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EMT Request for Assistance: Guinea-Bissau

Due to the ongoing situation in Guinea-Bissau, the Ministry of Health has issued a request for assistance for Emergency Medical Teams to Guinea-Bissau. On 25 March, the first two COVID-19 case were officially identified in Guinea-Bissau. In less than two weeks, confirmed cases increased from 53 to 820 (1547%), mainly concentrated in Bissau (~97% of total confirmed cases). In Guinea-Bissau, there is one doctor for every 5,964 inhabitants and one nurse for 1,223 inhabitants. (National Health Policy of Guinea-Bissau 2018-2022). The country has no trained intensive care unit (ICU) specialist, no fully equipped ICU bed, and continuous supply of oxygen is not ensured in the main public hospital in Bissau, the Simão Mendes Hospital. Two missionary hospitals in Bissau offer better response capacity to COVID-19, but still lack some equipment and better coordination with the overall response to the pandemic. There are 18 confirmed COVID-19 cases hospitalized, 3 confirmed deaths and 26 recoveries since the beginning of the epidemic. There are 3 more deaths under investigation.

The Ministry of Health is seeking Emergency Medical Teams to deploy as a specialized care team each comprising

  • Team Lead
  • Clinical Management (4)
  • IPC Expert (4)
  • Logistician (2)

Please find the official document here: https://bit.ly/3bxkVTP
Terms of Reference: https://bit.ly/3fQJDC0

All teams interested in deploying that meet the criteria should email their offers of assistance and registration forms (click here for form) to the EMT Secretariat (emteams@who.int).

Deployment of Emergency Medical Teams is subject to approval by the Ministry of Health of Guinea-Bissau. Once in the field, the coordination of EMT activities is led by the Ministry of Health and supported by WHO. Teams are expected to be able to comply with the minimum standards of being a deployable EMT.  The EMT will be self-sufficient as required by the minimum standard including PPE for the team.  We thank you in advance for your assistance.

Emergency Medical Teams Secretariat

News Date: 
Friday, May 15, 2020