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Strategic Advisory Group

The Emergency Medical Teams Strategic Advisory Group is the principal advisory group to the EMT Initiative. The group is charged with advising on policies and strategies for EMTs, ranging from workforce development, deployment, field coordination and operations, technical governance, and linkages and engagement between the WHO and the global EMT community. The agreed make-up of the SAG includes at least: The EMT-SAG comprises 18-20 members, representing a broad range of stakeholder groups including the WHO and the United Nations, The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, donor states (see core support group below), EMT recipient states, EMT providers and regional multilateral organisations with specific EMT mechanisms complying with the global initiative. EMT-SAG members are recruited on the basis of their expertise and experience working within global health emergencies, including the utilisation of EMTs. 9 Regional group representatives act as the chair and vice chair(s) during the 3 major region meetings and bring the views of the regional meetings to the SAG. Additional ad hoc members of the SAG such as the chairs of any working groups may be invited to attend with the agreement of the chairperson and the WHO secretariat. Members of SAG will be appointed to serve an initial term of two years. To allow for continuity and efficiency the Chairperson of the SAG is expected to act as Chairperson for a minimum of two years.