
Publication type: 
Publication date: 
Jeudi, Novembre 3, 2016

Yellow fever situation report October 28th 2016

The Yellow Fever situation report of 28 October 2016 has been posted on the WHO Yellow Fever web site:

Publication type: 
Publication date: 
Jeudi, Novembre 3, 2016

WHO Bulletin, Volume 94, Number 11, November 2016, 785-860

WHO Bulletin, Volume 94, Number 11, November 2016, 785-860 now published and available at:
Highlights from the November 2016 issue:
- Why we need research on community-based health workers
- The elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis in Cuba and Thailand
- Growing awareness of transgender health
- Interview: health reform in Kazakhstan
- Tracking microcephaly in Brazil
- Hepatitis B immunization in adults in Australia

Publication type: 
Publication date: 
Lundi, Octobre 24, 2016

Yellow fever situation report October 21st 2016

The Yellow Fever situation report of 21 October 2016 has been posted on the Event Information Site for IHR National Focal Points at:

Publication type: 
Publication date: 
Vendredi, Octobre 7, 2016

Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire (REH) 7 octobre 2016

Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire (REH) du 7 octobre 2016 est disponible sur:
Dans ce numéro:
- Suivi en temps réel des campagnes de vaccination à l’aide de téléphones portables – Népal, 2016
Texte intégral:

Publication type: 
Publication date: 
Vendredi, Octobre 7, 2016

Weekly Epidemiological Record (WER) October 7th 2016

Weekly Epidemiological Record 7th October 2016 is available at:
In this issue:
- Real-time monitoring of vaccination campaign performance using mobile phones – Nepal, 2016
Full text at:

Publication type: 
Publication date: 
Jeudi, Octobre 6, 2016

Disease Outbreak News: Wild polio and vaccine derived polio in Nigeria

Disease Outbreak News has been posted for the following public health event:
- Wild polio and vaccine derived polio in Nigeria:

Publication type: 
Publication date: 
Jeudi, Octobre 6, 2016

WHO Bulletin, Volume 94, Number 10, October 2016, 709-874

WHO Bulletin, Volume 94, Number 10, October 2016, 709-874 now published and available at: 
Highlights from the October 2016 issue:
- the hidden costs of age-based discrimination
- the difference between Zika and Spondweni viruses
- building mental health capacity in the eastern Mediterranean
- improving measles vaccination in India
- making cancer medicines more accessible
- health effects of climate change in China
