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Party Region 2023 2020 2018
Sudan EMR 43.3% من متطي التبغ اصيبو بسرطانات الفم، لا توجد معلومات عن الامراض الاخري 43.3% من متطي التبغ اصيبو بسرطانات الفم، لا توجد معلومات عن الامراض الاخري وتوقع إرتفاع عدد الوفيات من (6 إلى 8) ملايين شخص سنوياً بحلول العام 2030. التبغ يسبب (30%) من السرطانات التي تصيب الإنسان، وهو مسئول عن (22%) من وفيات السرطانات. وذكر أن تعاطي التبغ يسبب (90%) من سرطان الحنجرة و(87%) من سرطان الرئة و(14-28%) سرطان المعدة، وقال في التنوير الصحفي لمبادرة يوم واحد بلا تدخين التي تنظمها منظمة أطباء عبر القارات بالتعاون مع عيادات الدكتور أحمد عبد الله للإقلاع عن التدخين أمس أنه يسبب (30%) من الإصابة بمرض السكري النوع الثاني وتصلب الأوردة والشرايين و(40%) من العجز الجنسي والعقم وإنقطاع الدورة في وقت مبكر لدي السيدات.
Suriname AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided We do have mortality of e.g. lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, oral cancer. But this data is not attributable to tobacco use.
Sweden EUR Please note that the following numbers are for smoking related death only. Incidence of smoking related death per year 2010-2012: 11 881 Cancer: 5 250 cases Diseases of the lung: 2 855 cases Cardiovascular disease: 3 513 cases Adverse pregnancy outcomes: 3 cases Other: 260 cases Please note that the following numbers are for smoking related death only. Incidence of smoking related death per year 2010-2012: 11 881 Cancer: 5 250 cases Diseases of the lung: 2 855 cases Cardiovascular disease: 3 513 cases Adverse pregnancy outcomes: 3 cases Other: 260 cases Please note that the following numbers are for smoking related death only. Incidence of smoking related death per year 2010-2012: 11 881 Cancer: 5 250 cases Diseases of the lung: 2 855 cases Cardiovascular disease: 3 513 cases Adverse pregnancy outcomes: 3 cases Other: 260 cases
Syrian Arab Republic EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Tajikistan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Thailand SEA Cause of Death of Strategy and Planning Division, Mistry of Public Health 2017 reveal that top 5 tobacco death by cause are cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, COPD, Lung infection and Tuberculosis diseases. Cause of Death of Strategy and Planning Division, Mistry of Public Health 2017 reveal that top 5 tobacco death by cause are cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, COPD, Lung infection and Tuberculosis diseases. The number of cases attributable to smoking in 2009 was 11,742 for lung cancer, 11,895 for COPD, 11,666 for Coronary heart disease , 4,139 for other cancers and 3,104 oral cancers
Timor-Leste SEA Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Tonga WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Trinidad and Tobago AMR The proportion of all-cause mortality attributable to tobacco was 6% for persons ages 30 and over. Tobacco was attributed to 7% of all non-communicable disease related deaths, and 2% of communicable disease related deaths. Within the non-communicable disease group, tobacco accounted for 9% of deaths due to ischemic heart disease, and 61% of deaths due to trachea, bronchus, and lung cancer. In the communicable disease group, tobacco accounted for 10% of lower respiratory infection deaths, and 8% of all tuberculosis deaths. Tobacco accounted for 10% of deaths in men, and 1% of deaths in women BBThe proportion of all-cause mortality attributable to tobacco was 6% for persons ages 30 and over. Tobacco was attributed to 7% of all non-communicable disease related deaths, and 2% of communicable disease related deaths. Within the non-communicable disease group, tobacco accounted for 9% of deaths due to ischemic heart disease, and 61% of deaths due to trachea, bronchus, and lung cancer. In the communicable disease group, tobacco accounted for 10% of lower respiratory infection deaths, and 8% of all tuberculosis deaths. Tobacco accounted for 10% of deaths in men, and 1% of deaths in women The proportion of all-cause mortality attributable to tobacco was 6% for persons ages 30 and over. Tobacco was attributed to 7% of all noncommunicable disease related deaths, and 2% of communicable disease related deaths. Within the noncommunicable disease group, tobacco accounted for 9% of deaths due to ischemic heart disease, and 61% of deaths due to trachea, bronchus, and lung cancer. In the communicable disease group, tobacco accounted for 10% of lower respiratory infection deaths, and 8% of all tuberculosis deaths. Tobacco accounted for 10% of deaths in men, and 1% of deaths in women
Tunisia EMR Cardiopathie ischémique : 5642 décès Cancer du poumon :2078 décès Accident Vasculaire Cérébral: 1447 décès Maladie Pulmonaire Obstructive Chronique: 1155 décès ... Cancer du poumon :1034 décès Maladies cardiovasculaires : 966 décès 7000 décès (6000 hommes et 1000 femmes) 1997 Thèse de médecine :"Epidémiologie du tabagisme en Tunisie"publiéé en 2005
Turkmenistan EUR Answer not provided Злокачественные новообразования трахеи, бронхов, легких – 329 человек Болезни системы кровообращения (15 лет и старше) – 13528 человек: Answer not provided
Tuvalu WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Uganda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ukraine EUR Answer not provided No new data since Oxford University estimates of 2010 No new data since Oxford University estimates of 2010
United Arab Emirates EMR Answer not provided تمثل الوفيات الناتجة عن الأمراض غير السارية حوالى 65% من إجمالى الوفيات وتشمل (أمرض القلب والأوعية الدموية - السكتات الدماغية - السكرى وأمراض السدة الرئوية ) وكلهم يشتركون فى وجود إستخدام التبغ كعامل إختطار قوى ومؤثر تمثل الوفيات الناتجة عن الأمراض غير السارية حوالى 65% من إجمالى الوفيات وتشمل (أمرض القلب والأوعية الدموية - السكتات الدماغية - السكرى وأمراض السدة الرئوية ) وكلهم يشتركون فى وجود إستخدام التبغ كعامل إختطار قوى ومؤثر
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland EUR In 2016, 77,900 of all deaths in England were attributable to smoking, representing 16% of all deaths in England that year. In 2017 there were estimated to be 77,800 deaths attributable to smoking in England. Between 2017 and 2019 there were an estimated 64,000 deaths per year that were attributable to smoking. A recent change in the methodology of calculating smoking attributable mortality means this figure has fallen significantly compared to the previously reported figure. However the new methodology was applied back across the time series, and there continued to be a decline in smoking attributable mortality. See Smoking has been also been attributed to: • 79 per cent of deaths from trachea, lung and bronchus cancer. • 79 per cent of deaths from cancers of the larynx • 65 per cent of deaths from cancers of the oesophagus • 63 per cent from cancers of the upper respiratory sites In addition to cancers, an estimated 86 per cent of deaths from chronic obstructive lung disease were attributable to smoking. In 2019/20 there were also approximately 448,031 hospital admissions attributable to smoking. In 2016, 77,900 of all deaths in England were attributable to smoking, representing 16% of all deaths in England that year. In 2017 there were estimated to be 77,800 deaths attributable to smoking in England. This figure includes 36,400 deaths from cancers believed to be caused by smoking, meaning that in 2016 approximately 26% of all deaths from cancer were attributable to smoking. Smoking has been also been attributed to: • 79 per cent of deaths from trachea, lung and bronchus cancer. • 79 per cent of deaths from cancers of the larynx • 65 per cent of deaths from cancers of the oesophagus • 63 per cent from cancers of the upper respiratory sites In addition to cancers, an estimated 86 per cent of deaths from chronic obstructive lung disease were attributable to smoking. In 2017/18 there were also approximately 489,300 hospital admissions attributable to smoking. In 2015, 79,000 of all deaths in England were attributable to smoking, making up 16% of all deaths in England that year. This figure includes 36,900 deaths from cancers believed to be caused by smoking, meaning that in 2015 approximately 27% of all deaths from cancer were attributable to smoking. Smoking has been also been attributed to: • 79 per cent of deaths from trachea, lung and bronchus cancer. • 78 per cent of deaths from cancers of the larynx • 64 per cent of deaths from cancers of the oesophagus • 63 per cent from cancers of the upper respiratory sites In addition to cancers, an estimated 85 per cent of deaths from chronic obstructive lung disease were attributable to smoking. In 2015/16 there were also approximately 474 thousand hospital admissions attributable to smoking.
United Republic of Tanzania AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Uzbekistan EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Vanuatu WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Viet Nam WPR The role of public policies in reducing smoking and deaths caused by smoking in Vietnam: results from the Vietnam tobacco policy simulation model. The role of public policies in reducing smoking and deaths caused by smoking in Vietnam: results from the Vietnam tobacco policy simulation model. Answer not provided
Zambia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Russian Federation EUR Связанная с курением смертность в 2019 г. по причинам смерти представлена в статье: Халтурина Д. А., Замятнина Е. С., Зубкова Т. С. Вклад курения в смертность в России в 2019 году // Демографическое обозрение. – 2021. – Т. 8. – №. 1. – С. 81-105. Смертность от сердечно сосудистых заболеваний, связанная с курением, составила 153118 человек, от злокачественных новообразований 79566 человек, от респираторных заболеваний 24943 человек в 2019 г. Смертность от рака легкого, трахеи, бронхов, связанная с курением, составила в 2019 г., согласно этим расчетам, 39715 чел. Answer not provided Report not provided
Rwanda AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Saint Kitts and Nevis AMR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Saint Lucia AMR Answer not provided While there is no information pertaining solely to tobacco mortality tobacco use and exposure is identified as one on the leading risk factors for mortality relating to NCDs, an estimated 81% of mortality was due to NCDs. The leading causes of death are Cancers, heart disease, stroke, diabetes mellitus and hypertension were ranked as the top five causes of death in that order, accounting for 70% combined of the number of deaths due to NCDs.. While there is no information pertaining solely to tobacco mortality tobacco is identified as one on the leading risk factors for mortality relating to NCDs, an estimated 81% of mortality was due to NCDs. The leading causes of death are Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Diabetes.
Samoa WPR IHD-80%, COPD-27%, Stroke-38%, LRI-19%, Diabetes Type 2-19% Alzheimers-9%, Trachial/Bronchial lung cancer-8%, Stonach cancer -3%, Asthma-3%, other 20% Answer not provided Answer not provided
Sao Tome and Principe AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Saudi Arabia EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Serbia EUR The number of smoking attributable mortality for adult population older than 35 in Serbia in 2016 presents the results from the ongoing study on economic and social impact of tobacco use in Serbia, supported by the WHO Office for Europe and performed by the Institute of Public Health of Serbia. (Kilibarda, S. Mitov Scekic, L. Stankovic, J. Vitrai, A. Bojovic, Z. Pusztai, K. Mauer-Stender. Smoking-attributable number of deaths in Serbia. Abstract book ECTOH 2019. The number of smoking attributable mortality for adult population older than 35 in Serbia in 2016 presents the results from the ongoing study on economic and social impact of tobacco use in Serbia, supported by the WHO Office for Europe and performed by the Institute of Public Health of Serbia. (Kilibarda, S. Mitov Scekic, L. Stankovic, J. Vitrai, A. Bojovic, Z. Pusztai, K. Mauer-Stender. Smoking-attributable number of deaths in Serbia. Abstract book ECTOH 2019. The number of smoking attributable mortality for adult population older than 35 in Serbia for 2016 presents the unpublished data from ongoing Study on economic and social impact of tobacco use in Serbia, supported by the WHO Office for Europe and performed by the Institute of Public Health of Serbia.
Seychelles AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Sierra Leone AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Singapore WPR Tracheal, bronchus, and lung cancer – 66.52%; Ischemic heart disease – 21.87%; COPD – 53.20% Lung cancer =766, Cardiovascular disease=698, COPD=184, Others remaining deaths attributable to tobacco use=947 Lung cancer = 909, Cardiovascular diseases (i.e. IHD, Stroke) = 489, COPD = 239, Others = 412
Slovakia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Slovenia EUR Report not provided Report not provided Locally we did not till now assess tobacco-related mortality, we use data published by WHO for Slovenia in their report WHO global report: mortality attributable to tobacco. Geneva: WHO, 2012.
Solomon Islands WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Sri Lanka SEA Please refer the attached link Please refer the attached link Please refer the attached link
Nigeria AFR 1. Cardiovascular Diseases............... 6616 2. Stroke .............................................3767 3. Lung ................................................843 4. COPD...............................................8311 5. Other Cancers..................................2923 Answer not provided Answer not provided
Norway EUR Of the 5128 deaths attributable to tobacco, 431 were attributable to secondhand smoking. Of the 6262 Deaths attributable to tobacco, 272 were attributable to secondhand smoking. Of the 6262 Deaths attributable to tobacco, 272 were attributable to secondhand smoking.
Oman EMR سرطان الرئة رجال 40 وفاة نساء 16 وفاة اجمالي 56 وفاة معدل حدوث سرطان الرئة بين الذكور : 7.6 / 100.000 معدل حدوث سرطان الرئة بين الأناث : 2.2 /100.000 معدل حدوث سرطان الرئة بين الذكور : 8.0 / 100.000 معدل حدوث سرطان الرئة بين الأناث : 2.4 /100.000
Pakistan EMR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Paraguay AMR Estos datos incluyen todas las muertes atribuibles al consumo de tabaco: EPOC 907, Enfermedades cardíacas 693, ACV 270, cáncer de pulmón 607 y otros canceres 484, tabaquismo pasivo 386 y neumonía 8 Estos datos incluyen todas las muertes atribuibles al consumo de tabaco: EPOC 907, Enfermedades cardiacas 693, ACV 270, cancer de pulmon 607 y otros canceres 484, tabaquismo pasivo 386 y neumonia 8. Estos datos incluyen todas las muertes atribuibles al consumo de tabaco: EPOC, Enfermedades cardiacas, ACV, cancer de pulomon y otros canceres, tabaquismo pasivo y neumonia.
Peru AMR Patologías asociadas al tabaquismo Muertes totales Muertes atribuibles(% del total de eventos atribuibles) Infarto del miocardio 6150 1214 (7,3) Síndrome coronario agudo No IAM 673 112 (0,7) Muerte cardiovascular de causa no isquémica 4956 695 (4,2) Accidente cerebrovascular 6792 1122 (6,7) Cáncer de pulmón 2791 2277 (13,6) Neumonía 14934 2742 (16,4) Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica 2074 3936 (23,5) Tipos de cáncer Cáncer de boca y faringe 306 193 (1,2) Cáncer de esófago 404 274 (1,6) Cáncer de estomago 5535 1161 (6,9) Cáncer de páncreas 1255 299 (1,8) Cáncer de riñón 570 167 (1,0) Cáncer de laringe 214 172 (1,0) Leucemia 827 136 (0,8) Cáncer de vejiga 357 148 (0,9) Cáncer de cuello de útero 1539 149 (0,9) Tabaquismo pasivo y otras causas 1923 1923 (11,5) Total por patologías asociadas al tabaquismo 54301 16719 (12%) Patologías asociadas al tabaquismo Muertes totales Muertes atribuibles(% del total de eventos atribuibles) Infarto del miocardio 6150 1214 (7,3) Síndrome coronario agudo No IAM 673 112 (0,7) Muerte cardiovascular de causa no isquémica 4956 695 (4,2) Accidente cerebrovascular 6792 1122 (6,7) Cáncer de pulmón 2791 2277 (13,6) Neumonía 14934 2742 (16,4) Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica 2074 3936 (23,5) Tipos de cáncer Cáncer de boca y faringe 306 193 (1,2) Cáncer de esófago 404 274 (1,6) Cáncer de estomago 5535 1161 (6,9) Cáncer de páncreas 1255 299 (1,8) Cáncer de riñón 570 167 (1,0) Cáncer de laringe 214 172 (1,0) Leucemia 827 136 (0,8) Cáncer de vejiga 357 148 (0,9) Cáncer de cuello de útero 1539 149 (0,9) Tabaquismo pasivo y otras causas 1923 1923 (11,5) Total por patologías asociadas al tabaquismo 54301 16719 (12%) Patologías asociadas al tabaquismo Muertes totales Muertes atribuibles(% del total de eventos atribuibles) Infarto del miocardio 6150 1214 (7,3) Síndrome coronario agudo No IAM 673 112 (0,7) Muerte cardiovascular de causa no isquémica 4956 695 (4,2) Accidente cerebrovascular 6792 1122 (6,7) Cáncer de pulmón 2791 2277 (13,6) Neumonía 14934 2742 (16,4) Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica 2074 3936 (23,5) Tipos de cáncer Cáncer de boca y faringe 306 193 (1,2) Cáncer de esófago 404 274 (1,6) Cáncer de estomago 5535 1161 (6,9) Cáncer de páncreas 1255 299 (1,8) Cáncer de riñón 570 167 (1,0) Cáncer de laringe 214 172 (1,0) Leucemia 827 136 (0,8) Cáncer de vejiga 357 148 (0,9) Cáncer de cuello de útero 1539 149 (0,9) Tabaquismo pasivo y otras causas 1923 1923 (11,5) Total por patologías asociadas al tabaquismo 54301 16719 (12%)
Poland EUR Answer not provided No changes from the last report. Lung cancer: 11,400 premature and 19,600 all smoking-attributable deaths; all cancers: 17,000 premature and 28,800 all deaths; cardiovascular diseases: 12,200 premature and 21,800 all deaths; respiratory diseases: 2,200 premature and 6,700 all deaths; other diseases: 6,800 premature and 9,700 all deaths.
Portugal EUR Cancer - 6.030 deaths (19,1% of total deaths by this cause) CVD - 3.177 deaths (8,5% of total deaths by this cause) Respiratory chronic diseases - 2.297 deaths.(32,6% of total deaths by this cause) Low respiratory infections -1.155 (14,0% of total deaths by this cause) Diabetes mellitus II - 412 (9,8% of total deaths by this cause) Tuberculosis - 35 (15,6% of total deaths by this cause) Estimates 5 790 deaths by neoplasms (19,6% of total deaths by neoplasms) 3 225deaths by cerebro and cardiovascular diseases (8,7% of total deaths by cerebro and cardiovascular diseases) 1 855 deaths by chronic respiratory diseases (28,1% of total deaths by chronic respiratory diseases) 1 054 deaths by lower respiratory infections (14,7% of total deaths by lower respiratory infections) 334 deaths by diabetes (9,8% of total deaths by diabetes) Estimates 5545 deaths by neoplasms (19,5% of total deaths by neoplasms) 3109 deaths by chronic respiratory diseases (46,4% of total deaths by chronic respiratory diseases) 2165 deaths by cerebro and cardiovascular diseases (5,7% of total deaths by cerebro and cardiovascular diseases) 805 deaths by lower respiratory infections (12,0% of total deaths by lower respiratory infections) 227 deaths by diabetes (2,4% of total deaths by diabetes)
Qatar EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Republic of Korea WPR *B32 - Tobacco related mortality in 2019 was 58,036(male 50,942; female 7,094). *B33 - The causes of deaths from diseases caused by direct smoking in order are lung cancer, stroke, ischemic heart disease, and diabetes - Those in their 20s, who have considerably shorter smoking experience, are influenced more by cardiac and cerebrovascular disorders; the risk of lung cancer increases from those in their 30s and above, with those in their 60s and above showing a 68% higher chance of lung cancer incidence compared to those in their 20s. *B32 - Tobacco related mortality in 2017 was 61,723(male 52,412; female 9,311). *B33 - To break the smoking attributable mortality into per disease, it is in the order of lung cancer, ischemic heart disease(IHD), stroke, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD). - In the case of lung cancer, there was a linear association between smoking and lung cancer with increasing smoking. When smoking 30 cigarettes a day, the risk of death jumped to 8.9 times higher than that of non-smoker. *B32 - Tobacco related mortality in 2012 was 58,155(male 49,704; female 8,451). *B33 -Male: 41.1% of all cancer deaths, 73% of lung cancer deaths, 72.5 % of laryngeal cancer deaths were attributed to tobacco use. -Female: 5.1% of all cancer deaths, 19.8% of lung cancer deaths, 34.2% of laryngeal cancer deaths were attributed to tobacco use. -If 30-year-old man lives until 90 years old, the life expectancy of Non-smoker is 54.05 years; former smoker is 52.23 years; and current smoker is 47.61 years.
New Zealand WPR 5032 - tobacco 4791 - smoking 3 - chewing tobacco 346 - second hand smoke Estimated number of deaths in 2017 – tobacco use All Cardiovascular diseases 1220 (1110-1330) Ischemic heart disease 850 (770-940) Stroke 210 (180-250) All cancers: 1980 (1800-2150) Lung cancer 1100 (1010-1190) This is the average number of tobacco-related deaths in 2010. The breakdown is as follows: Vascular (1737 deaths), respiratory (1285), all cancer (1872; of which lung cancer attributed 1347 deaths), all other (521)
Nicaragua AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Niger AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Netherlands EUR The portion of death attributable to smoking was 15.8% among men and 9.7% among women. Disease Number Attribut. Lung cancer 8.387 82% COPD 5.248 76% CHZ 1170 14% Esophageal cancer 984 50% Heart faillure 693 9% Stroke 547 6% Colonrectal cancer 467 10% Pancreatic cancer 425 14% Bladder cancer 336 26% Breast cancer 229 7% Larynx cancer 182 85% Oral cavity cancer 182 53% Kidney cancer 161 16% Diabetes 156 6% Gastric cancer 105 9% 19244 is 13,1% of all deaths (20 years and olders) Lung cancer: 8692 (83%) / COPD 5371 (77%) / CHZ 1319 (15%) / Esophageal cancer 939 (52%) / strokes 722 (9%) / heart failure 630 (7%) / pancreatic cancer 421 (16%) / bladder cancer 330 (28%) / oral cavity cancer 195 (58%) / kidney cancer 171 (17%) / larynx cancer 170 (84%) / gastric cancer 123 (10%) / diabetes 160 (6%) 19244 is 13,1% of all deaths (20 years and olders) Lung cancer: 8692 (83%) / COPD 5371 (77%) / CHZ 1319 (15%) / Esophageal cancer 939 (52%) / strokes 722 (9%) / heart failure 630 (7%) / pancreatic cancer 421 (16%) / bladder cancer 330 (28%) / oral cavity cancer 195 (58%) / kidney cancer 171 (17%) / larynx cancer 170 (84%) / gastric cancer 123 (10%) / diabetes 160 (6%)
Madagascar AFR Report not provided non disponible Answer not provided
Malaysia WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Maldives SEA 15.3% of deaths are directly attributable to tobacco use, according to WHO estimates done in 2018 27% pf deaths are directly attributable to tobacco use, according to WHO estimates done in 2004 27% pf deaths are directly attributable to tobacco use, according to WHO estimates done in 2004
Mali AFR Report not provided Non disponible Non disponible
Marshall Islands WPR Number of deaths attributable to tobacco was 5 in 2007 (this was 2.0% of total deaths). 4 lung cancer deaths in 2011 and 4 in 2012. Report not provided Number of deaths attributable to tobacco was 5 in 2007 (this was 2.0% of total deaths). 4 lung cancer deaths in 2011 and 4 in 2012.
Mauritania AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Mauritius AFR Answer not provided NA NA
Micronesia (Federated States of) WPR the number above is taken from the FSM HIS 2018 NCD Morbidity Report. the number above is taken from the FSM HIS 2018 NCD Morbidity Report. The number provided is the NCD deaths
Mongolia WPR Report not provided Morbidity: 1149.5 per 10000 for cardiovascular diseases and 1712.4 per 10000 for respiratory diseases in 2018. Mortality: 18.8 per 10000 for cardiovascular diseases and 13.64 per 10000 for cancer in 2018 Morbidity: 1007,6 per 10000 for cardiovascular diseases and 1647.4 per 10000 for respiratory diseases in 2016. Mortality: 17.5 per 10000 for cardiovascular diseases and 13,4 per 10000 for cancer in 2016
Mozambique AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Myanmar SEA Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease - 14,401 No Tracheal, bronchus, and lung cancer - 10,417 No Hemorrhagic stroke - 7,538 No Ischemic heart disease - 7,280 No Ischemic stroke - 3,642 No Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease - 14,401 No Tracheal, bronchus, and lung cancer - 10,417 No Hemorrhagic stroke - 7,538 No Ischemic heart disease - 7,280 No Ischemic stroke - 3,642 No Answer not provided
Namibia AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Nauru WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Jamaica AMR Cardiovascular disease 38 per 100,000; all malignant neoplasms 39 per 100,000; trachea, bronchus, lung cancer 22 per 100,000; respiratory disease 67 per 100,000. Total deaths attributable to tobacco use in Jamaica is estimated to be 155 per 100,000 population (We have no new data). Cardiovascular disease 38 per 100,000; all malignant neoplasms 39 per 100,000; trachea, bronchus, lung cancer 22 per 100,000; respiratory disease 67 per 100,000. Total deaths attributable to tobacco use in Jamaica is estimated to be 155 per 100,000 population (We have no new data). Cardiovascular disease 38 per 100,000; all malignant neoplasms 39 per 100,000; trachea, bronchus, lung cancer 22 per 100,000; respiratory disease 67 per 100,000. Total deaths attributable to tobacco use in Jamaica is estimated to be 155 per 100,000 population (We have no new data).
Jordan EMR Every year tobacco use kills 9,027 Jordanians. 56% percent of these deaths are considered premature deaths, meaning they occur in individuals under age 70. About 1,600 Jordanians die every year due to the effects of exposure to secondhand smoke. - ischemic heart disease 2,993 deaths - other causes 2,476 deaths - tracheal, bronchus and lung cancers 2,458 deaths - Diabetus mellitus type two 1,815 deaths - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 1,781 deaths - Ishemic stroke 1,552 deaths - Lower respiratory infections 74 deaths - Alzheimer disease and other dementias 438 deaths - Intracerebral hemorrhage 357 detahs - Leukemia 255 deaths Every year tobacco use kills 9,027 Jordanians. 56% percent of these deaths are considered premature deaths, meaning they occur in individuals under age 70. About 1,600 Jordanians die every year due to the effects of exposure to secondhand smoke. - ischemic heart disease 2,993 deaths - other causes 2,476 deaths - tracheal, bronchus and lung cancers 2,458 deaths - Diabetus mellitus type two 1,815 deaths - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 1,781 deaths - Ishemic stroke 1,552 deaths - Lower respiratory infections 74 deaths - Alzheimer disease and other dementias 438 deaths - Intracerebral hemorrhage 357 detahs - Leukemia 255 deaths Answer not provided
Kazakhstan EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Kiribati WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Kuwait EMR العدد الإجمالي التقديري للوفيات التي تعزى إلى تعاطي التبغ بين السكان 49 لكل 100000 من الذكور و6 لكل 100000 من السكان من الإناث من الوفيات في دولة الكويت تعزى للتبغ العدد الإجمالي التقديري للوفيات التي تعزى إلى تعاطي التبغ بين السكان 49 لكل 100000 من الذكور و6 لكل 100000 من السكان من الإناث من الوفيات في دولة الكويت تعزى للتبغ Answer not provided
Lao People's Democratic Republic WPR Report not provided NA NA
Lebanon EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Lesotho AFR Report not provided Cancer Report not provided
Liberia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Libya EMR هناك العديد من الوفيات بهذه الامراض خاصة بين الشباب لكن لايوجد احصائيات اوبيانات دقيقه اورام الرئة بين الذكور هي اعلى سبب للوفاة بين انواع الاورام كما ان امراض القلب والاوعية الدموية هي السبب الاول للوفاة عند الجنسين خلال دراسة اسباب الوفيات عن العامين 2016 - 2017 Answer not provided
Lithuania EUR According to the country health overview (provided by the OECD and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, in cooperation with the European Commission), in 2019 about 14% of all deaths (more than 5300 deaths) in Lithuania were caused by tobacco consumption, including second-hand smoking. According to the "Smoking-Attributable Social and Economic Harm Assessment in Lithuania. Doctoral dissertation, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. Academy of Medicine. 2019" ( results: 5 717 smoking attributable morbidity in 2013 (5134 and 583 among men and women respectively). This represents 13,8 % from the total number of deaths in the population of Lithuania. High disparities between men and women persist with 24,9 % of total deaths attributed to smoking among men and only 2,8 % among women. Depending on the cause there were 1 797 linked to cancer, 3 584 linked to cardiovascular diseases, 230 to lung diseases. According to survey "Burden of smoking in Lithuania: attributable mortality and years of potential life lost" ( results: In 2013, 13.9% of total mortality or 5771 deaths in Lithuania were attributable to smoking (5181 men and 590 women). The two leading causes of SADs were ischaemic heart disease and lung cancer that accounted for 67.8% of the smoking attributable mortality. In the same year, smoking accounted for 39 279 years of potential life lost (34 663 years for men and 4615 years for women). The mortality rate for smokers is 1.7 times higher than for non-smokers. On average non-smokers live about 7.5 years longer. It is estimated, that 70 years old age is reached by 80 percent of non-smokers and 59 percent of smokers (Danila E. Smoking prevalence, smoking-related mortality, economic burden. Vilnius University Hospital Santariskes Clinic. 2001) Official statistics on mortality due to smoking-related malignant neoplasms (data of the Institute of Hygiene) are available - 1652 deaths (in 2018): According to the data of the Institute of Hygiene, total number of tobacco use-attributable deaths is approx. 6000 (this number is also corresponds with the mentioned Doctoral dissertation defended in 2019). According to survey "Burden of smoking in Lithuania: attributable mortality and years of potential life lost" ( results: In 2013, 13.9% of total mortality or 5771 deaths in Lithuania were attributable to smoking (5181 men and 590 women). The two leading causes of SADs were ischaemic heart disease and lung cancer that accounted for 67.8% of the smoking attributable mortality. In the same year, smoking accounted for 39 279 years of potential life lost (34 663 years for men and 4615 years for women). Mortality due to smoking-related malignant neoplasms (data of the Institute of Hygiene) are available (page 5, table 13): Accoring to the data of the Institute of Hygiene, total number of tobacco use-attributable deaths is approx. 6000.
Luxembourg EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Eswatini AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Ethiopia AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
European Union EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Fiji WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Finland EUR Below are the estimated fractions of all deaths attributable to conditions that were used in calculating the total smoking-attributable deaths: Cancer / Malignant neoplasm (47 % of deaths attributable to cancer/malignant neoplasm) Respiratory Conditions (48 % of deaths attributable to respiratory conditions) Cardiovascular conditions (8 % of deaths attributable to cardiovascular conditions) Below are the estimated fractions of all deaths attributable to conditions that were used in calculating the total smoking-attributable deaths: Cancer / Malignant neoplasm (47 % of deaths attributable to cancer/malignant neoplasm) Respiratory Conditions (48 % of deaths attributable to respiratory conditions) Cardiovascular conditions (8 % of deaths attributable to cardiovascular conditions) Below are the estimated fractions of all deaths attributable to conditions that were used in calculating the total smoking-attributable deaths: Cancer / Malignant neoplasm (47 % of deaths attributable to cancer/malignant neoplasm) Respiratory Conditions (48 % of deaths attributable to respiratory conditions) Cardiovascular conditions (8 % of deaths attributable to cardiovascular conditions)
Gambia AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Ghana AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Greece EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Please see the supplementary information published in the manuscript attached that notes the attributable fraction of all cancers and diseases related to tobacco use
Grenada AMR Report not provided NA NA
Guatemala AMR Los datos de Global Burden of Disease (GBD) permiten estimar que el tabaquismo se relaciona con alrededor de 4% de las muertes. Aunque existe un aumento, los datos son bastante consistentes con los presentados en el Informe 2018 (relacionados también con la 6a. edición de The Tobacco Atlas que indicaban un 3.9% para hombres y 2.5% para mujeres). Los datos de Global Burden of Disease (GBD) permiten estimar que el tabaquismo se relaciona con, alrededor de 4% de las muertes. Aunque existe un aumento, los datos son bastante consistentes con los presentados en el Informe 2018 (relacionados también con la 6a. edición de The Tobacco Atlas que indicaban un 3.9% para hombres y 2.5% para mujeres). Los datos de Global Burden of Disease (GBD) permiten estimar que el tabaquismo se relaciona con, alrededor de 3.9% de las muertes de hombres y 2.5% de las mujeres. (Según se presenta en la 6a. edición de The Tobacco Atlas).
Guinea-Bissau AFR Answer not provided Pas des données Pas des données
Guyana AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Honduras AMR Report not provided Honduras no dispone de datos de mortalidad atribuibles a enfermedades generadas por el tabaquismo, por lo que se imposibilita hacer un anàlisis de tendencias. Sin embargo presentamos algunos datos de interès. Honduras no dispone de datos de mortalidad atribuibles a enfermedades generadas por el tabaquismo, por lo que se imposibilita hacer un anàlisis de tendencias. Sin embargo presentamos algunos datos de interès.
Hungary EUR Lung cancer - Total numbers 2000 6341 2001 6397 2002 6407 2003 6598 2004 6655 2005 6173 2006 6319 2007 6692 2008 6827 2009 6966 2010 7102 2011 7006 2012 7283 2013 6992 2014 7081 2015 7054 Cardiovascular - Total numbers 2000 6546 2001 6458 2002 6312 2003 6580 2004 6724 2005 7574 2006 7125 2007 6903 2008 6697 2009 6786 2010 6716 2011 6509 2012 6334 2013 6078 2014 5999 2015 5975 Lung cancer - Total numbers 2000 6341 2001 6397 2002 6407 2003 6598 2004 6655 2005 6173 2006 6319 2007 6692 2008 6827 2009 6966 2010 7102 2011 7006 2012 7283 2013 6992 2014 7081 2015 7054 Cardiovascular - Total numbers 2000 6546 2001 6458 2002 6312 2003 6580 2004 6724 2005 7574 2006 7125 2007 6903 2008 6697 2009 6786 2010 6716 2011 6509 2012 6334 2013 6078 2014 5999 2015 5975 Absolute numbers of smoking-attributable deaths, Hungary 2000-2012 Year Total 2000 20864 2001 20421 2002 20425 2003 21047 2004 20765 2005 21235 2006 20991 2007 21597 2008 21154 2009 21303 2010 21435 2011 21394 2012 21746 Absolute numbers of smoking-attributable trachea, lung, bronchus malignant neoplasm (C33-34) death, Hungary y Year Total 2000 6276 2001 6324 2002 6324 2003 6511 2004 6560 2005 6088 2006 6225 2007 6583 2008 6701 2009 6834 2010 6975 2011 6890 2012 7180 Absolute numbers of smoking-attributable heart disease (I00–I09, I20–I25, I26–I51) deaths, Hungary 2000-2012 Year Total 2000 5272 2001 5192 2002 5065 2003 5163 2004 5256 2005 5872 2006 5746 2007 5707 2008 5523 2009 5533 2010 5575 2011 5486 2012 5420
Costa Rica AMR Se estima que en Costa Rica durante el año 2020, el tabaquismo fue responsable de 2174 muertes. Este valor representa el 9% de las muertes en el país. Pueden atribuirse al tabaquismo las muertes por las siguientes causas: 628 personas: Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC). 519 personas: Enfermedades cardiacas. 332 personas: Otros Cánceres. 254 personas: Cáncer de pulmón. 250 personas: Tabaquismo pasivo y otras causas. 097 personas: Neumonía. 094 personas: Accidente Cerebrovascular (ACV). Se estima que en Costa rica durante el año 2015, el cigarrillo fue responsable de 1747 muertes. Este valor representa 9.3% de las muertes que ocurren en Costa Rica cada año. Pueden atribuirse al tabaquismo las muertes por las siguientes causas: 11% cardiovasculares 09% accidentes cerebrocardiovasculares 64% Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC) 71% Cáncer de Púlmón 13% Neumonías 21% Cánceres. En un estudio anterior del 2014 se tenía que la mortalidad atribuible al consumo de tabaco era de 5277 muertes por año, indicando 1613 fallecimientos por Neoplasias Malignas, 2892 por enfermedades cardiovasculares, 827 por enfermedades respiratorias y 55 condiciones peri natales. Sin embargo, a finales del 2016 un nuevo estudio regional mostró que por año muere 1747 personas por enfermedades atribuibles al tabaquismo, donde 432 se deben a enfermedades pulmonares obstructivas crónicas, 431 a enfermedades cardíacas, 296 otros canceres, 201 tabaquismo pasivo, 188 cáncer de pulmón, 125 accidente cerebrovascular y 75 a neumonía; es decir, el 9,3% de todas las muertes anuales en el país.
Côte d'Ivoire AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Il existe un registre national de cancer qui répertorie les cas de cancer et dont celui de cancer du poumon pour lequel le tabac en est la première cause.
Croatia EUR Metodology of calculation was done according to: WHO FCTC Indicator compendium (first edition). 2013. Metodology of calculation was done according to: WHO FCTC Indicator compendium (first edition). 2013. Metodology of calculation was done according to: WHO FCTC Indicator compendium (first edition). 2013.
Cyprus EUR Answer not provided Not available Not available
Democratic People's Republic of Korea SEA Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Democratic Republic of the Congo AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Denmark EUR Lung cancer: 3333 deaths per year among 50+ year old (80-90 % is attributable to tobacco use) COPD: 6154 deths per year among 30+ year olds (85-90 % is attributable to tobacco use inclusive secondhand smoking) 2016: 13.600 per year 2012: 14.000 per year 2006: 14.000 per year. No new data. 2016: 13.600 per year 2012: 14.000 per year 2006: 14.000 per year:
Djibouti EMR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Dominica AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Egypt EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
El Salvador AMR Enfermedad isquémica del corazón 524 muertes Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica 296 muertes Infecciones del tracto respiratorio inferior 258 muertes Cáncer de tráquea, bronquios y de pulmón 155 muertes Otras enfermedades 141 muertes Diabetes mellitus 132 muertes Evento cerebrovascular hemorrágico 44 muertes Evento cerebrovascular isquémico 31 muertes Enfermedad cardíaca hipertensiva 25 muertes Otras enfermedades cardiovasculares y circulatorias 18 muertes Enfermedad isquémica del corazón 524 muertes Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica 296 muertes Infecciones del tracto respiratorio inferior 258 muertes Cáncer de tráquea, bronquios y de pulmón 155 muertes Otras enfermedades 141 muertes Diabetes mellitus 132 muertes Evento cerebrovascular hemorrágico 44 muertes Evento cerebrovascular isquémico 31 muertes Enfermedad cardíaca hipertensiva 25 muertes Otras enfermedades cardiovasculares y circulatorias 18 muertes No hay datos oficiales de país
Equatorial Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided HOMBRES 2.3 MUGERES 0.9
Estonia EUR The data represents mortality related (ICD codes,C00-C14, C15, C25, C30-39, I20-25, I60-69, J40-47) Additional data can be found in National institute for health development database - specific causes, age and gender etc. The data represents mortality related (ICD codes,C00-C14, C15, C25, C30-39, I20-25, I60-69, J40-47) Additional data can be found in National institute for health development database - specific causes, age and gender etc. Answer not provided
Brunei Darussalam WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Bulgaria EUR (Number) 2021 Total Males Females Total deaths 148 995 77 299 71 696 C00-C14 386 295 91 C15 172 142 30 C32-C34 3563 2700 863 I20-I25 16124 8702 7422 I60-I69 23347 10595 12752 J40-J47 1362 842 520 Answer not provided Answer not provided
Burkina Faso AFR 3500 due au tabagisme et 1300 deces dus au tabagisme passif 3500 due au tabagisme et 1300 deces dus au tabagisme passif 3500 due au tabagisme et 1300 deces dus au tabagisme passif
Burundi AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Cabo Verde AFR cardiopathie ischémique-41 infections respiratoires-16 cancer trachéal pulmonaire-13 cancer de lœsophage - 9 COPD-8 AVC hémorragique-8 cancer de lestomac - 4 tuberculose-4 diabète sucré-1 cardiopathie ischémique-41 infections respiratoires-16 cancer trachéal pulmonaire-13 cancer de lœsophage - 9 COPD-8 AVC hémorragique-8 cancer de lestomac - 4 tuberculose-4 diabète sucré-1 Answer not provided
Cambodia WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Canada AMR See link in B34B For 2012 (most recent Canadian data for total number of deaths attributable to tobacco use: Malignant Neoplasms 21,366 Cardiovascular Diseases 12,710 Respiratory Disease 9,937 Intestinal Disease 159 Perinatal Conditions 41 External Causers (Fire) 41 Tobacco Abuse 25 Diabetes 192 Second-Hand Smoke 993 Total 45,464 For 2012 (most recent Canadian data for total number of deaths attributable to tobacco use: Malignant Neoplasms 21,366 Cardiovascular Diseases 12,710 Respiratory Disease 9,937 Intestinal Disease 159 Perinatal Conditions 41 External Causers (Fire) 41 Tobacco Abuse 25 Diabetes 192 Second-Hand Smoke 993 Total 45,464
Chad AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Chile AMR Muerte anuales atribuibles at tabaquismo Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) 5.733 Cáncer del pulmón: 3.203 Otros cánceres: 3.039 Enfermedades cardiacas: 2.988 Tabaquismo pasivo y otras causas: 2.197 accidente cerebrovascular : 1.245 neumonía: 693 18436 Muertes por año son asociadas al tabaquismo en Chile (2017). Ca de lengua, mucosa oral, labio y faringe 196 (M 60 H 136) Ca esófago 481 (M 169 H 312) Ca Pàncrea 465 (M 277 H188) Ca Laringe 108 (M 10 H 98) Ca Pulmòn Traquea y Bronquios 2196 (M 1069 H 1707) Ca Vejiga 252 (M 74 H 178) Ca Riñòn 296 ( M 33 H 263) Enfermedad Isquèmica 3603 ( M 1364 H 2239) Enfermedad Cerebro Vascular 4392 (M 2157 H 2235) Enfermedad Hipertensiva 2677 (M 1518 H 1159) Arteroesclerosis 24 ( M 9 H 15) Aneurisma Aòrtico 207 (M 64 H 143) Bronquitis y Bronquitis Aguda 28 (M15 H 13) Bronquitis crònica y otras Enf pulmonares Agudas 2598 (M 1288 H 1310) Enfisema 95 (M 39 H 56) Asma 196 (M 123 H 73) Muerte súbita lactante 5 ( M 3 H 2) Síndrome Dificultad Respiratoria RN 17 (M 8 H 9) Tabaquismo Pasivo 2.770 16532 Muertes por año son asociadas al tabaquismo en Chile (2013). Muertes por enfermedades atribuibles a tabaco: Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica: 4.523 Enfermedades Cardíacas: 2.565 Otros cánceres: 2.988 Cáncer de Pulmón: 2.335 Tabaquismo pasivo: 1.902 Accidente Cerebro Vascular: 1.497 Neumonia: 722 Infartos: 20.191
Colombia AMR Muertes anuales atribuibles al tabaquismo: • Cardiopatía isquémica 9.144 muertes/año • Otras enfermedades 6.808 muertes/año • EPOC 6.616 muertes/año • Cáncer de tráquea, bronquios y pulmón 3.982 muertes/año • Enfermedad Alzheimer y otras demencias 2.000 muertes/año • Infecciones del tracto respiratorio inferior 1.948 muertes/año • Hemorragia intracerebral 1.479 muertes/año • Diabetes Mellitus Tipo II 1.138 muertes/año • Cáncer de estómago 937 muertes/año • Cáncer de cuello uterino 759 muertes/año Cada año, el consumo del tabaco mata a 34.809 colombianos, siendo el 44 por ciento de estas muertes de individuos menores de 70 años. Más de 6.300 de estas vidas perdidas son causadas por la exposición al humo del tabaco y 154 (el 2,4 por ciento) de esas muertes se dan en niños por debajo de los 15 años. Ver Anexo 6. Muertes anuales atribuibles al tabaquismo: • Cardiopatía isquémica 9.144 muertes/año • Otras enfermedades 6.808 muertes/año • EPOC 6.616 muertes/año • Cáncer de tráquea, bronquios y pulmón 3.982 muertes/año • Enfermedad Alzheimer y otras demencias 2.000 muertes/año • Infecciones del tracto respiratorio inferior 1.948 muertes/año • Hemorragia intracerebral 1.479 muertes/año • Diabetes Mellitus Tipo II 1.138 muertes/año • Cáncer de estómago 937 muertes/año • Cáncer de cuello uterino 759 muertes/año Cada año, el consumo del tabaco mata a 34.809 colombianos, siendo el 44 por ciento de estas muertes de individuos menores de 70 años. Más de 6.300 de estas vidas perdidas son causadas por la exposición al humo del tabaco y 154 (el 2,4 por ciento) de esas muertes se dan en niños por debajo de los 15 años. Ver Anexo 6. Muertes anuales atribuibles al tabaquismo:  Enfermedades cardíacas 8.160 muertes/año  EPOC 8.028 muertes/año  Otros cánceres 4.511 muertes/año  Cáncer de pulmón 4.401 muertes/año  Tabaquismo pasivo y otras causas 3.692 muertes/año  ACV 2.195 muertes/año  Neumonía 1.102 muertes/año El 16.1% de todas las muertes que se producen en el país pueden ser atribuidas al tabaquismo. Para mayor información verificar documentos anexos.
Comoros AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Congo AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Australia WPR Information on mortality attributable to tobacco use is available here: Answer not provided Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable and premature death and disability in Australia, and contributes to and compounds existing health and social inequalities. In 2011, tobacco use killed almost 19,000 people in Australia and was responsible for 9.0% of the total burden of disease and injury, making it the most burdensome risk factor. Tobacco use was responsible for 80% of lung cancer. Similarly, it was responsible for 75% of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Around half of the total burden of oesophageal cancer (54%) and nearly half of the mouth & pharyngeal cancer (46%) burden was attributed to tobacco.
Austria EUR In 2021, 2.348 men and 1.725 women died because of lung cancer due to causes of death statistics (4.073 in total). In 2017 2.402 men and 1.472 women died because of lung cancer due to causes of death statistics. In 2015 2.393 men and 1.490 women died because of lung cancer due to causes of death statistics.
Azerbaijan EUR Data from total deaths by all causes: cardiovascular - 54.3% cancer - 11.7% respiratory - 5.4 % Data from total deaths by all causes: cardiovascular - 59.2% cancer - 15.2% respiratory - 3.2 % Data from total deaths by all causes: cardiovascular - 60.2% cancer - 14.6% respiratory - 3.2 %
Bangladesh SEA Answer not provided 1. Every year, more than 161200 of its people are killed by tobacco-caused disease. (Source: The tobacco Atlas, Bangladesh Factsheet, American Cancer Society and Vital Strategies, 2. Tobacco-attributable diseases caused nearly 126,000 deaths in 2018 accounting for 13.5% of all-cause deaths in the population. (Source: Faruque GM, Wadood SN, Ahmed M, Parven R, Huq I, Chowdhury SR. The economic cost of tobacco use in Bangladesh: A health cost approach. Bangladesh Cancer Society. February 23, 2019. No available data
Barbados AMR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Belize AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Benin AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Bhutan SEA Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) AMR Se estima que en Bolivia mueren por tabaco: - 932 personas con EPOC. - 1.002 personas con neumonia. - 522 personas con un Accidente Cerebro Vascular. - 696 personas con enfermedades cardiacas. - 516 personas con otros tipos de cancer. - 292 personas con cancer de pulmón. Se estima que en Bolivia mueren por tabaco: - 932 personas con EPOC. - 1.002 personas con neumonia. - 522 personas con un Accidente Cerebro Vascular. - 696 personas con enfermedades cardiacas. - 516 personas con otros tipos de cancer. - 292 personas con cancer de pulmón. Se estima que en Bolivia mueren por tabaco: - 932 personas con EPOC. - 1.002 personas con neumonia. - 522 personas con un Accidente Cerebro Vascular. - 696 personas con enfermedades cardiacas. - 516 personas con otros tipos de cancer. - 292 personas con cancer de pulmón.
Bosnia and Herzegovina EUR For the Federation of BIH: Acute myocardial infarction (2.683), Cerebral infarction (2.058), Essential hypertension (1.512), Chronic ischemic heart disease (1.189), Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung (1.024), Obstructive pulmonary disease (343). Estimated number of deaths attributable to tobacco use provided in B32 refers to population of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The above mentioned number includes following groups of death causes: - Mortality of circulatory diseases (IOO-I99) rate 502,8/100.000, - Mortality of Ca lungs (C34) rate 51,3/100.000. According to available state level statistical data for 2015 above mentioned number includes following groups of death causes such as malignant neoplasms C00-C97 (total number of death 7859), other neoplasms D00-D48 (total number of death 97), circulatory diseases I00-I99 (total number of deaths 19713) and respiratory diseases J00-J99 (total number of deaths 1718). In the above mentioned total number of death causes tobacco is considered as leading risk factor without possibility to define particular involvement of other risk factors, which eventually influenced on deaths. Leading tobacco attributable death causes in the Republic of Srpska for men is carcinom of lung, trachea and bronchus – 19,1%, and for women 5,5%.
Botswana AFR Answer not provided cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer
Brazil AMR Annual deaths attributable to smoking in Brazil: - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: 37.686 - Heart diseases: 33.179 - Lung cancer: 24.443 - Other cancers: 25.683 - Passive smoking and other causes: 18.620 - Pneumonia: 12.201 - Stroke: 10.041 Smoking was accountable for 156,216 deaths in 2011 in Brazil: Coronary artery disease (except AMI) 5,007 Cardiovascular disease * (non ischemic) 6,804 Stroke 10,812 Lung cancer 23,762 Pneumonia 10,900 COPD 31,120 Oral and pharyngeal cancer 5,881 Esophageal cancer 6,890 Stomach cancer 3,379 Pancreatic cancer 2,207 Kidney and renal pelvis cancer 807 Larynx cancer 3,830 Myeloid leukemia 1,562 Bladder cancer 1,356 Cervical cancer 739 Passive smoking and perinatal causes 17,972. Smoking was accountable for 156,216 deaths in 2011 in Brazil: Coronary artery disease (except AMI) 5,007 Cardiovascular disease * (non ischemic) 6,804 Stroke 10,812 Lung cancer 23,762 Pneumonia 10,900 COPD 31,120 Oral and pharyngeal cancer 5,881 Esophageal cancer 6,890 Stomach cancer 3,379 Pancreatic cancer 2,207 Kidney and renal pelvis cancer 807 Larynx cancer 3,830 Myeloid leukemia 1,562 Bladder cancer 1,356 Cervical cancer 739 Passive smoking and perinatal causes 17,972.
Algeria AFR Answer not provided Il n’existe pas de données sur la mortalité liée au tabac, néanmoins, il existe des informations sur les pathologies liées au tabagisme : - Pour le cancer du poumon, au cours de lannée 2017, le taux dincidence était de 12,5 cas pour 100 000 habitants, (dont 80 % sont des fumeurs). - Pour les maladies cardiovasculaires qui représentent 21 % des décès, le tabac est responsable dans 12 % des cas des maladies cardiovasculaires. Il n’existe pas de données sur la mortalité liée au tabac, néanmoins, il existe des informations sur les pathologies liées au tabagisme : - Pour le cancer du poumon, au cours de lannée 2015, le taux dincidence était de 16,4 cas pour 100 000 habitants, (dont 80 % sont des fumeurs). Ce qui donne un nombre moyen de kc du poumon de 7000 par an. - Pour les maladies cardiovasculaires qui représentent 21 % des décès, le tabac est responsable dans 12 % des cas des maladies cardiovasculaires.
Andorra EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Angola AFR Answer not provided Report not provided Para 2016 Muertes por cancer de pulmon y otros asociados a tabaco: 895 Muertes por ataques cardiacos en parte debido a tabaco. 2696 Total: 3,591
Antigua and Barbuda AMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
France EUR En 2015, 75 320 décès ont été estimés attribuables au tabagisme. Ces estimations se répartissaient entre 55 420 décès attribuables chez les hommes et 19 900 décès attribuables chez les femmes, ce qui représentait 19,3% et 6,9% respectivement de l’ensemble des décès. La cause de décès attribuables au tabagisme était un cancer pour 61,7% des personnes (hommes : 36 577, 66% ; femmes : 9 868, 49%), une maladie cardio-vasculaire pour 22,1% (hommes : 11 135, 20% ; femmes : 5 526, 28%) et une pathologie respiratoire pour 16,2% (hommes : 7 675, 14%, femmes : 4 492, 23%). Les évolutions entre 2000 et 2015 montrent une tendance décroissante des nombres de décès attribuables au tabagisme chez les hommes (-11% en 15 ans). À l’inverse, le nombre de décès attribuables chez les femmes a été multiplié par 2,5 sur la même période en passant de 8 027 décès en 2000 à 19 900 décès attribuables au tabagisme en 2015. Entre 2000 et 2015, la proportion de décès attribuables au tabagisme a ainsi augmenté en moyenne de 5,4% par an chez les femmes contre une diminution de 1,1% chez les hommes. L’étude complète et détaillée se trouve dans l’article cité en source. En 2015, 75 320 décès ont été estimés attribuables au tabagisme. Ces estimations se répartissaient entre 55 420 décès attribuables chez les hommes et 19 900 décès attribuables chez les femmes, ce qui représentait 19,3% et 6,9% respectivement de l’ensemble des décès. La cause de décès attribuables au tabagisme était un cancer pour 61,7% des personnes (hommes : 36 577, 66% ; femmes : 9 868, 49%), une maladie cardio-vasculaire pour 22,1% (hommes : 11 135, 20% ; femmes : 5 526, 28%) et une pathologie respiratoire pour 16,2% (hommes : 7 675, 14%, femmes : 4 492, 23%). Les évolutions entre 2000 et 2015 montrent une tendance décroissante des nombres de décès attribuables au tabagisme chez les hommes (-11% en 15 ans). À l’inverse, le nombre de décès attribuables chez les femmes a été multiplié par 2,5 sur la même période en passant de 8 027 décès en 2000 à 19 900 décès attribuables au tabagisme en 2015. Entre 2000 et 2015, la proportion de décès attribuables au tabagisme a ainsi augmenté en moyenne de 5,4% par an chez les femmes contre une diminution de 1,1% chez les hommes. L’étude complète et détaillée se trouve dans l’article cité en source. En 2013, nous avons estimé que plus de 73 000 décès étaient imputables au tabagisme, ce qui correspond à environ 13% des décès enregistrés en France métropolitaine la même année. Entre 2000 et 2013, si le nombre de décès attribuables au tabac a légèrement diminué pour les hommes, il a en revanche été multiplié par deux dans la population féminine, passant d’environ 8 000 décès en 2000 (3,1% de tous les décès chez la femme) à plus de 17 000 décès en 2013 (6,3% de tous les décès). La cause des décès était un cancer pour 62,3% des cas (hommes : 36 947 ; femmes : 8 632), une maladie cardiovasculaire pour 22,5% (hommes : 11 349 ; femmes : 5 106) et une maladie respiratoire pour 15,2% (hommes : 7 400 ; femmes : 3 712).
Ecuador AMR Muertes anuales atribuibles al tabaquismo Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC): 2.021 Enfermedades cardíacas: 1.441 Otros Cánceres: 884 Tabaquismo pasivo y otras causas: 781 Cáncer de pulmón: 684 Neumonía: 514 Accidente Cerebrovascular (ACV): 467 Total: 6.792 En Ecuador se producen aproximadamente 5371 muertes al año que pueden ser atribuidas al consumo de tabaco. Un promedio de 15 muertes diarias. En promedio, 7.798 muertes son atribuibles al consumo de tabaco. En Ecuador mueren aproximadamente 21 personas por día a causa del tabaco, lo que representa el 13,4% de todas las muertes de personas mayores de 35 años. Las enfermedades más frecuentes relacionadas al consumo de tabaco son: EPOC (35.528 personas), neumonía (5783 personas) y ACV (3.064 personas).
Cook Islands WPR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
China WPR Answer not provided 2013年中国男性吸烟导致死亡人数最多的疾病是肺癌,为28.00万人;其次是缺血性心脏病,为21.94万人;第三位是COPD,为20.35万人。2013年中国女性吸烟导致死亡人数最多的疾病是COPD,为12.36万人;其次是肺癌,为7.35万人;第三位是缺血性心脏病,为3.37万人。 2013年中国男性吸烟导致死亡人数最多的疾病是肺癌,为28.00万人;其次是缺血性心脏病,为21.94万人;第三位是COPD,为20.35万人。2013年中国女性吸烟导致死亡人数最多的疾病是COPD,为12.36万人;其次是肺癌,为7.35万人;第三位是缺血性心脏病,为3.37万人。
Central African Republic AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Cameroon AFR Report not provided Il est toute fois établi que un peu plus de 4000 personnes meurent chaque année dune maladie liée au tabac ou produits du Tabac si on sen tient aux projection des rapports annuels de lOMS en ce qui concerne la mortalité liée aux maladies non transmissibles. Answer not provided
Belgium EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Belarus EUR Report not provided Число умерших от злокачественных новообразований гортани – 325 человек, число умерших от злокачественных новообразований трахеи, бронхов, легких – 3 122 человек, число умерших от болезней системы кровообращения – 68 095 человек; от неосторожного обращения с огнем при курении в 2017 году погибло 338 человек. число умерших от злокачественных новообразований гортани - 281 человек, умерших от злокачественных новообразований трахеи, бронхов, легких - 3112 человек, умерших от болезней системы кровообращения - 66 255 человек; от неосторожного обращения с огнем при курении в 2017 году погибло 338 человек
Bahrain (Kingdom of) EMR Lung cancer: Between 1998 and 2017, there were 943 cases of lung cancer reported in Bahrain: 684 (72.5%) in men and 259 (27.5%) in women. During the 20-year period, lung cancer accounted for 14.5% of all incident cancers in males with an average annual ASR of 22.8/100,000 people. The incidence of lung cancer was observed to dramatically decline from 1998 to 2017. The lowest ASR (10.8/100,000) was reported in 2016 and the highest (36.7/100,000) in 1998. In addition, lung cancer accounted for 4.6% of all new female cancers, with an average annual ASR of 8.6/100,000 people. Lung cancer incidence in females also showed a decline, from an ASR of 19.0 in 1998 to ASR of 5.4 in 2017. The lowest ASR (3.4/100,000) was reported in 2007 and the highest (19.0/100,000) in 1998. In 2017, lung cancer was the leading cause of cancer mortality among Bahraini males (30 deaths out of 187) with ASMR 11.6/100,000, whereas in females, it ranked 6th (10 deaths out of 205) with ASMR 3.2/100,000. Cardiovascular diseases: Diseases of the Circulatory System is the leading cause of death in Bahrain since years. In 2017, they accounted for around half of mortalities with 46.6%, followed by Neoplasms with 15.7%. According to health statistics 2018 report, non communicable diseases attributed to 70.5% of total mortalities in 2015, cardiovascular diseases ranked first accounting for 47.1% and neoplasms second accounting for 14.4%. In addition, Lung cancer is the 3rd most common cancer in Bahrain in 2014, accounting for 7.9% of all new cancer cases. It is also the most common cancer in males (14.6% of all male cases). Between January and December 2014, there were 59 new cases of lung cancer reported in Bahrain: 45 (76.3%) in men and 14 (23.7%) in women. The total world ASR in the Bahraini population was 12.9 per 100,000 people. The world ASRs by gender were 20.0 cases/100,000 Bahraini males and 6.1 cases/100,000 Bahraini females. Lung cancer ranked number one in the top leading Sites of Cancer Mortality among Bahrainis in 2014 with ASR 9.1/100,000 (Cancer incidence and mortality in Kingdom o Bahrain, 2016) According to health statistics 2015 report, non communicable diseases attributed to 64.2% of total mortalities in 2015, cardiovascular diseases ranked first accounting for 36% and neoplasms second accounting for 14.2%. In addition, Lung cancer is the 3rd most common cancer in Bahrain in 2014, accounting for 7.9% of all new cancer cases. It is also the most common cancer in males (14.6% of all male cases). Between January and December 2014, there were 59 new cases of lung cancer reported in Bahrain: 45 (76.3%) in men and 14 (23.7%) in women. The total world ASR in the Bahraini population was 12.9 per 100,000 people. The world ASRs by gender were 20.0 cases/100,000 Bahraini males and 6.1 cases/100,000 Bahraini females. Lung cancer ranked number one in the top leading Sites of Cancer Mortality among Bahrainis in 2014 with ASR 9.1/100,000 (Cancer incidence and mortality in Kingdom o Bahrain, 2016)
Bahamas AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Armenia EUR Total number of deaths from the respiratory diseases is 2895 cases in 2022. Total number of mortality from malignant neoplasm is 5266 cases in 2022 and from cardiovascular diseases is 16589 Total number of deaths from the respiratory diseases is 1978 cases in 2018. Total number of mortality from malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer is 1020 cases in 2018 from cardiovascular diseases is 14209 and from malignant neoplasm is 5199 cases for 2018 Link: Report not provided
Albania EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Afghanistan EMR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Uruguay AMR 14.8 % del total de muertes anuales atribuible al consumo de tabaco. EPOC: 76% Cáncer de pulmón: 85% Otros cánceres: 37% Enfermedad cardio vascular: 14% Accidente cerebro vascular: 11% 14.8 % del total de muertes anuales atribuible al consumo de tabaco. EPOC: 76% Cáncer de pulmón: 85% Otros cánceres: 37% Enfermedad cardiovascular: 14% Accidente cerebro vascular: 11% 14.8 % del total de muertes anuales atribuible al consumo de tabaco. EPOC: 76% Cáncer de pulmón: 85% Otros cánceres: 37% Enfermedad cardiovascular: 14% Accidente cerebro vascular: 11%
Philippines WPR Ischaemic heart disease (Male: 62171, Female: 43110, Total: 105281) Cerebrovascular disease (Male: 36593, Female: 27778, Total: 64381) Pneumonia (Male: 17621, Female: 16684, Total: 34,305) Hypertensive diseases (Male: 17002, Female: 14725, Total: 31727) Chronic lower respiratory infection (Male: 14691, Female: 5908, Total: 20599) Ischaemic heart disease (Male: 50503, Female: 33617, Total: 84120) Cerebrovascular disease (Male: 33610, Female: 26164, Total: 59774) Pneumonia (Male: 28375, Female: 28835, Total: 57210) Hypertensive diseases (Male: 14061, Female: 12410, Total: 26471) Chronic lower respiratory infection (Male: 17633, Female: 7185, Total: 24818) Respiratory tuberculosis (Male: 15, 689, Female: 6834, Total: 22, 523) Lung Cancer (Male: 6062, Female: 2868, Total: 8930) Answer not provided
Papua New Guinea WPR Answer not provided no data. no data.
Panama AMR Desde el 2000 el Ministerio de Salud de Panamá viene levantando una serie de mortalidad para la aplicación de la fracción atribuible estándar tomada como referencia documental de investigaciones consolidadas en el Informe del -Cirujano General ya que Panamá no cuenta con una estimación nacional que permita manejar una cifra estimada de fracción atribuible para el país. En este marco se han analizado hasta el 2021, la mortalidad por cáncer (incluida todas los sitos anatómicos, además de las patologías listadas a continuación: Enfermedad hipertensiva, Enfermedad cerebro vascular, Enfermedades isquémicas del corazón, Enfermedades Crónicas del Sistema Respiratorio, Ulcera gástrica y duodenal, Diabetes y Aterosclerosis. Detalles de los hallazgos encontrados en el archivo de power point: Mortalidad asociada al consumo y exposición al humo de tabaco, Panamá, 2000-2021 - Años 2000 a 2018. Estadísticas Vitales. Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censo. Contraloría General de la República. Estimaciones Dirección Nacional de Planificación de Salud. Ministerio de Salud. 2020 Revisar información contenida en los siguientes documentos: Politis M, Higuera G, Chang LR, Gomez B, Bares J, Motta J. Trend Analysis of Cancer Mortality and Incidence in Panama, Using Joinpoint Regression Analysis. *Medicine. *2015;94(24):e970. Link del sitio del articulo: JOINPOINT Adicionalmente, se toma como referencia la información de mortalidad trabajada por el Institute Health Metrics and Evaluation. GBD - Datos se adjuntan en PDF con información específica de mortalidad asociada al tabaco para Panamá hasta el año 2016. - Desde el 2000 el Ministerio de Salud de Panamá viene levantando una serie de mortalidad para la aplicación de la fracción atribuible estándar tomada como referencia documental de investigaciones consolidadas en el Informe del -Cirujano General ya que Panamá no cuenta con una estimación nacional que permita manejar una cifra estimada de fracción atribuible para el país. En este marco se han analizado hasta el 2018, la mortalidad por cáncer (incluida todas los sitos anatómicos, además de las patologías listadas a continuación: Enfermedad hipertensiva, Enfermedad cerebro vascular, Enfermedades isquémicas del corazón, Enfermedades Crónicas del Sistema Respiratorio, Ulcera gástrica y duodenal, Diabetes y Aterosclerosis. Detalles de los hallazgos encontrados en el archivo de power point: Mortalidad asociada al consumo y exposición al humo de tabaco, Panamá, 2000-2018 - Años 2000 a 2018. Estadísticas Vitales. Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censo. Contraloría General de la República. Estimaciones Dirección Nacional de Planificación de Salud. Ministerio de Salud. 2020 Revisar información contenida en los siguientes documentos: Politis M, Higuera G, Chang LR, Gomez B, Bares J, Motta J. Trend Analysis of Cancer Mortality and Incidence in Panama, Using Joinpoint Regression Analysis. *Medicine. *2015;94(24):e970. Link del sitio del articulo: JOINPOINT Adicionalmente, se toma como referencia la información de mortalidad trabajada por el Institute Health Metrics and Evaluation. GBD - Datos se adjuntan en PDF con información específica de mortalidad asociada al tabaco para Panamá hasta el año 2016. - Desde el 2000 el Ministerio de Salud de Panamá viene levantando una serie de mortalidad para la aplicación de la fracción atribuible estándar tomada como referencia documental de investigaciones consolidadas en el Informe del Cirujano General ya que Panamá no cuenta con una estimación nacional que permita manejar una cifra estimada de fracción atribuible para el país. En este marco se han analizado hasta el 2015, la mortalidad por cáncer (incluida todas los sitos anatómicos, además de las patologías listadas a continuación: Enfermedad hipertensiva, Enfermedad cerebro vascular, Enfermedades isquémicas del corazón, Enfermedades Crónicas del Sistema Respiratorio, Ulcera gástrica y duodenal, Diabetes y Aterosclerosis Detalles de los hallazgos encontrados en el archivo de power point: Mortalidad Asociada a Tabaco 2000 – 2015. Se adjunta a este informe. Años 2000 a 2015. Estadísticas Vitales. Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censo. Contraloría General de la República. Estimaciones Dirección Nacional de Planificación de Salud. Ministerio de Salud. 2016 Revisar información contenida en los siguientes documentos: Politis M, Higuera G, Chang LR, Gomez B, Bares J, Motta J. Trend Analysis of Cancer Mortality and Incidence in Panama, Using Joinpoint Regression Analysis. *Medicine. *2015;94(24):e970. Link del sitio del articulo: JOINPOINT Adicionalmente, se toma como referencia la información de mortalidad trabajada por el Institute Health Metrics and Evaluation. GBD - Datos se adjuntan en PDF con información específica de mortalidad asociada al tabaco para Panamá hasta el año 2016. -
Palau WPR Answer not provided Palau Cancer Datasheet 2007-2015 : 56% of Palau’s adult cancers are tobacco-related. Please refer to the attached Datasheet for details Answer not provided
Niue WPR Report not provided Answer not provided Report not provided
Montenegro EUR Answer not provided The leading causes of morbidity and mortality of the population in Montenegro are heart diseases and malignant disease, but there are still no studies confirming the impact of smoking on trends in mortality and morbidity. One of the main causes of death is Ca of lungs, which is (according to the history of patients with Ca lungs) associated with smoking in 80% of cases. The leading causes of morbidity and mortality of the population in Montenegro are heart diseases and malignant disease, but there are still no studies confirming the impact of smoking on trends in mortality and morbidity. One of the main causes of death is Ca of lungs, which is (according to the history of patients with Ca lungs) associated with smoking in 80% of cases.
Mexico AMR CAUSA NÚMERO DE MUERTES Enfermedades cardiacas 19,469 Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica 17,425 Cáncer de pulmón 5,165 Otros cánceres 5,763 Tabaquismo pasivo y otras causas 7,275 Neumonía 4,007 Accidentes cerebro vasculares 4,060 TOTAL 63,233 Enfermedades Muertes Enfermedades cardiovasculares 17,241 Enfermedad isquémica cardiaca 13,282 Neoplasias 12,397 Enfermedades respiratorias crónicas 10,484 Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica 10,329 Cáncer de tráquea, bronquios, pulmón 4,817 Diabetes Mellitus 3,906 Enfermedad cerebrovascular 3,371 Total 51,575 El impacto de la adicción al tabaco en la mortalidad varía según la patología que se considere. El 13% de las muertes cardiovasculares y el 9% de las producidas por Accidentes Cerebrovasculares (ACV) son atribuibles al tabaquismo (fracción atribuible). Estos porcentajes son mucho más elevados en patologías respiratorias como es el caso del EPOC donde el tabaquismo es responsable del 69% de las muertes y en cáncer de pulmón donde su asociación fue del 72%. El tabaco es responsable también del 13% de las neumonías y del 20% de las muertes por otros cánceres.
Malta EUR Mortality attributable to tobacco use: Lung cancer: 103, cardiovascular diseases: 57 respiratory conditions: 98, other cancers: 56 Report not provided No
Latvia EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Kyrgyzstan EUR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Kenya AFR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Japan WPR Neoplasms 107,020 deaths Cardiovascular diseases 40,651 deaths Chronic respiratory diseases 19,834 deaths Diabetes mellitus 1,069 deaths Other NCDs 18,153 deaths Injurie 511deaths Cancer 77.4 thousands deaths Cardiovascular diseases 33.4 thousands deaths Respiratory diseases 18.1 thousands deaths Cancer 77.4 thousands deaths Cardiovascular diseases 33.4 thousands deaths Respiratory diseases 18.1 thousands deaths
Iceland EUR We estimate the number of deaths and disability diagnoses attributed to cigarette smoking in Iceland in 2015 by fitting the percentage of daily smokers to the so-called SAMMEC (Smoking Attributed Mortality, Morbidity and EconomicCost) model We estimate the number of deaths and disability diagnoses attributed to cigarette smoking in Iceland in 2015 by fitting the percentage of daily smokers to the so-called SAMMEC (Smoking Attributed Mortality, Morbidity and EconomicCost) model Gender breakdown: 102 men and 97 women. Reference is in annex 4 to this report.
Guinea AFR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Germany EUR 127.000 tobacco related deaths (13,3 % of all deaths) Men: of the 83.100 tobacco-related deaths (17,7 % of all deaths) are deaths from: Cancer: 43,3 % Cardiovascular diseases (including type 2 diabetes): 34,1 % Respiratory diseases: 22,6 %. Woman: of the 43.800 tobacco-related deaths (9 % of all deaths) are deaths from: Cancer: 36,3 % Cardiovascular diseases (including type 2 diabetes): 35,5 % Respiratory diseases: 28,2 % 121.087 tobacco related deaths (13,5 % of all deaths) Men: 84.782 tobacco related deaths (19,7 % of all deaths) Neoplasms: 51,9 % Cardiovascular diseases: 28,2% Respiratory diseases: 18,8 % Woman: 36.305 tobacco related deaths (7,8 % of all deaths) Neoplasms: 40,5 % Cardiovascular diseases:30,8 % Respiratory diseases: 27,5 % 121.087 tobacco related deaths (13,5 % of all deaths) Men: 84.782 tobacco related deaths (19,7 % of all deaths) Neoplasms: 51,9 % Cardiovascular diseases: 28,2% Respiratory diseases: 18,8 % Woman: 36.305 tobacco related deaths (7,8 % of all deaths) Neoplasms: 40,5 % Cardiovascular diseases:31,8 % Respiratory diseases: 27,6 %
Georgia EUR 11,400 Georgian citizens die annually because of tobacco-related diseases, out of which: 9,300 annual deaths due to smoking 2,100 annual deaths due to second hand smoke exposure 11,400 Georgian citizens die annually because of tobacco-related diseases, out of which: 9,300 annual deaths due to smoking 2,100 annual deaths due to second hand smoke exposure 11,400 Georgian citizens die annually because of tobacco-related diseases, out of which: 9,300 annual deaths due to smoking 2,100 annual deaths due to second hand smoke exposure
Gabon AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Zimbabwe AFR Report not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Spain EUR *En 2019 se produjeron en España 96.153 defunciones relacionadas con el tabaquismo y la tasa de mortalidad ajustada por edad por estas causas de muerte experimentó una reducción del 45,0% hombres y en mujeres entre2001 y 2019. Sin embargo, este indicador sobrestima la importancia de este factor de riesgo en la mortalidad y dificulta la identificación de la tendencia de aquellas causas de muerte más fuertemente relacionadas con el consumo de tabaco. Por esa razón, el presente informe también ha elaborado un indicador que solo tiene en cuenta las defunciones por cáncer de pulmón, ya que el 90% de estas defunciones se deben al tabaquismo. Se trata de un indicador que subestima las muertes relacionadas con el tabaco, pero es más sensible a la tendencia experimentada por esas muertes. En 2019 se produjeron 22.007 defunciones por cáncer de pulmón, lo que supone 146 defunciones menos que en 2018. La evolución de las tasas de mortalidad ajustadas por edad muestra una diferente tendencia en hombres y mujeres. Entre 2001 y 2019 la tasa mortalidad ajustadas por edad por esta causa de muerte atribuible al tabaquismo ha descendido 29% en hombres, mientras que ha aumentado 97% en mujeres. Este incremento en la mortalidad por cáncer de pulmón que se viene observando en mujeres es un reflejo de su incorporación tardía al consumo de tabaco, mientras que en hombres el descenso en el consumo de tabaco, observado desde hace tiempo, se ha traducido en un descenso en la mortalidad por cáncer de pulmón. Como consecuencia de esta diferente tendencia, la tasa de mortalidad ajustada por edad pasó de ser 10 veces más alta en hombres que en mujeres en 2001 a 3,6 veces más alta en 2019. **Muertes atribuibles al consumo de tabaco, Grupo de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología 2020. En ellas se contemplan la mortalidad atribuible a cáncer de pulmón, patologías respiratorias como EPOC y enfermedades cardiovasculares relacionadas. A efectos de comparación con el periodo anterior, se han considerado MUERTES ATRIBUIBLES AL CONSUMO DE TABACO las defunciones por CÁNCER PULMÓN (ya que el 90% se deben al tabaquismo), obtenidas del informe de Patrones de mortalidad en España, 2016. Muertes atribuibles al tabaco (cáncer de pulmón): en 2016 se produjeron 22.187 defunciones por cáncer de pulmón, lo que supone 562 defunciones más que en 2015 y 917 más que en 2014 (17.624 en hombres y 4.563 en mujeres). La tasa de mortalidad ajustada por edad por cáncer de pulmón en 2016 fue de 31,9 muertes por 100.000 habitantes (54,8 en hombres y 12,9 en mujeres). Entre 2001 y 2016 la tasa mortalidad ajustadas por edad por esta causa de muerte atribuible al tabaquismo ha descendido 21,5% en hombres, mientras que ha aumentado 86,9% en mujeres. Este incremento en la mortalidad por cáncer de pulmón que se viene observando en mujeres es un reflejo de su incorporación tardía al consumo de tabaco, mientras que en hombres el descenso en el consumo de tabaco, observado desde hace tiempo, se ha traducido en un descenso en la mortalidad por cáncer de pulmón. Como consecuencia de esta diferente tendencia, la tasa de mortalidad ajustada por edad pasó de ser 10 veces más alta en hombres que en mujeres en 2001 a 4,2 veces más alta en 2016. El número total de defunciones por todas las causas de muerte que han mostrado relación con el tabaquismo es un indicador utilizado por la OMS para monitorizar las muertes relacionadas con el consumo de tabaco (4). En el apéndice sobre fuentes de datos y notas explicativas aparecen las causas de muerte incluidas en este indicador. De acuerdo a este indicador, en 2016 se produjeron en España 102.025 defunciones relacionadas con el tabaquismo y la tasa de mortalidad ajustada por edad por estas causas de muerte experimentó una reducción del 38,6% hombres y del 40,8% en mujeres entre 2001 y 2016. Sin embargo, este indicador sobrestima la importancia de este factor de riesgo en la mortalidad y dificulta la identificación de la tendencia de aquellas causas de muerte más fuertemente relacionadas con el consumo de tabaco. En el caso de las muertes relacionadas con el consumo de tabaco la OMS combina la mortalidad de diferentes causas de muerte, las cuales se sabe por la literatura científica que están relacionadas con el tabaquismo. Concretamente, incluye los siguiente códigos de la 10ª revisión de la CIE: C00-C14, cáncer de labio, cavidad bucal y faringe; C32, cáncer de laringe; C33-C34, cáncer de tráquea, bronquios y pulmón; C15, cáncer de esófago; I20-I25, enfermedad isquémica del corazón; I60-I69, enfermedades cerebrovasculares y J40-J47, enfermedades crónicas de las vías respiratorias inferiores. A efectos de comparación con el periodo anterior, se han considerado MUERTES ATRIBUIBLES AL CONSUMO DE TABACO las defunciones por CÁNCER PULMÓN (ya que el 90% se deben al tabaquismo), obtenidas del informe de Patrones de mortalidad en España, 2014. Por otro lado, se ha publicado el estudio “Impacto del consumo de tabaco sobre la mortalidad en España en el año 2012”, que incluye muertes por otras enfermedades atribuibles al tabaquismo y se comenta más adelante. Muertes atribuibles al tabaco (cáncer de pulmón): 21.270 muertes por cáncer de pulmón (17.212 en hombres y 4.058 en mujeres). La tasa de mortalidad ajustada por edad por cáncer de pulmón en 2014 fue de 31,8 muertes por 100.000 habitantes (55,8 en hombres y 11,8 en mujeres). En 2014 se produjeron 419 muertes por cáncer de pulmón menos que en 2013 y 241 menos que en 2012. La evolución de las tasas de mortalidad ajustadas por edad muestra una diferente tendencia en hombres y mujeres. Entre 2001 y 2014, la tasa mortalidad ajustadas por edad por esta causa de muerte atribuible al tabaquismo ha descendido 19,9% en hombres, mientras que ha aumentado 71,0% en mujeres. Como consecuencia de esta diferente tendencia, la tasa de mortalidad ajustada por edad pasó de ser 10 veces más alta en hombres que en mujeres en 2001 a 4,7 veces más alta en 2014. Por otro lado, considerar sólo las muertes por cáncer de pulmón podría infravalorar la mortalidad atribuible al consumo de tabaco. El estudio “Impacto del consumo de tabaco sobre la mortalidad en España en el año 2012” calcula la MORTALIDAD ATRIBUIBLE AL CONSUMO DE TABACO a partir de una metodología análoga a la de otros estudios: utilizando la estimación de la prevalencia de tabaquismo, la mortalidad en la población de 35 y más años, y los riesgos relativos de muerte para cada enfermedad relacionada (neoplasias, enfermedades cardiovasculares y enfermedades respiratorias), según sexo, obtenidos por Thun et al. (JAMA. 2000;284: 706–12), basados en el estudio Cancer Prevention Study II. Según esta investigación, el tabaquismo provocó 60.456 muertes en 2012 (45.669 muertes en hombres y 14.787 en mujeres) . El 15,23% de las muertes ocurridas en España en 2012 son atribuibles al consumo de tabaco. El cáncer de tráquea-bronquios-pulmón en varones y otras cardiopatías en mujeres fueron las que más contribuyeron a dicha mortalidad. Los años potenciales de vida perdidos fueron 184.426, y la media de años potenciales de vida perdidos fue de 3,25 años en varones y de 2,42 en mujeres. Si consideramos todas las MUERTES RELACIONADAS CON EL TABACO: el informe Patrones de mortalidad en España incluye los siguiente códigos de la 10ª revisión de la CIE: C00-C14, cáncer de labio, cavidad bucal y faringe; C32, cáncer de laringe; C33-C34, cáncer de tráquea, bronquios y pulmón; C15, cáncer de esófago; I20-I25, enfermedad isquémica del corazón; I60-I69, enfermedades cerebrovasculares y J40-J47, enfermedades crónicas de las vías respiratorias inferiores.. Muertes relacionadas con el consumo de tabaco en 2014: 102.443 defunciones (63.859 en hombres y 38.584 en mujeres). La tasa de mortalidad ajustada por edad por muertes relacionadas con el consumo de tabaco en 2014 fue de 119,5 muertes por 100.000 habitantes (186,4 en hombres y 65,9 en mujeres). La tasa de mortalidad ajustada por edad por estas causas de muerte experimentó una reducción del 36,0% hombres y del 38,7% en mujeres entre 2001 y 2014. Sin embargo, este indicador sobrestima la importancia de este factor de riesgo en la mortalidad y dificulta la identificación de la tendencia de aquellas causas de muerte más fuertemente relacionadas con el consumo de tabaco.
South Africa AFR Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease accounted for most tobacco-attributed deaths (6 373), followed by lung cancer (4 923), ischaemic heart disease (4 216), tuberculosis (2 326) and lower respiratory infections (1 950). Report not provided Smoking accounted for 5% of 284 949 total deaths. The diseases attributable to smoking are largely TB, COPD, lung cancer, stroke, other respiratory diseases, ischaemic heart disease, Upper Aero Digestive Cancer, other cancers.
Czechia EUR Answer not provided 1/ Table with absolute numbers of deaths from diagnoses that may be related to smoking in 2018 (as listed in the WHO methodology) attached (B35). However, Method of measurement is different from the indicator “Estimated total number of deaths attributable to tobacco use” as defined in WHO FCTC Indicator Compendium. 2/ Deaths and disease burden attributable to smoking for Czech Republic is estimated also in this study: 3/ Expert team from Department of Addictology of 1st Faculty of Medicine,Charles University, has collected data regarding tobacco related mortality and morbidity in the Czech Republic. A new methodology of quantification mortality attributable to tobacco has been developing. Cause-specific mortality is available, e.g. (2016): Lung cancer: 5,316 deaths Diseases of the circulatory system: 47,611 deaths
Republic of North Macedonia EUR Report not provided Cardiovascular diseases - 512.1 per 100 000 Lung cancer - 67.3 per 100 000 (male) Cardiovascular diseases - 526,9 per 100 000 Lung cancer - 67.7 per 100 000 (male)
Türkiye EUR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Yemen EMR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Togo AFR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Senegal AFR la majorité de la population âgée de 15 ans et plus estime que le tabagisme peut provoquer : - une maladie grave 93,9%; - e cancer du poumon 92,7%; - le cancer de l’estomac;75,1%; ou une crise cardiaque 71,3%. la majorité de la population âgée de 15 ans et plus estime que le tabagisme peut provoquer : - une maladie grave 93,9%; - e cancer du poumon 92,7%; - le cancer de l’estomac;75,1%; ou une crise cardiaque 71,3%. la majorité de la population âgée de 15 ans et plus estime que le tabagisme peut provoquer : - une maladie grave 93,9%; - e cancer du poumon 92,7%; - le cancer de l’estomac;75,1%; ou une crise cardiaque 71,3%.
San Marino EUR Answer not provided Report not provided Answer not provided
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines AMR Report not provided Report not provided Report not provided
Romania EUR Number of deaths attributable to Chronic respiratory diseases: 4136 Number of deaths attributable to Cardiovascular diseases: 20723.8 Number of deaths attributable to Neoplasms: 15247.8 Report not provided Report not provided
Republic of Moldova EUR In the Republic of Moldova, tobacco is the second risk factor that contributes to the total burden of diseases in general population: first in men and the sixth in women. In the Republic of Moldova, tobacco is the second risk factor that contributes to the total burden of diseases in men and the seventh in women. According to Health for All Database updated by WHO Europe at 31 January 2018, SDR for selected smoking-related causes, per 100 000 was 613 cases in 2015 In the Republic of Moldova, tobacco is the second risk factor that contributes to the total burden of diseases in men and the seventh in women. According to Health for All Database for 2015 published by WHO Europe, SDR for selected smoking-related causes, per 100 000 was 640 cases in 2015
India SEA One feature of tobacco related mortality in India is the high incidence of oral cancer, exceeding even that of lung cancer and accounting for almost half of all oral cancers in the world. 9% of deaths due to non-communicable diseases are attributable to tobacco, with 58% of such deaths due to trachea, bronchus, lung cancers caused due to tobacco use. In addition, 25% of deaths caused by respiratory diseases and 28% of deaths caused by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) are attributable to tobacco. 9% of deaths due to non-communicable diseases are attributable to tobacco, with 58% of such deaths due to trachea, bronchus, lung cancers caused due to tobacco use. In addition, 25% of deaths caused by respiratory diseases and 28% of deaths caused by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) are attributable to tobacco.
Ireland EUR Of deaths that can possibly be caused by smoking in 2019, 27% were due to smoking in males compared with 22% among females. In relation to deaths from any cause the burden of smoking related deaths is almost 25% higher in males than females (16% versus 13%, respectively). 30% of all deaths from respiratory diseases (all causes), 22% of all deaths from malignant cancers (all causes), and 12% of all deaths from circulatory diseases (all causes), in persons aged 35+ years, were estimated to be attributable to smoking. Source: The State of Tobacco Control in Ireland 2022 Of the 5.962 deaths: 2,867 are caused by cancer, 1,495 by cardiovascular diseases, 1,530 due to respiratory diseases and 70 other. Of the total 3,644 (61%) occur in men and 2,318(39%) occur in women. Of the 5.962: 2,867 are caused by cancer, 1,495 by cardiovascular diseases, 1,530 due to respiratory diseases and 70 other. Of the total 3,644 (61%) occur in men and 2,318(39%) occur in women.
Italy EUR The smoking attributable deaths are due to lung cancer (25,987 deaths), other malignant neoplasms (10,121 deaths), cardiovascular diseases (19,615 deaths) and non-neoplastic respiratory diseases (19,612 deaths). The smoking attributable deaths are due to lung cancer (25,987 deaths), other malignant neoplasms (10,121 deaths), cardiovascular diseases (19,615 deaths) and non-neoplastic respiratory diseases (19,612 deaths). The smoking attributable deaths are due to lung cancer (25,987 deaths), other malignant neoplasms (10,121 deaths), cardiovascular diseases (19,615 deaths) and non-neoplastic respiratory diseases (19,612 deaths).
Nepal SEA Cancers – 8% CVD – 53% CRD – 21% CMNND – 12% Other – 6% Cancers – 8% CVD – 53% CRD – 21% CMNND – 12% Other – 6% All Cancers – 11% CVD – 25% Respiratory Diseases – 5% Diabetes – 2% Other NCDs – 8%
Iran (Islamic Republic of) EMR Answer not provided Total deaths attributed to tobacco estimates as 11790 WHO estimated death rates (per 100,000 in age group over 30 years old) and proportion attributable to tobacco, 2004: Communicable diseases= 46 Tuberculosis=5 Lower respiratory infections=16 All malignant neoplasms=165 Trachea, bronchus, lung cancers=13 All other malignant neoplasms=152 All Cardiovascular diseases=643 Ischaemic heart disease=331 Cerebrovascular disease=158 Other cardiovascular diseases=155 Respiratory diseases=61 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease=24 Other respiratory diseases=37 The population of over 30 years old at the time of this survay was 24532000 individuals Total deaths attributed to tobacco estimates as 11790 WHO estimated death rates (per 100,000 in age group over 30 years old) and proportion attributable to tobacco, 2004: Communicable diseases= 46 Tuberculosis=5 Lower respiratory infections=16 All malignant neoplasms=165 Trachea, bronchus, lung cancers=13 All other malignant neoplasms=152 All Cardiovascular diseases=643 Ischaemic heart disease=331 Cerebrovascular disease=158 Other cardiovascular diseases=155 Respiratory diseases=61 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease=24 Other respiratory diseases=37 The population of over 30 years old at the time of this survay was 24532000 individuals
Iraq EMR Answer not provided Answer not provided Answer not provided
Israel EUR Report not provided cardiovascular diseases - 3,160, lung cancer - 1,690, COPD - 916 Report not provided