IHR (2005) Emergency Committee regarding Ebola (7th August)

On 6 August, WHO is convening an Emergency Committee of international experts to review the outbreak and advise the Director-General, in accordance with the International Health Regulations, whether the Ebola virus disease outbreak constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Experts will receive an epidemiological briefing and will determine whether the criteria for a PHEIC have been met. If the Emergency Committee agrees that this is a PHEIC, they will then advise the Director-General on temporary recommendations. A summary of the meeting will be made public and a press briefing will be held on Friday, 8 August.

List of Members of, and Advisers to, the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding Ebola :

Publication date: 
четверг, августа 7, 2014