Action - The Tanzania Iringa Joint Nutrition Support Programme (JNSP) - Growth monitoring and promotion - Infants and young children|Preschool-age children (Pre-SAC)

Programme: The Tanzania Iringa Joint Nutrition Support Programme (JNSP)

Programme description

The Tanzania Iringa Joint Nutrition Support Programme (JNSP) ran from 1984–1991. Children less than 5 years of age and women were targeted, and selection was not based on socioeconomic status.

WHO (2013) Essential Nutrition Actions – Improving maternal, newborn, infant and young child health and nutrition, which provides a compact of WHO guidance on nutrition interventions targeting the first 1000 days of life. Part I presents the interventions currently recommended by WHO, summarizes the rationale and the evidence, and describes the actions require to implement them. Part II provides an analysis of community-based interventions aimed at improving nutrition and indicates how effective interventions can be delivered in an integrated fashion. It shows how the essential nutrition actions described in the first part have been implemented in large-scale programmes in various settings, what the outcomes have been, and to examine the evidence for attribution of changes in nutritional outcomes to programme activities. This summary of LHW is retrieved from the ENA Part II where LHW is one of 32 large-scale community-based programs that has been reviewed in detail and evaluated.

The programme also included referral of children under 5 years of age.

Programme type

Large scale programmes


Resource intensity of the JNSP ranged from US$ 8–US$ 17/child per year (US$ 30/child per year total cost, equivalent to US$ 6 million). Intensity as measured by personnel was 2 village health workers/village (1220 total) or 1:40 children.


WHO (2013) Essential Nutrition Actions – Improving maternal, newborn, infant and young child health and nutrition, which provides a compact of WHO guidance on nutrition interventions targeting the first 1000 days of life. Part I presents the interventions currently recommended by WHO, summarizes the rationale and the evidence, and describes the actions require to implement them. Part II provides an analysis of community-based interventions aimed at improving nutrition and indicates how effective interventions can be delivered in an integrated fashion. It shows how the essential nutrition actions described in the first part have been implemented in large-scale programmes in various settings, what the outcomes have been, and to examine the evidence for attribution of changes in nutritional outcomes to programme activities. This summary of JNSP is retrieved from the ENA Part II where JNSP is one of 32 large-scale community-based programs that has been reviewed in detail and evaluated.


End date:

Grupo de interés: 
Infants and young children
Preschool-age children (Pre-SAC)
Grupo de edad: 
Children below 5 years
Nivel de cobertura: 
The JNSP operated in 6/7 districts covering about 250 000 persons, 46 000 of whom were children (73% participation).
Indicador(es) de resultado: 


Sistema de monitoreo y evaluación: 

The JNSP had components such as systems development and support, health services and water facilities, but these were not in place when the initial improvements in nutritional outcomes were seen. The reduction in malnutrition was attributed to increased feeding frequency, especially of severely underweight children at established child feeding posts, improved health care in families and communities and provision of information. 

Después de la intervención: 

Population sustained rate of underweight reduction: 0,8 ppt/year

Resultados reportados por determinantes sociales: 

Revision log

Jue, 03/22/2018 - 13:29engesveenkCopy of the revision from Wed, 11/26/2014 - 16:03.published