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Party Region 2023 2020 2018
Sudan EMR 1. تم انشاء قسم خاص بمكافحة التبغ وتحديد الشخص المحوري تحت ادارة تعزيز الصحة 2. تم تحديث اللجنة الوطنية في العام 2022 و عقد اجتعات دورية 1. تمت مطالبة مركز الاتصالات بالموافقة علي خط ساخن لمكافحة التبغ وتمت الموافقة المبدئية 2. تم إنشا وحدة خاصة بالتبغ و لشخص المحوري 3. تم تحديث اللجنة الوطنية في العام 2018 و عقد اجتماعات دورية 1. تم رفع مقترح لقيام خط ساخن خاص ل بمكافحة التبغ بالتعاون مع احدي شركات الاتصال 2. تم أعتماد قسم منفصل لمكافحة التبغ وتسمية الشخص المحوري 3. تم تفعيل وتحديث اللجنة الوطنية ودورية الاجتماعات
Suriname AMR In the Ministry of Health - the NCD unit of the Bureau of Public Health - a focal point for tobacco has been appointed In other sectors of the Government - existing departments to advance tobacco control consist: •Environmental Inspectorate in the Bureau of Public Health •The Bureau Alcohol and Drugs, a department of the Psychiatric hospital Suriname •Labor Inspectorate, Min of Labor •Economic Control Unit, Min. Trade & Industries •Customs /Special Excise Stamp Control Unit, Finance •Fraud Department, Min. Justice & Police •Tobacco Lawyer- in the Attorney Generals Office •District Commissioners, Min. Regional Development In the Ministry of Health - the NCD unit of the Bureau of Public Health - a focal point for tobacco has been appointed In other sectors of the Government - existing departments to advance tobacco control consist: •Environmental Inspectorate in the Bureau of Public Health •The Bureau Alcohol and Drugs, a department of the Psychiatric hospital Suriname •Labor Inspectorate, Min of Labor •Economic Control Unit, Min. Trade & Industries •Customs /Special Excise Stamp Control Unit, Finance •Fraud Department, Min. Justice & Police •Tobacco Lawyer- in the Attorney Generals Office •District Commissioners, Min. Regional Development Ministry of Health (MOH) Suriname is responsible for tobacco control. The NCD unit of the Bureau of Public Health with Environmental Health Inspectors of the Bureau of Public Health together with the labor inspectors and other stakeholders are responsible for the implementation of the tobacco law. The Existing mechanisms to advance tobacco control consist: •National Focal point for Tobacco Control in MOH •Environmental Inspectorate in the Bureau of Public Health •Labor Inspectorate •IUD and Economische Controle Unit, Trade & Industries •Customs /Special Excise Stamp Control Unit, Finance •Fraud Department Justice & Police •District Commissioners, Regional Development •Curriculum development in Ministry of Education
Sweden EUR The focal point for tobacco control with regards to policymaking is a government official based at the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. The Public Health Agency, a government agency, functions as the national coordinating mechanism concerning evidence-based tobacco prevention and tobacco statistics. The agency has central supervisory and supervisory guidance responsibility with regard to the law on tobacco and similar Products (2018:2088) relating to smoke-free environments, sales, labelling and product control. The Swedish Consumer Agency exercise central supervisory responsibility regarding marketing. The Swedish Work Environment Authority has central supervisory responsibility relating to smoke-free work environments. The county administrative boards have regional supervisory responsibility whereas the municipalities and the police exercise immediate supervisory responsibility in accordance with the law on tobacco and similar Products (2018:2088). The Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish Customs are responsible for making sure that customs duties, taxes and charges associated with tobacco trade are collected and that illicit import of tobacco products is counteracted. The focal point for tobacco control with regards to policymaking is a government official based at the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. The Public Health Agency, a government agency, functions as the national coordinating mechanism concerning evidence-based tobacco prevention and tobacco statistics. The agency has central supervisory responsibility with regard to the law on tobacco and similar Products (2018:2088) relating to smoke-free environments, sales, labelling and product control. The Swedish Consumer Agency exercise central supervisory responsibility regarding marketing. The Swedish Work Environment Authority has central supervisory responsibility relating to smoke-free work environments. The county administrative boards have regional supervisory responsibility whereas the municipalities and the police exercise immediate supervisory responsibility in accordance with the law on tobacco and similar Products (2018:2088). The Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish Customs are responsible for making sure that customs duties, taxes and charges associated with tobacco trade are collected and that illicit import of tobacco products is counteracted. The focal point for tobacco control with regards to policymaking is a government official based at the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. The Public Health Agency, a government agency, functions as the national coordinating mechanism concerning evidence-based tobacco prevention and tobacco statistics. The agency has central supervisory responsibility with regard to the Tobacco Act (1993:581), relating to smoke-free environments, sales, labelling and product control. The Swedish Consumer Agency exercise central supervisory responsibility regarding marketing. The Swedish Work Environment Authority has central supervisory responsibility relating to smoke-free work environments. The county administrative boards have regional supervisory responsibility whereas the municipalities and the police exercise immediate supervisory responsibility in accordance with the Tobacco Act (1993:581). The Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish Customs are responsible for making sure that customs duties, taxes and charges associated with tobacco trade are collected and that illicit import of tobacco products is counteracted.
Syrian Arab Republic EMR تم تشكيل اللجنة الوطنية لمكافحة التدخين وفقا للمرسوم التشريعي 62 لعام 2009 تمثل الجهات الحكومية من الوزارات وبعض الاتحادات وتفوم اللجنة بالاستعانة بمن يلزم من جهات حكومية اخرى اة نقابات شعبية او جمعيات، ومقر اللجنةالوطنيةفي وزارة الصحة تم تشكيل اللجنة الوطنية لمكافحة التدخين وفقا للمرسوم التشريعي 62 لعام 2009 تمثل الجهات الحكومية من الوزارات وبعض الاتحادات وتفوم اللجنة بالاستعانة بمن يلزم من جهات حكومية اخرى اة نقابات شعبية او جمعيات، ومقر اللجنةالوطنيةفي وزارة الصحة تم تشكيل اللجنة الوطنية لمكافحة التدخين وفقا للمرسوم التشريعي 62 لعام 2009 تمثل الجهات الحكومية من الوزارات وبعض الاتحادات وتفوم اللجنة بالاستعانة بمن يلزم من جهات حكومية اخرى اة نقابات شعبية او جمعيات، ومقر اللجنةالوطنيةفي وزارة الصحة
Tajikistan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Thailand SEA The Office of Tobacco Products Control Committee (OTPC), previously called the Bureau of Tobacco Products Control, is established under the Department of Disease Control in the Ministry of Public Health and acts as the national focal point for prevention and control of tobacco products. Furthermore, the Office of Tobacco Products Control Committee (OTPC) is assigned to be the secretary general of the National Tobacco Products Control Committee (NTPCC) as well as other sub-committees implementing the Third National Strategic Plan for Tobacco Control, 2022-2027 (B.E. 2565-2577) and Tobacco Products Control Act (TPCA) 2017 (B.E. 2560) in accordance with WHO FCTC implementation. The Office of Tobacco Products Control Committee (OTPC) takes a whole-of-government approach to tobacco control and regularly collaborates with other Thai government agencies and non-governmental organizations. Tobacco product control in Thailand has been financially supported by various organizations, such as the ThaiHealth Promotion Foundation, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Tobacco Control Research and Knowledge Management Center (TRC). ThaiHealth Promotion Foundation is an autonomous state agency that operates outside the formal structure of government. The ThaiHealth Promotion Foundation is funded by sin taxes—a 2% surcharge of excise tax on cigarettes and alcohol beverages. The fund has been used as monetary support for various activities related to health promotion, including tobacco control, for government, non-government organizations, and civil society since 2001. Office of Tobacco Products Control Committee (OTPC) or previously called Bureau of Tobacco Products Control is established under the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health acts as the national focal point for prevention and control of tobacco products. Currently, Thailand has the Tobacco Products Control Act (TPCA) 2017 (B.E.2560), which was published in the Royal Gazette on April 5, 2017 and came into force on July 4, 2017. The main responsible is to process of tobacco products control policy cycle composed of policy agenda, policy formulation (including development of new legislation and revision of existing laws and regulations), policy decision, policy implementation, and policy evaluation. In addition, OTPC is assigned to be secretary general of the National Tobacco Products Control Committee (NTPCC) as well as other sub-committee implementing the Second National Strategic Plan for Tobacco Control, 2016–2019 (B.E.2559-2562). The Second National Strategic Plan for Tobacco Control, 2016- 2019 (B.E.2559-2562) that will be extending to 2022 was developed through collaborative efforts from all sectors including government and NGOs and aimed to achieve smoke-free Thai society. This National Strategic Plan is multidisciplinary plan and was approved by the Cabinet on April 19, 2016. This National Strategic Plan consists of 6 strategies which are Strategy 1: Strengthening and developing national capacity in tobacco control operations, Strategy 2: Prevention of the initiation of new tobacco consumers and control of tobacco industry interference target to adolescent and new smokers, Strategy 3: Provide help to quit smoke, Strategy 4: Regulation of tobacco product contents and disclosure, Strategy 5: Non-smoker protection through smoke-free environments, and Strategy 6: Tax measure and control of illicit trade on tobacco products. Bureau of Tobacco Control (BTC) was established under the Department ofDisease Control, Ministry of Public Health as the national focal point for prevention and control of tobacco consumption. Two national laws for tobacco control were enacted to support the control of tobacco consumption ; the Nonsmoker’s Health Protection Act,1992 and the Tobacco Product Control Act, 1992. Currently, Thailand has the Tobacco Products Control Act 2560 (B.E.2560), which was published in the Royal Gazette on April 5, 2017 and came into force on July 4, 2017 BTC is mainly responsible for the process of tobacco control policy cycle composed of policy agenda, policy formulation (including development of new legislation and revision of existing laws and regulations), policy decision, policy implementation, and policy evaluation.In addition, BTC is assigned to be secretary general of the National Committee forthe Control of Tobacco Use (NCCTU) as well as other sub-committee implementing the Second National Strategic Plan for Tobacco Control , B.E. 2559-2562 (A.D.2016–2019). The Second National Strategic Plan for Tobacco Control, B.E. 2559-2562 (A.D.2016–2019) was developed through collaborative efforts from all sectors including government and NGOs and aimed to achieve smoke-free Thai society. This National Strategic Plan is multidisciplinary plan and was approved by the Cabinet on April 19, 2016 This National Strategic Plan consists of 6 strategies which are Strategy 1: Strengthening and developing national capacity in tobacco control operations , Strategy 2: Prevention of the initiation of new tobacco consumers and control of tobacco industry interference target to adolescent and new smokers, Strategy 3: Provide help to quit smoke , Strategy 4: Regulation of tobacco product contents and disclosure , Strategy 5: Non-smoker protection through smoke-free environments , and Strategy 6: Tax measure and control of illicit trade on tobacco products.
Timor-Leste SEA Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Tonga WPR As of the last report, the national coordination mechanism for Tobacco Control sits within the national NCD Governance Body which is a Cabinet approved committee chaired by the Chief Executive Officer for Health. It has a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary membership and has been advised and supported by four advisory committees for Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, Tobacco and Alcohol. The membership of these advisory committees is made up of representatives from government, the private sector, NGOs, and civil society to engender a whole of society and people-centered approach to NCDs prevention and control. Tobacco Advisory Committee is chaired by the Secretary General of the Tonga Red Cross Society with members include representatives from Ministry of Health and Tobacco Control Unit, Finance and National Planning Department, Ministry of Police, Ministry of Revenue and Customs, Port Authority, Crown Law Department, Statistics Department, National Church Leaders Forum, Salvation Army, Tonga National Youth Congress and Tonga Health. As of the last report, the national coordination mechanism for Tobacco Control sits within the national NCD Governance Body which is a Cabinet approved committee chaired by the Chief Executive Officer for Health. It has a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary membership and has been advised and supported by four advisory committees for Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, Tobacco and Alcohol. The membership of these advisory committees is made up of representatives from government, the private sector, NGOs, and civil society to engender a whole of society and people-centered approach to NCDs prevention and control. Tobacco Advisory Committee is chaired by the Secretary General of the Tonga Red Cross Society with members include representatives from Ministry of Health and Tobacco Control Unit, Finance and National Planning Department, Ministry of Police, Ministry of Revenue and Customs, Port Authority, Crown Law Department, Statistics Department, National Church Leaders Forum, Salvation Army, Tonga National Youth Congress and Tonga Health. As of the last report submitted in 2016, the national coordination mechanism for Tobacco Control sits within the national NCD Governance Body which is a Cabinet approved committee chaired by the Chief Executive Officer for Health. It has a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary membership and has been advised and supported by four advisory committees for Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, Tobacco and Alcohol. The membership of these advisory committees is made up of representatives from government, the private sector, NGOs, and civil society to engender a whole of society and people-centered approach to NCDs prevention and control. Tobacco Advisory Committee is chaired by the Secretary General of the Tonga Red Cross Society with members include representatives from Ministry of Health and Tobacco Control Unit, Finance and National Planning Department, Ministry of Police, Ministry of Revenue and Customs, Port Authority, Crown Law Department, Statistics Department, National Church Leaders Forum, Salvation Army, Tonga National Youth Congress and Tonga Health.
Trinidad and Tobago AMR The focal point is the Manager, Tobacco Control Unit - Established April, 2014. The Ministry of Health has responsibility for coordinating tobacco control activities. The Tobacco Control Plan is being revisited in collaboration with stakeholders towards the development and implementation of suitable guidelines and standard operating procedures especially in the area of enforcement of the legislation. The focal point is the Manager, Tobacco Control Unit - Established April, 2014. The Ministry of Health has responsibility for coordinating tobacco control activities. A Tobacco Control Plan was developed, however, all strategies are being reviewed for implementation. The focal point is the Manager, Tobacco Control Unit - Established April, 2014. The Ministry of Health has responsibility for coordinating tobacco control activities. A Tobacco Control Plan was developed, however, all strategies are being reviewed for implementation.
Tunisia EMR Il existe un comité national multi-sectoriel présidé par le ministre de la santé et composé de représentants des différents ministères, organismes nationaux et ONG ainsi que le représentant de lOMS Le point focal de lutte anti-tabagique est le chef de de lunité des maladies non transmissibles (unité qui siège au niveau de la direction des soins de santé primaires du ministère de la santé) Il existe un comité national multi-sectoriel présidé par le ministre de la santé et composé de représentants des différents ministères, organismes nationaux et ONG ainsi que le représentant de lOMS Le point focal de lutte anti-tabagique est le chef de de lunité des maladies non transmissibles (unité qui siège au niveau de la direction des soins de santé primaires du ministère de la santé) Il existe un comité national multisectoriel présidé par le ministre de la santé et composé de représentants des différents ministères, organismes nationaux et ONG ainsi que le représentant de lOMS Le point focal de lutte antitabagique est membre de lunité des maladies non transmissibles (unité qui siège au niveau de la direction des soins de santé primaires du ministère de la santé)
Turkmenistan EUR Лидирующей организацией в борьбе с табаком в стране является Министерство здравоохранения и медицинской промышленности Туркменистана. В 2012 году создан межведомственный координационный комитет. В настоящее время в состав комитета входят специалисты более 40 министерств и ведомств Туркменистана, неправительственные организации, частный бизнес и работники местных представительств международных организаций. Туркменистан усиливает борьбу с табаком на всей территории страны. Ужесточены административные наказания за курение в общественных местах. Пересматриваются денежные штрафы за курение в общественных местах в сторону увеличения. Составлен и утвержден новый национальный план Туркменистана по борьбе с табаком на период 2022-2025 годы, нацеленный на достижения страны статуса свободной от табака к 2025 году. Разрабатываются различные руководства по мониторингу запрета на курение в общественных местах. Ежегодно, начиная с 2014 года с 1 по 31 мая, по всей стране проводится месячник по борьбе с табакокурением. В это мероприятие вовлечены все государственные структуры страны, а также неправительственные организации и частный бизнес. В рамках месячника проводится конкурс на самое некурящее предприятие страны Лидирующей организацией в борьбе с табаком в стране является Министерство здравоохранения и медицинской промышленности Туркменистана. В 2012 году создан межведомственный координационный комитет. В настоящее время в состав комитета входят специалисты более 40 министерств и ведомств Туркменистана, неправительственные организации, частный бизнес и работники местных представительств международных организаций Лидирующей организацией в борьбе с табаком в стране является Министерство здравоохранения и медицинской промышленности Туркменистана. В 2012 году создан межведомственный координационный комитет. В настоящее время в состав комитета входят специалисты более 40 министерств и ведомств Туркменистана, неправительственные организации, частный бизнес и работники местных представительств международных организаций
Tuvalu WPR Tobacco Control Focal point in within the Public Health Unit of MOH Tobacco Control Focal point in within the Public Health Unit of MOH Report not provided
Uganda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ukraine EUR Focal points in the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, focal point in the Public Health Centre of MOH, department of the tobacco control legislation in the State Service of Ukraine for Consumer Protection and Food Safety, plus the network of the enforcement inspectors. Answer not provided Answer not provided
United Arab Emirates EMR هناك قسم مكافحة الأمراض غير المعدية بوزارة الصحة وكذلك الهيئات الصحية يندرج تحته قسم مكافحة التبغ كذلك هناك خطوط التواصل المجاني لتبليغ عن مخالفات قانون مكافحة التبغ مثل الخط الساخن لوزارة الصحة 80011111 او الخط الساخن للبلديات في كل امارة من امارات الدولة كما انه هناك فريق وطني يعنى بمتابعة مكافحة التبغ ومقره وزارة الصحة هناك قسم مكافحة الأمراض غير المعدية بوزارة الصحة وكذلك الهيئات الصحية يندرج تحته قسم مكافحة التبغ كذلك هناك خطوط التواصل المجاني لتبليغ عن مخالفات قانون مكافحة التبغ مثل الخط الساخن لوزارة الصحة 80011111 او الخط الساخن للبلديات في كل امارة من امارات الدولة كما انه هناك فريق وطني يعنى بمتابعة مكافحة التبغ ومقره وزارة الصحة هناك قسم مكافحة الأمراض غير المعدية بوزارة الصحة وكذلك الهيئات الصحية يندرج تحته قسم مكافحة التبغ كذلك هناك خطوط التواصل المجاني لتبليغ عن مخالفات قانون مكافحة التبغ مثل الخط الساخن لوزارة الصحة 80011111 او الخط الساخن للبلديات في كل امارة من امارات الدولة كما انه هناك فريق وطني يعنى بمتابعة مكافحة التبغ ومقره وزارة الصحة
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland EUR The Tobacco Control Programme at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) for England is the national coordinating mechanism for the United Kingdom for non-devolved aspects of tobacco control policy. There are separate Health Departments in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, all of which have Tobacco Control Programmes. In July 2022, Wales published ‘A smoke-free Wales: our long term tobacco control strategy’ it is the ambition to be smoke-free (below 5% prevalence) by 2030. The strategy will have 4 delivery plans in 2-year cycles. Scotland has its own specific Tobacco Action Plan that was published in 2018. A refreshed Tobacco Action Plan is in development and due to be published late 2023. In Jersey Public Health Policy Officers within Strategic Policy, Performance and Planning are responsible for implementing the ratified Tobacco Strategy 2017-2022. Renewel of the Strategy has been delayed due to post pandemic capacity. In Gibraltar the Tobacco Control Regulations 2020 include a focal point for tobacco control consisting of: the Minister with responsibility for Health, the Minister with responsibility for Public Health, the Collector of Customs and such other persons as appointed by the Chief Minister. Guernsey has a Combined Substance Use Strategy (2021-2026) which includes tobacco, alcohol, and drugs). In Cayman Islands tobacco control is integrated into the PAHO biennial plan. The Tobacco Control Programme at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) for England is the national coordinating mechanism for the United Kingdom for non-devolved aspects of tobacco control policy. There are separate Health Departments in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, all of which have Tobacco Control Programmes. In Jersey Public Health Policy Officers within Strategic Policy, Performance and Planning are responsible for implementing the ratified Tobacco Strategy 2017-2022. In Guernsey Public Health Services Guernsey are working on the Tobacco Strategy 2016-2020. The Tobacco Control Programme at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) for England is the national coordinating mechanism for the United Kingdom for non-devolved aspects of tobacco control policy. There are separate Health Departments in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, all of which have Tobacco Control Programmes.
United Republic of Tanzania AFR Report not provided There is a FCTC focal person at the Ministry of Health. There is a multisectoral team to advise Minister responsible for health on tobacco control matters. Tobacco control unit is within the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children, Non Communicable Diseases Section. There is a multisectoral team to advise Minister responsible for health on tobacco control matters.
Uzbekistan EUR Постановлением Президента Республики Узбекистан от 18 декабря 2018 г. № ПП-4063 “О мерах по профилактике неинфекционных заболеваний, поддержке здорового образа жизни и повышению уровня физической активности населения” при Министерстве здравоохранения создан Центр поддержки здорового образа жизни и повышения физической активности населения. Приказом Министерства здравоохранения от 6 мая 2019 г. № 117 утверждена структура Центра поддержки здорового образа жизни и повышения физической активности населения, в которой входит Группа по предотвращению и сокращению вредных привычек, в котором работает один специалист по борьбе против табака и является консультантом Министерства здравоохранения по борьбе против табака. Данная Группа занимается осуществлением мер по борьбе против табака, деятельность которой координируется Главным управлением организации лечебно-профилактической помощи Министерством здравоохранения. Report not provided Report not provided
Vanuatu WPR The focal point is also the Head of Health Promotion Unit, MOH The focal point is also the Head of Health Promotion Unit, MOH Report not provided
Venezuela AMR Report not provided En la República Bolivariana de Venezuela se garantizan el derecho a la salud, la protección del ser humano, el derecho a la vida, el derecho a la seguridad social universal y el derecho a la educación sobre la base de la promoción de la salud, y participación de la comunidad organizada en la toma de decisiones, para la planificación, ejecución y control en las políticas públicas de salud; afianzando la garantía universal e indivisible de los derechos humanos y la conquista de los derechos sociales, con equidad, a fin de incrementar el acceso en la atención de salud a la población. Con base a lo anterior, con el objeto de estar cónsonos con las pautas establecidas por nuestra Carta Magna y la Ley Orgánica de Salud vigente, surge el Reglamento Orgánico del Ministerio de Salud del 26 de diciembre del 2006 y es por ello que entre las políticas dirigidas a mejorar la calidad de vida y salud de la población venezolana, se encuentran la creación y puesta en marcha de medidas para combatir el tabaquismo como una de las más grandes causas de mortalidad, morbilidad y discapacidad en la historia del ser humano. En este sentido, la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela ratificó en Junio del 2006 el Convenio Marco para el Control de Tabaco de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (CMCT), adoptado en la ciudad de Ginebra – Suiza el 21 de Mayo de 2003, siendo su texto publicado en la Gaceta Oficial Ordinaria Nº 38.804 de fecha 01 de noviembre de 2005, cuyo objetivo es: “proteger las generaciones presentes y futuras contra las devastadoras consecuencias sanitarias, sociales, ambientales y económicas del consumo de tabaco y de la exposición al humo de tabaco, proporcionando un marco para las medidas de control de tabaco que habrán de aplicar las partes a nivel nacional, regional e internacional a fin de reducir de manera continua y sustancial la prevalencia de consumo de tabaco y la exposición al humo de tabaco”. Tomando en cuenta lo anteriormente expuesto y considerando el consumo de productos de tabaco (cigarrillo y chimó) como un problema de salud pública que tiene repercusiones en las esferas: sanitaria, económica y social, la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela, a través del Ministerio el Poder Popular para la Salud, cuenta, desde hace cinco (5) años con la Coordinación de Regulación y Control de Productos derivados del Tabaco, (adscrita al Servicio Autónomo de Contraloría Sanitaria) y el Programa Nacional Antitabáquico, perteneciente al Proyecto de Salud Cardiovascular, Renal, Endocrino Metabólico y Antitabáquico (CAREMT) (adscrito a la Dirección General de Programas de Salud) como instancias encargadas de implementar el CMCT en lo que se refiere a controlar y regular dichos productos, así como la cesación de los mismos, a fin de promover estilos de vida saludables en la poblacion venezolana y de esta manera contribuir en la disminucion de la carga de morbi-mortalidad relacionada con este factor de riesgo. Forma de Financiación: El Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud destinada unos recursos para la Dirección de Enfermedades No Transmisibles donde se encuentra adscrito el Programa Nacional Antitabáquico y se comparte los recursos con el resto de los Programas de Salud de esta dirección. El Programa Nacional Antitabáquico actualmente cuenta con 2 Funcionarios a nivel Nacional y 24 Coordinadores a nivel Regional. Tenemos la Coordinación de Regulación y Control de Productos de Tabaco en Contraloría Sanitaria dedicada al cumplimiento de las resoluciones enmadas por este Ministerio en materia Antitabáquica, esta unidad cuenta con 2 personas a nivel nacional y 24 coordinadores a nivel regional. Composición Intersectorial: Oficina Nacional Antidrogas (ONA), Los ministerios con competencia en Educación y Educación, Educación Universitaria, Juventud y Deporte, Asociación Civil Tabaco y salud Venezuela (ASITASVE), Servicio Aduanero y Tributario (SENIAT). Report not provided
Viet Nam WPR According to Tobacco Control Law issued by Congress and effected dated 1st May, 2013, permitted to establish Vietnam Tobacco Control Fund (VNTCF) belong to Ministry of Health. VNTCF supply and coordinate the finance on tobacco control in national. According to Tobacco Control Law issued by Congress and effected dated 1st May, 2013, permitted to establish Vietnam Tobacco Control Fund (VNTCF) belong to Ministry of Health. VNTCF supply and coordinate the finance on tobacco control in national. According to National Tobacco Control Strategy issued by Prime Minister dated 25 January 2013, VINACOSH (Vietnam Steering Committee on Smoking and Health) under Ministry of Health is TC coordinating body in Vietnam.
Zambia AFR Report not provided Report not provided The national coordinating mechanism is comprised of Government Line Ministries on the one hand and Non-governmental organisations on the other. The national tobacco control Focal point person belongs to the Ministry of Health.
Russian Federation EUR Приказом Минздрава России от 20.01.2020 № 31 утверждено новое положение и состав Координационного совета по борьбе против табака при Министерстве здравоохранения Российской Федерации. Координационный совет создан с целью координации действий всех заинтересованных сторон по обеспечению выполнения Российской Федерацией обязательств, вытекающих из Рамочной конвенции ВОЗ по борьбе против табака. Координационный совет участвует в рассмотрении вопросов государственной политики в области борьбы против табака и иной никотинсодержащей продукции. В состав совета входят представители федеральных органов исполнительной власти, члены Федерального собрания Российской Федерации, представители научных, образовательных, общественных и иных организаций. Приказом Минздрава России от 20.01.2020 № 31 утверждено новое положение и состав Координационного совета по борьбе против табака при Министерстве здравоохранения Российской Федерации. Координационный совет создан с целью координации действий всех заинтересованных сторон по обеспечению выполнения Российской Федерацией обязательств, вытекающих из Рамочной конвенции ВОЗ по борьбе против табака. Координационный совет участвует в рассмотрении вопросов государственной политики в области борьбы против табака и иной никотинсодержащей продукции. В состав совета входят представители федеральных органов исполнительной власти, члены Федерального собрания Российской Федерации, представители научных, образовательных, общественных и иных организаций. Report not provided
Rwanda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Focal point for tobacco control is based in Rwanda Biomedical Center which is an implementing agency of the Ministry of Health
Saint Kitts and Nevis AMR The Focal Point for Tobacco Control is the NCD Coordinator in the Ministry of Health Report not provided Report not provided
Saint Lucia AMR Tobacco control is the responsibility of the Substance Abuse Advisory Council Secretariat of the Department of Health, Wellness & Elderly Affairs and the Deputy Coordinator of this department would be the focal point. Tobacco control is the responsibility of the Substance Abuse Advisory Council Secretariat of the Department of Health and Wellness and the Deputy Coordinator of this department would be the focal point. Tobacco control is the responsibility of the Substance Abuse Advisory Council Secretariat and the Deputy Coordinator of this department would be the focal point.
Samoa WPR MOH is the focal point for tobacco control. We have a tobacco control unit and a national tobacco committee including public and private stakeholders. MOH is the focal point for tobacco control. We have a tobacco control unit and a national tobacco committee including public and private stakeholders. MOH is the focal point for tobacco control. We have a tobacco control unit and a national tobacco committee including public and private stakeholders.
Sao Tome and Principe AFR Existe um gabinete no programa de doenças não transmissivel que coordenam e elaboram actividades no âmbito de controle do uso de tabaco. Existe um gabinete no programa de doenças não transmissivel que coordenam e elaboram actividades no âmbito de controle do uso de tabaco. Existe um gabinete no programa de doenças não transmissivel que coordenam e elaboram actividades no âmbito de controle do uso de tabaco.
Saudi Arabia EMR The government established the National Committee for Tobacco Control ( NCTC) in 2011. NCTC involves 14 ministries and agencies working together to combat tobacco and has a legislative, executive, and administrative role in tobacco control. هناك لجنة وطنية برئاسة معالي وزير الصحة وتضم في عضويتها الى جانب المشرف العام على برنامج مكافحة التدخين وكلاء الوزارة لعدد احدى عشر جهة حكومية ذات العلاقة أما بالنسبة لمركز الاتصال الخاص بمكافحة التبغ فهو ضمن مركز اتصال وزارة الصحة برقم هاتف 937 هناك لجنة وطنية برئاسة معالي وزير الصحة وتضم في عضويتها الى جانب المشرف العام على برنامج مكافحة التدخين وكلاء الوزارة للوزارات ذات العلاقة أما بالنسبة لمركز الاتصال الخاص بمكافحة التبغ فهو ضمن مركز اتصال وزارة الصحة برقم هاتف 937
Serbia EUR The National Office for Smoking Prevention has been established in 2006 within the Institute of Public Health of Serbia "Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut" in Belgrade, with three employees. The main task of the National Office is to coordinate tobacco control activities along with the National Committee for Tobacco Control, to implement measures together with all public health institutes in Serbia, to prepare and perform studies regarding tobacco use prevalence and tobacco related mortality, to propose the methods for smoking cessation, etc. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia has established the National Committee for Tobacco Control in 2003 and since then the focal points for tobacco control have been selected and appointed usually within the members of the National Committee for Tobacco Control. A focal point communicates with the Sector for European Integration and International Cooperation of the Ministry of Health in all relevant matters regarding WHO and Secretariat of the WHO FCTC. Since October 2015 members of the National Committee for Tobacco Control have received the fee for attending the meetings of the Committee. However, the position of focal point is voluntary and is not paid. The National Office for Smoking Prevention has been established in 2006 within the Institute of Public Health of Serbia "Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut" in Belgrade, with three employees. The main task of the National Office is to coordinate tobacco control activities along with the National Committee for Tobacco Control, to implement measures together with all public health institutes in Serbia, to prepare and perform studies regarding tobacco use prevalence and tobacco related mortality, to propose the methods for smoking cessation, etc. The National Multisectorial Council for Tobacco Control was established in 2006 and was active till 2011. Since then it has not been appointed again. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia has established the National Committee for Tobacco Control (previously National Committee for Tobacco Prevention) in 2003 and since then the focal points for tobacco control have been selected and appointed usually within the members of the National Committee for Tobacco Control. A focal point closely communicates with the Sector for European Integration and International Cooperation of the Ministry of Health in all relevant matters regarding WHO and Secretariat of the WHO FCTC. Since October 2015 members of the National Committee for Tobacco Control have received the fee for attending the meetings of the Committee. However, the position of focal point is voluntary and is not paid. The National Office for Smoking Prevention has been established in 2006 within the Institute of Public Health of Serbia "Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut", with three employees. The main task of the National Office is to coordinate tobacco control activities along with the National Committee, to implement measures together with all public health institutes in Serbia, to prepare and perform studies regarding tobacco use prevalence, tobacco related mortality and costs, to propose the methods for smoking cessation, etc. The National multisectorial Council for Tobacco Control was established in 2006 and was active till 2011. Since then it has not been appointed again.
Seychelles AFR Focal point for tobacco control is located within the Unit for Prevention and Control of CVD, NCD section, Public Health Authority, Ministry of Health A tobacco control program including activities and targets is part of the National NCD Strategic Plan . The manager of this is Unit is the focal point for tobacco control in Seychelles. This person is also the member of the National Tobacco Control Board. Focal point for tobacco control is located within the Unit for Prevention and Control of CVD, NCD section, Public Health Authority, Ministry of Health A tobacco control program including activities and targets is part of the National NCD Strategic Plan . The manager of this is Unit is the focal point for tobacco control in Seychelles. This person is also the Executive Secretary of the National Tobacco Control Board. Focal point for tobacco control is located within the Unit for Prevention and Control of CVD, NCD section, Public Health Authority, Ministry of Health A tobacco control program including activities and targets is part of the National NCD Strategic Plan . The manager of this is Unit is the focal point for tobacco control in Seychelles. This person is also the Executive Secretary of the National Tobacco Control Board.
Sierra Leone AFR The focal point of the tobacco control unit is a staff of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, The focal point is the Director of Noncommunicable Diseases. A National Tobacco Control Task force has been set up with representatives from wide range of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), nongovernmental organizations (NGO’s), Civil Society Organisations, Religious leaders. Sub committees are normally setup within the task force to address specific articles of the convention. The focal point of the tobacco control unit is a staff of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, The focal point is the Director of Noncommunicable Diseases. A National Tobacco Control Task force has been set up with representatives from wide range of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), nongovernmental organizations (NGO’s), Civil Society Organisations, Religious leaders. Sub committees Committees are normally setup within the task force to address specific articles of the convention. The focal point of the tobacco control unit is a staff of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, attached to the Directorate of Noncommunicable Diseases. A National Tobacco Control Task force has been set up with representatives from wide range of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), nongovernmental organizations (NGO’s), Civil Society Organisations, Religious leaders. Different Committees will be setup within the task force composing technical people to address specific articles of the convention.
Singapore WPR Tobacco control efforts in Singapore started in the early 1970s, when legislations were enacted to ban smoking in public places and prohibit tobacco advertising and promotion. The National Smoking Control Programme (NSCP) was launched in 1986 to develop and implement initiatives to reduce smoking rates in Singapore. The NSCPs multi-pronged approach includes legislation, taxation, public education, partnerships to prevent the initiation of smoking especially by youths, and encourage smokers to quit the habit of smoking. The NSCP has now been renamed the National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP). The Health Promotion Board (HPB) is a statutory board under the Ministry of Health, which formulates national policies, develops evidence-based strategies and innovative programmes for health promotion, disease prevention and patient education. HPB is the national focal point for tobacco control in Singapore and manages the NTCP. Tobacco control efforts in Singapore started in the early 1970s, when legislations were enacted to ban smoking in public places and prohibit tobacco advertising and promotion. The National Smoking Control Programme (NSCP) was launched in 1986 to develop and implement initiatives to reduce smoking rates in Singapore. The NSCPs multi-pronged approach includes legislation, taxation, public education, partnerships to prevent the initiation of smoking especially by youths, and encourage smokers to quit the habit of smoking. The NSCP has now been renamed the National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP). The Health Promotion Board (HPB) is a statutory board under the Ministry of Health, which formulates national policies, develops evidence-based strategies and innovative programmes for health promotion, disease prevention and patient education. HPB is the national focal point for tobacco control in Singapore and manages the NTCP. In addition, the National Coordinating Committee on Tobacco Control (NCCTC) provides strategic coordination and facilitates the formulation of whole-of-government on tobacco control policies. Tobacco control efforts in Singapore started in the early 1970s, when legislations were enacted to ban smoking in public places and prohibit tobacco advertising and promotion. The National Smoking Control Programme (NSCP) was launched in 1986 to develop and implement initiatives to reduce smoking rates in Singapore. The NSCPs multi-pronged approach includes legislation, taxation, public education, partnerships to prevent the initiation of smoking especially by youths, and encourage smokers to quit the habit of smoking. The NSCP has now been renamed the National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP). The Health Promotion Board (HPB) is a statutory board under the Ministry of Health, which formulates national policies, develops evidence-based strategies and innovative programmes for health promotion, disease prevention and patient education. HPB is the national focal point for tobacco control in Singapore and manages the NTCP. In addition, the National Coordinating Committee on Tobacco Control (NCCTC) provides strategic coordination and facilitates the formulation of whole-of-government on tobacco control policies.
Slovakia EUR We have established National Coordinating Committee for Tobacco Control from 2000. Committee Secretariat is located at Public Health Authority in the Slovak Republic. Focal point for tobacco control is situated at Public Health Authority in Bratislava. Until now we have not established tobacco control unit within Ministry of Health or Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic. We have established National Coordinating Committee for Tobacco Control from 2000. Committee Secretariat is located at Public Health Authority in the Slovak Republic. Focal point for tobacco control is situated at Public Health Authority in Bratislava. Until now we have not established tobacco control unit within Ministry of Health or Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic. We have established National Coordinating Committee for Tobacco Control from 2000. Committee Secretariat is located at Public Health Authority in the Slovak Republic. Focal point for tobacco control is situated at Public Health Authority in Bratislava. Until now we have not established tobacco control unit within Ministry of Health or Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic.
Slovenia EUR Report not provided Report not provided Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia and National Institute of Public Health.
Solomon Islands WPR Report not provided A national coordinating mechanism for tobacco control in the country was established May 2014 with the formulation of a national stakeholder group for tobacco control and also the endorsement of a technical advisory group. Prior to May 2014, the national coordinating group/committee for tobacco control in the country was the Tobacco Control Taskforce Committee (TCTFC). The TCTFC was mandated by the Minister of Health with the task of formulating the tobacco control regulations. However, in the absence of a national coordinating mechanism the TCTFC has been the interim advisory group for tobacco control in the country. This group consisted of a chairman (under secretary of Health Improvement), a vice chairman (National Director, Health Promotions), the national tobacco control focal point (National Director of NCD Prevention and Control) and members which also includes the National Tobacco Control Coordinator. Other members include a Ministry of Education representative, Ministry of Finance and Treasury and the civil society. TCTFC has been coordinating all the efforts geared towards tobacco control from 2010 up till the year of 2014,May, when a wider and more extended group of stakeholders met and the national tobacco control stakeholders committee was established along with the endorsement of the technical advisory group (TAG) for tobacco control. The TAG for tobacco control is generally an extension of the TCTFC. As mentioned above the national focal point for tobacco control is the Director for NCDs prevention and control, and this commenced in 2010. Before 2010, the focal point was the Director of Health Promotions. We now have a tobacco control unit, with two people coordinating this unit with support from the staff from both the NCD Department and the Health Promotions Department. Tobacco Focal Point now is still the Director for NCDs. We are now looking at legislating a technical advisory group for tobacco control in the amendments for the Tobacco Control Act 2010 which we will be putting through Cabinet this year. This group will continue to coordinate tobacco control activities in the country especially the implementation and enforcement of the Tobacco Control legislation. We will be doing recruitments as well for the Tobacco Control Unit to bulk up the work force for compliance and enforcement of the tobacco control laws. A national coordinating mechanism for tobacco control in the country was established May 2014 with the formulation of a national stakeholder group for tobacco control and also the endorsement of a technical advisory group. Prior to May 2014, the national coordinating group/committee for tobacco control in the country was the Tobacco Control Taskforce Committee (TCTFC). The TCTFC was mandated by the Minister of Health with the task of formulating the tobacco control regulations. However, in the absence of a national coordinating mechanism the TCTFC has been the interim advisory group for tobacco control in the country. This group consisted of a chairman (under secretary of Health Improvement), a vice chairman (National Director, Health Promotions), the national tobacco control focal point (National Director of NCD Prevention and Control) and members which also includes the National Tobacco Control Coordinator. Other members include a Ministry of Education representative, Ministry of Finance and Treasury and the civil society. TCTFC has been coordinating all the efforts geared towards tobacco control from 2010 up till the year of 2014,May, when a wider and more extended group of stakeholders met and the national tobacco control stakeholders committee was established along with the endorsement of the technical advisory group (TAG) for tobacco control. The TAG for tobacco control is generally an extension of the TCTFC. As mentioned above the national focal point for tobacco control is the Director for NCDs prevention and control, and this commenced in 2010. Before 2010, the focal point was the Director of Health Promotions. We now have a tobacco control unit, with two people coordinating this unit with support from the staff from both the NCD Department and the Health Promotions Department. Tobacco Focal Point now is still the Director for NCDs. We are now looking at legislating a technical advisory group for tobacco control in the amendments for the Tobacco Control Act 2010 which we will be putting through Cabinet this year. This group will continue to coordinate tobacco control activities in the country especially the implementation and enforcement of the Tobacco Control legislation. We will be doing recruitments as well for the Tobacco Control Unit to bulk up the work force for compliance and enforcement of the tobacco control laws.
Sri Lanka SEA National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol (NATA) was established under Parliament Act No. 27th of 2006. The major duties of the authority can be noted as making required arrangements to eliminate the damages related to tobacco including identifying and executing a national policy on tobacco to protect public health. Multi-sectoral NCD plan was developed to control tobacco and it is implemented. Each sector has to implement planned activities under tobacco control. Multi-sectoral NCD plan was developed to control tobacco and it is implemented. Each sector has to implement planned activities under tobacco control.
Nigeria AFR Focal point is the National Coordinator, Non-Communicable Control Division, Department of Public Health, Federal Ministry of Health, Hqtrs, Nigeria There is a National Tobacco Control Committee (NATOCC) at the Federal level, and it is coordinated by the Tobacco Control Unit in the Non-Communicable Control Division Focal point is the National Coordinator, Non-Communicable Control Division, Department of Public Health, Federal Ministry of Health, Hqtrs, Nigeria There is a National Tobacco Control Committee (NATOCC) at the Federal level, and it is coordinated by the Tobacco Control Unit in the Non-Communicable Control Division Non-Communicable Control Division in the Department of Public Health, Federal Ministry of Health, Hqtr, Nigeria
Norway EUR The focal point is in the Norwegian Ministry of Health and the tobacco control unit is part of the Norwegian Directorate of Health. The focal point and the tobacco control unit is part of the Norwegian Directorate of Health. The focal point and the tobacco control unit is part of the Norwegian Directorate of Health.
Oman EMR يوجد مكتب لمكافحة التبغ تابع للجنة الوطنية لمكافحة التبغ توجد لجنة وطنية لمكافحة التبغ من القطاعات المعنية المتعددة يوجد مكتب لمكافحة التبغ تابع للجنة الوطنية لمكافحة التبغ توجد لجنة وطنية لمكافحة التبغ من القطاعات المعنية المتعددة توجد لجنة وطنية لمكافحة التبغ من القطاعات المعنية المتعددة
Pakistan EMR Report not provided A dedicated Tobacco Control Cell has been established in Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination. A dedicated Tobacco Control Cell has been established in Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
Paraguay AMR El Programa Nacional de Control del Tabaquismo y Enfermedades Respiratorias Crónicas dependiente de la Dirección de Vigilancia de enfermedades no transmisibles tiene como finalidad las actividades de prevención y educación así como el monitoreo de la aplicación del CMCT mediante la ley N° 2969/06 y la Ley 5538/15 del Tabaco El Programa Nacional de control del tabaquismo y Enfermedades Respiratorias Crónicas dependiente de la Dirección de Vigilancia de ENT tiene como finalidad las actividades de prevención y educación así como el monitoreo de la aplicación del CMCT y la Ley 5538/15 del Tabaco. La Unidad de Prevención del Tabaquismo, dependiente de la Dirección de Vigilancia de ENT tiene como finalidad las actividades de prevención y educación en la comunidad, escuelas y colegios y a nivel de empresas privadas, asi como el monitoreo de la aplicación del CMCT y la Ley del Tabaco. y coordinacion con el Programa nacional de prevencion y control de las enfermedades respiratorias cronicas que implementa el Programa de Cesacion.
Peru AMR Answer not provided Se han reforzado las acciones de control de tabaco desde la Dirección de Promoción de la Salud del Ministerio de Salud, de quien depende el punto focal de control de tabaco en el Perú. Answer not provided
Poland EUR Department for Tobacco and Related Products which was established in Bureau for Chemical Substances may be considered as a tobacco control unit in relation to directive 2014/40/EU (Reporting of ingredients and emissions) . WHO focal point for tobacco control is in Department of Public Health in Ministry of Health. The institution that is responsible for coordinating the national tobacco control strategy and action plan is the General Sanitary Inspectorate. It is also obliged to evaluate implementation of the strategy and annual action plan in all policies and sectors and for its reporting to the Ministry of Health and the Health Committee of Poland Parliament (Sejm). Department for Tobacco and Related Products which was established in Bureau for Chemical Substances may be considered as a tobacco control unit in relation to directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the council of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products and repealing Directive 2001/37/EC (Reporting of ingredients and emissions) . WHO focal point for tobacco control is in Department of Public Health and Family in Ministry of Health. On behalf of the Minister of Health, the National Coordinator of tobacco-control strategy is the Chief Sanitary Inspector. In the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate there is Tobacco Control Division. From 2018 comprehensive multisectoral national tobacco contol strategies will be implement in National Health Programme.
Portugal EUR The General Directorate of Health (Ministry of Health) is the entity in charge of tobacco prevention and tobacco control at national level. A National Programme for Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control was created in january 2012. Each Health Regional Administration has a focal point for the implementation of the Programme at regional and local level. At local level, the Clusters of Health Centers are implementing smoking prevention activities and smoking cessation consultations. Several Hospitals also offers smoking cessation consultations. The General Directorate of Health (Ministry of Health) is the entity in charge of tobacco prevention and control at national level. A National Programme for Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control was created in january 2012 and extended until 2020 under the National Health Plan 2020. Each Health Regional Administration has a focal point for the implementation of the Programme at regional and local level. The General Directorate of Health (Ministry of Health) is the entity in charge of tobacco prevention and control at national level. A National Programme for Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control was created in january 2012 and extended until 2020 under the National Health Plan. This National Programme was extended until 2020 under the National Health Plan 2020. Each Health Regional Administration has a focal point for the implementation of the Programme at regional and local level.
Qatar EMR - the tobacco control unit belonged to the public health department in the ministry of public health comprise of a consultant a supervisor and 26 health inspectors. - A national focal point for tobacco in the ministry of public health - There is a task force that includes all the national Stakeholders involved in tobacco control interventions - the tobacco control unit belonged to the public health department in the ministry of public health comprise of a consultant a supervisor and 26 health inspectors. - A national focal point for tobacco in the ministry of public health - There is a task force that includes all the national Stakeholders involved in tobacco control interventions - the tobacco control unit belonged to the public health department in the ministry of public health comprise of a consultant a supervisor and 26 health inspectors. - A national focal point for tobacco in the ministry of public health - There is a task force that includes all the national Stakeholders involved in tobacco control interventions
Republic of Korea WPR *Focal points for tobacco control -Division of Health Promotion of the Bureau of Health Policy at the Ministry of Health and Welfare is responsible for the national tobacco control policies including pictorial warning, regulation on tobacco advertising, smoke free policy, public awareness programs and education, smoking cessation services and youth smoking prevention program in schools, etc. -Four government officials including two deputy directors and two officers are fully involved in tobacco control policies and programs. *Tobacco control units - Division of Health Promotion of the Bureau of Health Policy at the Ministry of Health and Welfare : - National Tobacco Control Centre: established in Korea Health Promotion Foundation, an affiliated agency of Ministry of Health and Welfare, in March 2015. NTCC is composed of five teams. It supports and advocates policy implementation, develops guidelines and programmes, promotes cooperation among various stakeholders in tobacco control, and conducts monitoring and evaluation of the national tobacco control policies. - Division of Health Hazard Response and Laboratory for Harmful Use of Tobacco: established in Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, in November 2015. It is composed of 8 members in charge of in-depth investigation of smoking, study on smoking’s influence on health, and analysis related to tobacco product ingredients’ harmful effect on the human body. *National coordinating mechanism for tobacco control - National Health Promotion Policy Committee: An inter-ministerial agency to examine and review the health promotion issues such as tobacco control. The chair of the committee is vice-minister of Ministry of Health and Welfare and the committee members consist of fifteen people from eight ministries’ bureau directors and non-government sector. - Tobacco Control Policy Advisory Group: The advisory group, managed by the NTCC, is composed of 7 sub-groups including the topics with respect to regulation, academic parts, education, communication, adolescents, monitoring and service with more than 40 experts in related areas. - Tobacco Control Policy Expert Committee under National Health Promotion Policy Committee(establish on July 24th, 2018): A committee composed of 13 policymakers and experts in related fields for advice and deliberation on tobacco control policies and projects. *Focal points for tobacco control -Division of Health Promotion of the Bureau of Health Policy at the Ministry of Health and Welfare is responsible for the national tobacco control policies including pictorial warning, smoke free policy, public awareness programs and education, smoking cessation services and youth smoking prevention program in schools, etc. -Five government officials including two deputy directors and three officers are fully involved in tobacco control policies and programs. *Tobacco control units - Division of Health Promotion of the Bureau of Health Policy at the Ministry of Health and Welfare : - National Tobacco Control Centre: established in Korea Health Promotion Foundation, an affiliated agency of Ministry of Health and Welfare, in March 2015. NTCC is composed of two divisions and four teams. It supports and advocates policy implementation, develops guidelines and programmes, promotes cooperation among various stakeholders in tobacco control, and conducts monitoring and evaluation of the national tobacco control policies. - Laboratory for Harmful Use of Tobacco: established in Korea Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, an affiliated agency of Ministry of Health and Welfare, in November 2015. It is composed of 11 members in charge of testing and measuring contents and emissions of cigarettes. *National coordinating mechanism for tobacco control - National Health Promotion Policy Committee: An inter-ministerial agency to examine and review the health promotion issues such as tobacco control. The chair of the committee is vice-minister of Ministry of Health and Welfare and the committee members consist of fifteen people from eight ministries’ bureau directors and non-government sector. - Tobacco Control Policy Advisory Group: The advisory group, managed by the NTCC, is composed of 7 sub-groups including the topics with respect to regulation, academic parts, education, communication, adolescents, monitoring and service with more than 40 experts in related areas. - Tobacco Control Policy Expert Committee under National Health Promotion Policy Committee(establish on July 24th, 2018): A committee composed of 13 policymakers and experts in related fields for advice and deliberation on tobacco control policies and projects. *Focal points for tobacco control -Division of Health Promotion of the Bureau of Health Policy at the Ministry of Health and Welfare is responsible for the national tobacco control policies including pictorial warning, smoke free policy, public awareness programs and education, smoking cessation services and youth smoking prevention program in schools, etc. -Six government officials including two deputy directors and four officers are fully involved in tobacco control policies and programs. *Tobacco control units - Division of Health Promotion of the Bureau of Health Policy at the Ministry of Health and Welfare : - National Tobacco Control Centre: established in Korea Health Promotion Foundation, an affiliated agency of Ministry of Health and Welfare, in March 2015. NTCC is composed of two divisions and four teams. It supports and advocates policy implementation, develops guidelines and programmes, promotes cooperation among various stakeholders in tobacco control, and conducts monitoring and evaluation of the national tobacco control policies. - Laboratory for Harmful Use of Tobacco: established in Korea Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, an affiliated agency of Ministry of Health and Welfare, in November 2015. It is composed of 11 members in charge of testing and measuring contents and emissions of cigarettes. *National coordinating mechanism for tobacco control - National Health Promotion Policy Committee: An inter-ministerial agency to examine and review the health promotion issues such as tobacco control. The chair of the committee is vice-minister of Ministry of Health and Welfare and the committee members consist of fifteen people from eight ministries’ bureau directors and non-government sector. - Tobacco Control Policy Advisory Group: The advisory group, managed by the NTCC, is composed of 7 sub-groups including the topics with respect to regulation, academic parts, education, communication, adolescents, monitoring and service with more than 40 experts in related areas.
New Zealand WPR The focal point for tobacco control and the tobacco control unit are both part of the Ministry of Health / Manatū Hauora The Smokefree 2025 Action Plan Steering Group is an interagency committee and is the national coordinating mechanism for tobacco control. New Zealands Ministry of Health is the focal point and key agency for policy development in tobacco control. The Ministry is involved in a large number of policy, service development and operational aspects of tobacco control. New Zealands Ministry of Health is the focal point and key agency for policy development in tobacco control. The Ministry is involved in a large number of policy, service development and operational aspects of tobacco control.
Nicaragua AMR Existe por Ley 727 el consejo nacional para el control del tabaco, el cual es coordinado por el Ministerio de Salud y están incluidos los ministerios que regulan el control del tabaco como Dirección General de Aduanas, Ministerio de Fomento, Industria y Comercio, Policía Nacional, Gobiernos municipales. Encargados de la Regulación de la importación y distribución de tabaco y sus productos. Existe por ley 727 el consejo nacionalpra el control del tabaco, el cual es coordinado por el MInisterio de Salud y estan incluidos los ministerios que regulan el control del tabaco como aduanas, ministerio de comercio, policia economicas municipios, ademas exite el departamento de toxicologia encargado de la regulacion y registro de importaciones y fomenta el no uso de tabaco a nivel nacional Existe por ley 727 el consejo nacionalpra el control del tabaco, el cual es coordinado por el MInisterio de Salud y estan incluidos los ministerios que regulan el control del tabaco como aduanas, ministerio de comercio, policia economicas municipios, ademas exite el departamento de toxicologia encargado de la regulacion y registro de importaciones y fomenta el no uso de tabaco a nivel nacional
Niger AFR Report not provided Le point focal lutte antitabac est assuré par la Direction de lHygiène Publique et de lEducation pour la Santé(DHP/ES), qui relève elle même de la Direction Générale de la Santé Publique(DGSP) du Ministère de la Santé Publique. Le dispositif national de coordination est un comité multisectoriel qui regroupe lensemble des acteurs concernés par la lutte antitabac au Niger(Ministère de la Santé, Ministère du Commerce, Ministère de la Justice, Ministère de lEducation, lUniversité, le Ministère des Enseignements Supérieurs, le Ministère de lAgriculture,Ministère de la Jeunesse, les Orgaisations du Système des Nations Unies, Ministère des Finances, ONG et associations, Société Civile, Ministère de la Défense). Report not provided
Netherlands EUR the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports is in the lead and has a coordination role for Tc. the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports is in the lead and has a coordination role for Tc. The focal point for Tobacco control is located at the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports.
Madagascar AFR Report not provided Un Office National de Lutte Antitabac (OFNALAT) a été créé et mis en place depuis 2005; cest un dispositif national de coordination de la lutte antitabac à Madagascar; un établissement public à caractère administratif cest à dire techniquement rattaché au Ministère de la Santé Publique et financièrement rattaché au Ministère de lEconomie et des Finances. Un Office National de Lutte Antitabac (OFNALAT) a été créé et mis en place depuis 2005; cest un dispositif national de coordination de la lutte antitabac à Madagascar; un établissement public à caractère administratif cest à dire techniquement rattaché au Ministère de la Santé Publique et financièrement rattaché au Ministère des Finances et du Budget.
Malaysia WPR In Malaysia, WHO FCTC steering committee was continued involving of 12 ministries and related agencies. This committee enabled a comprehensive multisectoral national tobacco control strategies, plans and programmes in accordance with this convention to be materialized and provided a higher platform for effective legislative, executive, administrative measures and policies in preventing and reducing tobacco consumption, nicotine addiction and exposure to tobacco smoke. In Malaysia, in the year 2014, WHO FCTC steering committee was formed comprising of 12 ministries and related agencies. The birth of this committee enabled a comprehensive multisectoral national tobacco control strategies, plans and programmes in accordance with this Convention to be materialized. In the year 2015, (2) two board meetings were conducted whereby the first meeting was chaired by the Director General and the subsequent meeting was spearheaded by the Minister himself. This provided a higher platform for effective legislative, executive, administrative measures and policies in preventing and reducing tobacco consumption, nicotine addiction and exposure to tobacco smoke. In Malaysia, in the year 2014, WHO FCTC steering committee was formed comprising of 12 ministries and related agencies. The birth of this committee enabled a comprehensive multisectoral national tobacco control strategies, plans and programmes in accordance with this Convention to be materialized. In the year 2015, (2) two board meetings were conducted whereby the first meeting was chaired by the Director General and the subsequent meeting was spearheaded by the Minister himself. This provided a higher platform for effective legislative, executive, administrative measures and policies in preventing and reducing tobacco consumption, nicotine addiction and exposure to tobacco smoke.
Maldives SEA 1-The Tobacco Control Board, established under the Tobacco control Act 15/2010 is the statutory body to provide oversight and guidance in all matters related to tobacco control. The Board has wide representation from all key sectors of the government, civil society including experts on Public Health and Tobacco Control, Law, Human Rights, Trade. 2- The Tobacco Control Program is housed within the NCD Control Program at the Health Protection Agency- A specialized agency under the Ministry of Health, with public mandate. 3- A High Level Multi-Sectoral Steering Committee is in place for coordination 1-The Tobacco Control Board, established under the Tobacco control Act 15/2010 is the statutory body to provide oversight and guidance in all matters related to tobacco control. The Board has wide representation from all key sectors of the government, civil society including experts on Public Health and Tobacco Control, Law, Human Rights, Trade. 2- The Tobacco Control Program is housed within the NCD Control Program at the Health Protection Agency- A specialized agency under the Ministry of Health, with public mandate. 1-The Tobacco Control Board, established under the Tobacco control Act 15/2010 is the statutory body to provide oversight and guidance in all matters related to tobacco control. The Board has wide representation from all key sectors of the government, civil society including experts on Public Health and Tobacco Control, Law, Human Rights, Trade. 2- The Tobacco Control Program is housed within the NCD Control Program at the Health Protection Agency- A specialized agency under the Ministry of Health, with public mandate.
Mali AFR Report not provided Il sagit du comité national de lutte contre le tabac et sa modalité de fonctionnement Il sagit du comité national de lutte contre le tabac et sa modalité de fonctionnement
Marshall Islands WPR Ministry of Health and Human Services- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Report not provided Kumit Bobrae Project – Single State Agency, Ministry of Health
Mauritania AFR Report not provided Programme National de lutte Contre le Tabagisme avec un comité multisectoriel de pilotage de ce programme Programme National de lutte Contre le Tabagisme avec un comité multisectoriel de pilotage de ce programme
Mauritius AFR A National Steering Committee for Tobacco Control was set up in 2009 which comprise of key representatives from different ministries, civil society/ NGOs and other departments with the main aim of coordinating tobacco control initiatives, programmes and activities in Mauritius. At the level of the Ministries and Departments, a focal point for tobacco control has been nominated in order to facilitate coordination and reporting. A National Steering Committee for Tobacco Control was set up in 2009 which comprise of key representatives from different ministries, civil society/ NGOs and other departments with the main aim of coordinating tobacco control initiatives, programmes and activities in Mauritius. At the level of the Ministries and Departments, a focal point for tobacco control has been nominated in order to facilitate coordination and reporting. A National Steering Committee for Tobacco Control was set up in 2009 which comprise of key representatives from different ministries, civil society/ NGOs and other departments with the main aim of coordinating tobacco control initiatives, programmes and activities in Mauritius. At the level of the Ministries and Departments, a focal point for tobacco control has been nominated in order to facilitate coordination and reporting.
Micronesia (Federated States of) WPR The National Tobacco Control Program is a program health unit under the Department of Health & Social Affairs and its major function is to oversee the program actions against tobacco use. The National Coordinating mechanism is an Advisory Body that functions included the Terms of References established and designated by the Presidents Office. The body is composed on the Department of Foreign Affairs, Finance (Tax & Revenue) Resources and Development (Labor, Agriculture, Investment) Education, Office of Environment, Justice, Health. This Body reports directly to the President and its Secretariat is the Tobacco Control Program. The National Tobacco Control Program is a program health unit under the Department of Health & Social Affairs and its major function is to oversee the program actions against tobacco use. The National Coordinating mechanism is an Advisory Body that functions included the Terms of References established and designated by the Presidents Office. The body is composed on the Department of Foreign Affairs, Finance (Tax & Revenue) Resources and Development (Labor, Agriculture, Investment) Education, Office of Environment, Justice, Health. This Body reports directly to the President and its Secretariat is the Tobacco Control Program. The National Tobacco Control Program is a program health unit under the Department of Health & Social Affairs and its major function is to oversee the program actions against tobacco use. The National Coordinating mechanism is an Advisory Body that functions included the Terms of References established and designated by the Presidents Office. The body is composed on the Department of Foreign Affairs, Finance (Tax & Revenue) Resources and Development (Labor, Agriculture, Investment) Education, Office of Environment, Justice, Health. This Body reports directly to the President and its Secretariat is the Tobacco Control Program.
Mongolia WPR Report not provided Focal point for tobacco control, National coordinator of NCDs prevention and control at the Ministry of Health. Focal point for tobacco control, National coordinator of NCDs prevention and control at the Ministry of Health.
Myanmar SEA - The Director of NCDs unit under Disease Control Division of Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health and Sports, was assigned as the focal point for tobacco control. - According to “The Control of Smoking and Consumption of Tobacco Product Law”, enacted in 2006, the Central Tobacco Control Committee was formed by the government on 24th January, 2011. It is chaired by the Union Minister for Health and involves the Deputy Ministers and Director Generals from other related Ministries: Finance, Commerce, Home Affairs, Education, Information, Transports, Sports, Hotels and Tourism, Naypyitaw City Development Council and Office of the Attorney General. The Director General of Department of Public Health is the secretary of that Committee. Even it was formed, it has been defunct for years. According to the changed situation of government, Government office reformed CTCC in May 2019, with 26 members from 16 related ministries. - In April 2015, the NCDs unit was established under Department of Public Health and the tobacco control unit was formed as part of that unit in 2016 October. The State/Regional Health Directors from 17 State/Regional Health Departments were also assigned as the focal persons for tobacco control for respective State/ Region. - To improve multi-sectoral collaboration, and to development a new Tobacco Control Policy, Strategy and New Legislation according to the FCTC guidelines, Coordination meetings and workshops were done in November and December of 2019. - A Deputy Director of NCDs unit under Disease Control Division of Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health and Sports, was assigned as the focal point for tobacco control. - According to “The Control of Smoking and Consumption of Tobacco Product Law”, enacted in 2006, the Central Tobacco Control Committee was formed by the government on 24th January, 2011. It is chaired by the Union Minister for Health and involves the Deputy Ministers and Director Generals from other related Ministries: Finance, Commerce, Home Affairs, Education, Information, Transports, Sports, Hotels and Tourism, Naypyitaw City Development Council and Office of the Attorney General. The Director General of Department of Public Health is the secretary of that Committee. Even it was formed, it has been defunct for years. According to the changed situation of government, Government office reformed CTCC in May 2019, with 26 members from 16 related ministries. - In April 2015, the NCDs unit was established under Department of Public Health and the tobacco control unit was formed as part of that unit in 2016 October. The State/Regional Health Directors from 17 State/Regional Health Departments were also assigned as the focal persons for tobacco control for respective State/ Region. - To improve multi-sectoral collaboration, and to development a new Tobacco Control Policy, Strategy and New Legislation according to the FCTC guidelines, Coordination meetings and workshops were done in November and December of 2019. - A Deputy Director of NCDs unit under Disease Control Division of Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health and Sports, was assigned as the focal point for tobacco control. - According to “The Control of Smoking and Consumption of Tobacco Product Law”, enacted in 2006, the Central Tobacco Control Committee was formed by the government on 24th January, 2011. It is chaired by the Union Minister for Health and involves the Deputy Ministers and Director Generals from other related Ministries: Finance, Commerce, Home Affairs, Education, Information, Transports, Sports, Hotels and Tourism, Naypyitaw City Development Council and Office of the Attorney General. The Director General of Department of Public Health is the secretary of that Committee. - In April 2015, the NCDs unit was established under Department of Public Health and the tobacco control unit was formed as part of that unit in 2016 October. The State/Regional Health Directors from 17 State/Regional Health Departments were also assigned as the focal persons for tobacco control for respective State/ Region.
Namibia AFR Report not provided The Health Promotion Programme of the Ministry of Health has a section on tobacco control. TFI will be part of the proposed HPR Directorate. Report not provided
Nauru WPR Report not provided While a dedicated tobacco control mechanism has not been constituted, tobacco control issues are raised and discussed during a multi-sectoral Food Safety and NCD Task Force comprising GoN representatives from Health, Police, Customs, Quarantine, Commerce and Justice. Health is the leading agency for Tobacco Control and tobacco control activities are implemented by the Division of Public Health Environmental Unit. The Nauru focal point for Tobacco Control is the Director of Public health, who is also the Deputy Secretary for Health Report not provided
Jamaica AMR There is a Sub-committee for Alcohol and Tobacco which coordinates tobacco control and resides within the National Multi-sectoral NCDs Committee at the Ministry of Health and Wellness. The focal point for tobacco control resides within the National Council on Drug Abuse, an Agency under the Ministry of Health and Wellness. A National Multi-sectoral and Multidisciplinary Technical Working Group was established. The focal point for tobacco control resides within the Ministry of Health and Wellness. A National Multi-sectoral and Multidisciplinary Technical Working Group was established. The focal point for tobacco control resides within the Ministry of Health.
Jordan EMR يوجد قسم في مديرية التوعية والاعلام الصحي في وزارة الصحة الاردنية ويسمى قسم الوقاية من اضرا رالتدخين ويقوم بالتنسيق مع جميع المعنيين بالوقاية من اضرار التدخين وله المهام التالية 1- التشريعات وتعديل التشريعات 2- التثقيف والتوعية 3- الرقابة على التدخين 4- توفير خدمات الاقلاع عن التدخين 5- وكذلك تم اعادة تشكيل اللجنة الوطنية العليا لمكافحة التدخين العام الحالي 2018 والتي تتكون من حوالي 23 عضو من مختلف الجهات حيث تقوم برسم السياسات العامة وتقييم الانشطةواعادة النظر في الامور المتعلقة بتنفيذ تلك الانشطة استبدلت اللجنة الوطنية حيث اصبحت لجنة وطنية برئاسة دولة رئيس الوزراء ومجموعة من الوزراء وهم وزير الصحة والداخلية الصناعة والتجارة واتموين الزراعة المالية والضريبة والجمارك وامانة عمان عام 2019 وتشكيل لجنة فنية برئاسة الغذاء والدواء ومندوبين من الصحة وجمعيات المجتمع المدني وامانة عمان وسمو الاميرة دينا مرعد 6- تم وضع الخطة الوطنية التنفيذية لمكافحة التدخين وتمت المصادقة عليها من رئاسة الوزاراء وتم اعداد خارطة الطريق بناء على الخطة الوطنية وبمشاركة جميع الجهات المعنية وتم تكليف ضباط ارتباط من جميع الوزارات والمؤسسات لمكافحة التدخين 7.وضع هاتف شكاوي عبر منصة بخدمتكم ومركز الاتصال الوطني 8. حملة اعلامية تحت شعار القانون بحمي صحتك 9. اعلان عن خدمة علاج الادمان على التبغ من خلال الخط الساخن في وزارة الصحة يوجد قسم في مديرية التوعية والاعلام الصحي في وزارة الصحة الاردنية ويسمى قسم الوقاية من اضرا رالتدخين ويقوم بالتنسيق مع جميع المعنيين بالوقاية من اضرار التدخين وله المهام التالية 1- التشريعات وتعديل التشريعات 2- التثقيف والتوعية 3- الرقابة على التدخين 4- توفير خدمات الاقلاع عن التدخين 5- وكذلك تم اعادة تشكيل اللجنة الوطنية العليا لمكافحة التدخين العام الحالي 2018 والتي تتكون من حوالي 23 عضو من مختلف الجهات حيث تقوم برسم السياسات العامة وتقييم الانشطةواعادة النظر في الامور المتعلقة بتنفيذ تلك الانشطة استبدلت اللجنة الوطنية حيث اصبحت لجنة وطنية برئاسة دولة رئيس الوزراء ومجموعة من الوزراء وهم وزير الصحة والداخلية الصناعة والتجارة واتموين الزراعة المالية والضريبة والجمارك وامانة عمان عام 2019 وتشكيل لجنة فنية برئاسة الغذاء والدواء ومندوبين من الصحة وجمعيات المجتمع المدني وامانة عمان وسمو الاميرة دينا مرعد 6- تم وضع الخطة الوطنية التنفيذية لمكافحة التدخين وتمت المصادقة عليها من رئاسة الوزاراء وتم اعداد خارطة الطريق بناء على الخطة الوطنية وبمشاركة جميع الجهات المعنية وتم تكليف ضباط ارتباط من جميع الوزارات والمؤسسات لمكافحة التدخين 7.وضع هاتف شكاوي عبر منصة بخدمتكم ومركز الاتصال الوطني 8. حملة اعلامية تحت شعار القانون بحمي صحتك يوجد قسم في مديرية التوعية والاعلام الصحي في وزارة الصحة الاردنية ويسمى قسم الوقاية من اضرا رالتدخين ويقوم بالتنسيق مع جميع المعنيين بالوقاية من اضرار التدخين وله المهام التالية 1- التشريعات وتعديل التشريعات 2- التثقيف والتوعية 3- الرقابة على التدخين 4- توفير خدمات الاقلاع عن التدخين 5- وكذلك تم اعادة تشكيل اللجنة الوطنية العليا لمكافحة التدخين العام الحالي 2018 والتي تتكون من حوالي 23 عضو من مختلف الجهات حيث تقوم برسم السياسات العامة وتقييم الانشطةواعادة النظر في الامور المتعلقة بتنفيذ تلك الانشطة 6- تم وضع الخطة الوطنية التنفيذية لمكافحة التدخين وتمت المصادقة عليها من رئاسة الوزاراء وتم اعداد خارطة الطريق بناء على الخطة الوطنية وبمشاركة جميع الجهات المعنية وتم تكليف ضباط ارتباط من جميع الوزارات والمؤسسات لمكافحة التدخين
Kazakhstan EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Kiribati WPR Focal Person is the Health Promotion Officer subordinates to the NCD Committee within the Public Health services of the Public health.Tobacco control activities are implemented and enforced with the assistance from the Health Inspectors,NCD Members and other Public Health staff. Focal Person is the Health Promotion Officer subordinates to the NCD Committee within the Public Health services of the Public health.Tobacco control activities are implemented and enforced with the assistance from the Health Inspectors,NCD Members and other Public Health staff. Focal Person is the Health Promotion Officer subordinates to the NCD Committee within the Public Health services of the Public health.Tobacco control activities are implemented and enforced with the assistance from the Health Inspectors,NCD Members and other Public Health staff.
Kuwait EMR البرنامج الوطني لمكافحة التدخين هو المسئول عن التنسيق على المستوى الوطني لمكافحة التبغ، هناك لجنة دائمة للبرنامج الوطني في وزارة الصحة وهي برئاسة السيد وكيل وزارة الصحة. بالنسية لمركز الاتصاال لمكافحة التبغ فهو عن طريق الخط الساخن لوزارة الصحة، وكذلك هناك الهواتف المخصصة لكل عيادة من عيادات الإقلاع عن التدخين وهي 7 عيادات موزعة على محافظات دولة الكويت البرنامج الوطني لمكافحة التدخين هو المسئول عن التنسيق على المستوى الوطني لمكافحة التبغ، هناك لجنة دائمة للبرنامج الوطني في وزارة الصحة وهي برئاسة السيد وكيل وزارة الصحة. بالنسية لمركز الاتصاال لمكافحة التبغ فهو عن طريق الخط الساخن لوزارة الصحة، وكذلك هناك الهواتف المخصصة لكل عيادة من عيادات الإقلاع عن التدخين وهي 7 عيادات موزعة على محافظات دولة الكويت The national Program to Combat Smoking Ministry of Health جاري العمل على إعادة تشكيل اللجنة الوطنية لمكافحة التبغ (متعددة القطاعات)
Lao People's Democratic Republic WPR Report not provided The Ministry of Health deployed a Tobacco Control Unit under the Department of Hygiene and Health Promotion to oversee the enforcement of Tobacco Control Law and FCTC in collaboration with subnational level and development partners. The Ministry of Health deployed a Tobacco Control Unit under the Department of Hygiene and Health Promotion to oversee the enforcement of Tobacco Control Law and FCTC in collaboration with subnational level and development partners.
Lebanon EMR A National Tobacco Control Program exists at the Ministry of Public Health, since 2009. The NTCP-MoPH also hosts an inter-ministerial and inter-sectoral National Committee on Tobacco Control, including civil society as well. A National Tobacco Control Program exists at the Ministry of Public Health, since 2009. The NTCP-MoPH also hosts an inter-ministerial and inter-sectoral National Committee on Tobacco Control, including civil society as well. A National Tobacco Control Program exists at the Ministry of Public Health, since 2009. The NTCP-MoPH also hosts an inter-ministerial and inter-sectoral National Committee on Tobacco Control, including civil society as well.
Lesotho AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Liberia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Libya EMR وزارة الصحة - البرنامج الوطني لمكافحة التدخين واستخدام التبغ في ليبيا والتي يديرها مركز الاتصال لمكافحة التبغ في وزارة الصحة ولكن الي الان ليس هناك هيكلية تنظيمية لهذا الجسم الجديد وولاحتى ميزانية ولا اى نوع من انواع التمويل ولا خطة عمل رغم الجهود والمساعي لتحقيق ذلك They are meeting in average once a month to discuss the implementation of current legislation of Tobacco control and to plan and implement campaigns such as banning smoking in all public places and other tobacco control activities for tobacco control. وزارة الصحة - اللجنة العليا لمكافحة التدخين واستخدام التبغ They are meeting in average once a month to discuss the implementation of current legislation of Tobacco control and to plan and implement campaigns such as banning smoking in all public places and other tobacco control activities for tobacco control. وزارة الصحة - اللجنة العليا لمكافحة التدخين واستخدام التبغ They are meeting in average once a month to discuss the implementation of current legislation of Tobacco control and to plan and implement campaigns such as banning smoking in all public places and other tobacco control activities for tobacco control.
Lithuania EUR Drug, tobacco and alcohol control department (state institution under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania), as institution, being the focal point for tobacco control, has also the Tobacco control unit. Main responsibilities of state institutions (Ministry of Health, Drug, tobacco and alcohol control department, Ministry of Economy, State Consumer Rights Protection Authority, Ministry of Environment, State Tax Inspectorate under the Ministry of Finance) responsible for implementation of the Law on Tobacco control are adopted by the Government (Resolution No 220), the roles, responsibilities of state institutions as well main coordination aspects are laid down also in the Law on Tobacco Control. Drug, tobacco and alcohol control department (state institution under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania), as institution, being the focal point for tobacco control, has also the Tobacco control unit. Main responsibilities of state institutions (Ministry of Health, Drug, tobacco and alcohol control department, Ministry of Economy, State Consumer Rights Protection Authority, Ministry of Environment, State Tax Inspectorate under the Ministry of Finance) responsible for implementation of the Law on Tobacco control are adopted by the Government (Resolution No 220), the roles, responsibilities of state institutions as well main coordination aspects are laid down also in the Law on Tobacco Control. Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Control Department (state institution under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania), being the focal point for tobacco control, has also the Tobacco control unit. Main responsibilities of state institutions (Ministry of Health, Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Control Department, Ministry of Economy, State Consumer Rights Protection Authority, Ministry of Environment, State Tax Inspectorate under the Ministry of Finance) responsible for implementation of the Law on Tobacco control are adopted by the Government (Resolution No 220), the roles, responsibilities of state institutions as well main coordination aspects are laid down also in the Law on Tobacco Control.
Luxembourg EUR La division de la médecine préventive de la Direction de la santé propose et met en place les campagnes d’informations annuelles dans la lutte antitabac à destination de la population. Elle mène également, ensemble avec ses partenaires dans la lutte antitabac, qui sont le Centre hospitalier de Luxembourg, la Fondation Cancer, des actions de sensibilisation aux dangers du tabac sur le terrain. Enfin elle édite et distribue le matériel de prévention tabagique (affiches, dépliants, brochures, autocollants). La division de la médecine préventive assure également la permanence de la ligne téléphonique gratuite dédiée à l’aide et au soutien pour le sevrage tabagique. Son numéro d’appel gratuit, qui est le 8002 67 67) figure obligatoirement sur les paquets à cigarettes et blagues à tabac à rouler. La division de la médecine préventive de la Direction de la santé propose et met en place les campagnes d’informations annuelles dans la lutte antitabac à destination de la population. Elle mène également, ensemble avec ses partenaires dans la lutte antitabac, qui sont le Centre hospitalier de Luxembourg, la Fondation Cancer, des actions de sensibilisation aux dangers du tabac sur le terrain. Enfin elle édite et distribue le matériel de prévention tabagique (affiches, dépliants, brochures, autocollants). La division de la médecine préventive assure également la permanence de la ligne téléphonique gratuite, dédiée à l’aide et au soutien pour le sevrage tabagique. Son numéro d’appel figure obligatoirement sur les paquets à cigarettes et blagues à tabac à rouler. Answer not provided
Eswatini AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ethiopia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
European Union EUR The EU has a solid and comprehensive pack of measures to control tobacco. However, depending on the specific area, the EU has more or less competencies compared with the EU Member States. For example, the EU legislates in certain areas (notably on tobacco products and on tobacco advertising) and carries out actions to support, co-ordinate or supplement the actions of the EU Member States (notably on smoke free environments). The European Commission, within its Directorate General for Health and Food Safety, has a unit in charge of tobacco control matters for the EU (Unit B4 Disease Prevention and Health Promotion). The European Anti Fraud Office (OLAF) has an explicit mandate to fight tobacco smuggling. The EU has a solid and comprehensive pack of measures to control tobacco. However, depending on the specific area, the EU has more or less competencies compared with the EU Member States; For example, the EU legislates in certain areas (notably on tobacco products and on tobacco advertising) and carries out actions to support, co-ordinate or supplement the actions of the EU Member States (notably on smoke free environments). The European Commission, within its Directorate General for Health and Food Safety, has a unit in charge of tobacco control matters for the EU. Since 2012, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) has attributed the investigative and policy-making functions to separate Directorates in order to avoid any perception of a potential conflict of interest. In 2014 a team fully devoted to the fight against illicit tobacco trade through policy analysis and development was set up in OLAFs Policy Directorate; there is also an investigation unit responsible for fraud investigations related to tobacco products. The EU has a solid and comprehensive pack of measures to control tobacco. However, depending on the specific area, the EU has more or less competencies compared with the EU Member States; For example, the EU legislates in certain areas (notably on tobacco products and on tobacco advertising) and carries out actions to support, co-ordinate or supplement the actions of the EU Member States (notably on smoke free environments). The European Commission, within its Directorate General for Health and Food Safety, has a unit in charge of tobacco control matters for the EU. Since 2012, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) has attributed the investigative and policy-making functions to separate Directorates in order to avoid any perception of a potential conflict of interest. In 2014 a team fully devoted to the fight against illicit tobacco trade through policy analysis and development was set up in OLAFs Policy Directorate; there is also an investigation unit responsible for fraud investigations related to tobacco products.
Fiji WPR Report not provided Fiji has developed a Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Prevention and Control Strategic Plan for the years 2015-19, tobacco control being one of its components. There is a yearly operational plan for the Tobacco Control Unit. (Note new NCD Strategy 2020-2025 is under development.) The Ministry of Health set up the Tobacco Control Enforcement Unit in 2004 to serve as the Government’s focal point on tobacco control issues. The core business of the Unit is the enforcement of tobacco control laws and regulations. The Unit has offices in three of the four administrative divisions and maintains working arrangements with most stakeholders involved in tobacco control. The Unit currently has 5 staff who planning and performing tobacco control activities as well as all enforcement-related activities mandated by the tobacco control regulations in force. The Unit operates through annual operational plans, based on the tobacco components of the NCD Strategic Plan. Report not provided
Finland EUR The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has a leading role in tobacco control in Finland. The Ministry is responsible for law-drafting, general strategic guidance as well as international cooperation in this field. Finnish institute for health and welfare (THL) has a small tobacco control unit (2 persons). THL is responsible for monitoring, research and development of activities related to reducing tobacco use. The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (TTL) is a specialist body in activities to reduce smoking at work environment. The Regional State Administrative Agencý is responsible for guiding municipalities to implement the Tobacco Act and the municipalities supervise locally prohibitions and restrictions of the Act. The regulations of the Tobacco Act are overseen by the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira). There is active coordination between these state authorities but no official coordinating structure. In addition, there is a Tobacco-free Finland 2030 network, where about 25 different organisations (mainly NGOs but also authorities) are working together to promote a non-tobacco, nicotine-free Finland. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has a leading role in tobacco control in Finland. The Ministry is responsible for law-drafting, general strategic guidance as well as international cooperation in this field. Finnish institute for health and welfare (THL) has a small tobacco control unit (2 persons). THL is responsible for monitoring, research and development of activities related to reducing tobacco use. The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (TTL) is a specialist body in activities to reduce smoking at work environment. The Regional State Administrative Agencý is responsible for guiding municipalities to implement the Tobacco Act and the municipalities supervise locally prohibitions and restrictions of the Act. The regulations of the Tobacco Act are overseen by the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira). There is active coordination between these state authorities but no official coordinating structure. In addition, there is a Tobacco-free Finland 2030 network, where about 25 different organisations (mainly NGOs but also authorities) are working together to promote a non-tobacco, nicotine-free Finland. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has a leading role in tobacco control in Finland. Tobacco control is located under the unit that coordinates substance abuse and harm prevention policies. The Ministry is responsible for law-drafting, general strategic guidance as well as international cooperation in this field. The National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) has a small tobacco control unit (2,6 persons). THL is responsible for monitoring, research and development of activities related to reducing tobacco use. The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (TTL) is a specialist body in activities to reduce smoking at work environment. The Regional State Administrative Agencý is responsible for guiding municipalities to implement the Tobacco Act and the municipalities supervise locally prohibitions and restrictions of the Act. The regulations of the Tobacco Act are overseen by the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira). There is active coordination between these state authorities but no official coordinating structure. And there is a Tobacco-free Finland 2030 network, where 18 different organisations (mainly NGOs but also authorities) are working together to promote a non-tobacco, nicotine-free lifestyle.
Gambia AFR There is a Multisectoral Working Group on Tobacco control which comprises of representatives from government ministries, NGOs and CBOs in the country. The focal point for Tobacco control is from the Ministry of Health and the Tobacco control unit is under the same ministry. There is a Multisectoral Working Group on Tobacco control which comprises of representatives from government ministries, NGOs and CBOs in the country. The focal point for Tobacco control is from the Ministry of Health and the Tobacco control unit is under the same ministry. There is a Multisectoral Working Group on Tobacco control which comprises of representatives from government ministries, NGOs and CBOs in the country. The focal point for Tobacco control is from the Ministry of Health and the Tobacco control unit is under the same ministry.
Ghana AFR There is a Tobacco Control Inter-Agency Coordinating committee (TC-IACC) set up at the Ministry of Health and Chaired by The Minister of Health who delegates to the Chief Director. The Focal Point is the Secretary to the committee. The Committee includes Ministry of Finance (MOF) and Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) Customs Division, Ministry of Justice, Attorney General (AG) Department, Ghana Education Service (GES), Ministry of Trade and Industry (MOTI), Food and Drug Authority (FDA), Civil Society Organizations (CSO), World Health Organization (WHO) country office, Ghana Health Service (GHS) Public Health and Family Health Divisions, Ministry of Interior (Ghana Police Service), Non-Communicable Disease Programme, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ghana Tourism Authority and others, The Tobacco and Substances of Abuse Directorate of the Food and Drugs Authority is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of activities of the Public Health Act. The focal person is the head of the directorate There is a Tobacco Control Inter-Agency Coordinating committee (TC-IACC) set up at the Ministry of Health and Chaired by The Minister of Health who delegates to the Chief Director. The Focal Point is the Secretary to the committee. The Committee includes Ministry of Finance (MOF) and Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) Customs Division, Ministry of Justice, Attorney General (AG) Department, Ghana Education Service (GES), Ministry of Trade and Industry (MOTI), Food and Drug Authority (FDA), Civil Society Organizations (CSO), World Health Organization (WHO) country office, Ghana Health Service (GHS) Public Health and Family Health Divisions, Ministry of Interior (Ghana Police Service), Ghana Immigration Service, the Media, Teaching Hospitals (THs) and Health Training Institutions (HTI). Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ghana Tourism Authority, Local Government (LG) There are five sub-committes: (1) Education, communication and training- GES, Media, Health, CSO (2) Finance, taxation and logistics- MOF, MOTI, GRA, WHO, UNDP (3) Implementation and reporting- MoH/GHS, THs, HTI, GRA, CSO, MOFA (4) Legislation and enforcement- AG, FDA, MOTI, GPS, GSA, LG (5) Research and Development- MoH/GHS, EPA, CSO, GES There is a Tobacco Control Inter-Agency Coordinating committee (TC-IACC) set up at the Ministry of Health and Chaired by The Minister of Health who delegates to the Chief Director. The Focal Point is the Secretary to the committee. The Committee includes Ministry of Finance (MOF) and Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) Customs Division, Ministry of Justice, Attorney General (AG) Department, Ghana Education Service (GES), Ministry of Trade and Industry (MOTI), Food and Drug Authority (FDA), Civil Society Organizations (CSO), World Health Organization (WHO) country office, Ghana Health Service (GHS) Public Health and Family Health Divisions, Ministry of Interior (Ghana Police Service), Ghana Immigration Service, the Media, Teaching Hospitals (THs) and Health Training Institutions (HTI). Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ghana Tourism Authority, Local Government (LG) There are five sub-committes: (1) Education, communication and training- GES, Media, Health, CSO (2) Finance, taxation and logistics- MOF, MOTI, GRA, WHO, UNDP (3) Implementation and reporting- MoH/GHS, THs, HTI, GRA, CSO, MOFA (4) Legislation and enforcement- AG, FDA, MOTI, GPS, GSA, LG (5) Research and Development- MoH/GHS, EPA, CSO, GES
Greece EUR Establishment of the Experts' Commission for Smoking Control Report not provided Between 2009-2015 there was a national steering committee for tobacco control, under the auspices of the Ministry of Health with members from academia, policy and civil science. In 2015 this committee ceased. The Chair of this committee was Prof Behrakis. Since Feb 2016 a national coalition on tobacco control was created, in collaboration with the European Network For Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP). The Chair and main members remained the same as in the previous committee. Internally within the Ministry of Health there are two groups related to tobacco control, one in the section for international affairs which is related to the harmonisation of Greece with EU legislative activities (implementation of FCTC and TPD) and the other is the directorate of public health responsible for internal implementation.
Grenada AMR Report not provided Multisectoral National Tobacco Control Management Committee (Advisory Body) Ministry of Health and Social Security Multisectoral National Tobacco Control Management Committee (Advisory Body) Ministry of Health and Social Security
Guatemala AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Guinea-Bissau AFR We are waiting for the decree that authorizes the creation of the coordination mechanism for tobacco control. We are waiting for the decree that authorizes the creation of the coordination mechanism for tobacco control. We are waiting for the decree that authorizes the creation of the coordination mechanism for tobacco control.
Guyana AMR The coordinator, chronic non communicable disease is the focal point for tobacco control. The Tobacco Control Unit has the secretariat within the Ministry of Health and is comprised of members from the Guyana Revenue Authority, The Ministry of Public Security, The Guyana National Bureau of Standards, The Ministry of Education, Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture and 2 NGOs working to promote tobacco control. The coordinator, chronic non communicable disease is the focal point for tobacco control. The Tobacco Control Unit has the secretariat within the Ministry of Public Health and is comprised of members from the Guyana Revenue Authority, The Ministry of Public Security, The Guyana National Bureau of Standards, The Ministry of Education, Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture and 2 NGOs working to promote tobacco control. The coordinator, chronic non communicable disease is the focal point for tobacco control
Honduras AMR Report not provided El Instituto Hondureño para la Prevención del Alcoholismo, Drogadicción y Farmacodependencia (IHADFA) es la institución responsable de la prevención del tabaquismo en Honduras, así como, de la aplicación, control y seguimiento del Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco de la OMS, y de la Ley Especial para el Control del Tabaco y su Reglamentación a nivel nacional de Honduras. El Instituto Hondureño para la Prevención del Alcoholismo, Drogadicción y Farmacodependencia (IHADFA) es la institución responsable de la prevención del tabaquismo en Honduras, así como, de la aplicación, control y seguimiento del Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco de la OMS, y de la Ley Especial para el Control del Tabaco y su Reglamentación a nivel nacional de Honduras.
Hungary EUR 1) The National Tobacco Focal Point at the moment is based in the Department of Public Health within the Ministry of Interior. Main tasks of the Focal Point are: a) Design and coordination according to the 4th articles 2nd paragraph: comprehensive multi-sectoral measures and the construction and support of coordinated answers; b) comprehensive strategy and program planning tasks (5th article, 1st point); c) comprehensive monitoring and evaluation tasks (5th article, 1 st point) about tobacco politics contents and effects; d) the coordination of national research projects (20th article, 1st point); e) the surveillance of the collecting of social, economic and health indicators concerning and related to the tobacco consumption (20th article, 3rd paragraph, point a); f) the development and the maintenance of an up-to-date database of the laws and regulations (and the information about the appliance of them) related to the tobacco consumption control. (20th article, 4th paragraph, point a); g) the coordination of the participation in the international cooperation, mostly in the aforementioned fields; h) Providing reports about the appliance of the Framework Convention for the Conference of the Parties (21 st article, 1 st paragraph); i) contact with persons working in the field of tobacco control, including non-governmental organisations as well as institutions and authorities led by other departments; j) Processing and evaluating the working documents and preparing the draft governmental negotiation position related to the Conference of the Parties of the Framework Convention. 2) The National Methodology Center for Smoking Cessation Support is a Department of the National Koranyi Institute of Pulmonology and is functional since 2012. The Center is responsible for providing methodological assistance on evidence-based cessation support, cooperating in professional activities aimed at tobacco control, initiating the publication of relevant professional guidelines, providing training and education on cessation support, coordinating individual and group cessation programs, and operating the quitline center. 3) Intensive behavioral counseling is available in Outpatient Pulmonary Clinics and health promotion offices. Additionally, the health visitor service is increasingly involved in the counseling of pregnant smokers. 4) Government offices monitor compliance with tobacco control measures. 5) Schools must work within the framework of comprehensive health promotion to prevent smoking initiation among youth. 1) The Tobacco Focal Point functioned in the Ministry of Human Capacities. Main tasks of the Focal Point are: a) Design and coordination according to the 4th articles 2nd paragraph: comprehensive multi-sectoral measures and the construction and support of coordinated answers; b) comprehensive strategy and program planning tasks (5th article, 1st point); c) comprehensive monitoring and evaluation tasks (5th article, 1 st point) about tobacco politics contents and effects; d) the coordination of national research projects (20th article, 1st point); e) the surveillance of the collecting of social, economic and health indicators concerning and related to the tobacco consumption (20th article, 3rd paragraph, point a); f) the development and the maintenance of an up-to-date database of the laws and regulations (and the information about the appliance of them) related to the tobacco consumption control. (20th article, 4th paragraph, point a); g) the coordination of the participation in the international cooperation, mostly in the aforementioned fields; h) Providing reports about the appliance of the Framework Convention for the Conference of the Parties (21 st article, 1 st paragraph); i) contact with persons working in the field of tobacco control, including non-governmental organisations as well as institutions and authorities led by other departments; j) Processing and evaluating the working documents and preparing the draft governmental negotiation position related to the Conference of the Parties of the Framework Convention. 2) The National Methodology Center for Smoking Cessation Support is a Department of the National Koranyi Institute of Pulmonology and is functional since 2012. The Center is responsible for providing methodological assistance on evidence-based cessation support, cooperating in professional activities aimed at tobacco control, initiating the publication of relevant professional guidelines, providing training and education on cessation support, coordinating individual and group cessation programs, and operating the quitline center. 3) Intensive behavioral counseling is available in Outpatient Pulmonary Clinics, while Health Promotion Offices conduct brief advice and provide health promotion services for the public. Additionally, the health visitor service is increasingly involved in the counseling of pregnant smokers. 4) Government offices monitor compliance with tobacco control measures. 5) Schools must work within the framework of comprehensive health promotion to prevent smoking initiation among youth. The Tobacco Focal Point functioned in one of The Ministry of Human Capacities’ relevant agencies up until 2017.03.31. After this, from 2017.04.01. the National Institute for Health Development Tobacco Focal Point’s successor is the Ministry of Human Capacities Chief Medical Office Deputy Secretary Of State Tobacco Focal Point. The Tobacco Focal Points main tasks: a) Design and coordination according to the 4th articles 2nd paragraph: comprehensive multi-sectoral measures and the construction and support of coordinated answers; b) comprehensive strategy and program planning tasks (5th article, 1st point); c) comprehensive monitoring and evaluation tasks (5th article, 1 st point) about tobacco politics contents and effects; d) the coordination of national research projects (20th article, 1st point); e) the surveillance of the collecting of social, economic and health indicators concerning and related to the tobacco consumption (20th article, 3rd paragraph, point a); f) the development and the maintenance of an up-to-date database of the laws and regulations (and the information about the appliance of them) related to the tobacco consumption control. (20th article, 4th paragraph, point a); g) the coordination of the participation in the international cooperation, mostly in the aforementioned fields; h) Providing reports about the appliance of the Framework Convention for the Conference of the Parties (21 st article, 1 st paragraph); i) contact with persons working in the field of tobacco control, including non-governmental organisations as well as institutions and authorities led by other departments; j) Processing and evaluating the working documents and preparing the draft governmental negotiation position related to the Conference of the Parties of the Framework Convention. The task of the National Koranyi Institute of TBC and Pulmonology functional since 2012 is aimed to provide methodological help to the evidence-based cessation support, as well as to combine and manage professional activities related to the tobacco control, moreover to initiate the construction of relevant professional guidelines, additionally to make sure that information and personalised help can reach the widest circle possible through its individual and group based guidance. Pulmonologies work in tobacco control the support of smoking cessation was one of the primary concerns of all (148) pulmonology institues in the examination period. Government offices monitors the restrictions and prohibitions related to smoking. The 61 health-development agencies, which have been founded with the support of the European Union, must also do minimal intervention related to tobacco. In the framework of the comprehensive health promotion in schools, the suppression of smoking through preventing habituation and supporting cessation is a major task.
Costa Rica AMR Answer not provided El Programa de Control de Tabaco del Ministerio de Salud, fue constituido mediante oficio DM-RM-1473-2013, con el fin de dar cumplimiento a los objetivos dispuestos en la Ley General de control de Tabaco y sus Efectos Nocivos en la Salud (Ley N° 9028); en cuatro áreas: 1) Área Regulatoria. 2) Área de Control y Monitoreo. 3) Área de Sistemas de Información y Logística. 4) Área de Investigación y Capacitación El Programa de Control de Tabaco se encuentra ubicado en la Dirección de Planificación del Ministerio de Salud. La Dirección de Planificación depende jerárquicamente del Despacho Ministerial. Desde la Dirección de Planificación se establecen las estrategias institucionales, interinstitucionales y sectoriales. Mediante el oficio DM-RM-1473-2013, se crea el Programa de Control de Tabaco y sus Efectos Nocivos en la Salud, adscrito al Despacho Ministerial. A partir de este oficio se establecen todas las estrategias de coordinación institucional e intersectorial.
Côte d'Ivoire AFR Le Programme National de Lutte contre le Tabagisme créé par l’arrêté n°415 du 28 décembre 2001 et renommé Programme National de Lutte contre le Tabagisme, l’Alcoolisme, la Toxicomanie et les autres Addictions par arrêté N°210 MSHP/CAB du 11 Août 2008 joue le rôle de l'unité de lutte contre le tabagisme et son Directeur coordonnateur celui de point focal. Il relève du Ministère en charge de la Santé. Le Programme National de Lutte contre le Tabagisme créé par l’arrêté n°415 du 28 décembre 2001 et renommé Programme National de Lutte contre le Tabagisme, l’Alcoolisme, la Toxicomanie et les autres Addictions par arrêté n°210 MSHP/CAB du 11 Août 2008 joue le rôle de lunité de lutte contre le tabagisme et son Directeur coordonnateur celui de point focal. Il relève du Ministère en charge de la Santé. Le Programme National de Lutte contre le Tabagisme créé par l’arrêté n°415 du 28 décembre 2001 et renommé Programme National de Lutte contre le Tabagisme, l’Alcoolisme, la Toxicomanie et les autres Addictions par arrêté n°210 MSHP/CAB du 11 Août 2008 joue le rôle de lunité de lutte contre le tabagisme et son Directeur coordonnateur celui de point focal. Il relève du Ministère en charge de la Santé.
Croatia EUR There have been changes in this regard since the last report (2018). But for the purpose of transposing the Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products and repealing Directive 2001/37/EC, Croatia adopted a new ACTON RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF TOBACCO AND RELATED PRODUCTS in May 2017. There have been changes in this regard since the last report (2016). But for the purpose of transposing the Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products and repealing Directive 2001/37/EC, Croatia adopted a new ACTON RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF TOBACCO AND RELATED PRODUCTS in May 2017. There have been changes in this regard since the last report (2016). But for the purpose of transposing the Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products and repealing Directive 2001/37/EC, Croatia adopted a new ACTON RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF TOBACCO AND RELATED PRODUCTS in May 2017.
Cyprus EUR The national coordinating mechanism consists of representatives from several organizations (ministry of health, education, justice and public order, ministry of labor and social insurance, nongovernmental organizations, youth organization of Cyprus, municipality union, and community associations. The ministry of health coordinated a focal point for tobacco control and a tobacco cessation. From 2018 the focal authority for the co-ordination of tobacco control changed into the Cyprus national addictions authority; The national coordinating mechanism consists of representatives from several organisations (ministry of health, education, justice and public order, ministry of labour and social insurance, nongovernmental organizations, youth organization of Cyprus, municipality union, and community associations. The ministry of health co-ordinated a focal point for tobacco control and a tobacco cessation. From 2018 the focal authority for the co-ordination of tobacco control changed into the Cyrus national addictions authority; The national coordinating mechanism consists of representatives from several organisations (ministry of health, education, justice and public order, ministry of labour and social insurance, nongovernmental organizations, youth organization of Cyprus, municipality union, and community associations. The ministry of health co-ordinated a focal point for tobacco control and a tobacco cessation. From 2018 the focal authority for the co-ordination of tobacco control changed into the Cyrus national addictions authority;
Democratic People's Republic of Korea SEA Report not provided Tobacco control mechanism is in place with focal unit and focal points in the Ministry of Public Heath and at provincial, city and county levels. The Cabinet leads tobacco control with cooperation with relevant stakeholders including Korea Tobacco Association, which is tobacco control agency for the control of production, sale, import and export of tobacco products in line with National policy. Tobacco Cessation centre conducts tobacco control programs including tobacco counselling, tobacco cessation, IEC and research on tobacco control. Tobacco control mechanism is in place with focal unit and focal points in the Ministry of Public Heath and at provincial, city and county levels. The Cabinet leads tobacco control with cooperation with relevant stakeholders including Korea Tobacco Association, which is tobacco control agency for the control of production, sale, import and export of tobacco products in line with National policy. Tobacco Cessation centre conducts tobacco control programs including planning, monitoring and evaluation and research on tobacco control.
Democratic Republic of the Congo AFR Un nouveau point focal national nommé depuis 2020 apres le décè de Mr Rigobert, un Programme national est mis en place depuis Mai 2003. Programme National de Lutte Contre les Toxicomanies et les Substances Toxiques (PNLCT) du Ministère de la Santé ainsi que des Coordinations provinciales. Un point focal national nommé depuis 2000, un Programme national est mis en place depuis Mai 2003. Programme National de Lutte Contre les Toxicomanies et les Substances Toxiques (PNLCT) du Ministère de la Santé ainsi que des Coordinations provinciales. Un point focal national nommé dépuis 2000, un Programme national de coordination est mis en place dépuis Mai 2003. Programme National de Lutte Contre les Toxicomanies et les Subustances Toxiques (PNLCT) du Ministère de la Santé.
Denmark EUR Focal point for tobacco control: Danish Health Authority - the central health authority in Denmark Tobacco control unit: Danish Safety Technology Authority Focal point for tobacco control: Danish Health Authority - the central health authority in Denmark Tobacco control unit: Danish Safety Technology Authority Focal point for tobacco control: Danish Health Authority - the central health authority in Denmark Tobacco control unit: Danish Safety Technology Authority
Djibouti EMR Report not provided Le dispositif est régi par un decret. Il sagit dun comité intersectoriel composé de points focaux. Les membres du comité sont nommés par les Ministres des dépatements et sociétéq civiles impliqués dans la lutte antitabac. Le renouvellement se fait tous les deux ans et le président est élu. Le secretariat est assuré par la Coordinatrice nationale (Ministère de la Santé). Le rapport est envoyé aux Ministères; Cependant aucun budget nest alloué.le Ministère de la santé ampute sur ses dépenses. Le dispositif est régi par un decret. Il sagit dun comité intersectoriel composé de points focaux. Les membres du comité sont nommés par les Ministres des dépatements et sociétéq civiles impliqués dans la lutte antitabac. Le renouvellement se fait tous les deux ans et le président est élu. Le secretariat est assuré par la Coordinatrice nationale (Ministère de la Santé). Le rapport est envoyé aux Ministères; Cependant aucun budget nest alloué.le Ministère de la santé ampute sur ses dépenses.
Dominica AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Egypt EMR تم تكوين وحده لمكافحه التبغ في وزاره الصحه المصريه عام ٢٠٠٧ بعد التصديق علي الاتفاقيه الاطاريه لمكافحه التبغ و تعمل هذه الوحده علي تطبيق سياسات الاتفاقيه الاطاريه حيث قامت وزاره الصحه بالتعاون مع الجهاز المركزي للتعبئه و الاحصاء بعمل المسح العالمي لاستهلاك التبغ بين البالغين ثم تطبيق الصورالتحذيريه المصوره و الخط الساخن للمساعدة علي الاقلاع بالتعاون مع وزاره الاتصالات و من اهم الانجازات في الفتره السابقه زيادة الضرائب علي منتجات التبغ بالتنسيق مع وزاره الماليه المصرية تم تكوين وحده لمكافحه التبغ في وزاره الصحه المصريه عام ٢٠٠٧ بعد التصديق علي الاتفاقيه الاطاريه لمكافحه التبغ و تعمل هذه الوحده علي تطبيق سياسات الاتفاقيه الاطاريه حيث قامت وزاره الصحه بالتعاون مع الجهاز المركزي للتعبئه و الاحصاء بعمل المسح العالمي لاستهلاك التبغ بين البالغين ثم تطبيق الصورالتحذيريه المصوره و الخط الساخن للمساعدة علي الاقلاع بالتعاون مع وزاره الاتصالات و من اهم الانجازات في الفتره السابقه زيادة الضرائب علي منتجات التبغ بالتنسيق مع وزاره الماليه المصرية تم تكوين وحده لمكافحه التبغ في وزاره الصحه المصريه عام ٢٠٠٧ بعد التصديق علي الاتفاقيه الاطاريه لمكافحه التبغ و تعمل هذه الوحده علي تطبيق سياسات الاتفاقيه الاطاريه حيث قامت وزاره الصحه بالتعاون مع الجهاز المركزي للتعبئه و الاحصاء بعمل المسح العالمي لاستهلاك التبغ بين البالغين ثم تطبيق الصورالتحذيريه المصوره و الخط الساخن للمساعدة علي الاقلاع بالتعاون مع وزاره الاتصالات و من اهم الانجازات في الفتره السابقه زيادة الضرائب علي منتجات التبغ بالتنسيق مع وزاره الماليه المصرية
El Salvador AMR Las Unidades de Alcohol y Tabaco (UDAT), funcionan en el Ministerio de Salud, con el apoyo financiero de FOSALUD, y están formadas por un equipo especializado de Abogados de la República e Inspectores de Salud, ubicados en la Dirección de Salud Ambiental y en las cinco Direcciones Regionales de Salud del MINSAL, las cuales trabajan en coordinación con las Unidades Comunitarias de Salud Familiar de todo el país, de las cuales nacen los procesos administrativos sancionatorios. Estas unidades vigilan el cumplimiento de la Ley y del reglamento, en relación a: • Garantizar la aplicación de la Ley para el Control del Tabaco: • Regulación y procedimientos administrativos sobre importación, promoción, publicidad, patrocinio, distribución mayorista, comercialización y consumo de tabaco. • Verificación del cumplimiento con relación al empaquetado y etiquetado de productos de tabaco. • Verificación de la implementación precisa de las Advertencias Sanitarias en los productos de tabaco. • Fiscalización, inspección y verificación del cumplimiento de la normativa para el control del tabaco y alcohol en establecimientos que se dedique al comercio, importación y distribución de estos productos y sus derivados y principalmente en lo relacionado con los espacios libres de humo de tabaco. • Fortalecer las capacidades del personal de las instancias que interviene en la prevención y control del uso y consumo de tabaco y sus derivados. • Procesos sancionatorios por infracción a la Ley remitidos desde las Unidades Comunitarias de Salud Familiar. • Revisión y elaboración de Marco Normativo. (Propuesta de nueva normativa y/o reformas a las Leyes, Reglamentos y Ordenanzas Contravencionales que regulen el uso, consumo, comercio, distribución, importación, publicidad, promoción y patrocinio de productos de Tabaco). • Impulsan, elaboran e implementan desde las Regiones de Salud el programa de tabaco incorporando planes y acciones intersectoriales orientados a impulsar estrategias de prevención, promoción y sensibilización de control del tabaco. Las Unidades de Alcohol y Tabaco (UDAT), funcionan en el Ministerio de Salud, con el apoyo financiero de FOSALUD, y están formadas por un equipo especializado de Abogados de la República e Inspectores de Salud, ubicados en la Dirección de Salud Ambiental y en las cinco Direcciones Regionales de Salud del MINSAL, las cuales trabajan en coordinación con las Unidades Comunitarias de Salud Familiar de todo el país, de las cuales nacen los procesos administrativos sancionatorios. Estas unidades vigilan el cumplimiento de la Ley y del reglamento, en relación a: • Garantizar la aplicación de la Ley para el Control del Tabaco: • Regulación y procedimientos administrativos sobre importación, promoción, publicidad, patrocinio, distribución mayorista, comercialización y consumo de tabaco. • Verificación del cumplimiento con relación al empaquetado y etiquetado de productos de tabaco. • Verificación de la implementación precisa de las Advertencias Sanitarias en los productos de tabaco. • Fiscalización, inspección y verificación del cumplimiento de la normativa para el control del tabaco y alcohol en establecimientos que se dedique al comercio, importación y distribución de estos productos y sus derivados y principalmente en lo relacionado con los espacios libres de humo de tabaco. • Fortalecer las capacidades del personal de las instancias que interviene en la prevención y control del uso y consumo de tabaco y sus derivados. • Procesos sancionatorios por infracción a la Ley remitidos desde las Unidades Comunitarias de Salud Familiar. • Revisión y elaboración de Marco Normativo. (Propuesta de nueva normativa y/o reformas a las Leyes, Reglamentos y Ordenanzas Contravencionales que regulen el uso, consumo, comercio, distribución, importación, publicidad, promoción y patrocinio de productos de Tabaco). • Impulsan, elaboran e implementan desde las Regiones de Salud el programa de tabaco incorporando planes y acciones intersectoriales orientados a impulsar estrategias de prevención, promoción y sensibilización de control del tabaco. Está operando la Unidad de Alcohol y Tabaco en el Ministerio de Salud con el apoyo financiero del Fondo Solidario para la Salud, adscrita a las 5 regiones sanitarias del país (Occidental, Central, Metropolitana, Paracentral y Oriental) ejerce la función de protección de la salud a través de la prevención, promoción y fiscalización, por medio de coordinaciones interinstitucionales orientadas a promover la reducción de la demanda del tabaco, la protección del no fumador, fortalecer la supervisión y control de las normas que regulan la importación, promoción, publicidad, patrocinio, comercialización, consumo del tabaco y sus productos, la vigilancia y control sanitario en instituciones públicas y privadas, diligenciar con efectividad procesos sancionatorios por contravención del marco normativo de control del tabaco, promover la denuncia ciudadana, entre otros.
Equatorial Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Estonia EUR The focal point for tobacco control is the Ministry of Social Affairs. The focal point for tobacco control is the Ministry of Social Affairs. The focal point for tobacco control is the Ministry of Social Affairs.
Brunei Darussalam WPR Multi-sectoral Taskforce for Health (reducing tobacco use) includes the various agencies and ministries relevant to tobacco control and is chaired by the Minister of Health; technical officers for the various Cross-Functional Teams including tobacco are from the Health Promotion Centre (HPC), Ministry of Health. HPC oversees the national tobacco prevention programme. The focal points for tobacco control are also from HPC, Ministry of Health. Prior to 2012, a specific tobacco control unit was in existence. However, with the enforcement of a very stringent tobacco control laws and supported by strong tobacco taxation laws, the focus is currently on enforcing smoke-free areas, smoking cessation, health promotion and illicit trade. These activities are under the purview of Health Enforcement Unit, Health Promotion Centre and Department of Royal Customs and Excise. The responsibilities of the tobacco control unit has since been absorbed under the Department of Environmental Health Services. Multi-sectoral Taskforce for Health (reducing tobacco use) includes the various agencies and ministries relevant to tobacco control and is chaired by the Minister of Health; technical officers for the various Cross-Functional Teams including tobacco are from the Health Promotion Centre (HPC), Ministry of Health. HPC oversees the national tobacco prevention programme. The focal points for tobacco control are also from HPC, Ministry of Health. Prior to 2012, a specific tobacco control unit was in existence. However, with the enforcement of a very stringent tobacco control laws and supported by strong tobacco taxation laws, the focus is currently on enforcing smoke-free areas, smoking cessation, health promotion and illicit trade. These activities are under the purview of Health Enforcement Unit, Health Promotion Centre and Department of Royal Customs and Excise. The responsibilities of the tobacco control unit has since been absorbed under the Department of Environmental Health Services. Multi-sectoral Taskforce for Health (reducing tobacco use) includes the various agencies and ministries relevant to tobacco control and is chaired by the Minister of Health; the focal point for tobacco control is under the Ministry of Health. Prior to 2012, a specific tobacco control unit was in existence. However, with the enforcement of a very stringent tobacco control laws and supported by strong tobacco taxation laws, the focus is currently on enforcing smoke-free areas, smoking cessation, health promotion and illicit trade. These activities are under the purview of Health Enforcement Unit, Health Promotion Centre and Department of Royal Customs and Excise. The responsibilities of the tobacco control unit has since been absorbed under the Environmental Health Department.
Bulgaria EUR Please note that the information above was provided during the previous report. Answer not provided The National Program for Prevention of Chronic Non-communicable Diseases 2014-2020 (NPPCNCD), adopted by Decision № 538 of 09.12.2013 of the Council of Ministers started in 2014. The integrated approach, used in the NPPCNCD, 2014-2020, is focused at multiple NCD behavioral risk factors for instance smoking and combines various strategies, including policy development, capacity building, partnership and information support at all levels. It applies a combination of population and high-risk strategies that interconnects all components of health systems, such as health promotion, public health services, primary care and hospital care. It includes intersectoral actions that implement health policies, including concerted actions, aimed at the main determinants of health. One of the main goals refers to reducing the level of the most common behavioral risk factors for NCDs e.g. smoking. Program is in conformity with Recommendation 2003/54/EC on the prevention of smoking and on initiatives to improve tobacco control with the European Strategy for Tobacco Control of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Two National Coordinators from the MoH and NCPHA are responsible for the implementation of the programs policy and the achievement of its objectives; manage and participate in the development of program documents and work plans, in accordance with the programs strategies, objectives and tasks; coordinate regional activities; present the results of the activities to the Ministry of Health, the National Program Council, prepare annual information on program activities. Two coordinators from the MH and NCPHA for each of the risk factors directly coordinate activities related to the different risk factors - tobacco smoking, alcohol abuse, unhealthy nutrition and low physical activity.
Burkina Faso AFR Existence dun comité national de lutte contre le tabac multi-sectoriel composé dune dizaine de départements ministériels, dassociations et dorganisations de la société civile, des leaders religieux, des sociétés savantes. Le point focal national est le Directeur de la promotion et de léducation pour la santé, structure en charge de la lutte antitabac au sein du Ministère de la santé Existence dun comité national de lutte contre le tabac multi-sectoriel composé dune dizaine de départements ministériels, dassociations et dorganisations de la société civile, des leaders religieux, des sociétés savantes. Le point focal national est le Directeur de la promotion et de léducation pour la santé, structure en charge de la lutte antitabac au sein du Ministère de la santé Existence dun comité national de lutte contre le tabac multi-sectoriel composé dune dizaine de départements ministériels, dassociations et dorganisations de la société civile, des leaders religieux... Le point focal national est la Directrice de la promotion de la santé, structure en charge de la lutte antitabac au sein du Ministère de la santé
Burundi AFR Report not provided Le point focal de lutte contre le tabagisme se trouve au Programme National Intégré de Lutte contre les Maladies Chroniques Non Transmissibles au sein du Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Lutte contre le Sida Report not provided
Cabo Verde AFR Le tabac est une domaine intégré dans la Comité de Coordination de lAlcool et dautres Drogues (responsable de la mise en œuvre des politiques et des stratégies concernant lalcool e les drogues) Le Point Focal relève de cette Comité Le tabac est une domaine intégré dans la Comité de Coordination de lAlcool et dautres Drogues (responsable de la mise en œuvre des politiques et des stratégies concernant lalcool e les drogues) Le Point Focal relève de cette Comité Le tabac est une domaine intégré dans la Comité de Coordination de lAlcool et dautres Drogues (responsable de la mise en œuvre des politiques et des stratégies concernant lalcool e les drogues) Le Point Focal relève de cette Comité
Cambodia WPR Report not provided Answer not provided The Inter-Ministerial for education and reduction of tobacco use was established in 2001. In 2017, this committee has been changed to National Tobacco Control Committee which chaired by the Minister of Health and The National Centre for Health Promotion is the secretariat and the national focal point. This committee composes of 23 institutions including all provincial/city governors. Usually this committee meet twice a year to review the progress and provide recommendation to advance tobacco control in Cambodia especially to enforce tobacco control law which has been took in place in year 2015. The Ministry of Health plans to establish Tobacco Control Committee at sub national level.
Canada AMR Health Canada, the federal department of Health, is the focal point for tobacco control in Canada and maintains a financed tobacco control unit. Each province and territory also has a respective focal point. Health Canada maintains national coordinating mechanisms with provinces and territories including through the federal/provincial/territorial Tobacco Control Liaison Committee. Health Canada also maintains coordinating mechanisms with non-government organizations, including through a quarterly NGO Forum. As part of Canada’s Tobacco Strategy, the Government of Canada has committed to working with our partners by to: increase funding to study new and unique was to address tobacco use in Canada; aid research from health stakeholders by publicly releasing industry reports, research findings and surveillance findings; and working with national and regional Indigenous groups to co-develop distinct strategies to meet the needs of Canada’s Indigenous peoples. Health Canada, the federal department of Health, is the focal point for tobacco control in Canada and maintains a financed tobacco control unit. Each province and territory also has a respective focal point. Health Canada maintains national coordinating mechanisms with provinces and territories including through the federal/provincial/territorial Tobacco Control Liaison Committee. Health Canada also maintains coordinating mechanisms with non-government organizations, including through a quarterly NGO Forum. Canadas Federal Tobacco Control Strategy (FTCS) is led by Health Canada in partnership with Public Safety Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Canada Revenue Agency, Canada Border Services Agency, and the Public Health Agency of Canada. Health Canada is responsible for administering and enforcing the Tobacco Act. This Act regulates the manufacture, sale, labelling and promotion of tobacco products. Health Canada also undertakes and promotes initiatives that reduce or prevent the negative health impacts associated with smoking. The FTCS is championed by the Tobacco Control Directorate (TCD) of the Healthy Environments and Consumer and Safety Branch within Health Canada. The FTCS provides funding to the Canadian Revenue Agency, Canada Border Services Agency and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to address illicit contraband tobacco and to ensure compliance with Canadas tobacco tax laws. Health Canada’s demand reduction activities such as prevention and cessation initiatives complement the contraband control activities of these partners. Canada places a strong emphasis on collaboration between the federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments, as well as non-governmental organizations, tobacco control researchers, academics, and community organizations.
Chad AFR Programme National de Lutte contre le Tabac, lAlcool et les Drogues ( PNLTAD) crée en 2013 avec la mise en en place dune équipe de coordination qui est opérationnelle depuis 2014. Le PNLTAD dépend directement de la Direction des Maladies Transmissibles et Non Transmissibles. Programme National de Lutte contre le Tabac, lAlcool et les Drogues ( PNLTAD) crée en 2013 avec la mise en en place dune équipe de coordination qui est opérationnelle depuis 2014. Le PNLTAD dépend directement de la Direction des Maladies Transmissibles et Non Transmissibles. Programme National de Lutte contre le Tabac, lAlcool et les Drogues ( PNLTAD) crée en 2013 avec la mise en en place dune équipe de coordination qui est opérationnelle depuis 2014. Le PNLTAD dépend directement de la Direction des Maladies Transmissibles et Non Transmissibles.
Chile AMR La Oficina de Prevención del Consumo de tabaco pertenece a la División de Políticas Públicas Saludables y Promoción de la Subsecretaría de Salud Pública. Su función está definida por los lineamientos del CMCT de OMS es desarrolla acciones relacionadas con el control de tabaco mediante procesos legislativos, acciones de prevención de consumo de tabaco y está orientada al desarrollo e implementación del tratamiento del consumo de tabaco. La Oficina de Prevención del Consumo de Tabaco se integra en la División de Políticas Públicas Saludables y Promoción del Ministerio de Salud. Su función es establecer las acciones necesarias para el cumplimiento del CMCT, a través de acciones tales como promover estrategias que permiten implementar la legislación de nuestro país de acuerdo al CMTC, La Oficina de Prevención del Consumo de Tabaco se integra en la División de Políticas Públicas Saludables y Promoción del Ministerio de Salud. Su función es establecer las acciones necesarias para el cumplimiento del CMCT, a través de acciones tales como promover acciones que permiten adecuar la legislación del país al CMTC, control y prevención del consumo de tabaco.
Colombia AMR    El Decreto Ley 4107 de 2011 crea el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social. Dentro de la estructura organizacional, se creó la Subdirección de Enfermedades No Transmisibles, la cual se organiza a través de 3 grupos: 1) Estilos, modos y condiciones de vida saludable; 2) Gestión integrada de la salud bucal, cardiovascular, bucal, del cáncer y otras condiciones crónicas; y 3) Gestión integrada para la salud mental. Transversal a los dos primeros grupos existe un equipo de control de tabaco que sirve como centro de coordinación para el tema. La unidad está conformada por profesionales de diferentes disciplinas, lo que ha enriquecido el enfoque multidisciplinar de las acciones que se han planteado en el control del tabaco a corto, mediano y largo plazo. Desde el 2017, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social han liderado una serie de encuentros intersectoriales, constituidos como un espacio de diálogo que se espera contribuya a la creación de sinergias entre las entidades nacionales, que faciliten la implementación efectiva de los compromisos adquiridos en el Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco y lleven a la creación de un mecanismo nacional de seguimiento formal y legalmente constituido, en el que participen todas las entidades. Dicho espacio es convocado por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores como puente entre los compromisos internacionales y la implementación a nivel nacional. El mismo no cuenta con ningún tipo de financiación. El Decreto Ley 4107 de 2011 crea el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social. Dentro de la estructura organizacional, se creó la Subdirección de Enfermedades No Transmisibles, la cual se organiza a través de 3 grupos: 1) Estilos, modos y condiciones de vida saludable; 2) Gestión integrada de la salud bucal, cardiovascular, bucal, del cáncer y otras condiciones crónicas; y 3) Gestión integrada para la salud mental. Transversal a los dos primeros grupos existe un equipo de control de tabaco que sirve como centro de coordinación para el tema. La unidad está conformada por profesionales de diferentes disciplinas, lo que ha enriquecido el enfoque multidisciplinar de las acciones que se han planteado en el control del tabaco a corto, mediano y largo plazo. A nivel intersectorial, está la Comisión Intersectorial de Salud Pública (Decreto 859 de 2014), que es la instancia de coordinación y seguimiento entre los diferentes sectores responsables en el desarrollo del Plan Decenal de Salud Pública, en el que se han incluido metas y estrategias específicas para control de tabaco. De manera más específica, desde la adopción del Convenio Marco para el Control de Tabaco en 2008, los escenarios intersectoriales han sido suscitados por la necesidad de construir una posición de país que oriente a la delegación nacional en su participación en las Conferencias de las Partes del CMCT, y demás espacios de participación internacional referentes al control de tabaco. No obstante, en años recientes, se ha promovido que la acción intersectorial trascienda hacia un escenario de interacción más activo. En efecto, el Estado colombiano ha procurado, mediante las herramientas de cooperación internacional, fortalecer la acción intersectorial en control de tabaco. En un primer momento, a finales de 2012, se solicitó a la Secretaría del CMCT el apoyo en la realización de una misión de evaluación de necesidades, que permitiera identificar los avances y las brechas en la implementación del tratado. En este ejercicio, la misión facilitó, no sólo conocer el estado de avance de las acciones sectoriales a favor del control de tabaco, sino también, generar espacios de encuentro bilateral para reconocer las necesidades y preocupaciones frente a la implementación intersectorial del tratado. Con la socialización de este informe en una mesa intersectorial en 2013, se concluyó que era prioritaria la definición conjunta de una hoja de ruta para la aplicación efectiva y plena del Convenio, que involucrara a todos los sectores competentes. No obstante, el dinamismo de la interlocución intersectorial se concentró en la elaboración de los Informes bienales de implementación, y en la construcción de la posición nacional para la participación de la delegación en las COP. Para 2016, la Defensoría del Pueblo, organismo que vigila la garantía y protección de los derechos humanos en Colombia, elaboró el informe "Informe de seguimiento al cumplimiento del Convenio Marco de la OMS para el Control del Tabaco en Colombia" con los insumos entregados principalmente por el Ministerio de Salud pero que también incluyó otros actores del gobierno y sociedad civil. En este documento también se reitera la importancia del trabajo intersectorial para un cumplimiento integral del tratado. Ver Anexo 11 y el siguiente enlace: Reconociendo la urgencia de un mecanismo de coordinación intersectorial en control de tabaco, mucho más allá de construir el informe bienal y de definir la posición de país, la Subdirección de ENT del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social, propuso el desarrollo de cuatro espacios de seguimiento intersectorial (que se llevaron a cabo entre 2017 y 2018), priorizando los temas más relevantes y urgentes en cuanto a la implementación del CMCT: Para la primera sesión, se propuso el desarrollo de una agenda de seguimiento de conformidad con los procedimientos de inspección, vigilancia y control referentes a: a) la protección de los ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco; b) prohibición de venta al menudeo y a venta a menores de edad; c) prohibición total de publicidad, promoción y patrocinio; d) comercio ilícito de productos de tabaco. Para la segunda sesión, se propuso abordar el proceso de ratificación del Protocolo para la eliminación del comercio ilícito de productos de tabaco. Para la tercera sesión, se sugirió la presentación de los avances en cuanto al Programa Nacional de Cesación del consumo de tabaco. Para la última sesión, se planteó la presentación de los avances de cada uno de los actores competentes en el cumplimiento del Convenio Marco, y de la propuesta de formalización del mecanismo de coordinación intersectorial para el CMCT. Durante el desarrollo de estos encuentros, se gestionó el apoyo de los demás sectores en la postulación de Colombia a la plataforma de cooperación internacional FCTC 2030. En la planeación de este Proyecto, se priorizó como una de sus líneas estratégicas, el fortalecimiento de la acción intersectorial en control de tabaco. Esto, en el reconocimiento de la necesidad de contar con un espacio de encuentro y coordinación que funcione de manera regular y que facilite el desarrollo de acciones estratégicas, estructurales y coordinadas. También, porque para los actores sectoriales es importante abordar las dificultades que normalmente afronta cualquier escenario de coordinación, como por ejemplo: la falta de definición de personas responsables al interior de las entidades que faciliten la interlocución intersectorial; los cambios de personal que afectan la interacción entre sectores; el desconocimiento del Convenio Marco, y sus implicaciones legales para el Estado colombiano, lo que conlleva el desconocimiento respecto de las responsabilidades en la implementación del tratado; la interacción cercana que algunos sectores, por sus características, tienen con la industria tabacalera, lo que constituye un obstáculo para la comprensión sobre la aplicación del artículo 5.3, y del uso de herramientas que garanticen la transparencia y la no interferencia. Posterior a esos primeros 4 encuentros, se desarrollaron los siguientes: IV Encuentro Interinstitucional, 18 de mayo de 2018. Las entidades discutieron sobre los avances y desafíos del Proyecto FCTC 2030, liderado por la Secretaría del Convenio y mediante el cual Colombia será beneficiario de recursos para avanzar en el fortalecimiento de sus capacidades nacionales frente al convenio en temas prioritarios como: 1) el fortalecimiento de inspección, vigilancia y control; 2) la cesación del consumo de tabaco; y 3) el desarrollo de una acción intersectorial coordinada. Además, se analizaron los pasos a seguir en el marco del fortalecimiento de este mecanismo informal de articulación. V Encuentro Intersectorial, 8 de noviembre de 2018. El encuentro se enfocó en el Proyecto FCTC - 2030 para la implementación del artículo 5.2 del CMCT, así como sobre el establecimiento del mecanismo de Coordinación Nacional. En ese sentido, el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social, realizó una presentación sobre la metodología propuesta, donde el paso inicial consistía en realizar una encuesta por parte de cada una de las entidades, la cual permitiera realizar un diagnóstico sobre el estado actual del mecanismo de coordinación. VI Encuentro Intersectorial, 5 de julio de 2019. La reunión tuvo como objetivo principal presentar el Proyecto FCTC-2030 y el Taller de Cooperación Técnica Sur-Sur (Brasil-Colombia) para formación en la implementación de Artículo 5 del Convenio Marco para Control de Tabaco; analizar la información relativa a la Presentación en 2020 del próximo informe nacional sobre la aplicación del CMCT; y la postulación de Colombia al proyecto piloto de revisión de la implementación del CMCT. VII Encuentro Intersectorial, 5 al 9 de agosto de 2019. Taller de Cooperación Técnica Sur-Sur (Brasil – Colombia) para la formación en la implementación del Artículo 5 del Convenio Marco para el Control de Tabaco. En el marco del mencionado taller se discutieron, entre otros, la creación formal de un mecanismo nacional de coordinación (MNC); el aumento de los impuestos y fiscalización a productos del tabaco; así como el relacionamiento con la industria del tabaco. VIII Encuentro Intersectorial, 25 al 27 de septiembre de 2019. Visita de una Misión Internacional para la aceleración de la implementación del CMCT de la OMS en Colombia. En el mencionado encuentro se discutieron temas relativos a los impuestos al tabaco; la ratificación del Protocolo para la Eliminación del Comercio Ilícito de Productos del Tabaco; y se analizaron algunas generalidades frente a los nuevos productos como los cigarrillos electrónicos y los dispositivos de calentamiento de tabaco. VIX Encuentro Intersectorial, 12 de diciembre de 2019. Presentación del “Caso de inversión a favor del control del tabaco en Colombia – Caso a favor de la inversión en la aplicación del Convenio Marco de la OMS para el Control del Tabaco” por parte de PNUD y RTI International. En el marco de esta reunión, se presentaron algunas recomendaciones para Colombia como: 1) aumentar los impuestos al tabaco; 2) aumentar las prohibiciones para fumar en espacios públicos; 3) generar un aumento al menos del 50% en las advertencias sanitarias de las cajetillas de cigarrillos; e 4) implementar el empaquetado neutro. X Encuentro Intersectorial, 3 de febrero de 2020. La presente reunión tuvo como objetivo: 1) informar a los miembros de la mesa la importancia de la presentación del informe de Colombia relativo a la implementación del Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco; 2) actualización sobre los próximos encuentros a realizar en el marco del Proyecto FCTC 2030; 3) Presentación de la Hoja de Ruta y el Plan de Trabajo a desarrollarse durante el 2020. Con esto, y considerando que la acción intersectorial es una de las prioridades del Proyecto FCTC 2030, se planteó una iniciativa de cooperación Sur-Sur con Brasil, con el objetivo de promover una implementación integral del CMCT en los países participantes por medio de la creación o fortalecimiento de un Mecanismo Nacional de Coordinación, dando prioridad a las políticas de control del tabaquismo dentro de la agenda gubernamental y visando la creación de la respuesta multisectorial en los diferentes niveles de gobernanza. En el marco de esta iniciativa, y con recursos del Proyecto FCTC 2030 y del Gobierno de Brasil se: a) Capacitó al equipo del gobierno colombiano sobre el Convenio Marco, el Mecanismo de Coordinación Nacional y la interferencia de la industria del tabaco; b) desarrolló una propuesta sobre cómo podría funcionar este mecanismo en el país. Actualmente, se está en proceso de darle continuidad a esta iniciativa para poder llegar a una versión final de la propuesta de funcionamiento del mecanismo. Respecto a la protección de las política de salud pública contra los intereses comerciales y otros intereses creados de la industria tabacalera, se cuenta con un resumen de política basado en evidencia que aborda los mejores mecanismos para proteger a las políticas de salud pública contra la interferencia de la industria del tabaco. Sin embargo, aún falta desarrollar directrices nacionales y territoriales más claras para regular la interacción entre el gobierno y dicha industria. Así mismo, y por primera vez, en el Plan Decenal de Salud Pública se definió explícitamente como una de las estrategias de la Dimensión de Vida Saludable y Condiciones No Transmisibles, la protección de las políticas públicas de salud frente a los intereses comerciales o de otra índole de la industria tabacalera. En este marco, el MSPS, al comprender las interacciones necesarias con la industria como sujetos regulados, ha definido unas reglas informales, en cumplimiento de lo establecido en el artículo 5.3 y sus Directrices: a) se debe definir objeto y agenda de reunión; b) se hace lista de asistencia y acta de reunión; c) si se puede, se invita a miembros de la sociedad civil como veedores de la reunión; d) no se asume ningún compromiso más allá de lo que sea necesario para el pleno cumplimiento del CMCT. Adicionalmente, el Ministerio de Salud en sus asistencias y acompañamientos técnicos a entidades del sector de salud y otros sectores como la policía, realiza capacitaciones específicas relacionadas con la protección de las políticas de la interferencia de la industria tabacalera. El Decreto Ley 4107 de 2011 crea el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social. Dentro de la estructura organizacional, se creó la Subdirección de Enfermedades No Transmisibles, la cual se organiza a través de 3 grupos: 1) Estilos, modos y condiciones de vida saludable; 2) Gestión integrada de la salud bucal, cardiovascular, bucal, del cáncer y otras condiciones crónicas; y 3) Gestión integrada para la salud mental. Transversal a los dos primeros grupos existe un equipo de control de tabaco que sirve como centro de coordinación para el tema. La unidad está conformada por profesionales de diferentes disciplinas (derecho, ciencias políticas, medicina, economía, ingeniería industrial, epidemiología), lo que ha enriquecido el enfoque multidisciplinar de las acciones que se han planteado en el control del tabaco a corto, mediano y largo plazo. A nivel intersectorial, está la Comisión Intersectorial de Salud Pública, que es la instancia de coordinación y seguimiento entre los diferentes sectores responsables en el desarrollo del Plan Decenal de Salud Pública, en el que se han incluido metas y estrategias específicas para control de tabaco. De manera más específica, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores junto con el Ministerio de Salud ha coordinado el desarrollo de Encuentros intersectoriales en los que se han abordado temáticas específicas relacionadas con los procesos de inspección, vigilancia y control, cesación del consumo de tabaco, y comercio ilícito de productos de tabaco. Se espera fortalecer este escenario con la ejecución del Proyecto FCTC 2030.
Comoros AFR Comité national et Régionaux de Lutte contre le Tabac, Ministère de la Santé Comité national et Régionaux de Lutte contre le Tabac, Ministère de la Santé Comité national et Régionaux de Lutte contre le Tabac, Ministère de la Santé
Congo AFR Le point focal de lutte antitabac relève du ministère de la santé et de la population, un point focal du protocole pour éliminer le commerce illicite des produits du tabac qui est du ministère du commerce et des approvisionnements Le dispositif de coordination qui existe est le même mais n'est pas fonctionnel et le décret est en cours. Le point focal de lutte antitabac relève du ministère de la santé, de la population, de la promotion de la femme et de lintégration de la femme au développement. Le dispositif de coordination qui existe nest pas fonctionnel et le décret est en cours. Report not provided
Australia WPR Responsibility for tobacco control in Australia is shared between the Commonwealth Government and state and territory governments. The national focal point for tobacco control is the Tobacco and E-Cigarette Control Branch in the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. Each state and territory government health department also has a tobacco control unit. Australia takes a whole of government approach to tobacco control, and the Department of Health regularly collaborates with other Australian Government agencies, state and territory government departments, and non-government organisations (e.g., national, state and territory Cancer Councils). Responsibility for tobacco control in Australia is shared between the Commonwealth Government and state and territory governments. The main focal point for tobacco control is the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Branch in the Australian Government Department of Health. Each state and territory government health department also has a tobacco control unit. Australia takes a whole of government approach to tobacco control, and the Department of Health regularly collaborates with other Australian Government agencies, state and territory government departments, and non-government organisations (e.g. national, state and territory Cancer Councils). Responsibility for tobacco control in Australia is shared between the Commonwealth Government and state and territory governments. The main focal point for tobacco control is the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Branch in the Australian Government Department of Health. Each state and territory government health department also has a tobacco control unit. Australia takes a whole of government approach to tobacco control, and the Department of Health regularly collaborates with other Australian Government agencies, state and territory government departments, and non-government organisations (e.g. national, state and territory Cancer Councils).
Austria EUR In 2010, a special department for tobacco, alcohol, non-substance related addictions and international affairs of addiction, including an ombudsman´s service for nonsmokers protection, within the Federal Ministry of Health (FMH) has been established and is dealing with tobacco control issues. The head of department is the national focal point for tobacco control. As of 1/7/2010, within the FMH an ombudsmans service for non-smokers protection/the protection from tobacco smoke has been established, where citizens and representatives of the different authorities can ask questions and receive legal information as well as address complaints about violations of smoking bans, etc. Apart from the FMH, relevant stakeholders (governmental and non-governmental institutions like other ministries, the provinces, the Federation of Austrian Social Insurance Entries, centres for addiction prevention, etc.) are generally involved in tobacco control activities. Furthermore, the FMoH is cross-departmental coordinating ministry in close cooperation with the respective ministries, especially such as Ministry of Financial Affairs, Ministry of Education etc. on the one Hand as well as with appropriate experts and NGOs in respect of tobacco control. In 2010, a special department for tobacco, alcohol, non-substance related addictions and international affairs of addiction, including an ombudsman´s service for nonsmokers protection, within the Federal Ministry of Health (FMH) has been established and is dealing with tobacco control issues. The head of department is the national focal point for tobacco control. As of 1/7/2010, within the FMH an ombudsmans service for non-smokers protection/the protection from tobacco smoke has been established, where citizens and representatives of the different authorities can ask questions and receive legal information as well as address complaints about violations of smoking bans, etc. Apart from the FMH, relevant stakeholders (governmental and non-governmental institutions like other ministries, the provinces, the Federation of Austrian Social Insurance Entries, centres for addiction prevention, etc.) are generally involved in tobacco control activities. Furthermore, the FMoH is cross-departmental coordinating ministry in close cooperation with the respective ministries, especially such as Ministry of Financial Affairs, Ministry of Education etc. on the one Hand as well as with appropriate experts and NGOs in respect of tobacco control. In 2010, a special department for tobacco, alcohol, non-substance related addictions and international affairs of addiction, including an ombudsman´s service for nonsmokers protection, within the Federal Ministry of Health (FMH) has been established and is dealing with tobacco control issues. The head of department is the national focal point for tobacco control. As of 1/7/2010, within the FMH an ombudsmans service for non-smokers protection/the protection from tobacco smoke has been established, where citizens and representatives of the different authorities can ask questions and receive legal information as well as address complaints about violations of smoking bans, etc. Apart from the FMH, relevant stakeholders (governmental and non-governmental institutions like other ministries, the provinces, the Federation of Austrian Social Insurance Entries, centres for addiction prevention, etc.) are generally involved in tobacco control activities. Furthermore, the FMH is in continual cooperation with appropriate experts and NGOs in respect of tobacco control.
Azerbaijan EUR The Head of International Cooperation and Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Health and officials from the Public Health and Reforms Center (Director and Head of Public Health Department) of the Ministry of Health are the Focal Points on implementation of the WHO Azerbaijan The Minister of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic is the official contact point for communication on statutory and procedural matters under the WHO FCTC. The Director of the Public Health and Reforms Center of the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan Republic is the national technical focal point for exchange of information on the implementation of the WHO FCTC. The Minister of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic is the official contact point for communication on statutory and procedural matters under the WHO FCTC. The Director of the Public Health and Reforms Center of the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan Republic is the national technical focal point for exchange of information on the implementation of the WHO FCTC.
Bangladesh SEA Coordinator of National Tobacco Control Cell, Health Services Division is national focal point for tobacco control in Bangladesh. Every three months, NTCC organized coordination meetings with all tobacco control stakeholders. NTCC is the functional arm of the Health Services Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for tobacco control activities in Bangladesh. It has become the central hub of national coordination, referral and support center for all tobacco control stakeholders, including NGOs & INGO’s in Bangladesh. NTCC is headed by the Additional Secretary (WH), Health Services Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and day-to-day supervision, monitoring & coordination of anti-tobacco activity is conducted by the Coordinator of National Tobacco Control Cell. Among other officers and supporting staffs there are Program Officer, account & logistics assistant and one office assistant are currently working at NTCC. National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) founded in 2007 as main functional unit of the government of Bangladesh on tobacco control, under the Health Services Division of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. NTCC coordinate with all concerned government (such as different ministries) and non-government organizations (including all in-country BI partners and grantees) through National Taskforce, other inter-ministerial committee and coordination meeting etc. NTCC also organized quarterly meetings in which all concerned stakeholders are working on tobacco control attended and shared their activities and plan. A multisectoral national taskforce committee for tobacco control has been formed. Under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) has been establish in 2007. The amended tobacco control law 2013 also endorsed NTCC as the focal institution for tobacco control in Bangladesh. Moreover in Health, Population Nutrition Sector Development Program (HPNSDP) 2011-2016. Tobacco Control has been taken as a important means of NCD control strategy.
Barbados AMR Senior Medical Officer with responsibility for Non Communicable Disease Ministry of Health and Wellness Barbados Report not provided Senior Medical Officer with responsibility for for Non Communicable Disease National NCD Commission Barbados Ministry of Health Barbados
Belize AMR In 2011 the Ministry of Health assigned the National Drug Abuse Control Council to be the Focal Point Agency for Tobacco Control of which the Director is the National Tobacco Focal Point Person. In 2011 the Ministry of Health assigned the National Drug Abuse Control Council to be the Focal Point Agency for Tobacco Control of which the Director is the National Tobacco Focal Point Person. Report not provided
Benin AFR le point focal tabac relève du Programme National de Lutte contre les Maladies Non Transmissibles qui est sous la tutelle de la direction nationale de la santé publique du ministère de la santé, Il n' y a pas de ligne budgétaire pour la lutte antitabac, le point focal tabac relève de la direction nationale de la santé publique du ministère de la santé, na pas de ligne budgétaire pour la lutte antitabac, le point focal tabac relève de la direction nationale de la santé publique du ministère de la santé, na pas de ligne budgétaire pour la lutte antitabac,
Bhutan SEA The Tobacco Control Program under the Ministry of Health continues to serve as the National Technical Point for tobacco control and closely collaborate, on a regular basis, with Bhutan Narcotics Control Authority (BNCA) in all areas of Bhutans tobacco control effort. The stakeholders engaged in the implementation of various provisions of the Act are the Ministries of Health, Economic Affairs, Finance, Education, Home and Cultural Affairs, BNCA, Royal Bhutan Police and Information & Communication. Report not provided The Bhutan Narcotics Control Authority (BNCA) serves as the Secretariat to the Tobacco Control Board and has been directed by the Royal Government of Bhutan to implement the provisions of the Tobacco Control Act of Bhutan (TCAB). Tobacco Control office is established under BNCA is responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring the tobacco control program in the country in close coordination with relevant sectors and agencies under the guidance of the TCB. It is also mandated to acquire information from all relevant agencies relating to the implementation or enforcement of the provisions of the TCAB. The stakeholders engaged in the implementation of various provisions of the Act are the Ministries of Health, Economic Affairs, Finance, Education, Home and Cultural Affairs, Royal Bhutan Police and Information & Communication.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) AMR En la estructura del Ministerio de Salud, el Área responsable del tema de tabaco, es el Área de Salud Mental y Prevención de Adicciones. A partir de la gestión 2017, se ha creado tambien el Programa Nacional de Prevención y Tratamiento de Adicciones, que incluye acciones especificas para la reducción de la demanda de tabaco. En la estructura del Ministerio de Salud, el Área responsable del tema de tabaco, es el Área de Salud Mental y Prevención de Adicciones. A partir de la gestión 2017, se ha creado tambien el Programa Nacional de Prevención y Tratamiento de Adicciones, que incluye acciones especificas para la reducción de la demanda de tabaco. En la estructura del Ministerio de Salud, el Área responsable del tema de tabaco, es el Área de Salud Mental y Prevención de Adicciones. A partir de la gestión 2017, se ha creado tambien el Programa Nacional de Prevención y Tratamiento de Adicciones, que incluye acciones especificas para la reducción de la demanda de tabaco.
Bosnia and Herzegovina EUR For the Federation of BIH: New Law on control and limited use of tobacco, tobacco products and other smoking products in the Federation of BiH ("Official Gazette of the Federation of BIH", No. 38/22): Article 11 - The Government of the Federation by resolution appoints the Federal Commission, which has 11 members, and consists of representatives: Federal Ministry of Development, Entrepreneurship and Crafts, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Federal Ministry of Trade, Federal Ministry of Education and Science, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Federal Ministry of Finance, Federal Administration for Please provide details (e.g. the nature of the national coordinating mechanism, the institution to which the focal point for tobacco control or the tobacco control unit belongs). Article 28 - The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopts a Strategic, multisectoral program for the control of the use of tobacco, tobacco and other smoking products with the aim of strengthening social care for the health of the population in the Federation of BIH, preservation and improvement of health, detection and suppression of risk factors for the occurrence of diseases, and acquisition of knowledge and habits about a healthy lifestyle. The strategic program is adopted for a period of five years. Responsible Government Ministries are responsible for the implementation of the Strategic Program and other institutions, institutes and organizations. Answers provided in the C114 refer to the Republic of Srpska, while the answers for the state level and the Federation of BiH are as follow: a focal point for tobacco control - YES; a tobacco control unit - NO; a national coordinating mechanism for tobacco control - YES. State-level Working Group for Preventing Tobacco Use has been established by the Conference for Health Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina which is permanent and the highest advisory and coordinating body for health matters in BiH. The above Working Group is consisted of the representatives nominated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH, Federal Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in the Government of Republic of Srpska and Department for Health and Other Services of Brcko District BiH. State-level Working Group for Preventing Tobacco Use has been established by the Conference for Health Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina which is permanent and the highest advisory and coordinating body for health matters in BiH. The above Working Group is consisted of the representatives nominated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH, Federal Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in the Government of Republic of Srpska and Department for Health and Other Services of Brcko District BiH.
Botswana AFR The focal point is the ministry of health and wellness, the tobacco control unit is under the Environmental and occupational health division, department of health services management. Answer not provided Answer not provided
Brazil AMR The National Cancer Institute (INCA), body under the Ministry of Health, is responsible for implementing the National Tobacco Control Policy and works together with focal points at State Secretariats of Health in the 26 states and the Federal District. INCA is also in charge of coordinating the Executive Secretariat of the National Commission for the Implementation of the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (CONICQ). This Commission was created by a Decree of the President of Brazil and is integrated by representatives of different Ministries of the government. It is chaired by the Minister of Health. The National Cancer Institute (INCA), body under the Ministry of Health, is responsible for implementing the National Tobacco Control Policy and works together with focal points at State Secretariats of Health in the 26 states and the Federal District. INCA is also in charge of coordinating the Executive Secretariat of the National Commission for the Implementation of the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (CONICQ). This Commission was created by a Decree of the President of Brazil and is integrated by representatives of different Ministries of the government. It is chaired by the Minister of Health. The National Cancer Institute (INCA), body under the Ministry of Health, is responsible for implementing the National Tobacco Control Policy and works together with focal points at State Secretariats of Health in the 26 states and the Federal District. INCA is also in charge of coordinating the Executive Secretariat of the National Commission for the Implementation of the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (CONICQ). This Commission was created by a Decree of the President of Brazil and is integrated by representatives of 18 different Ministries of the government. It is chaired by the Minister of Health.
Algeria AFR - création dun comité national multisectoriel de prévention et de sensibilisation sur le tabagisme par décision du premier ministre n° 04 du 14 juillet 2014 - création d'un comité national des experts chargés de lutte anti tabac au MS par décision ministérielle n° 95 du 19 mai 2013 - Mise en place d'un point focal de lutte anti tabac à la Direction Générale de la Prévention et de la Promotion de la santé au MS depuis 2008 - création de 53 unités d'aide au sevrage tabagique à raison d'une par wilaya - création dun comité national multisectoriel de prévention et de sensibilisation sur le tabagisme par décision du premier ministre n° 04 du 14 juillet 2014 - création dun comité national des experts chargés de lutte anti tabac au MSPRH par décision ministérielle n° 95 du 19 mai 2013 - Mise en place dun point focal de lutte anti tabac à la Direction Générale de la Prévention et de la Promotion de la santé au MSPRH depuis 2008 - Création de 53 unités de consultation d’aide au sevrage tabagique à raison de 1 unité par CHU et 1 unité par Etablissement Public de Santé de Proximité de chaque Wilaya). - création dun comité national multisectoriel de prévention et de sensibilisation sur le tabagisme par décision du premier ministre n° 04 du 14 juillet 2014 - création dun comité national des experts chargés de lutte anti tabac au MSPRH par décision ministérielle n° 95 du 19 mai 2013 - Mise en place dun point focal de lutte anti tabac à la Direction Générale de la Prévention et de la Promotion de la santé au MSPRH depuis 2008 - Création de 53 unités de consultation d’aide au sevrage tabagique à raison de 1 unité par CHU et 1 unité par Etablissement Public de Santé de Proximité de chaque Wilaya).
Andorra EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Angola AFR The Government established a National Institute for Drugs Control (INALUD), including for Tobacco. A multi sectoral commission meet regularly to discuss all the issues related to tobacco control. The MoH is part of this Commission Report not provided The Government established a National Institute for Drugs Control (INALUD), including for Tobacco. A multi sectoral commission meet regularly to discuss all the issues related to tobacco control. The MoH is part of this Commission
Antigua and Barbuda AMR The focal point operates from the Ministry of Healths headquarters and chairs the Antigua Barbuda Tobacco Free Initiative The focal point operates from the Ministry of Healths headquarters and chairs the Antigua Barbuda Tobacco Free Initiative Report not provided
France EUR Au sein du Ministère de la santé et de la prévention, la direction générale de la santé est composée de quatre sous-directions chargées des politiques de santé, de veille et de sécurité sanitaire, dont la Sous-direction de la santé des populations et de la prévention des maladies chroniques (SP). SP élabore et assure le pilotage stratégique des politiques publiques en matière de santé des populations et de prévention des maladies chroniques, somatiques transmissibles et non transmissibles, des maladies mentales, ainsi que des maladies à prévention vaccinale. Elle élabore ou participe à l’élaboration des textes législatifs et réglementaires dans ces domaines. Elle participe à l’élaboration et au suivi des actions et des textes européens et internationaux dans ces domaines. Elle assure ses missions en partenariat avec les régimes d’assurance maladie, les professionnels de santé et les associations. Elle s’appuie sur les diagnostics des agences régionales de santé (ARS) auxquelles elle apporte son appui pour la mise en œuvre des stratégies, plans et programmes. La sous-direction de la santé des populations et de la prévention des maladies chroniques comprend 5 unités : Le bureau de la santé des populations et de la politique vaccinale ; Le bureau des infections par le VIH, les IST, les hépatites et la tuberculose ; le bureau de la prévention des addictions (SP3) ; le bureau de la santé mentale et le bureau des maladies chroniques non transmissibles. Le bureau SP3 élabore et anime le volet sanitaire de la politique de lutte contre les pratiques addictives (substances psychoactives licites et illicites et addictions sans substance). Il participe aux instances européennes et internationales sur cette thématique. Il agit en coordination avec les autres directions du ministère, la mission interministérielle de lutte contre les drogues et conduites addictives (MILDECA), les autres ministères concernés (intérieur, agriculture, budget, justice…) et instances concernées (ANSP, OFDT, ANESM, Anses…) Ce bureau est chargé des trois principaux axes du dossier tabac : Évolution et suivi de la réglementation nationale et européenne ; Prévention et prise en charge du tabagisme (mise en œuvre du PNRT); Suivi pour la France de la convention cadre de lutte antitabac (CCLAT) de l’OMS ; Par ailleurs, le Plan national de lutte contre le tabac(PNLT) prévoit deux instances de gouvernance : - Le comité du Pilotage du PNLT, organe stratégique conformé par les directions ministérielles et les agences directement concernées par la mise en œuvre du PNLT ; -Et le comité de coordination, instance de consultation plus vaste à la que participent toutes les instances publiques concernées et les parties prenantes de la société civile (associations de patients, associations de lutte contre le tabac ) En 2018, dans le cadre de la stratégie nationale de santé et du plan priorité prévention, le gouvernement a renforcé la lutte contre le tabac initié par le PNRT en 2014, en combinant des actions sur le plan sanitaire aussi bien que sur social et économique. Avec 28 actions à mettre en œuvre au cours de ces 5 prochaines années, le Programme National de Lutte contre le Tabac 2018-2022 (PNLT) traduit leur volonté d’agir plus fortement contre ce fléau. Le PNLT se fixe pour ambition d’aider nos enfants à devenir, dès 2032, la première génération d’adultes sans tabac. Le Programme national de réduction du tabagisme (PNRT 2014-2019), sous la responsabilité du ministère des solidarités et de la santé, s’appuie sur un comité de pilotage et un comité de coordination qui se réunissent régulièrement ainsi que sur deux groupes de travail (connaissances et PNRT-régions).
Ecuador AMR La Ley Orgánica para la Regulación y Control de Tabaco (LORCT) establece: Art.3.- es responsabilidad de la Autoridad Sanitaria Nacional, dentro del ámbito de su competencia, la formulación y ejecución de políticas y estrategias para el cabal cumplimiento de la LORCT. Art.9.-Coordinación.-Para el cumplimiento de la presente Ley, la Autoridad Sanitaria Nacional coordinará con otras instituciones públicas, privadas y organizaciones de la sociedad civil acciones para el control y regulación del tabaco y sus efectos nocivos. A partir del Decreto Ejecutivo 544, la Agencia Nacional de Regulación, Control y Vigilancia Sanitaria (ARCSA), entidad adscrita al Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP), se convirtió en el organismo técnico encargado de la regulación, control técnico y vigilancia sanitaria de los productos de tabaco, entre otros, de conformidad con el artículo 1 y 2. Además, el artículo 6 del Reglamento a LORCT establece: “Artículo 6.- Para los efectos de lo establecido en la Disposición Transitoria Primera de la Ley, el Organismo de Coordinación Nacional para el Control del Tabaco, adscrito al Ministerio de Salud Pública, será el comité Interinstitucional de Lucha Antitabáquica (CILA) creado mediante Acuerdo Ministerial No 955, publicado en el Registro Oficial No. 146 de 10 de marzo de 1989. Adicionalmente, la reforma integral al Estatuto Orgánico Sustitutivo de Gestión Organizacional por Procesos del Ministerio de Salud Pública, se contempla dentro de las atribuciones y responsabilidades de la Dirección Nacional de Estrategias de Prevención y Control para Enfermedades no Transmisibles, Salud Mental y Fenómeno Socioeconómico de las Drogas, lo siguiente: -Desarrollar planes, programas, proyectos, herramientas y/o instrumentos técnicos con lineamientos/estrategias por ciclos de vida, para la prevención y control de enfermedades crónicas, no transmisibles, salud oral, salud mental y fenómeno socioeconómico de las drogas. -Gestionar y evaluar la implementación y aplicación de la normativa técnica y legal, planes, programas, proyectos, herramientas y/o instrumentos técnicos con lineamientos/estrategias por ciclos de vida, para la prevención y control de enfermedades crónicas, no transmisibles, salud oral, salud mental y fenómeno socioeconómico de las drogas. La Ley Orgánica para la Regulación y Control de Tabaco (LORCT) establece: Art.3.- es responsabilidad de la Autoridad Sanitaria Nacional, dentro del ámbito de su competencia, la formulación y ejecución de políticas y estrategias para el cabal cumplimiento de la LORCT. Art.9.-Coordinación.-Para el cumplimiento de la presente Ley, la Autoridad Sanitaria Nacional coordinará con otras instituciones públicas, privadas y organizaciones de la sociedad civil acciones para el control y regulación del tabaco y sus efectos nocivos. A partir del Decreto Ejecutivo 544, la Agencia Nacional de Regulación, Control y Vigilancia Sanitaria (ARCSA), entidad adscrita al Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP), se convirtió en el organismo técnico encargado de la regulación, control técnico y vigilancia sanitaria de los productos de tabaco, entre otros, de conformidad con el artículo 1 y 2. Además, el artículo 6 del Reglamento a LORCT establece: “Artículo 6.- Para los efectos de lo establecido en la Disposición Transitoria Primera de la Ley, el Organismo de Coordinación Nacional para el Control del Tabaco, adscrito al Ministerio de Salud Pública, será el comité Interinstitucional de Lucha Antitabáquica (CILA) creado mediante Acuerdo Ministerial No 955, publicado en el Registro Oficial No. 146 de 10 de marzo de 1989. Adicionalmente, en el Estatuto Orgánico Sustitutivo de Gestión Organizacional por Procesos del Ministerio de Salud Pública, se contempla dentro de las atribuciones y responsabilidades de la Dirección Nacional de Promoción de la Salud, lo siguiente: - “Conducir y coordinar la formulación de insumos para los proyectos de ley, reglamentos y otros instrumentos legales sobre la promoción de la salud y acción sobre determinantes sociales; - Conducir y coordinar la formulación de políticas públicas, así como la elaboración de estrategias, iniciativas, planes y proyectos por ciclos de vida, sobre promoción de la salud y acción sobre determinantes sociales, en base a los lineamientos estratégicos establecidos; - Conducir, coordinar e implementar la comunicación dirigida al ciudadano, a su entorno familiar y social, así como lineamientos para la elaboración de materiales y publicaciones de información sanitaria en coordinación con la Dirección Nacional de Comunicación, Imagen y Prensa; - Proponer mecanismos de coordinación intersectorial para la implementación de los espacios saludables”. Dentro de esta Dirección, la Gestión Interna de Promoción de la Salud Mental, debe trabajar en los siguientes productos: - “Propuestas de políticas públicas, planes y proyectos para la promoción de la salud mental, incluyendo control de tabaco, alcohol y otras drogas, desde un enfoque de determinantes sociales; - Insumos para los proyectos de normativas técnicas, protocolos y otros instrumentos legales para la promoción de la salud mental desde un enfoque de determinantes sociales; - Estrategias y planes de promoción de la salud mental, a ser incluidas en el modelo de atención; - Lineamientos e insumos para el sistema de monitoreo y evaluación de aplicación de las políticas y ejecución de planes y proyectos de promoción de la salud mental; - Reportes de ejecución y seguimiento de los proyectos específicos y aplicación de normas relacionados con la promoción de la salud mental, incluyendo control de tabaco, alcohol y otras drogas, desde un enfoque de determinantes sociales, y coordinación intersectorial para su implementación”. La Ley Orgánica para la Regulación y Control de Tabaco (LORCT) establece: Art.3.- es responsabilidad de la Autoridad Sanitaria Nacional, dentro del ámbito de su competencia, la formulación y ejecución de políticas y estrategias para el cabal cumplimiento de la LORCT. Art.9.-Coordinación.-Para el cumplimiento de la presente Ley, la Autoridad Sanitaria Nacional coordinará con otras instituciones públicas, privadas y organizaciones de la sociedad civil acciones para el control y regulación del tabaco y sus efectos nocivos. A partir del Decreto Ejecutivo 544, la Agencia Nacional de Regulación, Control y Vigilancia Sanitaria (ARCSA), entidad adscrita al Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP), se convirtió en el organismo técnico encargado de la regulación, control técnico y vigilancia sanitaria de los productos de tabaco, entre otros, de conformidad con el artículo 1 y 2. Además, el artículo 6 del Reglamento a LORCT establece: “Artículo 6.- Para los efectos de lo establecido en la Disposición Transitoria Primera de la Ley, el Organismo de Coordinación Nacional para el Control del Tabaco, adscrito al Ministerio de Salud Pública, será el comité Interinstitucional de Lucha Antitabáquica (CILA) creado mediante Acuerdo Ministerial No 955, publicado en el Registro Oficial No. 146 de 10 de marzo de 1989. Adicionalmente, en el Estatuto Orgánico Sustitutivo de Gestión Organizacional por Procesos del Ministerio de Salud Pública, se contempla dentro de las atribuciones y responsabilidades de la Dirección Nacional de Promoción de la Salud, lo siguiente: - “Conducir y coordinar la formulación de insumos para los proyectos de ley, reglamentos y otros instrumentos legales sobre la promoción de la salud y acción sobre determinantes sociales; - Conducir y coordinar la formulación de políticas públicas, así como la elaboración de estrategias, iniciativas, planes y proyectos por ciclos de vida, sobre promoción de la salud y acción sobre determinantes sociales, en base a los lineamientos estratégicos establecidos; - Conducir, coordinar e implementar la comunicación dirigida al ciudadano, a su entorno familiar y social, así como lineamientos para la elaboración de materiales y publicaciones de información sanitaria en coordinación con la Dirección Nacional de Comunicación, Imagen y Prensa; - Proponer mecanismos de coordinación intersectorial para la implementación de los espacios saludables”. Dentro de esta Dirección, la Gestión Interna de Promoción de la Salud Mental, debe trabajar en los siguientes productos: - “Propuestas de políticas públicas, planes y proyectos para la promoción de la salud mental, incluyendo control de tabaco, alcohol y otras drogas, desde un enfoque de determinantes sociales; - Insumos para los proyectos de normativas técnicas, protocolos y otros instrumentos legales para la promoción de la salud mental desde un enfoque de determinantes sociales; - Estrategias y planes de promoción de la salud mental, a ser incluidas en el modelo de atención; - Lineamientos e insumos para el sistema de monitoreo y evaluación de aplicación de las políticas y ejecución de planes y proyectos de promoción de la salud mental; - Reportes de ejecución y seguimiento de los proyectos específicos y aplicación de normas relacionados con la promoción de la salud mental, incluyendo control de tabaco, alcohol y otras drogas, desde un enfoque de determinantes sociales, y coordinación intersectorial para su implementación”.
Cook Islands WPR We do not have a tobacco control unit, however tobacco control is under the Community Health Services Department in the Health Promotion Unit. We do not have a tobacco control unit, however tobacco control is under the Community Health Services Department in the Health Promotion Unit. We do not have a tobacco control unit, however tobacco control is under the Community Health Services Department in the Health Promotion Unit.
China WPR 2006年《烟草控制框架公约》在中国生效后,2007年国务院批准成立了履约工作部际协调领导小组。历经2次小组成员调整,目前领导小组由国家卫生健康委、外交部、工业和信息化部、中央文明办、教育部、财政部、海关总署、市场监管总局、广电总局、体育总局、烟草局、全国妇联共12家成员单位组成。履约工作部际协调领导小组下设履约工作部际协调领导小组办公室(设在国家卫生健康委)负责处理日常联络工作,各成员单位按照小组内任务分工开展烟草控制工作。 2006年《烟草控制框架公约》在中国生效后,2007年国务院批准成立了履约工作部际协调领导小组。历经2次小组成员调整,目前领导小组由国家卫生健康委、外交部、工业和信息化部、中央文明办、教育部、财政部、海关总署、市场监管总局、广电总局、体育总局、烟草局、全国妇联共12家成员单位组成。履约工作部际协调领导小组下设履约工作部际协调领导小组办公室(设在国家卫生健康委规划司)负责处理日常联络工作,各成员单位按照小组内任务分工开展烟草控制工作。 《烟草控制框架公约》对中国生效后,国务院批准成立了履约工作部际协调领导小组,目前该领导小组由工业和信息化部、国家卫生和计划生育委员会、外交部、财政部、海关总署、国家工商行政管理总局、国家质量监督检验检疫总局、国家烟草专卖局组成。履约工作部际协调领导小组下设履约工作部际协调领导小组办公室负责处理烟草控制日常联络工作。
Central African Republic AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Cameroon AFR Report not provided Une Commission Multi-sectorielle antitabac avec un Secrétariat technique a été mis en place par Décision N°3271/D/MINSANTE/CAB du 12 octobre 2015 Le Point focal relève du Ministère en charge de la santé publique et est en charge de la coordination du mécanisme de coordination sur le contrôle du tabac Une Commission Multi-sectorielle antitabac avec un Secrétariat technique a été mis en place par Décision N°3271/D/MINSANTE/CAB du 12 octobre 2015 Le Point focal relève du Ministère en charge de la santé publique et est en charge de la coordination du mécanisme de coordination sur le contrôle du tabac
Belgium EUR - Le point focal fait partie du ministère fédéral de la santé - L’unité de contrôle tabac du ministère de la santé regroupe 44 contrôleurs et inspecteurs - Une "Cellule générale drogues" est en place. Elle a pour but de coordonner. - Le point focal fait partie du ministère fédéral de la santé - L’unité de contrôle tabac du ministère de la santé regroupe 37 contrôleurs - Une "Cellule générale drogues" est en place. Elle a pour but de coordonner les politiques en matière de drogues illégales, d’alcool et de tabac. Toutes les autorités compétentes en la matière y sont représentées. - Le point focal fait partie du ministère fédéral de la santé - L’unité de contrôle tabac du ministère de la santé regroupe 34 contrôleurs - Une "Cellule générale drogues" est en place. Elle a pour but de coordonner les politiques en matière de drogues illégales, d’alcool et de tabac. Toutes les autorités compétentes en la matière y sont représentées.
Belarus EUR Report not provided В связи с кадровыми перестановками в настоящее время новый национальный координатор по борьбе против табака не определен. Подразделения по борьбе против табака: структурные подразделения Министерства здравоохранения Республики Беларусь, республиканские и региональные организации здравоохранения, в т.ч. ГУ "Республиканский научно-практический центр психического здоровья", наркологические диспансеры, учреждения санитарно-эпидемиологической службы на республиканском и региональном уровнях, в т.ч. ГУ "Республиканский центр гигиены, эпидемиологии и общественного здоровья", РУП "Научно-практический центр гигиены" Национальный координационный механизм по борьбе против табака осуществляется на уровне Межведомственного совета по формированию здорового образа жизни, контролю за неинфекционными заболеваниями, предупреждению и профилактике пьянства, алкоголизма, наркомании и потребления табачного сырья и табачных изделий при Совете Министров Республики Беларусь. В связи с кадровыми перестановками в настоящее время определяется новый национальный координатор по борьбе против табака вместо Наройчик Людмилы Константиновны Подразделения по борьбе против табака: структурные подразделения Министерства здравоохранения Республики Беларусь, республиканские и региональные организации здравоохранения, в т.ч. ГУ "Республиканский научно-практический центр психического здоровья", наркологические диспансеры, учреждения санитарно-эпидемиологической службы на республиканском и региональном уровнях, в т.ч. ГУ "Республиканский центр гигиены, эпидемиологии и общественного здоровья", РУП "Научно-практический центр гигиены" национальный координационный механизм по борьбе против табак осуществляется на уровне Межведомственного совета по формированию здорового образа жизни, контролю за неинфекционными заболеваниями, предупреждению и профилактике пьянства, алкоголизма, наркомании и потребления табачного сырья и табачных изделий при Совете Министров Республики Беларусь.
Bahrain (Kingdom of) EMR In 2009, the National Antismoking committee was formulated chaired by Minister of Health and including members from different Governmental sectors and civil society concerned with tobacco control. Focal point for tobacco control was assigned and belongs to Public Health Directorate in Ministry of Health. Antismoking Group was formulated in 2013 with specialized and trained staff to implement the Antismoking Law In 2009, the National Antismoking comittiee was formulated including members from different sectors in the government, in addition, a representitive of antismoking society was assigned as a member in the comittiee starting 2013. Focal point for tobacco control was assigned and she belongs to Public Health Directorate in Ministry of Health. Antismoking Group was formulated in 2013 with specialized and trained staff to implement the Antismoking Law In 2009, the National Antismoking comittiee was formulated including members from different sectors in the government, in addition, a representitive of antismoking society was assigned as a member in the comittiee starting 2013. Focal point for tobacco control was assigned and she belongs to Public Health Directorate in Ministry of Health. Antismoking Group was formulated in 2013 with specialized and trained staff to implement the Antismoking Law
Bahamas AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Armenia EUR In accordance with the State Tobacco Control Program 2022-2025 , it is envisaged to have a commission for coordination of the tobacco control activities, i.e. the inter-sectoral Commission, working in the Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health is the leading body of the National Program. This commission includes both government and non-government organizations. In accordance with the State Tobacco Control Program 2017-2020 , it is envisaged to have a commission for coordination of the tobacco control activities, i.e. the inter-sectoral Commission, working in the Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health is the leading body of the National Program. This commission includes both government and non-government organizations. Report not provided
Albania EUR In accordance with the implementation of the Albanian law the government has established the inter-sectoral Committee. The Minister of Health is the leading body of the National Program. The focal point is based at the Institute of Public Health. Report not provided Report not provided
Afghanistan EMR Report not provided intersect oral high commission for tobacco control including 10 ministries such as MOF, MoJ, MoI, MoPH, MoIAC, MoLASA, MoHRA, Government protection directorate, municipality, MoCAI, MoJ. WHO, MoAC intersect oral high commission for tobacco control including 10 ministries such as MOF, MoJ, MoI, MoPH, MoIAC, MoLASA, MoHRA, Government protection directorate, municipality, MoCAI, MoJ. WHO, MoAC
Uruguay AMR El Programa Nacional para Control del Tabaco del Ministerio de Salud Pública es el punto focal a nivel nacional, desde el cual se coordina la política de control de tabaco con otros organismos, ya sea estatales, públicos no estatales, académicos o de la sociedad civil. El Programa Nacional para Control del Tabaco del Ministerio de Salud Pública es el punto focal a nivel nacional, desde el cual se coordina la política de control de tabaco con otros organismos, ya sea estatales, públicos no estatales, académicos o de la sociedad civil. El Programa Nacional para Control del Tabaco del Ministerio de Salud Pública es el punto focal a nivel nacional, desde el cual se coordina la política de control de tabaco con otros organismos, ya sea estatales, públicos no estatales, académicos o de la sociedad civil.
Philippines WPR To strengthen the coordinating mechanism for tobacco control within the DOH and in collaboration with its government and non-government partners, the DOH issued the Department Order No. 2022-0053: Governance Structure for the Implementation of the National Tobacco Prevention and Control Strategy. The national coordinating mechanism (NCM) for WHO FCTC was strengthened through a three (3) fold strategy: policy issuance, multi-sectoral coordination, and formalization of partnerships. The first strategy, policy issuance of DO 2019-0112, formalized and clarified the roles of selected offices within the Department which is necessary as the DOH stands as the lead technical agency for WHO FCTC. The DO has been helpful in providing direction relative to the roles and responsibilities of DOH offices. The Office of the Chief of Staff was designated as the oversight office, while the Bureau of International Health Cooperation (BIHC) was assigned as the Departments technical secretariat and focal center for the said convention. The following bureaus/service were assigned as focal points in the Department that shall collaborate with other government agencies for the following articles: a. Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau (HPDPB) - Articles 6 b. Disease Prevention and Control Bureau (DPCB) - Article 8, 14, 17, 18 c. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - Articles 9, 10, 11, 15, 16 d. Health Promotion and Communication Service (HPCS) - Articles 12, 13 e. Legal Service -Article 5.3, 19 f. Epidemiology Bureau (EB) - Article 20 The second strategy, the conduct of bi-annual WHO FCTC Partners Meeting, was executed to steer multi-sectoral discussion and collaboration. This strategy is designed to monitor and evaluate progress of implementation, harmonize plans, and address pressing challenges. The third strategy is the MOA with key government agencies, which is critical to ensure sustainability of efforts and continuity of good practices in the Philippines. On the sub-national level, the Department Memorandum (DM) No. 2019-0349: Provisional Guidelines on the Establishment of a Regional Tobacco Control Network (RTCN) strengthened the coordination through the RTCNs and the Centers for Health Development (CHDs). Likewise, subnational Partners’ Meetings are being conducted by local government units (LGUs). In December 2015, the management of the National Tobacco Control Program was transferred from the Health Promotion and Communication Service (HPCS) to the Disease Prevention and Control Bureau (DPCB) by virtue of Department Order 2015-0270. In addition, four (4) full time staff were hired to implement the Bloomberg Initiative Project RIOC-401B. Some departments of the DOH assign staff from their unit to work on tobacco control based on demand. NTCCO activities were financed from the grant provided by the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) with counterpart funds from the DPCB. The DOH has developed its second National Tobacco Control Strategy document for 2017-2022. It summarizes the targets and approaches to reduce tobacco-related burden on non-communicable diseases as well as address the remaining challenges from the first NTCS in 2011-2016. The document details the following nine priority areas for action: protecting public health policies from tobacco industry interference; eliminating remaining tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorhip; reducing affordability and accessibility of tobacco products; implementing stronger measures to protect the public from exposure to tobacco smoke; strengthening surveillance data; levelling up the DOH Red Orchid Award; strengthening mass media campaign and other communication strategies to sustain public awareness; institutionalizing tobacco control; and regulating tobacco products and strengthening tobacco cessation. At the sub-national levels, Regional Tobacco Control Networks headed by the non-communicable diseases (NCD) coordinators of the Regional Health Offices coordinated and implemented tobacco control activities in their respective regions.
Papua New Guinea WPR The Tobacco Focal person and the Point is at the Department of Health. The Health Department convenes meeting and organised for advocacy but not in an orderly manner due to lack of resources. The Tobacco Focal person and the Point is at the Department of Health. The Health Department convenes meeting and organise for advocacy. The Tobacco Focal person and the Point is at the Department of Health. The Health Department convenes meeting and organise for advocacy.
Panama AMR El Convenio Marco de la OMS para el Control del Tabaco en Panamá se vincula con la Política Nacional de Salud, sus Objetivos Estratégicos y Líneas de Acción para el periodo 2016-2025, establecidas mediante Decreto Ejecutivo No. 119 de mayo de 2017 que la aprueba. Estas Políticas se estructuran en base a 3 ejes estratégicos que organizan 9 políticas, entre las que se incluye la Política 3: "LOGRAR EL ACCESO UNIVERSAL A LA SALUD Y LA COBERTURA UNIVERSAL DE SALUD CON EQUIDAD, EFICIENCIA Y CALIDAD" cuyo objetivo estratégico 3.2 es garantizar la atención integral de la población según curso de vida, mismo que establece entre sus líneas de acción la ampliación y sostenibilidad de las clínicas de Cesación de Tabaquismo, la Implementación del Plan Estratégico Nacional para la Prevención y el Control Integral de las Enfermedades No Transmisibles y sus factores de riesgo. El país para operativizar lo dispuesto en la Política Nacional de Salud a través del Plan Nacional Estratégico de Salud, que a su vez incluye el Plan Quinquenal de Control de Tabaco 2020-2024 cuyo objetivo está orientado a lograr la implementación de la Política Nacional de Salud, así como las disposiciones establecidas en el CMCT de la OMS y en el Protocolo para la Eliminación del Comercio Ilícito de Productos de Tabaco. El plan quinquenal se encuentra en fase de integración a la herramienta electrónica, que se ha trabajado para el monitoreo y evaluación de planes de salud que tiene el Ministerio de Salud. Se cuenta con un documento estructurado en el que se detalla el Programa Nacional de Control del Tabaco y se ha logrado la inclusión del tema, como uno de los ejes centrales del Plan Nacional contra el Cáncer y contra las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Como proceso regional o bilateral se ha dado y recibido apoyo a/de otros países Latinoamericanos. La Comisión Nacional de Control de Tabaco cuya norma de creación fue modificada mediante Resolución No. 2175 de 22 de septiembre de 2016 recoge todos los principios rectores del artículo 5.3 del CMCT y garantiza la no interferencia de la industria tabacalera en las Políticas de Control de Tabaco en el Ministerio de Salud. La resolución en mención se puede encontrar en la siguiente dirección: http// De igual forma, se modificaron algunos artículos del Decreto Ejecutivo No. 63 de febrero de 2003 que crea el Consejo Nacional para la Salud Sin Tabaco mediante Decreto Ejecutivo No. 178 de 8 de junio de 2018. Como parte de las modificaciones mencionadas se actualizaron sus integrantes (interinstitucionales, de la Sociedad Civil y otras entidades) y se incorporaron las disposiciones del artículo 5.3 del CMCT y sus directrices. Para fortalecer el trabajo de la Comisión Nacional de Control de Tabaco y del Consejo Nacional para la Salud sin Tabaco se ha creado una herramienta tecnológica con el fin de facilitar la vigilancia, el control y la gestión del Convenio Marco de la OMS para el Control del Tabaco y las leyes nacionales relacionadas con el tema. Esta herramienta está alojada en la página web del MINSA en la dirección y se conoce como SISVISCTA (Sistema de Vigilancia Sanitaria para el Control de Tabaco). Como parte de los componentes de la herramienta, hay entre otros, un bloque de intercambio de información interinstitucional que se efectúa mediante un enlace en línea, otro de comunicación de información desde el MINSA hacia las instituciones y la población y otro denominado comunidad que permite conectarse mediante twitter, facebook, instagram y otras. Este bloque requiere ser reforzado para su mejor usabilidad. Este es el primer Sistema de Vigilancia Sanitaria para el Control del Tabaco en Panamá – SISVISCTA y trasciende hacia la vigilancia de factores de riesgo asociados a nuestras principales causas de morbi mortalidad, permite la gestión, el monitoreo y evaluación de la implementación del CMCT de la OMS incluidas todas sus normativas, así como las disposiciones legales vigentes en Panamá, relacionadas con el control de tabaco (CMCT ratificado en 2004). También permite la sistematización de las actividades de promoción, prevención, atención, rehabilitación, docencias, capacitaciones, investigación, inspecciones del cumplimiento de la normativa legal y propicia los ambientes libres de humo, la coordinación con otras instituciones gubernamentales como Caja de Seguro Social (CSS), el Ministerio de Educación (MEDUCA), la Dirección General de Ingresos del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (DGI MEF), la Autoridad Nacional de Aduanas (ANA) y la Sociedad Civil, entre otras. Este sistema tiene como fin contribuir en la vigilancia del cumplimiento del objetivo del CMCT de la OMS mediante la implementación de una plataforma con información actualizada e incluye la divulgación de las medidas de control del tabaco, todas ellas orientadas a reducir de manera continua, sustancial y sostenible la prevalencia del consumo de tabaco y la exposición al humo de tabaco. El proceso para la construcción del Sistema de Vigilancia para el Control de Tabaco ha implicado la realización de un conjunto de acciones institucionales e intergubernamentales. Ley No. 27 de 1 de julio de 2017 aprueba el Protocolo para la Eliminación del Comercio Ilícito de Productos de Tabaco, ratificado por Panamá ese mismo año. Con miras a su implementación el Ministerio de Salud creó la Comisión Nacional Interinstitucional para la Implementación de este Protocolo mediante Decreto Ejecutivo 237 de 24 de junio de 2019, Comisión que a la fecha es funcional. De manera sostenida se han consolidado mecanismos de coordinación gubernamental entre el MINSA y la ANA, para lo cual se realizan reuniones de coordinación, intercambio de correos electrónicos y de información y se identifican fortalezas y debilidades vinculadas a la implementación del protocolo. Se ha realizado un trabajo interinstitucional (ANA, MINSA, DGI y Autoridad de Innovación Gubernamental -AIG, entre otros) que contó con la asesoría de la Secretaria del Protocolo, para el levantamiento del pliego de cargos que busca disponer de un sistema de seguimiento y localización de productos de tabaco. El plan de trabajo para la implementación se está revisando y priorizando en torno a los mandatos del Protocolo con base en los términos de aplicación establecidos. También se ha identificado la necesidad de ajustar algunos marcos legales, normas, procedimientos y regulaciones nacionales específicas de la ANA, con pocos avances al respecto. El Decreto No. 119 de mayo de 2017 que aprueba la Política Nacional de Salud, sus Objetivos Estratégicos y Líneas de Acción para el periodo 2016-2025 establece 3 ejes estratégicos y 9 políticas, integrando en la Política 3: "LOGRAR EL ACCESO UNIVERSAL A LA SALUD Y LA COBERTURA UNIVERSAL DE SALUD CON EQUIDAD, EFICIENCIA Y CALIDAD" cuyo objetivo estratégicos 3.2. relativo a garantizar la atención integral de la población según curso de vida, establece entre sus líneas de acción la ampliación y sostenibilidad de las clínicas de Cesación de Tabaquismo, la Implementación del Plan Estratégico Nacional para la Prevención y el Control Integral de las Enfermedades No Transmisibles y sus factores de riesgo. Con este marco de referencia se operativiza el Plan Nacional Estratégico de Salud que incluye el Plan Quinquenal de Control de Tabaco 2020-2024, que se integrará a la herramienta electrónica, que se ha trabajado para el monitoreo y evaluación de planes de salud que tiene el Ministerio de Salud. Se cuenta con un documento estructurado en el que se detalla el Programa Nacional de Control del Tabaco y se ha logrado la inclusión del tema como uno de los ejes centrales del Plan Nacional contra el Cáncer y contra las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Como proceso regional o bilateral se ha dado y recibido apoyo de otros países Latinoamericanos. La Comisión Nacional de Control de Tabaco cuya norma de creación fue modificada mediante resolución 2175 de 22 de septiembre de 2016 recoge todos los principios rectores del artículo 5.3 del CMCT y garantiza la no interferencia de la industria tabacalera en las Políticas de Control de Tabaco en el Ministerio de Salud y todas sus regiones. Ubicar la resolución en mención en la siguiente dirección. Se modificaron artículos del Decreto Ejecutivo 63 de febrero de 2003 que crea el Consejo Nacional para la Salud Sin Tabaco mediante Decreto Ejecutivo 178 de 8 de junio de 2018, como parte de las modificaciones se actualizaron sus integrantes (interinstitucionales, de la Sociedad Civil y otras entidades) y se incorporaron las disposiciones del artículo 5.3 del CMCT y sus directrices. Para fortalecer el trabajo de la Comisión Nacional de Control de Tabaco y del Consejo Nacional para la Salud sin Tabaco se ha creado una herramienta tecnológica con el fin de facilitar la vigilancia, el control y la gestión del Convenio Marco de la OMS para el Control del Tabaco y las leyes nacionales relacionadas con el tema. Esta herramienta está alojada en la página web del MINSA en la dirección y se conoce como SISVISCTA (Sistema de Vigilancia Sanitaria para el Control de Tabaco). Como parte de los componentes de la herramienta, hay entre otros un bloque de intercambio de información interinstitucional que se efectúa mediante un enlace en línea, otro de comunicación de información desde el MINSA hacia las instituciones y la población y otro denominado comunidad que permite conectarse mediante twitter, facebook, instagram y otras. Este es el primer Sistema de Vigilancia Sanitaria para el Control del Tabaco en Panamá – SISVISCTA y trasciende hacia la vigilancia de factores de riesgo asociado a nuestras principales causas de morbi mortalidad, permite la gestión, el monitoreo y evaluación de la implementación del Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco CMCT de todas las normativas, disposiciones de ley en Panamá (CMCT ratificado en 2014). También permite la sistematización de las actividades de promoción, prevención, docencias, capacitaciones, atención, rehabilitación, investigación, inspecciones del cumplimiento de la normativa legal y propiciar ambientes libres de humo, la coordinación con otras instituciones gubernamentales como CSS, MEDUCA, DGI MEF, ANA, Sociedad Civil, entre otras. Este sistema tiene como objetivo contribuir en la protección de las generaciones presentes y futuras contra las devastadoras consecuencias sanitarias, sociales, ambientales y económicas del consumo de tabaco y de la exposición al humo de tabaco mediante la implementación de una plataforma con información actualizada, medidas de control del tabaco a fin de reducir de manera continua y sustancial la prevalencia del consumo de tabaco y la exposición al humo de tabaco de manera sostenible. El proceso para su construcción ha implicado la realización de un conjunto de acciones entre las cuales se destacan: Sistema de Vigilancia para el Control de Tabaco • Gestión de equipos de computadoras, software y hardware requeridos para el Sistema de Vigilancia de Control de Tabaco (SISVICTA). • Gestión de Convenio MINSA-Autoridad Nacional de Aduanas para el intercambio de datos e información para la funcionalidad del sistema. • Seguimiento permanente de la consultoría para el desarrollo del sistema de vigilancia. . Sesiones de trabajo con el Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censo, la Dirección General de Ingresos, Ministerio de Educación y el Instituto Conmemorativo Gorgas de Estudios de Salud, entre otros. Lanzamiento del Portal Web www.panamalibredetabaco que aloja al Sistema de Vigilancia de Control de Tabaco (SISVICTA). El Decreto No. 119 de mayo de 2017 que aprueba la Política Nacional de Salud, sus Objetivos Estratégicos y Líneas de Acción para el periodo 2016-2025 establece 3 ejes estratégicos y 9 políticas, integrando en la Política 3: "LOGRAR EL ACCESO UNIVERSAL A LA SALUD Y LA COBERTURA UNIVERSAL DE SALUD CON EQUIDAD, EFICIENCIA Y CALIDAD" cuyo objetivo estratégicos 3.2. relativo a garantizar la atención integral de la población según curso de vida, establece entre sus líneas de acción la ampliación y sostenibilidad de las clínicas de Cesación de Tabaquismo, la Implementación del Plan Estratégico Nacional para la Prevención y el Control Integral de las Enfermedades No Transmisibles y sus factores de riesgo. Con este marco de referencia se operativiza el Plan Nacional Estratégico de Salud que incluye el Plan Quinquenal de Control de Tabaco 2014-2018, el cual esta en proceso de revisión y actualización. Se cuenta con un documento estructurado en el que se detalla el Programa Nacional de Control del Tabaco y se ha logrado la inclusión del tema como uno de los ejes centrales del Plan Nacional contra el Cáncer y contra las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Como proceso regional o bilateral se ha dado y recibido apoyo de otros países Latinoamericanos. La Comisión Nacional de Control de Tabaco establecida en la resolución 2175 de 22 de septiembre de 2016 recoge todos los principios rectores del artículo 5.3 del CMCT y garantiza la no interferencia de la industria tabacalera en las Políticas de Control de Tabaco en el Ministerio de Salud y todas sus regiones. Ubicar la resolución en mención en la siguiente dirección. Adicionalmente, el Ministerio de Salud trabaja en la modificación del Decreto Ejecutivo 63 de febrero de 2003 que crea el Consejo Nacional para la Salud Sin Tabaco, estas modificaciones actualizan sus integrantes (interinstitucionales, de la Sociedad Civil y otras entidades) e incorpora las disposiciones del artículo 5.3 del CMCT y sus directrices.
Palau WPR The focal point and the tobacco control unit are set within the structure of the Bureau of Public Health in the Ministry of Health and are largely funded by US Federal grant funds. The coordinating mechanism was established in May, 2015 by Executive Order 379 (see attached) and includes representation of each Ministry of the Executive Branch as well as semi government and civil society organizations. The focal point and the tobacco control unit are set within the structure of the Bureau of Public Health in the Ministry of Health and are largely funded by US Federal grant funds. The coordinating mechanism was established in May, 2015 by Executive Order 379 (see attached) and includes representation of each Ministry of the Executive Branch as well as semi government and civil society organizations. The focal point and the tobacco control unit are set within the structure of the Bureau of Public Health in the Ministry of Health and are largely funded by US Federal grant funds. The coordinating mechanism was established in May, 2015 by Executive Order 379 (see attached) and includes representation of each Ministry of the Executive Branch as well as semi government and civil society organizations.
Niue WPR Report not provided The tobacco control focal point is employed by the Niue Government Department of Health Report not provided
Montenegro EUR Directorate for issuing authorizations for production, processing and trade of tobacco products, body within the Ministry of finance (from 2019 year) is administrative body which is responsible for issuing licenses to all participants in the chain of production and distribution of tobacco and tobacco products, but also for monitoring of conditions of tobacco products, as well as for cooperation with authorities and institutions responsible for the suppression of illicit trade in tobacco products. National Coordinator for Tobacco Control was appointed by the Ministry of Health to monitor effects of tobacco use on the population health. Tobacco Agency is administrative body which is responsible for issuing licenses to all participants in the chain of production and distribution of tobacco and tobacco products, but also for monitoring of conditions of tobacco products, as well as for cooperation with authorities and institutions responsible for the suppression of illicit trade in tobacco products. National Coordinator for Tobacco Control was appointed by the Ministry of Health to monitor effects of tobacco use on the population health . Tobacco Agency is administrative body which is responsible for issuing licenses to all participants in the chain of production and distribution of tobacco and tobacco products, but also for monitoring of conditions of tobacco products, as well as for cooperation with authorities and institutions responsible for the suppression of illicit trade in tobacco products. National Coordinator for Tobacco Control was appointed by the Ministry of Health to monitor effects of tobacco use on the population health .
Mexico AMR La Secretaría de Salud de México mediante la Comisión Nacional contra las Adicciones (CONADIC), dispuso en 2008 la apertura de la Oficina Nacional para el Control del Tabaco, instancia responsable de la implementación del Convenio Marco de la OMS para el Control del Tabaco, por lo cual oficialmente es el punto focal ante la Secretaría del Convenio. De entre sus principales atribuciones destacan: coordinar las acciones para la elaboración e integración del Programa Nacional contra el Tabaquismo; elaborar la normatividad correspondiente a las acciones de prevención y atención del consumo de tabaco; impulsar desde el ámbito de sus atribuciones el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de las políticas públicas en materia de control de tabaco; promover los planes, estrategias y programas sobre cesación tabáquica y ayuda para dejar de fumar; coordinar las acciones para la elaboración de las disposiciones en materia de pictogramas y advertencias sanitarias que deberán figurar en el empaquetado y etiquetado externo de los productos de tabaco; promover, generar y sistematizar la evidencia científica en materia de tabaquismo y control de tabaco; entre otros. La Secretaría de Salud mediante la Comisión Nacional contra las Adicciones dispuso en 2008 la apertura de la Oficina Nacional para el Control del Tabaco, instancia responsable a nivel federal, entre otras, del seguimiento a la implementación de la LGCT y del Convenio Marco para el control de Tabaco. Esta oficina es además el punto focal para el CMCT. También es responsable de coordinar las acciones para la elaboración e integración del Programa Nacional contra el Tabaquismo. Elabora también la normatividad correspondientes a las acciones de prevención y atención del consumo de tabaco. Impulsa desde el ámbito de sus atribuciones el fortalecimiento de la normatividad nacional y regional para el control del tabaco. Coordina las acciones para la elaboración técnica del acuerdo por el que se implementan las advertencias y mensajes sanitarios en los empaques de los productos de tabaco. La Secretaría de Salud mediante la Comisión Nacional contra las Adicciones dispuso en 2008 la apertura de la Oficina Nacional para el Control del Tabaco, instancia responsable a nivel federal, entre otras, del seguimiento a la implementación de la LGCT y del Convenio Marco para el control de Tabaco. Esta oficina es además el punto focal para el CMCT. También es responsable de coordinar las acciones para la elaboración e integración del Programa Nacional contra el Tabaquismo. Elabora también la normatividad correspondientes a las acciones de prevención y atención del consumo de tabaco. Impulsa desde el ámbito de sus atribuciones el fortalecimiento de la normatividad nacional y regional para el control del tabaco. Coordina las acciones para la elaboración técnica del acuerdo por el que se implementan las advertencias y mensajes sanitarios en los empaques de los productos de tabaco.
Malta EUR Committee on smoking and Health established under the Tobacco Control Act Report not provided Committee on smoking and Health established under the Tobacco Control Act
Latvia EUR The contact person of the focal point is a representative of the Ministry of Health. Tobacco control unit is subordinated to the Ministry of Health. The responsibilities of coordination are divided among the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (research, health promotion), The Ministry of Health (policy development and intersectoral cooperation, focal point), Health Inspectorate, State Revenue Service, State police and also municipal police (control of the circulation of the tobacco products). Also the State revenue service in cooperation with Ministry of Finance is responsible for the taxation policy. The contact person of the focal point is a representative of the Ministry of Health. Tobacco control unit is subordinated to the Ministry of Health. The responsibilities of coordination are divided among the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (research, health promotion), The Ministry of Health (policy development and intersectoral cooperation, focal point), Health Inspectorate and State Revenue Service (control of the circulation of the tobacco products). The contact person of the focal point is a representative from the Ministry of Health, as well as the Ministry of Health is also a tobacco control unit. The responsibilities of coordination are divided among the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (research, health promotion), The Ministry of Health (policy development and intersectoral cooperation, focal point), Health Inspectorate and State Revenue Service (control of the circulation of the tobacco products).
Kyrgyzstan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Kenya AFR The Tobacco Control Unit is under the Ministry of Health situated in the Division of Non-Communicable Diseases. The head of the Unit is the focal point for tobacco control. The Tobacco Control Board is established under the Ministry of Health. It comprises of members from various sectors representing government departments/ministries, civil society representative, Law society representative, representative of Kenya Medical Association, Kenya medical research institute, chamber of commerce ( under Ministry of trade). The director of public Health is the Secretary while the Chairperson is an experienced medical practitioner. The Boards mandate is to advice the Minister of health on tobacco control Policies. The Tobacco Control Stakeholders forum is a wider coordination mechanism where government, civil society, academia and media who have no conflict of interest meet to develop plans, implementation strategies, share experiences and evaluate implementation of tobacco control policies. Report not provided The Tobacco Control Unit is under the Ministry of Health situated in the Division of Non-Communicable Diseases. The head of the Unit is the focal point for tobacco control. The Tobacco Control Board is established under the Ministry of Health. It comprises of members from various sectors representing government departments/ministries, civil society representative, Law society representative, representative of Kenya Medical Association, Kenya medical research institute, chamber of commerce ( under Ministry of trade). The director of public Health is the Secretary while the Chairperson is an experienced medical practitioner. The Boards mandate is to advice the Minister of health on tobacco control Policies. The Tobacco Control Stakeholders forum is a wider coordination mechanism where government, civil society, academia and media who have no conflict of interest meet to develop plans, implementation strategies, share experiences and evaluate implementation of tobacco control policies.
Japan WPR Tobacco control unit belongs to Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. We also have national coordination mechanism of tobacco including different ministries in Japan. Tobacco control unit belongs to Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. We also have national coodination mechanism of tobacco including different ministries in Japan. Tobacco control unit belongs to Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. We also have national coodination mechanism of tobacco including different ministries in Japan.
Iceland EUR Issues of tobacco control is a collaboration between the Ministry of Welfare and the Directorate of Health. Focal point for tobacco control belongs formally to Ministry of Health Issues of tobacco control is a collaboration between the Ministry of Welfare and the Directorate of Health. Focal point for tobacco control belongs formally to Ministry of Health Issues of tobacco control is a collaboration between the Ministry of Welfare and the Directorate of Health. Focal point for tobacco control belongs formally to Ministry of Welfare.
Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Germany EUR The tobacco control unit is part of the Ministry of Health. Three People are working part-time on tobacco control within the unit "Addiction and Drugs" of the Federal Ministry of health. Campaings on Tobacco are run by the Federal Agency for Health Promotion. Several people are working on the campaign The tobacco control unit is part of the Ministry of Health. Three People are working part-time on tobacco control within the unit "Addiction and Drugs" of the Federal Ministry of health. Campaings on Tobacco are run by the Federal Agency for Health Promotion. Several people are working on the campaign The office of the National Drug Commissioner is the focal point for the Council on Drugs and Addiction ("Drogen und Suchtrat"), which is the national coordinating mechanism on licit and illicit drugs. Part of its work is tobacco control. Several ministries (health, finance, justice, interior, economy, youth) are working within the council, but also NGOs. The tobacco control unit is part of the Ministry of Health. Three People are working part-time on tobacco control within the unit "Addiction and Drugs" of the Federal Ministry of health. Campaings on Tobacco are run by the Federal Agency for Health Promotion. Several people are working on the campaign The office of the National Drug Commissioner is the focal point for the Council on Drugs and Addiction ("Drogen und Suchtrat"), which is the national coordinating mechanism on licit and illicit drugs. Part of its work is tobacco control. Several ministries (health, finance, justice, interior, economy, youth) are working within the council, but also NGOs.
Georgia EUR The National Tobacco Control Committee was established in 2013 and it is chaired by the Prime Minister of Georgia, it comprises 10 different ministers and has a working group comprising of different ministries and society representatives and is chaired by the minister of health, The National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC) serves as a secretariat of the Committee. NCDC is the host institution of the Tobacco Control National Technical Focal Point. NCDC has a Tobacco Control Group which comprises 6 people fully dedicated to tobacco control. The National Tobacco Control Committee was established in 2013 and it is chaired by the Prime Minister of Georgia, it comprises of 10 different ministers and has a working group comprising of different ministries and society representatives and chaired by the minister of health, The National Center for Disease Control and Public Health serves as a secretariat of the Committee. National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC) is the host institution of the Tobacco Control National Technical Focal Point. NCDC has a Tobacco Control Group and it comprise of 5 people fully dedicated to tobacco control. The National Tobacco Control Committee was established in 2013 and it is chaired by the Prime Minister of Georgia, it comprises of 10 different ministers and has a working group comprising of different ministries and society representatives and chaired by the minister of health, The National Center for Disease Control and Public Health serves as a secretariat of the Committee. National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC) is the host institution of the Tobacco Control National Technical Focal Point. NCDC has a Tobacco Control Group which has been expanded within last two years, It comprised of 5 people fully dedicated to tobacco control.
Gabon AFR Il existe un Programme National de lutte contre le tabagisme dont le Directeur est le Point Focal. Ce Programme relève de la Direction Générale de la Santé sous la coordination du Secrétariat Général du Ministère de la Santé et des Affaires Sociales. il existe un Programme national de lutte contre le tabac qui relève de la Direction Générale de la Santé sous la coordination du Secrétariat Général Adjoint du Ministère de la Santé. il existe un Programme national de lutte contre le tabac qui relève de la Direction Générale de la Santé sous la coordination du Secrétariat Général Adjoint 1 du Ministère de la Santé.
Zimbabwe AFR Report not provided The national coordinating mechanism involves efforts from different Ministries (Health, Finance and Economic Development, Industry and Commence, Agriculture Lands and Irrigation, and National Economic Consultative Forum. Focal Point for Tobacco Control and the Unit are in the Ministry of Health and Child Care. The national coordinating mechanism involves efforts from different Ministries (Health, Finance and Economic Development, Industry and Commence, Agriculture Lands and Irrigation, and National Economic Consultative Forum. Focal Point for Tobacco Control and the Unit are in the Ministry of Health and Child Care.
Spain EUR El Ministerio de Sanidad dispone en su estructura de una Unidad de Prevención y Control del Tabaquismo dependiente de la Dirección General de Salud Pública que es el departamento responsable de la regulación de los aspectos sanitarios del control del tabaquismo y de la coordinación con las autoridades sanitarias regionales competentes. Asimismo existe dependiendo de la misma Dirección General, la Comisión de Salud Pública para la toma de decisiones conjuntas con las Autoridades Sanitarias Regionales. Asimismo también existe coordinación con otros departamentos ministeriales: Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación. El Ministerio de Sanidad es el departamento responsable de la regulación de los aspectos sanitarios del control del tabaquismo. Existe en su estructura una Unidad de Prevención del Tabaquismo dependiente de la Dirección General de Salud Pública. Asimismo existe dependiendo de la misma Dirección General, una Comisión de Salud Pública para la coordinación con las Autoridades Sanitarias Regionales. También existe dependiendo de la misma Dirección General, un Observatorio de la Salud como órgano colegiado de consulta y asesoramiento con una sección específica sobre tabaquismo. Asimismo también existe coordinación con otros departamentos ministeriales: Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública, Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación, Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital y Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social. El Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad es el departamento responsable de la regulación de los aspectos sanitarios del control del tabaquismo. Existe en su estructura una Unidad de Prevención del Tabaquismo dependiente de la Dirección General de Salud Pública. Asimismo existe dependiendo de la misma Dirección General, una Comisión de Salud Pública para la coordinación con las Autoridades Sanitarias Regionales. También existe dependiendo de la misma Dirección General, un Observatorio de la Salud como órgano colegiado de consulta y asesoramiento con una sección específica sobre tabaquismo. Asimismo también existe coordinación con otros departamentos ministeriales: Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública, Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación, Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital y Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social.
South Africa AFR Tobacco control lies within the National Department of Health, Directorate: Health Promotion. It is one of the pillars of the Health Lifestyles Programme which focuses on the promotion of healthy lifestyle practices and risk factors associated with non communicable diseases and conditions Report not provided Tobacco control lies within the National Department of Health, Directorate: Health Promotion. It is one of the pillars of the Health Lifestyles Programme which focuses on the promotion of healthy lifestyle practices and risk factors associated with non communicable diseases and conditions
Czechia EUR The central point of tobacco control is the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. There works Interdepartmental working group for Protection against damage caused by tobacco. All ministries relevant to tobacco control issues are involved group. The group is recognized as one of the working groups and advisory bodies of the Council of Government for the coordination of anti-drug policy. Members of the group are also professional organizations, NGOs, State Health Institute, etc. The National Strategy to Prevent and Reduce the Harm Associated with Addictive Behaviour for the period 2019-2027 covers all the topics and issues pertaining to the area of addictions - alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, gambling, and it introduces and elaborates on misuse of psychoactive medicines and the uncontrolled use of modern technologies. The Strategy is the key policy document of the Government of the Czech Republic which articulates its intentions and specific activities involving the implementation of measures aimed at preventing and reducing the harm related to substance use, including tobacco, pathological gambling, and the uncontrolled use of modern technologies among the Czech population. Focal point for tobacco control is the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. In 2013, Inter-ministerial Working Group for the Comprehensive Protection against Harm Caused by Tobacco was established by the Minister of Health. All ministries relevant for tobacco control issues are involved in this group. Since 2015, the group has been recognised as one of the working groups and consulting bodies of the Government Council for Drug Policy Coordination. In February 2016, revised Mandate of this group and revised Rules of procedure were adopted by the Minister of Health. Since that time representatives of professional organisations, NGOs, National Public Health institute, etc. have been members of the group, as well. Focal point for tobacco control is the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. In 2013, Inter-ministerial Working Group for the Comprehensive Protection against Harm Caused by Tobacco was established by the Minister of Health. All ministries relevant for tobacco control issues are involved in this group. Since 2015, the group has been recognised as one of the working groups and consulting bodies of the Government Council for Drug Policy Coordination. In February 2016, revised Mandate of this group and revised Rules of procedure were adopted by the Minister of Health. Since that time representatives of professional organisations, NGOs, National Public Health institute, etc. have been members of the group, as well.
Republic of North Macedonia EUR Report not provided Ministry of Health within the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia is the institution to which the focal point for tobacco control belongs. Institute for Public Health is responsible institution for NCD prevention and risk assessment within is tobacco control included.
Türkiye EUR The Ministry of Health (MOH) having a Tobacco Control Department is the leading institution on tobacco control in Turkey. Tobacco Control Department has been established in 2007 in MOH. Considering the permeability of addictive substances the multisectoral structure based on the strong inter-institutional cooperation established for drug struggle activities has been expanded and the mentioned multistructure structure was re-established including tobacco, alcohol and behavioral adiction. As of December 2017 the High Council for the Fight Against Addiction has become responsible for inter-ministerial coordination on drug policy issues in Turkey. It is tasked with high-level strategy development, developing interinstitutional coordination and monitoring strategy implementation. The High Council of Addiction includes ministers from all relevant ministries involved in delivering the objectives of the national tobacco control strategy. The Board for the Fight Against Addiction supports the work of the High Council. It is responsible for national strategic and operational coordination and is one of several structures that has responsibility for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of the national tobacco strategy. The Technical Board for the Fight Against Addiction is an advisory body that assists the Board. The Ministry of Health is the leading body in the coordination and implementation of the strategy and action plan of tobacco control. There are currently 81 provincial and district Boards for the Fight Against Tobacco throughout Turkey, covering all provinces. The Ministry of Health (MOH) having a Tobacco Control Department is the leading institution on tobacco control in Turkey. Tobacco Control Department has been established in 2007 in MOH. Considering the permeability of addictive substances the multisectoral structure based on the strong inter-institutional cooperation established for drug struggle activities has been expanded and the mentioned multistructure structure was re-established including tobacco, alcohol and behavioral adiction. As of December 2017 the High Council for the Fight Against Addiction has become responsible for inter-ministerial coordination on drug policy issues in Turkey. It is tasked with high-level strategy development, developing interinstitutional coordination and monitoring strategy implementation. The High Council of Addiction includes ministers from all relevant ministries involved in delivering the objectives of the national tobacco control strategy. The Board for the Fight Against Addiction supports the work of the High Council. It is responsible for national strategic and operational coordination and is one of several structures that has responsibility for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of the national tobacco strategy. The Technical Board for the Fight Against Addiction is an advisory body that assists the Board. The Ministry of Health is the leading body in the coordination and implementation of the strategy and action plan of tobacco control. There are currently 81 provincial and district Boards for the Fight Against Tobacco throughout Turkey, covering all provinces. The Ministry of Health (MOH) having a Tobacco Control Department is the leading institution on tobacco control in Turkey. Tobacco Control Department has been established in 2007 in MOH. National Tobacco Control Committee headed by MOH consists of representatives of related public institutions, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Interior, abolished TAPDK, Ministry of Farm, Agriculture and Livestock etc. and academic institutions as well as NGOs.
Yemen EMR يوجد برنامج وطني لمكافحة التبغ في وزارة الصحة العامة والسكان منذ العام 2007، وكذا مدير للبرنامج وكادر إداري وصحي يتكون من 3 أفراد على مستوى الوحدة المركزية و11 شخص كمنسقين للبرنامج في معظم محافظات الجمهورية اليمنية وتوجد آلية تنسيق مباشرة وعن طريق مكاتب الصحة العامة في المحافظات واجتماع سنوي وقد توقف البرنامج لمدة 7 ستوات نتيجة للحرب وعاد الى النشاط في فبراير 2021م وبدأ في إعادة البنية التحتية بعد انهيارها Report not provided يوجد برنامج وطني لمكافحة التبغ في وزارة الصحة العامة والسكان منذ العام 2007، وكذا مدير للبرنامج وكادر إداري وصحي يتكون من 6 أفراد على مستوى الوحدة المركزية و23 شخص كمنسقين للبرنامج في جميع محافظات الجمهورية اليمنية وتوجد آلية تنسيق مباشرة وعن طريق مكاتب الصحة العامة في المحافظات واجتماع سنوي.
Togo AFR En 2020 un nouveau Programme National des Addictions aux Produits Psychoactifs (PNAPP) a été créé avec nomination d'un coordonnateur en janvier 2021. Le PNAPP s'occupe de la santé mentale, de la lutte antitabac et lutte contre les addictions aux drogues et à l'alcool. Le PNAPP vient d'être doté en date du 27 février de 3 bureaux pour servir du siège du programme. Un assistant médical de santé publique a été affecté au PNAPP en décembre 2022 pour appuyer le coordonnateur. Un programme national de lutte antitabac a été crée, un programme de lutte contre les maladies non transmissibles a été crée pour coordonner et intégrer la lutte avec les autres secteurs de lutte contre les maladies non transmissibles pour linstant ses structures ne sont encore dotées que de très peu de moyens financiers. Un programme national de lutte antitabac a été crée, un programme de lutte contre les maladies non transmissibles a été crée pour coordonner et intégrer la lutte avec les autres secteurs de lutte contre les maladies non transmissibles pour linstant ses structures ne sont encore dotées que de très peu de moyens financiers.
Senegal AFR Le dispositif national de coordination est le Programme national de Lutte contre le Tabac (PNLT) qui est créé par arrêté ministériel n°015437 du 28 juillet 2015. Le point focal est le Coordonnateur du PNLT. Le dispositif national de coordination est le Programme national de Lutte contre le Tabac (PNLT) qui est créé par arrêté ministériel n°015437 du 28 juillet 2015. Le point focal est le Coordonnateur du PNLT. Le dispositif national de coordination est le Programme National de Lutte contre le Tabac (PNLT) qui est créé par arrêté ministériel n°015437 du 28 juillet 2015. Le point focal est le Coordonnateur du PNLT.
San Marino EUR Health and social plan 2015-2017 (Piano Sanitario e Socio sanitario 2015-2017 ) Report not provided Health and social plan 2015-2017 (Piano Sanitario e Socio sanitario 2015-2017 )
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Romania EUR Tobacco control is included in the national health programmes that reflect the “funding priorities of the Ministry of Health. Thus, there is a subprogramme for prevention of smoking and encouraging smoking cessation, coordinated by the Institute of Pneumology “Marius Nasta” . A national coordinating body was established at Government level by Governmental Decision no 776?2015. Report not provided Report not provided
Republic of Moldova EUR By the Government decision #1015 of 23.11.2017 which adopt second National Program on Tobacco Control for 2017-2021 years, was established National Coordination Council on Tobacco Control, with 17 members, which are representing all relevant institutions and is chaired by the deputy Prime-Minister. With adoption in 2015 a new Tobacco Control Law, the Council has a permanent status and is regulated by the Law. The national focal point for tobacco control and the tobacco control unit belongs to the National Agency for Public Health By the Government decision #1015 of 23.11.2017 which adopt second National Program on Tobacco Control for 2017-2021 years, was established National Coordination Council on Tobacco Control, with 17 members, which are representing all relevant institutions and is chaired by the deputy Prime-Minister. With adoption in 2015 a new Tobacco Control Law, the Council has a permanent status and is regulated by the Law. The national focal point for tobacco control and the tobacco control unit belongs to the National Agency for Public Health By the Government decision #1015 of 23.11.2017 which adopt second National Program on Tobacco Control for 2017-2021 years, was established National Coordination Council on Tobacco Control, with 17 members, which are representing all relevant institutions and is chaired by the deputy Prime-Minister. With adoption in 2015 a new Tobacco Control Law, the Council has a permanent status and is regulated by the Law. The national focal point for tobacco control and the tobacco control unit belongs to the National Center of Public health
India SEA National Tobacco Control Cell has been established under National Tobacco Control Programme in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. Further, as per tobacco control guidelines, each State and district have been directed to constitute similar State/Disitrct level coordination committees to review the overall implementation of the National Tobacco Control Programme at sub-national level. At State and District levels, there are State as well as District Focal Points to monitor the implementation of the programme and tobacco control laws. National Tobacco Control Cell has been established under National Tobacco Control Programme in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. A national coordinating mechanism in the form of an Inter-Ministerial task force has been formed at national level under chairpersonship of Cabinet Secretary to review and develop a comprehensive policy on tobacco and tobacco related issues. Further, as per tobacco control guidelines, each State and district have been directed to constitute similar State/Disitrct level coordination committees to review the overall implementation of the National Tobacco Control Programme at sub-national level. At State and District levels, there are State as well as District Focal Points to monitor the implementation of the programme and tobacco control laws. National Tobacco Control Cell has been established under National Tobacco Control Programme in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. A national coordinating mechanism in the form of an Inter-Ministerial task force has been formed at national level under chairpersonship of Cabinet Secretary to review and develop a comprehensive policy on tobacco and tobacco related issues. Further, as per tobacco control guidelines, each State and district have been directed to constitute similar State/Disitrct level coordination committees to review the overall implementation of the National Tobacco Control Programme at sub-national level. At State and District levels, there are State as well as District Focal Points to monitor the implementation of the programme and tobacco control laws.
Ireland EUR An official within the Tobacco and Alcohol Control Unit, with the Department of Health as the focal point. An official within the Tobacco and Alcohol Control Unit, with the Department of Health as the focal point. Dilly OBrien, Tobacco and Alcohol control Unit is the focal point as notified to the World Health Organisation The Tobacco and Alcohol Control Unit is within the Department of Health
Italy EUR The national focal point and the Tobacco Control Unit are located at the Ministry of Health - Prevention Directorate. The NFC and the TCU elaborate the strategies and monitor their implementation. Together with the Regions tobacco control strategies are included in national and local prevention plans Moreover a group of experts from different Ministries (Health, Finance, Agriculture, Development) has been created to cohordinate national position on tobacco control policies (national legislation, EU directives, FCTC working group, ecc) The national focal point and the Tobacco Control Unit are located at the Ministry of Health - Prevention Directorate. The NFC and the TCU elaborate the strategies and monitor their implementation. Together with the Regions tobacco control strategies are included in national and local prevention plans Moreover a group of experts from different Ministries (Health, Finance, Agriculture, Development) has been created to cohordinate national position on tobacco control policies (national legislation, EU directives, FCTC working group, ecc) The national focal point and the Tobacco Control Unit are located at the Ministry of Health - Prevention Directorate. The NFC and the TCU elaborate the strategies and monitor their implementation. Together with the Regions tobacco control strategies are included in national and local prevention plans Moreover a group of experts from different Ministries (Health, Finance, Agriculture, Development) has been created to cohordinate national position on tobacco control policies (national legislation, EU directives, FCTC working group, ecc)
Nepal SEA National Health Education, Information and Communication Centre/MoHP/GoN is a national focal point for tobacco control in Nepal including all health related communication and promotion programs and initiatives. Tobacco Product and Non Communicable Disease Control Section is set up in NHEICC. There are seven regional health directorates, 77 health offices and are responsible for health promotion and education including tobacco control activities. Three types of health care services at village level provided through primary health care centres, health posts and sub-health posts. Tobacco Control and regulatory Act,2011, Tobacco Product Control and regulatory Directive 2015, established the Tobacco Products Control and Regulatory Committee under the chairmanship of the Secretary of the MOHP. NHEICC is the vice chairman of the committee. The Committee is composed of representatives of the health sector, tobacco control NGOs, private sector health organizations and active social workers. The mandate of the Committee is to formulate policies regarding the control and regulation of tobacco products and to perform other functions as well. National Health Education, Information and Communication Centre/MoHP/GoN is a national focal point for tobacco control in Nepal including all health related communication and promotion programs and initiatives. Tobacco Product and Non Communicable Disease Control Section is set up in NHEICC. There are seven regional health directorates, 77 health offices and are responsible for health promotion and education including tobacco control activities. Three types of health care services at village level provided through primary health care centres, health posts and sub-health posts. Tobacco Control and regulatory Act,2011, Tobacco Product Control and regulatory Directive 2015, established the Tobacco Products Control and Regulatory Committee under the chairmanship of the Secretary of the MOHP. NHEICC is the vice chairman of the committee. The Committee is composed of representatives of the health sector, tobacco control NGOs, private sector health organizations and active social workers. The mandate of the Committee is to formulate policies regarding the control and regulation of tobacco products and to perform other functions as well. National Health Education, Information and Communication Centre/MoHP/GoN is a national focal point for tobacco control in Nepal including all health related communication and promotion programs and initiatives. Tobacco Product and Non Communicable Disease Control Section is set up in NHEICC. There are five regional health directorates, 77 district health offices with one health education officer responsible for health promotion and education including tobacco control activities and three types of health care services at village level provided through primary health care centres, health posts and sub-health posts. Tobacco Control and regulatory Act,2011, Tobacco Product Control and regulatory Directive 2015, established the Tobacco Products Control and Regulatory Committee under the chairmanship of the Secretary of the MOHP. NHEICC is the vice chairman of the committee. The Committee is composed of representatives of the health sector, tobacco control NGOs, private sector health organizations and active social workers. The mandate of the Committee is to formulate policies regarding the control and regulation of tobacco products and to perform other functions as well.
Iran (Islamic Republic of) EMR Following to adaptation of the executive bylaw of the comprehensive national tobacco control Act in 2007, and based on Article 1 of the Act, National Tobacco Control Headquarters chaired by Minister of Health and membership of other Ministers (Education, Commerce [Industry, Mine and Commerce], Culture and Islamic Guidance), Commander of Police, a representative of active NGOs in tobacco control field as its permanent members as well as 2 representative from the health commission of the parliament and head of the I.R.I. Broadcasting as an observers was established. All resolutions of this Headquarters’ session are enforceable after passing by the president. So far, eight sessions have been held since the Headquarters established. In order to achieve the goals set forth in Article 1. Note 1 of the Comprehensive National Tobacco Control Law, the Secretariat of the National Tobacco Control Headquarters was settled in the Center for Environmental and Occupational Health which is located in the Deputy for Health of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. This center had the responsibility for tobacco control program at national level before developing the national tobacco control law and ratification of WHO FCTC Following to adaptation of the executive bylaw of the comprehensive national tobacco control Act in 2007, and based on Article 1 of the Act, National Tobacco Control Headquarters chaired by Minister of Health and membership of other Ministers (Education, Commerce [Industry, Mine and Commerce], Culture and Islamic Guidance), Commander of Police, a representative of active NGOs in tobacco control field as its permanent members as well as 2 representative from the health commission of the parliament and head of the I.R.I. Broadcasting as an observers was established. All resolutions of this Headquarters’ session are enforceable after passing by the president. So far, eight sessions have been held since the Headquarters established. In order to achieve the goals set forth in Article 1. Note 1 of the Comprehensive National Tobacco Control Law, the Secretariat of the National Tobacco Control Headquarters was settled in the Center for Environmental and Occupational Health which is located in the Deputy for Health of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. This center had the responsibility for tobacco control program at national level before developing the national tobacco control law and ratification of WHO FCTC Following to adaptation of the executive bylaw of the comprehensive national tobacco control Act in 2007, and based on Article 1 of the Act, National Tobacco Control Headquarters chaired by Minister of Health and membership of other Ministers (Education, Commerce [Industry, Mine and Commerce], Culture and Islamic Guidance), Commander of Police, a representative of active NGOs in tobacco control field as its permanent members as well as 2 representative from the health commission of the parliament and head of the I.R.I. Broadcasting as an observers was established. All resolutions of this Headquarters’ session are enforceable after passing by the president. So far, eight sessions have been held since the Headquarters established. In order to achieve the goals set forth in Article 1. Note 1 of the Comprehensive National Tobacco Control Law, the Secretariat of the National Tobacco Control Headquarters was settled in the Center for Environmental and Occupational Health which is located in the Deputy for Health of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. This center had the responsibility for tobacco control program at national level before developing the national tobacco control law and ratification of WHO FCTC
Iraq EMR The high multisectoral tobacco control committee, whose membership are representatives from most of ministries, directorates and relevant institutions to follow up the implementation of national tobacco control plan emerged from MPOWER strategy. the focal point for tobacco control is a director of tobacco control section in ministry of health, in addition to that, we have a peripheral focal point in each governorate. The high multisectoral tobacco control committee, whose membership are representatives from most of ministries, directorates and relevant institutions to follow up the implementation of national tobacco control plan emerged from MPOWER strategy. the focal point for tobacco control is a director of tobacco control section in ministry of addition to that, we have a peripheral focal point in each governorate. The high multisectoral tobacco control committee, whose membership are representatives from a number of ministries, directorates and relevant institutions to follow up the implementation of national tobacco control plan emerged from MPOWER strategy. the focal point for tobacco control is a director of tobacco control section in ministry of health.
Israel EUR Report not provided The national tobacco control coordinator is also the focal point, and works in the Ministry of Health. The coordinator is in charge of promotion, coordination and integration of all the different efforts in Tobacco control with the other government ministries (Finance, Education, Justice, Environmental protection, Defense) and in the health system, civil society organization, Academy and others, in relation to legislation, enforcement, taxation, research and monitoring, smoking cessation, use of media and community interventions. Report not provided