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EMT Request for Assistance Republic of South Sudan

EMT Request for Assistance: Republic of South Sudan

6 June 2020

On 5 April 2020, the Republic of South Sudan reported its first case of COVID-19 in the country. As of 28 May 2020, 6 out of the 10 States in the country saw reported cases rising to 994 with 10 associated deaths.  The National Public Health Laboratory in Juba currently has the testing capacity for COVID-19 while two facilities were identified in Juba for the management of COVID-19 cases (The Juba Teaching Hospital and the Infectious Disease Unit with 500 and 82 beds respectively).

Due to this, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of South Sudan is concerned about the capacity to manage the severe and critical cases of COVID-19 and has issued a request for assistance for an Emergency Medical Team to provide training in this area to the staff working in the assigned facilities.

The Ministry of Public Health is seeking an Emergency Medical Team to deploy as a specialized care team comprising of

  • 1 Team leader
  • 1 Intensivist MD
  • 1 Anaesthesiologist
  • 1 ICU nurse
  • 1 Biomedical Engineer

The requested initial duration of the mission is 1 month, but the Secretariat welcomes offers from teams that can offer longer term support or are interested in setting up a rotation with another team/teams. 

Please find the official request for assistance here: https://bit.ly/RFASouthSudan
Terms of Reference: https://bit.ly/TORSSudan

All teams interested in deploying that meet the criteria should email their offers of assistance and registration forms (click here for form) to the EMT Secretariat (emteams@who.intbefore 12 June 2020.

Deployment of Emergency Medical Teams is subject to approval by the Ministry of Health of Republic of South Sudan. Once in the field, the coordination of EMT activities is led by the Ministry of Health and supported by WHO. Teams are expected to be able to comply with the minimum standards of being a deployable EMT.  The EMT will be self-sufficient as required by the minimum standard including PPE for the team.  We thank you in advance for your assistance.

Emergency Medical Teams Secretariat

News Date: 
Saturday, June 6, 2020