EMT Request for Assistance: Republic of Cameroon

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EMT Request for Assistance: Republic of Cameroon

6 June 2020


Due to the rising COVID-19 cases in country, the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Cameroon has issued a request for assistance to the Emergency Medical Teams Secretariat. The Republic of Cameroon has 191 health districts in 10 health regions, all of which are currently affected by the epidemic. The three most affected regions in the country are the Central, Coastal, and Western regions. As of 8 May, more than 2,335 confirmed COVID-cases and 110 deaths were reported in country with the Central Region most affected seeing 1,281 confirmed cases and 62 deaths.

Transmission in the Republic of Cameroon is community-based and the curve of new cases of COVID 19 continues to increase despite the governments best efforts. In addition, evaluations of some health centersÔÇÖ infection prevention and control policies show insufficient human, logistical and financial resources. As a result, health workers remain highly exposed, with 109 infected health workers in the national territory to date. It is therefore urgent to strengthen the capacity of hospital health professionals in the management of COVID-19 patients.

The Ministry of Public Health is seeking Emergency Medical Teams to deploy as a specialized care team comprising of

  • Team Lead / Liaison Officer
  • Clinical Management: Intensive Care Physician
  • IPC Expert
  • WASH expert
  • Logistician

Please find the official request for assistance here: https://bit.ly/RFACameroon
Terms of Reference: https://bit.ly/TORCameroon

All teams interested in deploying that meet the criteria should email their offers of assistance and registration forms (click here for form) to the EMT Secretariat (emteams@who.int) before 12 June 2020. Please note that French is the official language of the Republic of Cameroon and as such, Francophone teams meeting the criteria will be prioritized.

Deployment of Emergency Medical Teams is subject to approval by the Ministry of Health of Republic of South Sudan. Once in the field, the coordination of EMT activities is led by the Ministry of Health and supported by WHO. Teams are expected to be able to comply with the minimum standards of being a deployable EMT.  The EMT will be self-sufficient as required by the minimum standard including PPE for the team.  We thank you in advance for your assistance.

Emergency Medical Teams Secretariat
 https://gallery.mailchimp.com/35711fd66ac48c14631bcc70c/images/fa83c920-946b-4a0b-abe3-3d85398c14ae.png https://gallery.mailchimp.com/35711fd66ac48c14631bcc70c/images/22bf97a6-5661-4d08-bc08-bb4c70618b7d.png

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