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EMT request for assistance - Libya floods
News Topic:
Emergency Response

EMT Request for Assistance : Libya Floods - Storm Daniel

On Sunday, 10 September 2023 storm Daniel made landfall in Libya, causing severe weather conditions, including strong winds and heavy, sudden rainfall affecting the northeastern region of Libya. Numbers are still floating and not yet confirmed, but according to local sources, more than 5000 were killed, more than 10,000 are reported missing and more than 30,000 were internally displaced.The storm has caused significant infrastructure damage, including the road network, and disrupted the telecommunications network.

A request for international assistance has been issued by the Presidential Council. Interested EMTs must complete an online expression of interest (EOI) form, accessible on this link.

Please inform emteams@who.int copying  arfaouil@who.int and sreaiche@who.int of your submission as soon as possible. Offers will be submitted to national authorities.EMTs should wait for approval before mobilizing, as deployment is subject to approval by the Ministry of Health.

EMTs are expected to be self-sufficient. Teams are to comply with the Classification and Minimum Standards of Emergency Medical Teams.