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EMT Global Alert: Turkey Earthquake
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EMT Global Alert: Turkey Earthquake

6 February 2023

On 6 February 2023 a 7.4 (MW) earthquake struck Pazarcık district of Kahramanmaras Province of Turkiye. Just 10 min after. a 6.5 (MW) earthquake struck Gaziantep Province of Turkiye. WHO Classified National EMT UMKE has been deployed. The disaster level  4 has been declared warranting international assistance.

The need for Type 2 and 3 EMTs able to work in extreme weather conditions has been identified in country.  Interested EMTs that meet the criteria are requested to fill up and submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) form which can be accessed on this link. EMTs must submit the accomplished EOI form to Murat Simsek (simsekm@who.int)) wtih a copy to  the Regional (storozhenkoo@who.int) and Global EMT Secretariat (emteams@who.int; claravallc@who.int) as soon as possible. Offers will be submitted to national authorities. Please note that all teams wishing to deploy must first write with their expressions of interest and the duly filled form. Teams must wait for approval before moblizing, deployment of Emergency Medical Teams are subject to approval by the Ministry of Health

EMTs are expected to be self sufficient. Teams are to comply with the EMT principles and standards related to health emergencies in armed conflict and other insecure environments.

Emergency Medical Teams Secretariat