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Party Region 2023 2020 2018
Sudan EMR توجد عقوبة لمن يخالف القانون علي ان يتم التبليغ عنه توجد عقوبة لمن يخالف القانون علي ان يتم التبليغ عنه Answer not provided
Suriname AMR The law provides for enforcement measures incl. strict penalties for non-compliance: In Art. 4 of the Tobacco Law: 1. Concerning article three referring to public spaces, the ones who have the actual leadership or policy determining responsibilities, no matter on which level they operate, will undertake the necessary actions to make the public space smoke free. 2. Employers are obligated to undertake the necessary actions, which results in smoke free spaces where employees can do their work. 3. Owners of public transportation services are obligated to undertake actions resulting in smoke free public transportation services. 4. The measures included in section 1, 2 and 3 in this article are in any case: a. Taking care of the compliance of the smoking ban as indicated in article 3 of this law; b. Placement of signs where the ban on smoking is applicable on places where this is visible for public; c. Taking care that no ashtrays are provided. Also a lawyer is appointed in the Prosecution Office for tobacco control and an order of the Attorney General is published with the fines for violations of the tobacco law (No.SPG 42/14) The law provides for enforcement measures incl. strict penalties for non-compliance: In Art. 4 of the Tobacco Law: 1. Concerning article three referring to public spaces, the ones who have the actual leadership or policy determining responsibilities, no matter on which level they operate, will undertake the necessary actions to make the public space smoke free. 2. Employers are obligated to undertake the necessary actions, which results in smoke free spaces where employees can do their work. 3. Owners of public transportation services are obligated to undertake actions resulting in smoke free public transportation services. 4. The measures included in section 1, 2 and 3 in this article are in any case: a. Taking care of the compliance of the smoking ban as indicated in article 3 of this law; b. Placement of signs where the ban on smoking is applicable on places where this is visible for public; c. Taking care that no ashtrays are provided. Also a lawyer is appointed in the Prosecution Office for tobacco control and an order of the Attorney General is published with the fines for violations of the tobacco law (No.SPG 42/14) Enforcement measures incl. strict penalties for non-compliance: Lawyer appointed in the Prosecution Office for tobacco Order of the Attorney General published with the fines for violations of the tobacco law (No.SPG 42/14)
Sweden EUR It is possible, according to law on tobacco and similar Products (2018:2088) 7 kap. 2 and 9 §§, for a local authority to apply an administrative injunction which can be combined with an administrative fine. The sanction should be used to stop and to prevent that smoking occurs where it is forbidden according to e.g. law on tobacco and similar Products (2018:2088) 6 kap. 2 §. It is possible, according to law on tobacco and similar Products (2018:2088) 7 kap. 2 and 9 §§, for a local authority to apply an administrative injunction which can be combined with an administrative fine. The sanction should be used to stop and to prevent that smoking occurs where it is forbidden according to e.g. law on tobacco and similar Products (2018:2088) 6 kap. 2 §. It is possible, according to 19 a 2.a § and 20 § of the Tobacco Act, for a local authority to apply an administrative injunction which can be combined with an administrative fine for the owner or user of the property. The sanction should be used to make the owner or user of the property to stop and to prevent that smoking occurs where it is forbidden according to e.g. 2 § of the Tobacco Act (1993:581).
Syrian Arab Republic EMR المرسوم التشريعي رقم 62 لعام 2009 الخاص بمنع التدخين المرسوم التشريعي رقم 62 لعام 2009 المرسوم التشريعي رقم 62 لعام 2009
Tajikistan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Thailand SEA OTPC serves as the legal center for consultation, practice guidelines, development, and training on knowledge and skills in law enforcement of tobacco control for law enforcement officers in regional areas. However, the provincial level and Bangkok are key enforcement bodies, with national level support. OTPC serves as the legal center for consultation, practice guidelines, development and training on knowledge and skills in law enforcement of tobacco control for law enforcement officers in regional areas. Central office serves as the legal center for consultation and practice guidelines. The knowledge and skills in law enforcement should be developed for the staff working in the regional area.
Timor-Leste SEA Report not provided Report not provided There is infraction and fines according to the article 26, Timor-Leste decree law
Tonga WPR The Minister of Health has the authority to authorize enforcement officers submitted by the Ministry of Health to assist the Police Department in enforcing the Act. There is also a Tobacco Enforcement Unit established within the Ministry of Health under the management of the Head of the NCD-Health Promotion Unit that conduct ongoing enforcement activities throughout Tonga including outer islands. The Minister of Health has the authority to authorize enforcement officers submitted by the Ministry of Health to assist the Police Department in enforcing the Act. There is also a Tobacco Enforcement Unit established within the Ministry of Health under the management of the Head of the NCD-Health Promotion Unit that conduct ongoing enforcement activities throughout Tonga including outer islands. The Minister of Health has the authority to authorize enforcement officers submitted by the Ministry of Health to assist the Police Department in enforcing the Act. There is also a Tobacco Enforcement Unit established within the Ministry of Health under the management of the Head of the NCD-Health Promotion Unit that conduct ongoing enforcement activities throughout Tonga including outer islands.
Trinidad and Tobago AMR The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service, Customs Officers, the Tobacco Control Unit, and Public Health Inspectors are responsible for enforcement in accordance with the legislation. The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service, Customs Officers, the Tobacco Control Unit, and Public Health Inspectors are responsible for enforcement. The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service, Customs Officers, the Tobacco Control Unit, and Public Health Inspectors are responsible for enforcement.
Tunisia EMR réservation des espaces non fumeurs dans les cafés et les restaurants ( décret 2009) Interdiction de fumer dans les espaces à utilisation commune ( la loi 17/98 et décrets 1998 et 2009 ) réservation des espaces non fumeurs dans les cafés et les restaurants ( décret 2009) Interdiction de fumer dans les espaces à utilisation commune ( la loi 17/98 et décrets 1998 et 2009 ) réservation des espaces non fumeurs dans les cafés et les restaurants ( décret 2009) Interdiction de fumer dans les espaces à utilisation commune ( la loi 17/98 et décrets 1998 et 2009 )
Turkmenistan EUR Закон Туркменистана «Об охране здоровья граждан от воздействия табачного дыма и последствий потребления табачных изделий». Статья 24. Запрет на курение табачных изделий на отдельных территориях, в помещениях предприятий, организаций и учреждений. Кодекс об административных правонарушениях. Статья 79. Нарушение требований о запрещении курений табачных изделий, предусмотренных законодательством Туркменистана. Наложение штрафа в размере 100 тмт с конфискацией табачных изделий, приспособлении, предназначенных для их курения, или без таковой. Статья 9 и 10 Закона Туркменистана «Об охране здоровья граждан от воздействия табачного дыма и последствий потребления табачных изделий» Статья 9 и 10 Закона Туркменистана «Об охране здоровья граждан от воздействия табачного дыма и последствий потребления табачных изделий» Статья 9 и 10 Закона Туркменистана «Об охране здоровья граждан от воздействия табачного дыма и последствий потребления табачных изделий»
Tuvalu WPR MOH may appoint enforcement officers MOH may appoint enforcement officers Report not provided
Uganda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ukraine EUR State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection is responsible for enforcement and can fine legal entities for violations (25 territorial units). Physical persons can be fined by police. National Consumer Protection Inspection is responsible for enforcement and can fine legal entities for violations. Physical persons can be fined by police. National Consumer Protection Inspection is responsible for enforcement and can fine legal entities for violations. Physical persons can be fined by police.
United Arab Emirates EMR تنص اللائحة التنفيذية لقانون مكافحة التبغ قرار24 /2013 لمجلس الوزراء على ان التدخين محظور في جميع الماكن العامه المغلقة ووسائل النقل العام والماكن الترفيهية والسينمات والمسارح والنوادي الرياضية كما تعطي اللائحة السلطة المحلية لكل امارة حرية وضع اشتراطات قوية في الحظر تنص اللائحة التنفيذية لقانون مكافحة التبغ قرار24 /2013 لمجلس الوزراء على ان التدخين محظور في جميع الماكن العامه المغلقة ووسائل النقل العام والماكن الترفيهية والسينمات والمسارح والنوادي الرياضية كما تعطي اللائحة السلطة المحلية لكل امارة حرية وضع اشتراطات قوية في الحظر تنص اللائحة التنفيذية لقانون مكافحة التبغ قرار24 /2013 لمجلس الوزراء على ان التدخين محظور في جميع الماكن العامه المغلقة ووسائل النقل العام والماكن الترفيهية والسينمات والمسارح والنوادي الرياضية كما تعطي اللائحة السلطة المحلية لكل امارة حرية وضع اشتراطات قوية في الحظر
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland EUR Across the UK, smokefree legislation is enforced by local authorities. Non compliance can result in a fixed penalty fine or legal proceedings. Guidance for enforcement officers implementing smokefree legislation has been published. The guidance is available at: Across the UK, smokefree legislation is enforced by local authorities. Non compliance can result in a fixed penalty fine or legal proceedings. Guidance for enforcement officers implementing smokefree legislation has been published. The guidance is available at: Across the UK, smokefree legislation is enforced by local authorities. Non compliance can result in a fixed penalty fine or legal proceedings. Guidance for enforcement officers has been published. The guidance is available at:
United Republic of Tanzania AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Uzbekistan EUR Согласно статьи Статья 56-1 Кодекса Республики Узбекистан «Об административной ответственности», употребление табачной продукции на рабочих местах, в учреждениях здравоохранения, образовательных, спортивно-оздоровительных учреждениях, пожароопасных местах, включая автозаправочные станции, и иных общественных местах, кроме специально отведенных мест и (или) помещений для употребления табачной продукции, — влечет наложение штрафа в сумме одной третьей базовой расчетной величины. Согласно статьи 122 данного Кодекса, употребление табачной продукции в неустановленных местах в поездах местного и дальнего сообщения, на речных судах, в вагонах (в том числе тамбурах) пригородных поездов, в автобусах городского, пригородного, междугородного и международного сообщения, а также в такси, маршрутных такси и городском электротранспорте — влечет наложение штрафа в сумме одной третьей базовой расчетной величины. Употребление табачной продукции на воздушных судах — влечет наложение штрафа в сумме двух базовых расчетных величин. После подписания Президентом Узбекистана нового Закона будет разработан законопроект, предусматривающий внесение изменений и дополнений в Кодекс Республики Узбекистан «Об административной ответственности» для обеспечения исполнения в законодательной практике новых положений Закона, касающихся защите от воздействия табачного дыма. Report not provided Report not provided
Vanuatu WPR The Tobacco Control Act of 2008 allows for appointment of authorized officers as appointed by Health DG. The Tobacco Control Act of 2008 allows for appointment of authorized officers as appointed by Health DG. Report not provided
Venezuela AMR Report not provided El Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud, valiendose del ordenamiento jurídico vigente (La Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Ley Orgánica de Salud) y por medio del Servicio Autónomo de Contraloría Sanitaria (SACS) velan por el cumplimiento de la Resolución de Ambientes Libres de Humo de Tabaco Report not provided
Viet Nam WPR Based on the Decree No 117/ND-CP dated 28th September, 2020, the fines are applicable for both of different settings owners and individuals Based on the Decree No 176, the fines are applicable for both of different settings owners and individuals Based on the Decree No 176, the fines are applicable for both of different settings owners and individuals
Zambia AFR Report not provided Report not provided A Person who contravenes this law commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction to a fine not exceeding two thousand five hundred penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or to both.
Russian Federation EUR Статья 6.24 Кодекса Российской Федерации об административных правонарушениях гласит: 1. Нарушение установленного федеральным законом запрета курения табака, потребления никотинсодержащей продукции или использования кальянов на отдельных территориях, в помещениях и на объектах, за исключением случаев, предусмотренных частью 2 настоящей статьи, - влечет наложение административного штрафа на граждан в размере от пятисот до одной тысячи пятисот рублей. 2. Нарушение установленного федеральным законом запрета курения табака, потребления никотинсодержащей продукции или использования кальянов на детских площадках - влечет наложение административного штрафа на граждан в размере от двух тысяч до трех тысяч рублей. Статья 6.25 Кодекса об административных правонарушениях 1. Несоблюдение требований к знаку о запрете курения табака, потребления никотинсодержащей продукции или использования кальянов, обозначающему территории, здания и объекты, где курение табака, потребление никотинсодержащей продукции или использование кальянов запрещено, и к порядку его размещения - влечет наложение административного штрафа на должностных лиц в размере от десяти тысяч до двадцати тысяч рублей; на юридических лиц - от тридцати тысяч до шестидесяти тысяч рублей. 3. Неисполнение индивидуальным предпринимателем или юридическим лицом обязанностей по контролю за соблюдением норм законодательства в сфере охраны здоровья граждан от воздействия окружающего табачного дыма и последствий потребления табака или потребления никотинсодержащей продукции на территориях и в помещениях, используемых для осуществления своей деятельности, - влечет наложение административного штрафа на индивидуальных предпринимателей в размере от тридцати тысяч до сорока тысяч рублей; на юридических лиц - от шестидесяти тысяч до девяноста тысяч рублей. В соответствии со статьей 23.3 КоАП РФ полномочиями по рассмотрению дел о правнарушениях, предусмотренных статьей 6.24 (нарушение в общественных местах) наделены органы внутренних дел (полиция). В соответствии со статьей 23.13 КоАП РФ полномочиями по рассмотрению дел об административных правонарушениях, предусмотренных статьями 6.24 и 6.25 КоАП РФ, наделены органы, осуществляющие функции по контролю и надзору в сфере обеспечения санитарно-эпидемиологического благополучия населения (Роспотребнадзор). В соответствии со статьей 23.34 КоАП РФ полномочиями по рассмотрению дел об административных правонарушениях, предусмотренных статьями 6.24 и 6.25 наделены органы, осуществляющие федеральный государственный пожарный надзор (МЧС России). Согласно статье 23.36 КоАП РФ полномочиями по рассмотрению дел об административных правонарушениях, предусмотренных статьями 6.24 и 6.25 наделен Федеральный орган исполнительной власти, осуществляющий федеральный государственный транспортный надзор (на транспорте и транпортной инфраструктуре) Согласно статье 23.55 КоАП РФ полномочиями по рассмотрению дел об административных правонарушениях, предусмотренных статьями 6.24 (в части курения табака и потребления никотинсодержащей продукции в лифтах и помещениях общего пользования многоквартирных домов) наделены органы исполнительной власти субъектов Российской Федерации, осуществляющие региональный государственный жилищный надзор. В соответствии с пунктом 18 статьи 28.3 КоАП РФ полномочиями по составлению протоколов об административных правонарушениях в части курения табака или потребления никотинсодержащей продукции на территориях и в помещениях, предназначенных для оказания медицинских, реабилитационных и санаторно-курортных услуг, предусмотренных статьями 6.24 и 6.25 КоАП РФ, наделены должностные лица органов, осуществляющих функции по контролю и надзору в сфере здравоохранения (Росздравнадзор). Статья 6.24. Нарушение установленного федеральным законом запрета курения табака на отдельных территориях, в помещениях и на объектах Кодекса Российской Федерации об административных правонарушениях гласит: 1. Нарушение установленного федеральным законом запрета курения табака на отдельных территориях, в помещениях и на объектах, за исключением случаев, предусмотренных частью 2 настоящей статьи, - влечет наложение административного штрафа на граждан в размере от пятисот до одной тысячи пятисот рублей. 2. Нарушение установленного федеральным законом запрета курения табака на детских площадках - влечет наложение административного штрафа на граждан в размере от двух тысяч до трех тысяч рублей. Статья 6.25 Кодекса об административных правонарушениях Несоблюдение требований к знаку о запрете курения, обозначающему территории, здания и объекты, где курение запрещено, и к порядку его размещения - влечет наложение административного штрафа на должностных лиц в размере от десяти тысяч до двадцати тысяч рублей; на юридических лиц - от тридцати тысяч до шестидесяти тысяч рублей. Неисполнение индивидуальным предпринимателем или юридическим лицом обязанностей по контролю за соблюдением норм законодательства в сфере охраны здоровья граждан от воздействия окружающего табачного дыма и последствий потребления табака на территориях и в помещениях, используемых для осуществления своей деятельности, - влечет наложение административного штрафа на индивидуальных предпринимателей в размере от тридцати тысяч до сорока тысяч рублей; на юридических лиц - от шестидесяти тысяч до девяноста тысяч рублей. В соответствии со статьей 23.3 КоАП РФ полномочиями по рассмотрению дел о правнарушениях, предусмотренных статьей 6.24 (нарушение в общественных местах) наделены органы внутренних дел (полиция). В соответствии со статьей 23.13 КоАП РФ полномочиями по рассмотрению дел об административных правонарушениях, предусмотренных статьями 6.24 и 6.25 КоАП РФ, наделены органы, осуществляющие функции по контролю и надзору в сфере обеспечения санитарно-эпидемиологического благополучия населения (Роспотребнадзор). В соответствии со статьей 23.34 КоАП РФ полномочиями по рассмотрению дел об административных правонарушениях, предусмотренных статьями 6.24 и 6.25 наделены органы, осуществляющие федеральный государственный пожарный надзор (МЧС России). Согласно статье 23.36 КоАП РФ полномочиями по рассмотрению дел об административных правонарушениях, предусмотренных статьями 6.24 и 6.25 наделен Федеральный орган исполнительной власти, осуществляющий федеральный государственный транспортный надзор (на транспорте и транпортной инфраструктуре) Согласно статье 23.55 КоАП РФ полномочиями по рассмотрению дел об административных правонарушениях, предусмотренных статьями 6.24 (в части курения табака в лифтах и помещениях общего пользования многоквартирных домов) наделены органы исполнительной власти субъектов Российской Федерации, осуществляющие региональный государственный жилищный надзор. В соответствии с пунктом 18 статьи 28.3 КоАП РФ полномочиями по составлению протоколов об административных правонарушениях в части курения табака на территориях и в помещениях, предназначенных для оказания медицинских, реабилитационных и санаторно-курортных услуг, предусмотренных статьями 6.24 и 6.25 КоАП РФ, наделены должностные лица органов, осуществляющих функции по контролю и надзору в сфере здравоохранения (Росздравнадзор). Министерством здравоохранения Российской Федерации подготовлено новое мобильное антитабачное приложение, которое называется «Здесь не курят». Благодаря ему любой житель России может оперативно сообщать о нарушениях антитабачного закона, отправляя не просто жалобу, но и фото нарушения. Приложение доступно для операционных систем Android и iOS. Обращения граждан поступают напрямую в Роспотребнадзор, Росздравнадзор, Госпожнадзор или прокуратуру. Дополнительно, разработаны и опубликованы инфографики о работе запрета на курение в общественных местах. Report not provided
Rwanda AFR Report not provided Report not provided The article 26 paragraph 2 of Rwandan law on tobacco control refers to Chapter V of the penal code, article 428 about fines for persons who violate the above article and who smoke in public places. The person who smokes in a public place shall be liable to a fine of ten thousand to fifty thousand Rwandan francs.
Saint Kitts and Nevis AMR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Saint Lucia AMR There are fines detailed in the Education Act for violation. Additionally the Public Health (Smoking Control) Regulations 2020 contain penalties for breaches for both individuals and entities. Also there is provision for removal of offending persons, and inspection of premises for compliance. There are fines detailed in the Education Act for violation. Additionally the Regulations for the Public Health (Smoking Control) Act, 2019 will contain penalties for breaches for both individuals and entities. Also there is provision for removal of offending persons, and inspection of premises for compliance. There are fines detailed in the Education Act for violation.
Samoa WPR Pecuniary fine for non-compliance, enforcement by MOH enforcement officers. Pecuniary fine for non-compliance, enforcement by MOH enforcement officers. Pecuniary fine for non-compliance, enforcement by MOH enforcement officers.
Sao Tome and Principe AFR delimitação de La fiscalización de estas medidas está prevista en la ley, conforme a lo siguiente Artículo 13 Fiscalización y Tramitación Procesal 1. Sin perjuicio de las competencias atribuidas por el artículo 7 a las autoridades administrativas y policiales, la supervisión de las disposiciones de la presente Ley compete a la Dirección de Regulación y Control de las actividades económicas. 2. La instrucción de los procedimientos de contra-ordenación compete a la Dirección de Regulación y Control de las actividades económicas, a la que deben enviarse los autos planteados por otras entidades. 3. La aplicación de las multas y las sanciones accesorias se comunicará a la Dirección de Asistencia sanitaria.espeços especifico e espaços fechados livres de fumo delimitação de La fiscalización de estas medidas está prevista en la ley, conforme a lo siguiente Artículo 13 Fiscalización y Tramitación Procesal 1. Sin perjuicio de las competencias atribuidas por el artículo 7 a las autoridades administrativas y policiales, la supervisión de las disposiciones de la presente Ley compete a la Dirección de Regulación y Control de las actividades económicas. 2. La instrucción de los procedimientos de contra-ordenación compete a la Dirección de Regulación y Control de las actividades económicas, a la que deben enviarse los autos planteados por otras entidades. 3. La aplicación de las multas y las sanciones accesorias se comunicará a la Dirección de Asistencia sanitaria.espeços especifico e espaços fechados livres de fumo delimitação de La fiscalización de estas medidas está prevista en la ley, conforme a lo siguiente Artículo 13 Fiscalización y Tramitación Procesal 1. Sin perjuicio de las competencias atribuidas por el artículo 7 a las autoridades administrativas y policiales, la supervisión de las disposiciones de la presente Ley compete a la Dirección de Regulación y Control de las actividades económicas. 2. La instrucción de los procedimientos de contra-ordenación compete a la Dirección de Regulación y Control de las actividades económicas, a la que deben enviarse los autos planteados por otras entidades. 3. La aplicación de las multas y las sanciones accesorias se comunicará a la Dirección de Asistencia sanitaria.espeços especifico e espaços fechados livres de fumo
Saudi Arabia EMR ينص نظام مكافحة التدخين بالمملكة على منع التدخين بالأماكن العامة و جميع المنشآت الحكومية والمنشآت الصحية و وسائل المواصلات البرية والبحرية والجوية والمؤسسات التعليمية و الرياضية و الشركات والمصانع والبنوك واماكن تجهيز الطعام والشراب و ذكلك المصاعد ودورات المياه و المواقع البترولية مرفق نظام مكافحة التدخين هناك لائحة لمخالفات نظام مكافحة التدخين ويشمل مخالفة الأشخاص الذين يدخنون في الأمان الممنوع التدخين بها بغرامة 200 ريال بالاضافة الى توقيع غرامات على المنشآت تصل إلى 5000 ريال According to article no.14 of Saudi Bans Of Tobacco Control and its application, person who violates the provisions of article 7 of this law shall be punished by a fine of two hundred riyals (200 SAR).
Serbia EUR The Law imposes legal responsibilities for compliance for individuals, business establishments, their managers, employers, owners and any other responsible persons. It provides penalties for violations for individuals and for the employer who is according to the Law responsible for the implementation of the Law. The responsible person may authorize one or several employees to oversee the implementation of the smoking ban, for himself and on his behalf. Different inspectorates are responsible for the enforcement of the Law, such as: sanitary, health and medicines inspectorates of the Ministry of Health, inspectorate under the ministries of education, labor, trade and internal affairs. They control the enforcement of the Law during their regular activities, not particularly for this Law. Penalties can be charged on the spot. The Law imposes legal responsibilities for compliance for individuals, business establishments, their managers, employers, owners and any other responsible persons. It provides penalties for violations for individuals and for the employer who is according to the Law responsible for the implementation of the Law. The responsible person may authorize one or several employees to oversee the implementation of the smoking ban, for himself and on his behalf. Different inspectorates are responsible for the enforcement of the Law, such as: sanitary, health and medicines inspectorates of the Ministry of Health, inspectorate under the ministries of education, labor, trade and internal affairs. They control the enforcement of the Law during their regular activities, not particularly for this Law. Penalties can be charged on the spot. The Law imposes legal responsibilities for compliance for individuals, business establishments, their managers, employers, owners and any other responsible persons. It provides penalties for violations for individuals and for the employer who is according to the Law responsible for the implementation of the Law. The responsible person may authorize one or several employees to oversee the implementation of the smoking ban, for himself and on his behalf. Different inspectorates are responsible for the enforcement of the Law, such as: sanitary, health and medicines inspectorates of the Ministry of Health, inspectorate under the ministries of education, labor, trade and internal affairs. They control the enforcement of the Law during their regular activities, not particularly for this Law. Penalties can be charged on the spot.
Seychelles AFR Tobacco Control Act 2009 allows for penalties for contravention to the provisions. Ministry of Health sends warning letters when offenses are reported. A regulation (Tobacco (insepction and penalty, 2014-2015) has been developed to set the rights, duties and procedures related to inspection and enforcement of the Seychelles Tobacco Control Act, so there is no legal or organizational obstacle for actual enforcement. Tobacco Control Act 2009 allows for penalties for contravention to the provisions. Ministry of Health sends warning letters when offenses are reported. A regulation (Tobacco (insepction and penalty, 2014-2015) has been developed to set the rights, duties and procedures related to inspection and enforcement of the Seychelles Tobacco Control Act, so there is no legal or organizational obstacle for actual enforcement. Tobacco Control Act 2009 allows for penalties for contravention to the provisions. Ministry of Health sends warning letters when offenses are reported. A regulation (Tobacco (insepction and penalty, 2014-2015) has been developed to set the rights, duties and procedures related to inspection and enforcement of the Seychelles Tobacco Control Act, so there is no legal or organizational obstacle for actual enforcement.
Sierra Leone AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Singapore WPR Under the Act, any person caught smoking at prohibited places is liable on conviction (in Court) to a fine not exceeding $1,000. Premises manager or operator caught for not performing their duties (i.e. inform person who smoke at prohibited places to cease smoking, or request the person to leave the premises should the person refuse to cease smoking) shall be liable on conviction (in Court) to a fine not exceeding $1,000 for the 1st offence and not exceeding $2,000 for the 2nd and subsequent offences. NEA officers carry out enforcement rounds at prohibited places on a regular basis. Under the Act, any person caught smoking at prohibited places is liable on conviction (in Court) to a fine not exceeding $1,000. Premises manager or operator caught for not performing their duties (i.e. inform person who smoke at prohibited places to cease smoking, or request the person to leave the premises should the person refuse to cease smoking) shall be liable on conviction (in Court) to a fine not exceeding $1,000 for the 1st offence and not exceeding $2,000 for the 2nd and subsequent offences. NEA officers carry out enforcement rounds at prohibited places on a daily basis. Under the Act, any person caught smoking at prohibited places is liable on conviction (in Court) to a fine not exceeding $1,000. Premises manager or operator caught for not performing their duties (i.e. inform person who smoke at prohibited places to cease smoking, or request the person to leave the premises should the person refuse to cease smoking) shall be liable on conviction (in Court) to a fine not exceeding $1,000 for the 1st offence and not exceeding $2,000 for the 2nd and subsequent offences. NEA officers carry out enforcement rounds at prohibited places on a daily basis.
Slovakia EUR By the law there is system of inspection and sanctions in case of break a concrete articles of law. In this case the Law on protecting of non-smokers that we have aprroved from 2004 in ammendments. By the law there is system of inspection and sanctions in case of break a concrete articles of law. In this case the Law on protecting of non-smokers that we have aprroved from 2004 in ammendments. By the law there is system of inspection and sanctions in case of break a concrete articles of law. In this case the Law on protecting of non-smokers that we have aprroved from 2004 in ammendments.
Slovenia EUR Report not provided Report not provided Supervision of the implementation of this ban shall be conducted by the Health Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia and the Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia. The Police and the Municipal Warden Service conduct supervision of the prohibition of smoking in all vehicles if persons younger than 18 are present.
Solomon Islands WPR Report not provided We have now in final draft an Enforcement/ Compliance Strategy Plan to support our enforcement policy along with enforcement training manuals. The Enforcement/Compliance Strategy Plan has three major components and one of the major components is the control of second hand smoking. Although we have plans and strategies going forward in place, the implementation as far as the enforcement of the Tobacco Control Act 2010 in the past two years has not been forthcoming due to lack of funds. We have now in final draft an Enforcement/ Compliance Strategy Plan to support our enforcement policy along with enforcement training manuals. The Enforcement/Compliance Strategy Plan has three major components and one of the major components is the control of second hand smoking.
Sri Lanka SEA Public Health Inspectors, Excise departments, Police Officers and Food and drug inspectors Public Health Inspectors, Excise departments and Civil Police Public Health Inspectors, Excise departments and Civil Police
Nigeria AFR Authorised Enforcement Officers stipulated in the National Tobacco (NTC) Act 2015 and NTC Regulations 2019 are to also enforce smoke-free environment. Owners/Managers of public places are to equally comply with smoke-free laws in their facilities Authorised Enforcement Officers stipulated in the National Tobacco (NTC) Act 2015 and NTC Regulations 2019 are to also enforce smoke-free environment. Owners/Managers of public places are to equally comply with smoke-free laws in their facilities The Law Enforcement Agents or Designated authority is empowered to enforce smoke-free environments
Norway EUR In workplaces, the Labour Inspection Authority supervises compliance with the smokefree provisions. In other public areas, the municipalities supervise compliance. Persons in breach of the law can be removed from the premises. The owners/employers can be fined for non-compliance. In workplaces, the Labour Inspection Authority supervises compliance with the smokefree provisions. In other public areas, the municipalities supervise compliance. Persons in breach of the law can be removed from the premises. The owners/employers can be fined for non-compliance. In workplaces, the Labour Inspection Authority supervises compliance with the smokefree provisions. In other public areas, the municipal Councils supervise compliance. Persons in breach of the law can be removed from the premises, and can be fined. The owners/employers can be fined for non-compliance.
Oman EMR توجد قرارات محلية في كل محافظة من محافظات السلطنة لحظر التدخين في الاماكن العامة المغلقة والية مراقبة وعقوبات من البلديات المعنية توجد قرارات محلية في كل محافظة من محافظات السلطنة لحظر التدخين في الاماكن العامة المغلقة والية مراقبة وعقوبات من البلديات المعنية توجد قرارات محلية في كل محافظة من محافظات السلطنة لحظر التدخين في الاماكن العامة المغلقة والية مراقبة وعقوبات من البلديات المعنية
Pakistan EMR Report not provided Under the law, authorized persons have been notified to take action against the violators. A complaint in writing is sent by the authorized persons to First Class Magistrate for trail. Fine has been imposed on the violator after trail. Tobacco Control Cell is coordinating with provincial and district governments to make public places smoke-free. Letters have been sent to Provincial CMs, all Federal Secretaries and provincial Chief Secretaries to ensure enforcement of laws. Letter has been sent to Governor, State Bank of Pakistan to make all banks smoke-free. Islamabad has been declared first Smoke-free city. Public Parks, Health and Educational Institutions are completely smoke-free. Regarding enforcement, more than 1000 cases have been registered against the violators of TC laws (violations at public places) across Pakistan. In order to protect youth from epidemic of Sheesha smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke, Government of Pakistan banned import of Sheesha (tobacco and non-tobacco) and related substances. Tobacco Control Cell is coordinating with model districts in Punjab and Sindh for implementing smoke free model cities . Under the law, authorized persons have been notified to take action against the violators. A complaint in writing is sent by the authorized persons to First Class Magistrate for trail. Fine has been imposed on the violator after trail. Tobacco Control Cell is coordinating with provincial and district governments to make public places smoke-free. Letters have been sent to Provincial CMs, all Federal Secretaries and provincial Chief Secretaries to ensure enforcement of laws. Letter has been sent to Governor, State Bank of Pakistan to make all banks smoke-free. Islamabad has been declared first Smoke-free city. Public Parks, Health and Educational Institutions are completely smoke-free. Regarding enforcement, more than 1000 cases have been registered against the violators of TC laws (violations at public places) across Pakistan. In order to protect youth from epidemic of Sheesha smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke, Government of Pakistan banned import of Sheesha (tobacco and non-tobacco) and related substances.
Paraguay AMR Answer not provided Los Municipios son los encargados de la aplicación de la Ley. Los inspectores municipales son los encargados de la correcta aplicación de la normativa a través de la Ordenanza de Protección a los No Fumadores Encargados de Recursos Humanos de las empresas privadas e instituciones publicas y en trasporte publico su conductor Los Municipios son los encargados de la aplicacion de la Ley. Los inspectores municipales son los encargados de la correcta aplicación de la normativa.
Peru AMR Se dispuso la reglamentación de la Ley N° 28705 a través del Decreto Supremo Nº 015- 2008-SA, el mismo que fue modificado posteriormente mediante Decreto Supremo Nº 001-2010-SA y posteriormente modificado por el Decreto Supremo Nº 001-2011-SA. La Resolución Ministerial N°º 1033-2019-MINSA, que aprueba la NTS 158-MINSA/DIGESA V.01 Norma Técnica de Salud para Inspecciones de ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco. Siendo el Objetivo General, establecer el procedimiento para la realización de las inspecciones en cumplimiento del marco normativo vigente, para la verificación de ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco. Objetivos Específicos :  Verificar la inexistencia de personas con cigarrillos u otros productos de tabaco en espacios públicos cerrados, lugares de trabajo y medios de transporte público.  Verificar la inexistencia de humo de tabaco en ambientes libres de humo de tabaco  Establecer los parámetros de razonabilidad y perceptibilidad de los avisos de señalización en ambiente libres de humo de tabaco y locales de venta de productos de tabaco Se dispuso la reglamentación de la Ley N° 28705 a través del Decreto Supremo Nº 015- 2008-SA, el mismo que fue modificado posteriormente mediante Decreto Supremo Nº 001-2010-SA y posteriormente modificado por el Decreto Supremo Nº 001-2011-SA. La Resolución Ministerial N°º 415-2012-MINSA, que aprueba la NTS 094-MINSA/DIGESA V.01 Norma Técnica de Salud para Inspecciones de ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco. Siendo el Objetivo General, establecer el procedimiento para la realización de las inspecciones en cumplimiento del marco normativo vigente, para la verificación de ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco. Objetivos Específicos :  Verificar la inexistencia de personas con cigarrillos u otros productos de tabaco en espacios públicos cerrados, lugares de trabajo y medios de transporte público.  Establecer la medición de presencia de humo de tabaco en los espacios públicos cerrados, lugares de trabajo y medios de transporte público.  Establecer los parámetros de razonabilidad y perceptibilidad de los avisos de señalización en los espacios públicos cerrados, lugares de trabajo y medios de transporte público Se dispuso la reglamentación de la Ley N° 28705 a través del Decreto Supremo Nº 015- 2008-SA, el mismo que fue modificado posteriormente mediante Decreto Supremo Nº 001-2010-SA y posteriormente modificado por el Decreto Supremo Nº 001-2011-SA. La Resolución Ministerial N°º 415-2012-MINSA, que aprueba la NTS 094-MINSA/DIGESA V.01 Norma Técnica de Salud para Inspecciones de ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco. Siendo el Objetivo General, establecer el procedimiento para la realización de las inspecciones en cumplimiento del marco normativo vigente, para la verificación de ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco. Objetivos Específicos :  Verificar la inexistencia de personas con cigarrillos u otros productos de tabaco en espacios públicos cerrados, lugares de trabajo y medios de transporte público.  Establecer la medición de presencia de humo de tabaco en los espacios públicos cerrados, lugares de trabajo y medios de transporte público.  Establecer los parámetros de razonabilidad y perceptibilidad de los avisos de señalización en los espacios públicos cerrados, lugares de trabajo y medios de transporte público
Poland EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Anyone who smokes tobacco products, novel tobacco products or electronic cigarettes in violation of the provisions shall be subject to a fine of up to PLN 500.
Portugal EUR According to the tobacco law, the prohibition of smoking and the ventilation conditions of smoking rooms should be verified by the Food and Economic Safety Authority (ASAE). The technical specifications of the ventilation systems applicable to the new smoking rooms were defined by the Ordinance 154/2022 of june 2, that entered into force on January 1, 2023. According to the tobacco law, the prohibition of smoking and the ventilation conditions of smoking areas or rooms should be verified by the Food and Economic Safety Authority (ASAE). The technical specifications of the ventilation systems applicable to the new smoking rooms are under discussed and will be approved by a legal act by the General Directorate of Economic Activities.(not yet published). According to the tobacco law, the prohibition of smoking and the ventilation conditions of smoking areas or rooms should be verified by the Food and Economic Safety Authority (ASAE). The technical specifications of the ventilation systems applicable to the new smoking rooms are under discussed and will be approved by a legal act by the General Directorate of Economic Activities.(not yet published).
Qatar EMR - 53 Tobacco Control inspectors implementing the law and inforce regualtion and ensure compliance with the law and give fines to person who violate the law and smoke in places where the smoking is prohibited by conducting regular routine visits to these places. - Hotline for complains working 24\7 to receive public calls and the inspection team responds immediately - No smoking signs and warnings - Media campaigns to raise public awareness about the law - 53 Tobacco Control inspectors implementing the law and inforce regualtion and ensure compliance with the law and give fines to person who violate the law and smoke in places where the smoking is prohibited by conducting regular routine visits to these places. - Hotline for complains working 24\7 to receive public calls and the inspection team responds immediately - No smoking signs and warnings - Media campaigns to raise public awareness about the law - 26 Tobacco Control inspectors implementing the law and give fines to person who violate the law and smoke in places where the smoking is prohibited by conducting regular routine visits to these places - Hotline for complains working 24\7 to receive public calls and the inspection team responds immediately - No smoking signs and warnings - Media campaigns to raise public awareness about the law
Republic of Korea WPR Amended National Health Promotion Act provides a legal ground. Mayors or governors of local governments are able to appoint officers called a smoking-surveillant for monitoring smoking behaviours in smoke-free areas and its compliance. This was entered into force in July 2014. Amended National Health Promotion Act provides a legal ground. Mayors or governors of local governments are able to appoint officers called a smoking-surveillant for monitoring smoking behaviours in smoke-free areas and its compliance. This was entered into force in July 2014. Amended National Health Promotion Act provides a legal ground. Mayors or governors of local governments are able to appoint officers called a smoking-surveillant for monitoring smoking behaviours in smoke-free areas and its compliance. This was entered into force in July 2014.
New Zealand WPR The Smokefree Environment and Regulated Products Act 1990 provides for the appointment of enforcement officers and gives them a number of powers The Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 is administered by the Ministry of Health. Smoke-free Officers employed by the Public Health Units of District Health Boards undertake day to day administration. The Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 is administered by the Ministry of Health. Smoke-free Officers employed by the Public Health Units of District Health Boards undertake day to day administration.
Nicaragua AMR Answer not provided El ministerio de salud de Nicargua es el encargado de aplicar la ley a traves de la direccion general de regulacion sanitaria El ministerio de salud de Nicargua es el encargado de aplicar la ley a traves de la direccion general de regulacion sanitaria
Niger AFR Report not provided La Loi Nationale relative à la lutte antitabac, prévoit la POLICE SANITAIRE comme linstrument de mise en œuvre de la législation antitabac au Niger. Report not provided
Netherlands EUR Legislation is enacted and enforced by the government in the form of case law and administrative enforcement by our enforcement agency ( NVWA). Legislation is enacted and enforced by the government in the form of case law and administrative enforcement. Legislation is enacted and enforced by the government in the form of case law and administrative enforcement.
Madagascar AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Malaysia WPR Enforcement for the smoking ban in gazetted areas were conducted by enforcement officers from Ministry of Health. Power delegation has been delegate to other agencies including the local autorities and etc. Enforcement for the smoking ban in gazetted areas were conducted by enforcement officers from Ministry of Health. Enforcement for the smoking ban in gazetted areas were conducted by enforcement officers from Ministry of Health.
Maldives SEA Law: Law requires all relevant government institutions to take necessary measures in relation to the implementation of the law, including the personal responsibility of the officials in charge. The law further binds the the provisions with relevant international instruments including the FCTC. The law provides for a multi-setoral statutory body, and stipulates penalties for violations; On the basis of the law, the Tobacco control Bord formulated the Regulations to implement the legal provisions, and the government is responsible for enacting and enforcing the regulations. The regulations and technical guidelines published under these regulations further elaborates, what measures would be taken and how they would be implemented. The Tobacco Control Units acts as the Secretariat to the Board as well as the depository and corrdinating body for the implementation of the regulations Law: Law requires all relevant government institutions to take necessary measures in relation to the implementation of the law, including the personal responsibility of the officials in charge. The law further binds the the provisions with relevant international instruments including the FCTC. The law provides for a multi-setoral statutory body, and stipulates penalties for violations; On the basis of the law, the Tobacco control Bord formulated the Regulations to implement the legal provisions, and the government is responsible for enacting and enforcing the regulations. The regulations and technical guidelines published under these regulations further elaborates, what measures would be taken and how they would be implemented. The Tobacco Control Units acts as the Secretariat to the Board as well as the depository and corrdinating body for the implementation of the regulations Law: Law requires all relevant government institutions to take necessary measures in relation to the implementation of the law, including the personal responsibility of the officials in charge. The law further binds the the provisions with relevant international instruments including the FCTC. The law provides for a multi-setoral statutory body, and stipulates penalties for violations; On the basis of the law, the Tobacco control Bord formulated the Regulations to implement the legal provisions, and the government is responsible for enacting and enforcing the regulations. The regulations and technical guidelines published under these regulations further elaborates, what measures would be taken and how they would be implemented. The Tobacco Control Units acts as the Secretariat to the Board as well as the depository and corrdinating body for the implementation of the regulations
Mali AFR Report not provided des sanctions d amende et d emprisonnement des sanctions d amende et d emprisonnement
Mauritania AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Mauritius AFR The Public Health (Restrictions on Tobacco Products) Regulations 2008 is being enforced by the Public Health and Food Inspectorate Cadre of the Ministry and the Police. The monitoring and supervision of the enforcement activities is being catered by the Director for Health Services-Public Health with the technical assistance of the Tobacco Control Unit. The Public Health (Restrictions on Tobacco Products) Regulations 2008 is being enforced by the Public Health and Food Inspectorate Cadre of the Ministry and the Police. The monitoring and supervision of the enforcement activities is being catered by the Director for Health Services-Public Health with the technical assistance of the Tobacco Control Unit. The tobacco legislation is enforced by the Public Health and Food Safety Inspectors from the Health Inspectorate Division of the Ministry and the Police. Since the implementation of the tobacco law, an enforcement protocol was devised by an enforcement committee which was set up in 2009 to oversee the whole enforcement issue.
Micronesia (Federated States of) WPR The enforcement of the laws are carried out by the National Police and the State Public Safety which included the posting of signage. Pohnpei is in the final stages of rolling out the implementation of their citation forms. The enforcement of the laws are carried out by the National Police and the State Public Safety which included the posting of signage. Pohnpei is in the final stages of rolling out the implementation of their citation forms. The enforcement of the laws are carried out by the National Police and the State Public Safety which included the posting of signage. Pohnpei is in the final stages of rolling out the implementation of their citation forms.
Mongolia WPR Report not provided Business entities and organizations shall address regulations related to tobacco control measures in their organizational code of conduct and monitor its implementation. Business entities and organizations shall place a warning sign informing about prohibition of smoking in entrance areas, waiting lounge, corridors, toilets and other necessary places. Warning sign shall contain name of the organization, telephone numbers, name of an official for receiving the addressed comments, complaints and other information. The design of warning sign shall be endorsed by the state administrative central organization in charge of health issues. Business entities and organizations shall address regulations related to tobacco control measures in their organizational code of conduct and monitor its implementation. Business entities and organizations shall place a warning sign informing about prohibition of smoking in entrance areas, waiting lounge, corridors, toilets and other necessary places. Warning sign shall contain name of the organization, telephone numbers, name of an official for receiving the addressed comments, complaints and other information. The design of warning sign shall be endorsed by the state administrative central organization in charge of health issues.
Mozambique AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Myanmar SEA The “Control of smoking and consumption of tobacco product law” defines the penalties for offences, and Myanmar police force as the law enforcer. According to that law, the government had established a multi-sectoral central tobacco control committee for providing guidance and making policy for effective tobacco control in Myanmar. The law defines the roles and responsibilities of the central tobacco control committee, including the establishment of the supervisory committees at State/Regional, District and Township level and defining their respective roles and responsibilities. Regarding the smoke-free area, the respective administrator or owner of the area or building or office is the responsible person for monitoring and taking action for violations. The Law also defines the roles and responsibilities of Ministry of Health and give the authority for adopting the notifications and regulations as necessary for effective tobacco control. The “Control of smoking and consumption of tobacco product law” defines the penalties for offences, and Myanmar police force as the law enforcer. According to that law, the government had established a multi-sectoral central tobacco control committee for providing guidance and making policy for effective tobacco control in Myanmar. The law defines the roles and responsibilities of the central tobacco control committee, including the establishment of the supervisory committees at State/Regional, District and Township level and defining their respective roles and responsibilities. Regarding the smoke-free area, the respective administrator or owner of the area or building or office is the responsible person for monitoring and taking action for violations. The Law also defines the roles and responsibilities of Ministry of Health and give the authority for adopting the notifications and regulations as necessary for effective tobacco control. The “Control of smoking and consumption of tobacco product law” defines the penalties for offences, and Myanmar police force as the law enforcer. According to that law, the government had established a multi-sectoral central tobacco control committee for providing guidance and making policy for effective tobacco control in Myanmar. The law defines the roles and responsibilities of the central tobacco control committee, including the establishment of the supervisory committees at State/Regional, District and Township level and defining their respective roles and responsibilities. Regarding the smoke-free area, the respective administrator or owner of the area or building or office is the responsible person for monitoring and taking action for violations. The Law also defines the roles and responsibilities of Ministry of Health and give the authority for adopting the notifications and regulations as necessary for effective tobacco control.
Namibia AFR Report not provided Inspectors will perform enforcement activities, as stipulated by article 29 of the Act (Provisions on enforcement of the Act). Report not provided
Nauru WPR Report not provided Environmental health officers are authorize tobacco control enforcement officers Report not provided
Jamaica AMR The Ministry of Health and Wellness is the lead agency for the coordination of the implementation of the Tobacco Control Regulations. The regulation is enforced by Police Constables, Standards Officers, Customs Officers and Medical Officers of Health, often executed on their behalf by Public Health Inspectors. The Ministry of Health and Wellness is the lead agency for the coordination of the implementation of the Tobacco Control Regulations. The regulation is enforced by Police Constables, Standards Officers, Customs Officers and Medical Officers of Health, often executed on their behalf by Public Health Inspectors. The Ministry of Health is the lead agency for the coordination of the implementation of the Regulation. The regulation is enforced by Police Constables, Standards Officers, Customs Officer and Medical Officer of Health.
Jordan EMR 1.The Public Health Law No. (47) bans all forms of smoking indoors.The most important articles that relate to the ban of smoking indoors are as follows: A) §. (52) of the Public Health Law No. (47) of 2008 (thereafter Public Health Law) defines a public place as: “A place that is designed to receive all people or a certain category of them such as hospitals, health centers, schools, Cinema, theaters, public libraries, museums, public and non-governmental public buildings, and passenger transport Arrivals and departures at airports, border points (crossings), stadiums and closed sports facilities, Lecture halls, restaurants, hotels, Internet cafes, places, tourist establishments, and association offices, associations, clan gathering places, and any other place shall be decided by the Minister as a public place and shall be published in the Official Gazette. B) §. (53) (a) of the Public Health Law states that: “It is forbidden to smoke any tobacco products in public places, although it is permissible by a decision of the Minister upon the recommendation of the competent health director to specify a special place in which smoking is permitted in the public place provided that the public’s health and safety are taken into account and that this place is clearly declared in a prominent place using signs written in the Arabic language.” C) §. (63) of the Public Health Law states that:"a. A person who smokes any tobacco product in public places where smoking is banned shall be punished with imprisonment for a period of no less than a month and not exceeding three months or a fine of no less than one hundred dinars and no more than two hundred dinars. b. Whoever commits any of the following shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of no less than three months and not more than six months, or a fine of no less than one thousand dinars and no more than three thousand dinars. 1. The person in charge of the public place where smoking is prohibited allows any person to smoke any of the tobacco products in it. 2. Not declaring smoking bans in the public place in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (c) of Article (53) of this Law. 3. Selling cigarettes by piece. 4. Selling cigarettes to people under eighteen. 5. Distributing or selling counterfeit tobacco products. c. A penalty of imprisonment for a period of no less than three months and not exceeding six months, or a fine of no less than one thousand dinars and no more than three thousand dinars for each of the following: 1. Smoking or allowing any tobacco products in nurseries, kindergartens, and schools in the public and private sectors. 2. Display any of the tobacco products in violation of the provisions of the regulations issued for this purpose. 3. Printing, displaying or publishing any advertisement for the purposes of advertising any tobacco products or distributing any advertisement, tools, or materials for publicizing it. 4. Setting machines for selling tobacco products 5. Making or importing imitations of tobacco products or any device used for smoking purposes. 6. Product, import, or market any tobacco products within the territory of the Kingdom, in violation of the provisions of Article (56) of this law. 7. Failure to fulfill the health requirements permitted to smoke in it. d. The Minister may close the place in which the violation was committed for the period he deems appropriate or appropriate to the competent authorities withholding the means of transport that promotes tobacco products and carries out home delivery until a final decision is issued by the court." 2. On the 25th of June 2020 the Minister of Health issued a decision No. (T U/35/211) that was circulated to other government officials to ban smoking in all indoor public places. 3. The law of inspection of Economic Activities No. (33) of 2017 that governs the area of inspection of economic activities. 4. The Traffic Law No. (49) of 2008: a.§. (36) (31) provides that a person who smokes or allows smoking in a vehicle that is for the purposes of transporting students and nursery Students is punishable by a Thirty Jordanian Dinar fine. b.§. (39) (11) States that if the driver smokes in a public transportation vehicle the action is punishable by a ten Jordanian Dinar fine. 1.The Public Health Law No. (47) bans all forms of smoking indoors.The most important articles that relate to the ban of smoking indoors are as follows: A) §. (52) of the Public Health Law No. (47) of 2008 (thereafter Public Health Law) defines a public place as: “A place that is designed to receive all people or a certain category of them such as hospitals, health centers, schools, Cinema, theaters, public libraries, museums, public and non-governmental public buildings, and passenger transport Arrivals and departures at airports, border points (crossings), stadiums and closed sports facilities, Lecture halls, restaurants, hotels, Internet cafes, places, tourist establishments, and association offices, associations, clan gathering places, and any other place shall be decided by the Minister as a public place and shall be published in the Official Gazette. B) §. (53) (a) of the Public Health Law states that: “It is forbidden to smoke any tobacco products in public places, although it is permissible by a decision of the Minister upon the recommendation of the competent health director to specify a special place in which smoking is permitted in the public place provided that the public’s health and safety are taken into account and that this place is clearly declared in a prominent place using signs written in the Arabic language.” C) §. (63) of the Public Health Law states that:"a. A person who smokes any tobacco product in public places where smoking is banned shall be punished with imprisonment for a period of no less than a month and not exceeding three months or a fine of no less than one hundred dinars and no more than two hundred dinars. b. Whoever commits any of the following shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of no less than three months and not more than six months, or a fine of no less than one thousand dinars and no more than three thousand dinars. 1. The person in charge of the public place where smoking is prohibited allows any person to smoke any of the tobacco products in it. 2. Not declaring smoking bans in the public place in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (c) of Article (53) of this Law. 3. Selling cigarettes by piece. 4. Selling cigarettes to people under eighteen. 5. Distributing or selling counterfeit tobacco products. c. A penalty of imprisonment for a period of no less than three months and not exceeding six months, or a fine of no less than one thousand dinars and no more than three thousand dinars for each of the following: 1. Smoking or allowing any tobacco products in nurseries, kindergartens, and schools in the public and private sectors. 2. Display any of the tobacco products in violation of the provisions of the regulations issued for this purpose. 3. Printing, displaying or publishing any advertisement for the purposes of advertising any tobacco products or distributing any advertisement, tools, or materials for publicizing it. 4. Setting machines for selling tobacco products 5. Making or importing imitations of tobacco products or any device used for smoking purposes. 6. Product, import, or market any tobacco products within the territory of the Kingdom, in violation of the provisions of Article (56) of this law. 7. Failure to fulfill the health requirements permitted to smoke in it. d. The Minister may close the place in which the violation was committed for the period he deems appropriate or appropriate to the competent authorities withholding the means of transport that promotes tobacco products and carries out home delivery until a final decision is issued by the court." 2. On the 25th of June 2020 the Minister of Health issued a decision No. (T U/35/211) that was circulated to other government officials to ban smoking in all indoor public places. 3. The law of inspection of Economic Activities No. (33) of 2017 that governs the area of inspection of economic activities. 4. The Traffic Law No. (49) of 2008: a.§. (36) (31) provides that a person who smokes or allows smoking in a vehicle that is for the purposes of transporting students and nursery Students is punishable by a Thirty Jordanian Dinar fine. b.§. (39) (11) States that if the driver smokes in a public transportation vehicle the action is punishable by a ten Jordanian Dinar fine. يوجد فصل خاص في قانون الصحة العامة الاردني لمنع التدخين في الاماكن العامة (الفصل الثاني عشر) وعقوبات بخصوص المخالفات الفصل( الخامس عشر ) والقانون المعدل لقانون الصحة العامة رقم 11لسنة2017، يوجد الية لتفويض الصلاحيات لضباط ارتباط في مختلف المحافظات والمؤسسات من اطباء ومراقبي صحة عامة وذلك لضبط المخالفات والتحويل الى المحكمة . كما انه يوجد لجنة مشتركة للرقابة مؤلفة من مختلف الوزارات المعنية للرقابة والمتابعة على المرفقات السياحية
Kazakhstan EUR Согласно Кодекса РК "Об административных правонарушениях" исполнение запрета курения возложено на полицию, которая накладывает штраф на курильщика в размере 15 месячного расчетного показателя (около 115 долл. США). Report not provided Согласно Кодекса РК "Об административных правонарушениях" исполнение запрета курения возложено на полицию, которая накладывает штраф на курильщика в размере 1мес показателя (около 10 дол США).
Kiribati WPR There are provision for enforcement of non compliance with administrative policies in workplaces including private sector e.g employees can be discipline if found smoking in a non smoking zone There are provision for enforcement of non compliance with administrative policies in workplaces including private sector e.g employees can be discipline if found smoking in a non smoking zone There are provision for enforcement of non compliance with administrative policies in workplaces including private sector e.g employees can be discipline if found smoking in a non smoking zone
Kuwait EMR إستحدثت إدارة في وزارة الداخلية بإسم إدارة شرطة البيئة، ومن مهامها إحالة المخالفين لقانون 42/2014 جاري العمل على تجهيز الضباط القضائيون لممارسة صلاحياتهم في ضبط المخالفين وإحالتهم للمحاسبة إستحدثت إدارة في وزارة الداخلية بإسم إدارة شرطة البيئة، ومن مهامها إحالة المخالفين لقانون 42/2014 جاري العمل على تجهيز الضباط القضائيون لممارسة صلاحياتهم في ضبط المخالفين وإحالتهم للمحاسبة إستحدثت إدارة في وزارة الداخلية بإسم إدارة شرطة البيئة، ومن مهامها إحالة المخالفين لقانون 42/2014 جاري العمل على تجهيز الضباط القضائيون لممارسة صلاحياتهم في ضبط المخالفين وإحالتهم للمحاسبة
Lao People's Democratic Republic WPR Report not provided Provincial level is a key enforcement body with supportive supervision by national level. Provincial level is a key enforcement body with supportive supervision by national level.
Lebanon EMR Relevant implementation ministries include those of Economy and Trade, Tourism, and Public Health. Relevant implementation ministries include those of Economy and Trade, Tourism, and Public Health. Relevant implementation ministries include those of Economy and Trade, Tourism, and Public Health.
Lesotho AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Liberia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Libya EMR ينص القرار على مسؤولية المُمثل القانوني للجهات وعقوبات تطال المسؤول ومن أرتكب المخالفة ينص القرار على مسؤولية المُمثل القانوني للجهات وعقوبات تطال المسؤول ومن أرتكب المخالفة ينص القرار على مسؤولية المُمثل القانوني للجهات وعقوبات تطال المسؤول ومن أرتكب المخالفة
Lithuania EUR E-cigarettes are subject to the same restrictions as other tobacco products. Vaping is banned in places where smoking is banned. Article 19. Restriction on the Usage of Tobacco Products 1. It shall be prohibited to smoke (consume tobacco products and electronic cigarettes) in the Republic of Lithuania: 1) At all educational and social services establishments providing social care and/or social guardianship services for children, at health care facilities and in their surrounding territories; and also in premises where sport competitions and other events take place; 2) At work places located indoors. Special premises (places) may be set aside at businesses, institutions and organizations where smoking shall be permitted. The requirements for fitting out and operating smoking premises (places) shall be determined by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania or its authorized institution; 3) In common-use residential and other common areas where non-smokers may be forced to breathe tobacco smoke-polluted air; 4) In all types of public transport, with the exception of long-distance trains where individual cars shall be designated for smokers and non-smokers, as well as on aircraft where separate places shall be designated for non-smokers and smokers; 5) In restaurants, cafés, bars and other establishments catering to the public, clubs, discotheques, internet cafés (internet clubs, etc.), casinos, slot machines or bingo halls and other leisure venues, at premises where sporting events or other events take place, or at other premises offering services to people, with the exception of cigar or pipe clubs specially fitted out for this purpose. The procedures for the fitting out of cigar and/or pipe clubs shall be determined by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania or its authorized institution; 6) Inside vehicles if there are any persons under 18 years of age and/or pregnant women. 7)public transport stops (pavilions), children's playgrounds, outdoor dining areas - places where public catering services are provided to serve customers in outdoor conditions (at outdoor tables, gazebos, other outdoor facilities), except for specifically set smoking areas; 8) during outdoor sports competitions or other outdoor events, except for specifically set smoking areas; 9) on the private balconies, terraces, loggias of multi-apartment houses, when at least one resident of the multi-apartment house objects to smoking). Additionally to the ban on national level laid down in the Law on tobacco control, municipal councils shall have the right to prohibit smoking in public (parks, squares, etc.) and other areas falling under the competence of their management. E-cigarettes are subject to the same restrictions as other tobacco products. Vaping is banned in places where smoking is banned. Article 19. Restriction on the Usage of Tobacco Products 1. It shall be prohibited to smoke (consume tobacco products and electronic cigarettes) in the Republic of Lithuania: 1) At all educational and social services establishments providing social care and/or social guardianship services for children, at health care facilities and in their surrounding territories; and also in premises where sport competitions and other events take place; 2) At work places located indoors. Special premises (places) may be set aside at businesses, institutions and organizations where smoking shall be permitted. The requirements for fitting out and operating smoking premises (places) shall be determined by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania or its authorized institution; 3) In common-use residential and other common areas where non-smokers may be forced to breathe tobacco smoke-polluted air; 4) In all types of public transport, with the exception of long-distance trains where individual cars shall be designated for smokers and non-smokers, as well as on aircraft where separate places shall be designated for non-smokers and smokers; 5) In restaurants, cafés, bars and other establishments catering to the public, clubs, discotheques, internet cafés (internet clubs, etc.), casinos, slot machines or bingo halls and other leisure venues, at premises where sporting events or other events take place, or at other premises offering services to people, with the exception of cigar or pipe clubs specially fitted out for this purpose. The procedures for the fitting out of cigar and/or pipe clubs shall be determined by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania or its authorized institution; 6) Inside vehicles if there are any persons under 18 years of age and/or pregnant women. Additionally to the ban on national level laid down in the Law on tobacco control, municipal councils shall have the right to prohibit smoking in public (parks, squares, etc.) and other areas falling under the competence of their management. E-cigarettes are subject to the same restrictions as other tobacco products. Vaping is banned in places where smoking is banned. Article 19. Restriction on the Usage of Tobacco Products 1. It shall be prohibited to smoke (consume tobacco products and electronic cigarettes) in the Republic of Lithuania: 1) At all educational and social services establishments providing social care and/or social guardianship services for children, at health care facilities and in their surrounding territories; and also in premises where sport competitions and other events take place; 2) At work places located indoors. Special premises (places) may be set aside at businesses, institutions and organizations where smoking shall be permitted. The requirements for fitting out and operating smoking premises (places) shall be determined by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania or its authorized institution; 3) In common-use residential and other common areas where non-smokers may be forced to breathe tobacco smoke-polluted air; 4) In all types of public transport, with the exception of long-distance trains where individual cars shall be designated for smokers and non-smokers, as well as on aircraft where separate places shall be designated for non-smokers and smokers; 5) In restaurants, cafés, bars and other establishments catering to the public, clubs, discotheques, internet cafés (internet clubs, etc.), casinos, slot machines or bingo halls and other leisure venues, at premises where sporting events or other events take place, or at other premises offering services to people, with the exception of cigar or pipe clubs specially fitted out for this purpose. The procedures for the fitting out of cigar and/or pipe clubs shall be determined by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania or its authorized institution; 6) Inside vehicles if there are any persons under 18 years of age and/or pregnant women. Additionally to the ban on national level laid down in the Law on tobacco control, municipal councils shall have the right to prohibit smoking in public (parks, squares, etc.) and other areas falling under the competence of their management.
Luxembourg EUR Contôles de police, contôles par le Ministère de la Santé, Inspection sanitaire, Administration des douanes. Contôles de police, contôles par les agents dépendant du ministère de la santé, administration des douanes et amendes. Contôles de police, contôles par des agents et amendes.
Eswatini AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ethiopia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
European Union EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Fiji WPR Report not provided Initial experiences with the enforcement of the 2010 Decree are positive, but there are also challenges. In outdoor areas, such as municipal markets and sports stadiums, signboards have been set up and regular checks are planned for the future. Enforcement is difficult in smaller islands and in remote areas that seem to be out of reach of the authorized officers, who, in line with requirements of section 27.–(1) of the Decree, carry out inspections and investigations and take enforcement actions against persons found to have violated any provision of the Decree. The Tobacco Control Enforcement Unit works with the police force and provincial officers based in rural areas and aims to undertake training to boost already existing capacities, for example enabling health inspectors working in these areas to become “authorized officers”. Report not provided
Finland EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Under Section 8 of the Tobacco Act (549/2016), local authorities shall supervise the compliance with prohibitions and restrictions on smoking within their territory. If any activities contrary to provisions are observed during an inspection or otherwise, the local authority must prohibit the activities contrary to the provisions. The local authority may give notice of the matter to the prosecutor. The local authority may also reinforce the prohibition by a conditional fine or by the threat that any action not taken within the time limit laid down will be carried out at the defaulter’s expense. Under Section 32 of the Tobacco Act, a person who continues to smoke on indoor or outdoor premises where smoking is prohibited under the provisions of section 12 despite an objection from the proprietor of the means of public transport, indoor or outdoor premises in question, or their representative, or the organiser of a public event or a person acting as a steward, or the supervisory authority shall be sentenced to a fine for a smoking violation. Under Section 33 of the Tobacco Act, the proprietor of a means of public transport or of indoor or outdoor premises or his or her representative, or the organiser of a public event that deliberately or through gross carelessness 1) allows smoking contrary to section 12 on indoor or outdoor premises where it is prohibited; 2) fails, contrary to the provisions of section 12, paragraph 2, section 13 or 13 b, to undertake the action required by the prohibition or regulations issued by the local authority under section 17 in an individual case in order to prevent tobacco smoke from spreading into indoor premises where tobacco smoking is prohibited; or 3) allows use of the smoking area for another purpose than that referred to in section 13 b, shall, unless the failure can be considered insignificant or a more severe punishment is prescribed for the action elsewhere in the law, be sentenced to a fine for failing to take protective measures required by the Tobacco Act.
Gambia AFR The law enforcement authorities of the country and the Public Health officers are to implement this act. The law enforcement authorities of the country and the Public Health officers are to implement this act. The law enforcement authorities of the country and the Public Health officers are to implement this act.
Ghana AFR Food and Drug Authority (FDA) is the Regulatory Authority to enforce the ban Food and Drug Authority (FDA) is the Regulatory Authority to enforce the ban Food and Drug Authority (FDA) is the Regulatory Authority to enforce the ban
Greece EUR Police, Municipal Police, Coast Guard, National Authority for Transparency Report not provided The main mechanism for enforcement are Public health enforcement officers who are responsible for implementing the smoking ban law. The law has been in place since 2009, but the Greek government has not enforced the smoking ban law even though 75% of Greeks have stated they are upset that it is not enforced.
Grenada AMR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Guatemala AMR Vigilancia y sanción a través de dependencia(s) del Ministerio de Salud. Vigilancia y sanción a través de dependencia(s) del Ministerio de Salud. Vigilancia y sanción a través de dependencia(s) del Ministerio de Salud.
Guinea-Bissau AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Guyana AMR Smoke free laws must be implemented and enforced by all agencies responsible for public spaces. Failure to do so is covered with penalties as stipulated in the law Smoke free laws must be implemented and enforced by all agencies responsible for public spaces. Failure to do so is covered with penalties as stipulated in the law Answer not provided
Honduras AMR Report not provided El Instituto Hondureño para la Prevención del Alcoholismo, Drogadicción y Farmacodependencia (IHADFA) es la institución responsable del cumplimiento de lo establecido en el Artículo 26 de la Ley Especial para el Control del Tabaco y su reglamentación sobre dichas medidas en referencia a nivel nacional con el apoyo de otras organizaciones o instituciones del Estado, y de la Sociedad Civil como la Alianza Hondureña Antitabaco y la Organización Panamericana de la Salud de la OMS. El Instituto Hondureño para la Prevención del Alcoholismo, Drogadicción y Farmacodependencia (IHADFA) es la institución responsable del cumplimiento de lo establecido en el Artículo 26 de la Ley Especial para el Control del Tabaco y su reglamentación sobre dichas medidas en referencia a nivel nacional con el apoyo de otras organizaciones o instituciones del Estado, y de la Sociedad Civil como la Alianza Hondureña Antitabaco y la Organización Panamericana de la Salud de la OMS.
Hungary EUR The Article 12 of the Decree 39/2013 (II.14.) on the production, the entry into service and the controlling of tobacco products, the joint warnings and the detailed rules of the application of health-care fine includes the rules related to the health-care fine. The government body responsible for health monitors the observing of smoking restrictions and in case of their breach, it imposes health-care fine on the infringing natural/legal person or institution without legal personality. The amount of the fine did not change, it means: a) in case of breach of smoking-related prohibitions or restrictions: minimum HUF 20,000, maximum HUF 50,000; b) the non-execution or inproper execution of the obligation of setting up smoking areas, as well as the failure to adhere to the obligation to oversee smoking-related prohibitions and restrictions: ba) minimum HUF 100,000, maximum HUF 250,000 in case of the person responsible for the observation of these rules; bb) minimum HUF 1,000,000, maximum HUF 2,500,000 in case of institutions, organisations, operators or business organisations. The Office of the Chief Medical Officer and government offices constantly examine the observation of the smoking-related prohibitions and restrictions, in case of breach of the smoking prohibition, it is possible to make a report. Yes the Article 12 of the Decree 39/2013 (II.14.) on the production, the entry into service and the controlling of tobacco products, the joint warnings and the detailed rules of the application of health-care fine includes the rules related to the health-care fine. The government body responsible for health monitors the observing of smoking restrictions and in case of their breach, it imposes health-care fine on the infringing natural/legal person or institution without legal personality. The amount of the fine did not change, it means: a) in case of breach of smoking-related prohibitions or restrictions: minimum HUF 20,000, maximum HUF 50,000; b) the non-execution or inproper execution of the obligation of setting up smoking areas, as well as the failure to adhere to the obligation to oversee smoking-related prohibitions and restrictions: ba) minimum HUF 100,000, maximum HUF 250,000 in case of the person responsible for the observation of these rules; bb) minimum HUF 1,000,000, maximum HUF 2,500,000 in case of institutions, organisations, operators or business organisations. The Office of the Chief Medical Officer and government offices constantly examine the observation of the smoking-related prohibitions and restrictions, in case of breach of the smoking prohibition, it is possible to make a report. Yes the Article 12 of the Decree 39/2013 (II.14.) on the production, the entry into service and the controlling of tobacco products, the joint warnings and the detailed rules of the application of health-care fine includes the rules related to the health-care fine. The government body responsible for health monitors the observing of smoking restrictions and in case of their breach, it imposes health-care fine on the infringing natural/legal person or institution without legal personality. The amount of the fine did not change, it means: a) in case of breach of smoking-related prohibitions or restrictions: minimum HUF 20,000, maximum HUF 50,000; b) the non-execution or inproper execution of the obligation of setting up smoking areas, as well as the failure to adhere to the obligation to oversee smoking-related prohibitions and restrictions: ba) minimum HUF 100,000, maximum HUF 250,000 in case of the person responsible for the observation of these rules; bb) minimum HUF 1,000,000, maximum HUF 2,500,000 in case of institutions, organisations, operators or business organisations. The Office of the Chief Medical Officer and government offices constantly examine the observation of the smoking-related prohibitions and restrictions, in case of breach of the smoking prohibition, it is possible to make a report.
Costa Rica AMR La 'Ley General de Control de Tabaco y sus Efectos Nocivos en la Salud, 9028' da la potestad al Ministerio de Salud para velar por la protección de los sitios prohibidos para fumar, por medio de los funcionarios de la institución, aplicando multas a quién incumple. Asimismo, la Ley N° 10066 'Regulación de los Sistemas Electrónicos de Administración de Nicotina (SEAN), Sistemas Similares Sin Nicotina (SSSN) y dispositivos electrónicos que utilizan tabaco calentado y tecnologías similares', dispone que corresponde al Ministerio de Salud y al Ministerio de Seguridad Pública garantizar porque no se vapee en los 'sitios prohibidos para el uso de SEAN, SSSN y PTC'. La Ley 9028 da la potestad al Ministerio de Salud para velar por la protección de los sitios prohibidos para fumar, por medio de los funcionarios de la institución, aplicando multas a quién incumple. La Ley 9028 da la potestad al Ministerio de Salud para velar por la protección de los sitios prohibidos para fumar, por medio de los funcionarios de la institución, aplicando multas a quién incumple.
Côte d'Ivoire AFR Les missions conjointes du ministère en charge de la santé et de la Police Nationale assurent le contrôle de lapplication du décret n°2012-980 du 10 octobre 2012 portant interdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics et les transports en commun. Le décret oblige les responsables des lieux publics et des transports en commun à apposer des signalisations d’interdiction de fumer puis de veiller au strict respect de cette interdiction. Le décret prévoit des sanctions sous forme d'amende pour tout contrevenant :  Fumeur: amende de 15 000 à 100 000 F CFA.  Responsable ou propriétaire: amende de 50 000 à 250 000 FCFA les missions conjointes du ministère en charge de la santé et de la Police Nationale assurent le contrôle de lapplication du décret n°2012-980 du 10 octobre 2012 portant interdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics et les transports en commun. Le décret oblige les responsables des lieux publics et des transports en commun à apposer des signalisations d’interdiction de fumer puis de veiller au strict respect de cette interdiction. le décret prévoit des sanctions sous forme damende pour tout contrevenant :  Fumeur: amende de 15 000 à 100 000 F CFA.  Responsable ou propriétaire: amende de 50 000 à 250 000 FCFA les missions conjointes du ministère en charge de la santé et de la Police Nationale assurent le contrôle de lapplication du décret n°2012-980 du 10 octobre 2012 portant interdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics et les transports en commun. Le décret oblige les responsables des lieux publics et des transports en commun à apposer des signalisations d’interdiction de fumer puis de veiller au strict respect de cette interdiction. le décret prévoit des sanctions sous forme damende pour tout contrevenant :  Fumeur: amende de 15 000 à 100 000 F CFA.  Responsable ou propriétaire: amende de 50 000 à 250 000 FCFA
Croatia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Cyprus EUR Legislation specifies government officials for enforcing of the legislation. “Authorised officer” means a member of the Police Force or an officer of the Customs Department or a Health Inspector of the Department of Medical Services and Public Health Services or a Health Inspector of the municipalities or improvement councils or an officer of the Competition and Consumer Protection Service or an officer from the Cyprus Tourism Organisation or a Work inspector from the Ministry of Labour. Legislation specifies government officials for enforcing of the legislation. “Authorised officer” means a member of the Police Force or an officer of the Customs Department or a Health Inspector of the Department of Medical Services and Public Health Services or a Health Inspector of the municipalities or improvement councils or an officer of the Competition and Consumer Protection Service or an officer from the Cyprus Tourism Organisation or a Work inspector from the Ministry of Labour. Legislation specifies government officials for enforcing of the legislation. “Authorised officer” means a member of the Police Force or an officer of the Customs Department or a Health Inspector of the Department of Medical Services and Public Health Services or a Health Inspector of the municipalities or improvement councils or an officer of the Competition and Consumer Protection Service or an officer from the Cyprus Tourism Organisation or a Work inspector from the Ministry of Labour.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea SEA Report not provided Tobacco Control Law, DPR Korea designates monitoring and control agencies who regulates and monitors the compliance of the tobacco law including the smoking in smoke-free areas and implementation of punishment to individuals or agencies violating the law if any. Tobacco Control Law, DPR Korea designates monitoring and control agencies who regulates and monitors the compliance of the tobacco law including the smoking in smoke-free areas and implementation of punishment to individuals or agencies violating the law if any.
Democratic Republic of the Congo AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Denmark EUR The enforcement of compliance with the Act and the rules established pursuant to the Act is supervised by the Danish Working Environment Authority, The Danish Maritime Authority, the Minister for Transport and the Minister for Employment. The enforcement of compliance with the Act and the rules established pursuant to the Act is supervised by the Danish Working Environment Authority, The Danish Maritime Authority, the Minister for Transport and the Minister for Employment. Enforcement of the ban is secured by the Danish Working Environment Authority under the law of Working Environment, The Danish Maritime Authority and the Minister for Transport and Energy
Djibouti EMR Report not provided Les administrations sont tenues responsables, en loccurence les directions des ressources humaines et celles de la sécurité des lieux de travail. Les administrations sont tenues responsables, en loccurence les directions des ressources humaines et celles de la sécurité des lieux de travail.
Dominica AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Egypt EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
El Salvador AMR Está operando la Unidad de Alcohol y Tabaco en el Ministerio de Salud con apoyo financiero del Fondo Solidario para la Salud. Esta Unidad adscrita a las Direcciones Regionales de Salud tiene la función de hacer cumplir la Ley para el Control del Tabaco, el Reglamento y el Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco de la OMS. La función sustantiva de la Unidad es la Protección de la Salud a través de la vigilancia, el control y la fiscalización de espacios libres de humo de tabaco Está operando la Unidad de Alcohol y Tabaco en el Ministerio de Salud con apoyo financiero del Fondo Solidario para la Salud. Esta Unidad adscrita a las Direcciones Regionales de Salud tiene la función de hacer cumplir la Ley para el Control del Tabaco, el Reglamento y el Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco de la OMS. La función sustantiva de la Unidad es la Protección de la Salud a través de la vigilancia, el control y la fiscalización de espacios libres de humo de tabaco Está operando la Unidad de Alcohol y Tabaco en el Ministerio de Salud con apoyo financiero del Fondo Solidario para la Salud. Esta Unidad adscrita a las Direcciones Regionales de Salud tiene la función de hacer cumplir la Ley para el Control del Tabaco, el Reglamento y el Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco de la OMS. La función sustantiva de la Unidad es la Protección de la Salud a través de la vigilancia, el control y la fiscalización de espacios libres de humo de tabaco.
Equatorial Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Estonia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Brunei Darussalam WPR The national laws contain provisions for penalties and compounding (issuance of fines). Enforcement is conducted by the Health Enforcement Unit, Ministry of Health. The national laws contain provisions for penalties and compounding (issuance of fines). Enforcement is conducted by the Health Enforcement Unit, Ministry of Health. The national laws contain provisions for penalties and compounding (issuance of fines). Enforcement is conducted by the Health Enforcement Unit, Ministry of Health.
Bulgaria EUR Please note that the information above was provided during the previous reporting. Health Law - Article 11 (Amended, SG No. 98/2010, effective 1.01.2011) State health control shall be exercised in order to protect public health within the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria by implementing the activities under Article 15. Article 15 (Amended, SG No. 98/2010, effective 1.01.2011) (1) The government policy for public health protection and Regional Health Inspectorates shall exercise the state health control within the territory of administrative regions shall be implemented by RIPHPC by implementing activities related to:. 7. exercising control in respect of the compliance with prohibitions and limitations laid down in statutory instruments as to smoking; Health Law - Article 11 (Amended, SG No. 98/2010, effective 1.01.2011) State health control shall be exercised in order to protect public health within the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria by implementing the activities under Article 15. Article 15 (Amended, SG No. 98/2010, effective 1.01.2011) (1) The government policy for public health protection and Regional health inspectorates shall exercise the state health control within the territory of administrative regions shall be implemented by RIPHPCby implementing activities related to:. 7. exercising control in respect of the compliance with prohibitions and limitations laid down in statutory instruments as to smoking;
Burkina Faso AFR Des contrôles doivent être menés et tout contrevenant est passible de sanctions. Des contrôles sont menés par la police nationale dans les grands centres urbains. Des contrôles doivent être menés et tout contrevenant est passible de sanctions. Des contrôles sont menés par la police nationale dans les grands centres urbains. Answer not provided
Burundi AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Cabo Verde AFR Autorités nationales de surveillance et judiciaire Inspection entities, the police, the IGAE, the municipal police will have this responsibility Autorités nationales de surveillance et judiciaire Inspection entities, the police, the IGAE, the municipal police will have this responsibility Autorités nationales de surveillance et judiciaire
Cambodia WPR Report not provided 490 Tobacco Inspection Officers at the National and 25 provinces for enforcement of Tobacco Control law. Answer not provided
Canada AMR PEI - PEI’s Smoke Free Places Act issues summary offense fines in place of violations of the Act. BC - In cases where violations of the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act or Regulation are considered to have been made by retailers, the violation may be referred to either the provincial court system or to the Administrator of the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act for an administrative hearing. Penalties for contraventions under legislation vary, based on the violation type, retail history and by enforcement method and are done in conjunction with regional health authorities. AB - Supporting legislation details the fines and punishments associated with violations of tobacco use bans MB - The Smoking and Vapour Products Control Act includes sales to minors; smoking in public places; and provisions restricting the display advertising and promotion of tobacco and vaping products. The Act is enforced by the Tobacco Officer in the department of Mental Health and Community Wellness through education, compliance checks and if required, warnings and charges. Drifting Smoke/vapour and smoking/vaping in public places is enforced by Public Health Officers in the department of Health. Warnings and charges are issued as required. SK - Provincial legislation provides fine amounts for non-compliance with tobacco/vapour product control requirements. Summary offence tickets can be issued by enforcement officials or greater fines levied by the court. ON - Ontario’s Ministry of Health is responsible for the administration of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 (SFOA, 2017) under sections 20 and 21, Ontario’s local Boards of Health are responsible for the enforcement of the SFOA, 2017. Boards of Health’s responsibilities include inspecting secondary schools (at least once per year) and responding to all complaints from the public. In fulfilling these requirements, Boards of Health are mandated by the ministry to use a compliance strategy that employs a balance of education, inspection and progressive enforcement. “Progressive enforcement” includes the use of warnings and graduated charging options to reflect the frequency and severity of the level of non-compliance. NL - Minister responsible for the Occupational Health and Safety Act may appoint inspectors to inspect workplaces to ensure compliance with this Act. NB – The enforcement of the Act is administered by the Dept. of Justice and Public Safety (public places) and WorkSafeNB (workplaces). These depts can issue fines and lay charges under the Act. National, sub-national and municipal legislation includes enforcement support. Annex B highlights the various mechanisms and infrastructure support. National, sub-national and municipal legislation includes enforcement support. Annex B highlights the various mechanisms and infrastructure support.
Chad AFR la police sanitaire créée par Décret 1611 du 03 Aout 2019 la police sanitaire créée par Décret 1611 du 03 Aout 2019 la police sanitaire mais ce corps sera mis en place après adoption dudit décret.
Chile AMR La fiscalización es realizada por las Secretarías Regionales Ministeriales de Salud (Autoridad Sanitaria) y mediante la modificaciones aprobadas en la Ley 19.419 (2013) Art 15º, se incorporan a esta función los Inspectores de la municipalidad respectiva de cada localidad. Esto permite un mayor número de personas fiscalizando su cumplimiento en el nivel local. Dicho artículo refiere lo siguiente: "Los inspectores de la municipalidad respectiva también fiscalizarán el cumplimiento de esta ley, y denunciarán ante los tribunales señalados en el inciso precedente las infracciones que constatan. En caso de infracciones, se traspasa el caso a Juzgados de Policía Local. El Juez de dicho establecimiento será el facultado para imponer la sanción correspondiente, y contra su resolución procederán los recursos que franquea la ley". La fiscalización es realizada por las Secretarías Regionales Ministeriales de Salud (Autoridad Sanitaria) y mediante la modificaciones aprobadas en la Ley 19.419 (2013) Art 15º, se incorporan a esta función los Inspectores de la municipalidad respectiva de cada localidad. Esto permite un mayor número de personas fiscalizando su cumplimiento en el nivel local. Dicho artículo refiere lo siguiente: "Los inspectores de la municipalidad respectiva también fiscalizarán el cumplimiento de esta ley, y denunciarán ante los tribunales señalados en el inciso precedente las infracciones que constatan. En caso de infracciones, se traspasa el caso a Juzgados de Policía Local. El Juez de dicho establecimiento será el facultado para imponer la sanción correspondiente, y contra su resolución procederán los recursos que franquea la ley". La fiscalización es realizada por las Secretarías Regionales Ministeriales de Salud (Autoridad Sanitaria) y mediante la modificaciones aprobadas en la Ley 19.419 (2013) Art 15º, se incorporan a esta función los Inspectores de la municipalidad respectiva de cada localidad. Esto permite un mayor número de personas fiscalizando su cumplimiento en el nivel local. Dicho artículo refiere lo siguiente: Los inspectores de la municipalidad respectiva también fiscalizarán el cumplimiento de esta ley, y denunciarán ante los tribunales señalados en el inciso precedente las infracciones que constatan. En caso de infracciones, se traspasa el caso a Juzgados de Policía Local. El Juez de dicho establecimiento será el facultado para imponer la sanción correspondiente, y contra su resolución procederán los recursos que franquea la ley.
Colombia AMR La protección de los espacios libres de humo de tabaco y sus derivados se encuentra establecida en la Ley 1335 de 2009. Esta Ley es de carácter nacional, obedeciendo a la organización centralizada del Estado colombiano, por lo tanto es de obligatorio cumplimiento en todo el territorio nacional. Esta Ley, además, establece disposiciones para la prevención de los daños a la salud de los menores de edad, la población no fumadora y se estipulan políticas públicas para la prevención del consumo del tabaco y el abandono de la dependencia del tabaco del fumador y sus derivados en la población colombiana. El Capítulo V (Artículos 18 a 21) de la Ley 1335 de 2009 consagra los derechos de los ciudadanos de Colombia a contar con ambientes libres de humo de tabaco. El Artículo 18 de la citada ley establece los derechos de los no fumadores, a saber: – Respirar aire que esté libre de humo de tabaco. – Protestar cuando los productos del tabaco están encendidos en lugares donde está prohibido su uso por la ley y la exigencia de que el propietario, representante legal, gerente, administrador o responsable con cualquier título relativo a la empresa o establecimiento, advierta a aquellos que usan productos de tabaco a dejar de usarlos. – Comparecer ante la autoridad competente en defensa de sus derechos como no fumadores y exigir su protección. – Demandar la publicidad masiva sobre los efectos nocivos y mortales causadas por el tabaco y la exposición al humo de tabaco. – Informar de incumplimiento de las disposiciones de la ley a la autoridad competente. El Artículo 19 de la ley enumera los lugares públicos donde el consumo de productos de tabaco no se permite. Estos incluyen: – Lugares de trabajo cerrados y/o lugares públicos, tales como: bares, restaurantes, centros comerciales, tiendas, ferias, festivales, parques, estadios, cafeterías, salones de baile, cibercafés, hoteles, ferias [sic], pubs, casinos, zonas comunes y las salas de espera donde se llevan a cabo eventos masivos, entre otros. – Todos los establecimientos de salud. – Instituciones de educación formal e informal en todos los niveles. – Establecimientos que donde se atiendan menores de edad. – Espacios deportivos y culturales, como museos y bibliotecas. – Medios de transporte públicos (incluida la oficial, la escolar, la mixta y el servicio privado). – Entidades públicas y privadas dirigidas a cualquier tipo de actividad industrial, comercial o de servicios, incluidas sus áreas de servicio al cliente y salas de espera. – Áreas donde el consumo de productos de tabaco puede constituir un riesgo alto de combustión, debido a la presencia de materiales inflamables, tales como estaciones de gasolina, sitios de almacenamiento para combustibles o materiales explosivos y similares. Es importante señalar que el precitado Artículo 19, al no establecer condición alguna para extender la protección de los ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco a un área determinada de los lugares allí enunciados, permite concluir que la protección es completa; así, tanto en las áreas cerradas como en las áreas abiertas de estos lugares no está permitido el consumo de este tipo de productos. Dicha interpretación del texto legal, resulta de la utilización del principio de proporcionalidad de esta medida de salud pública. Esto implica que la posibilidad de permitir que en dichas áreas abiertas se pudiese consumir esta clase de productos y de esta forma, exponer a los no fumadores y en general a toda la población al humo de segunda mano, queda descartada ante el potencial daño que esto acarrearía en la salud de las personas y ante el deber del gobierno nacional frente a garantizar medidas efectivas para la protección del derecho a la salud. Por su parte, el artículo 21 de la ley establece las definiciones de “área cerrada”, “humo de segunda mano del tabaco o humo de tabaco ambiental”, “fumar”, “lugar de trabajo”, “lugares públicos”, “transporte público”. Estas definiciones corresponden a las previstas en el CMCT de la OMS y las Directrices para la aplicación del Artículo 8. Vale mencionar, que en la Ley 769 de 2002, por medio de la cual se expide el Código Nacional de Tránsito Terrestre se prohíbe fumar en los vehículos automotores: “Artículo 132. Fumador. El pasajero que sea sorprendido fumando en un vehículo de servicio público, será obligado a abandonar el automotor y deberá asistir a un curso de seguridad vial. Si se tratare del conductor, éste también deberá asistir a un curso de seguridad vial. Parágrafo. El conductor de servicio público de transporte de pasajeros que sea sorprendido fumando mientras conduce se hará acreedor a una sanción de diez (10) salarios mínimos legales diarios vigentes”. Texto subrayado declarado INEXEQUIBLE por la Corte Constitucional mediante Sentencia C-1090 de 2003; el resto del texto del artículo se declaró EXEQUIBLE únicamente por el cargo analizado en la sentencia. Ver: Por otra parte, a nivel subnacional, puntualmente en la Ciudad de Bogotá D.C. se firmó el acuerdo 817 de 2021 "por el cual se adoptan medidas de protección de niños, niñas, adolescentes, adultos mayores y población no fumadora através de la prevención del consumo de cigarrillo, productos de tabaco, derivados, sucedáneos o imitadores como sistemas electrónicos de administración de nicotina - sean, sistemas similares sin nicotina- sssn y productos de tabaco calentado - ptc y la exposición al humo de tabaco y vapor en el distrito capital y se dictan otras disposiciones” La Ley 1335 establece, en el parágrafo del Artículo 19, las competencias de las autoridades respecto al cumplimiento de la normativa sobre ambientes libres de humo de tabaco. De acuerdo con la ley, las autoridades sanitarias (Secretarías de Salud de los Municipios y Departamentos de Colombia), vigilarán el cumplimiento del artículo 19 en coordinación con las autoridades de Policía y demás autoridades de control. Así mismo, en el Artículo 20 de la Ley, se definen como obligaciones de los propietarios, empleadores y administradores respecto del cumplimiento de los ambientes libres de humo: – Garantizar el cumplimiento de la prohibición de uso de los productos del tabaco con el objetivo de proteger a las personas contra la exposición al humo de tabaco ambiental. – Mostrar advertencias visibles con mensajes alusivos a los ambientes libres de humo de tabaco, de conformidad con las normas emitidas por el Ministerio de Bienestar Social. – Adoptar medidas razonables y específicas para disuadir a la gente de fumar en el lugar, tales como pedir a la persona que no fume, interrumpir el servicio, pedirle que abandone el local o ponerse en contacto con la autoridad competente. Ahora bien, para el caso de la protección de estos espacios, el Código de Policía (Ley 1801 de 2016) ha establecido una serie de medidas que se deben interpretar armónicamente con el contenido de la Ley 1335 de 2009, en lo que corresponde con los procedimientos sancionatorios y las respectivas multas derivadas del incumplimiento de la normativa. Este Código ha establecido una serie de disposiciones que se deben interpretar armónicamente con el contenido de la Ley 1335 de 2009 en lo que corresponde con los procedimientos sancionatorios y las respectivas multas derivadas del incumplimiento de la norma. Por una parte, el artículo 33 estipula los comportamientos que afectan la tranquilidad y relaciones respetuosas de las personas en donde incluye, fumar en lugares prohibidos. Esta disposición normativa debe interpretarse en conjunto con el artículo 19 de la Ley 1335 de 2009, pues en este último artículo se establece el listado de lugares donde no se puede fumar. El artículo 38 señala los comportamientos que afectan la integridad de niños, niñas y adolescentes, donde expresamente indica lo siguiente: 1. Permitir, auspiciar, tolerar, inducir o constreñir el ingreso de los niños, niñas y adolescentes a los lugares donde: e) Se realicen actividades de diversión destinadas al consumo de bebidas alcohólicas y consumo de cigarrillo, tabaco y sus derivados y sustancias psicoactivas; 5. Facilitar, distribuir, ofrecer, comercializar, prestar o alquilar, cualquiera de los siguientes elementos, sustancias o bebidas, a niños, niñas o adolescentes: b) Bebidas alcohólicas, cigarrillo, tabaco y sus derivados, sustancias psicoactivas o cualquier sustancia que afecte su salud; 6. Inducir a niños, niñas o adolescentes a: a) Consumir bebidas alcohólicas, cigarrillo, tabaco y sus derivados, sustancias psicoactivas o cualquier sustancia que afecte su salud Finalmente el artículo 94 del Código de Policía consagra los comportamientos relacionados con la salud pública que afectan la actividad económica y que por lo tanto no deben realizarse, entre los cuales refiere: Permitir el consumo de tabaco y/o sus derivados en lugares no autorizados por la ley y la normatividad vigente. En cuanto a las multas este código incluye una tabla que gradúa el monto de la sanción. En todo caso la Ley 1335 de 2009 por tratarse de una ley especial, mantiene la competencia de las autoridades y se complementa con las demás disposiciones del Código de Policía. En el caso de la aplicación de ley en los municipios (entidades subnacionales), aunque algunos municipios han establecido instrumentos en los cuales verifica el cumplimiento de los ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco, el Ministerio de Salud se adelantó la prueba piloto del Acta Unificada de Inspección y Vigilancia de la Ley 1335 en nueve entidades territoriales. Este proceso se realizó con el objetivo de integrar los instrumentos y los mecanismos de inspección y vigilancia, permitiendo además hacer seguimiento periódico al cumplimiento de la normatividad. Vale mencionar que el Acta, al identificar los posibles incumplimientos a la Ley 1335, permite canalizar a las autoridades competentes los hallazgos para que en el marco de sus competencias adelanten las investigaciones y acciones con fundamento en el debido proceso. Se continúan desarrollando procesos de movilización social alrededor de los procesos de denuncia ante el incumplimiento de estas medidas, liderado por las autoridades competentes de los procesos de inspección, vigilancia y control: Policía Nacional y Ministerio de Salud. En efecto, la Policía ha impuesto: en 2018, 171 comparendos, en 2019, 242 comparendos, y en 2020, 21 comparendos. Como un ejemplo en la aplicación de esta normatividad, Bogotá cuenta con un sistema de vigilancia rutinaria para el cumplimiento de los ambientes libres de humo de tabaco. Vease La Ley 1335 establece, en el parágrafo del Artículo 19, las competencias de las autoridades respecto al cumplimiento de la normativa sobre ambientes libres de humo de tabaco. De acuerdo con la ley, las autoridades sanitarias (Secretarías de Salud de los Municipios y Departamentos de Colombia), vigilarán el cumplimiento del artículo 19 en coordinación con las autoridades de Policía y demás autoridades de control. Asimismo, en el Artículo 20 de la Ley, se definen como obligaciones de los propietarios, empleadores y administradores respecto del cumplimiento de los ambientes libres de humo: – Garantizar el cumplimiento de la prohibición de uso de los productos del tabaco con el objetivo de proteger a las personas contra la exposición al humo de tabaco ambiental. – Mostrar advertencias visibles con mensajes alusivos a los ambientes libres de humo de tabaco, de conformidad con las normas emitidas por el Ministerio de Bienestar Social. – Adoptar medidas razonables y específicas para disuadir a la gente de fumar en el lugar, tales como pedir a la persona que no fume, interrumpir el servicio, pedirle que abandone el local o ponerse en contacto con la autoridad competente. Recientemente, el Código de Policía, Ley 1801 de 2016 ha establecido una serie de disposiciones que se deben interpretar armónicamente con el contenido de la Ley 1335 de 2009 en lo que corresponde con los procedimientos sancionatorios y las respectivas multas derivadas del incumplimiento de la norma. Por una parte, el artículo 33 estipula los comportamientos que afectan la tranquilidad y relaciones respetuosas de las personas en donde incluye, fumar en lugares prohibidos. Esta disposición normativa debe interpretarse en conjunto con el artículo 19 de la Ley 1335 de 2009, pues en este último artículo se establece el listado de lugares donde no se puede fumar. El artículo 38 señala los comportamientos que afectan la integridad de niños, niñas y adolescentes, donde expresamente indica lo siguiente: 1. Permitir, auspiciar, tolerar, inducir o constreñir el ingreso de los niños, niñas y adolescentes a los lugares donde: e) Se realicen actividades de diversión destinadas al consumo de bebidas alcohólicas y consumo de cigarrillo, tabaco y sus derivados y sustancias psicoactivas; 5. Facilitar, distribuir, ofrecer, comercializar, prestar o alquilar, cualquiera de los siguientes elementos, sustancias o bebidas, a niños, niñas o adolescentes: b) Bebidas alcohólicas, cigarrillo, tabaco y sus derivados, sustancias psicoactivas o cualquier sustancia que afecte su salud; 6. Inducir a niños, niñas o adolescentes a: a) Consumir bebidas alcohólicas, cigarrillo, tabaco y sus derivados, sustancias psicoactivas o cualquier sustancia que afecte su salud. Finalmente el artículo 94 del Código de Policía consagra los comportamientos relacionados con la salud pública que afectan la actividad económica y que por lo tanto no deben realizarse, entre los cuales refiere: Permitir el consumo de tabaco y/o sus derivados en lugares no autorizados por la ley y la normatividad vigente. En cuanto a las multas este código incluye una tabla que gradúa el monto de la sanción. En todo caso la Ley 1335 de 2009 por tratarse de una ley especial, mantiene la competencia de las autoridades y se complementa con las demás disposiciones del Código de Policía. En el caso de la aplicación de ley en los municipios, algunos han establecido instrumentos en los cuales verifican el cumplimiento de los ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco en los establecimientos señalados en el artículo 19 ya citado. Actualmente el Ministerio de Salud, puntualmente las áreas de enfermedades no transmisibles y salud ambiental se encuentran desarrollando los instrumentos de inspección, vigilancia y control sanitario de la Ley 1335 de 2009. El principal instrumento es el Acta de Inspección y Vigilancia de la ley, la cual se encuentra en periodo de prueba en 9 entidades territoriales, incluyendo a Bogotá D.C. Se continúan desarrollando procesos de movilización social alrededor de los procesos de denuncia ante el incumplimiento de estas medidas, liderado por las autoridades competentes de los procesos de inspección, vigilancia y control: Policía Nacional y Ministerio de Salud. En efecto, la Policía ha impuesto 902 comparendos en atención a lo establecido en el artículo 33 del Código de Policía (comportamientos que afectan la tranquilidad y las relaciones respetuosas de las personas). También se han impuestos 186 comparendos por violar el artículo 38 del Código de Policía. Así mismo, se realizaron 145 comparendos, considerando lo estipulado en el artículo 94 del Código de Policía. Ver:
Comoros AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Congo AFR Voir l’article 2 de la loi relative à la lutte antitabac. et le décret n°2018-216 du 5 juin 2018, portant interdiction de fumer dans les lieux à usage public Voir l’article 2 de la loi relative à la lutte antitabac. Report not provided
Australia WPR In Australia, control of environmental tobacco smoke and the issue of smoking in public places is one that generally falls within the jurisdiction of sub national governments. All sub-national governments have laws prohibiting smoking in cinemas and theatres, public transport and in food preparation areas. All sub-national jurisdictions have introduced broader bans on smoking in enclosed public places such as restaurants and shopping centres, pubs and nightclubs and in cars with children. All sub-national jurisdictions have also introduced bans or restrictions on smoking in certain outdoor areas such as outdoor eating and drinking places, building entrances, sporting facilities and public beaches. Each state and territory also have occupational health and safety legislation, which imposes a duty on all employers to provide, within reason, a workplace that is free of hazards to health for employees and those entering the premises. This includes smoke-free work environments. Most states and territories provide for enforcement and inspection mechanisms in addition to the statutory penalty provisions. All sub national jurisdictions except Western Australia have banned the use of e-cigarettes in legislated smoke-free areas. The Victorian Government provides funding to local councils to undertake education and enforcement activity in relation to the Victorian Tobacco Act 1987 (Tobacco Act). This arrangement is specified under a Service Agreement between the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and the Municipal Association of Victoria (the peak body representing local government authorities in Victoria). Victoria Police enforce the ban on smoking in cars with minors and Public Transport Victoria enforces smoking bans at public transport stops and on public transport. In NSW, inspectors from the 15 local health districts conduct regular compliance monitoring and enforcement activities and can issue cautions or on the spot fines of $300 to people who smoke or use e-cigarettes in smoke-free areas. Members of the public can report breaches of these laws through an online complaints form or by calling the NSW Tobacco Information Line. NSW Police enforce the ban on smoking or using an e-cigarette in a car with a child under the age of 16 years in the vehicle. Smoking bans made by local governments are enforced by local rangers. In South Australia, breaches of the legislation are monitored and enforced by Department of Health authorised officers and South Australian police, while some declared smoke-free areas are also enforced by authorised officers within local government. In Tasmania, the Department of Health and Human Services employs two Tobacco Control Officers to enforce the tobacco provisions of the Public Health Act 1997. Tasmania Police and Local Council Environmental Health Officers are also authorised under the Public Health Act 1997 to enforce these laws. In Western Australia, investigators are gazetted to enforce the legislation. Restricted powers are also given to police and local authorities. In the Australian Capital Territory, enforcement is regulated under the Smoke-Free Public Places Act 2003 including powers to direct people to stop smoking, enter premises, require identification and seize related items. Police also have the power to stop vehicles to enforce the ban on smoking in cars with minors. The smoking in cars legislation is enforced by law enforcement officials. Penalties apply, in the Australian Capital Territory, for smoking in an enclosed public place, in an outdoor eating and drinking area, at an underage function, at declared smoke-free public places (currently children’s play spaces and public transport waiting areas) and at declared smoke-free events. Penalties also apply for smoking in a car when children are present. The Australian Capital Territory Government is responsible for enforcing the Australian Capital Territory’s smoke-free public places legislation. In the Northern Territory, non-compliance with the legislation is subject to on-the-spot fines of AUD $200-400 or prosecution. Authorised persons employed by the Northern Territory health department are also able to assist with enforcement. In Queensland, compliance monitoring and investigation is undertaken by Environmental Health Officers in the Public Health Units of the seventeen Hospital and Health Services across the State. Police officers also have the power to stop vehicles to enforce the ban on smoking in cars with children aged less than sixteen years and for smoking in a vehicle being used for business purposes if there is anyone else in the vehicle. Park Rangers are authorised to enforce smoking bans in National Parks and Local Government officers can be authorised to enforce smoking bans at outdoor public places in their local council area. In Australia, control of environmental tobacco smoke and the issue of smoking in public places is one that generally falls within the jurisdiction of the state and territory governments. All state and territory governments have laws prohibiting smoking in cinemas and theatres, most forms of public transport and in food preparation areas. All sub-national jurisdictions have introduced broader bans on smoking in enclosed public places such as restaurants and shopping centres, pubs and nightclubs and in cars with children. All sub-national jurisdictions have also introduced bans or restrictions on smoking in certain outdoor areas such as outdoor eating and drinking places, building entrances, sporting facilities and public beaches. Each state and territory also has occupational health and safety legislation, which imposes a duty on all employers to provide, within reason, a workplace that is free of hazards to health for employees and those entering the premises. This includes smoke-free work environments. Most states and territories provide for enforcement and inspection mechanisms in addition to the statutory penalty provisions. All sub national jurisdictions expect Western Australia have banned the use of e-cigarettes in legislated smoke-free areas. The Victorian Government provides funding to local councils to undertake education and enforcement activity in relation to the Victorian Tobacco Act 1987 (Tobacco Act). This arrangement is specified under a Service Agreement between the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and the Municipal Association of Victoria (the peak body representing local government authorities in Victoria). Victoria Police enforce the ban on smoking in cars with minors and Public Transport Victoria enforces smoking bans at public transport stops and on public transport. In New South Wales, compliance monitoring and investigation is carried out by authorised officers in Public Health Units of the fifteen Local Health Districts across the State. Enforcement activity is also undertaken by the New South Wales Ministry of Health. In South Australia, breaches of the legislation are monitored and enforced by Department of Health authorised officers and South Australian police, while some declared smoke-free areas are also enforced by authorised officers within local government. In Tasmania, the Department of Health and Human Services employs two Tobacco Control Officers to enforce the tobacco provisions of the Public Health Act 1997. Tasmania Police and Local Council Environmental Health Officers are also authorised under the Public Health Act 1997 to enforce these laws. In Western Australia, investigators are gazetted to enforce the legislation. Restricted powers are also given to police and local authorities. In the Australian Capital Territory, enforcement is regulated under the Smoke-Free Public Places Act 2003 including powers to direct people to stop smoking, enter premises, require identification and seize related items. Police also have the power to stop vehicles to enforce the ban on smoking in cars with minors. The smoking in cars legislation is enforced by law enforcement officials. Penalties apply, in the Australian Capital Territory, for smoking in an enclosed public place, in an outdoor eating and drinking area, at an underage function, at declared smoke-free public places (currently children’s play spaces and public transport waiting areas) and at declared smoke-free events. Penalties also apply for smoking in a car when children are present. The Australian Capital Territory Government is responsible for enforcing the Australian Capital Territory’s smoke-free public places legislation. In the Northern Territory, non-compliance with the legislation is subject to on-the-spot fines of AUD $200-400 or prosecution. Authorised persons employed by the Northern Territory health department are also able to assist with enforcement. In Queensland, compliance monitoring and investigation is undertaken by Environmental Health Officers in the Public Health Units of the seventeen Hospital and Health Services across the State. Police officers also have the power to stop vehicles to enforce the ban on smoking in cars with children aged less than sixteen years and for smoking in a vehicle being used for business purposes if there is anyone else in the vehicle. Park Rangers are authorised to enforce smoking bans in National Parks and Local Government officers can be authorised to enforce smoking bans at outdoor public places in their local council area. In Australia, control of environmental tobacco smoke and the issue of smoking in public places is one that generally falls within the jurisdiction of the state and territory governments. All state and territory governments have laws prohibiting smoking in cinemas and theatres, most forms of public transport and in food preparation areas. Most jurisdictions have introduced broader bans on smoking in enclosed public places such as restaurants and shopping centres, pubs and nightclubs and in cars with children. Some jurisdictions have also introduced bans on smoking in outdoor areas such as outdoor eating and drinking places, building entrances, sporting facilities and public beaches. Each state and territory also has occupational health and safety legislation, which imposes a duty on all employers to provide, within reason, a workplace that is free of hazards to health for employees and those entering the premises. This includes smoke-free work environments. Most states and territories provide for enforcement and inspection mechanisms in addition to the statutory penalty provisions. Many jurisdictions have begun banning vaping in areas where tobacco smoking is already banned. The Victorian Government provides funding to local councils to undertake education and enforcement activity in relation to the Victorian Tobacco Act 1987 (Tobacco Act). This arrangement is specified under a Service Agreement between the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and the Municipal Association of Victoria (the peak body representing local government authorities in Victoria). Victoria Police enforce the ban on smoking in cars with minors and Public Transport Victoria enforces smoking bans at public transport stops and on public transport. In New South Wales, compliance monitoring and investigation is carried out by authorised officers in Public Health Units of the fifteen Local Health Districts across the State. Enforcement activity is also undertaken by the New South Wales Ministry of Health. In South Australia, breaches of the legislation are monitored and enforced by Department of Health authorised officers and South Australian police, while some declared smoke-free areas are also enforced by authorised officers within local government. In Tasmania, the Department of Health and Human Services employs two Tobacco Control Officers to enforce the tobacco provisions of the Public Health Act 1997. Tasmania Police and Local Council Environmental Health Officers are also authorised under the Public Health Act 1997 to enforce these laws. In Western Australia, investigators are gazetted to enforce the legislation. Restricted powers are also given to police and local authorities. In the Australian Capital Territory, enforcement is regulated under the Smoke-Free Public Places Act 2003 including powers to direct people to stop smoking, enter premises, require identification and seize related items. Police also have the power to stop vehicles to enforce the ban on smoking in cars with minors. The smoking in cars legislation is enforced by law enforcement officials. Penalties apply, in the Australian Capital Territory, for smoking in an enclosed public place, in an outdoor eating and drinking area, at an underage function, at declared smoke-free public places (currently children’s play spaces and public transport waiting areas) and at declared smoke-free events. Penalties also apply for smoking in a car when children are present. The Australian Capital Territory Government is responsible for enforcing the Australian Capital Territory’s smoke-free public places legislation. In the Northern Territory, non-compliance with the legislation is subject to on-the-spot fines of AUD $200-400 or prosecution. Authorised persons employed by the Northern Territory health department are also able to assist with enforcement. In Queensland, compliance monitoring and investigation is undertaken by Environmental Health Officers in the Public Health Units of the seventeen Hospital and Health Services across the State. Police officers also have the power to stop vehicles to enforce the ban on smoking in cars with children aged less than sixteen years and for smoking in a vehicle being used for business purposes if there is anyone else in the vehicle. Park Rangers are authorised to enforce smoking bans in National Parks and Local Government officers can be authorised to enforce smoking bans at outdoor public places in their local council area.
Austria EUR Article 14 of the Austrian tobacco act provides for the possibility to impose fines on smokers and tenants of public indoor places (including workplaces accessible to the public) and represents a violation of all commitment obligations and sanctions consequences; the district administration authorities are competent for prosecuting violations of the tobacco act. In cooperation with organs of the public security police, compliance with violations of the smoking ban in private vehicles is checked in the presence of under-18-year-olds and sanctioned if necessary. The provisions of the Austrian law on health and safety at work act are controlled by specific inspectors ("Arbeitsinspektoren") on a regular basis and fines can be imposed if provisions for the protection of workers are violated. If there are sever threats to workers health and safety an establishment can even be closed down. Article 14 of the Austrian tobacco act provides for the possibility to impose fines on smokers and tenants of public indoor places (including workplaces accessible to the public) and represents a violation of all commitment obligations and sanctions consequences; the district administration authorities are competent for prosecuting violations of the tobacco act. In cooperation with organs of the public security police, compliance with violations of the smoking ban in private vehicles is checked in the presence of under-18-year-olds and sanctioned if necessary. The provisions of the Austrian law on health and safety at work act are controlled by specific inspectors ("Arbeitsinspektoren") on a regular basis and fines can be imposed if provisions for the protection of workers are violated. If there are sever threats to workers health and safety an establishment can even be closed down Article 14 of the Austrian tobacco act provides for the possibility to impose fines on smokers and tenants of public indoor places (including workplaces accessible to the public); the district administration authorities are competent for prosecuting violations of the tobacco act. The provisions of the Austrian law on health and safety at work act are controlled by specific inspectors ("Arbeitsinspektoren") on a regular basis and fines can be imposed if provisions for the protection of workers are violated. If there are sever threats to workers health and safety an establishment can even be closed down
Azerbaijan EUR According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 5, 2018, amendments were made to the application of the law "On the limitation of tobacco use". According to the articles included in the decree, the Ministry of Health is responsible for the organization and implementation of state policy and state control; The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are responsible for monitoring activities aimed at preventing the effects of tobacco smoke in the environment and reducing the use of tobacco. Another added article state that the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and local executive authorities are responsible for creating hot lines or handling information-communication network for complaints from citizens, including individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, concerning violations of the law. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 5, 2018, amendments were made to the application of the law "On the limitation of tobacco use". According to the articles included in the decree, the Ministry of Health is responsible for the organization and implementation of state policy and state control; The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are responsible for monitoring activities aimed at preventing the effects of tobacco smoke in the environment and reducing the use of tobacco. Another added article state that the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and local executive authorities are responsible for creating hot lines or handling information-communication network for complaints from citizens, including individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, concerning violations of the law. The Code of the Azerbaijan Republic On administrative violations enacted in 2000 and updated in 2015 provides range of penalties for smoking in different prohibited areas. It is expected that after adopting of new Law "On restriction of tobacco use" the changes will affect to the Code of the Azerbaijan Republic On administrative violations, and the fines will increase significantly by several times.
Bangladesh SEA Owner/Caretaker/Controlling person or Manager are legally obligated to ensure smoke free environment and display no-smoking signage in public place or transport under their jurisdiction. Minimum size, font and background color of written warning message in the no-smoking signage are mentioned in the law. If owner/caretaker/ controlling person or manager are failed to ensure smoke free environment and do not display ‘no-smoking signage’, they can be fined up to BDT 1000 Taka for first time and punishment will increase for every violation. Owner/Caretaker/Controlling person or Manager are legally obligated to ensure smoke free environment and display no-smoking signage in public place or transport under their jurisdiction. Minimum size, font and background color of written warning message in the no-smoking signage are mentioned in the law. If owner/caretaker/ controlling person or manager are failed to ensure smoke free environment and do not display ‘no-smoking signage’, they can be fined up to BDT 1000 Taka (US$12) for first time and punishment will increase for every violation. Formed National, District and Upazila (Sub district) Taskforce Committee for Implementation of Tobacco Control Law
Barbados AMR Monitored and policed by the Environmental Health Department of the Ministry of Health and Wellness. The regulation allows for environmental health staff to report the office to police. Report not provided Monitored and policed by the Environmental health Department and the Health Promotion Unit
Belize AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Benin AFR decret dapplication de cette loi decret dapplication de cette loi decret dapplication de cette loi
Bhutan SEA Places designated as smoke-free zone under Tobacco Control Act 2010. The Royal Bhutan Police is responsible to enforce smoke-free zone. Report not provided Places designated as smoke-free zone under Tobacco Control Act 2010. The Bhutan Narcotics Control Authority and The Royal Bhutan Police is responsible to enforce smoke-free zone.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Bosnia and Herzegovina EUR Answer not provided Monitoring with regards to the application of those bans are conducted by the following inspectors, within their respective jurisdictions prescribed by law: health inspectors, sanitary inspectors, educational inspectors and labour inspectors, inspectors for protection in workplace, communal police and the police. Monitoring of laws enforcement is performed by the following inspection services within their respective jurisdictions prescribed by laws: health inspectors, sanitary inspectors, educational inspectors and labour inspectors, inspectors for protection in workplace, communal police and the police.
Botswana AFR The law provides for partitioning of restaurants to separate smokers from non smokers. The Control of Smoking Act 2004 is enforced by environmental health officers in local authorities. The law provides for partitioning of restaurants to seperate smokers from non smokers. The law provides for partitioning of restaurants to seperate smokers from non smokers.
Brazil AMR The enforcement of the smoke free law is in charge of the municipal health surveillance system, imposing penalties for noncompliance with the smoking ban, which can be monetary fines or suspension of the trade license. The enforcement of the smoke free law is in charge of the municipal health surveillance system, imposing penalties for noncompliance with the smoking ban, which can be monetary fines or suspension of the trade license. The enforcement of the smoke free law is in charge of the municipal health surveillance system, imposing penalties for noncompliance with the smoking ban, which can be monetary fines or suspension of the trade license.
Algeria AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Andorra EUR Llei 7/2012, del 17 de maig , de protecció contra el tabaquisme passiu ambiental Report not provided Report not provided
Angola AFR The «Inspecção general de Saúde», at the MoH, is the administrative body responsible for the control of these measures. Report not provided The «Inspecção general de Saúde», at the MoH, is the administrative body responsible for the control of these measures.
Antigua and Barbuda AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
France EUR Il est interdit de fumer dans tous les lieux publics fermés, notamment dans les cafés et restaurants. Des espaces fumeurs peuvent être aménagés. Il est également interdit de fumer dans les transports publics, les établissements scolaires, dans les aires de jeux pour enfants et sur le lieu de travail. Le responsable des lieux (le cafetier par exemple) est passible d'une amende pouvant aller jusqu'à 750 €, s'il est dans l'un des cas suivants : - Il ne met pas la signalisation prévue rappelant le principe de l'interdiction de fumer ou de vapoter - Il met à la disposition des fumeurs un emplacement réservé non conforme aux normes techniques imposées - Il favorise volontairement, par quelque moyen que ce soit, la violation de l'interdiction de fumer Le fait de fumer dans un lieu à usage collectif en dehors de l'emplacement réservé à cet effet est puni de l'amende pouvant aller jusqu'à 450€.Le fait de fumer dans un véhicule en présence d'un mineur est puni de l'amende pouvant aller jusqu'à 750 €. Le fait de fumer hors dun emplacement mis à la disposition des fumeurs, est puni de lamende prévue pour les contraventions de la 3e classe (68€ si le contrevenant paie au moment où il est contrôlé, pouvant aller jusqu’à 450€). Réserver aux fumeurs des emplacements non conformes aux dispositions de la section I du chapitre Ier du présent titre ; ne pas respecter les normes de ventilation des espaces fumeurs et ne pas mettre en place la signalisation obligatoire est puni d’une amende de 5e classe (1500€-3000€). Le code de la santé publique défini également les agents et corps de contrôle chargés de constater et sanctionner les infractions. Le fait de fumer hors dun emplacement mis à la disposition des fumeurs, est puni de lamende prévue pour les contraventions de la 3e classe (68€ si le contrevenant paie au moment où il est contrôlé, pouvant aller jusqu’à 450€). Réserver aux fumeurs des emplacements non conformes aux dispositions de la section I du chapitre Ier du présent titre ; ne pas respecter les normes de ventilation des espaces fumeurs et ne pas mettre en place la signalisation obligatoire est puni d’une amende de 5e classe (1500€-3000€). Le code de la santé publique défini les agents et corps de contrôle chargés de constater et sanctionner les infractions.
Ecuador AMR Además de los monitoreos realizados por la Agencia de Regulación, Control y Vigilancia Sanitaria (ARCSA) para verificar el cumplimiento del artículo 21 de la Ley Orgánica para la Regulación y Control del Tabaco (LORCT), , existe un correo electrónico ( para denunciar los casos que no se cumpla con el artículo 21, así como otros establecidos en la LORCT. En este sentido, el ARCSA es la institución encargada de realizar el monitoreo y la respuesta a las denuncias. Asimismo, en el Reglamento del Comité Interinstitucional de Lucha Antitabáquica aprobado mediante Acuerdo Ministerial 00002486 de 28 de noviembre del 2012 entre sus objetivos consta “… c) Impulsar la participación comunitaria en la creación de espacios libres de humo de tabaco, g) Aportar en procesos educativos para la declaración de espacios libres de humo (instituciones, edificios, etc.) Por último, cualquier establecimiento podrá declararse 100% libre de humo de manera voluntaria, en cuyo caso se realizará una certificación desde el Ministerio de Salud Pública. Además de los monitoreos realizados por la Agencia de Regulación, Control y Vigilancia Sanitaria (ARCSA) para verificar el cumplimiento del artículo 21, existe un correo electrónico ( donde se puede denunciar los casos en donde no se cumpla con el artículo 21, así como otros establecidos en la LORCT. En este sentido, el ARCSA es la institución encargada de realizar el monitoreo y la respuesta a las denuncias. Asimismo, en el Reglamento del Comité Interinstitucional de Lucha Antitabáquica aprobado mediante Acuerdo Ministerial 00002486 de 28 de noviembre del 2012 entre sus objetivos consta “… c) Impulsar la participación comunitaria en la creación de espacios libres de humo de tabaco, g) Aportar en procesos educativos para la declaración de espacios libres de humo (instituciones, edificios, etc.) Por último, cualquier establecimiento podrá declararse 100% libre de humo de manera voluntaria, en cuyo caso se realizará una certificación desde el Ministerio de Salud Pública. Además de los monitoreos realizados por la Agencia de Regulación, Control y Vigilancia Sanitaria (ARCSA) para verificar el cumplimiento del artículo 21, existe un correo electrónico ( donde se puede denunciar los casos en donde no se cumpla con el artículo 21, así como otros establecidos en la LORCT. En este sentido, el ARCSA es la institución encargada de realizar el monitoreo y la respuesta a las denuncias. Asimismo, en el Reglamento del Comité Interinstitucional de Lucha Antitabáquica aprobado mediante Acuerdo Ministerial 00002486 de 28 de noviembre del 2012 entre sus objetivos consta “… c) Impulsar la participación comunitaria en la creación de espacios libres de humo de tabaco, g) Aportar en procesos educativos para la declaración de espacios libres de humo (instituciones, edificios, etc.) Por último, cualquier establecimiento podrá declararse 100% libre de humo de manera voluntaria, en cuyo caso se realizará una certificación desde el Ministerio de Salud Pública.
Cook Islands WPR We do have an enforcement mechanism, however monitoring is weak. We do have an enforcement mechanism, however monitoring is weak. We do have an enforcement mechanism, however monitoring is weak.
China WPR 城市立法都明确规定了法规实施领导机构、协调机构和执法主体;对禁烟场所如何遵守法律做了比较细致和有针对性的规定,例如有禁烟制度、禁烟标识、专人劝阻、投诉举报等;对个人或场所违法行为有罚款等处罚措施。 1.为确保健康中国行动得到有效的落实,国务院成立了健康中国行动推进委员会,设立专家咨询委员会,下设各专项行动工作组;同步印发了《关于印发健康中国行动组织实施和考核方案的通知》,对主要的指标、重点任务实施进度进行监测、考核评估。各省份也对应成立了议事协调机构,并制定了本区域的目标指标和考核机制。 2.城市立法都明确规定了法规实施领导机构、协调机构和执法主体;对禁烟场所如何遵守法律做了比较细致和有针对性的规定,例如有禁烟制度、禁烟标识、专人劝阻、投诉举报等;对个人和场所违法行为有罚款等处罚措施。 1.国家卫生计生委定期组织暗访工作,对全国卫生计生系统的无烟环境进行评估。 2.北京、上海、深圳等通过地方无烟环境立法的城市,有具体的执法机构和协调机制。
Central African Republic AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Cameroon AFR Report not provided Des affiches et des roll-up et stick sont conçus et matérialisés pour amener les usagers à respecter les dispositions des textes réglementaires portant interdiction de fumer en ces différents lieux. Des affiches et des roll-up et stick sont conçus et matérialisés pour amener les usagers à respecter les dispositions des textes administratifs portant interdiction de fumer en ces différents lieux.
Belgium EUR Le contrôle du respect de la législation est assuré en fonction des lieux par les services d’inspection du SPF Santé publique, de l’agence fédérale pour la sécurité alimentaire ou du SPF Emploi. La police est compétente pour l’ensemble de ces contrôles. Le contrôle du respect de la législation est assuré en fonction des lieux par les services d’inspection du SPF Santé publique, de l’agence fédérale pour la sécurité alimentaire ou du SPF Emploi. La police est compétente pour l’ensemble de ces contrôles. Le contrôle du respect de la législation est assuré en fonction des lieux par les services d’inspection du SPF Santé publique, de l’agence fédérale pour la sécurité alimentaire ou du SPF Emploi. La police est compétente pour l’ensemble de ces contrôles.
Belarus EUR Report not provided За курение в (потребление) табачных изделий в запрещенных местах в соответствии со статьей 17.9 Кодекса Республики Беларусь об административных правонарушениях к административной ответственности предусмотрен штраф в размере до 4 базовых величин. За курение в (потребление) табачных изделий в запрещенных местах в соответствии со статьей 17.9 Кодекса Республики Беларусь об административных правонарушениях к административной ответственности в 2017 году привлечено 13456 лиц, в т.ч. 158 несовершеннолетних.
Bahrain (Kingdom of) EMR Article 4 of antismoking law, smoking is prohibited in all closed public places. A designated area for smokers can be allocated provided it is compliant with specifications of smoking areas stated in decree (2)/2011 issued by Minister of Health. People caught violating this article are being transferred to public prosecutor and later fined by court. Article 4 of antismoking law, smoking is prohibited in all closed public places. A designated area for smokers can be allocated provided it is compliant with specifications of smoking areas stated in decree (2)/2011 issued by Minister of Health. People caught violating this article are being transferred to public prosecutor and later fined by court. (decree attached) Article 4 of antismoking law, smoking is prohibited in all closed public places, however a designated area for smokers can be allocated provided it is compliant with specifications of smoking areas stated in decree (2)/2011 issued by Minister of Health. (decree attached)
Bahamas AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Armenia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Albania EUR Responsible for the implementation of this article are: State Health Inspectorate, Customs, Education Inspectorate, Labour Inspectorate, TAx Office, Customs office, Police and Municipality Police. All of the above government institutions are responsible for enforcing Law # 9636 with regards to smoking in public and work places, sale of tobacco products to people under 18, advertising and sale of loose cigarettes/ The Minister of Health on 02 August 2012 has set up a task force nr 2 for the implementation of the law (for the control of the smoking ban in public places). The purpose of this order was to create the model for the state inspectorate of how they should work to implement the law. The task force was successful but this model was not implemented on State Sanitary Inspectorate. Report not provided Report not provided
Afghanistan EMR Report not provided Allocated separate area for smoking in air ports installing sign of No tobacco on visible places take out of tobacco product during entrance to indoor places fine system ( for ofinders) installing messages regarding tobacco harms water-pipe removal campaign in Kabul city integration of tobacco control in daily supervision of municipality and environmental health office Allocated separate area for smoking in air ports installing sign of No tobacco on visible places take out of tobacco product during entrance to indoor places fine system ( for ofinders) installing messages regarding tobacco harms water-pipe removal campaign in Kabul city integration of tobacco control in daily supervision of municipality and environmental health office
Uruguay AMR La ley establece que es competencia del Ministerio de Salud Pública el controlar el cumplimiento de esta ley, en su función de policía sanitaria. Por lo tanto, el Ministerio está facultado para fiscalizar y aplicar sanciones cuando se constaten incumplimientos a la normativa. La ley establece que es competencia del Ministerio de Salud Pública el controlar el cumplimiento de esta ley, en su función de policía sanitaria. Por lo tanto, el Ministerio está facultado para fiscalizar y aplicar sanciones cuando se constaten incumplimientos a la normativa. La ley establece que es competencia del Ministerio de Salud Pública el controlar el cumplimiento de esta ley, en su función de policía sanitaria. Por lo tanto, el Ministerio está facultado para fiscalizar y aplicar sanciones cuando se constaten incumplimientos a la normativa.
Philippines WPR Section 29 of Republic Act 9211 provides the Inter-Agency Committee on Tobacco the power to administer and implement provisions of the law. The Committee is headed by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) as Chairperson and co-chaired by the Department of Health (DOH). Members include the Department of Agriculture, Department of Justice, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Education, National Tobacco Administration, representative from the Tobacco Industry and a Non-Government Organization. The Monitoring and Enforcement Guidelines (MEG) of RA 9211 details the designation and functions of pilot agencies in the implementation of the law as well as the procedures in the filing of complaints, investigation, and reporting. Violations have corresponding penalties under the law. For vaporized nicotine and non-nicotine products, pursuant to Section 21 or RA 11900, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is designated to have exclusive jurisdiction over any and all issues, requirements, and subject matters related to vaporized nicotine and non-nicotine products and novel tobacco products and their devices. At the sub-national level, pursuant to Executive Order Nos. 26, s. 2017 and 106, s. 2020, the Local Government Units (LGUs) may assign or deputize a specific task force (otherwise known as smoke-free task forces) to enforce the ordinance on tobacco control. The composition of the task force differs from each LGU, and may include but not be limited to the City/ Municipal Departments such as the City/ Municipal Health Office or City/ Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office, the Local Police Force, Sanitary Inspectors or Traffic Enforcers. Local Tobacco Control Councils may be created to serve as the implementation arm of the LGU. Most of the local enforcers at the sub-national level are authorized to issue citation tickets for violation of their local ordinances. Similarly, violations have corresponding penalties. Based on the said law, Metro Manila LGUs have established Local Tobacco Control Councils and trained enforcers from various departments such as in Health, Environmental and Natural Resources, Public Order and Safety, and Business Permit and Licensing Office. Section 29 of Republic Act 9211 provides the Inter-Agency Committee on Tobacco the power to administer and implement provisions of the law. The Committee is headed by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) as Chairperson and co-chaired by the Department of Health (DOH). Members include the Department of Agriculture, Department of Justice, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Education, National Tobacco Administration, representative from the Tobacco Industry and a Non-Government Organization. The Monitoring and Enforcement Guidelines (MEG) of RA 9211 details the designation and functions of pilot agencies in the implementation of the law as well as the procedures in the filing of complaints, investigation and reporting. Violations have corresponding penalties under the law. At the sub-national level, the Local Government Units (LGUs) may assign or deputize a specific task force to enforce the ordinance on tobacco control. The composition of the task force differs from each LGU, and may include but not be limited to the City/ Municipal Departments such as the City/ Municipal Health Office or City/ Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office, the Local Police Force, Sanitary Inspectors or Traffic Enforcers. Local Tobacco Control Councils may be created to serve as the implementation arm of the LGU. Most of the local enforcers at the sub-national level are authorized to issue citation tickets for violation of their local ordinances. Similarly, violations have corresponding penalties. Republic Act 9211 mandates the Inter-agency Committee on Tobacco as its implementing arm, provided with exclusive power to administer and implement provisions of the law. The Committee is headed by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) as Chairperson and the Department of Health (DOH) as Co-Chairperson. Members include the Department of Agriculture, Department of Justice, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Education, National Tobacco Administration, representative from the Tobacco Industry and a Non-government Organization. The Monitoring and Enforcement Guideline (MEG) of RA 9211 details the designation and functions of pilot agencies in the implementation of the law as well as the procedures in the filing of complaints, investigation and reporting. Violations have corresponding penalties under the law. At the sub-national level, the Local Government Units (LGUs) may assign or deputize a specific task force to enforce the ordinance on tobacco control. The composition of the task force differs from each LGU, and may include but not be limited to the City/ Municipal Departments such as the City/ Municipal Health Office or City/ Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office, the Local Police Force, Sanitary Inspectors or Traffic Enforcers. Local Tobacco Control Councils may be created to serve as the implementation arm of the LGU. Most of the local enforcers at the sub-national level are authorized to issue citation tickets for violation of their local ordinances. Similarly, violations have corresponding penalties. Under administrative and executive order, enforcement is assigned to a specific office within the agency, tasked to regulate or implement the policy. Monitoring and enforcement guidelines are issued to set out the procedures.
Papua New Guinea WPR The measures will come into effect once the regulation is endorsed There are measures but not fully implemented There are measures but not fully implemented
Panama AMR Ley 13 de Enero de 2008: “Artículo 5. Se prohíbe el consumo de tabaco y de los productos de este en: 1. Las oficinas públicas y privadas nacionales, provinciales, comarcales y locales. 2. Los medios de transporte público en general y en las terminales de transporte terrestre, marítimo y aéreo. 3. Los lugares cerrados de acceso público donde haya concurrencia de personas. 4. Los ambientes públicos y privados, abiertos y cerrados, destinados a actividades deportivas. 5. Las áreas comunes de los edificios públicos y privados de uso comercial y doméstico. 6. Los ambientes laborales cerrados. 7. Las instituciones educativas y de salud, públicas y privadas. Los gerentes o los encargados de los establecimientos, públicos o privados, serán los responsables de hacer cumplir al público en general y a sus empleados lo establecido en la presente Ley y, de ser necesario, podrán recurrir al auxilio de la Policía Nacional.” En los artículos 5 al 13 el Decreto Ejecutivo 230 de 2008 se establecen las definiciones generales y específicas para cada uno de los acápites establecidos en el artículo 5 de la Ley 13 de 2008. En el V Informe de país se adjuntaron copias de la Ley y del Decreto Ejecutivo en mención. Desde el 5 de diciembre de 2014, se prohibió en Panamá el uso de los sistemas electrónicos de administración de nicotina, cigarrillos electrónicos vaporizadores u otros dispositivos similares, con o sin nicotina, en los lugares donde se encuentra prohibido el consumo de productos de tabaco según lo dispuesto en el artículo 5 de la Ley 13 de 24 de enero de 2008. Esta disposición se ratifica mediante Ley No 315 de 2022, como también la prohibición de uso de los productos de tabaco calentado que data de mayo de 2018. La experiencia en el país evidencia la amplia aceptación de la población nacional, aunque algunos extranjeros residentes en Panamá la encuentran exagerada. Los hoteles mantienen la aplicación de una tasa sancionatoria para los huéspedes que fumen en las habitaciones que alcanza los B/. 100.00. La Comisión Nacional de Control de Tabaco adquirió 16 monitores de partículas en el 2014, para apoyar la vigilancia de ambientes libre de humo de Control de tabaco, en las Regiones de Salud y un equipo completo de calidad de aire para la Subdirección General de Salud Ambiental, para la realización de monitoreos por queja y oficio en las regiones de Salud. En el 2022, sé acaban de entregar otros 5 equipos de medición de partículas a 4 regiones de Salud y quedo uno en la Subdirección Ambiental y en proceso está la compra de 11 equipos más, ya que los equipos que se compraron en el 2014 cumplieron el tiempo de vida útil y se están reemplazando. Con los equipos recién entregados ya está realizando una validación del cumplimiento de la Ley No. 13 del 24 de enero de 2008; sobre ambientes libre de humo de tabaco. En el periodo de octubre a diciembre de 2021 se han llevado a cabo 50 mediciones de calidad de aire PM 2.5 en diferentes establecimientos de siete (7) regiones sanitarias de Panamá. Los resultados muestran que en 33 de los 50 establecimientos la calidad de aire se consideró buena, en 16 se consideró moderada y sólo en un establecimiento marcó una calidad que era desfavorable. En estos tipos de establecimientos de interés sanitario antes de la normativa de Control de Tabaco, era habitual el consumo de productos de tabaco. Según datos de la Encuesta Global de Tabaco en Jóvenes (GYTS) realizada en 2017, el 16.7% de los estudiantes dijeron haber estado expuestos al humo de tabaco en sus hogares y al 31.7% dijeron haber estado expuestos al humo de tabaco en lugares públicos cerrados. Detalles de este estudio se han presentado en acápites anteriores. Desde el 2009 se trata de avanzar en la aprobación de una Ley que prohíba fumar en terrazas y similares, playas y otros, sin éxito, pero seguimos planteándonos esta meta, así como continuar fortaleciendo la vigilancia del cumplimiento de las disposiciones vigentes en materia de ambientes libres de humo de tabaco, establecidas en el artículo 5 precitado y en el Decreto 230 de 2008 que lo reglamenta, como las disposiciones de la Ley 315 de 2022. Otro asunto de interés para el país se refiere al perfeccionamiento del proceso de aplicación de las sanciones vigentes cuando se identifiquen violaciones a la legislación nacional de control de tabaco atendiendo a los criterios de competencia y gradualidad tipificados. La Ley 66 de 10 de noviembre de 1947 modificada por la Ley 40 de 16 de noviembre de 2006, que aprueba el Código Sanitario establece un marco de referencia de todos los aspectos puntuales de salud pública. En la Ley 13 de 2008 se incluye la vigilancia y control de los productos de tabaco tomando como referencia lo establecido en la antes precitada disposición legal. Adicionalmente, se cuenta la Ley 54 de 2017 que incorpora la vigilancia sanitaria del cumplimiento de las normativas para el control de tabaco. Dependiendo del tipo de establecimiento el proceso de inspección lo efectúa inspectores de saneamiento ambiental o bien inspectores de protección de alimentos (restaurantes y similares). Adicionalmente, el artículo 13 del decreto 230 de 2008 establece: Artículo 13. En cumplimiento a lo que dicta el artículo 5 de la Ley 13 de 2008, sobre la prohibición del consumo de tabaco y de los productos de este, el Ministerio de Salud desarrollará, además las siguientes acciones: 1. Programar y realizar inspecciones sanitarias a los ambientes públicos y privados. 2. Divulgar las disposiciones contenidas en este Decreto a la población en general, mediante el uso demedios masivos de comunicación, volantes y otras. 3. Orientar a los gerentes o encargados de establecimientos públicos y privados sobre el contenido de laLey 13 de 2008 y de este reglamento. 4. Coordinar con las autoridades competentes la capacitación sobre el tema del control del tabaco a laPolicía Nacional, corregidores y otras instancias administrativas cuya función sea garantizar el cumplimiento de las leyes vigentes en el territorio nacional. 5. Dar a conocer a la población en general el número de teléfono de la línea caliente del Ministerio de Salud, para que puedan realizarse las denuncias de las violaciones de la Ley 13 de 2008 y de este Decreto. 6. Suministrar a los inspectores de salud, en forma permanente, boletas autoadhesivas que secolocarán en el área frontal del establecimiento que esté incumpliendo la Ley 13 de 2008 y/o este Decreto. Estas boletas son un mecanismo de notificación a la población de que el establecimiento no cumple con las normas vigentes en materia de control de tabaco, por lo que puede constituirse en un riesgo para la salud. Las mismas deben estar firmadas por las autoridades locales de salud correspondientes y sólo podrán ser removidas previa autorización de las autoridades de salud competentes. La violación de esta disposición estará sujeta a las sanciones correspondientes tipificadas en el Código Sanitario y las leyes complementarias. 7. Mantener un registro de los establecimientos que incumplan con las normas vigentes en materia decontrol de tabaco, en cada una de las regiones sanitarias, con la finalidad de verificar reincidencias en la violación de la Ley 13 de 2008. También los artículos 30 a 35 hacen referencia a las sanciones incluidas las multas a saber: Artículo 30. Las sanciones por el incumplimiento en materia de control de todos los productos de tabaco y sus derivados, se aplicarán de conformidad a lo establecido en el presente Decreto. Las infracciones en materia aduanera serán sancionadas por la autoridad competente, de conformidad con sus disposiciones legales vigentes. Artículo 31. Cualquier persona natural o jurídica que cometa una falta o contravención a las disposiciones del Código Sanitario y demás disposiciones legales vigentes en materia de salud pública, será sancionado con: 1. Amonestación: Llamado de atención escrito que le hará la autoridad sanitaria competente al infractor. 2. Multa: Sanción pecuniaria que, de acuerdo con la gravedad de la falta, oscila entre un mínimo de diezbalboas (B/.10.00) y un máximo de cien mil balboas (B/. 100,000). 3. Suspensión temporal de las actividades: sanción que impide el ejercicio normal de las actividades aque se dedica la persona natural o jurídica infractora, y que durará mientras subsista la afectación a la salud pública. 4. Clausura del establecimiento: sanción que puede ser temporal o definitiva, de acuerdo con lagravedad de la falta. 5. Decomiso: consiste en el retiro de los artículos o productos que afecten la salud pública, deconformidad con las autoridades sanitarias. Artículo 32. Las autoridades en materia de salud pública están facultadas para imponer las siguientes sanciones: 1. En el caso de los directores de centros, subcentros o policentros de salud, multas desde diez balboas(B/.10.00) hasta quinientos balboas (B/. 500.00) y el decomiso de los artículos y objetos que afecten la salud. 2. En el caso de los directores regionales de salud, multas de quinientos un balboa (B/ 501.00) hastacinco mil balboas (B/. 5,000.00), la suspensión temporal de actividades, cuando así se requiera mientras se mantenga la afectación a la salud pública y el decomiso de los artículos y objetos que afecten la salud. 3. En el caso del Director General de Salud Pública, multas desde cinco mil un balboas (B/. 5,001.00) hasta cien mil balboas (B/. 100,000.00), la clausura de los establecimientos de manera temporal o definitiva de acuerdo con la circunstancia que se presente en cada caso y el decomiso de los artículos y objetos que afecten la salud. Artículo 33. La cuantía de las sanciones que se impongan se graduará teniendo en cuenta el riesgo generado para la salud, la capacidad económica del infractor, la repercusión social de la infracción, el beneficio que haya reportado al infractor la conducta sancionada, si el afectado es un menor de edad y la reincidencia del infractor. Artículo 34. Si la infracción es denunciada por un particular, se debe seguir el Procedimiento Administrativo General, establecido en la Ley 38 de 2000. En los casos en que se proceda de oficio, bastará el acta de inspección, diligencia o reconocimiento elaborada por el Ministerio de Salud o el examen o análisis de laboratorio u otro, para dar por comprobada la infracción; luego de ello, se continuará con el procedimiento, de acuerdo con lo establecido en la Ley 38 de 2000. Artículo 35. Las resoluciones que establezcan sanciones serán susceptibles de los recursos de reconsideración y/o apelación. Los recursos que se admitan, en materia de salud pública, se concederán en efecto devolutivo. La reciente modificación al Código Penal panameño mediante Ley 34 de 8 de mayo de 2015, establece en su artículo 288-A acápite 6 lo siguiente: "Posea o introduzca productos de tabaco a la República de Panamá sin que se hayan pagado los impuestos de su introducción, o incumpla con las regulaciones sanitarias y normas de salud vigentes en el territorio nacional. Los productos de tabaco que se encuentren en la condición descrita por el numeral 6 serán decomisados y destruidos por la Autoridad Nacional de Aduanas, la Policía Nacional o el Ministerio de Salud, indistintamente. La sanción prevista en el presente artículo será aplicada siempre que la cuantía del contrabando sea igual o superior a quinientos mil balboas (B/. 500,000.00) tomando en cuenta el monto más alto entre el valor aduanero de las mercancías o de todos los impuestos y las demás contribuciones emergentes que pudieran causarse en una importación legal a consumo definitivo." La Ley 66 de 10 de noviembre de 1947 modificada por la Ley 40 de 16 de noviembre de 2006, que aprueba el Código Sanitario establece un marco de referencia de todos los aspectos puntuales de salud pública. En la Ley 13 de 2008 se incluye la vigilancia y control de los productos de tabaco tomando como referencia lo establecido en la antes precitada disposición legal. Adicionalmente, se cuenta la Ley 54 de 2017 que incorpora la vigilancia sanitaria del cumplimiento de las normativas para el control de tabaco. Dependiendo del tipo de establecimiento el proceso de inspección lo efectúa inspectores de saneamiento ambiental o bien inspectores de protección de alimentos (restaurantes y similares). Adicionalmente, el artículo 13 del decreto 230 de 2008 establece: Artículo 13. En cumplimiento a lo que dicta el artículo 5 de la Ley 13 de 2008, sobre la prohibición del consumo de tabaco y de los productos de este, el Ministerio de Salud desarrollará, además las siguientes acciones: 1. Programar y realizar inspecciones sanitarias a los ambientes públicos y privados. 2. Divulgar las disposiciones contenidas en este Decreto a la población en general, mediante el uso de medios masivos de comunicación, volantes y otras. 3. Orientar a los gerentes o encargados de establecimientos públicos y privados sobre el contenido de la Ley 13 de 2008 y de este reglamento. 4. Coordinar con las autoridades competentes la capacitación sobre el tema del control del tabaco a la Policía Nacional, corregidores y otras instancias administrativas cuya función sea garantizar el cumplimiento de las leyes vigentes en el territorio nacional. 5. Dar a conocer a la población en general el número de teléfono de la línea caliente del Ministerio de Salud, para que puedan realizarse las denuncias de las violaciones de la Ley 13 de 2008 y de este Decreto. 6. Suministrar a los inspectores de salud, en forma permanente, boletas autoadhesivas que se colocarán en el área frontal del establecimiento que esté incumpliendo la Ley 13 de 2008 y/o este Decreto. Estas boletas son un mecanismo de notificación a la población de que el establecimiento no cumple con las normas vigentes en materia de control de tabaco, por lo que puede constituirse en un riesgo para la salud. Las mismas deben estar firmadas por las autoridades locales de salud correspondientes y sólo podrán ser removidas previa autorización de las autoridades de salud competentes. La violación de esta disposición estará sujeta a las sanciones correspondientes tipificadas en el Código Sanitario y las leyes complementarias. 7. Mantener un registro de los establecimientos que incumplan con las normas vigentes en materia de control de tabaco, en cada una de las regiones sanitarias, con la finalidad de verificar reincidencias en la violación de la Ley 13 de 2008. También los artículos 30 a 35 hacen referencia a las sanciones incluidas las multas a saber: Artículo 30. Las sanciones por el incumplimiento en materia de control de todos los productos de tabaco y sus derivados, se aplicarán de conformidad a lo establecido en el presente Decreto. Las infracciones en materia aduanera serán sancionadas por la autoridad competente, de conformidad con sus disposiciones legales vigentes. Artículo 31. Cualquier persona natural o jurídica que cometa una falta o contravención a las disposiciones del Código Sanitario y demás disposiciones legales vigentes en materia de salud pública, será sancionado con: 1. Amonestación: Llamado de atención escrito que le hará la autoridad sanitaria competente al infractor. 2. Multa: Sanción pecuniaria que, de acuerdo con la gravedad de la falta, oscila entre un mínimo de diez balboas (B/.10.00) y un máximo de cien mil balboas (B/. 100,000). 3. Suspensión temporal de las actividades: sanción que impide el ejercicio normal de las actividades a que se dedica la persona natural o jurídica infractora, y que durará mientras subsista la afectación a la salud pública. 4. Clausura del establecimiento: sanción que puede ser temporal o definitiva, de acuerdo con la gravedad de la falta. 5. Decomiso: consiste en el retiro de los artículos o productos que afecten la salud pública, de conformidad con las autoridades sanitarias. Artículo 32. Las autoridades en materia de salud pública están facultadas para imponer las siguientes sanciones: 1. En el caso de los directores de centros, subcentros o policentros de salud, multas desde diez balboas (B/.10.00) hasta quinientos balboas (B/. 500.00) y el decomiso de los artículos y objetos que afecten la salud. 2. En el caso de los directores regionales de salud, multas de quinientos un balboa (B/ 501.00) hasta cinco mil balboas (B/. 5,000.00), la suspensión temporal de actividades, cuando así se requiera mientras se mantenga la afectación a la salud pública y el decomiso de los artículos y objetos que afecten la salud. 3. En el caso del Director General de Salud Pública, multas desde cinco mil un balboas (B/. 5,001.00) hasta cien mil balboas (B/. 100,000.00), la clausura de los establecimientos de manera temporal o definitiva de acuerdo con la circunstancia que se presente en cada caso y el decomiso de los artículos y objetos que afecten la salud. Artículo 33. La cuantía de las sanciones que se impongan se graduará teniendo en cuenta el riesgo generado para la salud, la capacidad económica del infractor, la repercusión social de la infracción, el beneficio que haya reportado al infractor la conducta sancionada, si el afectado es un menor de edad y la reincidencia del infractor. Artículo 34. Si la infracción es denunciada por un particular, se debe seguir el Procedimiento Administrativo General, establecido en la Ley 38 de 2000. En los casos en que se proceda de oficio, bastará el acta de inspección, diligencia o reconocimiento elaborada por el Ministerio de Salud o el examen o análisis de laboratorio u otro, para dar por comprobada la infracción; luego de ello, se continuará con el procedimiento, de acuerdo con lo establecido en la Ley 38 de 2000. Artículo 35. Las resoluciones que establezcan sanciones serán susceptibles de los recursos de reconsideración y/o apelación. Los recursos que se admitan, en materia de salud pública, se concederán en efecto devolutivo. La reciente modificación al Código Penal panameño mediante Ley 34 de 8 de mayo de 2015, establece en su artículo 288-A acápite 6 lo siguiente: "Posea o introduzca productos de tabaco a la República de Panamá sin que se hayan pagado los impuestos de su introducción, o incumpla con las regulaciones sanitarias y normas de salud vigentes en el territorio nacional. Los productos de tabaco que se encuentren en la condición descrita por el numeral 6 serán decomisados y destruidos por la Autoridad Nacional de Aduanas, la Policía Nacional o el Ministerio de Salud, indistintamente. La sanción prevista en el presente artículo será aplicada siempre que la cuantía del contrabando sea igual o superior a quinientos mil balboas (B/. 500,000.00) tomando en cuenta el monto más alto entre el valor aduanero de las mercancías o de todos los impuestos y las demás contribuciones emergentes que pudieran causarse en una importación legal a consumo definitivo." La Ley 66 de 10 de noviembre de 1947 modificada por la Ley 40 de 16 de noviembre de 2006, que aprueba el Código Sanitario establece un marco de referencia de todos los aspectos puntuales de salud pública. En la Ley 13 de 2008 se incluye la vigilancia y control de los productos de tabaco tomando como referencia lo establecido en la antes precitada excerta legal. Adicionalmente, se cuenta la Ley 54 de 2017 que incorpora la vigilancia sanitaria del cumplimiento de las normativas para el control de tabaco. Dependiendo del tipo de establecimiento el proceso de inspección lo efectúa inspectores de saneamiento ambiental o bien inspectores de protección de alimentos (restaurantes y similares). Adicionalmente, el artículo 13 del decreto 230 de 2008 establece: Artículo 13. En cumplimiento a lo que dicta el artículo 5 de la Ley 13 de 2008, sobre la prohibición del consumo de tabaco y de los productos de este, el Ministerio de Salud desarrollará, además las siguientes acciones: 1. Programar y realizar inspecciones sanitarias a los ambientes públicos y privados. 2. Divulgar las disposiciones contenidas en este Decreto a la población en general, mediante el uso de medios masivos de comunicación, volantes y otras. 3. Orientar a los gerentes o encargados de establecimientos públicos y privados sobre el contenido de la Ley 13 de 2008 y de este reglamento. 4. Coordinar con las autoridades competentes la capacitación sobre el tema del control del tabaco a la Policía Nacional, corregidores y otras instancias administrativas cuya función sea garantizar el cumplimiento de las leyes vigentes en el territorio nacional. 5. Dar a conocer a la población en general el número de teléfono de la línea caliente del Ministerio de Salud, para que puedan realizarse las denuncias de las violaciones de la Ley 13 de 2008 y de este Decreto. 6. Suministrar a los inspectores de salud, en forma permanente, boletas autoadhesivas que se colocarán en el área frontal del establecimiento que esté incumpliendo la Ley 13 de 2008 y/o este Decreto. Estas boletas son un mecanismo de notificación a la población de que el establecimiento no cumple con las normas vigentes en materia de control de tabaco, por lo que puede constituirse en un riesgo para la salud. Las mismas deben estar firmadas por las autoridades locales de salud correspondientes y sólo podrán ser removidas previa autorización de las autoridades de salud competentes. La violación de esta disposición estará sujeta a las sanciones correspondientes tipificadas en el Código Sanitario y las leyes complementarias. 7. Mantener un registro de los establecimientos que incumplan con las normas vigentes en materia de control de tabaco, en cada una de las regiones sanitarias, con la finalidad de verificar reincidencias en la violación de la Ley 13 de 2008. También los artículos 30 a 35 hacen referencia a las sanciones incluidas las multas a saber: Artículo 30. Las sanciones por el incumplimiento en materia de control de todos los productos de tabaco y sus derivados, se aplicarán de conformidad a lo establecido en el presente Decreto. Las infracciones en materia aduanera serán sancionadas por la autoridad competente, de conformidad con sus disposiciones legales vigentes. Artículo 31. Cualquier persona natural o jurídica que cometa una falta o contravención a las disposiciones del Código Sanitario y demás disposiciones legales vigentes en materia de salud pública, será sancionado con: 1. Amonestación: Llamado de atención escrito que le hará la autoridad sanitaria competente al infractor. 2. Multa: Sanción pecuniaria que, de acuerdo con la gravedad de la falta, oscila entre un mínimo de diez balboas (B/.10.00) y un máximo de cien mil balboas (B/. 100,000). 3. Suspensión temporal de las actividades: sanción que impide el ejercicio normal de las actividades a que se dedica la persona natural o jurídica infractora, y que durará mientras subsista la afectación a la salud pública. 4. Clausura del establecimiento: sanción que puede ser temporal o definitiva, de acuerdo con la gravedad de la falta. 5. Decomiso: consiste en el retiro de los artículos o productos que afecten la salud pública, de conformidad con las autoridades sanitarias. Artículo 32. Las autoridades en materia de salud pública están facultadas para imponer las siguientes sanciones: 1. En el caso de los directores de centros, subcentros o policentros de salud, multas desde diez balboas (B/.10.00) hasta quinientos balboas (B/. 500.00) y el decomiso de los artículos y objetos que afecten la salud. 2. En el caso de los directores regionales de salud, multas de quinientos un balboa (B/ 501.00) hasta cinco mil balboas (B/. 5,000.00), la suspensión temporal de actividades, cuando así se requiera mientras se mantenga la afectación a la salud pública y el decomiso de los artículos y objetos que afecten la salud. 3. En el caso del Director General de Salud Pública, multas desde cinco mil un balboas (B/. 5,001.00) hasta cien mil balboas (B/. 100,000.00), la clausura de los establecimientos de manera temporal o definitiva de acuerdo con la circunstancia que se presente en cada caso y el decomiso de los artículos y objetos que afecten la salud. Artículo 33. La cuantía de las sanciones que se impongan se graduará teniendo en cuenta el riesgo generado para la salud, la capacidad económica del infractor, la repercusión social de la infracción, el beneficio que haya reportado al infractor la conducta sancionada, si el afectado es un menor de edad y la reincidencia del infractor. Artículo 34. Si la infracción es denunciada por un particular, se debe seguir el Procedimiento Administrativo General, establecido en la Ley 38 de 2000. En los casos en que se proceda de oficio, bastará el acta de inspección, diligencia o reconocimiento elaborada por el Ministerio de Salud, o el examen o análisis de laboratorio u otro, para dar por comprobada la infracción; luego de ello, se continuará con el procedimiento, de acuerdo con lo establecido en la Ley 38 de 2000. Artículo 35. Las resoluciones que establezcan sanciones serán susceptibles de los recursos de reconsideración y/o apelación. Los recursos que se admitan, en materia de salud pública, se concederán en efecto devolutivo. La reciente modificación al Código Penal panameño mediante Ley 34 de 8 de mayo de 2015, establece en su artículo 288-A acápite 6 lo siguiente: "Posea o introduzca productos de tabaco a la República de Panamá sin que se hayan pagado los impuestos de su introducción, o incumpla con las regulaciones sanitarias y normas de salud vigentes en el territorio nacional. Los productos de tabaco que se encuentren en la condición descrita por el numeral 6 serán decomisados y destruidos por la Autoridad Nacional de Aduanas, la Policía Nacional o el Ministerio de Salud, indistintamente. La sanción prevista en el presente artículo será aplicada siempre que la cuantía del contrabando sea igual o superior a quinientos mil balboas (B/. 500,000.00) tomando en cuenta el monto más alto entre el valor aduanero de las mercancías o de todos los impuestos y las demás contribuciones emergentes que pudieran causarse en una importación legal a consumo definitivo."
Palau WPR Enforcement at this time is primarily the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice. Enforcement at this time is primarily the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice. Enforcement at this time is primarily the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice.
Niue WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Montenegro EUR Implementation of the Law is controlled by Inspections and within their responsibilities they provide monitoring of the tobacco use. Implementation of the Law control Inspections and within their responsibilities provide monitoring of the tobacco use. Implementation of the Law control Inspections and within their responsibilities provide monitoring of the tobacco use.
Mexico AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Malta EUR Enforcement includes legal proceedings and penalties. Report not provided Enforcement includes legal proceedings and penalties.
Latvia EUR The State Police and municipal police are responsible for the implementation of the smoking restriction set in the Tobacco act. Penalties are foreseen for the violations of the smoking restrictions in the national Tobacco law. The State Police, Health Inspectorate, State Revenue Service etc. are responsible for the implementation of the requirements. Penalties are foreseen for the violations. The State Police, Health Inspectorate, State Revenue Service etc. are responsible for the implementation of the requirements. Penalties are foreseen for the violations.
Kyrgyzstan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Kenya AFR The Tobacco Control Act gives powers to enforcement agencies in the country to enforce the law. It also allows the Minister for health to authorize additional government officials to enforce the tobacco control Act. The existing enforcement systems in place include the public Health Officers (under the Division of Environment health and sanitation); the Police; The OSH officers, the Army. Report not provided The Tobacco Control Act gives powers to enforcement agencies in the country to enforce the law. It also allows the Minister for health to authorize additional government officials to enforce the tobacco control Act. The existing enforcement systems in place include the public Health Officers (under the Division of Environment health and sanitation); the Police; The OSH officers, the Army.
Japan WPR The revised Health Promotion Act was fully enforced from April 1, 2020. Violators have been fined. The revised Health Promotion Act will be fully enforced from April 1, 2020. Violators should be fined. Answer not provided
Iceland EUR The Administration of Occupational Safety and Health, local government health committees, the Icelandic Maritime Administration and the Civil Aviation Administration monitor, as applicable, compliance with the provisions of these regulations, in accord with legislation applying to those bodies. Should a member of staff of an institution or company believe that the provisions of these regulations are being violated, he/she may make a complaint to the Administration of Occupational Safety and Health, the Icelandic Maritime Administration or the Civil Aviation Administration, in accord with legislation applying to those bodies. Should a customer or client of an institution or company believe that the provisions of these Regulations are being violated, he/she may direct a complaint to the health committee in the relevant monitoring region, in accord with legislation applying to local government health committees. Violations of these regulations are subject to the Tobacco Control Act no. 2002 and, as applicable, to the provisions of the Working Environment, Health and Safety in the Workplace Act and the Hygiene and Pollution Control Act. The Administration of Occupational Safety and Health, local government health committees, the Icelandic Maritime Administration and the Civil Aviation Administration monitor, as applicable, compliance with the provisions of these regulations, in accord with legislation applying to those bodies. Should a member of staff of an institution or company believe that the provisions of these regulations are being violated, he/she may make a complaint to the Administration of Occupational Safety and Health, the Icelandic Maritime Administration or the Civil Aviation Administration, in accord with legislation applying to those bodies. Should a customer or client of an institution or company believe that the provisions of these Regulations are being violated, he/she may direct a complaint to the health committee in the relevant monitoring region, in accord with legislation applying to local government health committees. Violations of these regulations are subject to the Tobacco Control Act no. 2002 and, as applicable, to the provisions of the Working Environment, Health and Safety in the Workplace Act and the Hygiene and Pollution Control Act. The Administration of Occupational Safety and Health, local government health committees, the Icelandic Maritime Administration and the Civil Aviation Administration monitor, as applicable, compliance with the provisions of these regulations, in accord with legislation applying to those bodies. Should a member of staff of an institution or company believe that the provisions of these regulations are being violated, he/she may make a complaint to the Administration of Occupational Safety and Health, the Icelandic Maritime Administration or the Civil Aviation Administration, in accord with legislation applying to those bodies. Should a customer or client of an institution or company believe that the provisions of these Regulations are being violated, he/she may direct a complaint to the health committee in the relevant monitoring region, in accord with legislation applying to local government health committees. Violations of these regulations are subject to the Tobacco Control Act no. 2002 and, as applicable, to the provisions of the Working Environment, Health and Safety in the Workplace Act and the Hygiene and Pollution Control Act.
Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Germany EUR Law enforcement lies within the responsibility of the local level, there are fines defined within the law. Law enforcement lies within the responsibility of the local level, there are fines defined within the law. Law enforcement lies within the responsibility of the local level, there are fines defined within the law.
Georgia EUR The responsible agency for monitoring and responding to the smoking ban in public places (hospitality sector) is the Police Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The main responsibility for compliance with the law falls on the owners/managers of the business, in case the individuals do not obey the smoking ban law, the owner/manager is entitled to call the Patrol police. Financial sanctions for the violations of law have increased and the process has been simplified. Routine monitoring is implemented to reveal the violations. Other ministries are responsible for monitoring and responding to violations of the facilities under their field: e.g. Ministry of Finance, Revenue Service for retailers, Ministry of Health for Health facilities, Ministry of Education for educational facilities, etc. In addition, with the 2021 legislative changes, smoking was banned in taxis, sailing facilities, rope transport, and private vehicles where minors are presented. This is also enforced by the Patrol Police. Responsible agency on monitoring and response of smoking ban in public places (hospitality sector) is Police Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The main responsibility for the compliance to the law falls on the owners/managers of the business, in case the individuals do not obey to the smoking ban law, the owner/manager is entitled to call the Patrol police. Financial sanctions for the violations of law have increased and the process has simplified. The routine monitoring is planned to reveal the violations, for which relevant structures of the ministry of Internal Affairs are being trained. Other ministries are responsible on monitoring and response on violations of the facilities under their field: e.g. Ministry of Finance, Revenue Service for retailers, Ministry of Health for Health facilities, Ministry of Education for educational facilities etc. responsible agency on monitoring and response of smoking ban in public places (hospitality sector) is Police Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The main responsibility for the compliance to the law falls on the owners/managers of the business, in case the individuals do not obey to the smoking ban law, the owner/manager is entitled to call the Patrol police. Financial sanctions for the violations of law have increased and the process has simplified. The routine monitoring is planned to reveal the violations, for which relevant structures of the ministry of Internal Affairs are being trained. Other ministries are responsible on monitoring and response on violations of the facilities under their field: e.g. Ministry of Finance, Revenue Service for retailers, Ministry of Health for Health facilities, Ministry of Education for educational facilities etc.
Gabon AFR La Loi 006/2013 du 21 Août 2013 stipule au Chapitre 11, qu'il est créé une Commission Nationale de Lutte contre le Tabagisme, Organe de coordination nationale, chargée du suivi et de l'évaluation de la mise en oeuvre de la CCLAT et rattachée à la Primature. Le Décret 0339 du 1er Juin 2016 en précise la composition et les modalités de fonctionnement. Une commission nationale est prévue pour lapplication de cette mesure. Un arrêté du Premier Ministre devait être pris pour installer cette Commission Nationale et est toujours attendu. une commission nationale est prévue pour lapplication de cette mesure
Zimbabwe AFR Report not provided DETAILS OF THIS ARE FOUND IN STATUTORY INSTRUMENT 264 OF 2002, Public Health ( Control of Tobacco ) Regulations of 2002 DETAILS OF THIS ARE FOUND IN STATUTORY INSTRUMENT 264 OF 2002, Public Health ( Control of Tobacco ) Regulations of 2002
Spain EUR Se establecen las responsabilidades (artículo 21) y las competencias (artículo 22). Se fijan las infracciones (artículo 19) y las sanciones (artículo 20. Se establecen las responsabilidades (artículo 21) y las competencias (artículo 22). Se fijan las infracciones (artículo 19) y las sanciones (artículo 20. Se establecen las responsabilidades (artículo 21) y las competencias (artículo 22). Se fijan las infracciones (artículo 19) y las sanciones (artículo 20.
South Africa AFR The Directorate: Environmental Health, within the Department of Health is responsible for the compliance of regulations and the South African Police Services is responsible for the enforcement of the law. Report not provided The Directorate: Environmental Health, within the Department of Health is responsible for the compliance of regulations and the South African Police Services is responsible for the enforcement of the law.
Czechia EUR National body responsible for the enforcement: Municipality with delegated power; The Police of the Czech Republic; Municipal police; Public Health Authority, Czech School inspectorate; State Labour inspection office and regional labour inspectorates (as regards workplaces) Sanctions for non-compliance with national legislation/requirements are imposed (e.g. fine for operators which allow smoking at places with smoking ban up to 50 000 CZK, and for persons who smoke at places with smoking ban – up to 5 000 CZK ). National body responsible for the enforcement: Municipality with delegated power; The Police of the Czech Republic; Municipal police; Public Health Authority, Czech School inspectorate; State Labour inspection office and regional labour inspectorates (as regards workplaces) Sanctions for non-compliance with national legislation/requirements are imposed (e.g. fine for operators which allow smoking at places with smoking ban up to 50 000 CZK, and for persons who smoke at places with smoking ban – up to 5 000 CZK ). National body responsible for the enforcement: Municipality with delegated power; The Police of the Czech Republic; Municipal police; Public Health Authority, Czech School inspectorate; State Labour inspection office and regional labour inspectorates (as regards workplaces) Sanctions for non-compliance with national legislation/requirements are imposed (e.g. fine for operators which allow smoking at places with smoking ban up to 50 000 CZK, and for persons who smoke at places with smoking ban – up to 5 000 CZK.
Republic of North Macedonia EUR Report not provided Responsible institutions are Ministries for Health, Labor and Social Policy,Education, Economy, Transport and Communication Answer not provided
Türkiye EUR To enforce effectively the national Law Smokefree Law Inspection System has been set up nationwide. It includes GPS Mobile Devices and a mapping system to find easily the address due to the notification. Through this system the monitoring of each inspection team (1453) and their inspections with the reporting is available. Moreover, the position, speed, all time intervals while the inspection and images of inspection of inspection teams can easily be monitored on-line through this system. On the other hand, a mobile device application; green detector, has also been created to notify any violation on smokefree law immediately and it is currently used country-wide. In addition to the Green Detector Mobile Application new activities such as the Cross-Inspection Model between provinces and districts, and the Tobacco Auditors Distance Education Program were launched to strengthen the inspection system. To enforce effectively the national Law Smokefree Law Inspection System has been set up nationwide. It includes GPS Mobile Devices (1500) and a mapping system to find easily the address due to the notification. Through this system the monitoring of each inspection team (1453) and their inspections with the reporting is available. Moreover, the position, speed, all time intervals while the inspection and images of inspection of inspection teams can easily be monitored on-line through this system. On the other hand, a mobile device application; green detector, has also been created to notify any violation on smokefree law immediately and it is currently used country-wide. In addition to the Green Detector Mobile Application new activities such as the Cross-Inspection Model between provinces and districts, and the Tobacco Auditors Distance Education Program were launched to strengthen the inspection system. To enforce effectively the national Law Smokefreelaw Inspection System has been set up nationwide. It includes GPS Mobile Devices (1500) and a mapping system to find easily the address due to the notification. Through this system the monitoring of each inspection team (1453) and their inspections with the reporting is available. Moreover, the position, speed, all time intervals while the inspection and images of inspection of inspection teams can easily be monitored on-line through this system. On the other hand, a mobile device application; green detector, has also been created to notify any violation on smokefree law immediately and it is currently used country-wide.
Yemen EMR المادة رقم (23) توجد غرامة مُحددة في القانون على المخالفين 500 ريال لمن يتعاطى التدخين في الأماكن العامة أو بالحبس (24) ساعة وتضاعف العقوبة في حالة التكرار Report not provided المادة رقم (23) توجد غرامة مُحددة في القانون على المخالفين 500 ريال لمن يتعاطى التدخين في الأماكن العامة أو بالحبس (24) ساعة وتضاعف العقوبة في حالة التكرار
Togo AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Senegal AFR Les forces de défense et de sécurité sont chargés de veiller à lapplication de la loi. Les forces de défense et de sécurité sont chargés de veiller à lapplication de la loi. Les forces de défense et de sécurité sont chargés de veiller à lapplication de la loi.
San Marino EUR The law establishes fines for violations. Report not provided The law establishes fines for violations.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Romania EUR The inspectors of the National Authority for Consumers Protection and of the Health Inspection have the right and the obligation to apply penalties. Report not provided Report not provided
Republic of Moldova EUR According to the Law # 278, Agency for Public Health and General Inspectorate of Police are authorized to enforce the Law According to the Law # 278, Agency for Public Health and general Inspectorate of Police are authorized to enforce the Law According to the Law # 278, Public Health Service and general Inspectorate of Police are authorized to enforce the Law
India SEA challan (fine) mechanism for violation of prohibition of smoking in public places (section 4 of COTPA, 2003). Answer not provided National level toll free reporting helpline (1800110456) established for reporting violations. Law enforcers manual (2015) has been developed and disseminated by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare to facilitate the state governments in implementation of the smokefree Rules. Efforts have been made to mainstream compliance to anti-tobacco law (COTPA) in the monthly crime review meetings at District level and in the licenses issued to eateries and restaurants. State Governments have been encouraged to organise trainings to streamline the capacity building of the staff. Ministry, in colaboration with WHO has developed the training Modules for NTCP staff to implent the programme.
Ireland EUR Enforcement of the smoke free law is the responsibility of the Environmental Health Service of the Health Service Executive (HSE) and the Health and Safety Authority (HSA). Enforcement of the smoke free law is the responsibility of the Environmental Health Service of the Health Service Executive (HSE) and the Health and Safety Authority (HSA). Enforcement of the smoke free law is the responsibility of the Environmental Health Service of the Health Service Executive (HSE) and the Health and Safety Authority (HSA).
Italy EUR The Health and Safety Unit of the Italian Police performed every years thousands of controls to verify the respect of the ban and to fine the violations. The Health and Safety Unit of the Italian Police performed every years thousands of controls to verify the respect of the ban and to fine the violations. The Health and Safety Unit of the Italian Police performed every years thousands of controls to verify the respect of the ban and to fine the violations.
Nepal SEA There is provision in the law for the formation of Tobacco Control Sub Committee at Federal, Provincial and Local levels. The manager of public places is responsible for enforcing Provision 4 of the Act. The Assistant Chief District Officer (ACDO) is assigned to be the inspector for tobacco control and is recognized as the chief enforcement officer for tobacco control in each districts. Tobacco Control Sub Committee at Central, District, Village and Municipality levels is going to be formed soon. The manager of public places is responsible for enforcing Provision 4 of the Act. The Assistant Chief District Officer (ACDO) is assigned to be the inspector for tobacco control and is recognized as the chief enforcement officer for tobacco control in each districts. Tobacco Control Sub Committee at Central, District, Village and Municipality levels is going to be formed soon. The manager of public places is responsible for enforcing Provision 4 of the Act. The Assistant Chief District Officer (ACDO) is assigned to be the inspector for tobacco control and is recognized as the chief enforcement officer for tobacco control in each districts.
Iran (Islamic Republic of) EMR Due to lack of administrative infrastructure needed on how to deal with individual offenses in public places (except government buildings), in accordance with Article 8 of the executive bylaw of the national tobacco control law, the responsibility to implement the smoking ban in public places and other places mentioned in the law, is settled on managers or employers of these places. Accordingly, officers, employers and public authorities are required to install the warning signs banning the consumption of tobacco products in public places in the proper sight of these places and doing necessary actions to implement restricting regulations and protect their clients against exposure to second hand tobacco smoke. Definition of public places covered by the regulations is given in item 8 of Article 1 of the executive bylaw of the national tobacco control law. It is worth noting the criteria of the provisions of this Convention, had stipulated in amended Article 13 of the eatable, drinkable, cosmetics and healthy substances’ Act in 2000, years before entering into force the treaty. Under these regulations, all operators must abide by the requirements of banning smoking in public places by employees, workers and their clients. Fortunately, there is environmental health inspection system in the countrys health network which synergies effective implementation of these regulations as well as other provisions which are related to control tobacco products’ distribution and supply system. Supervising the accurate enforcement of national regulations, environmental health inspectors in the Ministry of health by close collaboration with the police and the judicial system followed any violations in this regard. Since part of the foodstuff centers like supermarkets and grocery stores have been determined as tobacco sales agents based on the HQ’S decision (Appendix II) , environmental health inspectors in addition to their duties on monitoring and observance of regulations relating to the sale and distribution of foodstuffs also do the necessary monitoring on supply of tobacco products in these places. Smoking ban by operators and workers during the work covered by these regulations, banning the sale and supply of cigarettes in workshops, factories, premises, facilities and locations subject to this bylaw, except premises, facilities and sites that are licensed, prohibition against selling cigarettes to people younger than 18 years, banning smoking in any public areas of workshops and factories, requirement to install warning signs in appropriate locations and at sight by the operators, managers or employers subject to this bylaw, including locations mentioned in these regulations are relevant regulations which environmental health inspectors always supervise and monitor them during their work time. Due to lack of administrative infrastructure needed on how to deal with individual offenses in public places (except government buildings), in accordance with Article 8 of the executive bylaw of the national tobacco control law, the responsibility to implement the smoking ban in public places and other places mentioned in the law, is settled on managers or employers of these places. Accordingly, officers, employers and public authorities are required to install the warning signs banning the consumption of tobacco products in public places in the proper sight of these places and doing necessary actions to implement restricting regulations and protect their clients against exposure to second hand tobacco smoke. Definition of public places covered by the regulations is given in item 8 of Article 1 of the executive bylaw of the national tobacco control law. It is worth noting the criteria of the provisions of this Convention, had stipulated in amended Article 13 of the eatable, drinkable, cosmetics and healthy substances’ Act in 2000, years before entering into force the treaty. Under these regulations, all operators must abide by the requirements of banning smoking in public places by employees, workers and their clients. Fortunately, there is environmental health inspection system in the countrys health network which synergies effective implementation of these regulations as well as other provisions which are related to control tobacco products’ distribution and supply system. Supervising the accurate enforcement of national regulations, environmental health inspectors in the Ministry of health by close collaboration with the police and the judicial system followed any violations in this regard. Since part of the foodstuff centers like supermarkets and grocery stores have been determined as tobacco sales agents based on the HQ’S decision (Appendix II) , environmental health inspectors in addition to their duties on monitoring and observance of regulations relating to the sale and distribution of foodstuffs also do the necessary monitoring on supply of tobacco products in these places. Smoking ban by operators and workers during the work covered by these regulations, banning the sale and supply of cigarettes in workshops, factories, premises, facilities and locations subject to this bylaw, except premises, facilities and sites that are licensed, prohibition against selling cigarettes to people younger than 18 years, banning smoking in any public areas of workshops and factories, requirement to install warning signs in appropriate locations and at sight by the operators, managers or employers subject to this bylaw, including locations mentioned in these regulations are relevant regulations which environmental health inspectors always supervise and monitor them during their work time. Due to lack of administrative infrastructure needed on how to deal with individual offenses in public places (except government buildings), in accordance with Article 8 of the executive bylaw of the national tobacco control law, the responsibility to implement the smoking ban in public places and other places mentioned in the law, is settled on managers or employers of these places. Accordingly, officers, employers and public authorities are required to install the warning signs banning the consumption of tobacco products in public places in the proper sight of these places and doing necessary actions to implement restricting regulations and protect their clients against exposure to second hand tobacco smoke. Definition of public places covered by the regulations is given in item 8 of Article 1 of the executive bylaw of the national tobacco control law. It is worth noting the criteria of the provisions of this Convention, had stipulated in amended Article 13 of the eatable, drinkable, cosmetics and healthy substances’ Act in 2000, years before entering into force the treaty. Under these regulations, all operators must abide by the requirements of banning smoking in public places by employees, workers and their clients. Fortunately, there is environmental health inspection system in the countrys health network which synergies effective implementation of these regulations as well as other provisions which are related to control tobacco products’ distribution and supply system. Supervising the accurate enforcement of national regulations, environmental health inspectors in the Ministry of health by close collaboration with the police and the judicial system followed any violations in this regard. Since part of the foodstuff centers like supermarkets and grocery stores have been determined as tobacco sales agents based on the HQ’S decision (Appendix II) , environmental health inspectors in addition to their duties on monitoring and observance of regulations relating to the sale and distribution of foodstuffs also do the necessary monitoring on supply of tobacco products in these places. Smoking ban by operators and workers during the work covered by these regulations, banning the sale and supply of cigarettes in workshops, factories, premises, facilities and locations subject to this bylaw, except premises, facilities and sites that are licensed, prohibition against selling cigarettes to people younger than 18 years, banning smoking in any public areas of workshops and factories, requirement to install warning signs in appropriate locations and at sight by the operators, managers or employers subject to this bylaw, including locations mentioned in these regulations are relevant regulations which environmental health inspectors always supervise and monitor them during their work time.
Iraq EMR the competent courts impose financial penalties on violators of the law, whether they are in governmental departments or the private sectors. the competent courts impose financial penalties on violators of the law, whether they are in governmental departments or the private sectors. Answer not provided
Israel EUR Report not provided The local authorities must nominate inspectors in order to enforce the law regarding all the public places under the municipality jurisdiction. The municipality mayor has to file a yearly report to the Ministry of Health with details about the number of inspectors and the number of fines in every public space - such as malls, clubs, restaurants, hospitals etc. In government hospitals, government buildings and light or heavy train stations - nominated local inspectors can report about smokers in those areas and send their details to the local municipality. Educational institutes - the enforcement regarding students is more educational in nature than with fines. Report not provided