российская Федерация). Участие в семинаре по вопросам укрепления потенциала СМИ в борьбе против табака 03-04 марта 2016 г. в г. Москва (Российская Федерация).Проведение обучающих семинаров, консультаций с представителями и экспертами ВОЗ, организованных Страновым офисом ВОЗ в Беларуси, изучение опыта других стран в рамках конференций, сессий, проводимых под эгидой ВОЗ,ь 03-09.09 - .участие в Европейской региональной программе по развитию лидерских качеств для борьбы с табакокурением (Украина, г.Киев), организованной Европейским региональным бюро Всемирной организации здравоохранения и Школой общественного здравоохранения Джона Хопкинса Блумберга,
Bahrain (Kingdom of) EMR Assistance is constantly provided and received among GCC in regard to updating tobacco products standardized specifications. assistance was provided and received recently in regards to updating tobacco products standardized specifications. assistance was provided and received recently in regards to updating tobacco products standardized specifications.
Bahamas AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Armenia EUR We have several non governmental organisations which performs different healthy lifestyle and public awareness campaigns and we cooperate with all of them, for example Be informed NGO and Armenian Consumer Association, We have several non governmental organisations which performs different healthy lifestyle and public awareness campaigns and we cooperate with all of them, for example Be informed NGO and Armenian Consumer Association, Report not provided
Albania EUR The technical and scientific assistance we received by the WHO Euro and CDC for conducting surveys in the relevant area. Report not provided Report not provided
Afghanistan EMR Report not provided only about 25000 USD for specific plan for 2016 as a post assessment country we received to implement our plan, now we request more resources for continuation of activities which is pending only about 25000 USD for specific plan for 2016 as a post assessment country we received to implement our plan, now we request more resources for continuation of activities which is pending
Uruguay AMR Tobacco Free Kids y "The Union" han brindado apoyo técnico y legal a la Sociedad Civil para solicitar la nulidad de los Decretos 87/021 y 282/022. Se ha recibido apoyo de OPS para la elaboración de un informe técnico sobre la evidencia de los riesgos de los productos de tabaco calentado y la perspectiva legal referente al Decreto 87/021. Se ha realizado intercambio de información sobre múltiples temas en el MERCOSUR y otros países de la región firmantes del CMCT-OMS, principalmente: sistemas de trazabilidad, legislacion de saborizantes, declaración de contenidos de productos de tabaco. Se recibió apoyo técnico de la Secretaría del CMCT sobre Sistemas de Trazabilidad. Answer not provided Se asesoró a Colombia sobre política de impuestos al tabaco (art.6) y también sobre cesación del consumo de tabaco.
Philippines WPR -The DOH, through the Bureau of International Health Cooperation (BIHC), provided technical assistance as resource speaker during the Capacity Building Workshop on Article 5.3, organized by the WHO FCTC Knowledge Hub for Article 5.3 -The DOH and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attended the “Online Legal Training Course on Law and Noncommunicable Disease”, organized by the Mccabe Centre for Law -The DOH and Department of Finance (DOF) attended the WHO Tobacco Taxation Workshop, organized by the Knowledge Hub on Tobacco Taxation (in partnership with the Research Unit on the Economics of Excisable Products (REEP) -From The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease grants funding support to Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) for the enforcement of tobacco control policies in the region. -Johns Hopkins University offered certificate and scholarship program where MMDA Project Staff had attended • The Philippines provided technical assistance to Vietnam (2018) and Myanmar (2019) relative to the implementation of WHO FCTC Article 6, particularly the creation and implementation of the Philippine Sin Tax Reform Law. • Joint Mission of the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force (UNIATF) and the WHO FCTC Secretariat, May 2019. Recommendations on the following articles were provided during the mission: Article 2.1, 2.2, 4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26 1) Brazil provided assistance on alternative livelihood and coordinating mechanism to the Philippines. 2) Philippines provided technical assistance to Mongolia, Malaysia, Nepal and Maldives on Price Tax Measures.
Papua New Guinea WPR As indicated earlier on, assistance will be given to cessation. As indicated earlier on, assistance will be given to cessation. As indicated earlier on, assistance will be given to cessation.
Panama AMR Panamá ha facilitado asistencia técnica a Paraguay para la ratificación del Protocolo. Dicha asistencia incluyó la participación virtual en sesiones de debate del Congreso Paraguayo y la atención de entrevistas en medios de comunicación. Declaración de los Ministerios de Salud de Uruguay y Panamá ante las manifestaciones de la Empresa Philip Morris sobre la regulación de los llamados “ producto de riesgo modificado” y el control del tabaco en Uruguay. Panamá ha apoyado diversos talleres virtuales y presenciales realizados por OPS/OMS con la finalidad de actualizar conocimientos y debatir temas de interés de control de tabaco en la región a saber: 1. Panel: "Capacitación en Línea Impulsando las Medidas MPOWER - 5" 2. Fortalecimiento de la acción multisectorial para el control del tabaco en la Región de las Américas Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud (OPS/OMS). Panel: Uruguay y Panamá. Experiencia en litigación 3. Jornada: Control del tabaco durante la pandemia de COVID-19 en las Américas: lecciones aprendidas y oportunidades - Liderazgo de la autoridad sanitaria de Panamá en la adopción del empaquetado y etiquetado neutro. - Consolidar el trabajo conjunto y articulado entre la sociedad civil y los gobiernos. Participación en el foro político de alto nivel realizado por el Secretariado del CMCT de la OMS "Integration of SDG Target 3.a on WHO FCTC implementation into the national and global SDG agenda: recent developments" (evento paralelo en la Asamblea de Naciones Unidas). Proyecto FCTC 2030 1. Con el proyecto FCTC 2030 Panamá ha tenido la oportunidad de realizar el Estudio de Necesidades en el marco de la aplicación del CMCT de la OMS, esta evaluación fue trabajada en forma conjunta entre el Secretariado del CMCT de la OMS, OPS/OMS DC y OPS/OMS Panamá, PNUD, INEC, MINSA e ICGES, entre otros. Esta herramienta ha sido de utilidad para remirar las prioridades que el país debe enfrentar para avanzar en la implementación del CMCT de la OMS. 2. De igual forma, se trabajo el Caso a Favor de la inversión en la aplicación de medidas para el control del tabaco del CMCT de la OMS- Panamá mismo que fue levantado con la participación de diversos actores entre ellos el Secretariado del CMCT de la OMS, OPS/OMS DC y OPS/OMS Panamá, la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad de Panamá, el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censo (INEC), el MINSA, el ICGES y el PNUD. Este último fue el responsable de coordinar y gestionar su desarrollo. El caso de inversión estimó la carga económica y en salud del consumo de tabaco en nuestro país. Una presentación preliminar de sus resultados puede ser ubicada en 3. Uno de los objetivos del proyecto FCTC era lograr la sanción de la Ley que prohibe la comercialización de los SEANS, de los productos de tabaco calentados y similares. En este sentido, se logró dicha sanción con la aprobación de la Ley 315 de 2022, que jerarquizaba las prohibiciones ya existentes en el país amparadas en resoluciones o decretos ejecutivos. 4. Se cuenta con una propuesta técnica revisada por el equipo nacional y expertos de la OMS - OPS/OMS y del Secretariado del CMCT de la OMS para avanzar hacia el empaquetado sencillo. 5. Miembros del equipo nacional de control de tabaco participaron en un taller virtual de impuestos llevado a cabo por el Centro de Conocimientos sobre Impuestos al Tabaco ubicado en la Universidad de Cape Town en Suráfrica del 21 – 25 marzo 2022. En él mismo, se realizó una primera estimación para sustentar el incremento del impuesto en Panamá. Cómo resultado del precitado taller, en enero de 2023 se realizó un taller presencial en Panamá que contó con una amplia participación de representantes de diferentes entidades a saber: Comisión Nacional de Control del Tabaco, la Dirección General de Salud Pública y la Dirección de Planificación Sanitaria del Ministerio de Salud; Consejo Nacional de Salud sin Tabaco (Autoridad Nacional de Aduanas, Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas, Ministerio de Educación, Coalición Panameña contra el Tabaco, Fundación para la Prevención de la Osteoporosis, Asociación Nacional contra el Cáncer), Dirección General de Ingresos, documentos asesores de la Asamblea Nacional de Diputados, Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censo, Facultad de Economía de la Universidad de Panamá, OPS-OMS, PNUD y del Secretariado del CMCT de la OMS. Dicho taller fue facilitado presencialmente por Corné van Walbeek, Director de Research Unit on the Economics of Excisable Products del centro de conocimientos sobre impuestos al tabaco. Un resumen de los resultados se detalla a continuación: "El jueves hice una presentación bastante genérica sobre la relación entre los impuestos al tabaco, los precios, el consumo y los ingresos fiscales, y me centré en el cuadro de mando fiscal de Panamá, tal como aparece en el Cuadro de Mando Fiscal de Cigarrillos de la UIC. El puntaje fiscal de Panamá es algo menor que el de países comparables y no ha cambiado desde 2012. A continuación, el Prof. Víctor Hugo Herrera de la Universidad de Panamá hizo una presentación sobre el escenario fiscal en Panamá. Más sobre esto en la reflexión a continuación. Después del almuerzo, presenté los resultados del modelo TETSiM, tal como los discutimos en marzo de 2022 a la audiencia. En resumen, mostré lo que sucedería si el piso mínimo del impuesto específico aumentara de 1,50 PAB = 1,50 USD a 4,00 USD. Vea la discusión a continuación. También mostré cómo se puede usar el modelo para analizar diferentes escenarios fiscales. El viernes Juana Cooke del PNUD presentó el Escenario de Caso de Inversión para el control del tabaco en Panamá. La atención se centró en gran medida en los costos generados por el tabaco, y que estos costos se evitarían si Panamá pudiera reducir aún más el consumo de tabaco. El viernes por la tarde tuve una reunión con la representante de la OPS en Panamá, Dra. Ana XXX. Junto con Juana Cooke del PNUD y la Dra. Reina Roa, punto focal de control del tabaco en el Ministerio de Salud, me reuní con representantes del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas, incluidos asesores del Ministro y representantes de la Dirección de Políticas Públicas y de la Dirección General de Ingresos (Subdirector y asesores legales), y discutió la situación del impuesto especial y las opciones fiscales. Existe una fuerte voluntad política para aumentar el impuesto al consumo en Panamá, por varias razones: (1) el último aumento del impuesto al consumo fue en 2009 y, por lo tanto, es hora de un cambio, (2) Panamá alberga la COP 10 y la MOP 3 en noviembre de 2023, y presumiblemente quieren verse bien, y (3) el país necesita ingresos fiscales adicionales para respaldar el sistema de seguridad social, y la contribución del impuesto especial al tabaco más alto ayudará. Panamá es un lugar súper interesante desde la perspectiva del control del tabaco. Le indiqué a la Dra. Ana y al Dr. Roa que sería un caso de estudio fascinante. La historia de Panamá debe contarse, porque puede tener relevancia para algunos otros países. La historia es particularmente relevante en el contexto de albergar la COP y la MOP. A continuación algunas reflexiones. Uno de los aspectos más interesantes de Panamá es que pudieron disminuir la prevalencia del tabaquismo de muy por encima del 30 % en la década de 1980 a un poco menos del 5 % en 2019, el año más reciente en el que se realizó una encuesta. En la mayoría de los países, una disminución sustancial en la prevalencia del tabaquismo está asociada con un gran aumento en el impuesto especial. Este no ha sido el caso en Panamá. De hecho, por información recibida de la Dra. Reina Roa, Panamá introdujo un impuesto ad valorem del 35 % en 1995. En 2009 aumentó el impuesto especial al 100 % ad valorem e introdujo un impuesto mínimo de 1,50 PAB (1 PAB = 1 balboa = 1 USD). La tasa del IVA, que generalmente es del 7% en todo el país, se fija en el 15% para los productos del tabaco y en el 10% para los productos alcohólicos. Desde 2009, el impuesto especial no ha cambiado. Según Dra. Roa, algunos diputados querían aumentar el impuesto especial sobre los productos del tabaco. Erróneamente pensaron que la legislación fiscal de 1995 todavía estaba vigente y sugirieron que el impuesto debería aumentar del 35% al 50% ad valorem. Parece que no se habían puesto en contacto con el Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas, porque si lo hubieran estado, el Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas les habría informado sobre la legislación fiscal de 2009. Cuando se descubrió el error, los miembros del parlamento sugirieron que el impuesto debería aumentarse del 100% al 150%. No se dijo nada sobre el piso mínimo de impuestos. En la reunión de marzo de 2022, hice un fuerte llamado a aumentar el piso mínimo del impuesto, lo que habría hecho que la estructura del impuesto fuera más específica que ad valorem. Esto está en línea con las mejores prácticas en la tributación del tabaco. Dra. Roa indicó que se dio el primer debate de la nueva legislación tributaria (que aumenta el impuesto ad valorem al 150%). Sin embargo, debido a que el piso mínimo ya forma parte de la legislación, mencionó que se podría pedir un aumento del piso mínimo en el segundo debate. La cifra que se mencionó es para aumentarla a PAB 2.50. En marzo de 2022 indicamos un piso tributario mínimo de PAB 4.00, pero todos en la sala sabían que eso era bastante ambicioso. La Dra. Roa manifestó que mencionó esta aspiración a la persona pertinente en el Parlamento, pero recibió la respuesta de que probablemente esto sea demasiado. Específicamente le pregunté al Dr. Roa cuál era el secreto del éxito de Panamá con el control del tabaco. Mencionó que el país se ha tomado muy en serio el control del tabaco y es visto como una política de Estado, por lo que desde la aprobación del CMCT todas las administraciones han impulsado su implementación y se ha fortalecido la legislación nacional al respecto, así como la vigilancia de su cumplimiento. El país ha prohibido toda publicidad, promoción y patrocinio del tabaco. Está prohibido fumar en interiores y se realizan mediciones de humo de tabaco ambiental en los lugares regulados por la Ley. (Para ser justos, este es el caso en muchos países). Panamá cuenta con alrededor de 56 clínicas para dejar de fumar en todo el país. Estos se ubican principalmente en el primer nivel de atención de la salud, aunque algunos hospitales también los tienen. Fumar se ha desnormalizado por completo. La GYTS indica que el 7,8% de los jóvenes alguna vez ha probado un producto de tabaco. El próximo GATS está planificado para 2025. Con base en los ingresos por impuestos especiales, que han disminuido drásticamente en 2020 y 2021, el Dr. Roa cree que la prevalencia del tabaquismo ha disminuido durante el período de Covid, en lugar de que haya habido un aumento en el comercio ilícito. Sin embargo, el comercio ilícito es bastante alto (usamos una incidencia del 30% en el modelo) y ciertamente es motivo de preocupación. Los cigarrillos electrónicos están oficialmente prohibidos en Panamá desde 2009, aunque en la Encuesta Nacional de Salud de Panamá 2019 se determinó que alrededor del 1% de los encuestados mayores de 15 años han usado cigarrillos electrónicos. La mitad de los ingresos por impuestos especiales recaudados del tabaco se destinan: 10% al departamento de Aduanas para combatir el comercio ilícito; 20% al Ministerio de Salud para implementar, monitorear y hacer cumplir una fuerte política de control del tabaco y 20% al Instituto de Oncología para tratar pacientes con cáncer. Consultada sobre si estos beneficiarios están preocupados por la disminución de los ingresos del impuesto al consumo de tabaco, la Dra. Roa dice que no lo son. En primer lugar, tienen otras fuentes de ingresos y, en segundo lugar, una disminución de la prevalencia del tabaquismo hace que disminuya la demanda de servicios de tabaquismo, oncología y enfermedades cardiovasculares, entre otras patologías asociadas al tabaco. Uno de los fundamentos de la iniciativa legislativa presentada en septiembre de 2022, para aumentar los impuestos especiales sobre los productos del tabaco, es destinar el 50% restante de los ingresos a la seguridad social. El sistema de seguridad social parece estar en problemas y enfrenta desafíos muy importantes en los próximos años, ya que la población envejece y los fondos son insuficientes. El Dr. Roa es bastante agnóstico acerca de destinar el otro 50%, porque la cantidad de dinero generada de esta manera es demasiado pequeña para hacer una mella decente en los requisitos de financiación. Panamá está claramente en territorio de final de juego. Fumar está muy pasado de moda. El tabaquismo entre turistas y extranjeros es mucho mayor que entre los locales. Sin embargo, entre los grupos de población originarios, la prevalencia del tabaquismo es mucho mayor que en la población general, lo que se superpone con el mapa general de pobreza. El tabaquismo y la pobreza tienen una fuerte correlación positiva. Cuando se le preguntó qué porcentaje de fumadores le gustaría, la Dra. Roa mencionó idealmente un 0 %, pero en realidad un 3 %. Mi sospecha es que el AGCS de 2025 podría mostrar que el objetivo del 3 % está muy cerca. De hecho, con base en las cifras de 2019, el 4,9 % de la población adulta indicó que son fumadores habituales, mientras que el 3,1 % indicó que son fumadores diarios. Eso implica que el 1,8% de la población son fumadores no diarios, y presumiblemente no tan adictos como los fumadores diarios. Estos fumadores no diarios deberían ser el objetivo de futuras intervenciones." Asistencia Prestada: Panamá ha facilitado apoyo financiero para ofrecer asistencia técnica y capacitación a los Estados Partes y no Partes, a través del Secretariado de CMCT. Taller Tabaco o Salud- Argentina 2018. Facilitadores de temas de cesación de tabaco y PPP. Congreso Mundial de Salud en Guadalajara Mexico. Facilitadores sobre el tema de PPP de productos de tabaco. Taller de Cooperación Sur-Sur para debatir los aspectos relacionados con la transparencia en la implementación del CMCT. 2018. Conferencias sobre las directrices del artículo 5.3 y su aplicación retrospectiva. 17ava Conferencia Mundial de Tabaco o Salud. Suráfrica 2018. Panamá fue elegido para el ejercicio de validación del análisis del entorno legal y de políticas públicas para el control de tabaco elaborado por el PNUD por requerimientos de la Secretaria del CMCT Apoyo financiero al Secretariado para el desarrollo de la primera reunión del grupo de trabajo sobre seguimiento y localización, según mandato de la Primera Reunión de las Partes del Protocolo para la Eliminación del Comercio Ilícito de los Productos de Tabaco ........... Asistencia Recibida. Capacitación a abogados por Mc Cabee Center (Australia) sobre temas relacionados con propiedad intelectual en materia de tabaco. Reunión de la Red Latinoamericana de Abogados de Tabaco. TFK. Washington 2018 Taller sobre artículo 5.3 en Tailandia 2018 Facilitadores internacionales (Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay, Brasil, Estados Unidos) durante el II Congreso Multidisciplinario Internacional de Tabaquismo y Enfermedades No Transmisibles ........... Asistencia Prestada: Panamá ha facilitado apoyo financiero para ofrecer asistencia técnica y capacitación a los Estados Partes y no Partes: 1. Pre COP 7. Asistencia de los países de la Región de las Américas. Panamá 2016 2. Taller Regional de Cooperación Sur-Sur sobre implementación del artículo 14 para países de las Américas. Panamá y Uruguay. Año: 2016 3. Taller de Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular en Uruguay para el Establecimiento de Prioridades de Cooperación. 2017 4. Taller de Cooperación Sur-Sur en Brasil Retos y Desafíos en la Implementación del Artículo 5.3 5. Taller de la Constitución de la Red e Impuestos al Tabaco de las Américas. Costa Rica. 2017 6. Taller de Políticas Fiscales para el Control del Comercio Ilícito. México. 2017 7. Experiencia sobre el Seguimiento de los Resultados de la GATS. Uruguay 2017 8. Reunión para el Control de la Interferencia de la Industria Tabacalera. Panamá. 2017 9. Taller Regional de Empaquetado y Etiquetado de Productos de Tabaco. Panamá. 2017 10. V Encuentro de la Sección y V Jornada Científica de Juristas de la Salud. 2016 11. Pasantía en Panamá de la Subdirectora de Asesoría Legal en Cuba. 2016 12. Taller Regional de Cooperación Sur - Sur para la implementación del artículo 14 del CMCT para países de la Región Afro. Ginebra. 2017 13. Taller del Secretariado del CMCT para la preparación del informe para la COP 7 sobre Sistemas electrónicos administradores o no de nicotina. Mayo de 2016 14. Apoyo financiero a la Secretaria del CMCT para la implementación del Plan de Trabajo aprobado en la COP 7 Asistencia Recibida. 1. Taller de Asesoría Técnica sobre la Interferencia de la Industria Tabacalera, Artículo 5.3. México. 2017 2. Taller Internacional sobre la Buena Gobernanza en el Control de Tabaco. Tailandia. 2017 3. Taller sobre la Implementación del artículo 19. Panamá. 2017 4. Asistencia Técnica del Centro de Cooperación Técnica de las Américas durante el debate del proyecto de Ley 136. 2017
Palau WPR We have not received assistance from any Party or Parties, but the government has received significant assistance from WHO on the following: Brief Tobacco Intervention Skills Training for Clinicians and Non-Clinicians, development of a cessation strategy for the Republic and observance of World No Tobacco Day (WNTD), and implementation of Palau Youth Tobacco Survey. CDC has supported Training of Trainers for Brief Tobacco Intervention Skills, Data for Decisions Making Training, Epi Aid Training/Consultation - public health intervention on tobacco use among pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. We have also received support from civil society and other regional partners regarding development of a national cessation strategy, with observance of World No Tobacco Day, focus group-skill training, social marketing skill training, and introductions to the use info-graphics We have not received assistance from any Party or Parties, but the government has received significant assistance from WHO on the following: Brief Tobacco Intervention Skills Training for Clinicians and Non-Clinicians, development of a cessation strategy for the Republic and observance of World No Tobacco Day (WNTD), and implementation of Palau Youth Tobacco Survey. CDC has supported Training of Trainers for Brief Tobacco Intervention Skills, Data for Decisions Making Training, Epi Aid Training/Consultation - public health intervention on tobacco use among pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. We have also received support from civil society and other regional partners regarding development of a national cessation strategy, with observance of World No Tobacco Day, focus group-skill training, social marketing skill training, and introductions to the use info-graphics We have not received assistance from any Party or Parties, but the government has received significant assistance from WHO on the following: Needs Assessment, report on Pacific Tobacco Industry Interference Index, focus group training for development of Palau appropriate Graphic Health Warnings, Brief Tobacco Intervention Skills Training for Clinicians and Non-Clinicians, Palau Youth Tobacco Survey, implementation of Smoke-free environment campaigns, World NO Tobacco Day and Palau Hybrid Survey. CDC has supported Training of Trainers for Brief Tobacco Intervention Skills, Data for Decisions Making Training, Palau Hybrid Survey, Epi Aid Training/Consultation - public health intervention on tobacco use among pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. Civil society has been helpful during the process of establishing the CM, development/implementation of social/media campaigns, etc.
Niue WPR Report not provided Revision and update of the Tobacco Control Bill including developing tobacco control regulations Report not provided
Montenegro EUR Up to now, the WHO has continuously provided assistance related to the provision of materials, educational programs in the form of seminars, workshops and other meetings, and partially necessary funds for the implementation of the aforementioned research. The Government of Montenegro and the Ministry of Health provide guidelines, training materials necessary for the implementation of tobacco control programs in the country, health and educational institutions. However, distribution of any of the listed elements outside the country is not guaranteed. We believe that we need more frequent and comprehensive communication assistance from international entities and countries with a longer tradition in the field of tobacco control (exchange of experiences, training, professional assistance in the development and improvement of plans, programs, strategies, promotional materials, development of resources for monitoring implementation activities, etc. .) and work more closely on the development of human resources and other capacities in the field of tobacco control. In addition, it is important to strengthen research on the prevalence of smoking, in order to create appropriate policies based on the available data. It is necessary to provide interdepartmental cooperation and define tobacco control as a priority. In addition, it is necessary to ensure the competent involvement of other sectors besides health in tobacco control activities. In addition to the WHO, the research on quality of life, lifestyles and health risks of the inhabitants of Montenegro in 2017 was carried out with the financial support of the European Union, with the support of the European Center for Monitoring Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), within the IPA project CT-2015/361-979 , "Further preparation of IPA users for participation in the work of the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)". We received the assistance from WHO in materials, as well as educational programmes in form of seminars, workshops and other meetings and partly related to conducting research.. The Government of Montenegro and the Ministry of Health provide guidance, training materials necessary for the implementation of tobacco control programmes within the country, to health and educational institutions. However, it is not ensured distribution of any specified element outside the country. We think that we need more frequent and comprehensive communication aid by international entities and countries with a longer tradition in the field of tobacco control (exchange of experience, training, expert assistance in the development and improvement plans, programs, strategies, promotional materials, development of resources for monitoring implementation activities, etc.) and to work more closely towards the development of human resources and other capacities in the area of tobacco control. In addition, it is important to strengthen research on the prevalence of smoking, in order to create appropriate policies on basis of the available data. It is necessary to ensure inter-agency cooperation and to define the tobacco control as a priority. In addition, it is necessary to provide competent involvement of other sector beside health sector in activities of tobacco control. Research on the quality of life, lifestyles and health risks of the inhabitants of Montenegro in 2017 was carried out with the financial support of the European Union, through the support of the European Center for Drugs Monitoring and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), within the IPA project CT-2015 / 361-979, "Further preparation of IPA beneficiaries for participation in the work of the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and drug addiction (EMCDDA) ". We received the assistance from WHO in materials, as well as educational programmes in form of seminars, workshops and other meetings. The Government of Montenegro and the Ministry of Health provide guidance, training materials necessary for the implementation of tobacco control programmes within the country, to health and educational institutions. However, it is not ensured distribution of any specified element outside the country. We think that we need more frequent and comprehensive communication aid by international entities and countries with a longer tradition in the field of tobacco control (exchange of experience, training, expert assistance in the development and improvement plans, programs, strategies, promotional materials, development of resources for monitoring implementation activities, etc.) and to work more closely towards the development of human resources and other capacities in the area of tobacco control. In addition, it is important to strengthen research on the prevalence of smoking, in order to create appropriate policies on basis of the available data. It is necessary to ensure inter-agency cooperation and to define the tobacco control as a priority. In addition, it is necessary to provide competent involvement of other sector beside health sector in activities of tobacco control. Research on the quality of life, lifestyles and health risks of the inhabitants of Montenegro in 2017 was carried out with the financial support of the European Union, through the support of the European Center for Drugs Monitoring and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), within the IPA project CT-2015 / 361-979, "Further preparation of IPA beneficiaries for participation in the work of the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and drug addiction (EMCDDA) ".
Mexico AMR La Iniciativa Bloomberg para reducir el consumo de tabaco, ha prestado apoyo financiero a México, a través del esquema de subvenciones para el control del tabaco, a través de la Unión Internacional contra las Tuberculosis y Enfermedades Respiratorias y la fundación CDC. Así mismo se ha recibido cooperación técnica de la OPS/OMS y de la JHSPH, a través de diversas actividades técnicas de capacitación y de creación de capacidades en materia de control de tabaco durante el periodo de reporte actual. Se resalta el apoyo técnico y financiero de OPS/OMS y de la fundación CDC, para la aplicación en México de la 3ra edición de la Encuesta Mundial de Tabaquismo en Adultos (GATS) 2023 Answer not provided Actualmente con el apoyo técnico y financiero de la OPS y de la American Cancer Society se está llevando a cabo en coordinación con el INSP un estudio sobre el comercio ilícito de productos de tabaco enMéxico.
Malta EUR n/a Report not provided n/a
Latvia EUR WHO meeting on Novel and Emerging Nicotine and Tobacco Products organized by WHO Regional Office for Europe, in collaboration with WHO Headquarters and the European Commission. WHO Training workshop on Health System and Tobacco Cessation, WHO training on the implementation of Article 5.3 and Novel Tobacco Products. Answer not provided
Kyrgyzstan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Kenya AFR Received Technical, Capacity building and Financial support from CTFK, BMGF, WHO, KHS, SEATCA, Development Gateway Areas covered include : Alternative livelihoods, product testing, advocacy, integrating TC with other Health Programmes, Tobacco Industry Interference, Track and Trace System for tobacco products, legis;lation Report not provided Answer not provided
Japan WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Iceland EUR In 2012 Nordic network was formed in tobacco control and tobacco prevention. There have been annual network meetings since then, first in Helsinki 2012, Reykjavik 2013, Oslo 2014, Copenhagen 2015 and Helsinki 2016. Last years in Reykjavik 2017,stockholm 2018,Oslo 2019 As for provided assistance Iceland have exchanged information on tobacco control work and prevention through this new Nordic network and also to Greenland, Faroe Islands and Aland. As part of our policy Iceland have never and will never accept any funding from the tobacco industry. In 2012 Nordic network was formed in tobacco control and tobacco prevention. There have been annual network meetings since then, first in Helsinki 2012, Reykjavik 2013, Oslo 2014, Copenhagen 2015 and Helsinki 2016. Last years in Reykjavik 2017,stockholm 2018,Oslo 2019 As for provided assistance Iceland have exchanged information on tobacco control work and prevention through this new Nordic network and also to Greenland, Faroe Islands and Aland. As part of our policy Iceland have never and will never accept any funding from the tobacco industry. In 2012 Nordic country’s formed a network in tobacco control and tobacco prevention. There have been two network meetings since then, first in Helsinki 2012, Reykjavik 2013, Oslo 2014, Copenhagen 2015 and Helsinki 2016. As for provided assistance Iceland have exchanged information on tobacco control work and prevention through this new Nordic network and also to Greenland, Faroe Islands and Aland. As part of our policy Iceland have never and will never accept any funding from the tobacco industry. The nordic network meeting will be held in Iceland in the fall of 2018
Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Germany EUR Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Georgia EUR Georgia was selected as a Partner for WHO FCTC initiated FCTC2030 project generously supported by the UK and Australian Governments in frames of ODA. Georgia is a recipient of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Grant Programme and is implementing a project with the administration of the Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases. Assistance is received from the USA NIH to conduct a joint project with the Emory University and Armenian Institute of Public Health on strengthening local level capacity on implementation of effective tobacco control measures. Georgia also implemented 2 workshops with the assistance of TAIEX. Georgia was selected as a Partner for WHO FCTC initiated FCTC2030 project generously supported by the UK and Australian Governments in frames of ODA. Georgia is a recipient of Bloomberg Philanthropies Grant Programme and is implementing a project with administration of the the Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases. Assistance is received from the USA NIH to conduct a joint project with the Emory University and Armenian Institute of Public Health on strengthening local level capacity on implementation of the effective tobacco control measures. Georgia is selected as a Partner for WHO FCTC intiated FCTC2030 project generously supported by the UK and Australian Governments in frames of ODA. Georgia is a recipient of Bloomberg Philanthropies Grant Programme and is implementing a project with administration of the the Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases. Assistance was received from The Union North America (Vital Strategies) to develop PSAs on harms of SHS and informative videos on newly adopted tobacco control law. Assistance was received from WHO European Regional Office to conduct WHO STEPS Survey and WHO GYTS. Assistance is received from the USA NIH to conduct a joint project with the Emory University and Armenian Institute of Public Health on strengthening local level capacity on implementation of the effective tobacco control measures.
Gabon AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Aides reçues de différents organismes partenaires: OMS, CLATA, ont permis lorganisation des séminaires de formation, et ateliers destinés aux associations et ministères concernés par la lutte antitabac: - Ateliers de renforcement des capacités des points focaux des Ministères et Associations impliqués dans la lutte antitabac; - Atelier de sensibilisation des décideurs et des principaux acteurs de la lutte antitabac sur larticle 5.3 ; - Atelier sur le réseau national des professionnels des médias pour la lutte antitabac au Gabon: un réseau national des professionnels des médias sur la lutte antitabac a été mis en place; - Deux ateliers de réflexion sur le financement innovant de la lutte contre le tabagisme au Gabon qui a abouti à la mise en place dune taxe spécifique des produits du tabac;
Zimbabwe AFR Report not provided Financial and Technical Support Financial and Technical Support
Spain EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
South Africa AFR -The WHO FCTC Africa Centre for Tobacco Industry Monitoring and Policy Research (ATIM) is funded by external donors. ATIM in turn provides technical assistance and training to advocates in some African Countries. ATIM is aimed at disseminating the latest trends and research on tobacco control to advocates, academics and policy makers across the African region. The Centre has provided training to tobacco control advocates from across 11 countries in Africa -Economics of Tobacco Control Project - The ETCP is "the only WHO FCTC Knowledge Hub on Tobacco Products Taxation on the African continent housed in the Economics of Tobacco Control Project at the School of Economics at the University of Cape Town at UCT, with the full support of the National Department of Health and focuses on two Articles of the WHO FCTC, namely Article 6: “Price and tax measures to reduce the demand for tobacco” and Article 15: Illicit trade in tobacco products”. The hub has provided institutional capacity for evidence-based research and technical assistance to governments for effective tobacco control in Africa. Report not provided -The WHO FCTC Africa Centre for Tobacco Industry Monitoring and Policy Research (ATIM) is funded by external donors. ATIM in turn provides technical assistance and training to advocates in some African Countries. ATIM is aimed at disseminating the latest trends and research on tobacco control to advocates, academics and policy makers across the African region. The Centre has provided training to tobacco control advocates from across 11 countries in Africa -Economics of Tobacco Control Project - The ETCP is "the only WHO FCTC Knowledge Hub on Tobacco Products Taxation on the African continent housed in the Economics of Tobacco Control Project at the School of Economics at the University of Cape Town at UCT, with the full support of the National Department of Health and focuses on two Articles of the WHO FCTC, namely Article 6: “Price and tax measures to reduce the demand for tobacco” and Article 15: Illicit trade in tobacco products”. The hub has provided institutional capacity for evidence-based research and technical assistance to governments for effective tobacco control in Africa.
Czechia EUR World Health Organization under Biennial Collaborative Agreement between the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic and the Regional Office for Europe of WHO (2018 – 2019) provided expert support – expertise and recommendations regarding mainly regulation of tobacco advertisement, promotion and sponsorship in the Czech Republic. More information in C2714. There was also financial support from WHO/Convention Secretariat covering participation (travel expenditures) of Czech experts at workshops: 1/ WHO FCTC Article 5.3 and Novel Tobacco Products, Copenhagen, Denmark, 01-02 October 2019 2/ Multisectoral workshop for WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO-FCTC) Parties in the European Union to promote the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, Riga, Latvia, 09 – 10 December 2019 World Health Organization under Biennial Collaborative Agreement between the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic and the Regional Office for Europe of WHO (2018 – 2019) provided expert support – expertise and recommendations regarding mainly regulation of tobacco advertisement, promotion and sponsorship in the Czech Republic. More information in C2714. There was also financial support from WHO/Convention Secretariat covering participation (travel expenditures) of Czech experts at workshops: 1/ WHO FCTC Article 5.3 and Novel Tobacco Products, Copenhagen, Denmark, 01-02 October 2019 2/ Multisectoral workshop for WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO-FCTC) Parties in the European Union to promote the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, Riga, Latvia, 09 – 10 December 2019 Answer not provided
Republic of North Macedonia EUR Report not provided Knowledge, skills, strategy, research Knowledge, skills, strategy, research
Türkiye EUR Technical assistance on the implementation of tobacco control researches have been given to interested parties in a workshop organized by SESRIC (Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries) with the collaboration with MOH of Turkey, WHO and CDC in 2018. On the other hand, technical support has been particularly provided to Egypt and Indonesia. Moreover a technical workshop on tobacco control in Turkey has been given to participants from Jordan in 2019. Moreover, Turkey has been contributing FCTC Guidelines of Articles 9&10 as a Key Informant. Technical assistance on the implementation of tobacco control researches have been given to interested parties in a workshop organized by SESRIC (Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries) with the collaboration with MOH of Turkey, WHO and CDC in 2018. On the other hand, technical support has been particularly provided to Egypt and Indonesia. Moreover a technical workshop on tobacco control in Turkey has been given to participants from Jordan in 2019. Moreover, Turkey has been contributing FCTC Guidelines of Articles 9&10 as a Key Informant. Technical assistance on the implementation of tobacco control law including the pictorial health warnings, inspections of the smeokefree violations, cessations have been given to interested parties especially in the workshop organized by SESRIC (Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries) in August 2017 as well as in Knowledge Sharing Workshop on Tobacco Control Policies in the OIC Member States organized by Green Crescent Society in November 2016 in Istanbul. On the other hand, technical support has been particularly provided to Albania and Turkmenistan on the inspection due to violations. Moreover, Turkey has been contributing drafting FCTC Guidelines of Articles 9&10 as a Key Facilitator.
Yemen EMR شاركت بلادنا في العديد من ورشات العمل ودورات التدريب في عمل المسوحات وتنفيذها خاصة ما يتعلق بالمسح العالمي لتعاطي التبغ بين الشباب كذلك حضور دورات التدريب في المساعدة على الاقلاع عن استخدام وتعاطي التبغ وطرق علاج الادمان عليه وشاركت في الكثير من الورشات والدورات التي تعزز مكافحة التبغ وكذلك الخطط والخبرات لما يتلاءم مع الحالة اليمنية Report not provided شاركت بلادنا في العديد من ورشات العمل ودورات التدريب في عمل المسوحات وتنفيذها خاصة ما يتعلق بالمسح العالمي لتعاطي التبغ بين الشباب كذلك حضور دورات التدريب في المساعدة على الاقلاع عن استخدام وتعاطي التبغ وطرق علاج الادمان عليه
Togo AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Senegal AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
San Marino EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Romania EUR Assistance received from WHO for GATS and GYTS; Report not provided Report not provided
Republic of Moldova EUR Support in transfer and acquisition of knowledge, skills, capacity and expertise related to tobacco control for development of national Tobacco control strategies - after Needs Assessment report in 2010 was set an action plan to develop comprehensive Tobacco control policies. Moldova received technical assistance from WHO, WHO experts for development of the first National Tobacco Control Programme for the years 2012-2016, 3 National Policy Dialogues on Tobacco Control in 2014, 2015 and 2016, new Tobacco Control Law adopted on 29.05.2015 which entered into force on 17.09.2015, implementation in 2018 a national communication campaign. focused on current and potential users of tobacco. In 2017 Republic of Moldova become a part of the JATC (Joint Action Tobacco Control Program for implementation of the EU Directive 40 on Tobacco Products), process started in December 2017, and National Agency for Public Health become a collaborating partner for JATC. Support in transfer and acquisition of knowledge, skills, capacity and expertise related to tobacco control for development of national Tobacco control strategies - after Needs Assessment report in 2010 was set an action plan to develop comprehensive Tobacco control policies. Moldova received technical assistance from WHO, WHO experts for development of the first National Tobacco Control Programme for the years 2012-2016, 2 National Policy Dialogues on Tobacco Control in 2014 and 2015, new Tobacco Control Law adopted on 29.05.2015 which entered into force on 17.09.2015, implementation in 2018 a national communication campaign. focused on current and potential users of tobacco. In 2017 Republic of Moldova become a part of the JATC (Joint Action Tobacco Control Program for implementation of the EU Directive 40 on Tobacco Products), process started in December 2017, and National Agency for Public Health become a collaborating partner for JATC Support in transfer and acquisition of knowledge, skills, capacity and expertise related to tobacco control for development of national Tobacco control strategies - after Needs Assessment report in 2010 was set an action plan to develop comprehensive Tobacco control policies. Moldova received technical assistance from WHO, WHO experts for development of the first National Tobacco Control Programme for the years 2012-2016, 2 National Policy Dialogues on Tobacco Control in 2014 and 2015, new Tobacco Control Law adopted on 29.05.2015 which entered into force on 17.09.2015, implementation in 2017 national communication campaign. focused on current and potential users of tobacco. In 2017 Republic of Moldova become a part of the JATC (Joint Action Tobacco Control Program for implementation of the EU Directive 40 on Tobacco Products), process started in December 2017, and National Center of Public Health become a collaborating partner for JATC
India SEA Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Ireland EUR Answer not provided From 2017 - 2019 delegations from Georgia, Romania, Moldova and Tajikistan have received a briefing on the progress that Ireland has made in tobacco control in recent years. Facilitated exchanges of information from Romania, Moldova and Tajikistan in 2017 and 2018.
Italy EUR On 2021 Italian Ministry of Health, within the activities of the National Centre for Diseases Prevention and Control Programme, is making available a donation of 130,000.00 euros to FCTC Budget. Part of this donation is to be allocated to continue the activities and the work of the current Expert Group. The remaining amount of money is to be allocated to strengthen the work and the role of the current Knowledge Hubs, as well as the new Knowledge Hubs to be established in line with COP Decisions, starting with the new Knowledge Hub on Articles 9 and 10,. Answer not provided Answer not provided
Nepal SEA World Health Organization: • World No Tobacco Day Celebration • Policy Formulation * Advocacy * Strategic Planning * Development of different communication materials * Community sensitization for compliance of Tobacco control law World Health Organization: • World No Tobacco Day Celebration • Policy Formulation * Advocacy * Strategic Planning * Development of different communication materials * Community sensitization for compliance of Tobacco control law International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union): • Policy Formulation • Advocacy World Health Organization: • Celebrating World No Tobacco Day, 31 May 2014 • Policy Formulation * Advocacy * Strategic Planning International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union): • Policy Formulation • Advocacy
Iran (Islamic Republic of) EMR Technical assistance on taxation, plain packaging tobacco free places Technical assistance in taxation, Technical assistance in taxation,
Iraq EMR Answer not provided Supporting the participation of Iraqi delegation in meeting regarding taxation. training on tobacco cessation program. Supporting the participation of Iraqi delegation in workshop regarding Enforcement of the law Upgrade of MPOWER strategy. implementation of FCTC article 5.3 guideline.
Israel EUR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided