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Technical Working Groups

Each Technical Working Group (WG) is recommended by the EMT Secretariat to address identified clinical, operational and policy gaps. A detailed terms of reference is prepared, with consultation with EMT providers, technical experts and ad hoc meetings before final endorsement by the SAG. Each WG is characterized by clearly defined objectives and tasks and governed by a pre-determined timeline (usually 2 years or less, unless extended by the SAG). Members of each WG will have proven experience in the respective subject matter and are nominated by their own organizations. Final selection of the WG members including the chair is based on pre-determined criteria and the composition ideally includes members drawn from the three major regions. Endorsement of the WG membership sits with the EMT Secretariat and the SAG and each WG chair is invited to attend at least one SAG meeting per year to update SAG members on the activities of the group.

Key Documents: