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Party Region 2023 2020 2018
Sudan EMR عدم وجود بحوث او دراسات تمثل قاعدة بيانات1 2. السودان بلد مترامي الاطراف و تكثر فيه اللغات 3.وجود مزارع التبغ في السودان ١. عدم وجود بحوث او دراسات تمثل قاعدة بيانات 2. السودان بلد مترامي الاطراف و تكثر فيه اللغات 3.وجود مزارع التبغ في السودان ١.عدم وجود احصائيات ودراسات او مسوحات حديثة للاستفادة منها في التدخلات المطلوبة لمكافحة التبغ ٢. زراعة التبغ بالسودان والأموال الطائلة التي يطلبها للمزارعين الذين توارثو زراعة التبغ
Suriname AMR Most likely many different types of illegal cigarettes in circulation. Most likely many different types of illegal cigarettes in circulation. Answer not provided
Sweden EUR Conclusions from the assessment for alcohol, narcotic drugs, doping and tobacco (ANDT) policy may be found in the ANDT(S)-strategies and Sweden has made progress in tobacco prevention and implemented rules in line with the WHO FCTC, but the efforts in tobacco prevention needs to continue. In June 2022 the parliament adopted a new law regulating tobacco free nicotine products, see the new law here: At the same time, existing regulation on marketing and sponsorship of tobacco products was updated in chapter 4 in the Act on tobacco and similar products: The implemented changes regarding the provisions on marketing aimed at getting the regulation more in line with EU law. An ongoing governmental inquiry is looking into and may suggest new regulation on stricter product requirements for tobacco and nicotine products, ban on peddling tobacco and nicotine products, Tobacco- and nicotine-free school hours,supervision of alcohol, tobacco and nicotine products. See the terms of reference here: Conclusions from the assessment of previous strategy for alcohol, narcotic drugs, doping and tobacco (ANDT) policy 2011-2015 may be found in the revised strategy. Sweden has made progress in tobacco prevention and implemented rules in line with the WHO FCTC, but the efforts in tobacco prevention needs to continue. A governmental investigation will, among other things, review the regulation of marketing and sponsorship of tobacco products, the regulation of ENDS and make suggestions on how to regulate novel products. Conclusions from the assessment of previous strategy for alcohol, narcotic drugs, doping and tobacco (ANDT) policy 2011-2015 may be found in the revised strategy.
Syrian Arab Republic EMR وجود ظروف غير ملائمة للانطلاق ببرنامج مكافحة التبغ بشكل أكثر فعالية بسبب الأزمات التي مر بها القطر ( حروب - كوارث طبيعية كاالزلزال) Answer not provided Answer not provided
Tajikistan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Thailand SEA - Insufficient full-time staffs who can focus on tobacco control activities at all levels contribute to the limitations of implementing the Convention tobacco control policy effectively. - Staff changes at the top of the government disturb the implementation of planned activities. - The funding allocated by the Thai government is not sufficient to fully implement the Convention and tobacco control policy. - limited financial resources to maintain regular advocacy and campaigning, provide regional support to local and municipal governments, and strengthen current policies. - Training or sensitization programs are required for capacity building of the focal personnel at all levels. - The tobacco industry lobbying in all sectors (e.g., the National Congress, executives, legislators, policymakers, politicians, or members of the House of Representatives). - Tobacco industry lawsuits against tobacco control measures - A lack of knowledge by legislators, policymakers, politicians, or Members of the House of Representatives judges the damages of tobacco products to public health and the tobacco industry's strategies. Article 5.3: (1) Inconsistent campaign activities which supposed to be done continuously to educate the public and (2) even though ministerial notification in preventing the interference on tobacco control policy has been enacted, it covers only government officers from Ministry of Public Health only. Article 6: an estimated 50% of tobacco consumed in Thailand is "rolled-your own (RYO), which is taxed at a very low level as compared to manufactured cigarette. Article 8: Ineffective law enforcement and weak monitoring Article 13: Ineffective law enforcement; especially sale and promotion on internet Article 14 : most current smokers do not visit health care facilities for cessation service. Article 15: illicit tobacco product still found at street vendor and flea market. Article 16: Ineffective law enforcement on the sale to minor because some smokers aged under 20 years can still purchase manufactured cigarette at retailer store, illegal sale of tobacco in small packets in small shops. Article 5.3: (1) Inconsistent campaign activities which supposed to be done continuously to educate the public and (2) even though ministerial notification in preventing the interference on tobacco control policy has been enacted, it covers only government officers. Article 6: an estimated 50% of tobacco consumed in Thailand is "rolled-your own (RYO), which is taxed at a very low level as compared to manufactured cigarette. Article 8: Ineffective law enforcement. Article 14 : most current smokers do not visit health care facilities for cessation service. Article 15: illicit tobacco product still found at street vendor and flea market. Article 16: Ineffective law enforcement about the sell to minor because some smoker aged under 20 years can purchase manufactured cigarette at retailer store.
Timor-Leste SEA Report not provided Report not provided Limited funding for implementation and lack of human resources.
Tonga WPR > Influence from Tobacco Industries at high levels of Government and has sought to weaken legislation and influence amendments on smoke-free bans. > Influence from Tobacco Industries at high levels of Government and has sought to weaken legislation and influence amendments on smoke-free bans. > Influence from Tobacco Industries at high levels of Government and has sought to weaken legislation and influence amendments on smoke-free bans.
Trinidad and Tobago AMR Although progress has been made in this area, multi-agency collaboration remains a challenge. Multi-ministry and multi-agency collaboration remains a challenge in the country. Multi-ministry and multi-agency collaboration is a challenge in the country.
Tunisia EMR - la loi 17/98 a été révisée selon les directives de la Convention Cadre . Néanmoins, nous sommes en attente de la ratification de cette nouvelle loi par le parlement Tunisien - la loi 17/98 a été révisée selon les directives de la convention cadre. Néanmoins, nous sommes en attente de la ratification de cette nouvelle loi par le parlement - le non respect de la loi dans les espaces où il est interdit de fumer - le manque dimplication des autres partenaires concernés par la lutte antitabac - la loi 17/98 a été révisée selon les directives de la convention cadre. Néanmoins, nous sommes en attente de la ratification de cette nouvelle loi par le parlement - le non respect de la loi dans les espaces où il est interdit de fumer - le manque dimplication des autres partenaires impliqués dans la lutte antitabac
Turkmenistan EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Tuvalu WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Uganda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ukraine EUR Tobacco industry lobbying Tobacco industry lobbying Tobacco industry lobbying
United Arab Emirates EMR Lack of coordination between the different parties concerned of tobacco control activities. Presence of some conflict in setting priorities between theses parties. لا توجد موازنه ماليه لدعم انشطة مكافحة التبغ لا توجد وحدة مستقله مسؤوله عن تنفيذ البرنامج لا يوجد موظفين مفرغين للقيام بتنفيذ البرنامج لا توجد موازنه ماليه لدعم انشطة مكافحة التبغ لا توجد وحدة مستقله مسؤوله عن تنفيذ البرنامج لا يوجد موظفين مفرغين للقيام بتنفيذ البرنامج
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
United Republic of Tanzania AFR Report not provided Lack of information on Tobacco control for decision makers Lack of information on Tobacco control for decision makers
Uzbekistan EUR Активное вмешательство табачной промышленности в политику по борьбе против табака. Report not provided Report not provided
Vanuatu WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Venezuela AMR Report not provided Venezuela ha ido progresando en la aplicación del Convenio. Sin embargo tenemos unos retos en los cuales debemos seguir trabajando. Report not provided
Viet Nam WPR 1. Lack of capacity of tobacco control workforce at grass root levels 2. Tobacco industry interference 3. Lack of effective law enforcement 4. Lack of clear policy regarding novel and emerging tobacco and nicotine products 1. Lack of capacity of tobacco control workforce at grass root levels 2. Tobacco industry interference 3. Lack of effective law enforcement 4. Lack policy for managing novel emerging tobacco products Lack of capacity of tobacco control workforce at grass root levels Tobacco industry interference Lack of effective law enforcement
Zambia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Current legislation not meeting obligations of the WHO FCTC Information on Tobacco and Tobacco Control laws adhoc 1. Stalling of the Tobacco Products Control Bill 2. International Tobacco Industry interference with pro-public health policies on tobacco control 3. Exploring and finding Alternatives to Tobacco Growing for Small Scale Farmers 4. Monitoring and surveillance system weak
Russian Federation EUR 1. Евразийский экономический союз не является членом-Стороной РКБТ ВОЗ, что создает определенные препятствия для реализации отдельных положений Конвенции на территории стран-участников ЕАЭС, и в России, частности. Барьером является международные договоры о торговых отношениях между Россией и странами Евразийского экономического союза и требования о гармонизации акцизов на табачные изделия, препятствующие повышению акцизов на табачную продукцию в России до уровня, рекомендованного ВОЗ. 2. Серьезным препятствием для осуществления Конвенции в России является постоянное лоббирование табачной индустрией своих коммерческих интересов в обход действующего законодательства и попытки вмешательства в государственную политику противодействия потреблению табака и иной никотинсодержащей продукции. 1. Евразийский экономический союз не является членом-Стороной РКБТ ВОЗ, что создает определенные препятствия для реализации отдельных положений Конвенции на территории стран-участников ЕАЭС, и в России, частности. Барьером является международные договоры о торговых отношениях между Россией и странами Евразийского экономического союза и требования о гармонизации акцизов на табачные изделия, препятствующие повышению акцизов на табачную продукцию в России до уровня, рекомендованного ВОЗ. 2. Серьезным препятствием для осуществления Конвенции в России является постоянное лоббирование табачной индустрией своих коммерческих интересов в обход действующего законодательства и попытки вмешательства в государственную политику противодействия потреблению табака и иной никотинсодержащей продукции. Report not provided
Rwanda AFR Report not provided Report not provided The revised tobacco control law pending enactment
Saint Kitts and Nevis AMR 1. Competing Political Priorities 2. Decriminalization of marijuana use leading policymakers to deprioritize tobacco control measures, 3. Public perception - The prevalence of marijuana use and changing attitudes toward it impact public perception of tobacco use. If marijuana is viewed as a less harmful alternative to tobacco, it could undermine efforts to reduce tobacco use and make it harder to build support for FCTC policies. Report not provided Report not provided
Saint Lucia AMR Will of policy makers to increase tobacco taxes Concern of policy makers for the impact on tourism Public support for tobacco control needs to be galvanized Interference by Tobacco Industry in control efforts Concern of policy makers for the impact on tourism Public support for tobacco control needs to be galvanized
Samoa WPR Lack of finance and technical support. Lack of finance and technical support. Lack of finance and technical support.
Sao Tome and Principe AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Saudi Arabia EMR - - -
Serbia EUR 1. Lack of awareness and knowledge of obligations that originate from the WHO FCTC which has been in force since 2006 in Serbia; 2. Low priority of tobacco control in the governmental policy; 3. Strong influence of tobacco industry through difference routes, including government, various employers’ organizations, foreign chamber of commerce, etc.; 4. Insufficient multisectorial coordination; 5. Scarce and scattered human resources in tobacco control; 6. Insufficient involvement of civil society organizations in different aspects of tobacco control. 1. Lack of awareness and knowledge of obligations that originate from the WHO FCTC which has been in force since 2006 in Serbia; 2. Low priority of tobacco control in the governmental policy; 3. Strong influence of tobacco industry through difference routes, including government, various employers’ organizations, foreign chamber of commerce, etc.; 4. Insufficient multisectorial coordination; 5. Scarce and scattered human resources in tobacco control; 6. Insufficient involvement of civil society organizations in different aspects of tobacco control. 1. Lack of awareness and knowledge of obligations that originated from the WHO FCTC which has been in force since 2006 in Serbia; 2. Low priority of tobacco control in the Governmental policy; 3. Strong influence of tobacco industry through difference routes, such as various employers organizations, foreign chamber of commerce, etc; 4. Insufficient multisectorial coordination; 5. Scarce and scattered human resources in tobacco control; 6. Insufficient involvement of civil society organizations in different aspects of tobacco control.
Seychelles AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Sierra Leone AFR 1. Absence of legislation on tobacco control/delay on the path of the president to sign the tobacco act. 1. Absence of legislation on tobacco control 2. Lack of established functional FCTC Secretariat 3. Change of public health priorities such as Ebola outbreak & mudslide 4. Bureaucracy in accessing/contacting line Ministries, Parliament etc 1. Absence of legislation on tobacco control 2. Lack of established functional FCTC Secretariat 3. Change of public health priorities such as Ebola outbreak & mudslide 4. Closure of parliament due to national electioneering process, led to a halt in the implementation of the convention, especially in the area of legislation
Singapore WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Slovakia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Slovenia EUR Report not provided Report not provided Tobacco industry interference by: submitting “economic” analysis on impact of tax increase on revenue; Raising fear of illicit trade as a consequence of plain packaging Aggressive communication via media Threating with possible law suits as tobacco industry will not be able to use their brands on packaging Prominent individuals warning against the strict tobacco-control law claiming that it represents Threat to public health Threat to security
Solomon Islands WPR Report not provided Mixed bag of political commitment, lack of awareness of FCTC, tobacco industry interference, lack of funds Mixed bag of political commitment, lack of awareness of FCTC, tobacco industry interference, lack of funds
Sri Lanka SEA Lack of human resources to implement relevant activities Lack of support from the Finance Ministry Tobacco Industry Interference Lack of human resources to implementing relevant activities Lack of support from the Finance ministry Tobacco Company Interference Lack of human resources to implementing relevant activities Lack of support from the Finance ministry Tobacco Company Interference
Nigeria AFR Tobacco industry interference Tobacco industry interference No donor partners to support tobacco control activities
Norway EUR A feeling of "job done" among politicians and tobacco industry interference. A feeling of "job done" among politicians and tobacco industry interference. A feeling of "job done" among politicians and tobacco industry interference.
Oman EMR أ- تغلغل شركات التبغ لدي بعض العاملين من الجهات الحكومية الأخري وفي قراراتهم ب- الإلتزام السياسي ضعيف من بعض الجهات الحكومية ج-نقص في الموارد المالية لتنفيذ بنود الاتفاقية وفي توفير القوي العاملة في مكافحة التبغ أ- تغلغل شركات التبغ لدي بعض العاملين من الجهات الحكومية الأخري وفي قراراتهم ب- الإلتزام السياسي ضعيف من بعض الجهات الحكومية ج-نقص في الموارد المالية لتنفيذ بنود الاتفاقية وفي توفير القوي العاملة في مكافحة التبغ أ- تغلغل شركات التبغ لدي بعض العاملين من الجهات الحكومية الأخري وفي قراراتهم ب- الإلتزام السياسي ضعيف من بعض الجهات الحكومية ج-نقص في الموارد المالية لتنفيذ بنود الاتفاقية وفي توفير القوي العاملة في مكافحة التبغ
Pakistan EMR Report not provided i. Tobacco industry tactics to influence tobacco control policy decisions and legislation development. iii. Lack of scientific evidences regarding health cost of tobacco use. iv. Lack of quitting services/ cessation clinics. i. Tobacco industry tactics to influence tobacco control policy decisions and legislation development. ii. Lack of comprehensive national tobacco control policy and plan of action. iii. Lack of scientific evidences regarding health cost of tobacco use. iv. Lack of quitting services/ cessation clinics.
Paraguay AMR La limitación siempre ha sido la falta de recurso humano calificado y financiero; que siempre son escasos para hacer frente al poderío de la IT. La capacidad de lobby de las industrias son una limitante para la implementacion de políticas públicas en línea con el CMCT La limitación siempre ha sido la falta de recurso humano calificado y financiero; que siempre son escasos para hacer frente al poderío de la IT. La capacidad de lobby de las industrias son una limitante para la implementacion de políticas públicas en línea con el CMCT La limitación siempre ha sido la falta de recurso humano calificado y financiero; que siempre son escasos para hacer frente al poderío de la IT.
Peru AMR * Interferencia de la industria tabacalera, lo que obstaculiza la implementación de nuevas medidas y el cumplimiento de las existentes * Interferencia de la industria tabacalera, lo que obstaculiza la implementación de nuevas medidas y el cumplimiento de las existentes Answer not provided
Poland EUR Strong lobby of tobacco industry Answer not provided Answer not provided
Portugal EUR The influences from the tobacco industry and affiliated sector. The marketing strategies to promote novel tobacco products. The rise on the market of novel tobacco products and nicotine tobacco products and the industry harm reduction arguments. Difficulties in getting intersectoral work. Social awareness about smoking risks is still low. Low perception of risk by the population. Social acceptance of smoking. Low investment in the undergraduate training of health professionals in smoking prevention and treatment. The pressures from the tobacco industry and affiliated sector. The rise on the market of novel tobacco products and nicotine tobacco products and the industry harm reduction arguments. Difficulties in getting co-operation with other sectors. Social awareness about smoking risks is still low.Low perception of risk. Social acceptance of smoking. Low investment in the underraduate training of health professionals in smoking cessation and prevention. The pressures from the economic sector related with tobacco industry. Difficulties in geting the co-operation of other sectors. Social awareness about smoking risks is still low. Social acceptance of smoking. Low investment in the pregraduate training of health professionals in smoking cessation and prevention.
Qatar EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Republic of Korea WPR - Expansion of distribution of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products, tobacco products advertising and promotional activities through the internet, deterioration of tobacco cessation environment due to face-to-face cessation programs and weakened will to quit smoking due to COVID-19 pandemic - Increase in tobacco products prices, strengthening regulation of e-cigarettes through expansion of the definition of tobacco, comprehensive inclusion of measures such as smoking prevention education and enhancement of smoking cessation support services, announced and implemented in Health Plan 2030 (January 27, 2021). * Requirement of measures to protect the public health as severe lung disease occurred due to the use of liquid type e-cigarette in the USA (Sep 2019) and suspected domestic cases of lung disease (Oct 2019) - Establishment of the Safety Management Policy for liquid type e-cigarette jointly by related Ministries and agencies to take precautionary measures such as education of risk of liquid type e-cigarette use and recommendation of cessation (Oct. 2019) * Deterioration of smoking cessation environment due to the launch of novel tobacco products and diverse tobacco advertisement and promotional activities including Youtube - Establishment and implementation of the Comprehensive Tobacco Control Policy which includes reinforcement of tobacco and other nicotine-included products and smoking device control to eradicate smoking-encouraging environment and properly respond to novel tobacco products (May 21, 2019) * Requirement of measures to protect the public health as severe lung disease occurred due to the use of liquid type e-cigarette in the USA (Sep 2019) and suspected domestic cases of lung disease (Oct 2019) - Establishment of the Safety Management Policy for liquid type e-cigarette jointly by related Ministries and agencies to take precautionary measures such as education of risk of liquid type e-cigarette use and recommendation of cessation (Oct. 2019) - Since the launching of the HTPs in May 2017, regulating and testing of tobacco products become an emerging challenge especially in controlling novel tobacco product. Ministry of Health and Welfare reaffirms that all tobacco products are harmful and there is no zero risk from using any types of tobacco products, and advocates its position with national and international evidence.
New Zealand WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Nicaragua AMR Vacíos jurídicos que se deben de solventarse en la Ley, para un efectivo cumplimiento del Convenio Marco. Answer not provided Answer not provided
Netherlands EUR politics - Interpretation of the scope of the article - The support of citizens and the parliament. - Interpretation of the scope of the article - The support of citizens and the parliament.
Madagascar AFR Report not provided lourdeur de la procédure OMS pour débloquer le financement instabilité politique: pas de continuité des activités à chaque changement des autorités (il faut plaidoyer de nouveau) absence de Loi présence de l’épidémie (saisonnière, coronavirus) lourdeur de la procédure OMS pour débloquer le financement instabilité politique: pas de continuité des activités à chaque changement des autorités (il faut plaidoyer de nouveau) absence de Loi
Malaysia WPR Working with other Ministry and working with local Universities through various task force. Working with other Ministry and working with local Universities through various task force. Answer not provided
Maldives SEA 1- High industry interference 2- Lax enforcement of tobacco control legislation 1- High industry interference 2- Lax enforcement of tobacco control legislation 1- High industry interference 2- Lax enforcement of tobacco control legislation
Mali AFR Report not provided Adhésion de la population; Le respect des textes; la méconnaissance des effets du tabagisme Adhésion de la population; Le respect des textes
Marshall Islands WPR Protocol of reviewing for feedback and comments with appropriate individual accordingly Report not provided Protocol of reviewing for feedback and comments with appropriate individual accordingly
Mauritania AFR Report not provided essentiellement, le manque de ressource, le non engagement des autres partenaires techniques et financiers qui ne sont pas lOMS essentiellement, le manque de ressource, le non engagement des autres partenaires techniques et financiers qui ne sont pas lOMS
Mauritius AFR The lack of technical expertise and assistance from WHO is strongly felt in the implementation of some articles of the WHO FCTC for example Articles 5, 9 and 10. There is a high need for the Convention Secretariat to help countries, willing to further implement the different articles of the Convention, by soliciting the technical assistance of WHO as and when required. The lack of technical expertise and assistance from WHO is strongly felt in the implementation of some articles of the WHO FCTC for example Article 9 and 10. There is a high need for the Convention Secretariat to help countries, willing to further implement the different articles of the Convention, by soliciting the technical assistance of WHO as and when required. The technical and complex nature of few articles of the WHO FCTC which render their application and implementation even more difficult. The implementation of the different articles of the WHO FCTC is also based on the realities in the related Parties
Micronesia (Federated States of) WPR Lack of commitment from political arena General Public view on the danger of tobacco use is less concern compare to communicable diseases Lack/less understanding Lack of commitment from political arena General Public view on the danger of tobacco use is less concern compare to communicable diseases Lack/less understanding Lack of commitment from political arena General Public view on the danger of tobacco use is less concern compare to communicable diseases Lack/less understanding
Mongolia WPR Report not provided No full-time focal point for the FCTC at the Ministry of Health (MoH) Lack of capacity on introducing cost-effective interventions including tobacco cessation services Political instability reflects poor institutional memory at the MoH Frequent changes of the trained officer responsible for FCTC at the national level Tobacco Industrys Interference Conflict of interest at Parliament No full time focal point for the FCTC at Ministry of Health (MoH) Lack of capacity on introducing cost effective interventions including tobacco cessation services Political instability reflects poor institutional memory at the MoH Frequent changes of the trained officer responsible for FCTC at the national level Tobacco Industrys s Interference Conflict of interest at Parliament
Mozambique AFR Report not provided The tobacco industry interference The tobacco industry interference
Myanmar SEA Article 5.2: Multisectoral National Strategic Plan for tobacco control need to be developed. Article 5.3: All stakeholders and policy makers still need to be aware of and interested in protecting the public health policy from interfering by the tobacco industries. The multisectoral cooperation and collaboration need to be strengthened. Article 6: Various kinds of smoking and smokeless tobacco products are used in Myanmar. The tax rate and the price are still need to be raised. The tax structure is complicated. Article 8: Public awareness and compliance still low and law enforcement. is still weak. Article 11: It takes a long time to implement the pictorial health warning in Myanmar. The capacity and facilities are required for defining the potency of toxic chemicals of tobacco products. Article 12: Financial resources and effective strategies are required for raising public awareness. Article 13: Although Myanmar has comprehensive ban on TAPS, law enforcement is still required. Article 14: The National standard guideline still need to be developed and logistic support is required for counselling and cessation clinics. Article 15: The relevant regulations and multisectoral cooperation is required for controlling illicit tobacco products in Myanmar. Article 16: Law enforcement is still need to be strengthened. Article 5.2: Multisectoral National Strategic Plan for tobacco control need to be developed. Article 5.3: All stakeholders and policy makers still need to be aware of and interested in protecting the public health policy from interfering by the tobacco industries. The multisectoral cooperation and collaboration need to be strengthened. Article 6: Various kinds of smoking and smokeless tobacco products are used in Myanmar. The tax rate and the price are still need to be raised. The tax structure is complicated. Article 8: Public awareness and compliance still low and law enforcement. is still weak. Article 11: It takes a long time to implement the pictorial health warning in Myanmar. The capacity and facilities are required for defining the potency of toxic chemicals of tobacco products. Article 12: Financial resources and effective strategies are required for raising public awareness. Article 13: Although Myanmar has comprehensive ban on TAPS, law enforcement is still required. Article 14: The National standard guideline still need to be developed and logistic support is required for counselling and cessation clinics. Article 15: The relevant regulations and multisectoral cooperation is required for controlling illicit tobacco products in Myanmar. Article 16: Law enforcement is still need to be strengthened. Article 5.2: Multisectoral National Strategic Plan for tobacco control need to be developed. Article 5.3: All stakeholders and policy makers still need to be aware of and interested in protecting the public health policy from interfering by the tobacco industries. The multisectoral cooperation and collaboration need to be strengthened. Article 6: Various kinds of smoking and smokeless tobacco products are used in Myanmar. The tax rate and the price are still need to be raised. The tax structure is complicated. Article 8: Public awareness and compliance still low and law enforcement. is still weak. Article 11: It takes a long time to implement the pictorial health warning in Myanmar. The capacity and facilities are required for defining the potency of toxic chemicals of tobacco products. Article 12: Financial resources and effective strategies are required for raising public awareness. Article 13: Although Myanmar has comprehensive ban on TAPS, law enforcement is still required. Article 14: The National standard guideline still need to be developed and logistic support is required for counselling and cessation clinics. Article 15: The relevant regulations and multisectoral cooperation is required for controlling illicit tobacco products in Myanmar. Article 16: Law enforcement is still need to be strengthened.
Namibia AFR Report not provided Lack of programme specific officers that can stear the programme to success. Report not provided
Nauru WPR Report not provided Wrong priorities lack of political will with stalling of tobacco legislation amendments. Report not provided
Jamaica AMR Interference by the Tobacco Industry and lack of capacity for enforcement in some areas. High attrition rates and the need for re-sensitization is also a factor. Interference by the Tobacco Industry and lack of capacity for enforcement in some areas. High attrition rates and the need for re-sensitization is also a factor. Interference by the Tobacco Industry and lack of capacity for enforcement in some areas. High attrition rates and the need for re-sensitization is also a factor.
Jordan EMR عدم التوقيع على البروتوكول الاتجار غير المشروع لمنتجات التبغ عدم التوقيع على البروتوكول الاتجار غير المشروع لمنتجات التبغ عدم التوقيع على البروتوكول الاتجار غير المشروع لمنتجات التبغ
Kazakhstan EUR Противодействие табачной индустрии и бизнес-ассоциаций Report not provided Противодействие табачной индустрии и бизнес-ассоциаций
Kiribati WPR (Please refer to Article 21.1(b).) (Please refer to Article 21.1(b).) (Please refer to Article 21.1(b).)
Kuwait EMR CApacity building Enforcement of the Law CApacity building Enforcement of the Law CApacity building Enforcement of the Law
Lao People's Democratic Republic WPR Report not provided Constraints 1. National Tobacco Control Committee 2. Government commitment 3. Tobacco Control Law, Decrees and regulations Barriers 1. Tobacco Industry interference 2. There is no measure enforce for Tobacco Control Law/decree and regulation violation 3. Lack of resources 4. Limited knowledge on FCTC particularly non health sectors Constraints 1. National Tobacco Control Committee 2. Government commitment 3. Tobacco Control Law, Decrees and regulations Barriers 1. Tobacco Industry interference 2. There is no measure enforce for Tobacco Control Law/decree and regulation violation 3. Lack of resources 4. Limited knowledge on FCTC particularly non health sectors
Lebanon EMR Lack of funding. The economic crisis which lebanon is passing through Lack of funding. Socio-political instability due to neighboring conflict in Syria. Lack of funding. Socio-political instability due to neighboring conflict in Syria.
Lesotho AFR Report not provided Lack of capacity Report not provided
Liberia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Libya EMR عدم إصدار قانون مكافحة التدخين و إستخدام التبغ حالة الطواري الموجودة في الدولة عدم تخصيص موارد ماليه A new Draft of tobacco control law has been made. it was proposed by minister of health to the cabinet. However, due to the emergency situation in the country and to the political crisis, this new law has not yet been adopted. عدم التصديق على البروتوكول الى الان بالرغم من التوقيع عليه منذ 2013 عدم إصدار قانون مكافحة التدخين و إستخدام التبغ حالة الطواري الموجودة في الدولة عدم تخصيص موارد ماليه A new Draft of tobacco control law has been made. it was proposed by minister of health to the cabinet. However, due to the emergency situation in the country and to the political crisis, this new law has not yet been adopted. عدم إصدار قانون مكافحة التدخين و إستخدام التبغ A new tobacco control law has been made. it was proposed by minister of health to the cabinet. However, due to the emergency situation in the country and to the political crisis, this new law has not yet been adopted.
Lithuania EUR The main issue is neighbouring countries which did not ratified/become parties to the FCTC Protocol. The main issue is neighbouring countries which did not ratified or become parties to the FCTC Protocol (Poland, Belarus, Russia). Answer not provided
Luxembourg EUR Certaines actions pour l'application de la Convention requièrent des décisions politiques qui se font parfois attendre. Article 17 et surtout larticle 6, Manque de ressouces humaines et financières. Article 17 et surtout larticle 6, Manque de ressouces humaines et financières
Eswatini AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ethiopia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
European Union EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Fiji WPR Report not provided tobacco industry interference Report not provided
Finland EUR Social media is new and effective tool of tobacco- and nicotine industry for marketing the products especially for young people! None. None.
Gambia AFR Capacity development to meet the growing challenges faced by the tobacco industries and strengthening the community engagement. Tobacco Industry Interference. Capacity development to meet the growing challenges faced by the tobacco industries and strengthening the community engagement. Tobacco Industry Interference. Capacity development to meet the growing challenges faced by the tobacco industries and strengthening the community engagement
Ghana AFR There is increasing popularity of Shisha and ENDS becoming a serious emerging tobacco control problem. Food and Drug Authority (FDA) has been pulling Down Bill Board advertising Shisha and efforts are underway to see how Administrative Instrument could be used to stop its use. There is increasing popularity of Shisha and ENDS becoming a serious emerging tobacco control problem. Food and Drug Authority (FDA) has been pulling Down Bill Board advertising Shisha and efforts are underway to see how Administrative Instrument could be used to stop its use. There is increasing popularity of Shisha and ENDS becoming a serious emerging tobacco control problem. Food and Drug Authority (FDA) has been pulling Down Bill Board advertising Shisha and efforts are underway to see how Administrative Instrument could be used to stop its use.
Greece EUR ongoing reforms Report not provided ongoing reforms
Grenada AMR Report not provided Limited political will due to the perceived low tobacco use in the country Limited political will due to the perceived low tobacco use in the country
Guatemala AMR Interferencia de la industria Dificultad para satisfacer requerimientos de transparencia, en comparación con las provisiones del artículo 5.3 Limitaciones constitucionales Limitaciones en la regulación para atender productos novedosos Interferencia de la industria Dificultad para satisfacer requerimientos de transparencia, en comparación con las provisiones del artículo 5.3 Limitaciones constitucionales Limitaciones en la regulación para atender productos novedosos Inestabilidad política en el país (afectado la continuidad de las autoridades sanitarias) Interferencia de la industria Dificultad para satisfacer requerimientos de transparencia, en comparación con las provisiones del artículo 5.3 Limitaciones constitucionales
Guinea-Bissau AFR Faible implication des décideurs, instabilité politique et gouvernementale, manque de fonds pour la mise en œuvre des activités et manque dassistance technique. Faible implication des décideurs, instabilité politique et gouvernementale, manque de fonds pour la mise en œuvre des activités et manque dassistance technique. Weak involvement of decision makers, political and governmental instability, lack of funds to implement activities and lack of technical assistance.
Guyana AMR The Tobacco Company is still aggressive in its efforts to delay the Tobacco Control process for example, indirect sponsorship and advertising. The relevant authority that is in-charge of enforcement need to be more aggressive in enforcing the Tobacco Control Act. The Tobacco Company is still aggressive in its efforts to delay the Tobacco Control process for example, indirect sponsorship and advertising. The Tobacco Company is still aggressive in its efforts to delay the Tobacco Control process for example, indirect sponsorship and advertising.
Honduras AMR Report not provided La falta de un trabajo insterinstitucional coordinado en base a la aplicaciòn de la Ley por parte de otras instituciones tanto del Estado como del apoyo y acompañamiento de las ONGs La falta de personal capacitado para llevar a cabo las funciones de inspectoría en coordinación con las Alcaldías Municipales del país. La falta de un trabajo insterinstitucional coordinado en base a la aplicaciòn de la Ley por parte de otras instituciones tanto del Estado como del apoyo y acompañamiento de las ONGs La falta de personal capacitado para llevar a cabo las funciones de inspectoría en coordinación con las Alcaldías Municipales del país.
Hungary EUR - tobacco industry tactics (e.g. media campaigns to promote the consumption of heated tobacco products) - the emergence of new products on the illicit tobacco market (e.g. Elf Bar) Answer not provided Answer not provided
Costa Rica AMR Carencia de una agenda política interinstitucional en materia de Control de Tabaco. Carencia de una coordinación intersectorial que impulse la aplicación del CMCT y del Protocolo. Algunas instituciones no han asumido responsabilidades específicas establecidas en la Ley 9028, sus Reglamentos. Posible interferencia de la industria tabacalera en las decisiones gubernamentales. *No se cuenta con pruebas fehacientes. Carencia de una coordinación intersectorial que impulse la aplicación del CMCT. Algunas instituciones no han asumido responsabilidades específicas establecidas en la Ley 9028. Programa de Control de Tabaco del Ministerio de Salud con recurso humano insuficiente e itinerante. Posible interferencia de la industria tabacalera en las decisiones gubernamentales. *No se cuenta con pruebas fehacientes. Ha habido un aumento en la comercialización de cigarrillos electrónicos y vaporizadores, especialmente destinados a los jóvenes- Algunas instituciones que no han asumido las responsabilidades establecidas en la Ley 9028, especialmente en el deporte y recreación, en la fiscalización por parte de las municipalidades. Poco recurso humano para el control y fiscalización del cumplimiento de la Ley por parte del Ministerio de Salud, a quien la ley le responsabiliza de esta tarea. Esto se ve limitado por la orden de la Contraloría General de la República, que se pronuncio en contra de que se utilicen los recursos del impuesto al tabaco para contratar personal en alguna de las cuatro instituciones que reciben dinero (Ministerio de Salud, CCSS, IAFA e ICODER). Interferencia de la industria tabacalera a través de los grupos fachada, que son las cámaras empresariales, las cuales se han manifestado en contra de medidas más restrictivas, como en el caso del sistema de trazabilidad a los productos de tabaco. Hay una falta de estudios desde las instituciones públicas sobre el problema del comercio ilícito, lo que provoca que no se cuenten con cifras oficiales, obtenidas por métodos independientes de los que manejan las cámaras empresariales y la industria tabacalera. Ha habido un aumento en la comercialización de cigarrillos electrónicos y vapeadores, especialmente destinados a los jóvenes, y la legislación actual ha dejado portillos abiertos en ese sentido, anudado a un desconocimiento sobre estos de parte de las autoridades e inspectores.
Côte d'Ivoire AFR Ingérence de lindustrie du tabac; lapplication des directives de lUEMOA relatives à la fiscalité sur les produits du tabac; Insuffisance de renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la lutte antitabac; Insuffisance de formations des agents de santé à la promotion du sevrage tabagique; Insuffisance de formation et de sensibilisation du public aux risques pour la santé liés à la consommation des produits du tabac. Ingérence de lindustrie du tabac; lapplication des directives de lUEMOA relatives à la fiscalité sur les produits du tabac; Insuffisance de renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la lutte antitabac; Insuffisance de formations des agents de santé à la promotion du sevrage tabagique; Insuffisance de formation et de sensibilisation du public aux risques pour la santé liés à la consommation des produits du tabac. Ingérence de lindustrie du tabac
Croatia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Cyprus EUR There are notable difficulties in enforcing the relevant legislation in terms of not smoking in public places. There are notable difficulties in enforcing the relevant legislation in terms of not smoking in public places. There are notable difficulties in enforcing the relevant legislation in terms of not smoking in public places.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea SEA Report not provided Strong advocacy for highlighting the risks associated with tobacco use and the need to strengthen effective practices for enforcing legal provisions. More efforts are needed to engage with all partners and stakeholders across multiple sectors for implementing effective tobacco control measure. Answer not provided
Democratic Republic of the Congo AFR 1. manque de formation continue, 2. absence de coordination au niveau de toutes les provinces du pays, 3. interférence de lindustrie du tabac, 4. collaboration faible avec les ONGs de lutte antitabac. 1. manque de formation continue, 2. absence de coordination au niveau de toutes les provinces du pays, 3. interférence de lindustrie du tabac, 4. collaboration faible avec les ONGs de lutte antitabac. lAbscence de la Loi Anti-tabac insuffisance du personnel suite à la suspension des récrutements durant la réforme administrative alors que le pays est passé de 11 à 26 provinces sur un térritoire de 26345000 m2 avec 80.000.000 dhabitants
Denmark EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Djibouti EMR Report not provided la coopération régionale et intergouvernementale qui ne ciblent pas la lutte antitabac en république de djibouti. Le soutien insuffisant pour le renforcement des capacités des cadres impliqués dans la mise en oeuvre. la coopération régionale et intergouvernementale qui ne ciblent pas la lutte antitabac en république de djibouti. Le soutien insuffisant pour le renforcement des capacités des cadres impliqués dans la mise en oeuvre.
Dominica AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Egypt EMR الحاجة الي توافق العديد من القطاعات الوطنية و وجود خطه عمل مشتركه شاملة لتحقيق اهداف الاتفاقية الحاجة الي توافق العديد من القطاعات الوطنية و وجود خطه عمل مشتركه شاملة لتحقيق اهداف الاتفاقية الحاجة الي توافق العديد من القطاعات الوطنية و وجود خطه عمل مشتركه شاملة لتحقيق اهداف الاتفاقية
El Salvador AMR 1. Interferencia de la industria tabacalera. 2. Comercio ilícito de productos del tabaco y derivados. 3. Cambios en las gestiones gubernamentales, dada la necesidad de iniciar nuevos procesos de cabildeo de formación de los cuerpos políticos y técnicos vinculados. 1. Interferencia de la industria tabacalera. 2. Comercio ilícito de productos del tabaco y derivados. 3. Cambios en las gestiones gubernamentales, dada la necesidad de iniciar nuevos procesos de cabildeo de formación de los cuerpos políticos y técnicos vinculados. Interferencia de la industria tabacalera. Comercio ilícito de productos del tabaco y derivados Formación de competencia en los recursos sanitarios para contrarrestar la interferencia de la industria tabacalera y para el ejercicio de la autoridad regulatoria.
Equatorial Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided INSUFICIENCIAS DE MEDIOS FINANCIEROS.
Estonia EUR The opposition of the tobacco industry lobby in other governmental and public institutions and in the Parliament to implementing stricter tobacco control policies. The opposition of the tobacco industry lobby in other governmental and public institutions and in the Parliament to implementing stricter tobacco control policies. The opposition of the tobacco industry lobby in other governmental and public institutions and the Parliament in implementing stricter tobacco control policies.
Brunei Darussalam WPR The fact that tobacco products have not been imported nor sold formally in the country since May 2014 makes it a bit challenging in moving some of the agenda forward. Also, the fact there are now many different types of tobacco products and emerging tobacco/nicotine products, such as e-cigarettes, heated tobacco products, nicotine pouches etc, being developed at a fast rate & which have controversial findings that makes it difficult to sometimes explain to the public in a simple way as well as to include these within the local Tobacco Order and Regulations. The fact that tobacco products have not been imported nor sold formally in the country since May 2014 makes it a bit challenging in moving some of the agenda forward. Also, the fact there are now many different types of tobacco products, such as e-cigarettes, heated tobacco products etc, being developed at a fast rate & which have controversial findings that makes it difficult to sometimes explain to the public in a simple way as well as to include these within the local Tobacco Order and Regulations. The fact that tobacco products have not been imported nor sold formally in the country since end of 2014 makes it a bit challenging in moving some of the agenda forward. Also, the fact there are now many different types of tobacco products, such as e-cigarettes, heat-not-burn cigarettes etc, being developed at a fast rate & which have controversial findings that makes it difficult to sometimes explain to the public in a simple way as well as to include these within the local Tobacco Control Order and Regulations.
Bulgaria EUR Please note that the information was provided during the previous reporting. Limited human resources at all levels (MoH, RHI, NCPHA) - insufficient human resources for effective and sustainable implementation of the program; Very limited human resources in RHIs for health promotion and disease prevention Lack of interest in taking positions related to the health promotion and disease prevention in RHI and NCPHA and low-paid staff turnover. Insufficient cooperation between the Health Sector and other Administrations, institutions, departments etc. on the problems of the program, reflecting the principle of "Health in all policies" Limited human resources at all levels (MoH, RHI, NCPHA) - insufficient human resources for effective and sustainable implementation of the program; Very limited human resources in RHIs for health promotion and disease prevention Lack of interest in taking positions related to the health promotion and disease prevention in RHI and NCPHA and low-paid staff turnover. Insufficient cooperation between the Health Sector and other Administrations, institutions, departments etc. on the problems of the program, reflecting the principle of "Health in all policies" Limited human resources at all levels (MoH, RHI, NCPHA) - insufficient human resources for effective and sustainable implementation of the program; Very limited human resources in RHIs for health promotion and disease prevention Lack of interest in taking positions related to the health promotion and disease prevention in RHI and NCPHA and low-paid staff turnover. Insufficient cooperation between the Health Sector and other Administrations, institutions, departments etc. on the problems of the program, reflecting the principle of "Health in all policies"
Burkina Faso AFR - Lingérence de lindustrie du tabac dans lapplication des textes antitabac; - Linsuffisance de personnel qualifié pour la lutte antitabac; - Lingérence de lindustrie du tabac dans lapplication des textes antitabac; - Linsuffisance de personnel qualifié pour la lutte antitabac; Lingérence de lindustrie du tabac dans lapplication des textes antitabac; Linsuffisance de personnel qualifié pour la lutte antitabac; La faible contribution de la société civile antitabac dans la lutte antitabac
Burundi AFR Report not provided -Labsence dune loi nationale sur la lutte contre le tabagisme et des textes qui la régissent; -La loi des finances ne permet pas un budget alloué directement à la lutte contre le tabagisme; -Peu de partenaires dans la lutte contre le tabagisme; -Manque de données sur le tabagisme. Report not provided
Cabo Verde AFR Un plus grand engagement des acteurs impliqués dans la lutte contre le tabagisme Le renforcement des capacités de la société civile pour une plus grande participation Le renforcement des capacités de la société civile pour une plus grande participation. Engagement plus renforcé du Ministère de la Santé et de lOMS Le renforcement des capacités de la société civile pour une plus grande participation. Engagement plus renforcé du Ministère de la Santé et de lOMS
Cambodia WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Canada AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Chad AFR ingérence de lIDT et Instabilité politique ingérence de lIDT et Instabilité politique ingérence de lIDT et Instabilité politique
Chile AMR Respecto al convenio y su implementación existen limitantes económicas como también política. Una complejidad que se puede observar radica en la diversificación de cultivos de tabaco donde es posible observar resistencia en los legisladores ante la amenazas de familias de agricultores que quedarán sin trabajo, lo cual es infundado pero un aspecto que se encuentra constantemente en debate El tratamiento del tabaquismo y los costos que implican se convierten en un aspecto difícil de implementar y que conlleva esfuerzos importantes desde las coordinaciones de los países Un aspecto importante siempre es considerar las prioridades de la autoridad en términos regulatorios y la necesaria sincronía con el poder legislativo en el avance y discusión de las propuestas. La actual indicación a la ley incluye empaquetado genérico, prohibición de aditivos y regulación expresa de dispositivos electrónicos pero su avance depende del congreso. Un aspecto importante siempre es considerar las prioridades de la autoridad en términos regulatorios y la necesaria sincronía con el poder legislativo en el avance y discusión de las propuestas. La actual indicación a la ley incluye empaquetado genérico, prohibición de aditivos y regulación expresa de dispositivos electrónicos pero su avance depende del congreso. Answer not provided
Colombia AMR - Interferencia de la industria en procesos relacionados con las estrategias y medidas de control de tabaco: interposición de recursos legales y administrativos que retrasan los procesos y generan desgaste institucional. - Inadecuada interpretación - Interferencia de la industria en procesos relacionados con las estrategias y medidas de control de tabaco: interposición de recursos legales y administrativos que retrasan los procesos y generan desgaste institucional. - Inadecuada interpretación de lo establecido en la norma, principalmente lo relacionado con ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco y en lo relativo a la prohibición total de la publicidad, promoción y patrocinio de los productos de tabaco-. - Falta de conocimiento de la Ley y las resoluciones reglamentarias de la misma, por parte de la sociedad civil, entes territoriales y gubernamentales, así como de las instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud. - Limitada articulación intersectorial entre los entes responsables de dar cumplimiento a la norma. - Nuevos productos de tabaco que desafían la regulación existente - Interferencia de la industria en procesos relacionados con las estrategias y medidas de control de tabaco: interposición de recursos legales y administrativos que retrasan los procesos y generan desgaste institucional. - Inadecuada interpretación de lo establecido en la norma, principalmente lo relacionado con ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco y en lo relativo a la prohibición total de la publicidad, promoción y patrocinio de los productos de tabaco-. - Falta de conocimiento de la Ley y las resoluciones reglamentarias de la misma, por parte de la sociedad civil, entes territoriales y gubernamentales, así como de las instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud. - Limitada articulación intersectorial entre los entes responsables de dar cumplimiento a la norma. - Nuevos productos de tabaco que desafían la regulación existente
Comoros AFR Non implication effective de lEtat sur la mise en oeuvre des activités de lutte antitabac. Instabilité politique ( changement de gouvernement rapidement qui entraine la non continuite des activités de lutte antitabac) Sources humaines et financieres insuffisants Non implication effective de lEtat sur la mise en oeuvre des activités de lutte antitabac. Instabilité politique ( changement de gouvernement rapidement qui entraine la non continuite des activités de lutte antitabac) Sources humaines et financieres insuffisants Non implication effective de lEtat sur la mise en oeuvre des activités de lutte antitabac. Instabilité politique ( changement de gouvernement rapidement qui entraine la non continuite des activités de lutte antitabac) Sources humaines et financieres insuffisants
Congo AFR 1. La non inclusion des activités de lutte antitabac dans les activités de PNUD; 2. le manque du programme de lutte antitabac; 3. la faiblesse du comité de coordination de lutte antitabac due à la non fidélisation des cadres des autres ministères faisant parti de cette coordination. 1. La non inclusion des activités de lutte antitabac dans les activités de PNUD; 2. le manque du programme de lutte antitabac; 3. la faiblesse du comité de coordination de lutte antitabac due à la non fidélisation des cadres des autres ministères faisant parti de cette coordination. Report not provided
Australia WPR The tobacco and e-cigarette industries, together with individuals and organisations whose interests may be aligned to these industries, continue to be the main constraint to further implementation of the WHO FCTC in Australia. The tobacco and e-cigarette industries, together with individuals and organisations whose interests may be aligned to these industries, continue to be the main constraint to further implementation of the WHO FCTC in Australia. The tobacco industry has taken a number of actions to oppose Australia’s tobacco control agenda, particularly in relation to the world first tobacco plain packaging legislation. Imperial Tobacco Australia, Philip Morris Limited and British American Tobacco Australia ran large scale campaigns against the tobacco plain packaging measure using television, radio and print media advertising, social media, cards inserted into cigarette packs, and thousands of postcards sent to Members of Parliament. Australian Government departments have been inundated with freedom of information requests seeking access to documents relating to tobacco control and tobacco plain packaging. As at the time of submission of this report, the Department of Health had received 106 such requests since April 2010, including many from the tobacco industry. Handling these requests involves substantial staff and legal resources. The most significant difficulties Australia has faced since the introduction of plain packaging is, domestic and international litigation, in three separate fora, initiated by the industry to challenge the lawfulness of our measure. Domestically, the tobacco industry challenged the measure in Australia’s High Court in 2012. The tobacco industry claimed the legislation contravened Australia’s Constitution on the basis that tobacco plain packaging constituted an acquisition of their property (including their intellectual property) by the Australian Government. Australia was successful in the High Court, which ruled by majority, six judges to one that the legislation was not contrary to the Australian Constitution. Australia has also faced international legal challenges in relation to the plain packaging measure. The first was brought by Philip Morris Asia’s challenge to the measure under the investor-State dispute provisions of a Bilateral Investment Treaty between Australia and Hong Kong. On 18 December 2015, the Tribunal in this arbitration issued a decision unanimously agreeing with Australia’s position that the Tribunal has no jurisdiction to hear Philip Morris’s claim. The disputes brought in the World Trade Organization (WTO) by five WTO Members states – Ukraine (which has since withdrawn its request), Honduras, Dominican Republic, Cuba and Indonesia remain ongoing. The Panel has indicated that it does not expect to circulate its final report to all WTO Members until the second half of 2018.
Austria EUR Apart from significantly strengthening the provitions on youth protection (e.g. introduction of a smoking ban in vehicles when persons under 18 years of age are present,etc.), the work program of the Austrian Government (2017-2022) provides, within narrow bounds, for the maintenance of existing exemptions to the smoking ban in the hospitality sector. While initially the amendment to the Austrian Tobacco Law Act from April 2018 decided to maintain the previous special regulations for gastronomy with May 2018, during the period of the transitional government in summer 2019 the absolute smoking ban for the hospitality sector with the corresponding parliamentary majorities was passed, which came into force with November 1, 2019. Apart from significantly strengthening the provitions on youth protection (e.g. introduction of a smoking ban in vehicles when persons under 18 years of age are present,etc.), the work program of the Austrian Government (2017-2022) provides, within narrow bounds, for the maintenance of existing exemptions to the smoking ban in the hospitality sector. While initially the amendment to the Austrian Tobacco Law Act from April 2018 decided to maintain the previous special regulations for gastronomy with May 2018, during the period of the transitional government in summer 2019 the absolute smoking ban for the hospitality sector with the corresponding parliamentary majorities was passed, which came into force with November 1, 2019. Apart from significantly strengthening the provitions on youth protection (e.g. introduction of a smoking ban in vehicles when persons under 18 years of age are present,etc.), the work program of the Austrian Government (2017-2022) provides, within narrow bounds, for the maintenance of existing exemptions to the smoking ban in the hospitality sector.
Azerbaijan EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Bangladesh SEA N/A Answer not provided Answer not provided
Barbados AMR As a small island state with limited human resources there is only one individual assigned to tobacco prevention and control;. this focal point has other responsibilities. There are limited financial resources available and other competing public health priorities in a low prevalence tobacco smoking jurisdiction. PAHO should continue to support countries in the Caribbean subregion in their tobacco control programmes Report not provided As a small island state with limited human resources there is only one individual assigned to tobacco prevention and control;. this focal point has other responsibilities. There are limited financial resources available and other competing public health priorities in a low prevalence tobacco smoking jurisdiction. PAHO should continue to support countries in the Caribbean subregion in their tobacco control programmes
Belize AMR Political Will still remains a constraint and a barrier in 2023. Political Will still remains a constraint and a barrier in 2020. Report not provided
Benin AFR il y a un obstacle , c'est le manque d'engagement politique, il y a le manque de ressources financières et aussi la volonté politique de retourner une partie des taxes perçues sur le tabac pour la lutte antitabac, de vite signer les textes application de la loi pas obstacles , il y a le manque de ressources financières et aussi la volonté politique de retourner une partie des taxes perçues sur le tabac pour la lutte antitabac, de vite signer les textes dapplication de la loi pas dautres obstacles , il ny a que le manque de ressources financières
Bhutan SEA Technical capacity to carry out an implementation of WHO FCTC. The current government (DNT) has legalized the sales of tobacco products in 2022 after 18 years of ban been imposed across the country Report not provided Technical capacity to carry out an implementation of WHO FCTC
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) AMR La interferencia de la industria tabacalera es muy fuerte y no permite avanzar en la promulgación de nuevas medidas y normativa en tabaco. La interferencia de la industria tabacalera es muy fuerte y no permite avanzar en la promulgación de nuevas medidas y normativa en tabaco. La interferencia de la industria tabacalera es muy fuerte y no permite avanzar en la promulgación de nuevas medidas y normativa en tabaco.
Bosnia and Herzegovina EUR Answer not provided Intersectorial collaboration in FCTC implementation; Securing continued financing for tobacco control measures; Intersectorial collaboration in FCTC implementation Securing continued financing for tobacco control measures
Botswana AFR Our main challenge that hinders the implementation of FCTC is that the new legislation that is FCTC comprehensive has been awaiting approval of the cabinet for a few years now. Hence the country has to continue using the old Control Of Smoking Act which has a lot of gaps. Enforcement is a problem since the current law has gaps New emerging tobacco and tobacco products which are not regulated by the current Control Of Smoking Act Like it has been indicated above, their is need for proper skill and expertise Like it has been indicated above, their is need for proper skill and expertise
Brazil AMR - Tobacco industry lobby in all sectors. (e.g.: National Congress, Executive). - Tobacco industry lawsuits against tobacco control measures. - Lack of knowledge by legislators and judges on the damages of smoking to public health actions - Tobacco industry lobby in all sectors. (e.g.: National Congress, Executive). - Tobacco industry lawsuits against tobacco control measures. - Lack of knowledge by legislators and judges on the damages of smoking to public health and the tobacco industry strategies. - Staff changes in the top government disturb the implementation of planned activities. - Tobacco industry lobby in all sectors. (e.g.: National Congress, Executive). - Tobacco industry lawsuits against tobacco control measures. - Lack of knowledge by legislators and judges on the damages of smoking to public health and the tobacco industry strategies. - Staff changes in the top government disturb the implementation of planned activities.
Algeria AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Andorra EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Angola AFR Lack of a national law and regulations on tobacco control: poor enforcement of the FCTC, including in terms of national legislation, monitoring, surveys and awareness campaigns; need to reinforce the national mechanisms for tobacco control; need to reinforce national capacities for the implementation of tobacco control at national level; lack of regular studies and surveys on smoking prevalence at country level. Report not provided Lack of a national law and regulations on tobacco control: poor enforcement of the FCTC, including in terms of national legislation, monitoring, surveys and awareness campaigns; need to reinforce the national mechanisms for tobacco control; need to reinforce national capacities for the implementation of tobacco control at national level; lack of regular studies and surveys on smoking prevalence at country level.
Antigua and Barbuda AMR Insufficient lead time for implementing activities and also confusion as to the funds available for campaign etc. Insufficient lead time for implementing activities and also confusion as to the funds available for campaign etc. Report not provided
France EUR Answer not provided Contournements aux dispositif réglementaires (publicité pour les nouveaux produits du tabac, dossiers de notification des produits incomplets) ; une implication de l’ensemble des professionnels de santé à accroître ; une application défaillante de la réglementation, notamment, de l’interdiction de la vente aux mineurs ; un dispositif de contrôle à améliorer ; un effort de prévention à renforcer, en particulier dans les établissements scolaires. L’ingérence de l’industrie ainsi que des acteurs économiques partenaires (Buralistes) ; Une appréciation toujours incertaine des coûts sanitaires liés au tabac ; une implication de l’ensemble des professionnels de santé à accroître ; une application défaillante des réglementations sanitaires et, notamment, de l’interdiction de la vente aux mineurs ; des contrôles déficients ; un effort de prévention très timide, en particulier dans les établissements scolaires. (rapport de la cour de comptes : )
Ecuador AMR Limitaciones en talento humano para el desarrollo de propuestas e implementación de acciones en materia de control de tabaco. Limitaciones en los recursos humanos para la propuesta e implementación de acciones en materia de control de tabaco. Limitaciones en los recursos humanos para la propuesta e implementación de acciones en materia de control de tabaco.
Cook Islands WPR Enforcement and monitoring of some of the program and activities. Enforcement and monitoring of some of the program and activities. Enforcement and monitoring of some of the program and activities.
China WPR Answer not provided 吸烟人群数量巨大,但部分人群对吸烟及二手烟草烟雾危害认识不足,相关法律法规有待进一步健全和执行。 吸烟人群数量巨大,但部分人群对吸烟及二手烟草烟雾危害认识不足,相关法律法规有待进一步健全。
Central African Republic AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Cameroon AFR Report not provided l’influence encore plus déterminante de l’industrie du tabac linfluence non négligeable de lindustrie du tabac
Belgium EUR Agreement on interfederal strategy on tobacco control, but without the necessary financial resources, endangering the full implementation of the strategy. inertie des structures de létat, manque de volonté politique Answer not provided
Belarus EUR Report not provided Противодействие табачной промышленности - стремление представителей табачных компаний отсрочить введение принимаемых законодательных документов, многократные обращения в вышестоящие структуры в целях защиты своих интересов Противодействие табачной промышленности - стремление представителей табачных компаний отсрочить введение принимаемых законодательных документов, многократные обращения в вышестоящие структуры в целях защиты своих интересов
Bahrain (Kingdom of) EMR Updating Antismoking Law is still one of the main constraints as it is a lengthy procedure. In addition, deficiency of scientific research on novel tobacco products. updating Antismoking Law is still one of the main constraints in implementing the convention. in addition, lack of global and national scientific research on novel tobacco products. THE TREMENDOUS EFFECT OF GLOBAL ADVERTISEMENT ON TOBACCO PRODUCTS IN GENERAL AND ENDS SPECIFICALLY, WHICH REQUIRES CONTINOUS MONITORIN TO COUNTERACT THESE EFFECTS. IN ADDITION, WHILE WE ARE WAITING FOR THE UPDATE OF ANTISMOKING LAW TO GO THROUGH THE ROUTINE PROCEDURES, THE VIOLATIONS OF ANTISMOKING LAW CONTINUES, HOWEVER, IN LESSER EXTENTS COMPARED TO PREVIUOS YEARS.
Bahamas AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Armenia EUR not available not available Report not provided
Albania EUR Lack of resources is the main constraint Report not provided Report not provided
Afghanistan EMR Report not provided Capacity building programs Resist from MoF to increase tobacco taxation insecurity, most of illicit trade is in unsecured boarder areas lack of interest of Donors and NGOs on tobacco control Capacity building programs Resist from MoF to increase tobacco taxation insecurity, most of illicit trade is in unsecured boarder areas lack of interest of Donors and NGOs on tobacco control
Uruguay AMR - Dificultad de acceso a la conformación de equipos técnicos calificados. - Escasa fluidez de la gestión administrativa. - Interferencia de la industria manifiesta en la aprobación de Decretos sin la consulta correspondiente a los equipos técnicos de control de tabaco. - Dificultad de acceso a la conformación de equipos técnicos calificados. - Limitaciones en la consolidación de sistemas informáticos. - Escasa fluidez de la gestión administrativa. - Dificultad de acceso a la conformación de equipos técnicos calificados. - Limitaciones en la consolidación de sistemas informáticos. - Escasa fluidez de la gestión administrativa.
Philippines WPR Priority programs in some LGUs Interference from tobacco industry Political environment Political environment
Papua New Guinea WPR Industry interference Industry interference Industry interference
Panama AMR Por otra parte, aún hay que trabajar más para logrador una mayor grado de sensibilización de algunos actores claves, como los formuladores de la legislación, los tomadores de decisión y funcionarios de los gobiernos locales, a fin de lograr una implementación plena del CMCT de la OMS y viabilizar el incremento de personal con que cuentan todas las instituciones involucradas en la implementación del CMCT. La limitación más relevante continua siendo la interferencia de la industria, pues no deja de influenciar negativamente la toma de decisiones de algunos entes gubernamentales y permanentemente tratan de utilizar a grupos de fachada o a "actores de prestigio" a nivel nacional o internacional para impedir los progresos del país en la implementación efectiva del CMCT de la OMS y del Protocolo. También influyen patrones culturales y sociales principalmente por el incremento de residentes extranjeros en el país; al igual que los denominados influencer y las redes sociales, situación de difícil control a nivel global. La limitación más relevante es la interferencia de la industria, pues no deja de influenciar negativamente la toma de decisiones de algunos entes gubernamentales y permanentemente tratan de utilizar a grupos de fachada o a "actores de prestigio" a nivel nacional o internacional para impedir los progresos del país en la implementación efectiva del CMCT. También influyen patrones culturales y sociales principalmente por el incremento de residentes extranjeros en el país. La limitación más relevante es la interferencia de la industria, pues no deja de influenciar en la toma de decisiones de algunos entes gubernamentales y permanentemente tratan de utilizar a grupos de fachada o a "actores de prestigio" a nivel nacional o internacional para impedir los progresos del país en la implementación efectiva del CMCT. También influyen patrones culturales y sociales principalmente por el exagerado incremento de residentes extranjeros en el país.
Palau WPR One barrier is that we don’t have local evidence on the cost savings with effective tobacco control. Thus we need targeted assistance with the development of an investment case for tobacco control as has been provided to several countries over the last couple of years. One barrier is that we don’t have local evidence on the cost savings with effective tobacco control. Thus we need targeted assistance with the development of an investment case for tobacco control as has been provided to several countries over the last couple of years. Answer not provided
Niue WPR Report not provided Lack of technical expertise and capacity, financial constraints, implementation problems Report not provided
Montenegro EUR Lack of human and technical resources. Better promotion of importance of FCTC application by the other sectors, except health, better implementation of laws which regulate use of tobacco products in public places, better monitoring and application of criminal provisions. Lack of human and technical resources. Better promotion of importance of FCTC application by the other sectors, except health, better implementation of laws which regulate use of tobacco products in public places, better monitoring and application of criminal provisions. Lack of human and technical resources. Better promotion of importance of FCTC application by the other sectors, except health, better implementation of laws which regulate use of tobacco products in public places, better monitoring and application of criminal provisions.
Mexico AMR Con la interferencia de la industria del tabaco y sus asociados y la cooptación de legisladores y tomadores de decisión principalmente en el poder legislativo y judicial por parte de personeros y cabilderos de la industria tabacalera. Principalmente, el poder judicial ha otorgado amparos (legal injuctions), que han impactado negativamente en la correcta aplicación de la Ley y sus Reglamentos, evidenciando la falta de sensibilidad de la Corte y privilegiando los intereses comerciales por encima de los intereses de salud pública. El cabildeo que la industria tabacalera hace en el congreso legislativo es uno de los principales obstáculos. Asimismo, la industria ha empleado amparos jurídicos que le permiten introducir en el mercado nuevos productos y evitar actos de autoridad por parte de las instancias del gobierno responsables de la regulación de sus productos. En las dos últimas legislaturas del congreso legislativo (ambas cámaras Diputados y Senadores) se han presentado más de 30 iniciativas para modificar y fortalecer la Ley General para el control del Tabaco
Malta EUR n/a Report not provided n/a
Latvia EUR The growing market of new nicotine containing products (electronic cigarettes, tobacco free nicotine pouches), which are not fully covered by the FCTC and TPD2 or you can not fully apply all the the rules to those products, impact of tobacco industry to tobacco control policy development through different stakeholders; cooperation with other institutions because of different interests. The growing market of new nicotine containing products, which are not covered by the FCTC and TPD2, but are made as tobacco containing and non-containing substitutes; impact of tobacco industry to tobacco control policy development through different stakeholders; cooperation with other institutions because of different interests. The growing market of new products, which are not covered by the FCTC, but are made as tobacco and smoking products substitutes; impact of tobacco industry to tobacco control policy development through different stakeholders; cooperation with other institutions because of different interests.
Kyrgyzstan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Kenya AFR Administrative and regulatory challenges Litigation by tobacco industry/ tobacco industry interference Reporting mechanism Enforcement mechanism Report not provided Litigation by tobacco industry/ tobacco industry interference Reporting mechanism Enforcement mechanism
Japan WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Iceland EUR Iceland has a very small population. We do not have manpower and institutions to deal with all issues and aspects of the Convention as we would want. Cooperation is very valuable for Iceland in lower the harm caused by tobacco consumption. Iceland has a very small population. We do not have manpower and institutions to deal with all issues and aspects of the Convention as we would want. Cooperation is very valuable for Iceland in lower the harm caused by tobacco consumption. Iceland has a very small population, little over 300 thousand inhabitants. We do not have manpower and institutions to deal with all issues and aspects of the Convention as we would want. Cooperation is very valuable for Iceland in lower the harm caused by tobacco consumption.
Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Germany EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Georgia EUR The tobacco industry's efforts to hamper the planning, implementation and enforcement of tobacco control policies remain a major challenge. The industry’s efforts to promote new tobacco products are particularly noteworthy. Also, absence of a normative act on the detailed rules of observance of state policy related to tobacco control at public institutions and conducting relations with entities involved in the tobacco industry (implementation of article 5.3 FCTC) and a lack of sensitization and support of government officials outside of the health sector on the benefits of comprehensive tobacco control measures for both, health and development is still a barrier. Main barrier remains tobacco industry influence and lack of sensitization and support of government officials outside of health sector on the benefits of comprehensive tobacco control measures for both, health and development. Main barrier remains tobacco industry influence and lack of sensitization of government officials outside of health sector on the benefits of comprehensive tobacco control measures for both, health and development.
Gabon AFR L'absence de l'Organe de Coordination Nationale multisectorielle avec tous ses démembrements ,conformémént à la Loi, constitue un réel blocage pour la mise en oeuvre effective de la CCLAT. Cependant, et sur proposition de l'OMS, un Groupe de Travail Technique (GTT) comprenant le Programme National, les ONGs et l'OMS, a été créé pour permettre d'avancer dans certaines actions de LAT. Linsuffisance des moyens financiers et logistiques. Linsuffisance du personnel de qualité; Insuffisance des moyens logistiques.
Zimbabwe AFR Report not provided Political will needs strengthening Tobacco control regulation needs to be reviewed Political will needs strengthening Tobacco control regulation needs to be reviewed
Spain EUR Dificultad a la hora de trasladar las motivaciones de salud pública a decisiones gubernamentales . Esta dificultad conlleva la necesidad de aumentar los esfuerzos para coordinar y consensuar medidas o actuaciones de política frente al tabaquismo. Dificultad a la hora de trasladar las motivaciones de salud pública a otras entidades ministeriales y hacerlas primar frente a las consideraciones de estos Departamentos que cuentan con un mayor peso en las decisiones gubernamentales. Esta dificultad conlleva la necesidad de aumentar los esfuerzos para coordinar y consensuar medidas o actuaciones de política frente al tabaquismo. Dificultad a la hora de trasladar las motivaciones de salud pública a otras entidades ministeriales y hacerlas primar frente a las consideraciones de estos Departamentos que cuentan con un mayor peso en las decisiones gubernamentales. Esta dificultad conlleva la necesidad de aumentar los esfuerzos para coordinar y consensuar medidas o actuaciones de política frente al tabaquismo.
South Africa AFR Implementation of Article 5.3 and industry influence on politicians and the media Report not provided Implementation of Article 5.3 and industry influence on politicians and the media
Czechia EUR There is a lack of accredited laboratories for the analysis of tobacco products, e.g. new tobacco products, smokeless tobacco (except for measuring emissions in cigarettes),electronic cigarettes and refill containers, nicotine pouches, tobacco products with CBD content, smokeless heated herbal products, herbal cigarette papers, water stones and gels, vitamin inhalers. Tobacco industry lobby pressure and tobacco industry interference with public institutions. Limited cooperation and lack of expert networks with people from different state institutions. Many workers are also not familiar with the Convention and its objectives. Lack of time, education and motivation to treat tobacco dependence among medical personnel (doctors, nurses, addictologists, psychologists, etc.). Absence of a unified tobacco control law - multiple structures responsible for creating measures. There is lack of accredited laboratories to analyse tobacco products, e.g. novel tobacco products, smokeless tobacco (excluding the emission measurement in cigarettes) For example lack of personal capacities at the Ministry of Health, the Office of the Government, etc. for tobacco control measures.
Republic of North Macedonia EUR Report not provided No effective controls of the process of implementation of the law No effective controls of the process of implementation of the law
Türkiye EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Yemen EMR ضعف الالتزام الحكومي والسياسي والاجتماعي ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني والقطاع الخاص نحو مكافحة التبغ بشكل عام مؤدياً الى ضعف تنفيذ القوانين واللوائح الحالية الصادرة مُنذ سنوات والتعاون والتواصل مع الجهات ذات العلاقة والمؤسسات الحكومية المختلفة، إضافة الى ضعف البنية التحتية لبرنامج مكافحة التدخين وبالتالي ضعف القدرة على التعاون والتنسيق مع المنظمات المحلية والدولية العاملة في مجال مكافحة التبغ، ومن جانب آخر ضراوة اللوبي الداعم لشركات التبغ وذلك بتعطيل و/أو تأخير إصدار وتنفيذ القوانين واللوائح المختلفة لإجراءات مكافحة التبغ والاستمرار في الدعاية والإعلان غير المباشر وأحياناً المباشر منها وكذلك التهريب والذي يمثل اخطر السلبيات على مكافحة التبغ Report not provided ضعف الالتزام الحكومي والسياسي والاجتماعي ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني والقطاع الخاص نحو مكافحة التبغ بشكل عام مؤدياً الى ضعف تنفيذ القوانين واللوائح الحالية الصادرة مُنذ سنوات والتعاون والتواصل مع الجهات ذات العلاقة والمؤسسات الحكومية المختلفة، إضافة الى ضعف البنية التحتية لبرنامج مكافحة التدخين وبالتالي ضعف القدرة على التعاون والتنسيق مع المنظمات المحلية والدولية العاملة في مجال مكافحة التبغ، ومن جانب آخر ضراوة اللوبي الداعم لشركات التبغ وذلك بتعطيل و/أو تأخير إصدار وتنفيذ القوانين واللوائح المختلفة لإجراءات مكافحة التبغ والاستمرار في الدعاية والإعلان غير المباشر وأحياناً المباشر منها
Togo AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Senegal AFR Des problèmes sont notés dans les domaines suivants: - faire en sortes que lappui des bailleurs soit pérennisé. - de l application des moyens de surveillance de l’industrie du tabac; - de la taxation du tabac et des produits du tabac; - de poursuite les activités déducation, de sensibilisation, communication et de formation des populations vulnérables en occurrence les jeunes et surtout les filles et les femmes en âge de reproduction; - de la Protection des populations contre lexposition à la fumée du tabac; - de lapplication des sanctions prévues par la loi. Des problèmes sont notés dans les domaines suivants: - faire en sortes que lappui des bailleurs soit pérennisé. - de l application des moyens de surveillance de l’industrie du tabac; - de la taxation du tabac et des produits du tabac; - de poursuite les activités déducation, de sensibilisation, communication et de formation des populations vulnérables en occurrence les jeunes et surtout les filles et les femmes en âge de reproduction; - de la Protection des populations contre lexposition à la fumée du tabac; - de lapplication des sanctions prévues par la loi. Des problèmes sont notés dans les domaines: - faire en sortes que lappui des bailleurs soit perennisé. - de l application des moyens de surveillance de l’industrie du tabac; - de la taxation du tabac et des produits du tabac; - de Poursuite les activités déducation, de sensibilisation, communication et de formation des populations vulnérables en occurrence les jeunes et les surtout les filles et les femmes en âge de reproduction. - de la Protection des population contre lexposition à la fumée du tabac. - de lapplication des sanctions prévues par la loi.
San Marino EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Romania EUR Rapid turn over of decisions makers involved in tobacco control at governmental level. Limited dedicated personnel, trained, with continuity, for tobacco prevention and control issues. The lack of national legislation for implementation of art 5.3. Report not provided Report not provided
Republic of Moldova EUR - Insufficient involvement in tobacco control measures of some relevant ministries as of Economy and of Finance, - Insufficient trained staff in National Agency for Public Health for Law on Tobacco Control fully enforcement - Insufficient involvement in tobacco control measures of some relevant ministries as of Economy and of Finance, - Insufficient trained staff in National Agency for Public Health for Law on Tobacco Control fully enforcement - Insufficient involvement in tobacco control measures of some relevant ministries as of Economy and of Finance, - Insufficient trained staff in Public health Service for Law on Tobacco Control fully enforcement
India SEA India is the 2nd consumer and largest producer of tobacco products in the world and a plethora of tobacco products (both smoking and smokeless) are used in India. A very large section of the tobacco industry is unorganised and bidi industry is a home based industry, mostly women from the low socio-economic strata of the society. India is the 2nd consumer and 3rd largest producer of tobacco products in the world and a plethora of tobacco products (both smoking and smokeless) are used in India. A very large section of the tobacco industry is unorganised and bidi industry is a home based industry, mostly women from the low socio-economic strata of the society. India is the 2nd consumer and 3rd largest producer of tobacco products in the world and a plethora of tobacco products (both smoking and smokeless) are used in India. A very large section of the tobacco industry is unorganised and bidi industry is a home based industry, mostly women from the low socio-economic strata of the society.
Ireland EUR In 2020 and 2021 the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the re-deployment of staff working in tobacco control in both the health service and the Department of Health and this impacted on the delivery of services and resulted in delays in the introduction of additional tobacco control legislation. Answer not provided Answer not provided
Italy EUR The main difficulties are related to the coordination with other sectors of Italian Administration (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economical Development and Ministry of Agriculture) and other stakeholders. The main difficulties are related to the coordination with other sectors of Italian Administration (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economical Development and Ministry of Agriculture) and other stakeholders. The main difficulties are related to the coordination with other sectors of Italian Administration (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economical Development and Ministry of Agriculture) and other stakeholders.
Nepal SEA a. Tobacco Industry Interference in implementing tobacco control law b. Lack of coordination between stakeholders working on Tobacco control c. Lack of compliance among general public on tobacco control law. a. Tobacco Industry Interference in implementing tobacco control law b. Lack of coordination between stakeholders working on Tobacco control c. Lack of compliance among general public on tobacco control law. a. Tobacco Industry Interference in implementing tobacco control law b. Lack of public awareness on health risks and socioeconomic consequences of tobacco use
Iran (Islamic Republic of) EMR International sanctions has crucial impact on challenging tobacco control at national level. Expansion of tobacco industries to manufacture tobacco products at this situation has provide the opportunity for tobacco allies to intervene and influence. Raising tax on tobacco products still is a challenge debating on increasing the rate of illicit trade and employment In raising tax on tobacco products still there is a debate on its effect on increasing the rate of illicit trade and employment In raising tax on tobacco products still there is a debate on its effect on increasing the rate of illicit trade and employment
Iraq EMR unstable the security and financial conditions in our country. The impact of tobacco industry interference in public health policies. unstable the security and financial conditions in our country. The impact of tobacco industry interference in public health policies. unstable the security and financial conditions in our country.
Israel EUR Report not provided The tobacco and nicotine industry interference in the parliament while promoting tobacco control regulation, and also challenging that regulation in the Supreme Court afterward. The period of year and a half of pre implementation and implementation processes consumed a significant time and resources on our behalf. The delicate political situation in Israel in the last two years and the current struggle with the Corona virus influence our capability to promote needed regulations. Report not provided