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Party Region 2023 2020 2018
Sudan EMR 1. التنقل السريع للكوادر العاملة و خاصة بوحدة التبغ 2.عدم وجود احتياجات مكتبية أساسية لقسم مكافحة التبغ مثل لاب توب ، طابعة.....الخ 3. توفير ميزانية ثابة غير ميزانيات المشاريع 1. ضرورة ترفيع وحدة التبغ الي ادارة بها عدد من الموظفين للتمكين من الاداء الجيد 2. التنقل السريع للكوادر العاملة و خاصة بوحدة التبغ 3.عدم وجود احتياجات مكتبية أساسية بوحدة مكافحة التبغ مثل لاب توب ، طابعة.....الخ 4. توفير ميزانية ثابة غير ميزانيات المشاريع ١.عدم وجود ميزانيات كافية مستمرة لتنفيذ اتفاقية وسياسات منظمة الصحة العالمية ٢. الانتقال السريع للشخص المسؤل عن مكافحة التبغ مما يتسبب ٣.عدم وجود احتياجات أساسية بوحدة مكافحة التبغ
Suriname AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided The Convention Secretariat in coordination with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Cooperation Centre for Tobacco Control (ICCTC) jointly organized a meeting in May 2017 in Montevideo to promote fuller implementation of the WHO FCTC in the era of the SDGs. The meeting brought together Parties at very different levels of implementation of the treaty, with the aim to identify South-South and triangular cooperation between Parties who could provide support (providers) and countries who needed support in the implementation of the Convention. As a result of the meeting, Suriname identified 2 priority areas and submitted the project proposals for Cessation and Enforcement. The Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) Analysis and Data to Action Workshop was held on 1-4 august 2017, organized by WHO Geneva in collaboration with US CDC. The majority of time was spend on the exercise on linking the data to action resulted in the following: -A rapid assessment of strengths and weaknesses in data application (Spidergram and Fishbone diagram ) were undertaken:  Legislation/policies present but not implemented fully;/enforcement needs to be strengthened; interventions/programs occasional  Data is occasionally used -Three priority action areas were selected that can be improved : 1. Protection from second-hand smoke (art. 8 FCTC). 35.1% of students were exposed to tobacco smoke at home, while 42.7% of students were exposed to tobacco smoke inside enclosed public spaces 2. Knowledge and Attitudes: Education, communication, training and public awareness (art. 12 FCTC).54.3% of students who were taught in school about the dangers of tobacco use in the past 12 months 38, 8% Students favored banning smoking at outdoor public places. 3. Access and availability: Sale to and by minors (art. 16 FCTC).77, 6% of Current cigarette smokers were not prevented from buying cigarettes because of their age and. High proportion of minors buy cigarettes in stores and are not prohibited from purchasing
Sweden EUR Conclusions from the assessment of previous strategy for alcohol, narcotic drugs, doping and tobacco (ANDT) policy 2011-2015 may be found in the revised strategy. And also from the current strategy Conclusions from the assessment of previous strategy for alcohol, narcotic drugs, doping and tobacco (ANDT) policy 2011-2015 may be found in the revised strategy. Conclusions from the assessment of previous strategy for alcohol, narcotic drugs, doping and tobacco (ANDT) policy 2011-2015 may be found in the revised strategy.
Syrian Arab Republic EMR يحتاج تنفيذ اتفاقية منظمة الصحة العالمية الإطارية بشأن مكافحة التبغ إلى تمويل كبير لا يمكن للتمويل المحلي تغطينه والاحتياجات لدعم البرنامج في الجمهورية العربية السورية كبيرة يحتاج تنفيذ اتفاقية منظمة الصحة العالمية الإطارية بشأن مكافحة التبغ إلى تمويل كبير لا يمكن للتمويل المحلي تغطينه يحتاج تنفيذ اتفاقية منظمة الصحة العالمية الإطارية بشأن مكافحة التبغ إلى تمويل كبير لا يمكن للتمويل المحلي تغطينه
Tajikistan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Thailand SEA - National Tobacco Control Plan of Action was multi-sectoral coordination mechanism, National Tobacco Product Control Committee is not fully functional other ministries are not focused on implementation of the WHO FCTC. - Funding allocated by Thailand government is not sufficient to fully implement the Convention and tobacco control policy. - Insufficient full-time staffs who can focus on tobacco control activities at all levels contributes to limitation of implementing the Convention tobacco control policy effectively. - Awareness of Article 5.3 of the Convention and its guidelines among relevant government ministries is limited and All stakeholders and policy makers still need to be aware of and interested in protecting the public health policy from interfering by the tobacco industries. -Even though ministerial notification in preventing the interference on tobacco control policy has been enacted, it covers only government officers from Ministry of Public Health only. - The multisectoral cooperation and collaboration need to be strengthened because Inconsistent campaign activities which supposed to be done continuously to educate the public, all stakeholders and policy makers. - Tax rates do not take into account changes in household incomes or inflation. - An estimated 50% of tobacco consumed in Thailand is "rolled-your own (RYO), which is taxed at a very low level as compared to manufactured cigarette. - Ineffective law enforcement and weak monitoring. - There are no national regulations and standards concerning contents and emissions of tobacco product, including the banning of additives and not a designated testing laboratory for tobacco products in country. - A comprehensive plan for the implementation of education, communication and training activities within a comprehensive multisectoral tobacco control programmed have not been developed and There is a lack of systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of the education, communication and training activities. - Ineffective law enforcement; especially sale and promotion on internet. - There is lack of promotion on the cessation services. - most current smokers do not visit health care facilities for cessation service. - The government lacks preparedness relative to the accession to Protocol to Eliminate the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products. - There is no program to promote economically viable alternatives for tobacco growers, workers and individual sellers. - There is no information on any measure or policy in place to protect the environment and health of persons involved in tobacco cultivation and manufacturing. - Tobacco industry interference attempts have ramped up especially lobbying against tobacco control measures with policymakers, politicians, and the Thailand government to promote the legalization of e-cigarettes. 1) The lack of manpower focus on tobacco control activities especially at local level. This is a main limitation on implementing the Convention effectively. 2) Most current smokers are not interested in quitting. Even cessation services available on the health care facilities, those did not visit in any health care facilities did not receive the cessation service. 1) The lack of manpower focus on tobacco control activities especially at local level. This is a main limitation on implementing the Convention effectively. 2) Though there are several innovative means to reduce secondhand smoke, the finding from the latest survey revealed that the exposure rate still high. The reason could be from less recognition on the impact of exposure to secondhand smoke on health, budget constraint to raise social awareness through regular mass media and various campaign activities. 3) Most current smokers are not interested in quitting. Even cessation services available on the health care facilities, those did not visit in any health care facilities did not receive the cessation service.
Timor-Leste SEA Report not provided Report not provided Political commitment, Funding for implementation, lack of human resources and minimum collaboration among relevant stakeholders.
Tonga WPR < Lack of financial resources and human capacity to carry out enforcement activities < Lack of data on the locally grown tobacco and other priority areas including tobacco related mortality and economic costs < Lack of financial resources and human capacity to carry out enforcement activities < Lack of data on the locally grown tobacco and other priority areas including tobacco related mortality and economic costs < Lack of financial resources and human capacity to carry out enforcement activities < Lack of data on the locally grown tobacco and other priority areas including tobacco related mortality and economic costs
Trinidad and Tobago AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Tunisia EMR *Les fonds prévus pour la lutte antitabac ne sont pas définis selon les besoins relatifs à l'application des directives de la convention cadre de lutte contre le tabac qui exige beaucoup de moyens pour le contrôle de la mise en œuvre de la convention cadre, les analyses et tests démissions, le contrôle transfrontalier. *Le budget disponible ne tien compte que des activités de sensibilisation, de formation et de la fourniture d'un appoint en substituts nicotiniques Les fonds prévus pour la lutte antitabac ne sont pas définis selon les besoins relatifs à lapplication des directives de la convention cadre de lutte contre le tabac qui exige beaucoup de moyens pour le contrôle de la mise en oeuvre de la convention cadre, les analyses et tests démissions, le contrôle transfrontalier. Le budget disponible ne tien compte que des activités de sensibilisation, de formation et de la fourniture dun appoint en substituts nicotiniques Les fonds prévus pour la lutte antitabac ne sont pas définis selon les besoins relatifs à lapplication des directives de la convention cadre de lutte contre le tabac qui exige beaucoup de moyens pour le contrôle de la mise en oeuvre de la convention cadre, les analyses et tests démissions, le contrôle transfrontalier. Le budget disponible ne tien compte que des activités de sensibilisation, de formation et de la fourniture dun appoint en substituts nicotiniques
Turkmenistan EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Tuvalu WPR Our public health officers and tobacco control focal point have many responsibilities, so it would be helpful to have in-country technical support and funding to support enforcement positions. Our public health officers and tobacco control focal point have many responsibilities, so it would be helpful to have in-country technical support and funding to support enforcement positions. Report not provided
Uganda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ukraine EUR The main gap is that national resources for tobacco control are not provided except for several staff positions in several institutions The main gap is that national resources (funding from the government of Ukraine) for tobacco control are not provided. The main gap is that national resources (funding from the government of Ukraine) for tobacco control are not provided.
United Arab Emirates EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
United Republic of Tanzania AFR Report not provided Human resource and the resources available are purely from donor community; Few NGOs to support control of Tobacco in the country; Professional Associations not involved in the area of Tobacco control Human resource to The resources available are purely from donor community
Uzbekistan EUR 1. Недостаточное выделение финансовых ресурсов для осуществления мер по борьбе против табака. 2. Недостаточный кадровый потенциал: специалисты общественного здравоохранения не желают заниматься вопросами по борьбе против табака из-за недостаточной заработной платы. 3. Недостаточный потенциал в осуществлении коммуникационных мероприятий. Report not provided Report not provided
Vanuatu WPR Need human resources dedicated for tobacco control which, if enforcement is also strengthened, can be an investment. Need human resources dedicated for tobacco control which, if enforcement is also strengthened, can be an investment. Report not provided
Venezuela AMR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Viet Nam WPR There is limited human and financial resources for enforcement of smoke-free environment There is limited human and financial resources for enforcement of smoke-free environment There is limited human and financial resources for enforcement of smoke-free environment
Zambia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Russian Federation EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Rwanda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Rwanda needs multi-sectoral strategic and action plans for the National tobacco control program. Rwanda should strengthen the engagement of local and International NGOs, Civil Society in tobacco control program. Development of intersectoral program on tobacco control for smooth implementation of FCTC. Put in place a functional national coordination mechanism to speed the implementation, compliance and enforcement of the national law and FCTC
Saint Kitts and Nevis AMR Though tobacco control legislation may be found in ad hoc policies and legislation, there is a disconnect between the written law and its enforcement. Report not provided Report not provided
Saint Lucia AMR Tobacco control unit and strengthened monitoring and reporting functions Budget for tobacco control programme Technical person for drafting legislation and policy Financial assistance for tobacco control actions Technical person for drafting legislation and policy Financial for other actions
Samoa WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Sao Tome and Principe AFR hay mucha voluntad gubernamental para la aplicación de las acciones relacionadas con el tabaco, pero los recursos financieros siguen siendo muy escasos hay mucha voluntad gubernamental para la aplicación de las acciones relacionadas con el tabaco, pero los recursos financieros siguen siendo muy escasos hay mucha voluntad gubernamental para la aplicación de las acciones relacionadas con el tabaco, pero los recursos financieros siguen siendo muy escasos
Saudi Arabia EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Serbia EUR Since 2012 the earmarking from tobacco products was abolished. Funds allocated to tobacco control activities in the Budget of the Republic of Serbia are very scarce and cannot cover even basic activities. Moreover, due to restriction in employment, human resources in tobacco control are scarce. Since 2012 the earmarking from tobacco products was abolished. Funds allocated to tobacco control activities in the Budget of the Republic of Serbia are very scarce and cannot cover even basic activities. Moreover, due to restriction in employment, human resources in tobacco control are scarce. Since 2012 the earmarking from tobacco products was abolished. Funds devoted to tobacco control activities in the Budget of the Republic of Serbia are very scarce and cannot cover even basic activities. Moreover, due to restriction in employment, human resources in tobacco control are scarce.
Seychelles AFR Limited expertise and resources available in a small country (90000 population) to develop all needed regulations. Strengthening and sustaining the smoking cessation programs within the Ministry of Health (provision of nicotine replacement therapy at free cost for smokers who wishes to quit the habit Limited expertise and resources available in a small country (90000 population) to develop all needed regulations. Strengthening and sustaining the smoking cessation programs within the Ministry of Health (provision of nicotine replacement therapy at free cost for smokers who wishes to quit the habit Limited expertise and resources available in a small country (90000 population) to develop all needed regulations. Strengthening and sustaining the smoking cessation programs within the Ministry of Health (provision of nicotine replacement therapy at free cost for smokers who wishes to quit the habit
Sierra Leone AFR Massive awareness raising on Tobacco and Nicotine Control FCTC investment case report 2019 FCTC Needs assessment report 2013
Singapore WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Slovakia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Slovenia EUR Report not provided Report not provided Slovenia is a small country with very limited resources (financial and human).
Solomon Islands WPR Report not provided The Solomon Islands conducted the Tobacco Control Needs Assessment in collaboration with the convention secretariat in March of 2012 where gaps were identified and recommendations made. The Solomon Islands is committed to ensure that the gaps identified be nullified as we progress to implement the recommendations. See Needs Assessment document attached.) This document continues to guide us in prioritizing the areas of tobacco control going forward. The Solomon Islands conducted the Tobacco Control Needs Assessment in collaboration with the convention secretariat in March of 2012 where gaps were identified and recommendations made. The Solomon Islands is committed to ensure that the gaps identified be nullified as we progress to implement the recommendations. See Needs Assessment document attached.) This document continues to guide us in prioritizing the areas of tobacco control going forward.
Sri Lanka SEA Answer not provided - Commitment from HE the President is a major favourable factor - Needs proper advocacy with Finance Minister and his Ministry to improve taxation formula - Needs to improve coordination with other relevant stakeholders - Lack of human resources - Commitment from HE the President is a major favourable factor - Needs proper advocacy with Finance Minister and his Ministry to improve taxation formula - Needs to improve coordination with other relevant stakeholders - Lack of human resources
Nigeria AFR 1) Government budgetary provision for tobacco control is very lean 2) Tobacco Control Fund as provided for in the National Tobacco Control Act is yet to be operationalized due to complexities 1) Government budgetary provision for tobacco control is very lean 2) Tobacco Control Fund as provided for in the National Tobacco Control Act is yet to be operationalized due to complexities 1) Although there is a budget line for tobacco control, the budgetary provision is grossly inadequate for tobacco control activities. 2) Tobacco Control Fund as provided for in the National Tobacco Control Act is yet to be operationalized.
Norway EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Oman EMR هناك نقص في الموارد المالية لتنفيذ بنود الاتفاقية وفي توفير القوي العاملة في مكافحة التبغ. كما تم ايقاف دعم اللجنة الوطنية لمكافحة التبغ عند نشوب الازمة الماليو في 2011 و ما بعده هناك نقص في الموارد المالية لتنفيذ بنود الاتفاقية وفي توفير القوي العاملة في مكافحة التبغ هناك نقص في الموارد المالية لتنفيذ بنود الاتفاقية وفي توفير القوي العاملة في مكافحة التبغ
Pakistan EMR Report not provided Since no government funding is available, so there are gaps between the resources available and the needs assessed for implementing the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Since no government funding is available, so there are gaps between the resources available and the needs assessed for implementing the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
Paraguay AMR En nuestro país no contamos con recursos para los estudios de control vigilancia epidemiológica sistemática y periódica del consumo y comercio del tabaco. Tampoco vigilancia laboratorial de los productos derivados del tabaco registrados para consumo. Carencia de ciertos productos farmacológicos para cese tabáquico y terapias sustitutivas de nicotina. Las siguientes necesidades no cuenta con una respuesta correcta debido a la escasez de los recursos: no contamos recursos para estar a la altura de los estudios de control vigilancia epidemiológica sistemática y periódica del consumo y comercio del tabaco. Tampoco vigilancia laboratorial de los productos derivados del tabaco registrados para consumo. Falta en medicamentos y terapias sustitutivas. Las siguientes necesidades no cuenta con una respuesta correcta debido a la escases de los recursos: no hay recuersos para estar a la altura de los estudios de control vigilancia epidemiológica sistemática y periódica del consumo y comercio del tabaco. Tampoco vigilancia laboratorial de los productos derivados del tabaco registrados para consumo. Falta en medicamentos y terapias sustitutivas.
Peru AMR El Ministerio de Salud en correspondencia con la gestión pública del país, cuenta con una logica de presupuesto por resultados para el financiamiento de sus actividades, el sector prima la aplicación deesta logica a los principales problemas de salud pública y los productos se asocian principalmente a la prestación, acciones de prevención, promoción o la abogacia de politicas publicas quedan limitadas presupuestalmente para el desarrollo de acciones. Answer not provided Answer not provided
Poland EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Portugal EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Qatar EMR • • establsih National Quit line which offers support and guidance to smokers willing to quit * establishment of quality control laboratory for Tobacco products *Resources & Law: new implementation system needed to be proposed now in order to implement the new bylaws after the cabinet approval, Support the implementation of plain / standardize package for all Tobacco • Human resources: The tobacco control team reform is the cornerstone for the success- • Keeping the networking and partnership active as keeping the communication open with partners outside health sector needed influence from top managers. • • establsih National Quit line which offers support and guidance to smokers willing to quit * establishment of quality control laboratory for Tobacco products *Resources & Law: new implementation system needed to be proposed now in order to implement the new bylaws after the cabinet approval, Support the implementation of plain / standardize package for all Tobacco • Human resources: The tobacco control team reform is the cornerstone for the success- • Keeping the networking and partnership active as keeping the communication open with partners outside health sector needed influence from top managers. • Resources & Law: new implementation system needed to be proposed now in order to implement the new bylaws after the cabinet approval, • Human resources: The tobacco control team reform is the cornerstone for the success- • Keeping the networking and partnership active as keeping the communication open with partners outside health sector needed influence from top managers.
Republic of Korea WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
New Zealand WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Nicaragua AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Netherlands EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Madagascar AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Besoin daide technique: manque dexpérience sur lélaboration des textes effectives et des stratégies dans la lutte antitabac Taxe sur le tabac perçu pour la lutte antitabac mais pas encore versé
Malaysia WPR Lack of resources and manpower, gaps in tobacco regulation Lack of resources and manpower, gaps in tobacco regulation Lack of resources and manpower , gaps in tobacco regulation
Maldives SEA 1- Limited budgetary allocations in the regular government budget for tobacco control activities 2- Limited number of dedicated staff and with limited technical capacity in the tobacco control program 3- No dedicated NGO or other civil society organizations or groups working for tobacco control 1- Limited budgetary allocations in the regular government budget for tobacco control activities 2- Limited number of dedicated staff and with limited technical capacity in the tobacco control program 3- No dedicated NGO or other civil society organizations or groups working for tobacco control 1- Limited budgetary allocations in the regular government budget for tobacco control activities 2- Limited number of dedicated staff and with limited technical capacity in the tobacco control program 3- No dedicated NGO or other civil society organizations or groups working for tobacco control
Mali AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Marshall Islands WPR Amending the Tobacco control Act to specifically identify gaps Report not provided Amending the Tobacco control Act to specifically identify gaps
Mauritania AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Mauritius AFR • The new National Action Plan on Tobacco Control 2022-2026 will be an opportunity to review and enhance our tobacco control strategies based on the need assessment done by WHO in 2013. • There is also need to develop a media strategy to target our young generation and in line with the findings of the most recent survey conducted in the field of tobacco control that is the Global Youth Tobacco survey 2016 and possibly the GYTS 2023/2024. • There is still a compelling need to devise a Taxation Policy for Mauritius as this will impact largely on our revenue and tobacco consumption. • The new National Action Plan on Tobacco Control 2021-2025 will be an opportunity to review and enhance our tobacco control strategies based on the need assessment done by WHO in 2013. • There is also need to develop a media strategy to target our young generation and in line with the findings of the most recent survey conducted in the field of tobacco control that is teh Global Youth Tobacco survey 2016. • There is still a compelling need to devise a Taxation Policy for Mauritius as this will impact largely on our tobacco consumption. The need assessment carried out by the WHO Secretariat jointly with the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life in 2013 has been a helpful document which helped us to review our existing tobacco control strategies. The need to develop a media strategy to target our youth is still of actuality after the publication of the GYTS 2016 report. There is a need to review the existing strategy on the issue. The impact of taxation on tobacco consumption still remains to be done and review the actual taxation policy in the country.
Micronesia (Federated States of) WPR Lack of human resources to support the implementation of the FCTC Capacity building in the implementation of FCTC Lack of funding to support the implementation of FCTC Lack of human resources to support the implementation of the FCTC Capacity building in the implementation of FCTC Lack of funding to support the implementation of FCTC Lack of human resources to support the implementation of the FCTC Capacity building in the implementation of FCTC Lack of funding to support the implementation of FCTC
Mongolia WPR Report not provided Needs assessment for the implementation of FCTC in Mongolia, 2015 Two times Joint mission UNIATF on the prevention and control of NCDs, 2015, 2016 The case investment for prevention and control of NCDs in Mongolia, 2017 Needs assessment for the implementation of FCTC in Mongolia, 2015 Two times Joint mission UNIATF on the prevention and control of NCDs, 2015, 2016 The case investment for prevention and control of NCDs in Mongolia, 2017
Mozambique AFR Report not provided Need of technical support Lack of finance Lack of resources Need of technical support Lack of finance Lack of resources
Myanmar SEA National Tobacco Control Plan of Action was for the period of 2006 to 2010 Multi-sectoral coordination mechanism, Central Tobacco Control Committee is not fully functional Other ministries are not focused on implementation of the WHO FCTC The Control of Smoking and Consumption of Tobacco Product Law 2006 and Orders are not fully compliant with the Convention in a few areas. The Law is not fully enforced. Awareness of Article 5.3 of the Convention and its guidelines among relevant government ministries is limited. There is no specific code of conduct for civil servants. Currently the tobacco product taxation level is still below the WHO recommended level (70% of retail price). Tax rates do not take into account changes in household incomes or inflation. Tax policy is not used as a public health measure. Enforcement capacity is limited for implementation of smoke free areas. There are no national regulations and standards concerning contents and emissions of tobacco product, including the banning of additives. The Control of Smoking and Consumption of Tobacco Product Law 2006 does not specify a designated testing laboratory for tobacco products. There are no measures and standards to regulate shisha and electronic nicotine delivery systems. A comprehensive plan for the implementation of education, communication and training activities within a comprehensive multisectoral tobacco control programme have not been developed. There is a lack of systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of the education, communication and training activities. There is no explicit ban on advertising at point of sale, on unpaid depiction of tobacco brands, products and use in media, on sponsorship and publicity of sponsorship as part of corporate social responsibility, on direct person to person targeting of individuals, on promotional discounts, trade discounts or rebates, on internet sales of tobacco products, on use of brand name of non-tobacco products for tobacco products. Does not have comprehensive guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of tobacco dependence, no national quit line, and pharmaceutical products are not available. There is no comprehensive provision in the law to tackle illicit trade in tobacco products, no tracking and tracing system and no licensing system for import, distribution and retail, specifically targeting on tobacco products. Even law prohibit sell to minor, no measures developed to ban sale of tobacco products in a manner by which they are directly accessible. Cigarettes could still be purchased in individual sticks from street vendors. There is no program to promote economically viable alternatives for tobacco growers, workers and individual sellers. There is no information on any measure or policy in place to protect the environment and health of persons involved in tobacco cultivation and manufacturing. Funding allocated by ministry is not sufficient to fully implement the Convention. Insufficient full time staffs who can focus on tobacco control activities at all levels contributes to limitation of implementing the Convention effectively. Training or sensitization programmes are required for capacity building of the focal personnel at all levels. National Tobacco Control Plan of Action was for the period of 2006 to 2010 Multi-sectoral coordination mechanism, Central Tobacco Control Committee is not fully functional Other ministries are not focused on implementation of the WHO FCTC The Control of Smoking and Consumption of Tobacco Product Law 2006 and Orders are not fully compliant with the Convention in a few areas. The Law is not fully enforced. Awareness of Article 5.3 of the Convention and its guidelines among relevant government ministries is limited. There is no specific code of conduct for civil servants. Currently the tobacco product taxation level is still below the WHO recommended level (70% of retail price). Tax rates do not take into account changes in household incomes or inflation. Tax policy is not used as a public health measure. Enforcement capacity is limited for implementation of smoke free areas. There are no national regulations and standards concerning contents and emissions of tobacco product, including the banning of additives. The Control of Smoking and Consumption of Tobacco Product Law 2006 does not specify a designated testing laboratory for tobacco products. There are no measures and standards to regulate shisha and electronic nicotine delivery systems. A comprehensive plan for the implementation of education, communication and training activities within a comprehensive multisectoral tobacco control programme have not been developed. There is a lack of systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of the education, communication and training activities. There is no explicit ban on advertising at point of sale, on unpaid depiction of tobacco brands, products and use in media, on sponsorship and publicity of sponsorship as part of corporate social responsibility, on direct person to person targeting of individuals, on promotional discounts, trade discounts or rebates, on internet sales of tobacco products, on use of brand name of non-tobacco products for tobacco products. Does not have comprehensive guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of tobacco dependence, no national quit line, and pharmaceutical products are not available. There is no comprehensive provision in the law to tackle illicit trade in tobacco products, no tracking and tracing system and no licensing system for import, distribution and retail, specifically targeting on tobacco products. Even law prohibit sell to minor, no measures developed to ban sale of tobacco products in a manner by which they are directly accessible. Cigarettes could still be purchased in individual sticks from street vendors. There is no program to promote economically viable alternatives for tobacco growers, workers and individual sellers. There is no information on any measure or policy in place to protect the environment and health of persons involved in tobacco cultivation and manufacturing. Funding allocated by ministry is not sufficient to fully implement the Convention. Insufficient full time staffs who can focus on tobacco control activities at all levels contributes to limitation of implementing the Convention effectively. Training or sensitization programmes are required for capacity building of the focal personnel at all levels. The lack of full time staff who can focus on tobacco control activities at all levels contributes to limitation of implementing the Convention effectively. The training or sensitization programmes are required for capacity building of the focal personnel at all levels.
Namibia AFR Report not provided Existing gaps refer to skills and staff shortage as well funds to ensure proper staff are recruited. Report not provided
Nauru WPR Report not provided Lack of Human Resource. Report not provided
Jamaica AMR The gaps identified relate to resource constraints in enforcement activities and initiatives. The gaps identified relate to resource constraints in enforcement activities and initiatives. There are inadequate funds to carry research in the area of costing of health, the impact of tobacco consumption and in general for programme implementation e.g. health promotion and education regarding tobacco control. Other gaps identified relate to resource constraints in enforcement activities and initiatives.
Jordan EMR There are issues with implementing the legislation due to high fines in the Public Health Law. The Ministry of Health needs support in relation to resources to carry out inspections. Other Governmental institutions are not coordinating with the Ministry of Health in a sufficient manner. There are issues with implementing the legislation due to high fines in the Public Health Law. The Ministry of Health needs support in relation to resources to carry out inspections. Other Governmental institutions are not coordinating with the Ministry of Health in a sufficient manner. المخصصات من الوزارات المعنية ومن الهيئات الدولية لا تفي ب 20% من الاحتياجات الاساسية وقد تناقصت عام 2017 بشكل كبير
Kazakhstan EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Kiribati WPR Some of the Articles in the FCTC is not applicable to Kiribati e.g Articles 11, 17, 18, due to the fact that tobaco is only imported. Some of the Articles in the FCTC is not applicable to Kiribati e.g Articles 11, 17, 18, due to the fact that tobaco is only imported. Some of the Articles in the FCTC is not applicable to Kiribati e.g Articles 11, 17, 18, due to the fact that tobaco is only imported.
Kuwait EMR POLITICAL commitment and willingness to proceed with the protocol POLITICAL commitment and willingness to proceed with the protocol POLITICAL commitment and willingness to proceed with the protocol
Lao People's Democratic Republic WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Lebanon EMR The main gap is in funding, as the National Tobacco Control Program does not even have funds sufficient for its own small staff, and therefore much of the work is done on voluntary pro-bono basis. The main gap is in funding, as the National Tobacco Control Program does not even have funds sufficient for its own small staff, and therefore much of the work is done on voluntary pro-bono basis. The main gap is in funding, as the National Tobacco Control Program does not even have funds sufficient for its own small staff, and therefore much of the work is done on voluntary pro-bono basis.
Lesotho AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Liberia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Libya EMR لا توجد مخصصات مالية لبرنامج مُكافحة إستخدام التبغ لتنفيد الإتفاقية وخاصة التشجيع على الإقلاع ,وعدم امكانية اضافة بدائل النكوتين لقائمة الادوية الموردة لعدم كفاية المخصصات المالية وكذلك ما تمر به الدولة من ضعف الاجهزة الضبظبة وعدم الاستقرار وشح الموارد وغياب الوعي والادراك من قبل صناع القرار لاهمية الاتفاقية واهدافها وغياب الدعم الاقليمى والدولي بكافة اشكاله لا توجد مخصصات مالية لبرنامج مُكافحة إستخدام التبغ لتنفيد الإتفاقية وخاصة التشجيع على الإقلاع ,وعدم امكانية اضافة بدائل النكوتين لقائمة الادوية الموردة لعدم كفاية المخصصات المالية وكذلك ما تمر به الدولة من ضعف الاجهزة الضبظبة مخصصات مالية غير كافية لبرنامج مُكافحة إستخدام التبغ لتنفيد الإتفاقية وخاصة التشجيع على الإقلاع ,وعدم امكانية اضافة بدائل النكوتين لقائمة الادوية الموردة لعدم كفاية المخصصات المالية وكذلك ما تمر به الدولة من ضعف الاجهزة الضبظبة
Lithuania EUR Lack of financial and methodology resources for qualitative and quantitative laboratory analysis. Lack of financial and methodology resources for qualitative and quantitative laboratory analysis. Answer not provided
Luxembourg EUR L'application de la Convention-cadre de l'OMS avance moins rapidement par manque de ressources humaines dans la lutte anti-tabac dans notre pays. Answer not provided Answer not provided
Eswatini AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ethiopia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
European Union EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Fiji WPR Report not provided Since Fiji is a FCTC 2030 country; an investment case/assessment will be a core action. There is a gap in awareness among Parliamentarians on the detriments of tobacco industry interference. Report not provided
Finland EUR There is lack of resources for many measures (e.g. smoking cessation). Answer not provided Answer not provided
Gambia AFR the needs assessment on the implementation of fctc in 2012 addressed the gaps and the challenges in the implementation of the convention on tobacco control. Though the gaps are slowly been addressed but still have issues like: 1.Capacity gaps UN system participation on tobacco control apart of WHO 3. Liminted NGO participation. 4.Limited support from Government as still no budget line created for NCD prevention/tobacco. 5.Limited financial resources 6.comprehensive tobacco control programme 7. Support research areas the needs assessment on the implementation of fctc in 2012 addressed the gaps and the challenges in the implementation of the convention on tobacco control. Though the gaps are slowly been addressed but still have issues like: 1.Capacity gaps UN system participation on tobacco control apart of WHO 3. Liminted NGO participation. 4.Limited support from Government as still no budget line created for NCD prevention/tobacco. 5.Limited financial resources 6.comprehensive tobacco control programme 7. Support research areas the needs assessment on the implementation of fctc in 2012 addressed the gaps and the challenges in the implementation of the convention on tobacco control. Though the gaps are slowly been addressed but still have issues like: 1.Capacity gaps UN system participation on tobacco control apart of WHO 3. Liminted NGO participation. 4.Limited support from Government as still no budget line created for NCD prevention/tobacco. 5.Limited financial resources 6.comprehensive tobacco control programme 7. Support research areas
Ghana AFR We have serious financial gap that does not seem to get meaningful solution at Country level. Tobacco taxation does not come to support Tobacco control activities. There is generally no financial support for Public Health activities in general WHO support many of the tobacco control activities which includes activities on Article-12 and development and printing of Cessation Guidelines. The Food and Drugs Authority also implements its enforcement activities from a general budget approved by the Ministry of Finance for operational activities of the Authority CTFK also supported technically and financially the preparation and meetings on Tobacco Control Regulation. We have serious financial gap that does not seem to get meaningful solution at Country level. Tobacco taxation does not come to support Tobacco control activities. There is generally no financial support for Public Health activities in general WHO support many of the tobacco control activities which includes activities on Article-12 and development and printing of Cessation Guidelines. CTFK also supported technically and financially the preparation and meetings on Tobacco Control Regulation. We have serious financial gap that does not seem to get meaningful solution at Country level. Tobacco taxation does not come to support Tobacco control activities. There is generally no financial support for Public Health activities in general WHO support many of the tobacco control activities which includes activities on Article-12 and development and printing of Cessation Guidelines. CTFK also supported technically and financially the preparation and meetings on Tobacco Control Regulation.
Greece EUR Answer not provided Report not provided due to the economic crisis in our country the resources available for the implementation of FCTC are extremely low and most of our current activities are supported by European projects or donations from abroad.
Grenada AMR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Guatemala AMR Se mantiene el déficit de recurso humano dedicado a la implementación del Convenio y a la vigilancia del cumplimiento de las regulaciones derivadas del mismo. Los recursos asignados por la legislación sólo se encuentran disponibles para acciones generales de salud, por lo que las acciones específicas de control del tabaco carecen de fondos. Se mantiene el déficit de recurso humano dedicado a la implementación del Convenio y a la vigilancia del cumplimiento de las regulaciones derivadas del mismo. Los recursos asignados por la legislación sólo se encuentran disponibles para acciones generales de salud, por lo que las acciones específicas de control del tabaco carecen de fondos. Se mantiene el déficit de recurso humano dedicado a la implementación del Convenio y a la vigilancia del cumplimiento de las regulaciones derivadas del mismo. Los recursos asignados por la legislación sólo se encuentran disponibles para acciones generales de salud, por lo que las acciones específicas de control del tabaco carecen de fondos.
Guinea-Bissau AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Guyana AMR The GTSS proves to be an important tool for expressing to Governments on the need for Tobacco Control. However, there is need for an economic evaluation on the burden of tobacco use in country. This data is very much needed to plead the case for Tobacco Control. Other gaps identified include funding to provide consistent education and awareness programs, funding for the NRT, other necessary strategies and other cessation sites in the cessation program The GTSS proves to be an important tool for expressing to Governments on the need for Tobacco Control. However, there is need for an economic evaluation on the burden of tobacco use in country. This data is very much needed to plead the case for Tobacco Control. Other gaps identified include funding to provide consistent education and awareness programs, funding for the NRT, other necessary strategies and other cessation sites in the cessation program The GTSS proves to be an important tool for expressing to Governments on the need for Tobacco Control. However, there is need for an economic evaluation on the burden of tobacco use in country. This data is very much needed to plead the case for Tobacco Control. Other gaps identified include funding to provide consistent education and awareness programs, funding for the NRT, other necessary strategies and other cessation sites in the cessation program
Honduras AMR Report not provided El presupuesto asignado por el Congreso Nacional al IHADFA es insuficiente para la vigilancia del cumplimiento de la Ley Especial para el Control del Tabaco, por lo que urge que el mismo Congreso Nacional apruebe los 10 millones de Lempiras anuales que establece dicha Ley para eficientar dicha normativa a nivel nacional. El presupuesto del IHADFA no es incrementado anualmente por el Congreso Nacional tal como lo indica la Ley Especial para el Control del Tabaco y su Reglamentación lo cual repercute en la aplicación del CMCT de la OMS. El presupuesto asignado por el Congreso Nacional al IHADFA es insuficiente para la vigilancia del cumplimiento de la Ley Especial para el Control del Tabaco, por lo que urge que el mismo Congreso Nacional apruebe los 10 millones de Lempiras anuales que establece dicha Ley para eficientar dicha normativa a nivel nacional. El presupuesto del IHADFA no es incrementado anualmente por el Congreso Nacional tal como lo indica la Ley Especial para el Control del Tabaco y su Reglamentación lo cual repercute en la aplicación del CMCT de la OMS.
Hungary EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Costa Rica AMR Al restringir el gobierno el presupuesto para el Control de Tabaco obtenido de los tributos a este. Los desfases son emergentes y dependerán de las Directrices emitidas por el Ministerio de Hacienda que afectan todos los presupuestos del Gobierno Central. Esto dependerá de la situación de la Hacienda Pública y las prioridades del Gobierno. Al restringir el gobierno el presupuesto para el Control de Tabaco obtenido de los tributos a este. Los desfases son emergentes y dependerán de las Directrices emitidas por el Ministerio de Hacienda que afectan todos los presupuestos del Gobierno Central. Esto dependerá de la situación de la Hacienda Pública y las prioridades del Gobierno. Al restringir el gobierno el presupuesto para el control de tabaco obtenido de los tributos a este.
Côte d'Ivoire AFR Insuffisance de renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la lutte antitabac Insuffisance de formations des agents de santé à la promotion du sevrage tabagique; Insuffisance de formation et de sensibilisation du public aux risques pour la santé liés à la consommation des produits du tabac; Insuffisance de renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la lutte antitabac Insuffisance de formations des agents de santé à la promotion du sevrage tabagique; Insuffisance de formation et de sensibilisation du public aux risques pour la santé liés à la consommation des produits du tabac; Insuffisance de renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la lutte antitabac Insuffisance des ressources materielles et financières
Croatia EUR insufficient multisectorial collaboration, insufficient human and finantial resources, tobacco not being a top priority topic insufficient multisectorial collaboration, insufficient human and finantial resources, tobacco not being a top priority topic insufficient multisectorial collaboration, insufficient human and finantial resources, tobacco not being a top priority topic
Cyprus EUR Firstly, despite improvements there continues to be a is lack of information and lack of research (due to lack of funding opportunitites) in this topic area. Secondly with regards to the implementation of the legislation in enclosed spaces, the provision that spaces that have a 30% can allow smoking needs to be further clarified and investigated scientifically, so that the legislation can be suitably enforced. Firstly, despite improvements there continues to be a is lack of information and lack of research (due to lack of funding opportunitites) in this topic area. Secondly with regards to the implementation of the legislation in enclosed spaces, the provision that spaces that have a 30% can allow smoking needs to be further clarified and investigated scientifically, so that the legislation can be suitably enforced. Firstly, despite improvements there continues to be a is lack of information and lack of research (due to lack of funding opportunitites) in this topic area. Secondly with regards to the implementation of the legislation in enclosed spaces, the provision that spaces that have a 30% can allow smoking needs to be further clarified and investigated scientifically, so that the legislation can be suitably enforced.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea SEA Report not provided GATS 2017 showed a number of smokers attempted to quit smokinng, however many of them failed and one of the contributing factor was lack of cessation drugs. New drugs (bubropion, varenicline, cytisine) are not yet introduced for treatment of tobacco dependence. Resource mobilization needed to further strengthen tobacco control activities and sensitization of decision makers for tobacco control. GATS 2017 showed a number of smokers attempted to quit smokinng, however many of them failed and one of the contributing factor was lack of cessation drugs. New drugs (bubropion, varenicline, cytisine) are not yet introduced for treatment of tobacco dependence.
Democratic Republic of the Congo AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Denmark EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Djibouti EMR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Dominica AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Egypt EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
El Salvador AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided La asignación de presupuesto no es suficiente para implementar los compromisos establecidos en el CMCT.
Equatorial Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Estonia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Brunei Darussalam WPR Lack of resources/ competing resources (particularly expertise/manpower in conducting programmes & activities including surveillance & research activities. Lack of/insufficient manpower and technology in conducting enforcement, particularly cross-border issues. Lack of resources/ competing resources (particularly expertise/manpower in conducting programmes & activities including surveillance & research activities. Lack of/insufficient manpower and technology in conducting enforcement, particularly cross-border issues. 1. Lack of resources/ competing resources (particularly expertise/manpower in conducting programmes & activities; manpower and technology in conducting enforcement, particularly cross-border issues; as well as in conducting surveillance/research activities). 2. Tobacco control is seen as a lower-priority issue by some non-health agencies.
Bulgaria EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Burkina Faso AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Burundi AFR Report not provided Nous avons élaboré et validé un Plan Stratégique National de Lutte contre le Tabagisme 2019-2023 mais le budget de sa mise en œuvre est très déficitaire par manque de partenaires. Ce qui fait que son opérationnalisation reste problématique. Aussi ,il nexiste pas de fonds alloués à la lutte contre le tabagisme. Report not provided
Cabo Verde AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Cambodia WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Canada AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Chad AFR - 2014 : 25 427 USD; Ecard : 100 573 USD - 2015 Montant récu; 59 650 USD, Ecards : 249 350 USD - 2016 : 59 400 USD; Ecards 149880 USD - 2017 : 73 353; Ecards ; 183 177 NB: le montant récu et les écards pour 2017 a pris en compte le budgt des deux projets notament FCTC 2030 ET MPOWER - 2014 : 25 427 USD; Ecard : 100 573 USD - 2015 Montant récu; 59 650 USD, Ecards : 249 350 USD - 2016 : 59 400 USD; Ecards 149880 USD - 2017 : 73 353; Ecards ; 183 177 NB: le montant récu et les écards pour 2017 a pris en compte le budgt des deux projets notament FCTC 2030 ET MPOWER - 2014 : 25 427 USD; Ecard : 100 573 USD - 2015 Montant récu; 59 650 USD, Ecards : 249 350 USD - 2016 : 59 400 USD; Ecards 149880 USD - 2017 : 73 353; Ecards ; 183 177 NB: le montant récu et les écards pour 2017 a pris en compte le budgt des deux projets notament FCTC 2030 ET MPOWER
Chile AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided El presupuesto disponible no es suficiente para la implementación de todas las directrices del CMTC
Colombia AMR Answer not provided - Equipo técnico reducido para atender las ingentes demandas y actividades en el marco de la política de control de tabaco, sobre todo en el nivel territorial. - Dificultades para hacer sostenible la acción intersectorial. - Pocos recursos financieros para apoyar iniciativas de investigación en temas clave como cultivos y comercio ilícito de productos de tabaco. - Equipo técnico reducido para atender las ingentes demandas y actividades en el marco de la política de control de tabaco, sobre todo en el nivel territorial. - Dificultades para hacer sostenible la acción intersectorial.
Comoros AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Congo AFR les activités définies dans le plan stratégiques ne sont pas mis en œuvre par manque des moyens d'abord et avec la pandémie COVID, tout était penché sur la riposte de cette pandémie Answer not provided Report not provided
Australia WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Austria EUR Limited availability of human resources and financial ressources as a result of savings in public administration on national as well as provicial/regional level. Limited availability of human resources and financial ressources as a result of savings in public administration on national as well as provicial/regional level. Limited availability of human resources and financial ressources as a result of savings in public administration on national as well as provicial/regional level.
Azerbaijan EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Bangladesh SEA N/A Government revenue budget for tobacco control is not all sufficient for proper implementation of Tobacco Control Law. Awareness about the law among public and many officers of administration in field level and law enforcing agencies is also minimal. Utilization of Health Development Surcharge through National Tobacco Control Program is important. Procedure for approval of National Tobacco Control Policy and Tobacco Cultivation Control Policy. Government revenue budget for tobacco control is not all sufficient for proper implementation of Tobacco Control Law. Awareness about the law among public and many officers of administration in field level and law enforcing agencies is also minimal. Health Development Surcharge Management Policy 2017 was approved in Cabinet on 16 October 2017. Procedure for approval of National Tobacco Control Policy and Tobacco Cultivation Control Policy is going on.
Barbados AMR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Belize AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Benin AFR Aucune ressources n'est disponible pour la lutte contre le tabac au niveau national Answer not provided Answer not provided
Bhutan SEA Human and financial resources gap. Report not provided Human and financial resources gap.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) AMR Existe una debilidad a nivel de recursos económicos en el Ministerio de Salud para afrontar de manera efectiva la epidemia del Tabaco. Existe una debilidad a nivel de recursos económicos en el Ministerio de Salud para afrontar de manera efectiva la epidemia del Tabaco. Existe una debilidad a nivel de recursos económicos en el Ministerio de Salud para afrontar de manera efectiva la epidemia del Tabaco.
Bosnia and Herzegovina EUR Answer not provided Enforcement of tobacco control capacity building through strengthening of intersectorial collaboration and coordination and monitoring and evaulation of tobacco control legislation. Intersectorial collaboration in FCTC implementation; Securing continued financing for tobacco control measures; Enforcement of tobacco control capacity building through strengthening of intersectorial collaboration and coordination and monitoring and evaulation of tobacco control legislation.
Botswana AFR Funds are available, the tobacco control unit need technical assistance on establishments of tobacco cessation programs and capacity building for health officers on cessation, training of law enforcement officers, training of media houses and legal department on tobacco interference. financial resources are a challenge and create a gap in the implementation of the convention. financial resources are a challenge and create a gap in the implementation of the convention.
Brazil AMR Limited financial resources to maintain regular advocacy, campaigns, regional support to states and municipalities and to strengthen current policies. Limited financial resources to maintain regular advocacy, campaigns, regional support to states and municipalities and to strengthen current policies. Limited financial resources to maintain regular advocacy, campaigns, regional support to states and municipalities and to strengthen current policies.
Algeria AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Andorra EUR La pandemia de la COVID-19 Report not provided Report not provided
Angola AFR Financial resources Human resources - capacity building Report not provided Financial resources Human resources - capacity building
Antigua and Barbuda AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
France EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Ecuador AMR Limitados recursos financieros y autonomía para la utilización de los mismos, especialmente en temas como: Investigaciones para medir los daños del tabaco en la salud y la economía, así como para medir el impacto e implementar las políticas públicas / CMCT. Limitados recursos financieros y autonomía para la utilización de los mismos, especialmente en temas como: Investigaciones para medir los daños del tabaco en la salud y la economía, así como para medir el impacto e implementar las políticas públicas / CMCT. Falta de recursos financieros y autonomía para la utilización de los mismos, especialmente en temas como: Investigaciones para medir los daños del tabaco en la salud y la economía, así como para medir el impacto e implementar las políticas públicas / CMCT.
Cook Islands WPR To push for the Tobacco Products Control Bill to be enacted through Parliament To push for the Tobacco Products Control Bill to be enacted through Parliament within this year 2016 To push for the Tobacco Products Control Bill to be enacted through Parliament within this year 2016
China WPR Answer not provided 控烟资源不足,能力建设仍需加强。 控烟能力建设仍需改进。
Central African Republic AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Cameroon AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Belgium EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Belarus EUR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Bahrain (Kingdom of) EMR Amendment of the law, insufficient national data on novel tobacco and nicotine products. Update legislation to be fully compliant with FCTC and to further enhance the tobacco control strategies and plans in Bahrain. Update legislation to be fully compliant with FCTC and to further enhance the tobacco control strategies and plans in Bahrain.
Bahamas AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Armenia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Albania EUR Introducing new mechanisms for monitoring of the enforcement of the law on smoking ban Supporting of health professionals at primary health care level for provisioning of cessation services. Including nicotine in the essential list of drugs Intensifying interventions against smoking in school settings Report not provided Report not provided
Afghanistan EMR Report not provided There are lack of financial resources at government and WHO and NGOs level for any tobacco control program There are lack of financial resources at government and WHO and NGOs level for any tobacco control program
Uruguay AMR Todas las acciones mencionadas deben ser diseñadas, gestionadas e impulsadas desde el Programa Nacional de Control de Tabaco del MSP, que cuenta con 2 profesionales técnicos y 1 personal administrativo. Answer not provided Answer not provided
Philippines WPR -Some national laws were identified to be inconsistent with the requirements under WHO FCTC -There is lack of knowledge among government officials and employees relative to WHO FCTC Article 5.3 and the national policy implementing the said article -The government lacks preparedness relative to the accession to WHO FCTC Article 15 Protocol -There is a need to increase and develop the capacity of the government, specifically DOH-FDA relative to the agency’s expertise on tobacco product regulation -There is lack of promotion on the cessation services offered by the government -There is a need for more researches to be done for tobacco control especially on the effects of the non-combustible tobacco product -Tobacco industry interference attempts have ramped up especially with the rebranding of the industry • Some national laws were identified to be inconsistent with the requirements under WHO FCTC • There is lack of knowledge among government officials and employees relative to WHO FCTC Article 5.3 and the national policy implementing the said article • The government lacks preparedness relative to the accession to WHO FCTC Article 15 Protocol • There is a need to increase and develop the capacity of the government, specifically DOH-FDA relative to the agency’s expertise on HTPs due to the novelty of these products • There is lack of promotion on the cessation services offered by the government • There is a need for more researches to be done for tobacco control especially on the effects of the novel and emerging tobacco products • Tobacco industry interference attempts have ramped up especially with the rebranding of the industry Lacks coordinating mechanism; No specific budget for tobacco control; No focal person for tobacco control; No tracking and tracing; Lacks data on illicit trade and its magnitude; Lacks data on tobacco consumption (actual vs production)
Papua New Guinea WPR Lack of resources for effective enforcement, especially funding and human resource. Monitoring of consumption Research Lack of resources for effective enforcement, especially funding and human resource Lack of resources for effective enforcement, especially funding and human resource
Panama AMR Los recursos humanos son insuficientes para aplicar todas las medidas establecidas en el CMCT de la OMS. En este sentido, y por mencionar algunos elementos, puede decirse que en el marco de la vigilancia se tiene deficiente cantidad de inspectores, en materia de promoción no se cuenta con educadores para la salud suficientes y el equipo de salud mental es limitado, no esta disponible en muchas de las instalaciones de la red de servicios lo que limita la ampliación del programa de cesación, particularmente con un enfoque que permita un mejor abordaje con los menores de edad. Es necesario continuar sensibilizando a los actores sociales, tomadores de decisión y gobiernos locales para lograr una implementación plena del CMCT y viabilizar el incremento de personal con que cuentan todas las instituciones involucradas en la implementación del CMCT. Continuar sensibilizando a los actores sociales, tomadores de decisión y gobiernos locales para lograr una implementación plena del CMCT. Viabilizar el incremento de personal con que cuentan todas las instituciones involucradas en la implementación del CMCT.
Palau WPR We have gaps; however we have not assessed the cost of implementation of the FCTC and therefore cannot determine the extent of the gap. In line with the Global Strategy, we would like targeted assistance to develop and implement a costed national plan for tobacco control. We would also need assistance to determine the return on the investment (ROI) in tobacco control. As documented in the 2014 and 2018 reports we also need resources/support to 1) increase enforcement capacity (e.g. more police officers), 3) fund media campaigns including funds for computer and software to improve media/marketing and education activities; and implement Articles 5.3 and 11. We also need funding assistance to have at least 2 participants attend COP meetings so that we can more fully participate in meetings and activities that often occur simultaneously. We need guidance as to who we can request assistance for these above mentioned activities. We have gaps; however we have not assessed the cost of implementation of the FCTC and therefore cannot determine the extent of the gap. In line with the Global Strategy, we would like targeted assistance to develop and implement a costed national plan for tobacco control. We would also need assistance to determine the return on the investment (ROI) in tobacco control. As documented in the 2014 and 2018 reports we also need resources/support to 1) increase enforcement capacity (e.g. more police officers), 3) fund media campaigns including funds for computer and software to improve media/marketing and education activities; and implement Articles 5.3 and 11. We also need funding assistance to have at least 2 participants attend COP meetings so that we can more fully participate in meetings and activities that often occur simultaneously. We need guidance as to who we can request assistance for these above mentioned activities. We have gaps; however we have not assessed the cost of implementation of the FCTC and therefore cannot determine the extent of the gap. We would also need assistance to determine the return on the investment (ROI) in tobacco control. As documented in the 2014 report we also need resources to 1) increase enforcement capacity (e.g. more police officers), 3) fund media campaigns including funds for computer and software to improve media/marketing and education activities; 4) implement Article 14 guidelines and establishment of subsequent cessation services, and 5) implement Articles 5.3 and 11. We also need funding assistance to have at least 2 participants attend COP meetings so that we can more fully participate in meetings and activities that often occur simultaneously. We need guidance as to who we can request assistance for these above mentioned activities. Our NGO partners also have little funding to participate in FCTC implementation.
Niue WPR Report not provided Technical assistance for tax increase on tobacco products Report not provided
Montenegro EUR In Montenegro there is very small number of trained personnel in the field of public health that would follow the relationship of tobacco control and health, as well as a number of staff who monitor the implementation of laws and principles of general application FCTC.It also lacks other resources to fully control tobacco use In Montenegro there is very small number of trained personnel in the field of public health that would follow the relationship of tobacco control and health, as well as a number of staff who monitor the implementation of laws and principles of general application FCTC.It also lacks other resources to fully control tobacco use In Montenegro there is very small number of trained personnel in the field of public health that would follow the relationship of tobacco control and health, as well as a number of staff who monitor the implementation of laws and principles of general application FCTC. The Tax Law which is adopted in 2015 makes it difficult implementation of the Law on the Restriction of the Use of Tobacco Products
Mexico AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Malta EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Latvia EUR Political will; financial resources to provide accessible and effective tobacco cessation services. Not available laboratory testing of prohibited substances (e.g. vitamins), high costs of testing, limited financial and human resources for control implementation. Political will; financial resources to provide accessible and effective tobacco cessation services. Not available laboratory testing of prohibited substances (e.g. vitamins), high costs of testing, limited financial and human resources for control implementation. Political will; financial resources to provide tobacco cessation services.
Kyrgyzstan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Kenya AFR - Majorly Financial - although we have tobacco control fund, we are yet to access it due to administrative limitations - Technical - Legal, Monitoring and evaluation, implementation science Report not provided - Majorly Financial - Technical - Legal, Monitoring and evaluation, implementation science
Japan WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Iceland EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Germany EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Georgia EUR Improving smoking cessation services - sufficient infrastructure including human resources do not exist to provide comprehensive smoking cessation services. We do have a free quit line but referring the specific doctor or specialist for quitting is difficult as those services are lacking. Lack of human resources dedicated to tobacco control - study tours, training, and workshops are needed for a broad range of experts from different sectors who are involved or will be potentially involved in tobacco control activities. Systematic surveillance on tobacco consumption trends and its determinants as well as health and economic impact - more research needs to be promoted. Identification of hindering factors for smokers to quit smoking - research needed. Training and experience exchange of the relevant professionals is necessary for the interpretation and analyses of the data collected on emissions and ingredients. Improving of smoking cessation services - sufficient infrastructure including human resources do not exist to provide comprehensive smoking cessation services. We do have a free quit line but referring the the specific doctor or specialist for quitting is difficult as those services are lacking. Lack of human resources dedicated to tobacco control - study tours, trainings and workshops are needed for broad range of experts from different sectors who are involved or will be potentially involved in tobacco control activities. Systematic surveillance on tobacco consumption trends and its determinants as well as health and economic impact - more research needs to be promoted. Identification of hindering factors for smokers to quit smoking - research needed. Training and experience exchange of the relevant professionals is necessary on interpretation and analyses of the data collected on emissions and ingredients. improving of smoking cessation services - sufficient infrastructure including human resources do not exist to provide comprehensive smoking cessation services. lack of human resources dedicated to tobacco control - study tours, trainings and workshops are needed for broad range of experts from different sectors who are involved or will be potentially involved in tobacco control activities. systematic surveillance on tobacco consumption trends and its determinants as well as health and economic impact - more research needs to be promoted
Gabon AFR Les besoins exprimés sont tels que le budget alloué par l'Etat à la lutte antitabac demeure très insignifiant. Actuellement, les fonds provenant des droits d'accises percus par le Programme National ont permi de réaliser, depuis 2021, des activités pertinentes et d'envergure, notamment en ce qui concerne l'information, l'éducation et la sensibilisation de plusieurs couches de la population aussi bien dans la capitale qu'à l'intérieur du pays. La sensibilisation de terrain a permi de réaliser qu'il existe de nombreux besoins exprimés par les populations Les besoins exprimés sont tels que le budget alloué par lEtat à la lutte antitabac est très insignifiant. La majorité des activités de lutte antitabac sont financées par les partenaires au développement. Les besoins exprimés sont tels que le budget alloué par lEtat à la lutte antitabac est très insignifiant. La majorité des activités de lutte antitabac sont financées par les partenaires au développement.
Zimbabwe AFR Report not provided Need more staff for Tobacco Control Unit. Need specific budget Tobacco Control Unit Need Technical and Financial Support from WHO Afro Region Need more staff for Tobacco Control Unit. Need specific budget Tobacco Control Unit Need Technical and Financial Support from WHO Afro Region
Spain EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Actualmente se están concentrando los esfuerzos en las tareas de vigilancia y aplicación de las medidas legislativas, en campañas de concienciación y sensibilización sobre los productos del tabaco y otros productos relacionados y en programas de capacitación de profesionales sanitarios sobre intervenciones en tabaquismo.
South Africa AFR Need for more technical support for the drafting of regulations Article 9: contents of tobacco products and for the amendment of the the Tobacco Products Control Act. and support for research and surveillance Report not provided Need for more technical support for the drafting of regulations Article 9: contents of tobacco products and for the amendment of the the Tobacco Products Control Act
Czechia EUR Lack of personal capacities at the Ministry of Health, the Office of the Government, Ministry of Agriculture etc. for full implementation of all tobacco control measures. Implementation of a unified strategy to approach the goals in the FCTC by all participating state institutions. Strengthening the forum for sharing knowledge and experience. in order to strengthen interdepartmental cooperation and help in the education of tobacco professionals. Collecting data and monitoring the current situation of nicotine addiction in the Czech Republic. Ensuring the availability of tobacco dependence treatment in all regions, for all age categories and comorbidities, at all levels of the health care system. Also focus on addiction to new types of tobacco/nicotine products where a national strategy has not yet been created. Lack of resources due to the lack of a network of public health institutions, A nationwide campaign to support smoking cessation, informing about the options for the treatment of tobacco addiction in general and the existence of the Center for Tobacco Dependence (e.g. similar to STOPOBER in Great Britain). Better point evaluation of performances, possibility to report performance Tobacco addiction dependence treatment for hospitalization, higher reimbursement for pharmacotherapy of tobacco addiction, reimbursement for hospitalization. The emergence of new centers in regions where they do not exist. For example lack of personal capacities at the Ministry of Health, the Office of the Government, Ministry of Agriculture etc. for full implementation of all tobacco control measures. There are limitations in resources as regards full implementation of the Action plan for the area of tobacco control in the Czech Republic for the period 2015-2018, etc.
Republic of North Macedonia EUR Report not provided There are no sufficient organizational and financial resources There are no sufficient organizational and financial resources
Türkiye EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Yemen EMR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Togo AFR manque de ressources financières, humaines et matérielles pour la mise en œuvre de la CCLAT manque de ressources financières, humaines et matérielles pou la mise en œuvre de la CCLAT manque de ressources financières, humaines et matérielles pou la mise en œuvre de la CCLAT
Senegal AFR Les ressources particulièrement celles des Partenaires ont permis de mener plusieurs activités du PNLT. Les ressources particulièrement celles des Partenaires ont permis de mener plusieurs activités du PNLT. Les ressources particulièrement celles des Partenaires ont permis de mener plusieurs activités du PNLT.
San Marino EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Romania EUR A dedicated technical tobacco control unit within the Ministry of Health. Technical support for training of personnel involved in tobacco prevention and control. Report not provided Report not provided
Republic of Moldova EUR - Not enough funds for tobacco control measures, for communication campaigns, also insufficient involvement of public authorities, - More knowledge and regulations are necessary to counteract increasing use of novel tobacco products, - More support needed for optimization of Cessation Service, - Significant resources are required for implementation of tracking and tracing system for tobacco products to eliminate illicit trade - Not enough funds for tobacco control measures, for communication campaigns, also insufficient involvement of public authorities, - More knowledge and regulations are necessary to counteract increasing use of novel tobacco products - Not enough funds for tobacco control measures, for communication campaigns, also insufficient involvement of public authorities, - More knowledge and regulations are necessary to counteract increasing use of novel tobacco products
India SEA Answer not provided Partnership with stakeholder Ministries for providing Alternative livelihoods for tobacco growers and bidi rollers. Partnership with stakeholder Ministries for providing Alternative livelihoods for tobacco growers and bidi rollers.
Ireland EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Italy EUR There are no specific and regular funds dedicated to tobacco control in Italy. Ministry of Health funds Regional prevention plans that include tobacco control activities. Every year there are some resources funding specific projects. There is the need to link a little part of tobacco taxes to tobacco control activities There are no specific and regular funds dedicated to tobacco control in Italy. Ministry of Health funds Regional prevention plans that include tobacco control activities. Every year there are some resources funding specific projects. There is the need to link a little part of tobacco taxes to tobacco control activities There are no specific and regular funds dedicated to tobacco control in Italy. Ministry of Health funds Regional prevention plans that include tobacco control activities. Every year there are some resources funding specific projects. There is the need to link a little part of tobacco taxes to tobacco control activities
Nepal SEA Though WHO has been continuously providing technical and financial assistance to NHEICC, but are not adequate for the effective implementation of WHO FCTC. Though WHO has been continuously providing technical and financial assistance to NHEICC, but are not adequate for the effective implementation of WHO FCTC. No adequate financial and technical resources to effectively implement WHO FCTC.
Iran (Islamic Republic of) EMR Sophisticated instruments for tackling illicit trade and laboratories for testing content and emission of tobacco products Sophisticated instruments for tackling illicit trade and laboratories for testing content and emission of tobacco products Sophisticated instruments for tackling illicit trade and laboratories for testing content and emission of tobacco products
Iraq EMR We need financial support for the purpose to conduct tobacco surveys for adults and youth. Training to provide assistance services to quit smoking, We need to increase our skills and to share experiences towards proper implementation and enforcement of the law. We need financial support for the purpose to conduct tobacco surveys for adults. Training to provide assistance services to quit smoking, We need to increase our skills and to share experiences towards proper implementation and enforcement of the law. We need financial support for the purpose of conducting surveys on the use of tobacco for youth and adults periodically and training to provide assistance services to quit smoking, also we need to increase our skills and exchange experiences towards proper implementation and enforcement of the law.
Israel EUR Report not provided The ministry is considering reinforcement of the tobacco control capabilities in regard to personal and budget allocated to this effort. One key issue is examining and updating the goals of the national strategic tobacco control plan, after fulfilling most of them in the last few years. Report not provided