Ending Pandemics

A Global Vision

Pandemics can end in the next decade. Ending Pandemics works across the globe to find, verify, and contain outbreaks faster no matter where they might emerge on the planet.

We leverage partners and networks to address disease surveillance gaps around the globe, catalyze innovative projects, share best practices, and foster greater collaboration.Our vital and ambitious vision is to democratize disease surveillance using these three approaches.

DETECT: Applying technology to find outbreaks faster by co-creating open source tools, data analytics, and collaborative information-sharing systems

VERIFY: Enabling a network of health professionals to verify rumors or the earliest signs of a potential outbreak through a crowdsourced web-based platform

CONNECT: Working across borders to connect multi-sectoral practitioners and build trust-based networks for learning, sharing best practices, and systemic change across geographic borders

Our Approach:

Ending Pandemics provides scientific, technical and financial support to find, verify, and contain outbreaks faster in emerging disease hotspots. We apply technology, build local capacity, and work across borders – both geographical and sectoral.

Because sixty percent of infectious diseases found in humans are contracted from animals, the only way to ensure a pandemic threat is averted is to take a One Health approach.

Ending Pandemics captures early signals of diseases in animals and humans to prevent and/or limit it from spreading. Our efforts to monitor and prevent a pandemic threat require working with physicians, veterinarians, government officials, environmentalists, and others.

Our holistic user-centered approach generates solutions that are locally created, accessible to all, and sustainable with local resources after a catalytic investment.

This work is emboldened by evidence that the earlier we can detect a disease and the faster we can notify communities about it, the fewer lives and livelihoods will be lost.

Visit Ending Pandemic's website

Updated on 25 Sep 2024
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InKind 0
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Other 47