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What if the most efficient way to implement prevention interventions was to adapt the existing ones to new contexts? Focus on public awareness and tobacco control
Webinar_Article 12

Public awareness programs required under Article 12 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) are an integral part of comprehensive tobacco control strategies. While different types of interventions exist, aimed at raising awareness about tobacco control, designing an intervention for each context can be difficult and requires significant human and financial resources.

This webinar will highlight the benefits and challenges of adapting already existing and effective interventions to new contexts. This webinar may interest you if you work for an entity that contributes to tobacco control or the implementation of public health policies.

Speakers such as David Chambers (National Cancer Institute, NIH, US) and Nandita Murukutla (Vital Strategies) will present best practices, guidelines and key lessons learned through inspiring examples of implementation and adaptation of interventions and mass media campaigns.

The full program can be checked here.

Register at this link.

Interpretation available in English and French.