Mechanisms in Belgium

Mechanisms Year of establishment
NCD country capacity survey: Country implementation of public awareness programme (q25) as part of salt/sodium reduction - Media promotion of healthy nutrition 2021
Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/649 of 24 April 2019 amending Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1925/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards trans fat, other than trans fat naturally occurring in fat of animal origin 2021
Koninklijk besluit betreffende het gebruik van het logo “Nutri-Score” [Royal Decree on the use of the “Nutri-Score” logo] 2019
Plan Prévention et Promotion de la Santé en Wallonie 2017
Richtlijnen voor vlaamse scholen over schoolmaaltijden [Guidelines for Flemish schools on School Nutrition] 2017
EU Regulation 1169/2011 2016
GNPR 2016-2017: School health and nutrition (q11) Cahier special des charges - Objet : confection et livraison de repas dans des collectivités - Standards or rules for foods and beverages available in schools - School age children (SAC) 2013
GNPR 2016-2017: School health and nutrition (q11) Cahier special des charges - Objet : confection et livraison de repas dans des collectivités - Standards for marketing of food and non-alcoholic beverages to children in school setting - School age ch... 2013
GNPR 2016-2017: School health and nutrition (q11) Cahier special des charges - Objet : confection et livraison de repas dans des collectivités - School fruit and vegetable scheme - School age children (SAC) 2013
Act concerning Compulsory Sickness and Indemnity Insurance Scheme, dated 14 July 1994, Moniteur Belge N° 170, 27 August 1994, p. 21524, as amended up to 28 June 2012. 2012
Plan wallon nutrition santé et bien-être des ainés 2012
Royal Decree to Execute the Act Respecting Compulsory Sickness and Indemnity Insurance Scheme, dated 3 July 1996, Moniteur Belge N° 147, 31 July 1996, p. 20286, as amended up to 6 April 2012. 2012
Labour Act of 16 March 1971, as amended to 20 July 2011. 2011
Loi relative au régime d'accise des boissons non alcoolisées et du café 2010
Royal Decree of 5 December 2010, rendering Compulsory Collective Agreement N° 80 bis dated 13 October 2010 concerning the modification of the Collective Agreement N° 80 of 27 November 2001 on the Establishment of Nursing Breaks. 2010
Werkgroep Voeding en Beweging 2010
Stop le Sel - Media promotion of healthy nutrition - All population groups 2009
GNPR 2016-2017: School health and nutrition (q11) Gezond eten op school - Standards or rules for foods and beverages available in schools - School age children (SAC) 2008
GNPR 2016-2017: School health and nutrition (q11) Gezond eten op school - School fruit and vegetable scheme - School age children (SAC) 2008
GNPR 2016-2017: School health and nutrition (q11) Gezond eten op school - Nutrition education included in school curriculum - School age children (SAC) 2008
Action plan on nutrition and physical activity 2008
Vlaams Actieplan voor voeding en beweging [Flemish Action Plan for Nutrition and Physical Activity] 2008
Besluit van de Vlaamse Regering houdende de aanvulling van de code voor reclame en sponsoring op radio en televisie met specifieke bepalingen over reclame en sponsoring, gericht op kinderen en jongeren [Decree on advertising to children] 2007
EU Regulation 1924/2006 2007
Commission Directive 2006/141/EC of 22 December 2006 on infant formulae and follow-on formulae and amending Directive 1999/21/EC Text with EEA relevance 2007
Arrêté royal modifiant l’arrêté royal du 18 février 1991 relatif aux denrées alimentaires destinées à une alimentation particulière 2006
‘Gezond eten op school ’Praktijkgids voor een evenwichtig voedings- en drankenaanbod op school ['Healthy eating at school' Practical guide for food and beverage offer in schools] 2006
GNPR 2016-2017: Promotion of healthy diet and prevention of obesity and diet-related NCDs (q12a) Gezonde voeding [Practical guidelines for healthy eating ] - Food-based dietary guidelines - Adolescents|All population groups|Elderly|Infants and young... 2005
Politique de promotion des attitudes saines sur les plans alimentaire et physique pour les enfants et les adolescents [Policy for promotion of healthy nutritional habits and physical activity of children and adolescents] 2005
National Voedings- en Gezondheidsplan voor België 2005-2010 [National Food and Health Plan for Belgium 2005-2010] 2005
Expertencomité van Nationaal Voedings- en Gezondheidsplan 2004
Plan van Aanpak: Evenwichtig eten en regelmatig bewegen bevorderen [Action plan to promote healthy dietary habits and regular physical activity] 2004
Programme quinquennal de promotion de la sante [Five-year program of health promotion] 2004
Plan d'action National 1992
Arrêté royal relatif aux denrées alimentaires destinées à une alimentation particulière 1991
Koninklijk besluit betreffende brood en andere bakkerijprodukten [Royal Decree on bread and other bakery products] 1986
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