Action - MNP and LNS distribution in the Saharawi refugee camp - Multiple micronutrient powder (point-of-use fortification) - Infants and young children

Programme: MNP and LNS distribution in the Saharawi refugee camp

Programme description

During a 2009 Joint Assessment Mission conducted by WFP & UNHCR, it was recommended
that a micronutrient supplementation program was started. The products selected were: Nutributter and MNP.

Why micronutrients?
- The iron tablets and drops are culturally non accepted in the Saharawi community.
- Food insecurity (poor food basket and food diversification, no livelihood opportunities)
- Weak Health System
- Precarious & insufficient WASH services

Target population & frequency of use :
Children aged 6 – 59 months: 15 sachets/month of Ghazala
Pregnant women (12 weeks gestation and above): 30 sachets/month of Chaila
Lactating women (first six months post-partum): 30 sachets/month of Chaila

Design conception: 
MNP: “Chaila”, symbol of healing of any disease.
Nutributter: “Ghazala”: represents vitality, agility and beauty.

No Iodine : high concentration of iodine in the water, camel & goat milk
Less vitamin A: some fortified product are distributed.

Programme type



Information retrieved from the Home Fortification Technical Advisory Group.

Groupe cible: 
Infants and young children
Preschool-age children (Pre-SAC)
Groupe d'âge: 
6-59 months

Histoire des révisions

mer, 10/19/2016 - 21:42engesveenkAction moderated by engesveenk.published
lun, 10/17/2016 - 18:50kmzillmerEdited by kmzillmer.needs_review
mar, 09/20/2016 - 19:04kmzillmerCreated by kmzillmer.draft