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Global Classification Process

The WHO Global EMT initiative lists all quality assured organizations who agree to comply with a set of principles and minimum standards. A WHO Classified team is one that demonstrated a practical committment to the guiding principles for patients care, as well as high level of adherence and capacity to implement the core and technical standards of EMTs as outlined in the Classification and Minimum Standards for EMTs in Sudden Onset Disasters. Click on each team to dowload the fichier and get all the related information.  

Type 1

China - China International Emergency Medical Team (Shanghai)

China - China International Emergency Medical Team (Guangdong )

Costa Rica - Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social

Japan -  Japan Disaster Relief Team - JDRT (JICA)

United Kingdom - UK Emergency Medical Team

New Zealand - Ministry of Health 

Type 2

Australia - Australian Medical Assistance Teams (AUSMAT)

China - China International Emergency Medical Team (Guangdong )

China - China International Emergency Medical Team (Shanghai)

Japan -  Japan Disaster Relief Team - JDRT (JICA)

Ecuador - Ministerio de Salud Pública

Russia- EMERCOM of Russia

Russia - All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine (Zaschita) of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

United Kingdom - UK Emergency Medical Team

Type 3

Israel - Israel Defence Force (IDF) Medical Corps


Specialised Cells

Japan -  Japan Disaster Relief Team - JDRT (JICA)

United Kingdom - UK Emergency Medical Team