Fleming Fund

The Fleming Fund is a UK aid programme supporting up to 25 countries across Africa and Asia to tackle antimicrobial resistance. The Fund is managed by the Department of Health and Social Care and invests in strengthening surveillance systems through a portfolio of country and regional grants, global projects and fellowship schemes. 

The UK Government established the programme in 2015 in response to the UK AMR Review and the WHO Global Action Plan on AMR, which called for funding to improve AMR surveillance, public awareness and responsible drug use. The programme focuses on low- and middle-income (LMIC) countries because they are expected to bear the heaviest consequences of the spread of AMR. The UK AMR Review estimated that by 2050, up to 90% of all deaths related to AMR will come from Africa and Asia. 

The Fleming Fund is named after Sir Alexander Fleming, the scientist who discovered penicillin and contributed to the development of the world’s first antibiotic drug.

Visit the Fleming Fund's website

Updated on 25 Sep 2024
Donor Profile


Total Supported Countries


Total number of Contribution Activities

$ 0

Amount of Disclosed Contributions
Source Entity(ies) DESTINATION country Destination Entity Implementing Partner(s) Type IHR TECHNICAL AREAS
  • Fleming Fund
Cabo Verde
African Region
Cabo Verde 1 Donors 10 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
Central African Republic
African Region
Central African Republic 1 Donors 10 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
African Region
Chad 1 Donors 10 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
South-East Asia Region
Bhutan 1 Donors 1 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
South-East Asia Region
Bhutan 1 Donors 8 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
African Region
Algeria 1 Donors 8 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
African Region
Algeria 1 Donors 3 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
South-East Asia Region
Bangladesh 1 Donors 8 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
South-East Asia Region
Bangladesh 1 Donors 3 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
African Region
Algeria 1 Donors 10 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
South-East Asia Region
Bangladesh 1 Donors 10 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
African Region
Algeria 1 Donors 3 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
South-East Asia Region
Bangladesh 1 Donors 1 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
African Region
Algeria 1 Donors 1 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
South-East Asia Region
Bangladesh 1 Donors 3 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
South-East Asia Region
Bhutan 1 Donors 3 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
Brunei Darussalam
Western Pacific Region
Brunei Darussalam 1 Donors 8 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
Western Pacific Region
Taipei SAR (China) 1 Donors 8 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
Western Pacific Region
China 1 Donors 8 IHR Technical Areas
  • Fleming Fund
Western Pacific Region
Cambodia 1 Donors 8 IHR Technical Areas

Country :